The meaning of the word monogram in the modern explanatory dictionary, bse. Monograms. What it is? How to compose and examples of monograms Male monogram from the letters a m e

Plaster 16.02.2022

We took up monogramming because we personally needed it. The simple interweaving of letters did not suit us, it was too banal, and we began to work in this direction.

To understand how to do this, we decided to understand the types and principles of writing initials. Let's say right away that the topic is very deep, and today we continue to study and systematize knowledge in this area.

For many centuries, it has been believed that a monogram is a symbol that indicates the high social status of a person, family or clan, belonging to the highest, ruling strata of society. Such a sign, along with the family coat of arms, was a matter of special pride. It was placed on palaces and houses, family services and household items, decorated with wardrobe items. Today, after a short oblivion, monograms and monograms have become popular again.

In general, today the monogram and monogram are more widely used.

There are several versions of the origin of the word in different sources. Monogram:

1. A sign composed of the initial letters of the first name and surname connected to each other, placed side by side or intertwined with one another, or from an abbreviation of the whole name.

2. "Simple line". The very first monograms were indeed written as one continuous and solid line. However, over time, simplicity has been replaced by a large number of details, decorations and various additions. In its original form, the monogram consisted of only one initial letter of the name.

Then the first letter of the surname began to be added to this symbol. Thus, today a monogram is a decorative pattern of the initials of a person or the initial letters of the name of a company or firm.

It is important to note that just initials (for example, N.Kh.) are not a monogram. In order to become one, the letters must be made in the form of a single pattern, beautifully intertwined and placed in some shape (for example, an oval or a square).

Most often, such signs are found on works of art. Many artists, mostly painters and engravers, put them on their work instead of a signature. In addition to letters, images of flowers, objects, birds, animals can be used.

Monograms were widely used in private life as a mark of the owner on bookplates, jewelry, linen, dishes, etc.

Family monogram made in our studio

Monogram(from Polish Węzeł - knot) - the initial letters of the name and surname (sometimes patronymic), usually artistically intertwined and forming a beautiful pattern.

In fact, a monogram is a complicated monogram with a more intricate interweaving of initials and the addition of various decorations, patterns and ornateness to them. If the letters belong to one person, then the monogram is considered simple, if several - then complex. It can be decorated with a crown, wreath, etc.

It can be decorated with any symbols, such as a wreath, shield or crown. Many modern monarchs, like their predecessors, have their own special monograms, which are applied to coins, documents and jewelry.


  1. A monogram is a special sign that shows the belonging of an object to a particular person. A monogram can carry information about one or several people, united on some basis.
  2. Unlike a monogram, which is artistically executed and intertwined initials, a monogram can be supplemented with various heraldic symbols that carry a fairly large amount of additional information.
  3. A monogram of letters in most cases can be easily reproduced by hand, but it is rather difficult to reproduce a monogram in this way.


Depending on the number of initials, a monogram of letters can be

-simple(belong to one person)

-difficult- monogram, in which several names and a generic surname are combined.

Complex tribal monograms were previously passed from one generation of the family to another and were affixed to the houses belonging to the family, jewelry, dishes, furniture, clothes.

Personal monogram made in our studio

Monogram of Tsar Alexander III and Maria Feodorovna


Such characters can be:

-single letter, that is, consisting of one initial letter - the name or surname.

-Consisting of two letters denoting first and last name.

Three letter monogram name is most popular in the Russian-speaking environment, which is due to the cultural characteristics of communications, when a respected person is called by his patronymic.

-Monogram ciphers(We are little known). For the execution of such a sign, all letters from the surname or name are used. When compiling a monogram, as a rule, the letter denoting the surname is executed in a slightly larger size or is highlighted in some other way.

Male monogram consisting of two letters,

made in our studio

Monograms - cipher


Paired (or family) monograms have recently been very popular as a wedding attribute used to decorate invitations and business cards for guests, when decorating a wedding cake, a hall where a celebration is held. It can be used as one letter - the initial in the surname of a young family, or two, made up of the initials of the names of the newlyweds. The most popular and frequently used are paired Russian monograms, consisting of three letters, which should be arranged in a special way: first comes the first letter of the female name, small, in the middle - the couple's surnames, and then the initial letter of the male name, also small.

In this case, the levels of the first and last initials may be different.

Monograms are always read from left to right and top to bottom.

Rules for writing a female and male monogram

- male monograms must be written in block letters

Men's monogram, made in our studio

- female monograms are written in oblique capital or calligraphic letters

- family - in capital oblique letters

Family monograms made in our studio


-in women's monogram of three letters, the first letter will be the initial letter of the name, small in size, then large in size - the surname, and the last - patronymic (the same as the name);

-in male in a three-letter monogram, the size of all letters will be the same, the order is the same;

In monograms consisting of two characters, the first name comes first, then the surname, and the size of the letters is the same.

It is also possible to write a monogram without using a middle name. In this case, the first name is written first, then the surname and the size of the initials should be the same.

-Baby monograms, as a rule, consist of only the 1st letter


does not necessarily contain the initials of the owner, it is quite possible to use it like Elvis Presley, who had it TCB (Taking Care of Business) and meant the first letters of the personal motto.

Writing letters in different techniques and styles corresponds to the status of the owner, his idea of ​​"beautiful", the tasks of the monogram. As an example, the monogram of the Fashion House of Yves Saint Laurent is perfect in its simplicity.


-On the business card of the owners

The strict definition of the word monogram (-tie of two or more letters) hardly reflects the full meaning of this symbol rich in history.

A bit of history

The word familiar today, in translation meaning one letter, came from Greece. Back in 350 BC. the Greeks composed monograms from the first letters of their names, the names of revered persons and even the names of cities. Gradually, monograms spread throughout the world. They were used both in official documents and to decorate personal items: textiles, jewelry, dishes ... If at the beginning of its history the monogram was a sign only of the upper classes, then gradually it began to be used in other strata of society. Already in the XVI century. monograms were used in trade and in factories. The fashion for monograms came to Russia thanks to Peter I, a connoisseur of everything European. His monogram of two Ps (Peter Primus) gave rise to the tradition of an individual badge for each member of the Romanov dynasty.


Over the course of its history, the monogram has taken on various forms. From the ascetic graphic lettering to the complex interweaving of many additional elements. Variability and diversity made it possible to structure monograms into several types.

A monogram is a monogram richly decorated with additional semantic symbols. Here you can find not only letters, but animals, plants and complex patterns.

Family monogram. Appearing as a letter of a name, the monogram belonged to a specific person, and not to the whole family. However, wealthy European surnames began to use a uniform monogram, taking advantage of the recognizability of the family mark for the benefit of younger generations. The advantages of a successful solution made it possible to turn the original idea into a good tradition. Nowadays, new family monograms also take place, for example, as a sign of newlyweds.

Christogram (chrism, chrismon) is a monogram using the letters of the name of Christ. Such a monogram is still widely used today, since it is given significant religious significance.


Today, when creating a monogram, they do not think about how to do it correctly, however, some rules for creating a personal monogram still exist. The largest letter is assigned to the surname and is located in the center. Strict block letters are traditionally used by men, while women prefer uppercase, more elegant styles.


The personal monogram of many famous politicians, artists and other figures in history is recognizable even today. The monogram of Catherine the Great adorns the Nevsky Gates of the Peter and Paul Fortress, and the monogram of Paul I is still on the walls of the Mikhailovsky Castle, the combined monogram of Emperor Alexander III and Empress Maria Feodorovna is woven into the pattern of the Hermitage Gates on Palace Square. By the way, even in the Renaissance, because of the copyright for the monogram, one had to sue. The famous graphic artist Albrecht Dürer drew up his monogram and used it as a signature in engravings. The popularity of the artist played a cruel joke on him - forgeries of works began, and of course monograms. Durer went to court and defended his copyright for the monogram, which reduced the number of fakes. However, today Dürer's monogram received an unusual continuation of life and became the basis for the logo of the New York Art Directors Club (ADC).

Everything new is not forgotten old

The rich tradition of monogramming successfully coexists today with corporate culture. The most famous fashion houses use the monograms of their creators. Chanel, Fendi, Dolce & Gabbana, Louis Vuitton... The active use of monograms in decorating clothes was at the peak of popularity in the 90s, when the cherished letters were worn with pride even on dubious products. For about a decade, the use of bright monograms in clothing was forgotten, only to reappear in fashion life today, along with a surge of interest in the aesthetics of the dashing 90s. For example, the Louis Vuitton-Supreme collaboration, motley with a monogram pattern, has become the object of insanity. In many boutiques, you can order almost imperceptible, but emphasizing the uniqueness of the product, embroidery of the buyer's initials to match the clothes.

Monograms are not tied to a single moment in history, but rather live their own lives. They can be strict upper class (in the form of a modest logo), and eccentric friends of style (through a flashy appearance).

Modern designers

Modern monograms of Joe White from London

Joe White from London

Mexican designer Yock monogrammed UEFA Champions League finalists in 2015

#storydesign #monogram

Many in their lives at least once met with beautifully intertwined letters, sometimes decorated with ornaments - a monogram. Has anyone wondered what a monogram is and what is the history of this symbol of high-ranking persons and monarchs? But he has a very interesting story. An article about the monogram will introduce the reader to interesting facts related to it, as well as where it is currently used.

Drawing from time immemorial

A beautiful pattern of two or more letters, elegantly intertwined with each other, first appeared, according to historians and archaeologists, on the coins of Ancient Greece.

One of the most famous monograms in the world is considered to be Christ - the monogram of Jesus Christ. It is placed on the emblem of the military standard of the first Roman emperor Constantine the Great.

On the coins of ancient cities found during excavations, a monogram is clearly visible, consisting of the first two letters of their names. For example, on the coins of the city of Achaia.

Monograms can be found not only on coins, but also on medals.

Monogram as signature

Roman emperors, and soon the monarchs of the European countries of France and England, in the 7th-8th centuries began to use the monogram instead of their signature on letters and documents. During the Renaissance, the monogram began to be perceived as a personal symbol of its owner, his autograph. Soon she migrated to household items: clothes, cigarette cases, weapons. Of course, only wealthy people could afford such a luxury. Noble owners of monograms and monograms used to pass them by inheritance.

Gradually, such symbols began to be used by artists, sculptors, engravers, who sought to indicate the authorship of their works. Johann Sebastian Bach, for example, had three monograms, two of which were in the form of notes, and one was in the form of a signature. He also owned a beautiful baroque monogram.

What a monogram is is well said in the Great Encyclopedia edited by S. N. Yuzhakov. This is how it is written in Old Church Slavonic:

Monogram (Greek), in fact, one letter, and also a figure consisting of several letters intertwined with each other, representing some kind of name or well-known formula. Takiya M. were used for signatures and seals. M. are also found on ancient coins and medals. Subsequently, they were used by artists, engravers and industrialists, exposing M. on their works.

Etymology of the word "monogram"

What is a "monogram", what is the etymology of the word itself? The essence of such an emblem is expressed in its name, which has Greek roots: mono - one, gramma - letter. Thus, initially it was a beautifully designed one letter denoting the family surname or name of the owner. As time went on, more letters were added to the writing and design of the monogram, which stood side by side or intertwined. They talked about family affiliation, they also included the first letters of the names and surnames of the wife or husband, or all the initials of its owner were placed on the symbol. Currently, such an emblem is made up not only of letters. The monogram includes a variety of signs, symbols and ornaments.

Russian monograms

The tradition of using monograms also came to Russia. It is believed that Tsar Peter I was the first of the Russian nobility to use them. In 1722, he ordered to place a monogram on Russian rubles with the letter of the Russian alphabet "P" and the number "1". Thus, he pointed to himself as its owner. Initially, when the emperor first arrived from abroad, he had a monogram with the Latin letter "P". Then she changed to Russian. Also, Peter I introduced the obligatory use of monograms on epaulettes and epaulettes of high-ranking officials. The embroidery was done with golden threads.

Famous in Russian history was the monogram of Catherine II. She used her initials on documents, coins, and jewelry she owned. It was an original and elegantly drawn letter "E" with two vertical strokes.

Both of these emblems are unique identifications of an individual. What is the difference between a monogram and a monogram? At first glance, it seems that this is the same thing, because both there and there are intricately intertwined letters. The simplest explanation for the differences in definitions is this: a monogram is a more complex form of a monogram.

The monogram is composed of geometric ornaments, heraldic motifs, crowns and military attributes. All this is combined in one composition. Monograms can be simple, belonging to one owner, and complex, which can be used by several owners.

Monogramming Rules

When composing a monogram, you need to follow certain rules so that it does not turn into a monogram. That is, the intricacy of the composition should not be overly saturated with all kinds of interweaving and not overloaded with additional motives. The monogram alphabet can be represented in both Cyrillic and Latin. Original and discreet monograms are often embroidered on cuffs and collars. They are usually done in blue and black colors.

So, what are the rules to follow when creating a monogram? First of all, it is necessary to decide to whom it will be intended: a man or a woman, a married couple or a child. After that, you can begin to create and at the same time consider the following:

  • The monogram is read from left to right and from top to bottom.
  • For men, it is customary to use block letters.
  • Women's monograms, as well as those created for couples, are usually made in capital letters. Calligraphic fonts are also used in these cases.
  • If the female monogram will be made of three letters: first name, patronymic and last name - they are arranged in the following order: first name is small, the second letter is large - last name, the third small letter is patronymic.
  • If the monogram is made up of two letters denoting the name and surname, then in this case the letters should be the same size.
  • The emblem intended for a child must consist of one letter.

family monograms

The skill and originality of drawing up family monograms is a real test for the designer. It is the combinations of letters and their interaction that are difficult. Usually the monogram of the spouses consists of three letters: the first small one is the wife's name, the middle one is the common surname, the third small one is the husband's name.

If the family has a double surname, two large letters of the first and second surnames should be located in the middle of the monogram. For example, Saltykov-Shchedrin is S and Shch.

Currently, family monograms from letters are used, as a rule, when designing invitations and business cards. It is very fashionable now. If this is a young family, then the celebration of marriage is also accompanied by the design of the wedding hall, decorating the car and cakes using the emblem. At family celebrations, you can often find monogram embroidery on napkins. Usually, one letter appears on the emblem of a young family - the first letter of a common surname.

Monograms today

The popularity of the monogram is currently making a comeback. Previously, only high-ranking nobles and people of art could use such symbols. The revolution made its own amendments, eradicating everything that did not correspond to its ideology. Today, any citizen or company can use the monogram. Well-known brands place monograms on their products. By this they emphasize the status of the company and the leader. And it is not at all necessary to place the first letters of the owner's surname on the monogram. It can be the name of the company or its motto.

It is appropriate to use monograms on jewelry, exquisite gifts. It may happen that this gift or piece of jewelry will be kept in the family as a family heirloom. Thus, the monogram will be passed down from generation to generation.

Monograms as symbols are introduced into use by hotels and restaurants. On bed linen, towels, bathrobes, tablecloths and napkins of elite establishments, embroideries in the form of elegantly woven Russian or Latin letters flaunt. Currently, there are quite a lot of monogram options that can be built into software at sewing enterprises that provide the application of such patterns on certain products.

Monograms on men's shirts

An interesting fact is the appearance of monograms on men's clothing. What is a monogram on a shirt, why is it needed, especially if it is located in not very noticeable places of this piece of clothing? It turns out that she did not appear out of a desire to stand out or show the level. Men who handed over their linen to the laundry had to distinguish their shirt from someone else's. We don't take linen to the laundry at the moment. The monogram on the shirt no longer has any practical value, but it serves to add beauty. Modern young men like to individualize everything, to have their own marks on clothes.

There are rules for applying monograms to shirts. It is not applied in order to be on public display. It is needed exclusively for the owner of the shirt. Located a few centimeters above the waistband of the trousers, it will look discreet and appropriate, as well as on the inside of the collar. Basically, the monograms are located to the left of the placket, and if the shirt has a pocket, then on the pocket. The monogram should not be large and catchy. Otherwise, the wearer of the shirt will be considered tactless.


(from mono ... and ... grams), 1) the initial letters of the name, surname woven in the form of a monogram. 2) A conventional sign (image of a flower, animal, etc.), replacing the signature on the works of artists.

TSB. Modern explanatory dictionary, TSB. 2003

See also interpretations, synonyms, word meanings and what is MONOGRAM in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books:

  • MONOGRAM in the Dictionary of Fine Art Terms:
    - (at first it meant an image drawn with one line) 1. The initial letters of the name and surname woven in the form of a monogram. 2. Conditional...
  • MONOGRAM in the Big Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    (from mono ... and ... gram) 1) the initial letters of the name, surname woven in the form of a monogram. 2) Conventional sign (image of a flower, animal, etc. ...
  • MONOGRAM in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    Monogram (from the Greek words: monoV = one and gramma = letter) - a sign made up of interconnected, placed side by side or intertwined ...
  • MONOGRAM in the Modern Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    (from mono... and... gram), 1) the initial letters of the name, surname woven in the form of a monogram. 2) Conventional sign (image of a flower, animal), replacing ...
  • MONOGRAM in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    s, w. 1. Plexus of the initial letters of the name and surname in the form of a monogram. Ring with a monogram.||Cf. LIGATURE. 2. Conventional sign ...
  • MONOGRAM in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    , -s, w. An elm of two or more letters. II adj. monogrammed, -th, ...
  • MONOGRAM in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    MONOGRAM (from mono... and... grams), woven in the form of a monogram of the beginning. letters of the name, surname. Conventional sign (image of a flower, ...
  • MONOGRAM in the Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron:
    (from the Greek words: ????? = one and ?????? = letter) ? a sign made up of interconnected, placed side by side or ...
  • MONOGRAM in the Full accentuated paradigm according to Zaliznyak:
    monogram "mma, monogram" mma, monogram "mm, monogra" mm, monogra "mm, monogra" mm, monograph "mmu, monogram" mm, monogram "mmoy, monogram" mmoy, monogram "mmami, monogra" mme, ...
  • MONOGRAM in the Anagram Dictionary.
  • MONOGRAM in the Popular Explanatory-Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    -s, well. 1) Plexus, ligature of two or more - usually initial - letters of the name and surname in the form of a monogram. …
  • MONOGRAM in the New Dictionary of Foreign Words:
    (lat. monogramma (gr. monos one + gramma letter; entry) 1) interweaving of the initial letters of the name and surname in the form ...
  • MONOGRAM in the Dictionary of Foreign Expressions:
    [lat. monogramma 1. plexus of the initial letters of the name and surname in the form of a monogram; 2. rarely - a conventional sign (for example, an image of a flower, ...
  • MONOGRAM in the Dictionary of synonyms of Abramov:
    cm. …
  • MONOGRAM in the dictionary of Synonyms of the Russian language:
    monogram, ...
  • MONOGRAM in the New explanatory and derivational dictionary of the Russian language Efremova:
    well. 1) Plexus in the form of a monogram of two or more letters (usually the initial letters of the name and surname). 2) Conventional sign (image ...
  • MONOGRAM in the Dictionary of the Russian Language Lopatin:
    monogram, ...
  • MONOGRAM in the Complete Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language:
  • MONOGRAM in the Spelling Dictionary:
    monogram, ...
  • MONOGRAM in the Dictionary of the Russian Language Ozhegov:
    a combination of two or more...
  • MONOGRAM in the Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language Ushakov:
    monograms, w. (from Greek monos - one and gramma - letter). Ligature, ligature of two or more ...
  • MONOGRAM in the Explanatory Dictionary of Efremova:
    monogram w. 1) Plexus in the form of a monogram of two or more letters (usually the initial letters of the name and surname). 2) Conventional sign ...
  • MONOGRAM in the New Dictionary of the Russian Language Efremova:
    well. 1. Interlacing in the form of a monogram of two or more letters (usually the initial letters of the name and surname). 2. Conventional sign (image ...

For many centuries, it has been believed that a monogram is a symbol that indicates the high social status of a person, family or clan, belonging to the highest, ruling strata of society. Such a sign, along with the family coat of arms, was a matter of special pride. It was placed on palaces and houses, family services and household items, decorated with wardrobe items. Today, after a short oblivion, monograms and monograms have become popular again. This article will tell you about what these stylish decor elements are, what are their similarities and differences.

What it is?

The word "monogram" is Greek, in literal translation it means "a simple line". The very first monograms were indeed written as one continuous and solid line. However, over time, simplicity has been replaced by a large number of details, decorations and various additions. In its original form, the monogram consisted of only one initial letter of the name.

Then the first letter of the surname began to be added to this symbol. Thus, today a monogram is a decorative pattern of the initials of a person or the initial letters of the name of a company or firm. It is important to note that just initials (for example, B.P.) are not a monogram. In order to become one, the letters must be made in the form of a single pattern, beautifully intertwined and placed in some shape (for example, an oval or a square).

What is the difference between a monogram and a monogram?

Modern man (with rare exceptions) believes that these are synonymous words. However, it is not. Monograms and monograms do have much in common, but they are different symbols.

The very word "monogram", meaning "knot", has Polish roots. Without going into details, the monogram can be called a complicated form of a monogram, to which additional decorations were added, and the interweaving of letters was made even more complicated. It can be decorated with any symbols, such as a wreath, shield or crown. Many modern monarchs, like their predecessors, have their own special monograms, which are applied to coins, documents and jewelry.

Thus, there are the following differences between these symbolic images:

1. A monogram is a special sign that shows the belonging of an object to a particular person. A monogram can carry information about one or several people, united on some basis.

2. Unlike the monogram, which is artistically executed and intertwined initials, the monogram can be supplemented with various heraldic symbols that carry a fairly large amount of additional information.

3. A monogram of letters in most cases can be easily reproduced by hand, but it is quite difficult to reproduce a monogram in this way.

A bit of history

Archaeological data suggest that even in ancient Egypt, seals with carved monograms were used. Then similar symbols, namely the initial letters of names, began to be used in Greece and Rome. It is documented that monograms were used there already in the 4th century BC. e. One of the most famous of them is the "christogram" - XP "Chi-Ro", which includes the first letters of the Greek spelling of the name of Jesus Christ. Around this time, many Roman and Greek city-states monogrammed their coins.

From about the 7th century, representatives of the higher clergy and rulers of various principalities and countries used similar symbols on personal seals, which were used to certify documents and letters instead of signatures. Medieval aristocrats and rich people, indulging their own vanity, decorated jewelry, cigarette cases and caskets, wine vessels and cutlery. In addition, monograms were embroidered on the linen of aristocrats and kings, the embroidery of which was complemented by various crowns corresponding to the title of the owner: royal, baronial, count or noble. At the same time, there were special rules about what color a crown could be embroidered for a particular class. So, the crown embroidered on the baron's linen could be two-colored, but performed on the nobility - only white.

In medieval Europe, craftsmen, artists and engravers affixed monograms on their products. These were not always letters, like those of Leonardo da Vinci or Dürer. Quite often, artists marked their canvases with a figure, placing it in a secluded place in the picture. So, for example, B. Garofalo painted a carnation flower, L. Cranach - a winged snake, P. Bril - glasses.

Starting from the 16th century, the monogram is not only a personal symbol of rulers and aristocrats, but also a trademark that was affixed by the craftsmen.

Russian history

In Russia, the appearance of monograms is usually associated with the reformer tsar Peter I. Before he became emperor, Peter Alekseevich’s personal monogram consisted of the Latin letter “P” with a mirror image. But already in 1722, monograms of the letters of the Russian alphabet appeared on the rubles - “P” with the number I.

In the future, all Russian autocrats had monograms consisting of the initial letter of the name and serial number. Such symbols were also widely used on shoulder straps and epaulettes of various military units. The uniforms of high-ranking officials were decorated with monograms, which were embroidered with special gilded threads.

Until the 20th century, monograms were widely used in everyday life: they were put on jewelry, dishes, linen and clothes.

Types of monograms

Depending on the number of initials, a monogram of letters can be simple (belonging to one person) or complex - monogram, in which several names and a generic surname are combined. Complex tribal monograms were previously passed from one generation of the family to another and were affixed to the houses belonging to the family, jewelry, dishes, furniture, clothes. Let us consider in more detail the features of each of these types.

Personal monograms

Such characters can be:

  • Single-letter, that is, consisting of one initial letter - a name or surname. So, for Timofey Zaitsev, it can be both "T" and "Z".
  • Consisting of two letters denoting the name and surname.
  • The three-letter monogram of the name is most popular in the Russian-speaking environment, which is due to the cultural characteristics of communications, when a respected person is called by his patronymic.
  • Monograms-ciphers, which are practically unknown in Russia. For the execution of such a sign, all letters from the surname or name are used.

When compiling a monogram, as a rule, the letter denoting the surname is executed in a slightly larger size or is highlighted in some other way.

family monograms

Paired (or family) monograms have recently been very popular as a wedding attribute used to decorate invitations and business cards for guests, when decorating a wedding cortege and a cake, a hall where a celebration is held. It can be used as one letter - the initial in the surname of a young family, for example, among the Krutikovs - “K”, or two, made up of the initials of the names of the newlyweds.

The most popular and frequently used are paired Russian monograms, consisting of three letters, which must be arranged in a special way: first comes the first letter of the female name, in the middle - the couple's surnames, and then the initial letter of the male name.

Women's or men's?

When compiling a monogram of the letters of the Russian alphabet, you should remember some unspoken rules:

  • for male characters, only block letters are used;
  • calligraphic and uppercase obliques are used to create female symbols;
  • in a female monogram of three letters, the first letter will be the initial letter of the name, then the large letter - the surname, and the last - the patronymic (the same as the name);
  • in a male three-letter monogram, the size of all letters will be the same;
  • in monograms consisting of two characters, the first name comes first, then the surname, and the size of the letters is the same.

Monograms today

Having retreated into the “shadow” for some time, today monograms and monograms are again popular. The modern monogram does not necessarily contain the initials of the owner, it is quite possible to use it like Elvis Presley, in whom it was TCB (Taking Care of Business) and meant the first letters of the personal motto. Exquisitely and unusually executed symbol attracts attention and emphasizes the individuality of the owner. Wealthy businessmen quite often order the development of a personal monogram signature, which has the same legal force as a regular one.

Today, monograms decorate not only jewelry and bijouterie, clothes and shoes, but also logos of large companies, business cards, business papers and representative accessories.

Recently, more and more of our contemporaries are ordering the development of a family monogram, inherited.

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