How to get rid of stretch marks after childbirth. How to remove stretch marks on the abdomen and other parts of the body after childbirth. Why Do Pregnant Women Get Stretch Marks?

Plaster products 06.11.2021
Plaster products

After the birth of a child, a woman's body undergoes major changes. In certain places, it is rounded and adipose tissue begins to appear.

The condition of the skin also changes, stretch marks appear, which are quite difficult to get rid of.

Are there methods in modern cosmetology that help to permanently get rid of such defects, is it possible to fix the problem at home? We will talk about this and much more.

Reasons for the appearance

Stretch marks are a skin defect that appears as brown or red streaks. Outwardly, they look a bit like scars.

Causes of postpartum stretch marks include:

  1. An increase in the size of the abdomen during pregnancy.
  2. Problems with the absorption and intake of trace elements that are needed for the formation of connective tissue.
  3. Deficiency of vitamins necessary for collagen synthesis.

Professional treatments

Clinics plastic surgery and beauty salons offer many methods that save women from unpleasant defects, and which one to choose is up to her to decide.

Attention! You need to turn to specialists for help only a few months after giving birth.


Preparations are used that contain vitamin C, which is necessary for the production of collagen.

This allows you to slightly soften the connective tissue and visually smooth out the stretch marks. Main disadvantage You can't completely get rid of them.

The cost of one injection is from 2000 rubles.

laser resurfacing

More often, after childbirth, sparing fractional resurfacing is used, which acts pointwise in the upper layers of the dermis.

The laser beam makes the thinnest superficial incision, the healing process of which leads to the renewal of the skin.

This method is the most effective for getting rid of old stretch marks.

The cost of one session is from 30,000 rubles.

See the video for laser resurfacing.

Diamond microdermabrasion

The procedure is a diamond peeling, which is aimed at polishing the skin. It is carried out using a nozzle having a diamond crumb.

During grinding, the dead layer of the epidermis is removed, stimulating the restoration of a new layer at the cellular level.

Cost from 700 rubles per session.

Ozone therapy

Using a syringe, a solution containing ozone is injected under the skin. It stimulates regenerative processes in cells, improves blood circulation and metabolism.

Attending several sessions will help the skin become more elastic and dense.

Ozone therapy is effective only against fresh stretch marks that appeared a few months ago.

The cost of the session is from 700 rubles.

Fractional thermolysis

Depending on the depth of the scar, the parameters of laser exposure are selected.

The impulse combines several effects. It warms the dermis and stimulates the synthesis of new collagen, which evens out the surface of the skin.

The cost is from 300 rubles per 1 cm.

Plastic surgery

The most radical and effective method. It will help get rid of even very old scars on the stomach.

During the operation, fat and excess skin are removed, cosmetic sutures are applied.

In order to speed up their healing, use a special bandage.

The cost of the operation is from 100,000 rubles.

Vacuum and vacuum roller massage

The classic type of massage is carried out using glass jars, the capacity of which is 100 ml.

To create a contact medium, vegetable or vaseline oil is used, to which lipoactive gels or aroma oils are added.

Throughout the session, the cans are moved along the surface of the abdomen. Regular procedures will help get rid of even serious stretch marks.

The cost of the session is from 1000 rubles.

injection methods

Such treatment of scars is one of the most common and effective methods. Injection methods include:

  • carboxytherapy;
  • bioreparation.

Carboxytherapy increases the level of carbon dioxide in the body. Due to this, cells are saturated with oxygen faster and blood vessels expand.

With the help of bioreparation, collagen and elastin are affected. The patient is injected with a complex of vitamins and hyaluronic acid. This allows you to start the recovery processes of the affected areas.

The cost of injections is from 700 rubles.

Laser nanoperforation

The procedure evens out the microrelief of the skin and does not damage its surface. This safety is achieved due to the fact that the beam is divided into several microbeams.

The rehabilitation period after nanoperforation is reduced to a minimum, since during laser treatment the epidermis does not evaporate completely, but partially.

The cost of the session is from 5000 rubles.

Chemical peel

The upper skin layer is separated. To do this, use trichloroacetic or glycolic acid. It accelerates the production of collagen and stimulates the growth of new cells.

After several procedures, the stretch marks turn pale and even out. However, it is not always possible to completely get rid of striae.

The cost of the procedure is from 3000 rubles.

Microcurrent therapy

It consists in the effect on the body of weak electrical impulses. The procedure is carried out using metal electrodes and a conductive gel.

Microcurrents start the process of restoration of the dermal integuments, due to the improvement of blood circulation.

It helps to get rid of even old skin stretch marks, but it will take 10 to 12 sessions.

The cost is from 1600 rubles.


They enrich the skin with vitamins and moisturize it well, make it elastic and elastic. They can be hot or cold. Can be used:

  • essential oil;
  • chocolate;
  • seaweed;
  • extracts and extracts of various plants.

For each patient, the composition is selected individually. The main disadvantage is the long-term treatment.

The cost of the session is from 1500 rubles.

home methods

You can get rid of stretch marks at home. There are several ways to help you with this.

Massage and contrast shower

Massage is the most pleasant way to treat skin imperfections. You can use both professional and self-massage. During the procedure, it is recommended to use various gels, creams and essential oils.

With the help of massage, not only blood circulation in the skin improves, but also the supply of nutrients is activated.

In addition, it breaks down fats and positively affects the lymph flow.

A contrast shower has a positive effect on the skin. It enhances metabolism, trains capillaries and improves blood circulation.

Don't spray right away hot water. Its temperature should increase gradually. Then cold water turns on abruptly.

At one time, the alternation of temperature is done about five times. After taking a shower, you should wipe yourself with a hard towel.

Using only a contrast shower will not help to completely get rid of stretch marks. This method should be used in parallel with other methods.


During the fight against stretch marks, special creams are often used.

  1. Lierac. The basis of this cream is an extract of cuff, ivy and horsetail. The components contain flavonoids, which are needed for the rapid production of elastin. The price is about 2500 rubles.
  2. Vichy. Significantly reduces stretch marks after childbirth, restores skin elasticity. The cream contains bassia oil - it activates the metabolism.

    Glycerin retains moisture and makes the cover more elastic. Thermal water accelerates skin regeneration. The cost of the cream is 1500 rubles.

  3. MamaComfort. The line of these funds was created specifically for pregnant women. The composition has been developed in such a way as not to harm sensitive skin. The tool restores skin regeneration.

    Components of the oil agent, saturated fatty acids, chestnut extract that stimulates blood circulation, hyaluronic acid, which is responsible for regulating the water-fat balance. You can buy the drug for 300 rubles.

  4. Mustela. Prevents the formation of new stretch marks and helps to treat existing ones. The cream contains avocado peptides and shea butter (necessary for a nourishing effect).

    A complex of trace elements and Japanese Sophora is responsible for regeneration. Lupeol, an elastoregulator are necessary to improve elasticity. The cost of "Mustela" is 2500 rubles.

  5. "Nine month". The cream is great for expectant mothers. Formulated with oils to increase nutrient supply. Antioxidants to protect the skin from stress and harmful effects.

    Elastin hydrolysates to supply the skin with micronutrients. You can buy "Nine Months" for 300 rubles.

  6. Clearwin. A good remedy for stretch marks and age spots. The composition includes extracts of plants and herbs, sesame oil and vitamin E. Makes the skin more elastic. You can buy a tube in 25 for 100 rubles.
  7. Kelofibrase. Often used prophylactically to avoid stretch marks. With regular application, the elasticity and hydration of the skin increases. Against chronic stretch marks, the cream is not very effective. A tube in 30 costs about 1,500 rubles.
  8. Contractubex. Helps in the treatment of scars, scars and old stretch marks. The composition contains sodium heparin, which makes the structure of scar tissue softer.

    Onion extract prevents the formation of scars. Allantoin increases the permeability of the skin. A tube with a volume of 50 g costs about 750 rubles.

  9. Crema Corpo. It combines sea spring water, green algae chlorella and Guam. Its use has a positive effect on the synthesis of elastin and collagen, regenerates connective tissues. The cost is about 500 rubles.


Olive. Contains a lot of oleic acid. During its penetration under the skin, its cells are enriched with minerals and vitamins.

Castor. It has a positive effect on the structure of stretched skin, well moisturizes the damaged area of ​​​​the skin.

Vitamin E oil. Effective for newly appeared scars. The unique composition protects the skin from serious changes and atrophy, makes the skin softer.


It is a mountain resin, which is available in the form of tablets. To prepare the mummy cream you will need:

  • a teaspoon of warm water;
  • a small portion of body cream;
  • a few grams of peeled mummy.

The cream stops inflammation in tissues and has a positive effect on metabolism.

coffee scrub

To prepare it, use a few tablespoons of ground coffee, which is mixed with water and white clay.

Coffee scrub regenerates tissues and has a positive effect on blood circulation.

Proper diet and vitamin intake

A balanced diet prevents stretch marks. In order not to harm the skin, it is recommended to completely abandon all severe restrictions.

You need to eat more fruits and vegetables that contain a lot of vitamins:

  1. Vitamin A. It has a positive effect on the renewal of skin cells. Contained in egg yolks, liver, potatoes and leafy vegetables.
  2. Vitamin C. Responsible for collagen production and skin protection. Present in bell pepper, broccoli and citrus fruits.
  3. Vitamin E. Takes part in the restoration of the skin and damaged cells. Contained in stewed tomatoes, oatmeal and olive oil.

Grandma's recipes

Cream with aloe and dandelion

For cooking you will need:

  • 50 g olive oil;
  • 80 g of dandelion leaves;
  • oat flour;
  • aloe vera juice.

All ingredients are mixed with a blender. In this case, you need to mix until the mixture has the consistency of a cream.

The resulting composition is applied to the damaged areas, aged for 10 minutes. Then it can be washed off with water. It copes well with striae that have formed recently.

horsetail lotion

To cook, you will need:

  • a teaspoon of lemon juice;
  • 200 ml of alcohol;
  • 50 g dry herb.

The listed components are mixed in a glass container. They must be infused for one month. The resulting mixture must be diluted with water by almost half. Used as a lotion daily in the morning and evening.

Brewer's yeast

Ingredients needed for cooking:

  • three teaspoons of honey;
  • four teaspoons of cream;
  • 30 g of brewer's yeast.

All ingredients must be mixed with a mixer. Before use, the mixture should be infused for about 30 minutes.

The product is carefully massaged into the skin and left for 20 minutes. Then it can be washed off with water.

Vegetable oil

For a hot compress you will need:

  • 1 ml of vitamin A;
  • 2 ml of vitamin E;
  • aloe juice;
  • 10 ml olive oil.

The mixture is heated to maximum temperature and applied to broken skin.

After that, it is wrapped in cling film, which can be removed only after 25 minutes.


Daily physical exercises help get rid of stretch marks on the stomach. To do this, it is enough to allocate ten minutes of free time.

Regular physical activity increases blood flow and oxygen supply. Thanks to this, you can not only maintain muscles, but also get rid of stretch marks.

There are several effective exercises:

  1. Hands to knees. Before performing, you should lie on your back, bend your legs at the knees. Now you need to stretch your left hand to your right knee.

    For the other knee and hand, everything is done the other way around. This exercise should last about 10 minutes, but it can be longer.

  2. Twisting. The starting position of the body is the same as in the first exercise with one difference that the hands should be near the head.

    The bottom line is that the upper body should rise to the knees. The loin must remain motionless.

  3. Scissors. In the supine position, you need to straighten your legs. Hands should be located along the body.

    To perform the exercise, you should alternately raise and lower your legs without bending your knees. The lesson lasts 15 minutes.

The video presents some more effective, but little-known recipes for using at home.

Stretch marks after childbirth are a cause for concern for most new mothers. They appear on the abdomen, chest, and buttocks. Let us consider this phenomenon in more detail, highlight the causes of formation, find out how to remove stretch marks after childbirth, naming ways to get rid of this cosmetic defect.

Can stretch marks appear after childbirth?

Stretch marks after pregnancy do not appear in all new mothers. However, about 50% of women fix their appearance. In their structure, they are similar to scars, they can be white, reddish in color, and are more often localized in the abdomen and chest. Directly, these organs during the period of bearing a baby increase significantly in size. In medicine, they are called striae. Stretch marks on the chest after childbirth occur in connection with the onset of the lactation process, an increase in the size of the gland.

Why do stretch marks appear after childbirth?

Stretch marks on the body after childbirth are the consequences of changes in the size of individual organs. In the area of ​​thinning skin, in the depths of the tissues, there are internal tears. Directly these areas are eventually replaced by connective tissue. As a result, a defect is formed on the surface of the skin. In their composition, stretch marks after childbirth do not differ from scars. In addition to increasing the load on the skin during pregnancy, there are predisposing factors that increase the likelihood of stretch marks. Among those:

  • insufficient intake of vitamins;
  • hereditary factor - there are histocompatibility antigens involved in the synthesis of unstable collagen;
  • lack of selenium and copper, which are involved in the synthesis of collagen.

Do stretch marks go away after childbirth?

After childbirth, stretch marks disappear if they are minor and shallow, narrow lesions of the skin. In most cases, a young mother needs special therapy, the use of medications, and procedures. Only in this way is it possible to eliminate stretch marks after childbirth and return the skin to its previous appearance. Single striae disappear on their own, and this rarely happens.

What to do with stretch marks after childbirth?

The question regarding how to remove stretch marks comes from the lips of almost every second mother. At the same time, doctors cannot give universal advice, since each situation is individual. When choosing a technique and method of therapy that removes stretch marks on the legs after childbirth, the specialist takes into account the degree of violation, the severity of cosmetic defects - the number of striae, their localization, depth, size. Only after analysis is an effective method of elimination proposed. Among the common ones:

  • local therapy - ointments, oils, creams for skin treatment;
  • hardware treatment - injection, use of a laser;
  • the use of folk remedies.

Is it possible to get rid of stretch marks after childbirth?

Answering this kind of question, doctors draw the attention of women to the time of initiation of therapy. If we talk about whether stretch marks are removed after childbirth, when therapy is started after 1-2 months, then the likelihood of their disappearance when using only creams and oils is small. In such cases, hardware methods are required that remove stretch marks on the hips after childbirth. It is worth noting that such medical procedures make it possible to achieve an excellent cosmetic effect. Folk remedies help to strengthen it.

Cream for stretch marks after childbirth

One of the affordable and effective means of getting rid of stretch marks is a cream for stretch marks after pregnancy. Doctors recommend using it as a prophylaxis during the bearing of the baby. When choosing such a tool, you must be guided by the following rules:

  • the composition should contain only natural ingredients that increase skin elasticity - elastin and collagen;
  • the remedy should not have side effects;
  • the manufacturer must be a well-known brand, tested and approved by dermatologists.

Among the existing drugs in this group can be noted:

  1. Cream Mama Comfort- Designed for pregnant and breastfeeding women. In its composition contains, regulates the water-fat balance. Horse chestnut extract stimulates blood circulation, oil extract - saturates with fatty acids, increasing skin elasticity.
  2. 9 months- a complex cosmetic product, including components against stretch marks. Helps prevent and reduce pre-existing stretch marks.
  3. Mustella. It has a double action - corrects existing stretch marks, prevents the appearance of new ones.
  4. Cream Pregnacare. As part of medicinal product there are aloe vera, allantoin, calendula extract. These components perfectly moisturize the skin, stimulating its recovery at a deep level.

Stretch Mark Oil

Often, after the birth of a baby, women are wondering how to lighten stretch marks after childbirth, and make them less noticeable. An excellent tool for these purposes is natural oil. It moisturizes the skin, making it more stretchable, reducing stretch marks. Among the natural oils suitable for eliminating stretch marks, it is worth noting:

  1. Olive oil- an excellent tool as a food ingredient, can also be used for the prevention of stretch marks, their elimination. Oleic acid is an excellent tool in the fight against stretch marks. Nourishing the deep layers, it prevents the appearance of new defects on the skin, reducing stretch marks on the abdomen after childbirth.
  2. Sea buckthorn oil- linolenic and lenoleic acids of this natural component, perfectly increase the elasticity of the skin, its elasticity. The composition also contains carotenes, bioactive substances that improve the processes of skin restoration.
  3. Almond oil. The composition contains vitamins such as A, E, B, which have a positive effect on the restoration of epidermal cells. Contained trace elements stimulate the synthesis of collagen, restoring the water-lipid balance.

In addition to natural oils, mom can also use special preparations that remove stretch marks on the abdomen after pregnancy. Popular tools include:

  1. Weleda. Maintains the tone of the muscle structures of the skin, nourishing it, improving the extensibility of the upper layers. The basis of the oil is vegetable fats of wheat germs, with the addition of an extract of arnica flowers, almonds. These components improve tissue metabolism, allowing you to get rid of cosmetic defects.
  2. Johnson's Baby Oil- often used by mothers when carrying a baby, it can also be used in the postpartum period. By improving the processes of microcirculation, the structure of skin cells is updated. Oil can be combined with natural ingredients to improve the effect.

Folk remedies for stretch marks after childbirth

This type of therapy is actively used by mothers. Directly folk remedy from stretch marks after childbirth helps to reduce the size and number of stretch marks, to exclude the appearance of new ones. Among the effective recipes, the following should be highlighted.

natural oil for stretch marks


  • olive oil - 100 ml;
  • - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
  • rose oil - 15 drops.

Preparation, application:

  1. Mix ingredients.
  2. Apply to the area of ​​damaged skin, 3-5 times a day, until the effect is achieved.

An effective stretch mark cream


  • coconut oil - 50 ml;
  • olive oil - 50 ml;
  • cocoa butter - 50 ml;
  • vitamin E - 10 ml.

Preparation, application:

  1. Mix ingredients until smooth.
  2. The resulting cream is applied to stretch marks, up to 5 times a day.

Mesotherapy for stretch marks

Correction of stretch marks after childbirth is possible with the help of mesotherapy. This treatment involves subcutaneous injections. Their composition is selected individually, according to the severity of the violation, the depth of the striae, their localization. The procedure that removes stretch marks after childbirth is carried out by experienced specialists using a syringe gun. This instrument can control the depth of needle insertion and drug dosage.

The composition of the input funds may be different. Often for such subcutaneous injections use:

  • collagen;
  • vitamins E, A;
  • enzymes;
  • herbal ingredients;
  • amino acids;
  • plant extracts.

Laser resurfacing of stretch marks

Talking about how to get rid of stretch marks after childbirth forever, doctors distinguish laser treatment of stretch marks among effective methods. This manipulation allows you to remove stretch marks as much as possible. After the procedure, they are practically invisible, they do not cause aesthetic discomfort to the woman. There are 3 types that are used to treat stretch marks:

  1. Fractional- used to remove stretch marks on any part of the body (chest, abdomen, arms, legs). A thin nozzle is used, so the effect is pointwise.
  2. Tonal (carbon dioxide laser). Used for deep striae. The same technique helps to get rid of postoperative scars.
  3. Laser lifting. Helps restore the studded layer of the epidermis, giving the cells their former elasticity. Used to remove stretch marks on the thighs, buttocks.

Pregnancy is probably the most best time in the life of every woman. But, unfortunately, after the birth of a child, many cosmetic problems remain, such as excess weight, pigmentation and, of course, stretch marks.

This article is intended for persons over 18 years of age.

Are you over 18 already?

  • too much speed dial weight - during pregnancy, the body changes: the amount of subcutaneous adipose tissue increases, the chest and abdomen naturally increase. Of course, body parameters do not change overnight, but still our skin cannot always quickly and adequately respond to this, the lower layers of the dermis simply tear, forming ugly red stripes. The places of these microtraumas of the skin are stretch marks. It is also important that not only women in an interesting position are prone to stretch marks - with a strong weight gain, even non-pregnant women get unpleasant consequences in the form of stretch marks (and wherever this weight has been added);
  • hormonal changes that trigger increased production of cortisol. Although this hormone is needed by the body of a pregnant woman, it destroys collagen (and, as a result, skin elasticity). As a result, stretch marks also appear in very thin expectant mothers;
  • the presence of various skin defects even before pregnancy. Very often, strong stretch marks form near places that have already undergone surgery in the past, for example, near an appendicitis scar or cesarean. The reason is that the integrity and elasticity of the dermis in this place is already broken, and under the influence of the new position, the scar tissue does not allow the skin to fully recover and, as a result, more and more breaks.


Stretch marks can be prevented by consistently moisturizing. proper nutrition and wearing a prenatal bandage. But 100% effective prevention at home does not exist - therefore, there is a reason to contact a specialist even at the stage of the appearance of the first signs. It can be redness and severe itching, as well as a feeling of tightness of the skin.

Removing stretch marks is not easy and very troublesome. This topic has thousands of reviews on the forums, but no one can give a guarantee for a good result back. This is because the problem is purely individual and its solution depends solely on the condition of your skin. If the stretch marks are old and white, then only laser or mesotherapy can help. These procedures are quite expensive, and it will take more than one session to complete, but they can really make striae completely invisible.

Where are stretch marks located?

There is an opinion that stretch marks during pregnancy can only appear on the stomach (they say, it alone increases significantly in size). Yes, of course, the tummy and stretch marks - classic problem, but this does not mean at all that other parts of the body are not at all susceptible to them. Often, a pregnant woman is greatly transformed, gaining weight a little (and some a lot), and the dermis quickly compensates for new forms of striae. They may appear:

  • on the chest - as a result of a strong increase in the mammary glands and the preparation of the body for future feeding;
  • on the hips - a problem area in women, even without additional stress on the body. But during pregnancy, fat deposits in the thighs can be deposited quite rapidly and cause ruptures of the dermis on the legs;
  • on the sides and back - not only the abdomen is subject to stretching, so stretch marks can appear on the whole body and even on the navel.

But, by the way, stretch marks are not only a problem for pregnant women, because they appear with any sharp weight gain in both women and men. They are also susceptible to adolescents in a period of intensive growth.

Is it possible to remove stretch marks after childbirth at home?

How to remove (or make as invisible as possible) striae is a question of interest to many women who have recently given birth. There are several home methods, but how effective they are depends only on the individual characteristics of the body.

Creams and gels for stretch marks

This is probably the very first remedy that we hear about starting a difficult struggle with stretch marks. Whether they help is debatable. On the one hand, they really make the skin more elastic and hydrated, and prevent the appearance of new breaks. But with the second, they are ineffective for stretch marks themselves. If the striae are fresh and red, the cream will help to significantly reduce the area of ​​​​the gap and lighten it. The result is cleaner and fresher skin, albeit with subtle stretch marks. But in the fight against white wrinkles, creams are completely powerless. They simply cannot replace connective tissue (which is what white striae are) or do anything with it. Therefore, use creams only before (for prevention) or immediately after the appearance of tears.

Cream is effective. MANGOSTEEN. It has a wound-healing effect, removes excess fluid, and also has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin.

d"> Salon treatments for stretch marks on the abdomen

Beauty salons can offer several basic methods with which even old white stretch marks can be removed. They are highly effective and give excellent, long-lasting results, but each procedure is quite expensive (and you may need several of them at once).

Can stretch marks be removed with a laser?

Laser resurfacing is probably the most effective method of all offered in the cabin. It consists in the fact that the surface of the stretch marks is smoothed, filled with pigment, and maximally compared with the skin. After a few sessions, the connective tissue almost completely disappears, and the tummy looks exactly the same as before pregnancy. However, it is worth doing the procedure after the end of the postpartum period (about 6 weeks after the birth), and if you want to remove stretch marks on the chest, only after the end of lactation. Also, do not forget that after a session of laser therapy, it is worth protecting the treated areas from direct sun rays(do not plan a trip to the sea or solarium trips at this time).

The procedure itself takes a little time, but is quite painful even with anesthesia. Also, often a thin crust may appear at the laser treatment sites, which will come off on its own after two weeks.

Is it possible to remove stretch marks with mesotherapy?

This method consists in the fact that a vitamin cocktail is injected into the sites of subcutaneous ruptures. This is a set of shallow injections that carry nutrients to every cell, rejuvenating and regenerating it.

The composition of the serum includes many vitamins, amino acids and enzymes, as well as collagen. But, unfortunately, the result is hardly noticeable the first time and it will take at least 8-10 sessions to achieve it. The disadvantages of the procedure also include a fairly high cost and slight pain during the administration of the drug (this is even though an anesthetic is applied to the skin).

Deep peeling

Many salons offer chemical peels as a way to get rid of stretch marks. The algorithm of action is approximately as follows - under the influence of various substances, deep skin balls are cleansed, the stratum corneum is removed and blood microcirculation in the dermis cells improves - and as a result, stretch marks disappear. It is very difficult to say how effective this is, since this method does not help everyone.

Is it possible to permanently get rid of stretch marks? Yes, of course it's real. Now cosmetologists are armed with a lot of tools that are very effective in dealing with the problem. However, during pregnancy, do not forget about prevention - it is much easier and easier to do than to be treated later.

Questions about how to remove stretch marks on the stomach, and what means will help at home, are asked by every second woman after childbirth. Of course, stretch marks can be prevented by proper nutrition and skin care before and during pregnancy. But prevention does not always help, and striae may still appear. To get rid of them, beauty salons offer a variety of procedures, but many after childbirth do not have the time or money for such expensive services. In contrast, there are a huge number of tools with which you can get rid of stretch marks after pregnancy at home.

Where do striae come from?

In order to choose the most effective method, it is worth understanding. The two main reasons for their occurrence during pregnancy are hormones and changes in body weight. Hormonal changes lead to a decrease in skin elasticity, and against the background of weight gain, intradermal ruptures occur - these are striae.

Important! The easiest way to deal with fresh stretch marks, it is almost impossible to remove old stretch marks completely.

You should not choose any one of the methods of getting rid of stretch marks after childbirth, it is better to apply a set of measures. The most effective is the combination of proper nutrition, small physical activity and cosmetics.


The condition of the skin depends on the amount of vitamins consumed. To make it faster, you should include in your diet:

  • Vitamin A. Improves skin regeneration. It is found in large quantities in fish, eggs, dairy products, green onions, liver.
  • Vitamin C. Helps to synthesize collagen - a protein that makes tissues stronger and accelerates the healing of damage. It is necessary for the recovery of the body after pregnancy. Most of all it is in citrus fruits, tomatoes, potatoes and cabbage.
  • Vitamin E. Interferes with the aging of skin cells. Contained in walnuts, hazelnuts, sunflower oil, beans, cashews.
  • Vitamin B3. Improves skin condition and prevents malignancy. There is in rye bread, beans, meat, beets, mushrooms and liver.
  • Zinc. Promotes cell growth and protein synthesis. It is found in meat, wheat grains, nuts, egg yolks, river fish, bread.

It is worth remembering that highly allergenic foods should be avoided during lactation, the diet should be adjusted to the needs of the child.

Physical exercise

To reduce time, you need to do special exercises. Their task is to provide blood flow to the required area and develop muscles, which, in turn, act on the skin itself. But in the first months after childbirth, you should not physically load your body.

Interesting! Sports activities improve metabolism, the normalization of metabolism allows you to quickly remove stretch marks.

The following complexes can help to cope with stretch marks:

  • Exercise for the abdominal muscles. It is necessary to lie on a horizontal hard surface and bend your legs. Cross your arms over your chest. Then you need to raise the body, while not taking your feet off the floor, and fix in this position for 15 seconds. To achieve results, you need to do 10 approaches. Every day during classes, increase the complex execution time by 5 seconds, and the number of approaches by 1.
  • Exercise "Birch". Lie on a straight surface, put your hands along the body. Then raise the outstretched legs up, and put your hands under the lower back, helping to hold the pelvis. The body in this position must be fixed for 20 seconds, and then return to its original position.
  • Elbow plank. Lie on a horizontal surface, bend your elbows and lean on them. Do not bend your knees and back. It is necessary to freeze in this position for 40 seconds, repeat 4 times. Gradually increase the exercise time by 5-6 seconds.

In addition to the benefits for the skin, small physical activity will help tighten the stomach after childbirth. You need to perform them at a slow pace, without overexerting yourself. It is best to carry out skin moisturizing procedures before classes.

Important! When doing exercises, do not use a warming cream.

All cosmetic products after pregnancy (creams, scrubs and oils) are aimed primarily at improving the condition of the skin and maximizing the lightening of stretch marks. But it is possible to achieve positive results only if all the recommendations are followed and the funds are regularly used.


- These are products that cleanse the surface of the skin, removing dead cells. They also improve blood circulation. BUT useful material, which are included in the composition, are absorbed by the skin and make it supple. The most popular are the following recipes to remove stretch marks:

  • Coffee scrub. While taking a shower, ground coffee should be poured over the soap or gel and rubbed into the area with stretch marks formed after childbirth. Carry out the procedure no more than 1 time per week.
  • Mix 100 g of sugar and sea ​​salt and add to 1/4 cup olive oil to make a viscous creamy mass. After taking a bath, apply on the stomach in a circular motion. After a few minutes, rinse with warm water.
  • Take massage oil or cream (Johnson's Baby is ideal), 100 g of ground coffee and 70 g of sea salt. Mix everything, transfer to gauze (some use a stocking) and rub into the problem area. The procedure should be carried out for no more than 10 minutes, after which you need to rinse your stomach well.

Good help in the fight against stretch marks after childbirth and ready-made scrubs, which you can buy in a network of pharmacies. It is worth remembering that any remedy can lead to side effects, and before using drugs, it is better to conduct a skin test for sensitivity.


A huge amount is sold in stores, but it’s impossible to say which one will help 100%. The main criterion for its selection should be the composition. Required components:

  • retinol;
  • collagen;
  • vitamins;
  • essential oils.

Retinol moisturizes and boosts skin regeneration. In combination with other substances that make up the cream, it helps to heal stretch marks after pregnancy, making them almost invisible.

Interesting! Creams for stretch marks can also be made at home.


The whole principle is that a special agent is applied to the skin of the abdomen, and then a plastic film is applied. It creates a greenhouse effect and increases the surface temperature of the skin, which helps the beneficial components of the product to be absorbed into problem skin faster. 2 effective body wrap recipes that can be used at home will help get rid of stretch marks:

  • It is necessary to mix 40 ml of olive oil with 2 drops of lemon and lavender oil. Massaging, apply a creamy mass on the stomach. Then wrap with a film, you can put another blanket on top. Wash off after 30 minutes.
  • Take 2 tablets of mummy (contribute to the regenerative process of tissues) and dissolve them in a tablespoon of water. Then mix the dissolved tablets with any baby cream. Apply to skin and wrap with cling film. Waiting time 15-25 minutes.

It is good to wrap after a shower, steamed skin will absorb even more nutrients.


Massage is one of the main means of getting rid of stretch marks after pregnancy. It helps improve blood circulation and speed up metabolism. It is very important not to put too much pressure on the skin, excessive stretching can lead to the appearance of new intradermal tears.

During the massage, rosemary and eucalyptus oils are used. You can also use creams containing vitamin E. You should pour a little money into your palms and in a circular motion, with a little pressure, run your hands over your stomach. After 5 minutes, you can move on from stroking to rubbing, active exposure to the skin should be carried out for at least 10 minutes. And for another 6-8 minutes, stroke the stomach with light massaging movements.

When will everything disappear?

Don't expect instant results. It is simply impossible to remove stretch marks quickly after childbirth. If you work hard, you can get rid of them at home in 3-4 months. This is provided that the skin is healthy and easy to restore and brighten.

With the ineffectiveness of creams, you can resort to more cardinal methods - the services of cosmetologists and surgeons. But such procedures will be expensive, and they will not save you from the appearance of new striae.

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Such an exciting event in the life of every woman as pregnancy, as a result, brings the real happiness of motherhood. But one has to face a number of difficulties that affect the appearance of the mother. One of these problems is stretch marks on the body, which are faced by 80% of all women who have given birth. Having recovered a little after giving birth, the girl begins to pay attention to her figure, trying to return it to its previous form. And the main question arises: how to get rid of stretch marks after childbirth?

What is meant by stretch marks?

Due to the strong tension of the skin during pregnancy, stretch marks remain on the skin.

Stretch marks in medicine are called striae, which implies a rupture of the inner membranes of the epidermis. This is manifested by long stripes at the site of the breaks. Initially, such stripes are painted bright red or even purple. This is due to the close location of the capillaries to the inner layer of the skin. Then the tears begin to heal due to the connective tissue, and become white.

During the period of bearing a baby, the natural elasticity and firmness of the skin is disturbed, which leads to their stretching.

Although the inner skin layer is torn, this is reflected in its appearance. Tears occur mainly on the abdomen, thighs, and chest, but can occur elsewhere.

Why do they appear?

The birth of a child makes female body rebuild "from" and "to". And sometimes, this leads to not the most pleasant phenomena. The appearance of stretch marks on the body after childbirth can be explained by a number of reasons:

  1. Hormonal changes. During pregnancy, the hormonal background of a woman changes significantly. Some hormones are produced in large quantities, others are not enough. For 9 months of bearing a baby, there is a strong production of the main hormone of pregnancy - progesterone, which makes the skin more sensitive to changes. A lack of elastin and collagen deprive the skin of elasticity, which leads to stretching.
  2. Weight gain and belly growth. Naturally, during pregnancy, the belly increases in size, and the total body weight of a woman also grows. As the skin loses its elasticity, the inner layers break. It happens that the expectant mother gains weight so quickly that the skin simply does not have time to naturally stretch, and the epidermis ruptures, which leads to stretch marks. The rapid growth of the abdomen may be due to the large size of the fetus, excess amniotic fluid, bearing several fetuses.
  3. hereditary factor. The risk of breaks in the skin increases if someone in the female lineage had stretch marks. There is no escape from genetics.
  4. Lack of nutrients and vitamins. During the period of bearing a child, it is very important for a woman to monitor the diet. It must include foods containing vitamins. The necessary intake of nutrients has a positive effect on the entire body, including the skin. The epidermis can tear due to lack of moisture and nutrition, so it is important to provide and saturate the body with vitamins and minerals that have a beneficial effect on the skin.

The main cause of stretch marks is weight gain during pregnancy.

On a note!As you know, the older the woman, the less the skin becomes elastic. If a girl under 22 years of age has become a mother, then the likelihood of postpartum stretch marks on her body is halved, since young skin is more adapted to rapid recovery.

There are many more reasons that affect the appearance of stretch marks. The age of the mother, the presence of bad habits, chronic diseases - all this directly or indirectly affects the period of expectation of the baby.

How to get rid of stretch marks?

When a woman sees striae on her body, she begins to think about how to remove stretch marks after childbirth. On the Internet and television, you can find many tips for dealing with stretch marks. Are they valid?

Important!Experts say that it is only possible to overcome on your own only stretch marks that have appeared, which still have a bright burgundy or purple color. Fighting stretch marks is already harder if they have already healed and turned white, and at home it is almost impossible to defeat them.

It is almost impossible to get rid of old, already healed stretch marks on your own.

So, if the striae have only shown themselves, you can try to eliminate them yourself at home. The following will help with this:

  1. Cosmetic procedures using special products to eliminate stretch marks at home. These include:
  • Massage procedure. Special massage oils or creams that have a moisturizing effect will help in this. For massage with stretch marks, orange, almond or hazelnut, peach, olive, coconut, aloe juice are often used. These oils moisturize and nourish the skin well, making stretch marks less noticeable. Massage is performed by rubbing oils into the skin with light movements. The procedure should be performed within 15 minutes.
  • Scrubs at home. Such scrubs cleanse the skin and give it elasticity. For the manufacture of cosmetics at home, natural coffee, apricot, and honey are used. You can also add oils. Scrubs are applied to the area of ​​stretch marks and washed off after 10 minutes.
  • Cosmetic creams and other products purchased in stores and pharmacies. On the shelves there is a sufficient amount of cosmetics that help get rid of stretch marks on their own. Among such funds, mummy in tablets is popular. They are dissolved in water or in a small amount of baby cream, the resulting mixture is rubbed into the skin every day. There are also many lotions or ointments for stretch marks on the market.
  • Wraps. This procedure involves applying oils or special creams, ointments to the body and wrapping it in cling film.
  1. Physical exercises. Moderate exercise is always beneficial, even for pregnant women. After giving birth, you should not immediately start exercising. But after 2-3 weeks, you can begin to perform exercises that help overcome stretch marks on the body, as well as return the prenatal figure. You can do the following exercises:
  • Breathing exercises. The process begins with drawing in the abdomen as you inhale and inflate as you exhale. This exercise will strengthen the weakened abdominal muscles, and contribute to the contraction of the uterus.
  • Plank exercise. The body is parallel to the floor, the legs are fully extended and placed on the toes, the arms are bent at the elbows. Leaning on your hands, in this position you need to stand for 10 seconds, increasing the time every day. This exercise well trains the muscles of the abdomen, back and buttocks, restoring their elasticity.
  • Exercise "Mahi legs". The previous exercise is complemented by raising the legs alternately. Such charging affects the muscles of the legs, strengthening them.
  • Exercise "Boat". The starting position is "lying on your back." The upper part of the body and legs are raised. This exercise should be combined with breathing exercises, then it will effectively affect weakened muscles and damaged skin.
  • Press. It is allowed to download the press after childbirth at least 2 months later.

Attention!Before starting physical activity, it is necessary to thoroughly warm up the muscles so as not to tear them.

  1. Cosmetological procedures in beauty salons. When stretch marks are no longer fresh, a visit to a specialist can come to the rescue. In the spa salons, a complex of cosmetic procedures is carried out to improve the figure and restore it. To combat stretch marks, use the following:
  • Professional massage. A specialized massage therapist will perform this procedure using a special technology, influencing problem areas with the help of cosmetics.
  • Wraps. Cosmetologists perform a wrapping procedure using special oils, chocolate and other products that improve the damaged epidermis.
  • Laser correction of a figure. With the help of laser procedures, fresh stretch marks are removed and old stretch marks are polished. The procedure is carried out quickly, the client does not experience any discomfort. With the help of a laser, scar tissue is removed, and a fresh epidermis is formed.
  • injection procedures. They consist in the introduction of subcutaneously special means for nutrition and elasticity of the skin. In the fight against stretch marks, injections of collagen and elastin are used. Injections include vitamins and minerals. For each representative of the fair sex, the composition is selected based on individual characteristics. It is very effective in the area of ​​stretch marks, and improves the skin. Also, in the form of injections, a mixture with ozone and oxygen is introduced, which promotes the resorption of subcutaneous scars.

At right choice method of dealing with stretch marks, you can achieve an excellent result, pleasing to the eye.

When getting rid of stretch marks, it is important to remember the diet, which should include foods rich in vitamins and minerals necessary for the successful restoration and renewal of stretched skin in postpartum period. You should also consume the required amount of water per day so that the skin is saturated with moisture and maintains its elasticity.

Ways to get rid of stretch marks

When can you resort to surgery?

If none of the methods of dealing with stretch marks at home or in salons is effective, many women resort to plastic surgery. With its help, the surgeon removes the entire damaged layer of the skin, which brings the desired effect, and eliminates stretch marks in general. During surgery, plastic surgeons perform muscle tightening in the area of ​​stretch marks.

This operation is performed under general anesthesia. After surgery, there is a long recovery period. Unforeseen side effects may occur.

Important!After a surgical operation to remove stretch marks, a woman is not recommended to become pregnant.

Can stretch marks be prevented?

It is worth thinking about the prevention of stretch marks even during pregnancy.

Of course, it will not be possible to avoid stretch marks if there is a hereditary factor, but in other cases they can be prevented. During the bearing of the baby, you can begin to use special cosmetics to combat damage to the skin. It is also recommended to wear a prenatal bandage that holds the abdominal muscles and prevents them from relaxing enough to tear, or a maternity bra that supports the breasts.

It is quite possible to get rid of stretch marks if you choose the most effective method. And it is better to think about measures to protect the skin from stretch marks even during pregnancy. It is better to prepare for changes in advance, then you will not have to be upset later because of the difficulties that have arisen with the figure.

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