What is love scientifically. The Chemistry of Love: A Scientific View. How does the chemistry of love happen? Not everyone knows how to love

Roof 16.02.2022

Every person knows. However, if you ask this question to different people, the answers will be completely different. Why is that? And is there the only true and correct definition of love - this is what I want to talk about.

The science

So what is love? The definition of love has tried to give many minds of mankind throughout the history of earthly civilization. That is why it is worth considering this concept from different points of view. And I want to start my analysis with the scientific sphere. Interesting for many will be the fact that there is a special chemistry of love. Scientists have proven that when a person falls in love, his body produces such an amount of hormones that is akin to drug or alcohol intoxication. In this case, the brain receives signals that indicate that a person is in a state of love. However, this is only one side of such a state, and to consider love only as chemistry is simply a crime.

  1. Love is a drug. Proof of this is a tomography of the head of a man in love. The same areas of the brain are activated in him as in a person who has used cocaine and is in a state of euphoria.
  2. Love is a way of survival. Scientists have proven that human love is a somewhat modified form of infatuation in animals. That is, it is easier for a person to find one partner for life, and not constantly seek new ones to satisfy their own sexual needs.
  3. Love is blind. This statement also has scientific evidence. A German researcher found that the areas of the brain responsible for rational decisions and negative emotions in a person in love simply turn off.
  4. Love is addiction. Scientists say that it is necessary to treat for love in the same way as for drug addiction: remove all factors that irritate him from the field of view of the "sick": photos, gifts, any reminders of the object of desire.
  5. Healing from love. Since when a person falls in love, the level of a hormone such as serotonin drops quite seriously, doctors offer to compensate for it with medication in order to be able to avoid crimes based on this feeling (as statistics show, their number has increased significantly lately). However, if you “overdo it” with this hormone, a person will not fall in love, but the attraction will remain, which is fraught with promiscuity.
  6. Men love with their eyes. This statement is known to many people, but not everyone knows that it also has scientific evidence. During falling in love, the guys activate the zone that is responsible for the visual factor. It will be interesting that the area responsible for memory becomes active in women: the lady remembers the behavior of her partner in order to analyze it later and draw conclusions: is it worth being with such a person further.


So, as a small conclusion, I would like to give a few explanations of what love is. Scientific explanation, formulations:

  1. This is a strong heart feeling, an emotional attraction.
  2. Sexual attraction, attraction.
  3. Strong positive emotions.
  4. Intimacy, tenderness.

But in general, we can say that love from a scientific point of view is pure chemistry.


It will also be interesting that you can see love. Photos, pictures - they perfectly illustrate this feeling. However, this is not enough for art. Many writers also thought about what love is. She is sung in verses, songs, necessarily appears on the pages of prose stories and novels. Various have already become so famous that people sometimes don’t even know who said it and what work they are taken from.

  1. Boris Pasternak: "Love is a lofty disease."
  2. Stendhal, "On Love": "Love is like a fever, it can come and go without the slightest feeling of a person's will."
  3. Haruki Murakami, "Kafka on the Beach": "Every person who falls in love is looking for something they lack."
  4. "Physiology of marriage" Honore de Balzac: "Real affection is blind. You should not judge the people you love."
  5. Shakespeare, "A Midsummer Night's Dream": "That's why Cupids are portrayed as blind, because the lover looks not with his eyes, but with his heart."
  6. Fyodor Dostoevsky, "The Brothers Karamazov": "What is hell? Regret that you can not love even more."

And there are many more such statements. As for the nuances, they will all be different, but they will still have a single line.

Philosophers: Erich Fromm

Philosophers also have their own works on this topic. They talked a lot about love, giving information from a variety of points of view. Now I would like to pay attention to Erich Fromm and his work "The Art of Loving". What interesting conclusions did this philosopher make in his work. So, in his opinion, love is not just a sentimental feeling that can arise in a person. This is not enough, not enough. In order for love to develop, develop and grow morally, the person himself must. The first step that everyone must take is to realize that love is an art, akin to the art of living. And in order to understand love in its entirety, each person must perceive it as something more than a given. The philosopher also says that in addition to love, there is some other form of relationship, a symbiotic unity. It is of two types:

  1. Passive is, to some extent, masochism, when a person submits himself to the will of another, becomes an integral part of him. In this case, he loses his individuality.
  2. Active is sadism, when one person subjugates the will of another person, making him an integral part of himself.

However, mature love is the opposite of these forms of relationships. This is the union of two people while maintaining their personality, individuality, integrity. According to Erich Fromm, love is a kind of force that breaks down walls, helping a person to reunite with another person. Real mature love is a paradox: two people become one, while remaining two personalities. Important nuances of love, according to the author:

  1. If a person loves, he will give (himself, his life).
  2. A person is completely interested in the life of his partner.
  3. Partners must respect each other.

Fromm on the objects of love

  1. Brotherly love is fundamental, the basis of other types. This is respect, care, responsibility.
  2. A mother's love is the first love in every person's life. Its essence, according to the author, should involve the woman's desire for the child to separate from her in the future.
  3. Erotic love is a complete carnal unity with one person.
  4. Self love. The author writes that this should not be confused with selfishness, these are different concepts. Only by loving yourself, a person can become loved and someone else.
  5. religious form of love.

Philosopher Carl Jung

What other philosophers talked about love? So, why not turn to the writings of Carl Gustave Jung, who at the same time was a great psychiatrist and at the same time also a student of Sigmund Freud? His main and favorite phrase: “Nothing is possible without love,” from which many conclusions can already be drawn. According to the author, love is the most powerful all-conquering factor in human life. So, it is impossible to consider this topic without two archetypes that are inherent in every person: Anima and the so-called personification of the unconscious beginning of a representative of the opposite sex in the psyche of each individual person. These halves are attracted to people. What, according to Jung, is love? The definition of love given by the author: the traits hidden in a person are in another person, and they also attract him, arousing a feeling of love.

Anthropology about love

The definition of the word "love" also tried to give such a science as anthropology. Why We Love: The Nature and Chemistry of Romantic Love deserves special attention. Here she identified three fundamental whales of this feeling: attachment (a sense of security and tranquility), romance (the most powerful stimulant for the emergence of love) and lust (satisfaction of natural needs).


Be sure to mention that there is also a religious definition of love. The Bible has a lot to say about this feeling.

  1. Prov. 10:12: "... the love of a man covers all his sins..."
  2. Song of Songs 8:6-7: “… love is strong as death; she is fierce, like the underworld; her arrows are fiery; its flame is very strong. Rivers and great waters will not flood it.”
  3. 1 Pet. 4:8 “... Have love for one another, for it is love that covers all sins.”
  4. 1 John. 4:7-8,18: "... love is from God, everyone who loves is born of God and knows God."
  5. 2 John. 6 "... love consists in this, that all should do according to the commandments of God."

These are not all quotes about love that can be found in the main book of mankind, but they fully reflect the mood and definition of this feeling according to religious canons.


  1. Passion. Attraction, excitement. This is the physical side of love.
  2. Proximity. Friendship, unity. emotional side.
  3. Commitments. Willingness to solve the couple's problems, caring. This is the moral aspect of this feeling.

Love in Greek

The theme of love has been touched upon by all peoples and cultures. At this stage, I would like to talk about what types of love the ancient Greeks singled out.

  1. Agape. It's not just love, but more compassion. The highest type, when a person can give his all without expecting anything in return.
  2. Eros is passion. However, this is not always a bodily passion; it can also be spiritual. Eros by its nature is delight, love.
  3. Filia, or sons, is brotherly love. A calmer feeling, the main thing here is spirituality.
  4. Storge is more like an attachment. Most often it is marital love.

These four types of love are still basic today, but in the modern world there are other subtypes of them. Such a type as mania may turn out to be interesting - this is madness, love-obsession.

household level

As already mentioned above, for each person love is something different, special. Everyone understands it in their own way, there is nothing wrong with that. How can one characterize love in a simple way, without referring to the opinions of scientists, writers or philosophers?

  1. Love is the desire to do something good for a loved one, to constantly please him.
  2. “What kind of love is there if I can’t breathe without it” (feature film “Love and Doves”). Love is the desire to always be with a loved one, if not physically, then at least mentally.
  3. Love is constantly thinking about whether the person you love is well: is he warm, has he eaten, is he okay.
  4. Love is more about giving than receiving without thinking about it at all.

To love means to forgive, to try to be better, not to pay attention to shortcomings. Love is a constant work not only on relationships, but also on yourself. This is work that can only be rewarded after years.

Feelings don't go unnoticed. What about scientific love?

Maybe understanding the mechanism of heart affairs can save you from fatal mistakes? Let's figure it out. So love is...

way to survive

There are some animal species that, like humans, live in pairs all their lives. Wolves, for example, or let's take a more romantic image - swans.

Before forming a "family" union, they go through three stages of bringing together relationships: desire, inspiration and affection, aimed at a specific object. The meaning of love between couples in animals is to save effort, so as not to be wasted on numerous applicants, but to focus on procreation.


Scientists have found that two areas of the brain responsible for “rewards” are excited during falling in love. Therefore, the question of whether, from a scientific point of view, many of them will answer: "Increased amount of dopamine in the body." It is this substance found in cocaine that causes a feeling of pleasure.


What is love? From a scientific point of view - captivity, albeit sweet, but for someone bitter. It is difficult for a person to part with the object of his love. To do this, you need to create certain conditions: you need a complete immersion in new things, a different environment, a different team.

temporary phenomenon

The duration of love is from one and a half to three years. It is this time period that guarantees the participation of the father in the upbringing of a joint child. Subject to natural barriers (separation, one-sided feeling), love lasts much longer.

A period of high spirits and stupidity

When a person loves, the areas of the brain responsible for negative emotions and rational decisions go to sleep. That's why they say: "Love is blind."


Significantly low levels of serotonin - that's what love is. Scientifically, it can be treated with conventional medicines. The reason for this is the same dopamine, which turns off the human control system. It is not difficult to guess that love can be cured by increasing serotonin.

Source of depression

One-sided love gradually increases the content of dopamine in the human body, which, as expected, leads to an upbeat and inspired mood. Then the increasing level of the substance leads the person to a state of rage and exacerbation of love experiences. The final stage occurs when the level of dopamine drops significantly, depression occurs.

Feeling for novelty

A change of scenery can affect the revival of a feeling that has become familiar. Provided that a loving couple will do this consciously, real love will become their constant companion.

Certain areas of the cerebral cortex

In men, this is the area responsible for vision, in women - for memory. Therefore, for a man, the appearance of his beloved is important, and for a woman - signs of attention that she will keep in her memories.

The most vivid impressions and emotions come to people when they love, madly in love. And in this state of falling in love, a substance with an interesting name is produced in the human brain. phenethylamine, it is also called the substance of love". At this moment, it seems that you have grown wings, that you are ready for absolutely any feat. And this happens because this love drug affects the logical centers of consciousness, so all subsequent actions of such a person cannot be rationally explained. Probably everyone who has ever experienced the love of a person has a story about such reckless actions that he did during his love ...

Scientists studying the mechanisms of depression and elation have recently made significant discoveries regarding chemical compounds in the human brain called neurotransmitters. The progenitor of all neurotransmitters, the one that makes men and women go crazy, can be considered a substance called phenylethylamine, or simply PEA. The mechanism of action of PEA is as follows: the human brain is divided into separate sections, and in general it resembles a large grapefruit in size (although when a person loses his head because of love, one can safely say that his brain shrinks to the size of a pea). The first of the sections is located exactly above the spinal cord and is responsible for such instincts as the instinct for survival, the instinct for protecting the territory, etc., these are the most important instincts of human life. The next area, the limbic system, governs such emotions as anger, depression, hatred and their opposites: calmness, contentment, love. The third region, the cortex, is most similar to a ball of pasta and is what we think of when we think of the brain. This area is responsible for our thought processes.

All three of these sites are interconnected by hundreds of billions of nerve impulses (the difference varies by plus or minus a couple of billion, depending on the individual) that are transmitted from neuron to neuron. PEA is located at the endings of nerve cells and helps impulses move from one neuron to another. But there is one problem: PEA itself is a natural amphetamine that takes us to seventh heaven. Therefore, when you see a person to whom you are ready to surrender without a fight, the system that produces FEA immediately begins to overfulfill the plan. PEA flows overwhelm all parts of the brain - including the one that is responsible for rational thinking. Therefore, you not only endure the intrusion of a loved one on your own territory, but also feel (through the efforts of the limbic system) incredibly happy (or terribly unhappy, depending on the circumstances).

These are the interesting things going on in our head when we love :)

text - mine, photo - Internet)

5 chose

Love is a magical feeling. But scientists are trying to sort out any magic, find its formula and explain it from a scientific point of view. Let's get ahead of today Valentine's Day, let's try to look at this feeling with their rational eyes.

It's no secret that the feeling of falling in love is caused by certain chemical processes that occur in our body. For example, "butterflies in the stomach"- this is adrenaline, dopamine is responsible for the feeling of euphoria, oxytocin is responsible for tenderness and affection. All these substances, according to scientists, act like a drug and even cause psychological dependence. Therefore, when love passes, a person may begin to break down - depression. In addition, hormones reduce critical thinking in relation to the object of love. In other words, we see only advantages in a loved one and do not notice any shortcomings at all.

Serotonin is the enemy of monogamy

But serotonin can be a cure for love. Scientists conducted such an experiment - they gave mice a loading dose of serotonin. This led to the fact that usually monogamous rodents rejected their regular partners and began to lead a wild life. So be careful with antidepressants, which also increase serotonin levels.

sweet feeling

Have you ever thought about why boyfriends often give girls sweets, chocolate hearts and other sweets? It turns out that this seemingly innocent tradition has a biological explanation. Chocolate contains substances that help you fall in love. Scientists have found that sweet tooth fall in love more often than those who are on a diet.

Love lives three years

This famous statement has a scientific basis. Active production of love hormones lasts from 18 months to three years. This is the so-called "bouquet-candy period": hormones create a positive attitude and smooth out sharp corners in relationships. Such a system was thought out by nature so that a man does not leave a woman and at least for the first years helps to take care of the common offspring. It turns out that three years of love is such a natural "maternity leave".

This does not mean that after three years love passes and you need to leave. It's just that people take off their rose-colored glasses and begin to perceive each other more adequately. Sometimes this turning point is accompanied by quarrels, and in some cases it really leads to a break. But often people successfully overcome problems and move to a new level: their relationship becomes more balanced, but no less tender.

Stress is not a hindrance to love

When you read about the war or about other difficult periods of history, you are surprised that, despite all the horror of what is happening, people loved and fell in love. It turns out that extreme situations not only do not contradict love, but can also provoke it. After all, the stress hormone adrenaline is also responsible for falling in love. So, if in a difficult situation a suitable candidate is found on the horizon, falling in love with him is as easy as shelling pears.

The scientists did a funny experiment. A pretty girl left her phone to different men. So, it was mostly those who shortly before that experienced a stressful situation called back to her - for example, they forded a mountain river.

And yet scientists have not convinced me. Love is a magical feeling.

And I wish you as much of this magic as possible in your life!

Love, from a scientific point of view, can be said to be a chemical reaction in which hormones and chemicals are produced, they arouse admiration, sympathy, attraction to the person you like.

Love, from the point of view of science, has three stages, which are affected by different chemicals formed in the body.

At the first stage, which is called falling in love, the hormones testosterone and estrogen are produced in excess. Estrogens are steroid hormones produced mainly in the body of a woman. Testosterone is the main sex hormone in men. These hormones regulate attraction in both men and women, and are found in both. Only one is predominant, and the second is usually contained in a small amount.

Just with an increase in the level of these hormones, a feeling of passion, attraction, falling in love appears, when there is a desire to see the object of desire, to be with him. If this does not happen, then insomnia, anxiety, apathy appear, appetite disappears,

When a beloved object of adoration appears, breathing quickens, throws into heat, palms sweat, it is hard to speak. All this is explained by the fact that a surge of hormones provokes the brain to produce certain substances: serotonin, norepinephrine and dopamine. The substance serotonin is a neurotransmitter of the brain, getting into the bloodstream it turns into a hormone and causes a surge of vigor and strength, gives confidence, inner happiness. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter from the group of phenylethylamines, responsible for pleasure. Produced in the brain of people, it causes a feeling of stormy unbridled joy and happiness, euphoria. Moreover, an increase in dopamine reduces the level of serotonin and vice versa. Norepinephrine is released when there is a stressful situation. It neutralizes the hormone of fear and causes a feeling of confidence, leads to action. In this state, a person is ready to solve any problems, to carry out various tasks.

The feelings of strong passion that have arisen lead to various changes in the body. Usually this is a feeling of boundless happiness, euphoria, delight, great joy, with mutual love, or deep depression, with an unrequited feeling. Phenylethylamine is the main substance that affects the centers of the brain, controlling logical thinking and actions.

It activates neurotransmitters (dopamine), stimulating the work of the central nervous system.

Phenylethylamine is present in chocolate and other sweets.

Feeling in love requires endogenous phenylethylamine, which is secreted by the brain.

At the beginning of a passionate and enthusiastic relationship, different parts of the brain are activated in men and women. In men, it is responsible for vision, in women, for hearing. Therefore, it is very important for a man how his beloved looks, and for a girl, compliments from her beloved.


Feeling of affection is the next stage of love and trust, which replaces falling in love. Two different hormones, oxytocin and vasopressin, control it. They are responsible for tenderness, care and fidelity. Oxytocin - the hormone of love and motherhood, strengthens the mutual bond of lovers. The stronger their physical relationship, the stronger their union and the greater the love. The level of oxytocin increases with touch, kissing, making love. - read and understand the psychology of such attachment (Be sure to read)

Vasopressin, close to oxytocin, is also responsible for emotional attachment. He controls monogamy. The fidelity of the partner depends on its quantity in the cerebral cortex. If the amount is suppressed, then the man loses interest in his partner.

There is a big difference between these hormone brothers: lack of oxytocin does not affect health in any way, since vasopressin deficiency causes various serious diseases, such as Parhon's syndrome, hyperpexic syndrome, non-diabetic antidiabetes and others. He is the only regulator of urine output from the kidneys, and it is he who is responsible for water retention in the body. Therefore, an excess of it can cause irreparable harm.

Choosing the perfect partner

The third stage of love is the choice of the most suitable, one might say, ideal partner. He can leave the first two stages: after falling in love, addiction and confirmation that this is the same partner comes. Or it can go in parallel. The right choice is the choice of a partner with good genes, an excellent immune system, strong and more adapted to life. This is a guarantee that the offspring will be healthy, strong, intelligent, capable of survival, talented, and will become successful people.

At the third stage, other substances are already acting - pheromones. These are substances that are released on human skin, along with sweat, this is a natural aroma inherent in every person. Pheromone Aroma In animals, this odor helps determine the healthiest and strongest male. The same thing happens with people. In men, the sex hormone androsterone, which is produced from the hormone testosterone, acts. The smell of it attracts women at the beginning of the cycle. The female hormones that attract men are copulins.

The unique and inimitable smell of pheromone will not let you make a mistake and helps you find the only one you need among thousands of people. There is a scientific version that similar people are attracted by DNA analysis.

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