Foxford learn the alphabet with a child. What is the best way to learn the alphabet with a child? Method for studying consonants

Plaster 06.11.2021

Sooner or later, every kid will have to face the first steps on the path to education. The study of the alphabet in some kindergartens begins quite early, however, as a rule, this responsibility falls on the shoulders of the child's parents. At such a young age, your child will not be able to study letters in all seriousness - the process must be approached playfully, having interested the baby. Try different ways of memorizing so that they do not have time to bore the child. In addition, by changing the ways and games, you give the baby a look at the process from different angles: remember both the spelling and the pronunciation of the sound. He might even be interested in capitalizing some of the letters to show off in kindergarten. Choose some of the ways you like from the ones below and try to learn the alphabet with your child quickly.

How to learn the alphabet with a child effortlessly

Any process can be turned into a game, even such a monotonous process as learning the alphabet. Remember the childhood games of your childhood and think about how you can use it.


Each letter is similar to one or another object from our daily life. For example:

  • You can add pens and eyes to the letter “O”, or a tail and horns to make a Sheep.
  • "D" is usually associated with the House.
  • "H" can become stairs or rails.

To begin with, it is worth instilling these associations in a child, only then begin to build them in alphabetical order. You can make up stories in which items appear one after the other. Suppose the letter "A" is a house, and "B" is a barrel. Start the story by gradually entering the alphabet: “There was a wooden barrel in the house on the old hill…”

Magnetic and speaking alphabets

These toys can be found in any children's store. The advantage of the speaking alphabet is huge: it clearly shows which letter follows which and, when played, names the correct sounds. The baby will work both visual and auditory memory.

Magnets can be hung on the refrigerator or on a special board in the child's room. This game is good for testing knowledge: mix all the magnets together and tell the child to lay out the alphabet again. For the same purpose, you can buy cubes with letters, but they take up much more space and attract the attention of children 3-4 years old than those five years old and older.

Choose an alphabet that pronounces exactly the sounds - “en”, “f”, “v”. If the kid remembers the letters - “fe”, “ve”, then he will have problems at school.

How to learn the alphabet with a child in creativity

Paints, felt-tip pens, embroideries will help here - any items that will interest the child.

draw letters

You can independently ask the child the theme of the drawing, for example, make all the letters buildings or draw them in the form of marine life. You yourself will be interested in the creative impulse of the baby and have fun. As soon as the child finishes the drawings, lay them out in alphabetical order. Do not throw out the drawings, refer to them again in the evening and lay them out again in the right order.

Sculpt the alphabet

Here, too, you can diversify the process: change plasticine to polymer clay, then to chewing gum for hands, then to new materials. In the process of sculpting pies, you can give the child a piece of dough: let him make a letter, and you bake it.

An interesting option with polymer clay - this material hardens in the oven and becomes a full-fledged solid toy. Having fashioned letters from it once, you will receive a set of toys of different colors, made by the child himself.


Some kids enjoy coloring more than drawing. This is also not a problem, because you can print any letters from the Internet and give them to your child. Change templates so they don't get bored.

How to learn the alphabet with a child - songs and rhymes

On the Internet you can find many poems, songs, riddles on the subject of the alphabet. Bookmark one of these sites, such as this one. And you can always intrigue the child. Ask him a riddle, and offer a small sweet for the solution, or ask him to please the second parent by singing a song with the alphabet. This method will be appreciated by the teacher in the kindergarten.

Learning the alphabet is an important step in starting learning, however, this should only be done when the child is in the mood and ready to repeat after you. In other cases, it is better to postpone the games.

Hello dear moms! Reading and writing, which are so necessary for a modern person, are impossible without the knowledge of letters, so each of us is looking for ways to teach a child the alphabet in the shortest possible time and with pleasure.

Today I will tell you more than 10 creative activities that will captivate both you and your children and make this difficult task much easier.

How to teach a child the alphabet: when to start and how to teach

Most children begin to memorize about three to four letters out of 33 between the ages of 2 and 3 and can identify more than half between 4 and 5 years of age. This means you can start teaching your little one the alphabet when they're around 2 - but don't expect big results in a short time.

To learn, as well as older children, little crumbs will need cards with letters, books, cubes and other improvised means to learn. Any visual aids, such as colorful alphabets with pictures, will help your little one look at large letters frequently and try to recognize them, as well as easily master the colors, shapes, animals, and other objects in the book.

Be sure to check out the video course.
"Snub noses learn to count and read “, he will help with pleasure and in the shortest possible time to master the most necessary skills.

The first step in learning the alphabet is reading fairy tales. At the age of two or three, children who often listen to fairy tales realize that books contain words that are made up of letters.

There are many effective ways to introduce individual sounds into training. Label the drawings with the baby's name, and then show each sound in it one at a time. In the end, he will guess that each of them stands for his name.

You can strengthen this identification in many ways: write a name on the door of his room, show toys that have familiar sounds in their names.

Compose words with pre-cut cards , cubes And magnets , let the child try to find the necessary letters among several scattered letters.

After you can divide and put words into syllables / sounds, play the game “What letter does the word begin with?”, offer a series of words and ask what sound is the first in them.

You can use the first letter of the name in order to come up with other words that begin with the same. Ask what toys, fruits, furniture, dishes are known to the baby. You can buy cards with a picture and a word and look for the right sound in a word together, or draw them together with a little one, it will be even more interesting.

10 fun games to help you learn the alphabet quickly

If the baby likes the activities, she is happy to point to the letters and ask about new ones, then encourage her and tell her more. But if the child does not show any interest, then it is better not to touch on this issue for a while, until the right moment comes.

There is no scientific evidence that early learning of the alphabet promises greater success in later learning.

But if you are still worried that it is high time to start studying, but do not want to insist, but strive to turn the learning process into a game, then try using the following methods:

  • Make your own alphabet

For a primer, you will need a notebook, or a stack of paper, cardboard and a hole punch. Design each page together, for this write the letters of the alphabet with paints or felt-tip pens, or find them in old magazines or albums and cut them out. Also cut out pictures from an old coloring book or magazine that have words that begin with the desired sound and paste them into your book.

  • Play the ABC game

It's an easy and fun way to learn the alphabet every time you drive. Ask the baby to look for "A" on billboards or license plates or store names. Start with "A" and then look for "B", "C", etc. After you complete the entire alphabetical sequence, you can start playing again.

  • Sing the alphabet song

Children love to sing and what better way than to sing alphabet songs. Start your day with different melodies, and don't forget to include the alphabet song:

  • Create an alphabet box

This idea is very popular with kids of any age, it does not require a lot of time, and it helps to master the sounds very well. Choose the order of study yourself, it was easiest for us to start with those that are included in our names.

Take a shoe box, glue it with beautiful pictures or wallpaper and colored paper, you can also put beads, buttons and various cereals on the glue. Inside, fold the letter you are learning and for a week add words cut from newspapers and magazines with it or pictures, as well as small toys and objects found on the street. After a week, take out the collected valuables and choose a different sound, perform the same ceremony with it.

  • Make an alphabet out of cookies

What kid doesn't love cookies? Buy letter-shaped cookie cutters, make your own, or use icing to write a sound on each cookie. Ask your child to tell you what he has learned and wants to try.

  • Make an alphabet photo collage

Use a digital camera or phone camera, or buy a special camera that prints instant photos. When you go outside, to the park, the zoo, or anywhere else, spend your time looking for words that start with "A" or "B", depending on what you're currently learning.

Once you've taken the photos, have your little one glue them onto the collage. Have them write letters for your photo collages on colored paper and glue the photos around. Children love taking pictures and it's a lot of fun.

  • Simple Alphabet Games

There are very simple, but at the same time interesting games for the smallest and older children. If your child is under 3 years old, choose an easy level - start with "A". "'A' is in the orange", "'B' is in the banana", "'K' is in the cat", and continue with all the letters.

If your little one is older you can play the game with the theme. For example, make an alphabet game with fruits or animals. In this way, children learn to sort animals or fruits and also practice their alphabet.

  • Play loto with letters

Make your own bingo cards out of colored paper and write the alphabet on them. Name the letters and ask your child to find them and mark them.

Buy small inexpensive prizes and give them away for winning to make the game even more fun.

  • Draw the letters of the alphabet with your fingers

Use whatman paper or sketchbooks and paints, as well as your pens and fingers to create interesting and fun pictures. Ask the baby to draw a capital and lowercase letter, let him draw with his favorite colors, you can also draw objects with this sound nearby.

  • Play "Pig in a Poke"

Fill the bag with various objects that start with different sounds, for example, you could put a typewriter, a book, a pencil, etc. into it. Show all the items in the bag, then put all the parts back.

Ask to find objects by putting your hand in the bag, but without looking at them. Let's say you can think of something that starts with "B". If the items are not found too easily and quickly, make the task easier - ask them to find the object in the bag exactly by the whole word, and not by the letter, for example, ask them to find a pencil or a doll.

This game is suitable not only for learning sounds, but also helps to use your logical and tactile skills.

Girls, especially for you, in order to save your time, I have selected products that contribute to learning the letters of the baby. Follow the links, get acquainted with the reviews of other mothers and choose the best for your child:

  • Set of plastic magnets "Russian alphabet »;
  • Interactive educational poster "ABC of Masha" ;
  • Alphabet on magnets , The Smurfs;
  • Educational game " Letters and words »;
  • Set of cubes with letters .

Remember that before the age of 7, children learn new information most easily through the game, so try to make any learning activities as fun as possible.

Each parent devotes all his free time to the development of his baby, using different methods. After some time, a parent usually has a fair question: how to teach a child the alphabet? By yourself or not?

This article is intended for persons over 18 years of age.

Are you over 18 already?

At what age should training start?

There is no single correct answer to this question, there are a lot of different theories and judgments about this. Some scientists support the opinion that early childhood (from 1.5 years old) is an excellent period to learn the alphabet easily and quickly, others adhere to the methodology of teaching children from 3-4 years old, and still others even talk about the advisability of learning the alphabet already in elementary school under the clear supervision of specialists and according to a specific program.

b"> Preparing to learn the alphabet

If you have made the decision to start learning the alphabet at an early age, it is worth preparing a little for such an important process. The main stages of preparation for preschool study of letters:

  • let the child independently choose a book to read together and turn the pages;
  • be sure to tell what is shown in the drawings, what actions and emotions they depict;
  • retell each other a read fairy tale or poem in simple language;
  • get the necessary literature, alphabets and primers, cubes and other tools necessary for learning;
  • learn different methods and ways of presenting information that will allow you to quickly and easily learn the alphabet at preschool age;
  • choose the way of learning that works best for you as a parent, educator, and your child.

c"> How to learn the alphabet with a baby?

By nature, young children perceive and learn the world in a playful way. It is the game that is the most effective way to easily learn the alphabet and learn how to form syllables even before elementary school. There are several approaches to this fascinating process.

The most effective and common way to memorize letters is visualization. Pictures with drawings and drawn letters or cubes are perfect for learning. Pictures can be hung and laid out around the room, showing them from time to time to the child and naming the letter and words that begin with it. Over time, the task can be complicated: cut the pictures into several parts, creating a small puzzle that the child will be interested in collecting. With cubes, you can build towers and castles, while looking for familiar components of the alphabet. At the same time, sounds can be “sung” in order to develop auditory perception.

No less effective for a child in learning the alphabet is a magnetic board with letters and numbers. Letters can be placed both on the board and on the refrigerator or other suitable surface, make up syllables and words. This method teaches the baby to independence and perseverance, and also develops fine motor skills of the hands well.

Another option for learning the alphabet are letters made by hand. They can be cut out of paper and painted, sculpted from plasticine or dough, baked, embroidered, or sewn from felt. So, in addition to learning the alphabet, the baby will be able to learn other useful things, and the process itself will be fun and entertaining.

d"> Learning letters after 3 years

At the age of 3-4 years, children become quite independent, but the game forms of perception of new information are also relevant. As they get older, kids become more assiduous, so they can study for longer during the day.

At 3-4 years old, you can safely draw and sculpt with a child, giving more and more freedom to fantasy and directing energy in the right direction, put together the alphabet from small objects, mosaics, pebbles (at this age they stop pulling everything into their mouths, so there is no need to go further hold small particles and toys).

A good way to quickly learn the alphabet is to conduct themed walks, when the baby names all the objects with a specific letter next to him. This will not only allow you to remember the desired sound, but also teach you how to speak correctly and expand the vocabulary of a preschooler.

If your child loves active games, then you can do a gymnastic alphabet with him on the street, depicting different letters. This method not only strengthens the physical health of the baby, but also teaches ingenuity, quick reaction and imagination. Over time, you can complicate the task - not only show the components of the alphabet, but also guess those that one of you shows. If you find several like-minded people on the playground, you can add whole words and sentences.

Do not neglect the possibilities of modern technologies. To help parents, there are a lot of different cartoons, songs and fairy tales that facilitate the process of learning the alphabet. Together with regular activities and games, they will help you achieve the right result quickly and easily.

How to teach a child the alphabet at 5 years old?

At 5 years old, a child already understands the meaning of sounds and the alphabet in our life, knows what words, sentences and whole stories are made of. Therefore, his interest in reading is becoming stronger, which allows him to learn the alphabet in a very short time.

Great for such children are books and notebooks that are used in primary classes, interactive methods (programs on phones and tablets, computer games, talking primers).

Five-year-old children easily memorize the alphabet, understand the difference between sounds and letters, make up syllables from cubes and pictures, mold them from plasticine and lay them out with small objects. A six-year-old child can already begin to learn the English alphabet.

At whatever age you decide to teach your child the alphabet, it is worth remembering:

  • classes should not be long, 10-15 minutes a day is enough to start, but you need to study according to such a program regularly;
  • classes should be in the form of a game, fun and unobtrusive;
  • during the day, you need to repeat the learned material, naming words with familiar letters;
  • name sounds, not letters (“k”, not “ka”, “m”, not “eat”), so that the child does not have problems with syllables in the future;
  • learn the alphabet according to a specific method, systematically, using manuals recommended for preschoolers;
  • you can’t show your child your discontent or irritation, scold and punish the baby if something doesn’t work out for him, the basis of successful classes is the patience and understanding of parents;
  • let the baby look at books by himself, read his favorite fairy tales and stories.

And the main thing in this matter is the correct result, and not the speed and amount of learned material. Classes should bring pleasure to you and the child, but if he does not show interest in what you are explaining, postpone this undertaking for another time, when it will be more effective and dynamic.

How to teach a child letters easily and naturally?

When a mother considers that the age of the child already implies learning letters, she faces the question of the method of teaching. Mom does not want to load the child with serious activities. Therefore, many try to make this process interesting, but at the same time very effective.

Sometimes the opinions of experts differ on this issue. However, there are some more general recommendations:

  • You need to teach when the child already has the opportunity to read. The meaning of this conclusion is that a child can learn letters at 1.5 years. But it will be just memorization, which will be forgotten very quickly if it is not applied anywhere. A child at this age does not yet understand that this is part of a word. For him, this is something that his mother repeats and he must repeat
  • For this reason, it would be best to teach a child letters at 4 years old. Slowly, while studying with a child, you will come to reading syllables. This means that your child will be ready for school in reading.
  • At 3 years old, you can start introducing your baby to letters, but not force him to learn. Show him the letters and say what they are. Make sounds. And when the baby is ready, he will begin to repeat himself
  • But if the child is very well developed, knows how to speak and asks you to teach to read, or you see his desire to understand some inscriptions, then your child is ready to learn.
  • But this does not mean that you should immediately arrange for him serious classes with exams. No. Perhaps, after the start of training, you will see that it is difficult for the child, he is angry, does not understand. Don't insist. If the desire of the baby is gone - wait until 4 years
  • Some methods suggest starting training as early as 2 years

IMPORTANT: Whatever advice experts give, you should focus on your child. But at 5 years old, it’s still worth starting to learn letters so that the child comes to school more or less prepared

How easy is it to learn letters with a child?

So that learning letters is not difficult and stressful for your child, and the result is effective, follow these tips:

  • Learn letters while playing. Read more about how to do this in the next section.
  • Pronounce the letter correctly. Do not use the letter "m" - "em", the letter "p" - "pe" and so on. Pronounce the letters as they sound: "m", "p", "s" and so on. That is, pronounce one sound briefly. Why is that? So that the child does not subsequently experience difficulties in reading. Otherwise, the word "dad" the child will want to read "peapea". And when you begin to explain that it is “dad” that needs to be read, the child will not understand why. After all, the letter "p" is "pe"
  • Do not try to memorize the entire alphabet with your child at once. First, choose the vowels to begin with. Secondly, take 2 letters and learn them for a week, consolidating the result every day in a playful way. Only then do you start new
  • After learning enough letters to make a simple word, start making words. So the child will learn letters very quickly and will begin to learn syllables. Compilation of words is relevant for children from 4 years old
  • Always let the child understand that the letter means something. That is, when teaching the letter "a", say: "A-watermelon." So the child will begin to see the connection between the letter and the word. But this method will start working only after 3 years. Until this age, the baby simply will not see any connection.
  • Associations. They will help to learn letters even for the smallest. Read more in the section below "Letter associations"
  • Draw, sculpt, paint, write, trace letters, lay out their shape with any materials at hand. All this will be interesting to the baby and he himself will remember the letters without noticing it.

  • One of the passive ways to learn letters will be hanging letters in the child's room or in the apartment as a whole. Cut out large letters and hang several in different places. Sometimes tell your child what the letter is. Do not squat with constant repetitions. The child will remember them anyway, without realizing it. After a week, change to another. It will be more effective if you hang the letter on an object that begins with this letter. So the letter will be perceived by the child as part of something
  • Study order: we learn through associations, coloring, applications, and remember in games and in a passive way of hanging letters
  • Learning will go faster if the child sees, hears and touches the letter

IMPORTANT: Acting on these tips, your child will only enjoy learning.

How to learn letters with a child while playing?

Play is a child's favorite pastime. He will always agree to play and get a lot of pleasant pleasures. And the study of letters in a playful way will be unobtrusive and relaxed.

Game 1. Cubes.

  • The most simple and unpretentious game
  • Buy cubes with letters and images for each letter. Cubes can be soft, plastic, wooden
  • Ask the child to find the object, then praise the child and say: “Well done. Show me a watermelon. A-watermelon." At the same time, point to the letter
  • Or scatter the cubes around the room and ask them to find a watermelon cube. The words when found are the same

Game 2. Application.

  • Print and cut out letters with your child about 10 cm high and 7 wide
  • Invite the child to choose what you will do with the application: cereals, pasta, fabric, cotton wool
  • Having chosen the material, sit down with the child, apply glue to the letters and stick the material with the help of the child.
  • At the same time, repeat that you will decorate the letter "A"
  • After sticking the paper-gross letter on the cardboard to keep the shape
  • Let the child choose the place for the application
  • But the place should not be hidden. The child must see the letter every day

Game 3

  • Print each letter in duplicate
  • Choose the first game letter. Assume "O"
  • Keep one for yourself
  • Put the second copy somewhere so that the child can find it.
  • Also put a few other letters in different accessible and prominent places.
  • Show the child a letter, name it and ask to find it.
  • When the child goes to look, follow him and, if necessary, prompt
  • The child should not be upset that he cannot find, otherwise this method will become uninteresting for your baby.

Game 4. The right choice.

  • The game is already on the fastening
  • Print pictures with letters
  • Lay out in front of the child and ask to show the desired letter
  • When you find a letter, you can show an item that starts with that letter.

Game 5. Who is faster.

  • It is good to participate in the game for two children or an adult and a child
  • Scatter several identical letters on the floor
  • On command, participants must bring letters
  • We praise everyone
  • Be sure to repeat the sound of the letter each time
  • You can encourage participants with words or slogans like “Find the letter A quickly, but come on quickly!”

Game 6. Surprises in a bag.

  • Fold in an opaque bag objects that will begin with the letter you are studying.
  • For example: hippopotamus, bull, drum, alarm clock
  • Intrigue your child
  • And let's take it in turn to get toys, pronouncing the name of each

IMPORTANT: All children are different. Try different games and choose the right one for your child

Related video: Learn the letters of the alphabet: 3 games with semolina [Supermoms]

Letter associations

IMPORTANT: The baby will easily remember the letters that cause him to associate. Suitable method, including for the smallest

  • For each letter you learn, come up with an association: what the letter looks like or who makes that sound
  • You can come up with an association yourself, you can get ideas below
  • If you see that some association does not work for the child, then temporarily put the letter aside
  • After a while, return to the letter with a different association
  • Associations are good because the child quickly remembers them and you do not have to repeat the letter to him a hundred times that he remembered it

some associations.

Letter B.

  • The letter B is a hippo who ate well and had a big tummy
  • You can try to come up with rhyming lines like “Our hippo ate, walked around, got tired and sat down”
  • At the same time, demonstrate all the actions that the hippopotamus does

Letter D.

  • Looks like a house
  • Take a small soft toy and put it in the house

Letter J.

  • Cut out a letter from cardboard and say it's a bug
  • Show how crawling and buzzing "zh-zh-zh-zh"
  • Invite the child to glue the bug eyes
  • Let your child crawl with a bug or ride it in a car

Letter O.

  • The letter O looks like the mouth of a child who cries and screams "oh-oh-oh-oh-oh"
  • Draw the mouth teeth and tongue

Letter C.

  • Sand pours on the letter C
  • Cut out a letter from cardboard
  • Pour sand or semolina on it carefully, as if sketching a letter with sand
  • Say at the same time "The sand is pouring s-s-s-s-s-s-s"

Letter T.

  • Cut out from cardboard
  • The letter T looks like a hammer
  • Makes a knock-knock sound
  • Tap the hammer on the floor and let the child repeat after you, saying "knock knock"

Letter X.

  • The letter X looks like the intersection of two roads
  • Take puppets or use your fingers to represent walking along the road
  • As you say rhyming lines
  • For example: “We walk, we walk along the path, my legs are tired. We’ll reach the end now, and then we’ll sit down and rest.”

Letter Sh.

  • It looks like a snake that crawls and makes the sound "shhhhh"
  • Crawl with the snake on the floor and don't forget to draw the head with eyes and tongue

  • If you decide to teach your child letters, then immediately after learning some of the letters, start writing
  • The child must understand that letters are needed to write words

Where, what and how to write?

  • Pencil, pen, felt-tip pen on paper
  • Chalk on blackboard or asphalt
  • Paints on paper
  • Stick on the sand
  • Fingers on flour or semolina
  • Lay out the letters with pebbles on the asphalt

IMPORTANT: Draw yourself, but be sure to let the child draw, but help him. If the baby does not yet own the pen, then help him with this.

Video: Educational Cartoon. Recipe for children: write letters

  • If you sculpt the letters after voicing with the baby, then they will be remembered faster
  • You can sculpt from salt dough or plasticine
  • Having blinded the letter, it can be decorated with beans, peas, beads, or simply decorate

Video: We learn letters from A to D, sculpt Play Do from plasticine and open Kinder Surprise! Educational cartoon!

  • You can decorate the letters that you printed, wrote, cut out, wrote on asphalt or a board, molded from plasticine, you made from semolina by sticking it on cardboard
  • You can decorate with: felt-tip pens, crayons, finger paints, pencils, pens, gouache
  • You can print letters next to which there will be objects whose name begins with this letter

Outline letters

  • Cut out the letter
  • Lay on a sheet of paper or cardboard
  • We circle. If the child himself cannot yet, then take his pen and circle
  • You can outline with dots, strokes, straight lines
  • After stroking, the contour can be laid out with pebbles, beans, pasta

letter cookies

  • By the age of 4, especially girls, there is a huge interest in helping mom bake goodies.
  • Take advantage of this interest
  • If you have a favorite cookie recipe, then use it
  • The dough should be elastic and not sticky.
  • Instead of the usual stars or circles, cut out the letters and send to bake
  • Decorate with coconut flakes or fudge
  • Bake several letters in several copies so that you can add simple words: mom, dad, baba
  • The child is happy to play with cookies, after which he eats them safely
  • To simplify, you can buy ready-made cookies in the store

If such prescription if you don't have it, use the following:

  • Mix two eggs with vanilla to taste
  • Beat with a mixer until foamy, about 10 minutes
  • Add butter (100 g) previously melted to a state of sour cream
  • Stir for 5 minutes
  • 300 g sour cream beat with 150 g sugar
  • Add the mixture to the bowl with the rest of the ingredients.
  • Pour in 1 tbsp. l. flour mixed with 1/2 teaspoon baking soda and stir
  • Add more flour
  • The dough should be elastic and not sticky.
  • Put the kneaded dough in the refrigerator for 30 minutes to make it easier to form letters.

  • After cutting out the letters, send the cookies to a greased baking sheet in a preheated oven
  • Cookies should be golden brown

Flip through books, magazines

  • To consolidate the studied letters, you can use books and magazines.
  • They are not very suitable for learning, as the child's eyes will run wide, it will be difficult for him to concentrate on a specific letter.
  • Show letters that the child already knows if they are highlighted somehow on the page or written in large print
  • Or ask the child where the letter "A" is. If the child finds the letter, he will be very happy
  • If he fails, make hints, say what is shown next
  • The letters should be quite large, do not force the child to peer into the small print

Talking alphabet game

Speaking alphabet is suitable:

  • For those mothers who do not have enough time for self-study with a child
  • Just to fix the material
  • For a variety of activities

Posters with speaking alphabet.

  • You can buy such a poster in almost any store of children's toys.
  • Hang it on the wall in the nursery or where the child often plays
  • If you are working with a baby, then the talking poster will only be an addition and a way to consolidate the material.
  • If you are not engaged with the child yourself, then teach the child to deal with the poster and he will come up with interest and press the buttons
  • When pressed, he will hear a letter and an object / animal whose name will begin with this letter

Online Games.

  • There are many such games on the Internet in the public domain.
  • This method is bad because the child is forced to study at the computer. This means that his eyes may get tired or even his eyesight deteriorate.
  • Such games are best used only occasionally for a change.

Speaking alphabets in video format.

  • It also means that the child is at the computer.
  • Unlike games, the child can be at a fairly long distance, as when watching cartoons
  • It will also be good sometimes for a change
  • See one example of such a video below.

Video: Speaking alphabet. Learn the Russian alphabet for the little ones. For children 3-6 years old

Computer: look at the letters

  • This method of learning is suitable for lazy or busy mothers who cannot deal with a child using simple improvised means.
  • Watching letters and hearing about them is certainly a good and useful activity.
  • But do not forget that it is better to add coloring, appliqués and cutting out letters.
  • As a rule, learning letters on a computer comes down to watching educational cartoons.
  • See one example video below.

Video: Educational cartoons - ABC for kids

How to play the ABC game?

  • The ABC game can be found in different versions.
  • These are online games in which you need to put letters in place, find an object that starts with the desired letter; look for pairs for each letter
  • Games can be understood by children from 3 years old
  • Parents need to be around to help.
  • Do not get carried away with such online games, because the computer does not bring any benefit to the baby
  • If the game is not a computer game, but bought in a store, then play by reading the instructions. Such games can be very different.

ABC game

Educational games for children: learning letters 5 - 6 years old

  • At 5-6 years old, it is imperative to teach the child letters, if he does not know them yet
  • At this age, the main method is not associations, but words starting with a given letter: “A-watermelon”, “B-banana”
  • The child will already perfectly understand the relationship between letters and words.
  • All games will be reduced to building words for this age
  • Buy letters-magnets and add words from them

  • The basic principles of education are the same as for early childhood (read the second section of this article)
  • A primer book will definitely come to the rescue at this age.
  • There you will see pictures and read entertaining poems to your child.
  • A child at this age will no longer want to play completely childish games (see above)
  • Memorize the letter and ask the child to collect things around the house that he sees for the selected letter. For each item you can offer a small tasty surprise. So the child will be more fun and interesting
  • Baking cookies together is also relevant for this age (read the rules and recipe above in the “letter cookies” section). Only such an adult for letters a child will really help you to fashion letters
  • Buy a puzzle with letters

  • Sculpt, cut, decorate, make applications. This is also true for 5-6 year olds.

Always praise your child for success

  • Learning is not always easy for a child.
  • Without your encouragement, the child will soon get tired of this process if he makes mistakes, especially
  • Always praise your child for success
  • Even in the case of not quite perfect memorization, understanding and answer

Moms, the success of your child and his interest largely depend on you and your approach to this difficult task. Do not be lazy to deal with your child and soon you will boast to others about the success of your beloved child.

Video: Learning letters with a child

Each of the parents tries to provide the maximum of all knowledge to their child.

One of the most important points is learning the alphabet.

Young mothers are faced with a problem: when is it worth starting to learn letters, is there an optimal age for such classes.

How to teach your baby the alphabet and at what age is it better to do it.

The baby immediately after the birth begins to learn the world, this process takes place continuously. In the case when there is an overabundance of information, the student becomes capricious and irritable. Therefore, psychologists advise to dose knowledge.

By the age of 3, all children learn compulsory things: walk, sit, crawl, talk, etc. If we add to this the study of the alphabet, then the baby’s brain can simply “boil”.

Some early development methods advise starting to introduce children to the alphabet as early as 6 months. But this turns out to be a useless undertaking, since at this age the baby remembers what he is told all the time. If you pause for a while, then he will simply forget everything.

Teachers consider the optimal age for learning the alphabet 6-7 years old. It is during this period that children begin to actively read, count and write and will be able to rationally apply all knowledge.

Basic rules for how to easily teach a child

Each kid is individual, so parents should first of all pay attention to his readiness to learn letters. In this process, there are several basic rules:

  1. First of all, it is necessary to provide the right to choose a book, this will improve the result of classes.
  2. Slowly read the contents and ask the baby to retell everything.
  3. The study should start with simple letters that are used most often. You need to move into more complex ones gradually.
  4. Do not learn more than 1 letter in a few days. In order to consolidate the material covered, it is recommended to use special pictures, objects, puzzles, etc.
  5. It is necessary to develop associative memory. Each of the letters must be described to make it easier to remember it.

These are universal requirements, deviations from them are possible.

Talking alphabet from 3 years

There are many different ways to learn the alphabet for different ages. For a 3-year-old baby, the form of the speaking alphabet is most often used. These can be educational cartoons, among which the ABC for Children is especially popular.

In each series of the cartoon, only one letter is described, so he can absorb and remember all the information. Watching takes only a few minutes, it is recommended that the video is accompanied by a fun song.

Many mothers prefer to use the Blue Tractor. This speaking alphabet takes place in a playful way, after viewing it is necessary to ask to repeat the material covered. This teaching method is the most effective for young children.

Educational games from 3-6 years old

ABC in cubes

This technique is suitable for children from 3 years old. The rules set the most diverse ones, for example: find an example that starts with a certain letter, find the same letter, etc. In this way, the game is played using cards or dice.

Today there are special interactive games that are installed on any gadget. You should not get carried away with the latter option, since a tablet or computer does not bring much benefit.

Games with semolina

This teaching method is suitable for children 2-3 years old. It's no secret that all kids love to draw. So why not use it for learning the alphabet?

It is allowed to use any cereal that is at hand (semolina, flour, wheat, etc.):

  • it must be scattered on a flat surface and each letter must be written with a finger;
  • Let the child repeat all the movements on their own. This is the only way to get the result of learning. Today, an alternative to semolina is special kinetic sand.

letter association

This method is suitable for both the smallest and older children. Such a process is much more efficient, the student easily remembers the letters according to the associations caused:

  • for each letter you need to come up with your own object (vegetable, fruit, animal, etc.). If the baby cannot remember some association, then you need to postpone this position for a while and return to learning after a while;
  • to simplify, it is recommended to use ready-made cards or pictures.

Sculpt letters

To strengthen knowledge, the student should be asked to blind the learned alphabet. This method is suitable for children from 4 years old. For modeling, use plasticine or dough prepared independently. Having blinded the entire alphabet, you can paint over it with your favorite color or decorate it with multi-colored beads.

Other Ways to Learn

In addition to all those listed for children 5-6 years old, you can purchase a special alphabet in which you need to color or circle the letters. In addition, it is necessary for the student to name what they are associated with.

Another great method is:

  1. Electronic alphabet. It is purchased in children's stores, attached to the wall, or simply used where the baby spends the most time. It runs on ordinary finger batteries, when you click on a certain letter, a rhyme or song is read. Thus, it will be interesting for him to study on his own, and his mother will have some free time.
  2. Teachers very often use a variant of the magnetic alphabet. To do this, it is recommended to use a special board or refrigerator, for example. Thus, the baby will not only memorize the alphabet, but also learn to compose individual words over time. Also, such an alphabet is very bright, it is performed in various variations (paper, plastic, etc.). Another indisputable advantage of this technique is that magnets are available in different shapes and colors. So the student learns not only the alphabet itself, but also other useful material.

We write letters

For children over 4 years old, it is recommended to strengthen the acquired knowledge by writing each letter. This is done in different ways. For students 5-6 years old, a special drawing board with multi-colored crayons is used. So they study with children not only the alphabet, but also the basics of drawing.

Outlining the contours

Today on the Internet there are many pictures where each letter is indicated by a dotted line. This is intended for the baby to independently circle it with a felt-tip pen or pen. Thus, not only the study of the alphabet takes place, but also the teaching of spelling.

Coloring letters

This is another variation on the theme of prescribing learned material. Most often used for children 5-6 years old. In addition to decorating the alphabet, the child will also need to complete several tasks on logic. It is better to use ready-made books or coloring books that can be purchased at children's stores.

edible alphabet

This technique is most liked by girls over the age of 4 years. They are happy to help their mother in the kitchen and will be happy to study the material with the help of a portion of sweets. How to apply this method?

  1. You can make ginger, shortbread, almond or other types of cookies according to your favorite recipe.
  2. On top of each letter, it is recommended to decorate with multi-colored icing, this develops fine motor skills.

Books and magazines to study

This option is more suitable for consolidating the material covered than for learning new things. There are a lot of pictures in the books, so it will be difficult for the student to concentrate on something specific.

For this form of learning, it is better to use interrogative tactics:

  1. For example, ask to show a certain letter or describe animals that begin with it.
  2. For children from 5 years old, books and magazines will be useful material for the development of reading. It is very important that the font is large enough, then the likelihood of severe eye strain is reduced.

Studying on the computer

Many mothers, due to lack of time (or desire), sit their child at the computer, turn on a video or game and want him to learn everything in this way. This is not very correct. Educational cartoons or games are best used in a playful way, and not all the time. In addition to them, it is necessary to include other teaching methods in development.

How to Praise Your Child for Success

Any knowledge for children of different ages is given very hard. Therefore, for any victory or defeat, praise must be expressed. In no case should you be angry or punish the child if something does not work out for him. Remember that the right motivation is the main key to success.

It must be remembered that for each age there is an optimal lesson duration (for children from 2-3 years old, no more than 10 minutes, for older ones - no more than 30 minutes). All classes must be carried out regularly and in no case should the student be forced to do this.

Every parent wants their baby to be the best and unique. Very often they begin to conduct the educational process at an early age, this does not always bring positive results. For each age there are methods of teaching the alphabet.

It is necessary to adhere to them, and also be sure to monitor the behavior of your baby. In the absence of desire, you should not impose lessons, you need to postpone them a little and start again after a while. Every child sooner or later learns to read and write. The task of parents is to properly motivate and develop this process.

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