To Paris from Germany. Excursions and tours from paris to other countries, france Excursions from paris by bus in europe

Plaster 11.02.2022



Documents required for issuing visas at the consulate

Official website of the France Visa Application Centre:

Please note that in connection with the opening of the French Visa Center in Yekaterinburg, such regions as: Ural Federal District, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Tyumen, Chelyabinsk, Sverdlovsk, Kurgan regions are issued in Yekaterinburg.

Documents required for obtaining a French visa in St. Petersburg

Note! Submission of documents is carried out personally by tourists, if fingerprints were not given after 09/14/2015.

Re-entry of documents is carried out for an additional fee of 10 USD. per person (if the tourists did not come at the appointed time).

Service and visa center of France - St. Petersburg, st. Bolshaya Raznochinnaya, 16A (entrance from Chkalovsky pr. 7), 3rd floor

The Northwestern Consular District includes the following territories: Leningrad Region, Republic of Karelia, Murmansk and Murmansk Region, Arkhangelsk and Arkhangelsk Region (excluding Kolguev Island and the Kanin Peninsula), Pskov Region, Vologda Region, Kaliningrad and Novgorod Region.

Children under 18 additionally:

For students:

  • Help from studies
  • Bank statement showing availability of funds (the statement must contain the contact phone number and address of the branch).

For the unemployed:

Documents required for issuing visas at the French Consulate in Moscow

For students and schoolchildren: certificate from the place of study. a photocopy of a student or student (if any) ticket.

For the unemployed: certificate of employment from husband/wife/children + proof of kinship (photocopy of marriage certificate/photocopy of birth certificate) + sponsorship order.

For pensioners: a photocopy of a pension certificate, a bank statement sufficient to make a trip. When sponsoring a trip, you must provide a certificate of employment or a bank statement of the person who is the sponsor + a copy of the first page (with a photo) of the sponsor's passport + sponsorship order. Only a relative can sponsor a trip. It is necessary to provide documents confirming the relationship.

Individual entrepreneur who goes on a tourist trip himself must attach: 1) a photocopy of the certificate of registration of the individual entrepreneur, 2) a certificate of registration with the tax authority, as well as a tax return for the billing period. If a tourist works for an individual entrepreneur, then he must attach a photocopy of the certificate of registration of the individual entrepreneur, a certificate of registration with the tax authority to the certificate from the place of work. If the sponsor is an Individual Entrepreneur, then the documents must be provided by analogy, as if he were driving himself (a photocopy of the certificate of registration of an individual entrepreneur, a certificate of registration with the tax authority, as well as a tax return for the billing period).

For children under 18:

  • Photocopy of birth certificate.
  • A photocopy of the notarized consent. Consent must be issued for a period of not less than 2 months (the date of departure in the power of attorney is indicated a month before the trip!!!) and must be valid from the moment it is issued by a notary. Consent to self-pickup is excluded, and if it is impossible to obtain consent from one of the parents, documents confirming the reason for her absence (copy of death certificate, certificate of a single mother, form 25 and birth certificate of the mother, etc.). The consent must contain the personal data of the parents, the exact dates of the trip to France, the personal data of the accompanying person (in the case of a trip accompanied by a relative, indicating the degree of relationship), the purpose of the stay in France (tourism).
  • If the child is traveling with both parents to France: CONSENT TO DEPARTURE IS NOT REQUIRED.
  • Be sure to indicate in the text of the power of attorney "20-23 clauses of the Law" and "departure to the Schengen countries, including France."
  • Photocopies of parents' Russian passports (page with photo and registration).
  • A bank statement sufficient to complete the trip. When sponsoring a trip, you must provide a certificate of employment or a bank statement of the person who sponsors the trip + a copy of the first page (with a photo) of the sponsor's passport + sponsorship statement. Only a relative can sponsor a trip. Proof of relationship must be provided

Dear Clients!

Since September 14, 2015, all applicants for a Schengen visa are required to submit biometric data, which includes 10 fingerprints and a photograph. More

Re-entry of documents is carried out for an additional fee of 10 USD. per person (if the tourists did not come at the appointed time).

Using this link you can choose the closest location for your visa application, as well as for the submission of biometric data

The address of the visa application center in Moscow:

Kashirskoye shosse, 3, building 2, building 4, (business center “Sirius Park”)
Moscow, Russian Federation, 115230

The nearest metro station is Nagatinskaya metro station, (for the convenience of applicants, a transfer is organized from the metro station to the Sirius Park business center, you can find a transport stop

Passengers boarding / disembarking near the metro is carried out at the public transport stop "Platform Nizhnie Kotly" at the address: st. Nagatinskaya, 2/1.

On the territory of the Business Quarter, a bus stop is provided to the left of the large atrium between buildings 4 and 9.

For identification purposes, special plates with the inscription and logo of the SIRIUS PARK Business Quarter are placed on the windshield of vehicles.

If you are unable to apply during Visa Application Centre's working hours, you can use the Prime Time service. For more information, please see

You can find up-to-date information about the work of the Visa Application Center on holidays in the section News and notifications

Note! When submitting and receiving documents by our company:

Submission and registration of tourists is carried out only with full payment.
Registration of tourists is carried out only after the provision of a complete set of documents (must include email address).

Be sure to indicate the estimated time of visiting the visa center, convenient for the tourist.
The procedure is carried out only by appointment on weekdays from 13:00 to 16:00.

Each tourist must have with him in printed form when undergoing the procedure for taking biometric data (we will send this package to your email address):

  • confirmation of the tourist's entry indicating the date and time for the procedure at the visa center
  • a photocopy of the 1st page of the foreign passport + the original of the internal passport.

Submission and receipt of documents is carried out by our company:

  • On the day of submission, our employee submits the applicant's documents in the morning and makes payment.
  • On the same day from 13:00 to 16:00 at the designated time) the applicant must submit biometric data at the Finland Visa Application Center at the address: St. Petersburg, Marata street 5, Mayakovskaya metro station.
  • If he does not come for biometrics, his documents will be returned for a second procedure.
  • Re-entry of documents is carried out for an additional fee of 10 USD. from a person.

Please note that the date of issuance of the visa communicated to you is estimated and does not guarantee the issuance of the visa within this period. We kindly ask you to plan your trips in advance. Unfortunately, travel agencies do not have any influence on the consulate and it is not possible to speed up the visa processing process.

Dear customers, we provide assistance in obtaining multiple Schengen visas through the Consulate General of Finland for tourists who have a permanent residence permit in the North-West region (except for Karelia, the Murmansk region, the Kaliningrad region).

According to the Schengen rules, first of all, Schengen visas should be obtained at the embassies or consulates of the main countries of residence. If the main host country is another Schengen country, the Embassy or Consulate of Finland cannot issue a visa, even if the trip is in transit through Finland. For example, if you plan to travel by car through Finland to Sweden on vacation, then you should obtain a visa from the Embassy or Consulate of Sweden.

The cost of obtaining a Finnish multi-visa:

  • 80 euro visa without insurance
  • 80 euros (semi-annual, annual) + 550 rubles. insurance (for 30 days)
If you order a visa without insurance, then to submit documents you must provide the original of your insurance, it is not returned from the consulate. The insurance must not contain a deductible, must be valid at the time of submission of documents, the minimum coverage is 35,000 euros, the coverage area is all Schengen states or the whole world. The insurance must be from an insurance company accredited by the Consulate General of Finland.

The Consulate General of Finland allows the request for annual multi-visas only if the tourist has already had Finnish multi-visas in the last 3 years.

Please note that if you are over 70 years old, the cost of insurance is higher than the standard one.

Increasing coefficient for insurance by age:

For other ages (including children from 7 to 18 years old), the cost of insurance is standard, i.e. 550 rub.

Accordingly, in order to calculate the cost of a visa with insurance for tourists whose age falls under the criteria of this table, it is necessary to multiply the cost of standard insurance by the appropriate multiplying factor and add the cost of the visa to the resulting number.

Documents required for issuing visas at the Consulate of Finland

From 01.09 new requirements for documents come into play , you must attach to the main package:
1. A document confirming a hotel reservation or confirmation from the TO on letterhead.
2. Own description of the trip in any form.
3. Confirmation of the financial guarantee.

For working citizens:
A certificate from work indicating wages, if it is not possible to provide, you can provide a bank statement with the movement of funds for the last 3 months.

For non-employed:
Bank statement indicating the movement of funds for the last 3 months or documents for property in Russia.

In case of sponsorship:
- sponsorship letter;
- a copy of the RF passport of the sponsor;
- an extract from the sponsor's account.

For students and pupils:
- A copy of the student card and a certificate from the educational institution
- Sponsorship letter, attach a copy of the sponsor's RF passport + an extract from the sponsor's account.

For pensioners:
- Copy of pension certificate
- Bank statement indicating the movement of funds for the last 3 months

All certificates are valid no older than 1 month.

For those who travel for the purpose of shopping or on tours for 1 day:
They arbitrarily write a description of their route in writing on a regular sheet, indicating the purpose of their trip.

Children under 18 additionally:

  • Copy of birth certificate
  • Even if the parents have visas, consent is required.

If the child is submitted separately from one of the parents, then it is necessary to provide a copy of the notarized consent for the child to travel abroad from the parent, without whose accompaniment he goes on a trip. If the child is submitted separately from both parents, then it is necessary to provide consent to travel abroad from both parents. The consent must contain the phrase about allowing entry and exit "to the countries of the Schengen agreement, including Finland." Consent must be valid at the time of submission of documents to the consulate. For example, if the trip is scheduled from the 20th, then the exit permit is given from the 1st of the same month or earlier, so the documents are submitted to the consulate, as a rule, 3-4 weeks before the planned departure date. Consent to the corrections made, including those notarized, the Finnish consulate does not accept.

Since 07/01/2011, the Consulate General of Finland also does not accept consent more than 1 year old at the time of submission of documents to the consulate.

We also draw your attention to the fact that from 28.01.2011 a new type of seal has been introduced for notaries. Please check with the notary when making the consent.

If you have a valid Schengen visa, you must fill out an application for visa cancellation in order to obtain a new Finnish visa. The first half of the application is filled in Russian letters, the second half - in Latin.

Request for annulment of a valid Schengen visa download

Please note that the Consulate General of Finland does not accept for consideration foreign passports in which entry/exit stamps are sealed with visas and stamps of other countries! The laminate of the passport should not move away from the paper base. In addition, a foreign passport may contain stamps only about crossing the border, supplied by customs or border services. If there are any other stamps in the passport, for example, souvenir stamps, the passport is considered invalid by the Consulate of Finland.

Since October 18, 2013, a new rule has been in force for calculating the number of days of stay in the territory of the Schengen countries.

Within 180 days in the territory of the Schengen countries, you can stay no more than 90 days: for each day of stay, the previous 180 days must be taken into account. Days are taken into account both for the current visa and for the previous one.

The rule for calculating six months from the moment of the first entry is no longer valid.

Thus, at the time of crossing the border, the number of days already spent in the Schengen area should not exceed 90 in the last 180 days. For example, a person passes border control on 09/13/2013. From this date we count the previous 180 days, we get the period from 03/18/2013 to 09/13/2013. During this period, the number of days of stay in the Schengen area should not exceed 90 days. The number of days spent in the Schengen area should not exceed 90 days in the last 180 days, both at the time of entry into the Schengen countries and exit.

Below is a table to help you calculate days spent. This table is not an official calculation tool, but only an aid to explaining the new Schengen Rule.

Day calculator (download)

A visa issued by one of the countries of the Schengen Agreement gives the right to visit or short-term stay in the entire Schengen area. The maximum stay on a visa in the Schengen area is no more than 90 days within six months. For longer stays, a residence permit (residence permit) is required.

To obtain a passport, you must provide a power of attorney to receive documents or a check for payment. The power of attorney must be printed on the letterhead of the organization with the signature of the head and seal. The power of attorney must indicate the authorized person and the list of documents that must be obtained.

Visitors to Paris are increasingly willing to see its surroundings. Popular destinations are Fontainebleau, Provence, Versailles, Rouen, Chantilly, Chartres, Orleans, Blois… The most beautiful cities that can be seen in one day are worth visiting. In this article, how the network of high-speed electric trains is arranged, as well as how to get from Paris to popular destinations.

High-speed trains (TGV) run in the southern, western and northeastern regions of France. You can also go outside the country, since the lines of high-speed electric trains are laid in the Netherlands, Belgium, Italy and other countries.

Traveling by TGV trains is very convenient, fast and most importantly safe. Such trains can accelerate up to 320 km/h (average speed - 260 km/h) thanks to special high-speed LGV tracks. There are one-story and two-story.

All trains are modern, equipped with comfortable seats, tables, not all, but many have sockets for laptops, as well as Wi-fi at a price of 5 euros per hour.

Luggage is left in a special compartment at the entrance. In general, traveling by land transport is a pleasure - sweeping landscapes, comfort and reasonable prices have made the TGV a popular means of transportation.

Buy a train ticket

We suggest you use the TGV train ticket search. It is enough to enter the city of departure, the city of arrival, as well as the expected dates of departure and arrival. We guarantee you the best prices and we recommend that you plan your trip in advance.

High-speed trains depart from Paris stations. There are 6 stations in total, each of which “accepts” certain lines of the train network (there are 8 in total, they are denoted by the letters: H, K, J, L, N, P, R, U)

Gare du Nord (Paris Nord) - lines H and K

  • Line H has the following directions: (Pontoise), Persan (Persan-Beaumont) via Montsoult (Montsoult-Maffliers) and via Ermot (Ermont-Eaubonne), Luzarches (Luzarches), Creil (Creil)
  • Line K is laid to Crépy-en-Valois (Crépy-en-Valois)

Train station Saint-Lazare (Gare de Paris-Saint-Lazare) - lines J and L

  • Line J runs in the following directions: Gisors via Conflans, Ermont-Eaubonne, Mantes-la-Jolie via Conflans, Vernon (Vernon) via Poissy and Mantes-la-Jolie (Mantes-la-Jolie).
  • Line L is laid to the following cities: Cergy (Cergy-le-Haut), Saint-Nome-la-Bretche(Saint-Nom-la-Bretèche), (Versailles-Rive-Droite), Saint-Germain-en-Laye

Gare Montparnasse Station - Line N

Line N is laid in three directions: (Rambouillet), Dreux (Dreux), Mantes-la-Jolie (Mantes-la-Jolie) through Versailles (Versailles-Chantiers).

East station (Gare de l'Est) - line P

Line P runs in the following directions: Meaux, Château-Thierry via Meaux, La Ferté-Milon via Meaux, Crécy -la-Chapelle) via Esbly, Coulommiers, Provins.

is not only a place where you can see a lot of new and unusual things, it is also a starting point for trips to different cities. Due to the fact that there are a huge number of travel companies that are always ready to meet the needs of the client, ordering a tour in any direction, whether it be Paris-Strasbourg, or the Loire castles, is always real.

And you can also go on your own to anywhere in the country by planning such a trip for the weekend, just when most of the institutions in Paris are closed. Excursions from Paris around Europe are just as possible as inland tours. And if at first it may seem that the dream of seeing other European countries is difficult to realize, then in the process of preparation it becomes clear that everything is quite simple.

Excursions and tours from Paris to other countries

The geographical location of France favors this kind of travel. Next to it are European countries that have a huge number of interesting places, including architectural monuments, museums, parks, gardens and simply beautiful mountains and lakes.

After getting acquainted with Paris, you can get an excellent opportunity to visit the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, Switzerland, Czech Republic, Great Britain, Germany, Monaco, Italy or Spain.

A guided trip to one of these countries usually takes a day or two. If you are planning such a vacation yourself, you can spend as much time there as you want. After all, in order to see everything, you need many days, and sometimes even years. The only thing to consider is the period of legal stay in the country. You may have to travel to and from France, which is expensive and inconvenient.

Prices for such excursions from Paris are rather big. So, for example, a sixteen-hour tour with a guide will cost 700 euro from a group of 1-3 people. In Bruges you can go in ten hours and 650 euro, visit at the same time Brussels and Bruges it will turn out for 800 euro.

A trip to the Benelux countries

Benelux is a trio of small European countries, located next to France. Each of them is interesting in its own way and it is there that numerous Parisian individual guides and companies that provide such services like to organize tours most of all.

Day trips to the Netherlands or Belgium have long been traditional. Tourists like these places due to the fact that there is something to see, but palaces, castles and museums do not have such a huge number of visitors as, for example, in Paris. In addition, in the Benelux countries you can buy thousands of different varieties of tulips, Dutch cheeses, Brussels lace, exquisite Delft porcelain, Bruges tapestries, world-famous beer, delicate chocolate and much more.

Most tourists prefer excursions from Paris to Amsterdam or Brussels, but, in fact, you should not be limited to only these cities. It is advisable to visit Luxembourg, Antwerp, Rotterdam, The Hague and Bruges. If your time is limited, choose those settlements where the largest number of attractions are located.

Her, which in your opinion may be interesting.

Amsterdam will appeal to those tourists who like to visit museums (Madame Tussauds, Rembrandt's house, Historical Museum, etc.). You can also wander along the quiet streets with low-rise buildings, look at ancient temples, sit in small squares or in one of the city cafes (there are about one and a half thousand of them in the capital of Holland) and ride along the canals. In addition, hemp is openly sold in this city, diamonds are processed, there are many gay clubs, the notorious Red Light District and even the Sex Museum. Tour Paris-Amsterdam will be a great addition to your vacation in Paris and will definitely be remembered for a lifetime.

If you like to learn the peculiarities of the culture of different nationalities, the mentality of representatives of other countries, an excursion will suit you. In this city, a quarter of the population are foreigners. In addition, there are examples of medieval architecture, which organically fits into modern types of Art Nouveau. AT Brussels you can see:

  • sculptures of a pissing boy and girl,
  • Cathedrals of Saint Gudula and Saint Michael,
  • Grand Place,
  • taste beer, local chocolate and Cuberdons.

In Luxembourg you can see the walls of ancient fortresses, medieval towers and bridges. Its pride is Notre Dame Cathedral, and the palace of the Grand Dukes is also located there.

Excursions are better just suitable for those who are interested in history, culture of the Middle Ages and love chocolate pralines. There you can see:

  • beffroy tower,
  • temple of the Holy Blood,
  • Church of Our Lady, which houses Michelangelo's statue of the Madonna
  • and many other things.

Among other things, Bruges is very beautiful: numerous canals flow throughout the city.

UK visit

Tours to the UK are suitable both for those tourists who want to relax away from the city noise, and for those who want to see the reality of the capital's everyday life. The thing is that English cities are radically different from each other. Among them there are sparsely populated, calm, and there are those in which life is in full swing.

Most often, tourists choose excursions, but many visitors are interested in Brighton, Cambridge and Oxford. As a rule, only positive reviews accompany trips to Southampton, Dover, Reading and Bristol.

Having gone on a Paris-London tour, you can visit:

  • at the public museum
  • at Madame Tussauds wax museum
  • at the National Gallery,
  • at the London Aquarium,
  • take a ride on the Ferris wheel called "Eye of London",
  • see Big Ben
  • trafalgar square,
  • Westminster Abbey.

And tourists are usually brought

Look at the fortress of William the Conqueror (XI century), Buckingham Palace, Parliament House, Sherlock Holmes Museum, Tower Bridge.

Brighton is a unique city, it is interesting with an organic combination of modern business life and multiple attractions. There you can see the Alexandria Gallery, the clock tower, Jewish congresses.

To Dover they go to see an unusually beautiful view of the mountains and the sea, take a walk along the pier and visit the castle of the same name.

The interest in student cities is quite understandable, but people come there not only to see with their own eyes the places that are often written and talked about. In fact, even the architecture of universities can be interesting. In addition, the church of St. Mary is located in Oxford, there, as in Cambridge, there are many galleries, museums, libraries.

in Bristol there is also a university, but its main attraction is the Cathedral of the Templars.

In Southampton there is an old port, today you can look at huge cruise liners there, get the basics of managing a yacht. The city also has its own football club. Excursions to the stadium are a fairly common occurrence for tourists from Paris.

Reading- a city where there are several architectural monuments: the Church of the Holy Virgin Mary, the temple of St. James, the Cathedral. Part of the abbey, a school of the 12th century, and a university of the 19th century have been preserved there. In addition, the city has several museums (for example, the Museums of Zoology and Archeology).

Tours to Germany

Tours are a frequent excursion direction. Germany is just as interesting for vacationers as other European countries located next to France. In the capital of this state, you can visit a wide variety of museums (130 institutions), the most interesting of which are the Historical Center, Museum Island, Mausoleum. Tourists usually want to see the Brandenburg Gate and the place where until recently the Berlin Wall stood.

There are other cities in Germany worthy of the attention of visitors. These are Hamburg, Nuremberg, Cologne, Stuttgart, Hannover, Frankfurt am Main, Mainz, Magdeburg, Munich.

It is easier to get there by train, but some companies offer bus trips. Regardless of how you get there, visit places in this city such as:

  • Cologne Cathedral,
  • perfume museum,
  • Ludwig Museum,
  • Chocolate Museum,
  • Town Hall Square,
  • Church of Saint Martin,
  • Church of the Holy Apostles,
  • Ethnological Museum Rautenstrauch-Jost,
  • Nazi Documentation Center in Cologne,
  • Fantasyland park.

And also know that unique local beer is made there.

In Hamburg one of the most beautiful European town halls is located, there are also many churches there, among them is the Church of St. Michael. The city has many parks, squares, reserves, rivers and lakes, which makes it even more attractive for tourists.

In Frankfurt am Main worth a visit in order to see with your own eyes the world-famous Old Opera, visit the Church of St. Paul or the Imperial Cathedral of St. Bartholomew.

If you plan a self-guided trip or buy a tour from Paris to Stuttgart the most interesting places to open to your eyes, will be:

  • Mercedes-Benz Museum,
  • Old lock,
  • Wilhelm Botanical Garden,
  • State Art Gallery,
  • Solitude Castle,
  • Bear castle and much more.

This city produces good grape wine.

Germany has a number of medieval castles. If possible, visit:

  • Johannisburg (Aschaffenburg),
  • Neuschwanstein (center of Bavaria)
  • or in Hohenzoller (Mount Hohenzoller).

Travel to Spain

Spain, the sea… These two words have merged into one and haunt even those tourists who enthusiastically see the sights of France. That is why many gladly accept the offer to go for a day or two to this neighboring country. Excursions from Paris to Spain are not as frequent as those we described above, but they are still popular among guests of the French capital. There you can sunbathe, swim, eat delicious ice cream and explore the ruins of ancient buildings that can tell something about the past of this corner of the world.

If you are one of those who cannot imagine life without the warmth of the gentle sun and the refreshing coolness of sea water, tours will definitely appeal to you. Not so long ago, Barcelona received the world status of the city with the best geographical location. Its attractions:

  • park Guell,
  • Sagrada Familia,
  • Houses of Batlló and Mila,
  • Cathedral,
  • Agbar tower and much more.

The tour will give you the opportunity feel the spirit of the bustling metropolis. There you can visit:

  • Royal Palace,
  • Reina Sofia National Museum Center for the Arts,
  • Royal Academy of Fine Arts of San Fernando
  • prado museum,
  • Arena Las Ventas
  • temple Debod,
  • visit Puerta del Sol and Plaza Mayor.

You should not stop at visiting only these two cities, visit in Granada and get acquainted with the architectural and park ensemble of the Alhambra. Seville is able to surprise with the largest European cathedral, in which the remains of Christopher Columbus rest, there is the Moorish Alcazar Palace and the Palace of Countess Lebriha. Toledo- the birthplace of blacksmiths, the old fortress, churches and mosques remained there, and the great artist Rafael worked in the city.

Excursions to Italy

If you want to see the heart of Italy, feel free to buy a tour, but remember that there are many other interesting cities in this country:

  • Florence,
  • Naples,
  • Palermo,
  • Bologna,
  • Verona,
  • and, of course, Rome.

People come to Milan to look at the Cathedral of the Virgin Mary to visit:

  • at the La Scala Opera House,
  • at the Leonardo da Vinci Museum of Science and Technology,
  • in the galleries of Amvrosian, Brera, contemporary art,
  • in the Sforza castle (XV century),
  • in the Church of Santa Maria delle Grazie...

In addition to all this, most tourists simply dream of going there for shopping. For some, shopping is the main purpose of a trip to Milan.

Most museums in Rome. The tour is an ideal option for ardent admirers of antiquity and art. The Colosseum, the Vatican Museum Complex, the Pantheon, St. Peter's Square, the Roman Forum, the Capitoline Hill, the Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore in Rome, are not all that are worth visiting in this city. You will make the right choice if you spend more than one day there. You can get from Paris to Rome by night train.

Tour will enjoy romantics. In addition to the notorious channels, there are:

  • popular in creative circles, the Museum of the Academy,
  • Palazzo Ducale, Ca'd'Oro,
  • Cathedral of Santa Maria della Salute,
  • Museum of 18th century Venice Art,
  • Oriental Museum in Ca Pesaro
  • and many other equally interesting museums.

During the tour Paris-Florence you can visit Piazzale Michelangelo, the Uffizi Gallery, the Palazzo Pitti complex, see:

  • Basilica of San Lorenzo,
  • Santa Croce
  • Baptistery of San Giovanni,
  • gallery of the Academy of Fine Arts,
  • Medici Chapel,
  • museums of Opera del Duomo,
  • san marco,
  • National Museum of Bargello and others.

From Paris to Monaco

Excursions from Paris to Monaco is a good way to get away from the beauties of France and immerse yourself in the sights and historical past of a small country, the existence of which few even know, and avid players like to come to Monaco. For the latter, in the very center of Monte Carlo, there is a casino that is considered the oldest on the planet. Among the sights of Monaco:

  • Cathedral of Saint Nicholas,
  • Chapel of Divine Mercy,
  • Museum of Vintage Cars of Prince Rainier III,
  • oceanographic museum,
  • Japanese garden.

There are several palaces worthy of the attention of tourists: the princely palace in Monaco and the princely palace of the Grimaldi family. Perhaps they are not as beautiful as or, but very durable, which evokes a sense of respect for those people who in this way saved themselves from powerful neighboring powers.

Some bus tours from Paris will take you to another unusual place - in Monaco-Ville. This is the old capital, in which you can still see the chapel of the Mercy of God, the cathedral and the residence of Grimaldi, which we mentioned above.

What to visit in the Czech Republic

The tour will give a sea of ​​new emotions and impressions. The capital of the Czech Republic is considered one of the most beautiful cities in all of Europe. The center of the city is Wenceslas Square. Among attractions to visit in this city:

  • Town Hall of Hradcany district,
  • The Charles Bridge,
  • fortress Prague Castle,
  • St. Vitus Cathedral,
  • temple of the Virgin Mary,
  • Stare Mesto and its square,
  • Strahov Monastery,
  • Kampa Museum and many other museums.

And in Prague there is an Aquapark.

The city is located in the south of the country Krumlov, there is an ancient castle and many other examples of medieval architecture. AT Jindrichuv Hradec go to see the old trains and take a ride on them. Kutna Hora interesting because in the old days a mint worked there.

The area where the modern city is located Telc, settled in ancient times, but it was finally built in the XI century. Due to its age, it was included in the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites and today it actively receives tourists.

Where to go in Switzerland

Most of the guests of France who decide to visit Switzerland choose excursions. The popularity of this tourist center is most likely due to the fact that that it is located in a picturesque area, among hills and lakes. There is a wonderful zoo there. Also in the city there are:

  • museum Kunsthaus,
  • Swiss National Museum,
  • collection of the Emil Bührle Foundation, with
  • obor Grossmünster,
  • Fraumünster Church,
  • church of St. Peter.

In addition, from Zurich it is easy to get to Thun, St. Gallen and Lucerne - other cities in this country that may be of interest to tourists.

Lucerne located among the Alps, on the shore of the lake. This is an ancient city, many of whose houses are decorated with frescoes. There is a wall with towers, the Kapellbrücke bridge, a mirror maze and the Dying Lion. In addition, there is a Transport Museum in Lucerne.

" from Moscow

"Paris - Amsterdam, Economy"

bus tour to France and Holland

Bus tour from Moscow to France and the Netherlands on the route Berlin - Amsterdam - Brussels - Paris - Prague - 3 days in Paris!

Arrivals (9 days) *27.04 , 29.05, 07.06, 26.06, 05.07, 24.07, 02.08, 11.08, 20.08, 07.09, 26.09, 05.10, 27.12.2019 / 02.01, 03.01.2020 …

Bus tour from Moscow with 3 night transfers


1 day

10:30 Departure by bus from Moscow. Meeting to receive documents at 10:00 near the Rumyantsevo Business Center (Rumyantsevo metro station).

Moving across Russia and Belarus (~670 km), crossing the border. Night crossing in Poland (~ 670 km).

2 day

In the morning, a long stop (to wash, clean up, breakfast*). Transfer to Berlin (~120 km). Afternoon arrival at Berlin. City tour with an escort: Treptow Park, Alexanderplatz, Unter den Linden, Brandenburg Gate, Rechstag, etc.

In the afternoon drive across Germany (~ 280 km). Overnight at the hotel.

3 day

Moving to Amsterdam(~ 400 km). City tour with an escort: Royal Palace, National Monument, New Church, Coin Tower, Jewish Quarter and more. Visit to the Diamond Factory. Boat trip* on the canals of Amsterdam €12 / €10. Free time.

In the evening moving to Belgium(~190 km). Overnight at a hotel in Belgium.

Day 4

Moving to Brussels(~ 50 km). Brief inspection with the accompanying historical center of the city: the Grand Place, the Gothic Town Hall, Mannequin Pis, the Royal Palace, the Cathedral of St. Mikhail and others.

Moving to France(~300 km). Afternoon arrival at Paris. Visit to the Fragonard Perfume Museum. Free time, for those who wish: Climbing the Montparnasse Tower* €14/€12 (ticket + booking). Boat trip* on the Seine €14/€12. Overnight at the hotel.

Day 5

Sightseeing tour of Paris: Notre Dame Cathedral, Pantheon, Pont Alexandre III, Seine embankments, Esplanade des Invalides, Trocadero, Tuileries, Grand Opera and more, Ile de la Cité, independent visit to Notre Dame Cathedral.

Trip* to Versailles Versailles - the palace of the French kings - the royal residence of the Sun King Louis XIV €40/€20 (transfer + ticket + audio guide) or independent visit to the Louvre Museum in Russian). For those who wish - thematic walking tours of your choice: Latin Quarter* / Montmartre* €10 / €5 children under 12 years old. Overnight at the hotel.

For arrivals on January 2, 3; 27th of December. Exhibition of Leonardo da Vinci at the Louvre, dedicated to the 500th anniversary of the death of the master!

Day 6

Breakfast. Release of rooms. Free day in Paris.

For those who want a trip * to Disneyland Disneyland! Give children a fairy tale! (travel €15 + adult ticket €65/€63 under 18).

In the evening departure to Czech Republic- Night transfer by bus (~1100 km).

Day 7

In the morning there is a long stop on the way (to wash, clean up, breakfast*).

Arrival at Prague. Sightseeing walking tour in the center of Prague: Prague Castle - Hradcany Square, St. Vitus Cathedral, Royal Palace, Mala Strana, Charles Bridge, Old Town Square, Town Hall Tower, Wenceslas Square, etc. Boat trip* on the Vltava River (adults €25 / €23 children up to 12 years with lunch buffet). Free time. Overnight at the hotel in Prague.

For check-in October 5 - Signal light art festival in the historical center of Prague. Showcasing new technologies will bring Old Town Square, U Gibernou Palace, Fruit Market or Compu to life!

Day 8

Breakfast in the hotel. Departure to Poland. Moving through the Czech Republic and Poland with stops (~470 km), in the afternoon, continuing the transfer (~360 km) to Brest, passing the Polish-Belarusian border. Night crossing through the territory of Belarus (~590 km).

Day 9

Moving with stops on the territory of Russia (~ 470 km). In the evening arrival in Moscow metro station "Rumyantsevo" (approximately at 19:00 depending on the congestion of the route).

*The company reserves the right to make changes to the tour program due to a change in the traffic schedule (late arrival, reduced time spent in hotels due to delays at the border, difficult traffic situation on the roads, etc.). Additional excursions marked with (*) are paid at will and are carried out in the presence of a group of at least 15 people.

Tour price for 1 person, €

Documents required for registration:
- international passport and a copy of the first spread
- 2 color photos 3.5 by 4.5 without a corner and an oval on gray background, the distance from the chin to the end of the hairstyle is 32-36 mm
- , signatures in paragraph 37, the next 2 and the very last.
- a photocopy of the completed pages of the Russian Federation passport.
- a certificate from the place of work (not more than 3 months old) indicating income (not less than 20,000 rubles), position or bank account statement (not less than 25,000 rubles), or a certificate from the sponsor's place of work (not less than 25,000 rubles), only a close relative can be a sponsor, proof of kinship (copies of documents), a copy of the sponsor's passport and, if necessary, a copy of the name change certificate are required
- . For children under 18 signed by the parent-sponsor!.

Additionally for pensioners, students and non-working citizens
- a photocopy of a pension certificate (for pensioners), a photocopy of a student ID card + a certificate from the dean's office, a certificate from the sponsor's work, (for everyone), only a close relative can be a sponsor, proof of kinship (copy of a birth certificate) is required); a copy of the sponsor's passport and, if if necessary, a copy of the certificate of change of surname

Additional for IP
- photocopy of registration certificate
- a photocopy of the certificate of assignment of TIN + extract from the legal account

Additionally for children under 18:
- birth certificate (copy not certified)
- if you are 14 years old, a copy of the completed pages of the Russian Federation passport
- certificate from the place of study
- a certificate from the place of work of one of the parents indicating income (at least 20,000 rubles), only a close relative can be a sponsor, proof of kinship (copy of documents), a copy of the sponsor's passport and, if necessary, a copy of the certificate of change of surname are required
- consent to the departure of the child, which should contain the phrase "departure to the countries of the Schengen Treaty, including France" and a reference to Article 22 "On the procedure for leaving the Russian Federation and entering the Russian Federation." In case of impossibility to provide a copy of the consent of one of the parents:
If the child is traveling with one of the parents, then his set of documents must be accompanied by consent to the departure of the child from the second parent, certified by a notary. In this case there will be 1 consent:
- from the one who is not traveling (indicating the accompanying parent).
If the child is accompanied by a third person(without parents), then the consent to the departure of the child from both parents, certified by a notary, must be attached to his set of documents. The consent will include permission to leave the child and the name of the accompanying person.

*Requirements subject to change!
Check when booking!

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