Air comes out of the uterus during exercise. When exercising, the vacuum moves air out of the uterus. Why does air come out of the uterus? Methods of dealing with vaginal flatulence. In the postpartum period

Bituminous materials 12.09.2020
Bituminous materials

The uterus, the main organ of the female reproductive system, is connected to the external environment through the vagina, and air enters it through it. Active body movements increase the volume of air mass penetrating into this intimate zone, and at a certain moment the reverse process occurs - the cavity is emptied.

The air comes out not always silently, which makes women complex. It is especially unpleasant if this happens during intimacy. Is it really impossible to stop the exit of air from the uterus and make the process manageable?

Why does air come out of the uterus

It is more correct to say that air comes out of the vagina - it can accumulate in the uterus after childbirth, during its intense contraction. During this period, the release of air occurs twice - during the expulsion of the fetus and during the removal of the placenta.

During contractions, the intimate muscles contract intensely, building up pressure, pumping in air. After the rupture of the fetal bladder and the release of the fetus, the uterus contracts, a certain amount of air pumped into the birth canal is drawn inward.

Then he definitely needs to come to the surface, and this process coincides with the preparation for squeezing out the placenta and the remnants of the fetal membrane.

This period is also accompanied by contractions, albeit shorter and weaker, but the air is pumped into the vagina. Then the placenta moves away, the woman relaxes, the uterus falls, and the accumulated air comes out of it.

The reasons for the intensive release of air from the uterus are the following factors:

  • Active intercourse;
  • decreased muscle tone caused by pregnancy or childbirth;
  • prolapse of the pelvic floor;
  • before menstruation and at the very beginning;
  • after training, against the background of increased physical activity.

The possibility of luck - reverse outflow - can provoke vaginal dryness caused by hormonal disorders. The organism that "takes care" of moisturizing this organ, having accumulated a sufficient amount of secretion, causes contraction of the muscles of the uterus - while the secretions are expelled from the cervical canal.

A lot of women begin to notice that air comes out of the uterus during pregnancy. Why is this happening?

Women in this special state begin to listen to themselves, analyze everything that happens in the body, think: “Will what is happening harm the unborn child?”. Previously, they did not notice the air exchange, it happened naturally and silently, but now the sensitivity of the vagina has increased, the blood supply has increased in it, it swelled. Each - even the most imperceptible - contraction of the uterus makes you tense up, suddenly she entered the tone? Therefore, luck during pregnancy cannot remain unnoticed.

Whatever the reasons, it is impossible to recover from luck. If the exit of air from the uterus after childbirth causes painful discomfort, some doctors advise patients to use anesthetic suppositories - but they only relax muscle tone and make spasms less noticeable, but the contraction with the release of air masses is not stopped.

With the onset of age-related changes, a natural weakening of the ligamentous apparatus occurs, and luck ceases to be felt.

The nuances of vaginal flatulence

Vaginal flatulence also depends on the individual structure of the vagina. The shorter and wider the cervix, the more air gets inside, and - accordingly - is expelled.

The amount of incoming air largely depends on the ratio of the sizes of the intimate organs of the partners. If the vagina is wide or weak - which is common in women who have recently had a baby or who have given birth multiple times - and the penis is short or undersized, more air is pumped in.

Virgins often complain about luck with sound. The hymen does not completely close the entrance to the cervical canal - it necessarily has through holes through which menstrual blood comes out. The atmospheric environment freely penetrates into the body. The exit is difficult, therefore, a certain amount of air accumulates in front of the hymen and, with a sharp movement, the muscles push it out. Of course, this process cannot take place silently. Most often, this is how air comes out of the uterus before menstruation.

After analyzing the appearance of luck during intercourse, women understand in which position it occurs more often, and try to avoid it. The most problematic are positions in which penetration is difficult - the "piston" enters with force, forcing air - or vice versa, the vagina is completely relaxed. If you correct the process, change the posture, then you can avoid an uncomfortable moment.

Ability to avoid confusion

So that the air from the uterus does not come out during intercourse, causing the woman to be embarrassed and blush, you can use the following methods.

  1. If, after analyzing the situation, it becomes clear that the luck is caused by insufficient moisture, then you can use special lubricants containing estrogen. They are administered a few hours before intimacy, and the body has time to prepare.
  2. Currently, you can purchase intravaginal applications that will help stop vaginal flatulence.
  3. Strengthening the intimate muscles with the help of special exercises helps to increase the elasticity of the vagina and return the tone lost during childbirth. These exercises will help a woman who has entered the period of menopause to push back adverse changes - prolapse of the vagina and uterus, strengthen the ligamentous apparatus.

"Gymnastic" a complex for intimate muscles was developed by an obstetrician-gynecologist Kegel, but there are also separate exercises that restore muscle tone.

Gymnastics for intimate muscles

Many women are embarrassed to do Kegel exercises, they seem shameful to them.

Do not break yourself - there are simple movements that help strengthen intimate muscles:

  • regular squats performed with hips apart - it is advisable to turn your knees to the sides during movements;
  • interruption for a few seconds of the act of urination;
  • tension of the muscles of the vagina when sitting on a chair, absolutely relaxed.

Special Kegel exercises also consist of a complex during which the muscles of the vagina are tensed and relaxed in various positions - standing, sitting or lying down.

In the prone position, the action should resemble attempts - that is, you need to try to control the intimate muscles in the complex - the vagina and uterus. At the same time, the abdominal press also tenses and relaxes, which is very useful. During the first lessons, you can help with your hands - with a slight pressure on the uterus, the air will leave the body completely.

If this exercise is regularly performed before sexual intercourse, embarrassment can be avoided in the future.

The release of gases from the rectum is an unpleasant phenomenon, but it is quite understandable and familiar. However, after giving birth, some women experience vaginal flatulence. Air leaves the uterus during daily activities, with sudden movements or during sexual intercourse. This phenomenon causes, rather, not physical, but moral discomfort. Why is air coming out? How to fix the situation?

Why can air come out of the uterus after childbirth?

The uterus is an organ that communicates with the external environment through the vagina. It's hollow inside. In the empty space, under some circumstances, air penetrates. In the normal state, its amount in the uterine cavity is so small that the woman does not notice how it comes out.

However, during childbirth, there is stretching of the vagina and weakening of the pelvic muscles. As a result, air access to the uterus increases. After the restoration of the elasticity of the walls of the vagina and its prenatal size, vaginal flatulence gradually disappears.

The most susceptible to vaginal flatulence are women who have had several births or have given birth to twins and triplets. Sometimes the vagina does not fully recover, and the release of air bothers the woman. long time.

Other causes of vaginal flatulence

Vaginal flatulence often occurs during menopause. With a decrease in the functionality of the ovaries, the elasticity of the vagina worsens and the muscle tone of the pelvic organs decreases. In this regard, the amount of incoming and outgoing air increases. The main reasons also include:

  • intense sex;
  • discrepancy between the diameter of the vagina and the penis;
  • pathological changes in the structure of the pelvic organs as a result of diseases, multiple abortions, tumors;
  • congenital pathologies of the genital organs;
  • rapid weight loss;
  • inflammation of the uterine epithelium;
  • a fistula that communicates with the rectum and vagina.

How does air enter the uterus?

Air can enter the uterus during intense movements, sex, due to the penetration of gases from the rectum. When walking, running and jumping, a small amount of air enters the vagina. If there are no physiological or pathological changes in the pelvic organs, this does not cause discomfort.

The highest concentration of a gaseous substance accumulates in the vagina and uterus during active sex. A man's penis acts like a piston during sex. Air intensively penetrates into the vagina with strong jolts, frequent changes of positions that require excavation of the phallus, in the knee-elbow position.

The described methods of getting a gaseous substance into the uterus are not dangerous to the health of a woman. However, if the cause of gas in the vagina is a fistula, the contents of the colon can enter the uterus with them, which will lead to an inflammatory process in the genital organ. With this pathology, gaseous substances have an unpleasant odor.

What to do?

If air comes out of the uterus after childbirth, it goes away after the pelvic organs are restored. However, when an unpleasant phenomenon does not disappear for a long time, you need to contact a gynecologist. The doctor will examine the vagina to rule out pathologies of the genitourinary system.

You should immediately contact a specialist if vaginal flatulence is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • pain in the abdomen;
  • constipation;
  • bloody discharge;
  • swelling;
  • bad smell;
  • intestinal contents are excreted from the genital tract;
  • urinary incontinence;
  • an increase in the size of the genital slit.

The following measures will help reduce the frequency and intensity of air discharge from the uterus:

  • the use of a special lubricant during intercourse;
  • avoiding sex positions that allow air to enter the vagina;
  • timely treatment of genitourinary diseases;
  • strengthening the muscles of the small pelvis with the help of special exercises.
  • Kegel exercise.
  • Daily deep squats with knees out to the sides. You need to do 10-15 squats a day.
  • Stimulate the elasticity of the vagina during intercourse. To do this, the woman needs to tighten the vagina and try to push out the phallus.

In the life of some women there are unpleasant moments associated with intimate issues. One of them is the release of air from the vagina. This happens involuntarily and sometimes at the most inopportune moments: during sex, during yoga, etc. This phenomenon makes a woman embarrassed, considering it a disadvantage that interferes with a fulfilling life. But in most cases, the air leaving the vagina is just a physiological phenomenon that has nothing to do with pathology.

The reasons

It is known that the vagina is a hollow organ that communicates with environment. Therefore, one way or another, it contains a certain amount of air. It is detected in the normal state in 20% of women. And it doesn't show up at all. But some still have a noisy discharge of air from the vagina, similar to farting. Then you need to understand whether there is a connection with physiological processes:

  1. Sexual intercourse.
  2. Childbirth.
  3. menopause.

The release of air is observed even in 4% of virgins. It is believed that this phenomenon is the result of inconsistency in contractions of the vaginal muscles or their functional hypertrophy. This may happen during exercise, getting up, walking up the stairs.

In the considered cases, you should not be afraid of vaginal flatulence. But there are situations in which the release of air is considered as a violation. Such a deviation is associated with weakness of the pelvic floor muscles, vaginal prolapse, or due to a rectovaginal fistula (fistula). Why air comes out of the vagina can be found out only after a medical examination and examination of the gynecological sphere.

If a woman releases air from the vagina, then it is necessary to differentiate physiological conditions from pathological ones.

During intercourse

Unpleasant sounds from the vagina are often heard during sex. Air enters with intense movements by the penis, which works like a piston, sucking it in from the external environment. The frequent removal of the male organ from the vagina also plays a role, due to which more air is injected. In addition, in certain positions, the risk of vaginal flatulence increases significantly, for example, in the knee-elbow position.

If the air comes out after intercourse, then this does not cause serious trouble. But when a similar problem occurs during lovemaking, it can even alienate a partner and reduce his attraction. But mostly this applies to still fragile relationships, when a man does not know that his partner has such a feature.

There are other situations - when the expulsion of air occurs due to a mismatch in the size of the penis and vagina. With a short or thin male genital organ, air pockets form in the vagina, which become a source of unpleasant sounds. In any case, vaginal flatulence is not a hindrance to true love.

After childbirth

Air from the vagina often comes out in women who have given birth. This is especially true for mothers of fairly large babies, twins or triplets, when there was a significant stretching of the genital tract. And although after childbirth they recover, acquiring almost the same appearance as before pregnancy, but for some women everything happens more slowly or somewhat differently. They may experience a decrease in the elasticity of the vaginal wall and stretching of the pelvic muscles. Then the air from the uterus comes out not only during intercourse, but also during everyday activities, including gymnastics, running, taking a bath.

Vaginal flatulence is a common situation after childbirth, when the vagina has not yet had time to fully recover.

During menopause

When a woman reaches the age of 50, she begins a period of natural menopause. It is characterized by a decrease in reproductive function due to a decrease in the synthesis of estrogens by the ovaries. This naturally affects the condition of the vaginal wall: dryness of the mucous membrane is observed, elasticity and muscle tone decrease. This is the main physiological cause why women at this age develop vaginal flatulence.

In addition to the release of air, there are more serious changes in the body, covering many systems:

  • Sensation of heat in the body.
  • Frequent urination.
  • Increase in blood pressure.
  • Dryness and flabbiness of the skin, the appearance of wrinkles.
  • Osteoporosis.
  • Irritability, depression, decreased libido.

Such symptoms cause a lot of trouble and disrupt the usual way of life. But estrogen deficiency is a completely normal situation that will affect all women in one way or another.

Menopause is a special period in a woman's life. Despite its manifestations, it is physiological and should not be a cause for concern.

Pathological conditions

There are times when vaginal flatulence becomes a sign of gynecological pathology. With the weakness of the pelvic floor muscles and the prolapse of the vagina, the air that has penetrated from the external environment comes out. Then you can notice other symptoms:

  1. Feeling of discomfort or foreign body in the perineum.
  2. Frequent urination.
  3. Drawing pains in the lower abdomen.
  4. Gaping of the genital slit.

In more severe stages, urinary incontinence may occur during exercise, when coughing, laughing or sneezing. And the wall of the vagina begins to gradually fall out - beyond the boundaries of the vestibule.

A completely different situation arises in the presence of a recto-vaginal fistula. Then the gases from the intestines penetrate the vagina, and then go out. But in this case, they have an unpleasant odor and may be accompanied by the release of liquid feces.

Pathological conditions that manifest as vaginal flatulence may develop after childbirth, surgery, or trauma in the pelvic area.

Correction methods

The methods used to eliminate vaginal flatulence are determined by its origin. There are various methods for correcting this unpleasant condition, but they can only be used as directed by a doctor, after all the necessary studies have been carried out.

If the release of air is of a physiological nature, then certain recommendations will help reduce episodes of extraneous sounds from the vagina during intercourse. First, the knee-elbow position and similar positions should be avoided. Secondly, the sexual partner needs to pull the penis out of the vagina less often. Finally, it is better to use an intimate lubricant, which will reduce the chance of air infiltration and increase comfort in menopausal women.

To train the muscles of the pelvic floor, there are special devices, for example, vaginal balls. And the prevention of vaginal prolapse can be carried out using the uterine ring, which is effective in almost a third of women with the release of air from the intimate area.


There are special exercises aimed at strengthening the muscles of the pelvic floor and maintaining their tone. They are quite popular among women who lead a sexually active lifestyle, because in addition to combating vaginal flatulence, they can improve erotic sensitivity and the number of orgasms. The following gymnastic techniques are used:

  • Kegel exercises - tension, hold and relaxation of the muscles of the perineum.
  • Voluntary urinary retention.
  • Deep squats.

Exercise is effective not only as a means to eliminate vaginal flatulence, but also to improve sexual function, as well as recovery after childbirth.


If a woman has pathological conditions, for example, vaginal prolapse or rectovaginal fistula, then surgery will be the only way out. The surgeon fixes the genital organs in an anatomically correct state, removes their communication with the rectum. Then postoperative rehabilitation is carried out, including therapeutic gymnastics, medical correction, physiotherapy.

The release of air from the vagina is often a physiological phenomenon. But it brings tangible discomfort in various life situations, which creates the need for correct correction. And the pathological conditions associated with vaginal flatulence definitely require timely treatment.

Few women dare to speak openly about such a delicate problem as the air from the vagina. It's hard to call it a problem, though. And the point here is not in the physical aspect, but in psychological discomfort. Well, imagine - growing into intimate communication, kisses, hugs, declarations of love, finally, sexual intimacy, and then ... with the characteristic sound of an automatic burst, gases come out of the vagina! And it also happens at the most inopportune moment. You are embarrassed, the partner too, and sometimes frankly frightened and confused, and after such an incident, all the romance of the evening comes to naught.

So, why does air come out of the vagina and can it somehow be avoided?
First, do not be afraid for your health. This process, although not pleasant, is quite safe and even more - physiologically justified. This means that nature intended it this way - the air comes out of the vagina, because it is not needed there. The vagina becomes wet and stretches in time, preparing to receive the penis. After everything returns to its original position, the intimate muscles narrow, which means that excess air is also pushed out. He gets there during the most sexual intercourse. Especially if the partners changed positions or sex was done in a knee-elbow position. In this case, it enters the vagina from the "piston", the function of which is performed by the male penis.

It happens that the air from the vagina begins to come out with noise after, for example, the birth of a child. In fact, it has come out before, you just didn't notice it, it was almost silent. But muscle tone changes and sometimes the air is not audible, and sometimes it happens loudly and distinctly.

You can try to translate this into a joke, you can or you can do it - there is nothing more than This will help not only overcome the female problem - loud air from the vagina, but also strengthen the muscles, maintain their elasticity and tone, improve intimate life (since having learned to control muscles, you will give more pleasure to a man). In general, get a lot of bonuses from such intimate fitness. Try it, you won't regret it!

So, the first exercise.
Interrupt this process while urinating. That is, squeeze the muscles for a few seconds. Then continue again. You can do this not only during urination. Try to squeeze the vagina as tightly as possible. Happened? Hold this contraction for a few seconds. Please note that breathing should not go astray, it ideally remains even and calm, that is, as usual.

Second exercise.
Alternately squeeze the muscles of the vagina and anus. This must be done quickly and rhythmically.

And one more exercise that will appeal not only to you, but also to your partner. Yes, you guessed it right - it must be performed during intimacy. Try to squeeze the penis with the muscles of the vagina. Note - the vagina, not the perineum. Control this process. Now that you have a contraction, imagine that your task is to push the penis out. But only with one muscle. You don’t have to tell your partner that you are using him not only for intimate communication, but also for training. Although there is nothing shameful in this, take it as a kind of game that is fun to play together.

And squats will help too. They are good not only for the muscles of the vagina, but also for the lower abdomen, just where women have one of the most "problem areas". Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and slowly squat down. Hands can be kept on the belt or behind the head. Spread your knees wide apart. Hold this position for a few seconds. You can start with, say, ten seconds and gradually increase the time to a couple of minutes. Hips, abdomen, vagina - everything will work, strengthening the tone.

In general, those who want to find a way out of this delicate situation and at the same time strengthen the muscles.

In this article:

Young mothers often face a delicate problem, after childbirth, air comes out of the uterus. Many women develop complexes due to unpleasant sounds in the presence of strangers, because the process of outgassing cannot be controlled.

During pregnancy, the uterine muscles stretch, fill with air, and after natural childbirth, symptoms such as involuntary urination and the release of gases from the uterus appear. Sudden exertion, coughing and sneezing intensify the sensations. The baby presses with its weight on the uterus from the inside and promotes air ingress. The muscles of the vagina are like gates for a child, which must both open and close in time.

Gynecologists advise to train the perineal and coccygeal muscles, then blood circulation in the lower spine is normalized, thereby preventing the development of hemorrhoids and problems in the uterine region.

How to prevent this?

Most women are embarrassed to ask their question, why does air leave the uterus, and how to avoid this? On the part of medicine, there are no violations, the process is unpleasant, but justified by scientists. Nature conceived so, the air comes out with noise after the birth of the baby. But this is temporary. Previously, no one paid attention, because the air came out silently. Periodically, muscle tone changes and the air is inaudible, and sometimes it happens with sound and loudly. During contractions, it is important to take a deep breath, and then as you exhale, the air will come out on its own, and will not linger there.

To prevent the air from leaving the uterus, it is better not to run it there. You can try to translate such situations into a joke, and not draw attention, but you can do exercises.

Exercises for muscle tone

Specialists in this field have developed exercises to maintain vaginal tone. Regular and proper workouts, will be the key to the success of muscle elasticity. This will reduce the chance that the gas will come out with a sound from the vagina. Try some simple exercises and you won't regret it:

  • We do squats. A very useful exercise, will help eliminate air in the uterus. Slowly squat, spread your knees to the sides, stay in this position for a while. Increase the time gradually to two minutes.
  • We work with muscles, starting and stopping urination. During the exercise, breathe, do not stop. During the day, you can repeat without restrictions.
  • Alternately draw in and relax the muscles of the uterus and anus. Exercise regularly for at least 2-3 weeks.

These exercises will help not only with the problem of air entering the uterus, but also enhance the pleasant sensations during sex with your partner.

We offer you to watch a video about the air in the vagina

The uterus, the main organ of the female reproductive system, is connected to the external environment through the vagina, and air enters it through it. Active body movements increase the volume of air mass penetrating into this intimate zone, and at a certain moment the reverse process occurs - the cavity is emptied.

The air comes out not always silently, which makes women complex. It is especially unpleasant if this happens during intimacy. Is it really impossible to stop the exit of air from the uterus and make the process manageable?

Why does air come out of the uterus

It is more correct to say that air comes out of the vagina - it can accumulate in the uterus after childbirth, during its intense contraction. During this period, the release of air occurs twice - during the expulsion of the fetus and during the removal of the placenta.

During contractions, the intimate muscles contract intensely, building up pressure, pumping in air. After the rupture of the fetal bladder and the release of the fetus, the uterus contracts, a certain amount of air pumped into the birth canal is drawn inward.

Then he definitely needs to come to the surface, and this process coincides with the preparation for squeezing out the placenta and the remnants of the fetal membrane.

This period is also accompanied by contractions, albeit shorter and weaker, but the air is pumped into the vagina. Then the placenta moves away, the woman relaxes, the uterus falls, and the accumulated air comes out of it.

The reasons for the intensive release of air from the uterus are the following factors:

  • active intercourse;
  • decreased muscle tone caused by pregnancy or childbirth;
  • prolapse of the pelvic floor;
  • before menstruation and at the very beginning;
  • after training, against the background of increased physical activity.

The possibility of luck - reverse outflow - can provoke vaginal dryness caused by hormonal disorders. The organism that "takes care" of moisturizing this organ, having accumulated a sufficient amount of secretion, causes contraction of the muscles of the uterus - while the secretions are expelled from the cervical canal.

A lot of women begin to notice that air comes out of the uterus during pregnancy. Why is this happening?

Women in this special state begin to listen to themselves, analyze everything that happens in the body, think: “Will what is happening harm the unborn child?”. Previously, they did not notice the air exchange, it happened naturally and silently, but now the sensitivity of the vagina has increased, the blood supply has increased in it, it swelled. Each - even the most imperceptible - contraction of the uterus makes you tense up, suddenly she entered the tone? Therefore, luck during pregnancy cannot remain unnoticed.

Whatever the reasons, it is impossible to recover from luck. If the exit of air from the uterus after childbirth causes painful discomfort, some doctors advise patients to use anesthetic suppositories - but they only relax muscle tone and make spasms less noticeable, but the contraction with the release of air masses is not stopped.

With the onset of age-related changes, a natural weakening of the ligamentous apparatus occurs, and luck ceases to be felt.

The nuances of vaginal flatulence

Vaginal flatulence also depends on the individual structure of the vagina. The shorter and wider the cervix, the more air gets inside, and - accordingly - is expelled.

The amount of incoming air largely depends on the ratio of the sizes of the intimate organs of the partners. If the vagina is wide or weak - which is common in women who have recently had a baby or who have given birth multiple times - and the penis is short or undersized, more air is pumped in.

Virgins often complain about luck with sound. The hymen does not completely close the entrance to the cervical canal - it necessarily has through holes through which menstrual blood comes out. The atmospheric environment freely penetrates into the body. The exit is difficult, therefore, a certain amount of air accumulates in front of the hymen and, with a sharp movement, the muscles push it out. Of course, this process cannot take place silently. Most often, this is how air comes out of the uterus before menstruation.

After analyzing the appearance of luck during intercourse, women understand in which position it occurs more often, and try to avoid it. The most problematic are positions in which penetration is difficult - the "piston" enters with force, forcing air - or vice versa, the vagina is completely relaxed. If you correct the process, change the posture, then you can avoid an uncomfortable moment.

Ability to avoid confusion

So that the air from the uterus does not come out during intercourse, causing the woman to be embarrassed and blush, you can use the following methods.

  1. If, after analyzing the situation, it becomes clear that the luck is caused by insufficient moisture, then you can use special lubricants containing estrogen. They are administered a few hours before intimacy, and the body has time to prepare.
  2. Currently, you can purchase intravaginal applications that will help stop vaginal flatulence.
  3. Strengthening the intimate muscles with the help of special exercises helps to increase the elasticity of the vagina and return the tone lost during childbirth. These exercises will help a woman who has entered the period of menopause to push back adverse changes - prolapse of the vagina and uterus, strengthen the ligamentous apparatus.

A “gymnastic” complex for intimate muscles was developed by an obstetrician-gynecologist Kegel, but there are also separate exercises that restore muscle tone.

Gymnastics for intimate muscles

Many women are embarrassed to do Kegel exercises, they seem shameful to them.

Do not break yourself - there are simple movements that help strengthen intimate muscles:

  • regular squats performed with hips apart - it is advisable to turn your knees to the sides during movements;
  • interruption for a few seconds of the act of urination;
  • tension of the muscles of the vagina when sitting on a chair, absolutely relaxed.

Special Kegel exercises also consist of a complex during which the muscles of the vagina are tensed and relaxed in various positions - standing, sitting or lying down.

In the prone position, the action should resemble attempts - that is, you need to try to control the intimate muscles in the complex - the vagina and uterus. At the same time, the abdominal press also tenses and relaxes, which is very useful. During the first lessons, you can help with your hands - with a slight pressure on the uterus, the air will leave the body completely.

To conquer a man in bed, a woman tries to look perfect: she takes care of her figure, her appearance, her manners are refined, and her perfumes are only the most expensive ... But sometimes such an incident can happen, due to which the most ideal woman in terms of external parameters will begin to lock herself in yourself and avoid intimacy. We are talking about the air that comes out of the vagina during or immediately after sex, in most cases accompanied by an unpleasant sound.

Why does air come out of the vagina during sex?

This phenomenon is called "vaginal flatulence." But why does this problem develop? After all, some girls noted that there were no such “accidents” with one partner, and with the second they had to blush every time after the next sex.

Do not think that only a few suffer from this problem. More than half of the fair sex are personally acquainted with her, someone put up with it, and someone is trying to fight. This prevalence of vaginal flatulence is associated with the anatomical structure of the female genital organs.

The vagina is elastic internal organ which is shaped like a tube. During arousal, its part, located near the cervix, expands so that sperm enters the resulting cavity at the end of intercourse. During frictions, air also enters this “pocket”, which is already easier to explain not from an anatomical point of view, but from a physical one. So, the penis can be conditionally represented by a piston, and the female internal genital organs - by a cylinder. When moving, air enters there, which has nowhere else to go, and until a certain point it remains inside the female genital organs.

When sex comes to an end, or at the moment when the penis is pulled out of the vagina, the air also treacherously leaves it. Why is this process accompanied by an unpleasant sound? Because the walls of the vagina are closed in the lower third, but when they expand under the action of the outgoing gas, a rather loud sound is heard, since its volume is quite large.

Why else can such troubles arise? The following reasons may contribute to this process:

  • frequent insertion and withdrawal of the penis;
  • too much angle of the vagina during intercourse;
  • some postures (for example, knee-elbow).

Some women are interested in why gas begins to come out of there after childbirth, especially if there were several of them. During the birth process, the vagina and cervix expand greatly so that the fetus can leave the womb through them. For some, the tone of the intimate muscles is restored quite quickly, but for the majority, such “overstretching” of the vaginal muscles becomes a factor in the occurrence of such problems.

Does air interfere with the vagina during intercourse?

No, it is not felt inside in any way and does not interfere with either the man or the woman herself. Accumulating in the formed "pocket", it remains there until the moment when the "way back" is free. Therefore, do not be afraid that the gas inside the vagina can in any way interfere with sex or be felt by one of the partners.

What can be done to prevent air from escaping from the vagina?

If the relationship between two people is trusting enough, then you can either ignore it at all, or together follow the following tips:

  1. Find those poses in which the air will be injected the least.
  2. It is less common to completely remove the penis from the vagina.
  3. Take short breaks, replacing friction with petting or regular petting. So you can give the accumulated gas to stand out in smaller volumes, which will not be so noticeable.

A woman will help strengthen intimate muscles with the help of special exercises. For many of the fair sex, their regular implementation allowed them to forget forever about the awkward moments of their sex life. The following exercises are recommended daily:

  1. Kegel: alternately squeeze and unclench the intimate muscles in the same way as it happens when you deliberately stop the process of urination. Repeat three times a day for 10-15 times.
  2. Do the same as in the first exercise, only alternately squeeze and relax the muscles of the vagina and anus.
  3. Perform squats: having made a deep squat, linger like this for a few seconds. Repeat 10-15 times for 1 approach.

During sex, you can experiment with your partner: with slightly trained intimate muscles, squeeze your partner's penis and push it out. This trick will not only fix the result of daily exercises, but also with highly likely your man will love it.

This is usually not written in women's magazines, not asked at the doctor's office, not talked about at girls' gatherings. A woman who is faced with the problem of escaping air from the uterus often remains alone with her, ashamed of her own physiology. It happens that the air comes out of the vagina at the most inopportune moment, for example, during intimacy with a partner, which undoubtedly spoils any romantic mood. Let's talk about the main reasons for the release of air from the uterus, as well as ways to solve this delicate issue.

Why does air come out of the uterus? It’s worth mentioning right away that the air actually comes out not from the uterus itself, but from the vagina. The main reason for the release of air from the uterus is, oddly enough, its entry into the vagina. This can happen while running, cycling, walking - any, so to speak, active "body movements" can lead to the release of air from the uterus with characteristic sounds.

All the fair sex should still be aware that the most common reason why air leaves the uterus is sexual intercourse. It is during traditional sex that the likelihood of air being forced into the vagina increases, since when excited, its walls stretch, and the partner's penis acts as a "piston". And, no matter how strange and ridiculous it may seem, but the air coming out of the vagina during intercourse is a natural phenomenon that should not be ashamed.

Air often comes out of the vagina, what is the reason?

If the air leaves the uterus during intimacy, then most women experience discomfort, but most of them are really worried about something else. Imagine a situation where the sounds characteristic of the release of air from the uterus are heard while getting up from the sofa, when coughing, sneezing, bending over, etc. In this case, you will not envy a woman, because being surrounded by acquaintances or colleagues, it is not possible to explain the reason for the “farts”, which entails a sense of shame, embarrassment and disgrace. You can hardly call such a situation natural, because the air leaves the uterus when no one expects it, including the woman herself. And the reason, as a rule, lies in the overstretching of the walls of the muscular organ - the vagina and the muscles of the perineum.

Loss of pelvic floor muscle tone is most often caused by a recent birth or a history of more than three natural births. In this case, the problem lies in the ligamentous apparatus of the uterus and, as a result, weakening the tone of the muscles of the perineum.

What to do if air comes out of the uterus?

The release of air from the vagina is not a problem at all, but just a signal that it is time to improve the condition of the intimate muscles. With regular and complete performance of some exercises, the abundance of strange sounds from the vagina will disappear forever.

So, to strengthen the muscles of the pelvic floor, the following methods are usually practiced:

1. "Kegel" and its gymnastics. Professor Arnold Kegel gained universal recognition thanks to a simple technique for restoring the muscle tone of the pelvic floor. Kegel exercises allow you to train the muscles of the perineum anywhere and at any time, imperceptibly to others.

The essence of the exercises: to make the muscles of the perineum "work".

How to perform?

Compressions. At the initial stage, do the following: squeeze the muscles of the perineum and hold for 3 seconds, then completely relax. Repeat the exercise 5-10 times.

  • To understand which muscles need to be strained, try to interrupt the stream of urine during urination;
  • The most comfortable position for this exercise is lying on your back;
  • The longer you hold the muscles in tension, the more productive the workout will be.

Quick cuts. Rapid contraction and relaxation of the pelvic floor muscles.

Ejection. With this exercise, it is necessary to strain the muscles of the perineum as much as possible so that this action resembles attempts. In this case, the abdominal muscles should be relaxed.

Special simulators will help to cope with such a problem as air leaves the uterus: a vaginal ball, a vaginal egg. In the absence of simulators, the author of the technique recommends using your own finger: insert it into the vagina, try to squeeze it as much as possible.

2. Simple squats. Incredibly, with the help of squats, you can pump up not only the gluteal muscles, but also strengthen the pelvic floor. To do this, the legs are placed shoulder-width apart so that the toes of the feet are turned outward. Squats are performed at a slow pace, dropping to the formation of a horizontal level of the hips with the floor. A short pause of a few seconds in the maximum squat allows you to consolidate the result.

3. Vumbilding, or exercises for intimate muscles.

Training the muscles of the perineum is so popular that there is a special name for this - wumbling. This practice covers a huge range of methods, from holding the stream of urine to special exercises from the geisha's personal arsenal. The use of special vacuum, cargo and other vaginal simulators for wumbling is allowed only after consulting a doctor.

They say that with the systematic implementation of exercises that are useful for the pelvic floor muscles, not only does the problem of air leaving the uterus go away, but the sex life is also transformed, and for both partners. In the event that the air comes out of the vagina, despite the performance of exercises for the muscles of the perineum for several months, it is worth seeking help from specialists.

When, at the most intimate moment, the air from the vagina comes out with a characteristic sound, a very awkward situation develops that destroys the romantic mood. If the relationship with the partner is not too close, this can cause him to laugh or even disgust, and the partner will have a psychological complex.

Gynecologists do not consider vaginal flatulence (there is even an English term for it, “quifing”) as a problem. If a couple can't ignore vaginal farts, there are many effective techniques to avoid the uncomfortable situations associated with them.

Why is this happening?

Although the sounds from the vagina are very similar to those that the anus emits when gas is emitted, the physiological mechanism of these phenomena is different. Gases coming out "from the rear" are formed inside the body - in the intestines as a result of the chemical processes of digestion of food and the decomposition of undigested residues, which is why they have such an unpleasant odor.

Air enters the vagina only from the external environment, therefore, having accumulated inside the uterine cavity and going outside, it does not smell at all, only vaginal sounds are made.

How does air enter the female genital organ?

There are three main ways:

  • in the process of intimate relationships;
  • during simple physical activity;
  • in some diseases and after vaginal delivery.

The air in the vagina during sex is pumped by the male penis in much the same way as in a hollow cylinder using a piston. When the internal volume is full, the gases from the uterus come out, producing a kind of vaginal fart.

Some sexual positions are especially conducive to the entry of air into the vagina - those in which the piston, i.e. The male penis enters and exits the vagina completely. With a strong mismatch in the size of the genitals of the partners (the vagina is much wider than the penis), the flow of air into the vagina during sex increases even more.

With age, as well as after childbirth, the air from the vagina begins to come out more often, which is associated with a weakening of the intimate muscles (of course, we are talking about vaginal delivery, when the muscles of this group work especially intensively). This is a normal physiological process characteristic of muscle tissue.

In older women, not only during sexual intercourse, but even during normal activities with a small load (for example, when walking), air is collected, accumulated, and then leaves the vagina, accompanying this with a characteristic “farting” sound, but without any smell. With all the desire, a woman will not be able to hold it, because according to the anatomical structure of the sphincter, unlike the anus, the vagina does not.

In addition to psychological discomfort, a "farting" vagina can be a harbinger of serious problems with the uterus (even prolapse) due to increasing atrophy of the muscles of the pelvic organs, which, however, can be successfully prevented.

When You Need a Doctor

In rare cases, the cause of vaginal flatulence is hidden in serious diseases of the genital area. When the gases emitted by the vagina begin to smell bad, it means that they have pumped into it from the rectum. They contain many intestinal bacteria. Such gases enter the female genital organ through small holes between the vagina and the anus.

Such a fistula can exist in a woman from birth, and also appear as a result of surgical interventions (for example, removal of hemorrhoids) or untreated intestinal diseases. This situation is quite serious, so if a woman has a history of intestinal diseases, and unpleasantly smelling gases periodically come out of the vagina, you should definitely visit a doctor to prevent sad health consequences.

How not to fart vagina

If a woman experiences psychological discomfort from vaginal flatulence, or her man feels uncomfortable in such situations, it is necessary to pump up intimate muscles. There are several very effective exercises to give them the proper tone:

  • With normal urination, you can try to stop writing two or three times by holding the flow of urine with your vaginal muscles. This trick should be done regularly, preferably every time you go to the toilet.
  • Hold something heavy between your thighs and walk like this for 5-10 minutes. When performing this simple exercise several times a day, the muscles of the pelvic organs will noticeably tighten, which will make it difficult for air to enter the vagina and the subsequent embarrassing "farts" from it.

You can solve the question of why air comes out of the vagina by organizational methods. To exclude sounds from the uterus during sexual games, you need to choose a comfortable position and the angle of entry of the penis into the vagina so that the air from the vagina comes out without noise. For example, positions where a woman is lying upside down or bending over are not recommended (including the many favorite styles of “doggystyle” and “inverted wheelbarrow”), it is desirable to give preference to the good old missionary position, “rider” or “spoons”, because in this position, air practically does not enter the vagina.

An experienced partner who does not want to embarrass a man with "farts" from her intimate place, before the act of love, he will lie on his back, spreading his legs to the sides, and thoroughly knead his stomach in order to release the accumulated air.

Do not discount the famous Kegel exercise - the periodic tension of the muscles of the intimate zone. However, it is necessary to ensure that it is the muscles of the vagina that are tensed, and not on the abdomen or thighs, otherwise, instead of a pleasant tone, we will get fatigue and aching muscles.

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