Is it possible to breastfeed a child while lactating? Can I breastfeed if my mother has a cold? How to lower the temperature during lactation

Gas supply 16.02.2022
Gas supply

Lyudmila Sergeevna Sokolova

Reading time: 4 minutes


Article last updated: 05/01/2019

A cold can take a breastfeeding mother by surprise. With the onset of cold weather and in the off-season, the risk of catching colds and flu is very high. Having discovered the first symptoms in themselves, many mothers panic and are afraid to breastfeed the baby in order to protect him from the disease. But is it justified?

Doctors are categorically against stopping breastfeeding during the mother's illness, unless treatment is required with drugs that are contraindicated during lactation. Colds are usually caused by viruses and are seasonal. With a viral infection, antibiotic treatment is not carried out unless a bacterial infection has joined. Therefore, there is no reason to stop breastfeeding.

If it becomes necessary to treat the disease with antibiotics, tell your doctor that you are breastfeeding. You will be selected drugs that are allowed to be taken during the lactation period.

Breast milk or formula?

Mother's milk is a source of nutrients for the child, as well as a powerful immunological defense for his body. Women's milk contains proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, amino acids, protects the child's body from bacteria, viruses due to the immune factors included in the composition, promotes the growth and proper development of organs and systems, as it contains special hormones.

Infant milk formulas, although close in composition to breast milk, still cannot completely replace it. Mother's milk substitutes do not contain substances that provide immune protection and do not contain growth hormones.

With a sharp transfer of the baby to the mixture, his mental state and immune system suffer, which suddenly lost support. During this period, unformed children's immunity becomes defenseless against the attack of viruses and bacteria from the outside. It is very easy to get sick at such a moment: the stress of losing close contact with the mother and unusual food reduce the protective functions of the young organism.

Myths and legends

There are several misconceptions about breastfeeding during the period of illness, consider the most common:

  • The child will become infected through milk. This is an incorrect statement. We all know that colds and flu are transmitted by airborne droplets through coughing, sneezing, etc. A less common route of transmission is household contact, in which infection occurs through contaminated household items (dishes, doorknobs, switches) and handshakes. Yes, there are diseases in which the virus can be transmitted to the child through breast milk (HIV, Ebola, etc.), but with colds, only virus particles neutralized by the mother's immune system are found in milk.
  • At a high body temperature, the milk "burns out" and becomes unsuitable for human consumption. This is also fiction. According to the results of medical studies, body temperature does not affect the quality of breast milk.
  • Medicines that the mother takes pass into the milk and can harm the baby. This is absolutely true, but there is no need to be afraid and refuse treatment. There are many medicines that can be combined with breastfeeding. You just need to consult your doctor before using.

In the treatment of colds, you can use "folk methods" that alleviate the condition and are safe for the child.

How to treat a cold and combine breastfeeding?

Breastfeeding with a cold should be carried out in the usual schedule for the child. If you follow preventive measures, you can protect the child from infection.

Most often, the body of an adult healthy person copes with a cold on its own, without the use of drug treatment. For this, it is necessary to observe bed rest and peace of mind, then the immune system will cope on its own. Of course, for the mother of an infant, it is quite difficult to follow these recommendations and she cannot do without outside help.

It is necessary to treat a cold in a timely manner, and the methods of treatment depend on the symptoms:

  1. When the temperature rises, you can drink a paracetamol tablet, it is safe for a nursing mother.
  2. You can treat a cold with folk remedies : if you are worried about coughing and sore throat, you can gargle with decoctions of chamomile or sage, drink hot milk with butter. It is better not to use herbal teas and decoctions inside, the risk of developing allergic reactions is high.
  3. You can take safe cough syrups, but only after consulting your doctor.
  4. If you have a runny nose, rinse your nose often with a soda-salt solution, which can cook at home: dissolve a spoonful of salt and a spoonful of baking soda in a liter of water. You can also use onion or garlic water for instillation. Of the pharmaceutical preparations, Pinosol and Aquamaris can be used.
  5. Remember to eat well and drink plenty of fluids.

When treatment does not bring relief, and the condition worsens, call a doctor! Perhaps this is not a cold, but a more serious disease.

Stop the process of breastfeeding only when serious treatment is needed. Your doctor will warn you about this.

We comply with security measures

During the height of the disease, when the possibility of infecting people around you is highest, it is important to take measures to eliminate the virus in order to protect your child and the rest of the household.

  1. You can involve relatives: let grandmothers, girlfriends, godparents, sisters or brothers stay with the child, and at this time the mother will take inhalations, lie down calmly, and sleep better.
  2. Wash your breasts with soap and water before feeding as viruses can be deposited on them when you cough or sneeze. For the same purpose, change your underwear more often, take a shower daily.
  3. Ventilate the apartment several times a day, carry out wet cleaning, paying special attention to door handles, switches, telephone handsets, TV remotes. It is on these objects that the maximum concentration of viruses and bacteria is found. Cleaning, too, lay on the shoulders of relatives. Physical activity during illness is contraindicated.
  4. Eat from separate dishes so as not to infect other family members.
  5. Wear a protective mask, do not remove it during feeding. Don't forget to change or wash it.
  6. Sneeze and cough into a handkerchief, not a fist . When we cough into a fist, viruses with droplets of saliva settle on the skin of our hands, and later we ourselves transfer them to various objects.
  7. When the child has eaten and fallen asleep, transfer him to another room, which was ventilated before, and rest in your own room.

It is important to maintain close contact with your baby so that he does not feel abandoned: during feeding, gently stroke him, talk and sing songs, if possible. Just remember to wear a gauze bandage.

Treating colds and breastfeeding today are compatible classes. The cessation of breastfeeding for the health of the child will do more harm than a small concentration of drugs that entered his body with milk.

Read more:

The situation when a mother who is breastfeeding faces a difficult choice, whether to quit breastfeeding or continue if a new life has settled under her heart, is not such a rarity. You can figure it out if you learn about breastfeeding during pregnancy in detail and weigh all the positive and negative sides.

Is it possible to get pregnant during lactation?

Unfortunately, many modern mothers are still under the influence of incorrect information that has come to us since ancient times. Then women knew the answer to the question “is it possible to get pregnant during lactation”, and he was “no”. In those days, a woman fed her baby only on demand, and menstruation did not resume naturally due to the high level of prolactin in the blood, which is released regularly and evenly.

Now the situation has changed a lot. Many mothers are not able to fully feed their child, and resort to mixtures as supplementary food. That is, little milk is produced and the level of prolactin, which is responsible for activating the reproductive function, is at a low level. Therefore, menstruation begins soon after childbirth and, of course, ovulation occurs at the same time. Especially affects the reduction of the contraceptive effect of feeding that mommy prefers to sleep at night without putting the baby. Such a mistake turns into a new pregnancy.

In order for breastfeeding during pregnancy not to become the number one issue, in addition to lactational amenorrhea (absence of menstruation during feeding), it is necessary to reliably protect yourself during breastfeeding with other methods of contraception:

  • install ;
  • select mini-pill as ;
  • use condoms.

Signs of pregnancy while breastfeeding

If a woman who is breastfeeding a child suspects a new pregnancy, then she should pay attention to the symptoms of a complex of which may indicate a conception that has occurred. Here are the most common:

  • if menstruation has already begun, its termination;
  • a sharp decrease in the amount of milk, although this situation is also characteristic of a lactation crisis;
  • a change in the behavior of the child at the breast - the baby sucks reluctantly, turns away, cries, although he is hungry;
  • discomfort in the nipples and chest;
  • breast augmentation;
  • cramps in the lower abdomen;
  • nausea, salivation, drowsiness, intolerance to odors are typical signs of toxicosis.

lactation pregnancy test

Pregnancy during breastfeeding can be detected in the same way as a normal pregnancy. If suspicions arise, a young mother can use some proven methods:

  • purchase a test at a pharmacy and conduct it approximately;
  • donate blood for hCG in the laboratory.

If the signs of pregnancy during lactation are obvious, and for some reason the test shows one strip, then it is possible that little time has passed after conception. You can wait another week and go through it again, or entrust the detection of the pregnancy hormone to specialists from the laboratory. A questionable result showing a low concentration of hCG in the blood is a reason to retake the test after 2 days. If the figure doubles, then the probability of pregnancy is 99%.

Is it possible to breastfeed during pregnancy?

Often, mom does not want to continue breastfeeding during pregnancy because of the high load on the body and her fears for a new life. But this decision is not always justified. Indeed, in some cases it is in the interests of all three parties to stop breastfeeding, but more often a young mother may well continue to feed her baby, as well as establish tandem feeding after the appearance of a second baby. You need to find out if it is possible to breastfeed a baby during pregnancy from your gynecologist, who knows the condition of a particular woman best of all.

Why not breastfeed during pregnancy?

In some situations, breastfeeding during pregnancy is prohibited. These include:

  1. The threat of abortion. It is believed that exposure to the nipples, followed by the production of oxytocin, which provokes abortion or childbirth, does not begin before 20 weeks. That is, until this time, a woman may not worry about the possibility of a miscarriage due to excessive breast stimulation. This is only appropriate when there is no direct threat, but if a woman has been diagnosed with a "threat of miscarriage", then breastfeeding increases the risk of placental abruption, and therefore feeding the baby will have to be stopped.
  2. Acute toxicosis during pregnancy can become an obstacle to breastfeeding. In addition to the fact that the general condition of a woman, with frequent retching, headache and constant nausea, does not tune in to close communication with the baby, feeding can also have a bad effect on the child who consumes mother's milk - in some cases, a state of toxicosis was also recorded in the infant .
  3. If a mother has chronic diseases, her body is weakened by a recent pregnancy and feeding, then a double load on the body can lead to bad consequences. Therefore, such a woman will need to curtail breastfeeding as soon as possible, which is detrimental to her health.

How to stop lactation during pregnancy?

It is advisable to finish breastfeeding during pregnancy gradually, if possible, and there are no acute contraindications. The child should receive the maximum useful milk that is due to him. Ideally, if complete occurs no earlier than 12 months, when the baby is already receiving complete complementary foods and does not need breastfeeding so much.

As soon as mommy finds out about the pregnancy, she should begin to remove one feeding, replacing it with an artificial mixture. Incomplete emptying of the baby's breast, followed by supplementary feeding with a mixture, is appropriate. In this case, the baby does not switch abruptly to another product, and the risk of allergies is minimized.

Breastfeeding and new pregnancy

If mom wants, and the doctor does not mind, then pregnancy during lactation is quite possible, especially if the baby is very small. Watching the baby suckle the breast, we can conclude that the feeding continues. If he does not have a rash, he behaves as usual, and sucking does not cause painful discomfort, then such feeding will benefit the baby and mother, who will not have to deprive the child of the product he needs.

Does the taste of breast milk change during pregnancy?

It has been scientifically proven that breast milk during pregnancy changes its composition and taste under the influence of hormones. No one knows if the baby feels this taste salty, bitter or sour, but if he does not refuse the breast due to the changes that have occurred, then everything is in order. At the time of birth, such a child will have a short break, and when the mother gives birth and returns home, then a large rush of milk will be sufficient for both the newborn and the older child.

Does breast milk disappear during a second pregnancy?

There is no reason to believe that pregnancy during lactation can significantly affect the amount of milk. Yes, in some cases, in the first weeks, milk may become a little less, but this situation is short-lived. Mom should continue to feed the baby if she wants to, and if necessary, you can supplement her with formula if the baby is very hungry. The amount of milk can decrease only in the second trimester under the influence of hormones. If by this time the child does not often need a breast, it is better to wean him smoothly.

Rules for breastfeeding during pregnancy

In order for pregnancy during lactation to pass for a woman without loss, you must follow simple rules:

  1. Eat enough wholesome, natural foods, as if you were pregnant with twins.
  2. Rest to the maximum, shifting the care of the crumbs to the household.
  3. Spend a lot of time walking.
  4. Receive high-quality complex multivitamins.
  5. At the slightest discomfort, contact a doctor.

There is an opinion that while the process of breastfeeding continues, the onset of pregnancy is impossible. This is a fundamentally erroneous assurance, and it has been refuted by more than one mom. Very often, women become pregnant at a time when the newborn baby is not yet a year old, he is on a natural diet. But how to understand that conception has come? And should I continue to feed the baby or is it time to wean him?

If a woman is pregnant but still breastfeeding, some signs associated with lactation will help her recognize the onset of a new conception:

  • changes in mother's milk. In this case, the baby may completely refuse it, since its taste and texture change;
  • since the resources of the mother's body are now distributed differently, it reduces the production of milk;
  • glands can swell, become more sensitive, making feeding unbearable.

Well, such a symptom as a delay in menstruation eloquently indicates that a pregnancy test should be carried out.

Experts allow breastfeeding during pregnancy. At the same time, they advise to pay attention to the state of their health. If you feel normal, eat well, take enough vitamins, then there is nothing to fear. Focus on the well-being and behavior of the child in the tummy.

You should also know that breastfeeding during pregnancy has its own characteristics:

  • it is not necessary to wean the first child from the breast during the normal course of bearing the second;
  • you need good nutrition and rest at this time;
  • Feeding discomfort can be greatly increased due to increased nipple sensitivity and can be reduced by inserting the nipple deeper into the baby's mouth or by using a nipple.

Important! In order to be sure that you can breastfeed during pregnancy, you must be registered with a gynecologist as soon as possible and strictly monitor your well-being.

Contraindications to breastfeeding during pregnancy

There are, albeit not too often, cases when breastfeeding during pregnancy is impossible, and it is better to stop it:

No matter what, the final decision on whether to continue breastfeeding during pregnancy is made only by the woman herself.

There are situations when breastfeeding while carrying another baby needs to be stopped.

By gradually weaning the child from maternal nutrition, you will make life easier for yourself and introduce complementary foods, which are already necessary for the development of a small organism. It is important to teach the child to fall asleep on his own, without sucking milk. At this point, all daily dairy meals should be reduced to a minimum.

If the baby has already grown up by this time, then he should be told that he will not eat milk now, he will eat tastier, a variety of foods. As you can see, to the question: “How long to breastfeed during pregnancy?” the answer is very simple: it is necessary to feed until the child leaves, contraindications arise, or until 2 months remain before the birth of the youngest baby.

Breastfeeding is absolutely normal during the period of bearing a younger baby. At this time, it is necessary to eat right and lead a healthy lifestyle, take vitamins and get more rest, because a woman in this position is responsible for the health of two children at once.

During this period, pay attention to your well-being, the behavior of the child and the condition of the fetus in order to know how long to produce natural nutrition and when to see a doctor. And a very important point - if there are contraindications, immediately stop the natural process of feeding, as it can harm you and the newborn.

Basic Rules

A mother who is breastfeeding and pregnant at the same time is comparable to the state when a woman is carrying twins. She needs to create the most comfortable conditions and protect from household worries.

The main ones are the following:

Nutrition during pregnancy and breastfeeding

How to eat so that you look beautiful and not get fat. Yes, so that the baby is also born healthy? Nutritionists have developed a whole nutrition system for expectant mothers.

In the first period, it is sometimes very difficult to force a woman to eat at least something. This happens mainly due to toxicosis. With this bad condition, some women even end up in the hospital for preservation. Toxicosis basically lasts only the first three months, when the body is rebuilt from one state to a completely different one.

The next three months and the last 3 become more comfortable for the woman to eat and feel.

Do's and Don'ts during Pregnancy:

  1. You can't drink coffee. Many women are outraged by this. Coffee raises blood pressure. Basically the same as wine. And in general, it is time for a pregnant woman to forget about alcohol until she stops breastfeeding.
  2. You can not forget about fried, fatty, and also smoked, but it’s worth a little to moderate the ardor for their use. In large quantities, such food negatively affects the mother's stomach and subsequently the well-being of the baby. If a woman feels well, then she may not change her diet especially.
  3. It is worth paying utmost attention to increasing meat and fish in your diet. Since this is fiber, which is simply necessary for the development of the baby inside the mother. She should also increase her vegetable intake. Firstly, for better work of the stomach, and secondly, so as not to simply gain weight.
  4. For a future mother, it is certainly more useful to eat fresh vegetables than cooked ones, since the latter, when heated, lose the lion's share of their vitamins and nutrients. Moreover, boiled carrots and beets contribute to an increase in extra pounds.

Well, of course, not all women can constantly cook fresh meals for themselves, but they should also avoid week-old dishes. With constant heating, all useful substances from such dishes disappear. It is better to prepare some salad of fresh vegetables and add a meat or fish cutlet to it.

Modern women have no time to monitor their diet, they eat "on the run". But such "fast" food does not bring any pleasure, not to mention the benefits. It is better to stop, have a quiet meal, enjoy the food, chat with the baby, and then run back on business. Conquering more and more peaks together with your unborn child.


If the eldest child is a little over a year old at the time of the birth of the youngest, then tandem breastfeeding can be arranged (when both the eldest and the youngest are applied to the chest at the same time). Of course, their feeding regimen will be different: the younger one will require breasts more often and for longer, and the older one - more before bedtime and to calm down or need extra closeness with you.

Also, when breastfeeding during pregnancy, you and your baby will have to adapt to a growing belly and find new comfortable positions for feeding.

If the age difference is greater, then during the period of pregnancy, you can gradually wean the older child from the breast. This must be done gradually. In some cases, the child himself may refuse to attach without any special action. And in some, the mother should be active: do not offer to suckle herself, distract the baby, try to offer an alternative.

Over time, the number of attachments will become less and less, and for the older child, refusal to feed will not be a lot of stress. It is desirable that breastfeeding ends 1.5-2 months before the birth of the youngest child. During this period, the baby will wean from mother's milk and he will not have the feeling that the younger one has deprived him of such closeness with his mother.

How to wean a baby from the breast?

Cessation of lactation is sometimes a very difficult process, especially psychologically. Some mothers have a lifetime of guilt in front of the child, for the fact that he was torn off his chest early. But remember, you have already given your first-born everything you need for his development, it's time to think about the future child. It is better to stop breastfeeding a few months before the baby is born so that the milk has time to renew itself.

The easiest way to stop breastfeeding is to reduce the number of feeds and replace them with infant formula. Then you can gradually and painlessly for both of you to accustom the child to the bottle. The main thing then, when the second child is born, is not to succumb to the temptation and not to breastfeed the firstborn again, because there are frequent cases when, seeing how others are breastfed, the child begins to ask for mother's milk.

If your doctor insisted on an urgent cessation of breastfeeding, then it is best that the child does not see his mother at all for several days. Leave him with his father or grandmother, who will take care of the baby getting used to the bottle. For some time, before the birth of your second child, you will have a hard time, as there will be a lot of milk. There are many ways to ease the heaviness in the chest at such a time. But do not take special drugs to suppress lactation, they are not recommended for pregnant women.

Choosing a method of contraception while breastfeeding

The vaginal diaphragm and condoms will be a completely reliable method of contraception for a nursing mother. The intrauterine device is also an excellent method for women who have no contraindications to its installation. You can install the spiral already six to eight weeks after birth. The effectiveness of the spiral is extremely high, and its installation at a time when the cervix is ​​still ajar is simpler and painless.

The effectiveness of spermicidal agents for vaginal use (candles, tablets and creams) is lower - about 80%, but pregnancy is unlikely to occur during breastfeeding. The active ingredients of such drugs do not pass into breast milk and make their use absolutely safe for the baby.

The most effective method of protection is oral contraceptives, but many women doubt the possibility of using them as protection against pregnancy while breastfeeding. In fact, as early as two months after giving birth, if allowed by the doctor, birth control pills can be taken if they do not contain ethinyl estradiol. These contraceptives are called mini-pills. It is important to remember that mini-pills must be taken exactly on time, without being late, otherwise their contraceptive effect is significantly weakened.

Finally, after the child is six months old, the mother can return to combined oral contraceptives. Their intake may slightly reduce the amount of milk, however, given the introduction of complementary foods into the baby’s diet, this issue becomes less relevant.

Women who have given birth should take a responsible approach to the choice of contraception, and, answering the question “Is it possible to get pregnant while breastfeeding?”, Remember that the onset of a new pregnancy while breastfeeding is quite likely.

After the baby is born, a young mother has a lot of pleasant worries associated with caring for a new family member.

At the same time, a woman should not forget about herself, she should carefully monitor her health and the slightest changes that occur to her.

One of the frequent alarming symptoms that disturb the nurse is an elevated body temperature. In what cases it is necessary to start sounding the alarm, and when to continue the usual feeding - more on this later in the article.

What thermometer readings in a lactating woman are considered normal?

The body of each person is individual, but still it is considered to be the norm of readings in the range of 36.5-36.9 ° С.

In a nursing mother, the temperature may be slightly elevated and this may be due to the physiology of a woman during feeding. Normally, the temperature during feeding can be 37.6 ° C.

Causes of fever while breastfeeding

Remember that very often the human body with the help of temperature tells us that inflammatory processes are occurring in it. If the thermometer shows more than 37 ° C, you need to understand the reason why this happened:

Is it possible to feed a child if the temperature barrier is exceeded?

After the nursing mother has found out the reason for the increase in body temperature, a decision can be made on whether it is possible to breastfeed at this time.

If this phenomenon was caused by inflammatory processes in the body of a woman, then it is best to postpone feeding and take the necessary medications.

Only a qualified specialist should prescribe medications during the period of HS. There are medications that can be taken while breastfeeding, and there are those that are categorically contraindicated.

Many experts believe that, on the contrary, it is not necessary to interrupt breastfeeding during fever caused by acute respiratory infections. Together with breast milk, the baby will receive the necessary antibodies to a cold infection, thereby protecting his immunity from further viral attacks.

We offer you to watch a video on whether it is possible to feed the baby when the mother's temperature rises:

Influence of high heat on milk quality

It is believed that this phenomenon does not have any negative effect on the quality of milk, if we are not talking about infections and inflammations that are not transmitted. So, if a nursing mother has a fever with a normal acute respiratory disease, then it is possible and even necessary to breastfeed the baby during this period, and if she has, for example, purulent mastitis, then feeding must be abandoned.

Anyway, during the period of fever at the wet nurse, it is recommended to express milk first and only then apply the baby to the breast.

At what indications of the thermometer scale should you not breastfeed?

A rather difficult question, because there is no definite answer to it. If the fever was caused by a cold, then it is necessary to deal with this problem as soon as possible. There are a number of drugs that can be taken during lactation. High temperatures do not affect the quality of milk in any way, so it is not recommended to stop breastfeeding during this period.

How to measure correctly?

No less important will be the correct measurement of body temperature during lactation. If you use the thermometer immediately after breastfeeding, then it will certainly show more than 37.5 ° C.

This is explained quite easily - breastmilk rush increases the temperature in the armpits. Moreover, when feeding a child with milk, there is a contraction of the pectoral muscles, which is accompanied by the release of heat.

It is believed that in order to understand your correct body temperature, at least 20 minutes must pass after feeding. But there is no unequivocal opinion on this matter.

Shoot down high or not?

It is not recommended to bring down the temperature if it has not reached 38.2 ° C. For starters, you can use folk recipes without resorting to the use of drugs. You can wipe yourself with vinegar, observe bed rest and take plenty of fluids.

Excessive fluid intake is contraindicated for those women who suffer from mastitis. After all, the liquid will increase the flow of milk to the breast, thereby increasing the swelling.

There are a number of medications that are allowed while breastfeeding. Safe antipyretic drugs include "Paracetomol", the use of which is compatible with breastfeeding. Efferalgan and Panadol can also be drunk by a young mother, these drugs can even be given to children, only in the appropriate dosage.

Ibuprofen and its analogues are also considered safe drugs., which penetrate into breast milk in a very small percentage, therefore, to reduce fever and pain, their use is not prohibited during this period.

What to do if the thermometer mark has risen: the opinion of Komarovsky

The famous pediatrician believes that it is simply impossible to speed up the process of producing antibodies in the human body with the help of drugs.

All that can be allowed to a mother who is breastfeeding a child during a period when the body temperature has risen with acute respiratory infections is: drinking plenty of water, saline solutions for washing the nose and moistening the air.

Dr. Komarovsky believes that by weaning a child from the breast, the baby can do much more harm, so you should not stop feeding at a temperature.

The elevated temperature of a nursing mother is a fairly common phenomenon.. Knowing how to behave correctly during this period, a woman will be able to protect her baby from infection and avoid possible complications for herself. Be healthy!

Useful video

We offer you to watch a video about the causes of the appearance of temperature during HB and the rules of feeding during this period:

It has long been believed that for a baby there is nothing better and healthier than mother's milk.

However, the development of such a pathological process as mastitis confuses a woman, against the background of a painful condition and fatigue, she does not know whether it is possible with mastitis of a child, and what actions should be performed first of all in order to quickly restore her health.

Mastitis is characterized by the development of an inflammatory process in the mammary gland. It occurs as a result of the penetration of microbes from the skin (in most cases through cracks in the nipples).

Microorganisms, getting into the breast, contribute to the sourness and thickening of milk, which leads to clogging of the milk ducts. An edema is formed that compresses the adjacent ducts, also causing stagnation of milk and the development of infection there. Ultimately, an extensive inflammatory process matures and an abscess may form.

The main causative agents of mastitis are staphylococcus aureus and streptococcus. In this case, to a greater extent, this disease develops due to the penetration of a staphylococcal infection.

Causes of mastitis:

  • characterized by prolonged stagnation of milk in the breast;
  • improper attachment to the breast, which leads to poor emptying of the breast;
  • various damage to the nipples;
  • low immunity contributes to the weakening of the body's defenses.

Mastitis symptoms:

  • the occurrence of seals in the mammary gland;
  • the chest is significantly enlarged;
  • the skin area in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bdensification is hot and reddened;
  • feeding and pumping is painful;
  • blood or pus may appear in the milk;
  • fever, chills.

There are several forms of development of mastitis:

  1. Serous- this stage is characterized by high body temperature, general weakness, fatigue. The glands are inflamed and have seals. Pumping and breastfeeding is accompanied by pain. However, there is no relief.
  2. infiltrative- an increased content of leukocytes is detected in the blood. Dizziness appears, the body temperature is constantly high. Seals 2-3 cm in size are felt in the chest.
  3. Purulent- body temperature rises to 40 degrees. The infiltrate in the mammary gland becomes purulent, while the breast swells, significantly increases in size, acquires a pinkish tint. The temperature keeps fluctuating. When it falls, severe chills and sweating appear.

In turn, purulent mastitis (which should be classified as destructive forms) is divided into several stages of development:

  • Infiltrative-purulent.
  • Abscessing.
  • Phlegmonous.
  • Gangrenous.

At these stages, the infiltrate in the chest is completely replaced by pus. Urgent surgical intervention is required.

If at least one symptom appears, you should urgently consult a mammologist in order to exclude the onset of mastitis development or start its treatment in a timely manner. The earlier the therapy is started, the easier will be its consequences.

Whether to continue breastfeeding with mastitis

As a rule, with the development of mastitis, many women begin to worry about the possibility of further breastfeeding.

However, in such a situation, the mammary gland especially needs regular and high-quality emptying.

It follows from this that when this disease occurs, in no case should breastfeeding be stopped.

Contraindication to lactation:

  • The development of purulent mastitis. In this case, it is impossible to feed a sick breast, as the risk of infection entering the child's body increases. An alternative option is to continue feeding on healthy breasts, while the second should simply be expressed and discarded.
  • Therapy of mastitis with drugs that require a temporary cessation of feeding the child. Pumping should also continue.

The baby should be applied to the sore breast as often as possible. In addition, after feeding is completed, it is recommended to additionally use a breast pump for the final emptying of the mammary gland.

With mastitis, in addition to frequent breastfeeding, it is recommended to use Lactanza, the first probiotic for the mammary gland of lactating women based on beneficial Lc40 lactobacilli isolated from breast milk.

Lactobacilli, which are part of Lactanza, naturally control the level of pathogenic bacteria and inflammation in the mammary gland, restoring normal microflora and reducing pain.

Lactanza can be used both for prevention and during mastitis to reduce the frequency of further relapses and maintain healthy breastfeeding.

Rules for breastfeeding with mastitis

When breastfeeding with mastitis, you should follow these basic rules:

  1. It is necessary to ensure proper attachment to the chest this measure is of particular importance, since often the cause of lactostasis, and as a result, the development of mastitis, is the ineffective suckling of the breast by the child. At the same time, proper attachment protects the woman from damage to the nipples, and also contributes to sufficient emptying of the breast.
  2. During feeding, the breast should be squeezed and lightly massaged so that the milk comes out more easily.
  3. The child should be applied to the breast as often as possible.
  4. It is better to wash the chest once a day with ordinary water without soap. With too frequent hygiene, especially with cosmetics (soap, shower gel), a special protective lubricant is washed off the skin of the nipples, which helps soften them and also protects against the penetration of microbes.
  5. After each feeding, it is recommended to additionally express the breast with a breast pump.

Massaging the breast should be done with extreme caution, as rough pressure can lead to the penetration of excess milk into the soft tissues of the breast, which will only exacerbate the existing problem.

Likely consequences

Depending on the form of the transferred mastitis, its consequences can be divided into 2 groups:

  1. Serous mastitis is easily treatable and does not carry any serious consequences. In addition, about 80% of women continue breastfeeding. The only negative point is the occurrence of some psychological discomfort during breastfeeding, accompanied by fear of this process. However, with the right psychological help, a woman quickly rehabilitates herself and breastfeeds without problems during her next pregnancy.
  2. Destructive forms in 99% of cases require surgical intervention. The resulting breast abscess is opened, the pus is removed, and the cavity is washed with an antiseptic. As a rule, during such operations, secondary sutures are applied, which contributes to rapid healing.

If mastitis has already acquired a gangrenous stage, the mammary gland is amputated.

The main consequences of surgery:

  • long recovery after surgery;
  • limitation of physical activity;
  • severe psychological state;
  • inability to continue breastfeeding.

With the timely detection of incipient mastitis, as well as the implementation of its high-quality treatment, the consequences of this disease are practically not felt.

Prevention of mastitis

In order to prevent the occurrence of mastitis, a woman should take the following preventive measures:

  • it is necessary to strictly observe the rules of personal hygiene;
  • the baby should be fed on demand, not on a schedule;
  • carefully ensure that the child takes the breast correctly;
  • prevent injury to the nipples, and if this does happen, it is necessary to accelerate their healing;
  • make sure that the baby sucks completely on each breast;
  • in the process of feeding a woman should periodically change the position of the body;
  • use underwear for nursing mothers.

Summing up, it should be noted that mastitis is a serious disease, the neglected form of which has very negative consequences. In this regard, it is extremely important to carry out the prevention of mastitis, and in case of suspicion, urgently seek help from a doctor. However, in some cases, you can safely continue breastfeeding.

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