Kera Cardiotissa Monastery and the Icon of the Mother of God of the Heart. Monastery of Our Lady of Kera Kardiotisa. Crete Kera monastery on the map

Bearing structures 11.02.2022
Bearing structures

Almost the entire territory of the Byzantine Empire was conquered by the Ottoman Turks, who were not careful with the heritage of Byzantine culture (they simply got rid of it). There are not many places left where you can see such an interesting collection of frescoes from this period.

Unfortunately, the frescoes are not in the best condition now, although, given their age, and these are works of art of the 14th century, they are quite well preserved. As we were told, restoration is not yet planned.

The original icon of the Mother of God Kardiotissa

The original icon has its own destiny, which has nothing to do with the monastery. It is quite possible, and for the best, that the icon was taken to Italy. It is difficult to say whether she could survive the Turkish rule in Crete. Many Orthodox relics in Greece were destroyed during this period.

The icon ended up in the Church of St. Matthew in Rome, where it was from 1498 to 1799. From here she was transferred to the monastery of St. Eusebius, where she stayed for another 128 years until 1927. And already in 1927 it was transferred to the church of San Alfonso, also in Rome, in the area of ​​the Esquiline Hill.

If you find yourself in Rome, you can visit this church, the icon is still there.

The photo on the right shows the courtyard of the monastery and a fragment of the column, with which the icon arrived from Constantinople. Believe this legend or not, decide for yourself.

How to get to Kera Kardiotissa Monastery

The easiest way to do this is during an organized tour. There are no special excursions to Kera Kardiotissa. Usually, a visit to the monastery is included in other excursion programs “in the load”. If you definitely want to come here, you will have to choose one of them.

If you are traveling by car, the first thing to consider is the opening hours of the monastery. It is closed from 13:00 to 15:30. You need to drive from Heraklion along the E75 highway to the city of Agios Nikolaos, in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe city, turn onto the road to the village of Kritsa, then look for signs to the monastery.

Don't forget about clothes as you go to an Orthodox church. Men must take off their hats when entering the church premises. Women should stock up on a headscarf. Clothing should be modest.

Have a good trip, and read our other articles about Greece ( links below).

The revered icon of Kardiotissa was painted in accordance with the iconographic type "Tenderness". Cardiotissa in Greek means heart. The Most Holy Theotokos is depicted on it with her shoulders and with maternal love bows her face to the Christ Child, who, in turn, wraps her arms around the face of Her Blessed Mother. The history of this icon is connected with the convent of Kera Kardiotissa, which still functions on the island of Crete. The second name of the monastery is the abode of the Mother of God of the Heart. The Byzantine church, located on its territory, became famous for its shrine - the miraculous icon of Kardiotissa. It is known about many healings that occurred after a prayer performed in front of the image. These miracles glorified the icon and it was stolen several times and taken away from the monastery, but the icon of the Mother of God Kardiotissa invariably returned back by some miracle. In 1948, the shrine was taken to the church of St. Alphonse in Rome. Since that time, an old copy of the icon has been kept in the monastery of Kera Kardiotissa. The last time the image was stolen was in 1982, but the icon had such an effect on the thieves that they abandoned it.

Help of the Orthodox icon Kardiotissa - heals from infertility

Since the 8th century, for many years, the ancient icon has been delivering those in need from illnesses and infirmities. From all corners of the Earth, pilgrims flock to ask the Most Holy Theotokos to find the opportunity to have children. In accordance with the name, in front of the icon of the Mother of God Kardiotissa, prayers are also offered for deliverance from heart diseases. This image is truly extraordinary. There is a legend that when someone prays especially fervently in front of him, tears appear in the eyes of the Mother of God. In addition to the image itself, the chains with which the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos Kardiotissa was chained to a rock in order to prevent another theft are considered miraculous. According to the testimonies of the brethren of the monastery, women who are desperate to become pregnant wrap themselves in these chains, pray, and are cured of infertility. All cases of healings are carefully recorded in the monastery chronicle.

Where to buy an Orthodox icon of Kardiotissa?

In the monastery of Kerra Kardiotissa, copies of the icon are sold in different sizes and in different designs. Each icon has a certificate confirming that the image was bought in Crete. In Russia, the icon of Kardiotissa is a rarity. Buying it in icon shops is quite problematic. What to do if you do not have the opportunity to visit Crete? In this case, master icon painters will come to the rescue, who will make a custom-made Christian image for you. Needlewomen will be able to embroider the holy image on their own due to the fact that online needlework stores offer ready-made kits for embroidering the Russian Orthodox icon of the Blessed Mother of God Kardiotissa, both with beads and with a cross.

Monastery of Kera Kardiotissa

On the way to the Lassithi plateau, near the village of Kera, there is the convent of Kera Kardiotissa - Our Lady of the Heart. It is located in a picturesque place, surrounded by mountains at an altitude of 622 meters. Inside the monastery there is a Byzantine church, the main shrine of which is the icon of the Mother of God Kardiotissa. The icon is famous for healing the suffering, as well as for its legendary history and numerous adventures.

The monastery was built in the XIII century in the Byzantine period. The name of the monastery was given by the icon of the Mother of God Kardiotissa, which was painted, according to legend, in the 8th century by the monk-icon painter Saint Lazarus. Since ancient times, the icon was considered miraculous: it healed the sick and the weak, especially it helped women who did not have children. present day, is a mine written in 1735.

Three times the miraculous icon was stolen by the Turks and taken to Constantinople, but it invariably returned. They even made an attempt to chain the icon to a marble column, but this did not give any results. The icon of the Mother of God Kardiotissa has returned again, as they say, along with a chain and even a column. Indeed, in the monastery courtyard there is a column, and on the iconostasis next to the image there is a chain. Indeed, a miraculous icon! In 1498, the icon of Kerr Kardiotissa was stolen by a wine merchant and taken to Italy. And that icon, which is in the monastery to this day, is a mine, painted in 1735.

Gallery at the monastery
Kera Kardiotissa

However, it is also considered miraculous, to see the place here is special - holy.

However, the sanctity of the place did not prevent military operations: after the fall of the Byzantine Empire and the capture of Crete by the Turks, the territory Monastery of Kera Kardiotissa served as a haven and shelter for the rebels. And during the 2nd World War, the German command equipped a prison in the monastery.

Today Monastery of Kera Kardiotissa is a quiet and peaceful place. It can hide 25 people from worldly temptations, but today only a few nuns and abbesses live there. On the territory of the monastery there is a museum, which presents items of church utensils and books.

And once again she was kidnapped in May 1982 by antiquities smugglers, they just abandoned her, it is believed that under the power of her extraordinary influence. She was taken to the church of St. Mina in Heraklion, from where the believers carried her in their arms for 50 km to be placed in her original place, in the church of the monastery.

Now it is located in the Catholic (cathedral, universal) church of the monastery, under it is the inscription of the Mother of God and Lady Kardiotissa (Kera Kardiotissa), this is the name of the nunnery today, which is located at the entrance to the Lasithi plateau on the island of Crete. The icon was painted in 1795 by an unknown artist on a copper sheet.

  • Where to stay: In the most developed in terms of tourism, as well as the most central and numerous archipelago of the Aegean Sea - the blessed Cyclades, the variety of hotels of which will satisfy every taste. On the islands of the Saronic Gulf, tourists will find a remarkable entertainment industry, while on the Ionian Islands and the Dodecanese archipelago, nature and beach-holiday fun are in the right balance. The Eastern Sporades are very beautiful and secluded, and the Northern Sporades and the North Aegean archipelago are even too secluded - people come here mainly on excursions. Everything that is in Greece can be found in the popular Crete.
  • What to watch: The Greek islands are a concentration of natural and historical attractions. Among the cozy bays of the rugged coastline, picturesque fishing villages lurk, centuries-old olive groves hide the ruins of ancient civilizations, snow-white walls of houses shine in the sun, and tiled roofs are painted in bright crimson hues in the evenings. And from the Greek Islands you can easily get to the mainland - for example, to see firsthand the greatness of Athens, Sparta or Meteor.
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Sun, sea, picturesque landscapes, fresh air, pristine nature, organic products. The largest island of Greece is washed by three seas - Cretan, Libyan, Ionian - choose any. Crete is one of the most popular European resorts. But that's not all. The main pearl of the island is Christian shrines.

In the 1st century, the Apostle Paul preached here with his disciple Titus. When the apostle left these lands, he left a disciple in his place, ordaining him a bishop. The honest head of Titus is a precious shrine of these places. It is kept in the capital of Crete - Heraklion, in the Cathedral of St. Titus. During the Turkish invasion, the chapter was transported to Venice and only in 1966, several centuries later, returned to its homeland.

25 kilometers from Heraklion is the oldest monastery - Panagia Paliani, known from the chronicles since 632. The foundation of the monastery is associated with the miracle of the appearance of the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos. Once there was a strong fire in the forest, the locals heard in the thicket a female voice crying for help.

After the fire, an icon of the Mother of God with the image of a tree was found in the burnt branches, which soon began to sprout and grew for several centuries, gradually hiding the image in the branches. While the image was visible, a list was made from it, now it is kept in the main temple of the monastery and is revered as miraculous. And the myrtle tree still grows in the monastery, carefully guarded by the sisters. Its twigs, bark and leaves have healing powers, and there are many testimonies of it. The icon, hidden by the branches, is sometimes shown, but not to everyone. Children see her.

The monastery of Arcadia in the minds of the Greek people personifies strength, courage and sacrifice. During the struggle against the Ottoman yoke, the defenders of the monastery - monks and laity - fought without any hope of victory, the forces were too unequal. All of them died, and the monastery was blown up. But the heroism of the dead inspired the whole people to a selfless struggle, which swept away the oppressors with the crushing power of faith. In the main temple of the monastery, dedicated to the Transfiguration of the Lord, there is an icon of the Savior, on which the gore of the martyrs, the defenders of the holy place, has been preserved.

The 14th-century convent of St. Marina is one of the most beloved places of pilgrimage. The icon of this saint is glorified by many healings - from infertility, cancer, nervous diseases. On the day of remembrance of St. Marina, on July 17, many pilgrims come to the monastery - both Cretans and guests of the island.

The spring, originating from under the altar part of the main cathedral of the monastery, also has healing properties.

The treasury of the Cretan shrines is inexhaustible, from which you can endlessly draw spiritual wealth, consolation and healing. Come to Crete, see for yourself!

Crete pilgrimage program

8 days / 7 nights

1st day.

Arrival at the airport of the Greek island of Crete. Transfer to the hotel. Hotel accommodation.

2nd day.

Heraklion. Cathedral of St. Titus the Apostle in Heraklion. Divine Liturgy. The Holy Apostle Titus is the most revered saint in Crete and the patron saint of the island. He was a disciple of the Apostle Paul and was the first to preach Christianity on the island. In the chapel at the temple there is a shrine with the honest head of the holy Apostle Titus. City tour.

Cathedral of Saint Mina. One of the largest and most impressive temples in Greece. Saint Mina was from Egypt, served as an officer in the Roman army and was brutally executed for preaching Christianity. Many times the image of St. Min on a horse appeared and saved people, especially during the period of occupation, when the Turks killed Christians in Crete.

Church of the holy martyr. Catherine.

3rd day.

Monastery of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin - Panagia Paliani. The oldest nunnery of the island of Crete, located 25 km from Heraklion. The miraculous icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary with a sprouted tree. There are many cases of healing of women who fervently prayed before this icon for the gift of children. The stone from the Holy Sepulcher of the Virgin and the Cross with a piece of the Holy Tree are kept in the temple.

Monastery of Kaliviani. The spiritual center of the monastery is the temple of the Life-Giving Spring, preserved from the 14th century, with the miraculous icon of the same name of the Most Holy Theotokos residing in it. The relics of the monk-martyrs who suffered for their faith from the Turks were miraculously found in the monastery. In the temple there is an ark with particles of the relics of St. vmch. George, St. vmch. Panteleimon, St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, St. vmch. Catherine.

Monastery of the Holy Martyr. George. Located 30 km south of Heraklion. This is the largest male monastery on the island of Crete. Founded in 1614 by order of St. vmch. George, who appeared to the monk Paisios. The revered shrine of the monastery is part of the relics of St. vmch. George the Victorious. Through prayers to St. George, during a drought, a spring gushed out of the ground, which has survived to this day. Visit to the Museum of History.

4th day.

Agarafu Monastery. This was the name of the tree under which the miraculous icon of the Most Holy Theotokos was revealed. The 7E tree has survived to this day, although the monastery was founded in the 15th century. Located 23 km east of Heraklion in a wooded area. Degustation of monastery wine.

Monastery of the Holy Martyr Marina in Voni. XIV century. The miraculous icon of St. Marina is kept here and there is a source of healing water.

Visit to the pottery workshops in Frapsano.

Cathedral of St. Andrew of Crete in Arkalohori. Prayer.

Monastery of Kera Kardiotissa. It is located 50 km southeast of Heraklion in a mountainous area next to the road leading to Lassithi. The creation of the monastery is associated with the miraculous icon of the Mother of God (Kera means Mother of God). Twice they tried to take the icon to Constantinople, they chained it to a marble column, but it miraculously returned back to the monastery.

Abode of the holy martyr. Panteleimon in Fodele. Located near Heraklion among orange and olive groves. The main shrine of the monastery is a part of the relics from the hand of St. vmch. Panteleimon.

5th day.

Church and cell of St. Myron. Located in one of the most beautiful places on the island. Saint Myron helped poor people many times. One night, having met thieves in his house, he helped them carry away the loot. Miron believed that a person who decided to steal was in great need. There is a legend about how Saint Myron appeared in a dream to an officer of Nazi Germany during the occupation of the island and saved his village from burning. This is evidenced by the paintings in the cell of the saint, which is hollowed out in a small cave, there is also a well with healing water. A ladle hangs on the wall, with which you can draw water from the well. According to the testimony of local residents, if a person is burdened with serious sins, the scoop will not fill with water.

Monastery of Saint Anthony. Located in the foothills near the village of Zaros. Founded in the second half of the 10th century. The miraculous icon of St. Anthony is especially revered. Water from the source, which is located at the gates of the monastery, is considered healing.

6th day.

Rethymno. City tour.

Monastery of the Holy Martyr Irina. Shrines - a miraculous icon and a particle of the relics of the holy martyr Irina.

Monastery of the Transfiguration of the Lord in Kube. Founded during the reign of the Venetians. During the Turkish occupation, it was destroyed to the ground. After the vision of the Athonite monk Nestor, whose birthplace was the island of Crete, and with the blessing of the Athos elders, the monastery began its revival. During the restoration, an image of St. John the Baptist, after whom one of the temples of the monastery was named.

Monastery of St. vmch. George Arsaniu. Founded at the end of the 16th century. Honored shrines - the rib of St. vmch. George the Victorious and part of the relics of St. Charalampia.

Monastery of Arcadia. Founded in the 5th century, a symbol of Cretan freedom. During the liberation struggle against the Ottoman yoke, the defenders of the monastery - monks and laity - heroically fought against the Turks and died in battle, inspiring the Cretans to fight for freedom with their courage.

7th day.

Free day.

8th day.

Airport transfer. Flight to Moscow.

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