What to do when the grapes bloom. In a critical phase (vine flowering) What to do when grapes bloom

Pipes 16.02.2022

The flowering of grapes - the third phase of vegetation - begins with the separation of the flower and its fall in the form of a green cap. The staminate filaments straighten, pollen spills out of the anthers, and fertilization occurs.

The timing of the onset and passage of flowering, pollination and fertilization depend primarily on temperature. The best temperature for flowering grapes is 25-35°C.

In the Primorsky Territory, grapes bloom late, in the second half of June, and in particularly unfavorable meteorological years in mid-July. The duration of flowering depends on the temperature and humidity of the air, varies from 7-9 to 14-16 days for the same variety over the years.

The flowering phase in the southern part of the Far East coincides with cooling, drizzling rain and fog. Precipitation at this time is scarce, soil droughts are frequent. There are cases when the caps do not fall off, pollination occurs in a closed flower (cleistogamy).

The density of the cluster, and hence the yield, is directly dependent on the temperature in the flowering phase.

At temperatures below 15 ° C, grapes bloom, but pollen loses its fertility, its germination is almost completely suppressed. With increased air humidity (drizzling rain, fog), liquid droplets are washed off the stigmas, and the flower corolla is not completely shed. The vital activity of pollen at high humidity is short, about 3 days.

Insufficient fertilization in years with cool and damp weather during the flowering phase is the cause of flower shedding and low yields in Primorsky Krai.

Early flowering is the most important condition for the full ripening of clusters. The most famous wines have always been produced in early flowering years. According to the timing of the beginning of the flowering of a variety, it is possible to predict to some extent the timing of physiological maturity and the quality of the crop.

Flowering of one inflorescence lasts 5-8 days. The highest flowering activity is observed on the third and fourth days, when up to 60% of the flowers open. Grapes bloom early in the morning, the most active dropping of caps was noted in Vladivostok from 8 to 10 o'clock.

The stigma retains the ability to fertilize for 4-6 days after the opening of the flower. With good fertilization, on the second or third day of mass flowering, most of the stigmas in the inflorescence turn brown; if it is bad, droplets of liquid remain on them for a long time.

In the flowering phase, a strong growth of shoots and an increase in the assimilation apparatus continue, stepchildren and roots grow. All this requires a large consumption of nutrients.

If in the period up to June 10-15 (before flowering) the daily growth of the Alpha variety is 2-4 cm, then in the flowering phase the shoot increases its length by 4-6 cm and even by 7-10 cm. With such an intensity of growth, the growth mass one bush increases by 150-300 cm per day. The rapid growth of shoots in combination with unfavorable meteorological conditions often causes a strong shedding of flowers, and then ovaries due to their "starvation".

In the flowering phase, it is necessary to restrain the intensity of shoot growth by lightly pinching the tops of the shoots at the very beginning of flowering, refrain from applying nitrogen fertilizers and watering. Phosphorus-potassium top dressing before flowering and garter shoots contribute to better pollination and fertilization.

It is impossible to artificially reduce the assimilation apparatus by early minting; in order to increase the temperature of the soil, its processing is not recommended. It is necessary to ensure that the shoots do not fall to the ground, to carry out their garter in a timely manner, striving for their uniform distribution on the trellis.

Through the efforts of breeders, frost-resistant grape varieties were bred, and many summer residents were carried away by breeding this sweet southern newcomer. On the thorny path of mastering the agricultural technology of growing crops, there are numerous pitfalls - tasks that have to be solved. For many, the mystery is why grapes do not bear fruit, which have a completely prosperous appearance, pleasing to the eye with lush juicy greenery.

How to ensure the full fruiting of the culture

In order to answer this question, let's figure out what factors the process of fruiting a crop depends on and what mistakes can be made when growing it.
The full development of grapes, which results in a high-quality and abundant harvest, depends on several conditions:

  • from the optimal planting of the plant and the formation of the bush;
  • dosed top dressing;
  • timely treatment of plants with fungicides;
  • correct spring pruning.
  • compliance with the temperature regime for each variety individually;

Errors in planting and determining the timing of the appearance of fruits

A grapevine planted in the northern part of the garden can develop satisfactorily, but will not bear fruit, it simply will not have enough light and heat for full development. Grapes are a heat-loving plant, for it it is necessary to choose a southern or southwestern, most illuminated place in a summer cottage.

In addition, the time before fruiting begins in different varieties is different. Some varieties may show signal brushes as early as the second year after planting, and growers will be able to appreciate the berries of the planted grapes very early.
Before fruiting of other varieties, 3-4 years should pass. Before deciding what to do with bushes that do not show knotted brushes, you should study the features of the variety and its characteristics.

Violations made during the dosage of dressings

If the bushes are “overfed” by the application of nitrogen-containing fertilizers, the plant itself begins to develop intensively - leaves and branches grow luxuriantly - and the number of flowers and ovaries will decrease, there will be fewer fruit brushes.
In addition to a decrease in yield, other important plant abilities are weakened: cold resistance, resistance to various types of diseases.
The first sign of increased nitrogen content in the soil is the accelerated growth of young shoots. They will not have time to ripen before the onset of cold weather, and the bush will not endure the winter frosts.

When fertilizing with fertilizers, consider the advice of professionals:

  • It is desirable to apply organic fertilizers in the fall, while at the same time reducing the amount of nitrogen fertilizers in the spring cycle by 50%.
  • In spring and early summer, two top dressings are also performed with a complex preparation:
    • before flowering, before the plant sets fruit,
    • after the berries have set.
  • During the ripening period of clusters, top dressing with ammonium nitrate is recommended.
  • The best effect on grapes is the introduction of potassium, which helps to increase the viability of the plant, its frost resistance. It is desirable to provide for the presence of potassium in a complex preparation for top dressing during the period when the fruits are tied.
  • Preparations should be applied to a depth of 40-60 cm, where the main roots of the bush are located.

It is worth adding that with proper fertilizing, flowers and ovaries will no longer crumble en masse, the berry in the brush ripens evenly, the shape of the grapes will be the same.

Incorrect pruning of grape vines

If you notice that the grapes are not bearing fruit, check how well the vines were pruned.
In most grape varieties, the "fruitful eyes" from which young fruit branches develop are located from the 4th to the 8th eye. In some varieties, they start only from 8-10 or from 12-14 (Talisman, Amber Muscat).
Not knowing the characteristics of the variety, novice growers cut the fruit shoot by 8-10 eyes, while reducing the future harvest, leaving weak clusters.
By the way, with vertical tying of grapes instead of a horizontal one, a similar result is also obtained: the number of fruit set is significantly reduced.

The dependence of fruiting on the frost-resistant qualities of the variety and good shelter

When buying a varietal plant, pay attention to the frost-resistant qualities of grapes. In the future, you will need to cover the vine for the winter, open it in time after spring frosts.
With insufficient shelter, first of all, fruitful shoots die, the grapes do not bear fruit. Growing new branches are not very fruitful.

If you find in the spring that the grapes are frozen, you must first assess the degree of damage to the bush in this order:

  1. First, a fruitful eye is cut along the one-year-old shoot. A frost-affected eye will be brown in color, as opposed to a healthy green one.
  2. Then cut the bark of the vine. Frozen internal wood tissues will also be brown.

To restore frost-affected grapes during spring pruning, damaged shoots are removed completely, to the base. This stimulates the formation of new replacement buds and shoots.

Reasons for the lack of fruiting bushes with female flowers

One of the reasons why the grapes do not bear fruit is the female type of flowering of the plant. For good pollination of flowers of such species, planting next to other grape varieties is important. In the absence of planting, pollination is weak, few ovaries are formed, and the yield will be small.
With the help of pollen from simultaneously flowering varieties, artificial pollination of grapes should be carried out. The process is performed in cloudy weather or early in the morning if the day is expected to be sunny.
Pollination is carried out repeatedly - 2-3 times during flowering:

  • the first time at the beginning of the blooming of flowers,
  • the second - a few days after the first pollination,
  • the third time is carried out in the final phase of the period of mass flowering.

Experienced gardeners speak approvingly of the use of sultana grapes as a pollinator.
From the foregoing, it follows that in order to organize abundant fruiting, it is necessary to strictly follow certain rules:

  1. Before planting a variety, study its features, read the relevant literature, get acquainted with the experience of professional winegrowers.
  2. Correctly form a bush of 1-3 sleeves.
  3. Timely and strictly according to the instructions for the preparation, carry out top dressing of grapes, treatment with fungicides.
  4. Observe cultivation technology.
  5. When planting seedlings with female flowers, plant 2-3 other varieties of grapes that have the same height (for example, all tall ones) side by side for pollination. This planting provides the same coverage of the bushes.
  6. Perform regular rationing of shoots and the number of ovaries, depending on the variety of crop, thin out the bushes.
  7. To pinch grape varieties prone to dropping flowers and ovaries.
  8. Well cover the grapes.

Try to strictly observe the technology of growing vines, and your efforts will be crowned with a wonderful abundant harvest.

One of the most important and at the same time beautiful periods in the life of grapes is its flowering. This is the penultimate phase of the growing season, in which the flower separates, the stamens straighten, the pollen spills out and the bush is fertilized.

Period Description

During the flowering period, air temperature, humidity and proper care of the plant are of great importance. The best weather conditions during this period are moderate drought and air temperature of 25-30 degrees Celsius. Depending on the region, grapes begin to bloom from the last decade of May and continue, depending on the variety, up to 20 days. In some regions, the temperature in June does not exceed 15 degrees, which adversely affects flowering. In the cold, the flowers bloom poorly, pollination is inactive, and as a result, a small number of ovaries are formed.

Also an important role is played by a sufficient amount of nutrients in the soil near the bush. If the soil is poor, little pollen is formed, respectively, the ovaries will be rare. Another reason for poor harvests is cold winds. They pluck flowers and ovaries, pour out pollen. The density of the brush and the future number of berries are completely dependent on these three factors.
The flowering of grapes does not occur around the clock, but only from 7 to 11 in the morning. After these hours, only individual flowers can bloom.

The flowers are pollinated within a week. The pollination period can be seen. The flower becomes light and moist. After pollination, it dries up, and ovaries begin to form. In the rain, the corollas are not dropped, respectively, the bisexual variety pollinates itself, and the female varieties do not pollinate. Even with ideal weather before and during flowering, only half of the flowers are fertilized, the rest are showered. This is the nature of the vineyards. After rain, only 10-20% of the flowers can be pollinated.
An important role is played by the sufficiency of photosynthesis processes, that is, the formation of organic substances, with the help of solar energy. Warm but cloudy weather slows it down.

Features of flowering

  • Caps are dropped at a temperature of at least 10 degrees Celsius;
  • Full pollination is possible at a temperature of 17 degrees and above;
  • Grapes bloom for 8 days or more, depending on the variety and air temperature;
  • Delayed flowering of grapes at high humidity and temperatures of 15 degrees and below;
  • It is undesirable to water the bush 10-14 days before flowering. This can contribute to the development of fungal diseases.
  • Rain can break flowers and ovaries.

Necessary measures before flowering

The shoots are cut and tied up, leaving only the required amount. Otherwise, after flowering, there will be a lot of clusters, and there will be few ovaries on them.

A week or two before flowering, the plant must be watered abundantly. So that the soil remains moist throughout this period. The next time watered after shedding flowers.

Processing of inflorescences is done for better pollination.
The first pollination is always the most difficult, so only one inflorescence per shoot is left.
Inflorescences must be open for good pollination. To this end, after the shoots bloom, the leaves around the future brushes are taken to the sides. Under no circumstances should they be cut off.
During flowering, shoots grow many times more intensively, taking a lot of nutrients. For this period, pinch their tops.

Processing and top dressing of the vineyard during flowering

To protect against diseases and pests, vineyards are treated by spraying. Treatment for diseases and pests is done 3-5 days before the plant blooms. To do this, use drugs such as Ridomil Gold, Topaz and Decis. They are bred in water and spray the bush completely.

Foliar top dressing of grapes is also necessary. It is made after 4-6 days from the beginning of flowering. For this purpose, you can use Vuksal Kombi B. This is a complex nitrogen-potassium fertilizer containing a large amount of boron. If the treatment is carried out with other drugs, then it is necessary to include boron additionally. It is important for the process of pollen formation and rapid fertilization of flowers.

Another treatment includes complex spraying of the bush with preparations for various diseases and pests. It is carried out after the formation of ovaries.

15.05.2016 45 917

How to care for grapes in summer?

With the advent of summer time, many novice gardeners are asking quite a reasonable question, how to care for grapes in order to achieve good growth and development of the vine? Lack of experience and lack of knowledge in this area in most cases leads to errors. As a result, few berries are tied, and the plant is constantly sick. Given practical advice, feedback from experienced breeders and experienced gardeners, you can avoid most of the problems when growing this plant.

The first year of the life of the vine: features of care

The survival rate of the vine, the onset of fruiting, vitality, the quantity and quality of future berries largely depend on proper, high-quality care. The main task of the host during the initial courtship is the formation of a strong root system. In the first year of development, the main number of roots is concentrated and develops within the boundaries of the planting hole. This information must be taken into account when irrigating, fertilizing,.

In June and August is done katarovka - agrotechnical care, which is a pruning of dew (surface) roots on the underground part of the vine (in photo No. 4). You should carefully rake the ground in the near-trunk circle to a depth of 0.2-0.25 meters and, using a pruner, cut off young roots on the trunk without leaving stumps. Sections are slightly dried and disinfected with a solution copper sulfate (3%) or boric acid (1%) in order to avoid infection with infections, after which the hole is covered with earth.

In hot sultry weather, the procedure is carried out in the morning or evening hours, on cloudy days - throughout the day. Trimming the roots of the upper tier allows you to achieve good development of the heel (deep, in photo No. 2) and intermediate median processes.

If you do not take care and do not carry out cataracts, the plant can completely switch to superficial roots, which, with insufficient care, severe frosts, improper watering may die, and with them the whole bush.

When caring for young plantings in the summer, you need to remember that the soil near the trunk is loosened several times during the season, cleared of weeds. The earthen crust formed after rains or irrigation is broken and loosened for better access of oxygen to the root system. Keeping the water and air balance at an optimal level will help ground mulching rotted sawdust, straw, peat, seed husks.

In order for the care of the young to be correct, in the summer watering is carried out once a week. One plant can take from 5 to 15 liters of water, depending on the condition, weather conditions, soil type. Many gardeners use or fill a hole in the root zone.

Young plants are tied to a support, so that contact with the ground is minimal. Due to this, the risk of developing diseases will be minimal. In summer, when the shoots reach a height of 0.8-0.9 meters, top pinching. With weak growth, pinching is carried out no later than August. The tendrils growing on the branches are pinched.

Green operations and summer care

Experienced gardeners who properly care for their plantations advise pruning, without which it is not possible to achieve high-quality results. With the help of cutting, the vine is optimally formed, the load is normalized, space is freed up for the access of sunlight, and unnecessary growth is removed that prevents normal development.

Nursing operations include pruning, breaking off, pinching, pinching, thinning the leaf part and other agricultural practices necessary for the proper organization of the bush and increasing yields:

Dry garter of grapes is the initial stage of work during courtship in the summer, in some regions of the country it is carried out at an earlier date. The vines are tied to trellises and supports, setting the necessary direction for future growth;

in the photo - a garter of grapes to a trellis

wreckage- special care, which consists in removing excess, weak, thickening, barren fat shoots (tops). Doubles and tees are thinned out, leaving the strongest one. Care, which consists in a green fragment, is made to regulate the load of the bush with crops and branches. It is necessary to break off the processes until they have reached a length of 15-20 centimeters. Removing overgrowth will only harm the plant. Each owner independently determines how many good shoots to leave on the vine, taking into account the characteristics of the variety and the condition of the plant.

in the photo - a fragment of grape shoots

Pinching (removal) tops of shoots are produced 3-5 days before flowering or when buds open. Such care for some time inhibits the development of young stems, therefore, shedding of ovaries decreases, the pollination process is better. Very responsive to this operation are varieties prone to shedding and female flowers. To properly pinch the shoot, leave 5-6 leaves above the bunch, remove the rest.

Normalization of inflorescences produced to improve the quality of the future harvest and unload the vine. Experienced growers perform a caring operation before the flowers appear after a visual inspection. Young growers, to make sure, prefer to remove extra clusters after the grapes have faded. On large-fruited grape varieties with a mass of bunches from 0.8 kg, one brush is left, more than 0.5 kg - two, on wine (technical) - from three or more.

in the photo - normalization of grape inflorescences

Pasynkovanie grapes is a technique consisting in partial or complete shortening of the processes of the second order. Held from June to August, the goal is to reduce the number of side shoots of the main stem to redistribute nutrients. The procedure is done depending on the variety and condition of the grapes 2-3 times per season. It is not recommended to completely remove the branches, agronomists prefer to leave 2-4 leaves on the stepson.

Grape minting- cutting off the tops of the shoots with all the leaves for better nutrition of the bunches and ripening. 9-14 leaves are left above the upper brush, the rest is removed. Minting is carried out in the first two weeks of August.

leaf thinning takes place 15-17 days before harvesting for better ventilation of the vineyard, acceleration of ripening, disease prevention. The old foliage growing above and below the clusters is cut off.

Caring for plants during flowering

Grape care during the critical flowering period must be thorough and scrupulous. It is during this period that pollination and the laying of the future crop take place. The owner of the allotment needs to start pinching the fruitful branches. Vines with a rapid growth of stepchildren, especially varieties prone to small berries and shedding, are pinched hard, part of the shoot is removed, 5-7 leaves are left above the upper bunch. On shrubs that do not develop so intensively, only the upper part with three (four) leaves comes off.

Agrotechnical measures in the phase of blooming flowers contribute to good pollination and increase the yield of grapes. On ordinary (bisexual) varieties, additional artificial pollination is carried out. For 8-14 days of the short flowering phase, it is necessary to walk along the trellises 2-3 times and shake the wires with vines sharply. You need to shake the pollen in the morning, when the dew has gone (8-10 am).

When flowering, it is not recommended to water the vine, high humidity after irrigation adversely affects pollination. During rains, fog, dew, artificial pollination should not be done. The increase in yield after such care can be 15-30%. In addition to weather conditions and pollination, the quality and quantity of brushes is increased by the addition of additional nutrients.

Feeding and watering for normal growth

Supplementary nutrition is an important care step in the cultivation of all varieties. The growth of the root system, vines, shoots and the quality of berries depend on the applied fertilizers. The supply of the necessary mixtures and solutions is carried out through the area where the main roots are located. At a distance of 0.5-0.8 meters from the main stem, a hole (trench) is dug 40-50 centimeters deep, into which nutrients are introduced. Caring for the young, experienced gardeners feed in three stages:

  • first top dressing of the vine falls in early spring. They bring in a tablespoon with a slide of nitrogen fertilizer and superphosphate, 30 grams of potassium salt per plant. Nutrients are absorbed better in liquid form, it is recommended to dilute the mineral complex in a bucket of water and pour it into a hole, then cover it with earth;
  • second once useful trace elements are given 10-12 days before the onset of flowers, using 50 grams of superphosphate and nitrogen supplements and 35 grams of potassium fertilizer. Instead of mineral complexes, slurry and chicken manure can be applied at this time;
  • third Fertilization should be carried out at the initial moment of ripening berries. Only phosphate and potash fertilizers are used, at the rate of 2 tbsp. on a plant. When using ash, the consumption rate increases by 5-8 times.

Foliar top dressings are an addition to the main application of elements. The first spraying is carried out before flowering, then after the end of the flower period, the third time is sprinkled when the berries ripen. Spraying is carried out in the evening with various preparations (Aquarin, Kemira, Plantafol, Novofert) or ash infusions.

During the summer, young growth needs good irrigation, especially when buds open, at the time of setting and growing berries. Watering immediately before the appearance of flowers and during, is not desirable, irrigation can cause shedding. Watering is stopped 14-21 days before the expected harvest. To care for a vine per square meter, approximately 40-60 liters of water are required; on sandy and sandy loamy soils, the volume of applied liquid is increased.

It is necessary and necessary to take care of the grapes in the summer, and the correct distribution of time and effort will facilitate the care of planting, and a tasty and generous harvest will delight its owner in the coming months! To organize the work correctly, you can watch a video on this topic.

Practical experience.

Every year, the flowering period of grapes is associated with the expectation of a rich future harvest. Its basis is good pollination of brushes and rapid growth of ovaries. But two weeks of flowering pass and very often, despite the significantly increased size of the clusters, hopes melt like last year's snow. Barely emerging berries on the hands begin to crumble, the ridges slowly fade away, along with dreams of a good harvest.

What conclusions should be drawn for the future so that such troubles do not recur?

Of course, to establish the cause of poor pollination of grapes, you say, and you will be right. However, it's easier said than done. Sometimes it is not easy to establish one single reason, because there can be several reasons. To determine what reasons could prevent the brushes from pollinating, you need to know them, as well as understand what measures in the future will help to avoid repeating such mistakes or the emergence of new ones.

And so we list the main secrets of good pollination of grapes:

1. There is never enough pollen for pollination.

This means that before entering the “pea” stage, the grapes practically do not feel the load of the crop, which is what winegrowers use: they leave all the brushes for flowering - this gives additional pollen, and you can choose the best from 2-3 clusters pollinated on the shoot.

That is, it is not worth normalizing the brushes until the end of flowering. And only when they are formed, you need to leave the best.

Poor pollination

2.Additional (artificial) pollination.

It turns out that the stigma on a functionally female grape flower is capable of accepting pollen for about 24 hours (droplets are visible on the stigmas), then it turns brown, and if pollination has not occurred, it disappears, with a weak turgor of the stamens, the caps are not shed, pollination does not occur - the ovary also crumbles.

Functionally female flower

1- cap 2- stigma with a drop of moisture 3- stamens

To increase the yield of grape varieties with FZHTC (functionally female type of flowering), brushes are artificially pollinated with pollen of bisexual varieties. This work is very simple. They make a puff - a wooden spatula, fit it with rabbit, hare or other fur, trimmed to a length of 1-1.5 cm. The fur is pre-washed with soap, dried, and then attached to the holders.

Puffs. photo Yakovlev A.V.

When pollinated with a powder puff, they touch the inflorescences of a bush of bisexual grape varieties and transfer pollen to inflorescences with functionally female flowers.

Pollination with powder puffs. photo Prigarovsky E.

Double artificial pollination gives the best results. The first time this is done before mass flowering, the second - during it. It is better to pollinate the grapes in the morning, as soon as the dew disappears, before 9-10 o'clock. In cloudy weather, this can be done throughout the day.

It is useful to do artificial cross-pollination on bisexual grape varieties. To do this, you can use a household anther.

Cross-pollination. photo Shashkov A.V.

3. Pinching technique.

There are varieties (hybrids) of grapes that are acutely sensitive to a lack of nutrients coming from the roots to the brushes during flowering, so some growers recommend pinching the top of the shoot to redirect the influx of nutrition to the brush, creating better conditions for pollination and the initial development of berries.

This is done at the very beginning of flowering, when the blooming of flowers is visually determined, i.e. when dropping the first caps. At the very end of the shoot with the future bunch, three tiny leaves need to be plucked off.

The entire crown is removed.

But premature pinching or delaying it does more harm than good. If this technique is done before the start of flowering, then instead of one growth point, several of them will appear on the shoot, in the form of stepchildren, and the opposite effect will take place. If you are late with pinching, the grapes will not have time to rebuild nutrient flows and the effectiveness of such an agricultural method will be reduced to zero. Pinching on weak shoots is not done, as this usually leads to a negative result.

If you have a small vineyard and are able to keep track of all the timing of the operation, then this is undoubtedly the cheapest and easiest way to improve pollination.

4. Foliar treatment with the BOR microelement.

A more effective way to enhance the nutrition of bunches before flowering is to treat grape vines before and during flowering with boron-containing preparations.

Many studies have found that flowers are the richest in boron compared to other parts of plants. It plays an essential role in the processes of fertilization. When it is excluded from the nutrient medium, plant pollen grows poorly or even does not germinate at all.

Signs of Boric Starvation

The additional application of boron promotes better pollen germination, eliminates the fall of the ovaries and enhances the development of the reproductive organs.

The most common forms of boron microfertilizers used in Russia are boric acid and borax. The main disadvantage of these drugs is their low solubility in water.

The issue of creating an effective boron microfertilizer remained open for a long time, until the appearance of a new development of the US BORAX company - the preparation Solubor DF. Solyubor DF is a unique boron microfertilizer for foliar top dressing, in addition to a high (17.5%) boron content, it has the highest solubility among all fertilizers known on the agricultural market, is easily absorbed by the plant and quickly eliminates the lack of this element.

Solubor DF

Of the familiar developments, the best is Vuksal "combi B". Boric chelate fertilizer. It contains 16% boron. It is necessary to process by spending 35 g of the drug per 1 weave before flowering on the 5th leaf, and 1 treatment during flowering.

Vuksal combi B

Brush processed Vuksal combi B

Brush treated before flowering

Vuxal helps to pollinate

A new development of the boron-containing preparation Kelkat Bor belongs to the Spanish company Atlantica Agricola, already well known for Agricola.

5. The use of biostimulators of the ovary of grapes.

Everyone is already accustomed to the fact that when growing vegetables on a personal plot, we use biostimulants "Ovary" and the like, for better fertilization in bad weather conditions, so as not to be left without a crop at all.

Fertilizer Maxicrop Ovary is a new development of scientists from the company Valagro (Italy) Maxicrop Ovary (Set) in the field of crop production.

As part of the Maxicrop Ovary fertilizer, only natural ingredients are used (100% extract from Ascophyllum nodosum algae), selected and prepared accordingly.

Maxicrop Ovary is intended for foliar feeding

A new development of a well-known manufacturer guarantees flowering and ovary formation due to the content of highly effective phytohormones (cytokinin, betaine, alginic acid, amino acids) enriched with zinc in a chelated form.

Application of Maxicrop Ovary

I want to say a few words about the favorite varieties of quiche-mish. It is a well-known fact that there are no bones only in quiche-mish of 1-2 classes. In the remaining 3-4 classes, there are one or two fully formed bones.

To get rid of the bones or bring them to the state of rudiments (soft underdeveloped bones), you need to use preparations based on gibberellin.

Such drugs stimulate cell division and increase the size of the fetus in a natural way, without reducing the taste and technological qualities, increasing the rate of division and the formation of new cells at the stages: after the formation of the ovary and during the period of active growth of the fetus. Which leads to an increase in the size of the fetus, and the development of the bones stops.

Such a biostimulant is Benefit, already known to Valagro (Italy).

The composition of the biological product includes special amino acids (glycine, alanine, aspartic and glutamic acids), which activate the most important metabolic reactions (natural division of growth cells).

Only the ovaries are treated with this preparation, after pollination, when they reach the size of a match head. Every 10 days at the rate of 25 ml per 10 liters of water for a month, that is, 3 times.


In the next season, take into account the mistakes and prepare in advance everything you need to carry out timely activities that improve the pollination of the brushes, thereby saving the harvest. Remember, the flowering time for different varieties (hybrids) of grapes lasts 3-5 days. The period is very short, you need to do everything in time.

You can try out the means to help pollinate the grapes in your vineyard by placing an order at.

I will be very grateful to you! Thanks!

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