3 weeks of contraindications. Changes in the third week of pregnancy from the moment of conception. Signs of conception

Systems 06.11.2021

The concept of the 3rd week of pregnancy is very conditional, because the egg has not yet been fertilized. It is during this period that conception can occur (if it did not occur in the last, 2nd week of pregnancy), after which the fertilized egg migrates through the fallopian tubes into the uterine cavity, where the embryo is firmly fixed in the endometrial layer and active development of the fetus begins.

  • 2nd week of pregnancy
  • 4th week of pregnancy

In the third week of pregnancy, the expectant mother may not feel any changes in her body, while many important processes are taking place there.


If the fertilization of the egg did not occur at the end of the second week, then the 3rd week - most auspicious time for conception. Within 24 hours from the moment the egg meets the sperm in the fallopian tube, as a result, inside the female body, a new life is born.

One or more male sperm penetrate the female egg and merge with it, inside the woman begins to actively develop zygote, a cell containing a complete double set of chromosomes: one from a man, the other from a woman. The sex of the future baby, his eye and hair color depends on the combination of the set of chromosomes of mom and dad.


Zygote begins an active division process: after three days it already consists of 32 cells, and after a week - from 250 cells, and looks like a hollow ball 0.1 - 0.2 mm in diameter. Cells formed as a result of zygote division are called blastomeres. All this time the zygote, feeding on its own reserves, travels through the fallopian tubes into the uterine cavity to attach to its wall. Also, the process does not stop. cell division zygotes, and when there are several hundred blastomeres, they form blastocyst- this is your future baby, but still in the very early, pre-implantation period of development.

On the 7-12th day of your journey, that is, approximately by the end of the 3rd week of pregnancy, blastocyst enters the uterus and begins the process of fixing in its mucous membrane. In shape, it resembles a raspberry or mulberry, its size is about 0.2 millimeters.

From blastocyst cells are formed the rudiments of the fetal bladder with amniotic fluid, in which the child will be, and the rudiments of the embryo. Three layers of cells appear in the embryo, from which all organs and tissues will develop.

The 3rd week of pregnancy is the first critical period of intrauterine development - the future baby is only trying to settle in the mother's body, which so far does not perceive it as part of itself, and can join the fight.


The implantation period lasts about 40 hours, and if the process is successful, then by the end of 3 weeks the embryo will be firmly fixed in a favorable and nutritious environment - the endometrial layer, after which a strong and multilateral connection will begin to be established between the mother's body and the unborn baby.

On the seventh day after conception, it is the cells of the shell of the embryo (chorion) (human chorionic gonadotropin), which gives the female body a signal to prepare for pregnancy. The amount of this hormone is constantly increasing and after a few days, pregnancy can be determined by taking a blood test or using a pregnancy test.


3rd week of pregnancy: the expectant mother can only assume and hope that the fertilization was successful and the desired baby is developing inside her.

Possible early signs of pregnancy, such as weakness, irritability, nausea, changes in taste preferences, breast engorgement and tenderness, aching pain in the lower abdomen, many women perceive as signs of approaching menstruation. And for some of the expectant mothers at this time, there are no visible signs of pregnancy at all.

The only nuance that can alert a woman is that she feels all these symptoms. a little earlier than usual, critical days seem to be a little in a hurry, also during this period meager discharge pinkish-brown in color or in the form of a few drops of blood.

Such signals are explained implantation of the blastocyst into the uterine wall: its outer cells divide, forming blood vessels, and take root in the mucous membrane, where they begin to grow rapidly, eventually forming the placenta.

Already from the 3rd week of pregnancy, the ovaries begin to actively produce the hormones estrogen and progesterone. It is as a result of their work during pregnancy that we can forget about ovulation and menstruation.


The expectant mother does not yet feel any special sensations such as heartburn or appetite disturbance, she just adhere to the full.

Regular consumption of fruits and vegetables, whole grain cereals, dairy products, lean meats and fish can support the body during the first weeks of pregnancy.

It is better to give up invigorating black coffee at least for a while, reduce the consumption of sugar, cream cakes and pastries, sweet carbonated drinks, fast food, spicy and fatty foods.

Bosyak Yulia Vasilievna, obstetrician-gynecologist, reproductologist at the Alternativa Human Reproduction Clinic, tells
: “During ovulation, the follicle bursts and the egg enters the fallopian tube. When meeting with a spermatozoon, fertilization occurs, on the second day a zygote is formed, then it is crushed: on the second day, 2-4 blastomeres are observed, on the third from 6 to 8 blastomeres, which merge and on the fourth day a morula is formed. On the fifth day, a blastocyst is formed, which takes up to 72 hours for implantation (engraftment) in the uterine cavity. During this period, the woman still does not feel anything specific. On the third day after fertilization, human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) begins to be produced. At the end of the 4th week, a woman may be surprised to find a delay in menstruation. To establish the fact of pregnancy, you can conduct a pregnancy test in the morning urine at home (but in the early stages the test may be uninformative and not show an early pregnancy if any) or, most informatively, donate blood for hCG in the laboratory. It does not make sense to undergo ultrasound during this period.


If a woman has bleeding becomes intense and profuse, this means that the blastocyst failed to gain a foothold on the wall of the uterus, and the next menstruation began, although a little ahead of schedule.

This can happen for various reasons, but one of them is eternal female body struggle with fertilized egg carrier of male cells that develops inside every pregnant woman.

In order for the human race to continue, wise nature came up with special fighting mechanism with itself: the blastocyst produces a special immunosuppressive protein, which lowers the work of female immunity and the future baby - the carrier of enemy male cells - gains time to hide behind the saving placenta.

Unfortunately, it is not always possible for an embryo to survive; there are a number of factors that can provoke a miscarriage in the third week, for example, alcohol consumption, viral infections, hormonal disorders (lack of progesterone), drug use, stress, etc.


3 weeks of pregnancy - there is no need to torture yourself with any tests yet, they are unlikely to show any unambiguous result.

But if you are under constant monitoring by a gynecologist, at the end of 3 weeks, you can show whether pregnancy has occurred. hCG blood test.

Also, in the female body, upon the onset of pregnancy, it begins to actively stand out hormone progesterone, which prepares the uterus for the settlement of the embryo and affects the nervous system of the expectant mother, creating the most favorable conditions for the preservation and development of pregnancy. By checking the amount of progesterone in the blood of a woman, you can also do output whether pregnancy has occurred or not.

A regular pharmacy at week 3 will not show you the real picture, since the gestational age is still too short, and even if the hCG level rises, it is still insufficient for unambiguous conclusions.

If you regularly measure, then by the end of 3 weeks you can say with maximum confidence about the onset of pregnancy: for more than 3 days in a row, the basal temperature rises above 37C.

ultrasound a transvaginal probe at 3 weeks pregnant can show if the embryo is developing in the uterus or if the pregnancy is ectopic. Although with certainty it is quite difficult to interpret ultrasound data at such a time.

The best solution for a future mother at 3 weeks of pregnancy is to calm down and relax in anticipation of the good news that the stork has finally arrived to you.


Traditionally, we advise expectant mothers categorically refuse from smoking and drinking alcohol, be extremely careful about the medications you take, and also pay attention to maximum attention to your own health: try not to be in crowded places, protect yourself from communicating with sick colleagues and relatives. It is better not to have pets during pregnancy. Walk more, relax, breathe fresh air, try not to be nervous, eat right and be glad that your long-awaited baby is already living inside you.

First month of pregnancy

The generally accepted system for calculating the time of pregnancy is obstetric.

The starting day of the last menstruation is taken as the starting point, the first 2 weeks is the preparation of the body for the upcoming fertilization and the 3rd week of pregnancy is just the movement of the fertilized egg to the place of its permanent deployment and fixation in the uterine cavity.

Do not confuse the obstetric period with the 3rd week of pregnancy from conception, because at this stage a more complex development of the fetus inside the uterus occurs, the rudiments of all organs are formed, and the placental layer is released.

Fetal development at 3 weeks pregnant

It is still difficult to distinguish in a small lump of baby cells, it will take more than one week before you can clearly see the face, arms or legs of the child. However, the very process of the birth and development of a new life is simply amazing.

  • Approximately at the end of the 2nd week, the sperm met the egg and a new cell was formed - the zygote;
  • Then the process of division and formation of new cells starts, each with its own task;
  • Simultaneously with the division, the zygote performs another task - it moves through the fallopian tubes to the uterus;
  • So, the moment of pregnancy is considered the time when the zygote attaches to the wall of the uterus and, in the literal sense, bites into it;

Interesting! At the 3rd week of pregnancy, the size of the fetus is scanty - it is 0.3 grams and 0.2 millimeters. But by the 4th week of pregnancy, this baby will increase to 1 mm in length with a weight of 1 gram.

  • By the end of the 3rd week, the zygote should be fixed in the uterus and from that moment on it will be renamed into a blastocyst, from which the embryo will later be formed.

Well-being of the expectant mother

In fact, for your body, the fetus is a foreign body that is not rejected only due to hormonal changes.

  1. First of all, your levels of the hormone progesterone increase;
  • How does this affect your well-being? You do not leave the feeling of drowsiness, you quickly get tired, in addition, all processes in your body are slow;

Such hypobiosis is necessary at the initial stage of pregnancy, since at this moment your body is rebuilding and it needs colossal forces for this.

  • Along with a general feeling of relaxation, all muscles and tissues relax, and even the digestion process slows down;
  1. But the change in food preferences and increased sensuality to smells arise due to an increase in estrogen;

As a rule, toxicosis at the 3rd week of pregnancy does not yet appear, but you may feel disgusted with food precisely because of its pronounced aroma.

However, you need to pay attention to proper nutrition from the very first weeks of pregnancy. They will determine the health of the unborn child.

  1. You may feel that your chest hurts.

At the 3rd week of pregnancy, this is possible, but if your breasts periodically swell before menstruation or during ovulation, then you can simply ignore this change. Breasts at 3 weeks pregnant may still not change, given the short period.

Signs of pregnancy at 3 weeks

If you are not already pregnant for the first time, then the described signs of pregnancy for a period of 3 weeks will be familiar to you, they can only be confused with premenstrual syndrome.

  • dizziness or headaches;
  • fast fatigue, feeling of drowsiness;
  • breast swelling (see article: Breasts in early pregnancy >>.);
  • pulling pains in the lower abdomen;
  • nausea, which can be caused by any pronounced smell or exotic food;
  • more frequent urge to urinate;
  • abrupt change of mood.

These symptoms can appear, both in combination, and completely absent, given the early pregnancy.

Allocations. Bleeding

In most cases, the discharge at the 3rd week of pregnancy has not yet changed.

  1. Fine; clear, odorless discharge in small quantities;
  2. If at this stage the attachment of the embryo has already occurred, then this process may be accompanied by scanty brown discharge, at the 3rd week of pregnancy they are called implantation discharge;
  3. Fears should cause copious spotting, when it also hurts the stomach. At the 3rd week of pregnancy, this is a pathology, you need to see a doctor.

Examinations at 3 weeks of gestation

Ultrasound at the 3rd week of pregnancy is a rare phenomenon, it is prescribed in cases of artificial insemination or in case of pathologies of internal organs. Sometimes it is prescribed for complaints that it constantly hurts and pulls the stomach.

At the 3rd week of pregnancy, such an examination can reveal an ectopic pregnancy, when the fetus is fixed in the ovary or tubes, without reaching its destination.

It is not possible to consider and evaluate the development of the fetus itself at the 3rd obstetric week, the embryo at this stage is just an accumulation of cells.

At 3 weeks pregnant, the photo of the fetus will look like this:

Definition of pregnancy

One of the main tasks of the examination at the 3rd week of pregnancy is the statement of the pregnancy itself, as such.

  • One of the methods is donating blood for hCG;

At the end of the 3rd week of pregnancy, the zygote moves to a new stage of development and transforms into a blastocyst, and so at this stage, the hCG hormone or human chorionic gonadotropin begins to be released.

Its task is to prevent the formation of new eggs, and this happens due to the increased levels of estrogen and progesterone. In fact, any birth control pill also works.

HCG levels begin to increase around the 3rd week of pregnancy.

  • A pregnancy test that responds to an increase in hCG will give a true result only by the end of the third week of pregnancy, so you do not need to run to the pharmacy immediately after intercourse;

The ideal option for testing is the 4th week of pregnancy.

  • Inspection by a specialist. The uterus at the 3rd week of pregnancy increases somewhat in size and an experienced doctor may notice this;
  • An analysis for an immunosuppressant that is produced in the mother's body in order to prevent the rejection of cells alien to it, which, in fact, are male proteins.

This type of determination of pregnancy is 100% accurate and is used within a day or two after fertilization, however, the process of detecting an immunosuppressant in the blood is complex, so this method is expensive.

  • Another method for determining pregnancy - physiological - is the absence of critical days at the right time. But for this you need to wait another week if your cycle is 28 days.

Narrow issues of pregnancy

The first weeks of pregnancy are extremely important, both for your body, which is expected to undergo enormous restructuring loads, and for the unborn child.

At the 3rd week of pregnancy, everything that happens to the baby depends on you, the placenta and immunity are not yet protecting it, so any infection or a simple cold can be fatal.

Cold at 3 weeks pregnant

The ideal option is the prevention of the disease. In the first weeks, all organs of the fetus are laid, and any deviation is a disaster.

It is no coincidence that nature has rewarded you with rapid fatigue and drowsiness, take the opportunity and lie at home this time. A little vacation will only benefit you and your baby.


The main thing: to distinguish where the fever is simple physiology, and where it is a signal of the disease. Remember that most medicines, and even homeopathic ones, have contraindications for use during pregnancy.


3 obstetric week of pregnancy has no restrictions in terms of sexual relations. Only your well-being, fatigue or nausea can serve as a refusal to have sex.

Alcohol at 3 weeks pregnant

Doctors are unanimous - alcohol during conception and fetal development is strictly prohibited.

How it will affect cell division and organ formation is not known, pathologies can be noticeable only months later, but it’s not worth the risk for a glass of wine.

Lifestyle at 3 weeks pregnant

A healthy lifestyle, active, but in moderation, high-quality fortified nutrition are the main requirements for bearing and giving birth to a healthy baby.

Regarding sports, the body itself will tell you that the load needs to be reduced.

  1. Ideal sports for the period of pregnancy are swimming, which will help to cope with pulling pains and swelling, fitness, it will come in handy during childbirth, breathing exercises;
  2. Please note that alcohol, junk food, smoked meats and canned food are currently taboo. You need to drink enough water, it is better to give up coffee and strong tea (for details, see the article: Can I drink coffee during pregnancy?>>>);
  3. Your menu should include meat and dairy products, vegetables and fruits, cereals, fish and legumes, nuts;
  4. You must include in the diet foods rich in iodine, folic acid and vitamins A, B, C, E;
  5. To avoid bloating and feeling of heaviness, food should be eaten in small portions, but more often (read the article on this topic: Bloating in early pregnancy >>>);
  6. Do not forget about a snack, take nuts, yogurt, juices and biscuits with you for a walk or work.

Be healthy! Take care of yourself!

3 weeks pregnant has arrived. What new will appear these days in a woman's life? What joys and anxieties are associated with this time? The most important points, information and tips - all for expectant mothers.

Two perspectives on time

For convenience, any doctor will count from the first day of the woman's last menstruation. The concept of obstetric term is based on this system. According to another system (embryonic), the period is considered from the middle of the cycle. It is at this time that ovulation and conception most often occur.

In obstetric practice, the third week is the period of fertilization. The egg is mature and moves to the uterine cavity. At some point, a spermatozoon penetrates into it, and then the zygote will continue to move. This new cell has a complete set of chromosomes and is capable of dividing very quickly.

According to the embryonic method, once a single cell already develops vigorous activity and actively lives its own special, hidden life. And the expectant mother? If she does not yet know exactly about her pregnancy, then she probably guesses. After all, she has already delayed her period for about a week.

In order not to get confused in the lines , (terms of pregnancy: obstetric and embryonic).

From conjecture to certainty

Three weeks after conception, a pharmacy test will show those same two strips. At the same time, the level of the hCG hormone in the woman's body will increase. An appropriate blood test will confirm pregnancy. But if we talk about the obstetric third week, the pregnancy has barely come and is still not determined in any way. Moreover, a woman can still have her period.

According to medical research, 70-75% of fertilized eggs are rejected. by the female body even before fixing in the uterine cavity. This happens for a variety of reasons:

  • initial cellular defects;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • infectious diseases;
  • stress.

Sometimes rejection occurs without any prerequisites at all. Since the embryo has not actually begun to develop, this phenomenon is not considered a miscarriage. A woman may, in principle, not know about what happened. For her, one day, another menstruation will simply come.

The third week from conception is the time for making a decision if the pregnancy was not only not planned, but also not allowed. Everything happens in life. In fact, no method of contraception is 100% guaranteed. And sometimes partners treat this important issue carelessly.

In any case, if you terminate an unwanted pregnancy, then right now. Only the decision to have an abortion should be considered and accepted with full responsibility. Any actions should take place under the instructions and under the supervision of a doctor. “Amateur activity” here can lead to the most adverse consequences.

Feelings of a future mother

In the third obstetric week for a woman, everything goes as usual. But three weeks after the conception of new experiences, there can be a lot.

For example, a woman begins to accurately recognize the smell of dark and light grapes. Even if before she could not boast of a delicate sense of smell at all. And then she begins to be madly annoyed by the smell of the toilet water of her beloved man.

Food tastes may also change. Sauerkraut or cucumbers become perhaps the most delicious foods, and your favorite kind of cheese suddenly causes disgust. Perhaps this is a prelude to taste quirks. Among future and accomplished fathers, there are whole legends about wives who ate herring with sour cream or demanded strawberries in February.

And the most active and lively woman suddenly turns into a “sleeping beauty”. It seems to be a complete rest, and there is no overwork. But at the same time, more than anything else, I want to sleep.

All such sensations arise in a woman due to hormonal and physical changes. The body is hardwired to work in a special mode.. Also, the expectant mother may note:

  • increased sensitivity of the breast, especially the nipples;
  • frequent visits to the toilet due to relaxation of the smooth muscles of the intestine and increased activity of the ureters;
  • periodic constipation;
  • nausea (which may result in vomiting).

What will people around notice?

There are no objective signs in the third obstetric week, but they can be very noticeable with the embryonic approach. A test or blood test must have been done, confirmation received. Thoughts about the baby can significantly affect the appearance of the expectant mother. She becomes more feminine, graceful and seems to bloom.

However, at the same time, a woman can suddenly “break loose”, become irritated. Relatives or close people will see a noticeable increase or decrease in appetite.

During a medical examination, the doctor will note specific symptoms: breast swelling and an increase in the size of the patient's uterus.

Embryo or fetus? What's going on inside?

From an obstetric point of view, a full pregnancy has not yet occurred in the third week. Meanwhile, the uterus is preparing to receive a fertilized egg.

If the embryo has not yet settled in the uterine cavity, now it will definitely happen. The whole process is quite complicated, it takes about forty hours. First of all, the embryo produces a particularly important immunopressor protein. The fact is that half of the cells of the embryo are foreign to the mother's body - after all, they "came" from the father of the child. Without a special protein “signal”, the uterus will never accept the future fetus - immunity will not allow it.

The fixation of the embryo in the uterus gives rise to another important process. This placentation. Through it, the fetus in the womb receives all the necessary nutrients.

What does the future baby look like? So far, it's pretty prosaic. The embryo is in the morula stage - a dense rounded lump of cells. The morula rapidly develops into a blastocyst. This means that a cavity with fetal fluid is formed inside the lump, in which the baby will then develop.

The size of the fetus (embryo) is negligible. By the end of the third week after conception, it has a diameter of 0.1-0.2 mm, and its weight is 2-3 micrograms (mcg, one thousandth of a gram). And in this tiny grain of sand there are already about 250 living cells. Very soon, the formation and development of the main systems of the fetal body will begin, and the tiny heart will count its first beats.

The term seems to speak for itself. Theoretically, in addition to the uterus, a fertilized egg can be fixed in other areas of the female reproductive system (for example, on the ovary or in the fallopian tube).

The percentage of ectopic pregnancies is very small, but the sad possibility always exists. When to suspect something is wrong? Severe increasing pain is the first signal of possible violations. In this case, the stomach hurts not from below, but from the left or right. Usually this is the place of improper fixation of the embryo. The pain intensifies when the doctor performs palpation. The most experienced specialists can even determine the place of implantation.

In our time, gentle methods have been developed to get rid of ectopic pregnancy. They do not give negative consequences and in the future do not interfere with motherhood.

Spontaneous abortion

A miscarriage is the rejection of a fetus that has already settled in the uterine cavity.. Many factors can provoke it. The main symptoms are bleeding or constant spotting, sharp pain and pulling sensations in the lower abdomen and lower back. The consequences depend on how quickly the woman herself and the doctors reacted.

It is important for expectant mothers to remember that mild pain is common in early pregnancy. “Guilty” is the same hormonal restructuring. The body adapts to the new state, and the lower back and lower abdomen “respond” to this.

In the gestation period of 3 weeks from the moment of conception, fading sometimes occurs. Then the test (both pharmacy and hCG) first confirms the pregnancy, and then it seems as if it “does not see” it. However, menstruation does not occur. The detection of a missed pregnancy requires a careful approach and careful diagnosis.

Should I do an ultrasound?

In the normal course of pregnancy, ultrasound in the third obstetric week may be required to confirm that ovulation has occurred. Three weeks after conception, scanning during the normal course of pregnancy will be practically uninformative. The embryo will look like a small dot in the background of the uterine cavity.

But if an ectopic pregnancy is suspected, it is precisely according to the results of ultrasound that the place of attachment of the embryo will become clear and a decision will be made on further actions. For greater reliability, ultrasound can be performed transvaginally, that is, through the vagina. The procedure is carried out carefully, gently and does not cause discomfort.

Will there be allocations?

For the third week of pregnancy, any special discharge is uncharacteristic. In obstetric counting, relatively thick and dense mucus can normally be released. It protects the egg from external infections - what if conception happens or has it already happened?

Strong mucous discharge, especially with an unpleasant odor, can be a signal of the disease. Better to check with a doctor.

When the fetus is fixed, slight implantation bleeding may occur. It's just a faint brown discharge or pink or bloody smears.

If the third week comes from conception, the pregnancy is confirmed, and suddenly the blood really started to flow, this may mean a miscarriage.

Body temperature: the line between normal and disease

If the embryonic period is three weeks, a slight increase in temperature (37.2 ° C) without signs of a cold is normal. However, 37.5 and more is already a danger signal.

When contacting a doctor, a woman must necessarily warn him about a possible or confirmed pregnancy. The doctor will take this into account when choosing treatment methods.

For many, a cold is a mild illness that can be treated on its own. Including antibiotics. For a pregnant woman, this is 100% unacceptable. Antibiotics, even topical ones, should only be prescribed by a doctor. And he can do this only in the most extreme and difficult cases. Side effects of this group of drugs can cause many different complications in the embryo.

3 weeks pregnant and sex

The third obstetric week will not do without sex. When planning a conception, a couple's intimate life usually follows a certain schedule. Ideally, sex should be on the day of ovulation, 2-3 days before and 2-3 days after it. This improves the quality of spermatozoa and increases the likelihood of conception.

In the third week after conception, the sex life of future parents may remain the same or change. Some women experience increased attraction to the father of the child. Others note a decrease in libido. Both are normal and should not cause concern.

There is also a rather rare sign of pregnancy, which almost never occurs. After intercourse, a woman may feel a sharp, severe pain in the vagina and on the labia. In this case, intimate life gives the expectant mother inconvenience, even a feeling of fear. Luckily, these feelings will pass soon.

If the intimate life of future parents threatens to deteriorate, it is important to take action in time. The main thing at this time is trust between a woman and her husband (partner). A man must be explained that there are changes in attraction, that he remains a loved and desired person. The future father will need patience and attention to his soul mate.

Intimate life will have to be stopped completely if there is a threat of miscarriage.

Nutrition of the expectant mother

  1. Eating is fractional, 4-5 times a day.
  2. For the full presence of protein, you need lean meat and, on the contrary, fatty fish (it contains important acids), as well as legumes and dairy products. Mushrooms are also protein, but such food can be difficult for the stomach.
  3. Fresh vegetables and fruits - to provide vitamins and minerals. No pharmaceutical vitamin complex will be truly effective if the mother does not receive natural vitamins from food.
  4. No colorful sodas! This is zero benefits and a large amount of calories.
  5. It is advisable to give up white buns and switch to coarse bread.

Another nutritional recommendation will help expectant mothers with early toxicosis. An attack of nausea can catch everywhere: at work, on a walk, in public transport. Sometimes it “rolls” so that the forces literally leave the woman. In addition, vomiting in public places is a strong psychological stress. What to do?

It is advisable to empirically find that “yummy” that will help suppress an attack of nausea. It could be anything. A bottle of carbonated mineral water will save you if the acidity of the stomach increases with nausea. Someone carries an apple in a plastic bag with them and bites off a little when nausea sets in. A piece of cheese, a cracker or something else can help - the expectant mother needs to carefully experiment.

In case of sudden vomiting, it is still better to carry a special bag and wet wipes in your purse.

Other Do's and Don'ts

A mother-to-be can and should take care of herself and her future baby. This should be done in all cases: if pregnancy is planned, allowed or has already been detected. The main recommendations are the same as in the first or second week:

  • Taking vitamins. What kind of drugs are needed - the doctor must decide.
  • If, for some reason, alcohol and cigarettes are still present in a woman's life, they need to be “driven out” immediately and for a long time. In the third week from conception, any negative factors are dangerous for the embryo.
  • Every effort must be made to avoid nervous shocks. Only positive emotions. But they should not be excessive either. Having experienced some kind of moral upsurge, the expectant mother may note with great surprise that she is very tired even from positive experiences.
  • You can not lift weights and perform difficult physical work. If the expectant mother goes in for sports, the load will have to be reconsidered, or even completely change the type of activity. Most often, expectant mothers are recommended swimming (for their own pleasure) and yoga.

In the third week from conception, it is important for the expectant mother to remember: she is now not alone and shares with her baby everything that happens to her. Attention to yourself will make the third week of waiting joyful and happy.

Video guide: 3rd week of pregnancy: sensations, discharge, signs, fetal development

A gestation period of 3 weeks from conception corresponds to an obstetric period of 5 weeks.

In the third week signs
phase change
how much is the dentist

This is the first week after a missed period, so most women during this period are already aware of their situation.

Signs of conception

Simultaneously with the joyful expectation, it is time for a quick change of mood.

If you have a regular cycle, there are no failures, then in three weeks the test will already show 2 strips, and you will definitely know that the conception has taken place. Of course, in the event of an unplanned pregnancy, the expectant mother may still not guess anything, but most women at this time are already entering a time of joyful expectation, carefully analyzing all their feelings and sensations.

The following symptoms are characteristic of the 3rd week of pregnancy:

  1. Change in taste, increased appetite.
  2. Drowsiness, lethargy, severe fatigue.
  3. Painful sensations in the chest.
  4. Increased sensitivity to odors.
  5. Frequent urination.
  6. Intestinal disorder.
  7. Increase in basal body temperature.
  8. Dizziness, nausea.
  9. Slight pulling pains in the lower abdomen.
  10. Slight brownish discharge or slight bleeding.

As a rule, the behavior of the expectant mother is now changing dramatically. Irritability, tearfulness, mood swings - for a 3-week pregnancy, these symptoms are very common. A woman is not yet accustomed to her new position, it is difficult for her to fully understand what is happening and accept all the upcoming changes. Now you need to try to avoid unnecessary worries, rest more often, relax, rejoicing at the beginning of this stage of life.

What will ultrasound diagnostics show

An ultrasound scan at 3 weeks of gestation is usually done by the most impatient mothers and women, for whom this event was very desired, long-awaited. At this time, the study is carried out both with an abdominal (external) sensor and transvaginal:

  • a couple of hours before visiting the ultrasound room, a woman needs to drink at least a liter of liquid - this will allow for a more accurate, detailed examination;
  • the doctor will determine the size of the fetal egg;
  • accurately determine the gestational age;
  • determine which wall of the uterus the egg has attached to;
  • assess the condition of the endometrium, ovaries, corpus luteum.

If you conduct an ultrasound at week 3, then in the photo you can see a tiny embryo. Its tail and head will be especially clearly visible, and on the monitor of the device you may be able to see the beginnings of future arms and legs.

Ultrasound at such a short time has its pros and cons. There are cases when, at a period of approximately 3 weeks and 3-4 days of pregnancy, it is reported that the fetal egg is too small, so they make the diagnosis of “missed pregnancy”.

This is a serious stress for a woman, and given that in many cases there is not enough data to make a correct diagnosis and it is not confirmed in the future, this can bring unnecessary unrest, as well as provoke a severe nervous breakdown.

The benefit of ultrasound at fetal week 3 is the ability to diagnose an ectopic pregnancy before it causes serious damage to the genitals and requires emergency surgery.

At a gestational age of 3-4 weeks, the development of the embryo is already in full swing, but the probability of miscarriage is very high. These two factors are a good reason for a woman to take her health and lifestyle seriously.

At this time, it is important to follow the rules of food intake and it is also necessary to form your own diet.

NutritionIt's time to reduce your intake of fatty, salty, fried foods. Try to cook food by steaming, boiling or stewing. Eat only healthy foods daily - fruits, vegetables, cottage cheese, cereals, cereals, fish, lean meat. Refuse fast food, carbonated drinks, chips - they do not bring any benefit to the body and contain many harmful ingredients.
SexOften in women at the 3rd week of pregnancy, libido increases, which occurs due to the action of hormones. You should not give up intimacy if you do not experience pain during the process, and after intercourse there is no bleeding.
SmokingIt can be very difficult to give up such a bad habit, ideally, this should be done long before the onset of conception. However, if you still smoke, do your best now to get rid of this addiction as soon as possible. Toxic substances contained in cigarettes adversely affect the development of the placenta, and can also cause oxygen starvation in the child.
AlcoholAlcohol during childbearing is prohibited from the first days until the very birth. The mother and fetus have a common circulatory system, so everything that enters the body of a woman simultaneously enters the embryo. Alcohol can cause serious malformations, cause fetal alcohol syndrome in a newborn.
MedicationsStarting from the 2nd week, and also throughout the entire first trimester, a woman is categorically not recommended to take any medications, since most of them are toxic and negatively affect the formation of the baby's organs. Any treatment should take place under the supervision of a doctor who will select the least dangerous drugs.
Daily regimeStarting from the 3rd embryonic week of pregnancy, a woman begins to experience a strong feeling of drowsiness. Now it is very important to rest as much as possible - during the night, the expectant mother needs to sleep at least 8 hours, and if fatigue comes in the middle of the day, try to carve out an hour or two for daytime sleep.

Changes in the body

All women, without exception, are interested in how the embryo develops at the 3rd week of pregnancy from conception, and what happens at this time in their body.

Usually this period is characterized by the following processes.

  1. The size of the embryo reaches five millimeters in length, weighing approximately 3.5 g.
  2. The organs of the respiratory system, liver, pancreas are laid, the neural tube is finally formed.
  3. In the body of a child, cells are formed, from which female or male germ cells will subsequently develop.
  4. There is a separation of the embryo from the extra-embryonic organs - the amniotic vesicle, the yolk sac, the future placenta.
  5. In the body of a woman, rapid hormonal changes continue, the hormones necessary for bearing are actively produced.
  6. The increase in mammary glands continues - this process is closely related to the production of estrogen.

At a gestational age of 3 weeks, the fetus is already clearly visible in the photo, and when visiting the ultrasound diagnostics room, a specialist can record the first contractions of a tiny heart.

At this time, many women already experience quite clear, unambiguous sensations characteristic of pregnancy. However, you may well not notice anything and continue to lead the same way of life. Both options are completely normal and depend on the individual characteristics of the organism.

  1. For 3 weeks, a feeling of nausea, weakness is quite characteristic - these are the first signs of early toxicosis. Some women manage to bear a child without even knowing what it is.
  2. In many cases, the expectant mother has to deal with constant malaise up to 12-13 weeks. This is a natural and safe process, but if nausea and vomiting increase, cause significant discomfort, you should seek the advice of a doctor.
  3. A gestational age of 3 weeks also often accompanies such a phenomenon as frequent urination. This is due to the action of hormones, an increase in the size of the uterus, which presses on the bladder. It is possible that in the second trimester you will visit the toilet less often, as the uterus rises higher into the abdominal cavity.
  4. Increased fatigue, drowsiness can greatly complicate your life, but walking in the fresh air, as well as regular good rest, will alleviate the condition.
Possible discharge and pain

In the third week, the discharge may be more abundant, but generally does not differ from normal

Allocations at the 3rd week of pregnancy, as a rule, differ little from the usual ones. They may be more abundant, but the color and consistency should not differ from normal secretions:

  • greenish or yellow mucous discharge with a pungent odor indicates the presence of an infection, therefore, they require immediate consultation with a doctor, the presence of pus in the mucus also indicates the same;
  • if the discharge is curdled, has a pungent sour smell, then this is most likely a symptom of thrush or candidiasis, usually this disease is also accompanied by itching and burning in the genital area (thrush often occurs in pregnant women, since a weakened body and hormonal changes increase the risk of developing the disease );
  • the most dangerous is brown or scarlet discharge that begins at 3 weeks of gestation, accompanied by cramping or sharp pain in the abdomen, this may be a sign of a miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy (in this case, there is a danger to the woman's life, so urgent medical care is needed).

Very often, women feel how the lower abdomen is pulled at the 3rd embryonic week of pregnancy. Most often, these pains are quite safe and are the norm, but in certain situations it may be necessary to consult a gynecologist.

Most often, pain in the lower abdomen is caused by the following reasons:

  • the process of growth of the uterus, tension of muscles and ligaments;
  • intestinal disorders;
  • compression of the internal organs due to a long stay in an uncomfortable position;
  • uterine tone, threat of interruption.

If the pain is frequent, cramping in nature - this may indicate the danger of a miscarriage. In this case, an urgent consultation with a doctor is required. It is also necessary if the pain is accompanied by bloody or brown discharge.

Another reason to visit a gynecologist is pain in the lumbar region, since they can also be an alarming sign.

: Borovikova Olga

gynecologist, ultrasound doctor, geneticist

3 weeks of pregnancy is the first obstetric month. If you look at the weeks, then 15-21 days have passed since conception. In fact, the 3rd week of pregnancy from conception is the very beginning of the life of the embryo.

Embryo development at 3 weeks gestation

In the third week of pregnancy, the morula turns into a blastocyst - a cavity forms inside the ball of cells, in which the embryo develops. In the third week of pregnancy, the blastocyst attaches to the wall of the uterus. If before that the egg, connected with the sperm, moved freely through the fallopian tubes, now it has entered the uterus, and it needs to gain a foothold. Sometimes the embryo can float in the uterus for a few more days.

At the 3rd week of pregnancy, the fetus has not yet formed, but only an embryo, which so far does not look like a person at all. It is a ball of about 250 cells with a diameter of about 0.2 mm. The embryo is in the yolk sac. Before attaching to the wall of the uterus, the embryo feeds on the so-called corpus luteum, or luteal body, a temporary endocrine gland that is formed every time ovulation occurs.

The corpus luteum exists until 12-16 weeks of pregnancy. It produces the hormone progesterone, which suppresses menstruation. The corpus luteum keeps the embryo alive while it is still "free-swimming". After attachment, it will be completely dependent on the mother's body.

3 weeks pregnant - embryo photo

Until the embryo is implanted, it is still autonomous from the mother's body. Therefore, what is happening in the body of a woman does not yet have such a strong effect on the embryo. It's time to adjust your diet and get rid of bad habits, if any.

Part of the cells of the embryo, the one that was received from the father, is alien to the mother's body, so the embryo produces a protein that suppresses immunity. It is necessary that the uterus does not reject him. As a result, the 3rd week of pregnancy is characterized by a decrease in immunity, so a cold-like condition occurs: runny nose, sore throat, sneezing, nasal congestion. These symptoms of changes in health in the third week are considered one of the likely signs of pregnancy.

At the beginning of the 3rd week of pregnancy, villi grow on the blastocyst, with which it is attached to the uterine membrane. After growing into the endometrium, the villi come into contact with the mother's blood, through which nutrition is carried out. The villi will develop throughout the 3rd week. After the embryo is fixed, another important process begins, for which the corpus luteum is also responsible - the formation of the placenta. At this time, the sex of the child is already being laid at the cellular level, although outwardly this is not yet manifested in any way.

3 weeks pregnant: sensations, signs and symptoms

The 3rd week of pregnancy can make itself felt as a change in a woman's well-being. This in most cases occurs even before the delay of menstruation. Some women say that they already feel pregnant, although there are no objective signs yet.

A home pregnancy test may already show two strips at this time. The test determines the presence and level of the hormone hCG - human chorionic gonadotropin. This hormone is produced by the outer layer of the embryo. Its level in the urine at week 3 is still small, but the sensitivity of pharmacy tests may be enough to determine the onset of pregnancy. At the 4th week of pregnancy, the level of this hCG in the blood is much higher, so a blood test for hCG will confirm the pregnancy more accurately.
The 3rd week of pregnancy may have the first signs of pregnancy, which cannot yet be called accurate:

  • morning sickness,
  • nausea,
  • vomit,
  • dizziness,
  • fatigue, drowsiness,
  • temperature rise,
  • changes in sensitivity to smells and tastes,
  • strange taste preferences, “pulls for salty”, and someone for sweet or something completely unusual,
  • swelling and enlargement of the breast, its soreness, increased sensitivity of the nipples and the entire breast,
  • slight pulling pains in the lower abdomen,
  • if a woman had PMS, then similar symptoms may be observed: tearfulness, mood swings,
  • there may be signs of a cold: chills, a slight runny nose, sore throat, headache.

All this suggests that a serious restructuring has begun in the woman's body, during which it is preparing for bearing a child. However, such symptoms in a woman can be a sign of approaching menstruation, and self-hypnosis, if she really wants to, or vice versa, she is afraid to get pregnant.

3rd week of pregnancy: photos of tummies

What will ultrasound show at 3 weeks of gestation

An ultrasound at week 3 already shows a fetal egg, but it is still so small that an ultrasound may not always be a reliable test.

  1. Normally, at this time, the endometrium thickens - thus the uterus prepares for bearing a child.
  2. The most thickened place is the place of attachment of the embryo.
  3. The corpus luteum looks like a cyst. Its hormonal activity increases, hematopoiesis occurs in it.
  4. You can assess the tone of the uterus, the condition of its muscles. This is important for predicting the course of pregnancy. With increased tone and poor blood circulation in the corpus luteum, there is a risk of miscarriage.
  5. If one of the fallopian tubes is enlarged, then there is a risk that the pregnancy is ectopic. In this case, the ultrasound will definitely show the place of implantation of the embryo.

However, the results of ultrasound can not always unambiguously determine the presence of pregnancy.

The most accurate test at 3 weeks pregnant is.

Photo ultrasound 3 weeks pregnant

Discharge at 3 weeks pregnant

At 3 weeks, spotting may begin, which is called implantation bleeding. It occurs due to the fact that the endometrium swells to allow the implantation (implantation) of the embryo.

Women may mistake such discharge for light menstruation, since they usually occur on the days of the expected menstruation or even earlier, but they are darker, less plentiful, sometimes brighter, often accompanied by pain, as during menstruation. It is not always possible to determine exactly what it is on your own, so it is better to consult a doctor, especially if there are other signs of pregnancy.

Embryo implantation lasts about 40 hours, so these discharges usually last no longer than two days, are spotty, can appear and disappear and are not necessarily bloody: they can also be yellowish or pinkish in color.

If the discharge intensifies, is clearly bloody in nature, this may indicate a threat of miscarriage. In this case, to save the pregnancy, you need to urgently go to the hospital!

If the pregnancy is spontaneously terminated for some reason, then menstruation may occur a few days earlier than usual.

There is a possibility of a so-called “color pregnancy”, or pregnancy washing. In this case, on the days of the expected menstruation, the expectant mother continues to have spotting.

This complicates the diagnosis of pregnancy, especially if the woman does not feel any other signs. According to statistics, 20 percent of women have a pregnancy bath, so this is not a very rare occurrence. In itself, this condition is not dangerous, usually the discharge stops by 4 months. Like a regular pregnancy, a color pregnancy can be normal or with complications.

The 3rd week of pregnancy is a very important period for the further development of the embryo. If for some reason the embryo does not attach to the wall of the uterus or is poorly fixed, the pregnancy may be terminated. In such cases, the fetus often just comes out with the next menstruation, and the woman does not even realize that she was pregnant, especially if there was no delay in menstruation.
3rd week of pregnancy and tips for saving the embryo:

  • avoid stress, emotional stress,
  • do not take alcohol, do not smoke,
  • avoid colds,
  • Healthy food,
  • take a complex of vitamins with folic acid, but only on the advice of a doctor,
  • if there is a need to take any medications, check with the doctor if there are any contraindications,
  • monitor your condition, with the appearance of severe pain in the abdomen, strong and unusual discharge, you need to go to the hospital.

3rd week of pregnancy - Toxicosis

3 weeks of pregnancy can be the beginning of the development of toxicosis. This means that periodically you may have bouts of nausea or vomiting, sometimes reaching the point of fainting. For a normal life, it is important to learn how to cope with this benign, but extremely unpleasant condition.

With a little experimentation, the expectant mother should find those products that relieve nausea. It can be mineral water, an apple, cheese - everyone has their own preferences. These products should always be carried with you, and with an attack of toxicosis, bite off a piece. Just in case, it is also better to take napkins and a bag with you.

3rd week of pregnancy - the diet of the expectant mother

The expectant mother needs to be attentive to her diet, because everything that enters her body affects not only him, but also the unborn child. Therefore, nutrition must be balanced.

  1. For the development of the embryo, it is necessary to receive a sufficient amount of protein. The most suitable sources are lean meats, legumes, and dairy products. Mushrooms can be quite heavy food for the stomach.
  2. Fatty fish is recommended - it contains healthy fatty acids.
  3. Be sure to eat fresh vegetables and fruits - the most natural source of vitamins.
  4. White bread is better to replace with whole grain.
  5. Fast food, fried foods, strong coffee and tea should be avoided.
  6. You need to eat 4-5 times a day.

3 weeks pregnant - possible dangers

Some factors can trigger a miscarriage at this time. Alcohol, colds, high fever are especially dangerous for the unborn child. An increase in temperature to subfebrile, that is, about 37.2 degrees, is normal at the beginning of pregnancy. But high, more than 38 degrees, the temperature can be dangerous for the fetus. You can not take aspirin-containing drugs at this time, it is better to try to do without taking medication at all.

If the temperature persists, you need to call a doctor. Antibiotics are also dangerous at the 3rd week of pregnancy, they can lead to disturbances in the development of the embryo, so they can be taken only in extreme cases and only as directed by a doctor.

It occurs when the embryo is fixed not in the uterine cavity, but in one of the fallopian tubes or on the ovary. Such a state is dangerous. A sign of an ectopic pregnancy may be increasing pain on one side of the lower abdomen. It is necessary to get rid of an ectopic pregnancy, now there are sparing methods for this, which do not lead to negative consequences and do not prevent childbearing in the future.

Frozen pregnancy

Another condition that requires timely diagnosis. It happens that the test first confirms the pregnancy, and then no longer shows a positive result, but menstruation stops. This may be a signal that the pregnancy has stopped developing.

3 weeks pregnant - video

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