How to breathe during sports. Breathing during exercise. Proper breathing during exercise

Stoves, fireplaces 09.03.2021
Stoves, fireplaces

Not everyone knows that improper breathing during exercise reduces the effectiveness of training and is harmful to health. About how to breathe while training different muscles and why you need it, read the article.

Surprisingly, the first two difficulties that people face when starting to work out in the gym are learning how to drink water during a workout, and learning how to breathe properly. And if everything is a little easier with the first point and I have already covered this topic, then the issue of proper breathing sometimes becomes a real problem. That is why it deserves a separate article.

When to breathe in and when to breathe out?

I’ll make a reservation right away that in this article I’m talking about the rules of breathing only during strength training. For running, swimming, yoga or other physical activity, the rules for breathing are different.

So there is a very simple rule: inhale - on relaxation, exhale - on effort.
But when I say this to my clients, I usually hear the same ironic answer: “Vika, I always have an effort, it’s always hard for me !!!” 🙂

In more detail, the exhalation is carried out at the moment of greatest effort. In this case, you need to inhale through the nose, and exhale through the mouth. For example, when you do the dumbbell squat exercise, exhalation should occur at the moment of lifting, because going down is much easier than lifting yourself up and returning to the starting position. Trite, but gravity helps you go down, but on the contrary, it prevents you from going up. The same, for example, with the exercise lifting dumbbells for biceps: when you bend your arms up, you should exhale, when you lower it, inhale.

How to breathe during abdominal exercises?

All dynamic exercises for the press are different variations of twists. You need to either twist (pull) the body to the legs, or the legs to the body. Accordingly, at the very moment of twisting, an exhalation occurs: tear off the body (or legs) from the floor - exhale, lower the body (legs) to the floor - inhale.

Why are strength exercises performed "on the exhale"?

According to physiologists, exhalation develops maximum force which is exactly what we need to perform well. This is because as you exhale, your abs tense up and your chest contracts, which gives you extra stability. If, during a strength exercise, you inhale, then your press is relaxed, and the chest is stretched. That is, a very illogical phenomenon occurs: at the moment when you should be as tense as possible, almost a quarter of your body is relaxed. And instead of helping yourself to complete the exercise, you only create additional obstacles.

Consequences of improper breathing during exercise:

- dizziness, weakness, nausea, loss of concentration

This occurs as a result of beginning oxygen starvation. Due to incorrect breathing technique, intra-abdominal and arterial pressure, and your health may deteriorate dramatically.

- decrease in the effectiveness of training

This point follows from the previous one. When the body is forced to fight with a lack of oxygen, then there is no question of either the quality of the exercise or its effectiveness.

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Usually we do not think about how we breathe, do not track the depth and rhythm of breathing. However, this is of great importance during strength training. Proper breathing allows you to increase the stabilization of the spine, normalize pressure and provide the muscles with enough oxygen.

So what's the right way to breathe? To begin with, we will analyze the method of breathing itself, and later we will talk about continuity and delays.

Diaphragmatic breathing

One of the mistakes that prevents you from exercising and getting excellent results is fast shallow breathing.

To check if you are breathing correctly, do a little test. Stand up straight, put one hand on your chest and the other on your stomach, and calmly take a few breaths in and out. Under which palm is movement felt? If the stomach rises, you breathe deeply, using all the lungs, if the chest - shallow breathing. Deep breathing is also called.

The diaphragm is the muscle that separates the chest and abdominal cavity and serves to expand the lungs. It accounts for 60 to 80% of the ventilation work.

In childhood, everyone breathes deeply. Due to sedentary work, stress, uncomfortable clothes, breathing changes with age, becomes superficial. During such breathing, only the upper part of the lungs is filled with air. Since there is less air coming in, breathing quickens, pressure on the neck and shoulders increases, which are already loaded in people with sedentary work.

The diaphragm, on the contrary, becomes weaker, due to which sufficient intra-abdominal pressure is not created, a bad one is formed - the center of the abdomen falls inward, bringing the lower ribs and pelvis together.

In addition, during rapid shallow breathing, you are forcing your body to work harder to get the same amount of oxygen as with calm deep breathing. This reduces the economy of your movements - you expend more strength, although this is not required.

Therefore, it is worth working on breathing at least during the exercise. Try to breathe deeply and evenly. When inhaling, the stomach should inflate. Yes, you will have to concentrate more on your body, but for the sake of good posture, relieving tension in the muscles of the neck and shoulders, and more economical movement, it is worth it.

To set yourself up for strength training with proper breathing, pay attention to how you breathe, already during the warm-up. Try to perform all exercises with rhythmic deep breathing. So you will quickly learn how to breathe correctly.

Exhale for effort, inhale for relaxation

This is the most popular breathing advice heard in and out of the gym: inhale when you do the easy part of the exercise, exhale when you do the effort.

Strong and safe movement is only possible with a rigid spine that transmits force from large muscle groups. The spine is strengthened by the tension of the core muscles - the rectus and oblique muscles of the abdomen, the muscles of the pelvic floor, and the back. During inhalation, it is impossible to strain other muscles of the core well, which means that it is difficult to provide the spine with the necessary rigidity.

When exhaling, on the contrary, it is quite simple to tighten the muscles of the core. Breathing affects them reflexively, through nervous system. The muscles tighten, fixing the spine and helping to develop maximum strength. That is why the effort must be performed on the exhale.

If you pay attention to your breathing during heavy exercise, you may notice a brief cessation of breathing at the moment of maximum effort. This is quite natural. A short breath hold is used by experienced powerlifters and weightlifters to lift large weights. This breathing technique is called the Valsalva maneuver, but it should be used very carefully.

Is the Valsalva maneuver dangerous?

The Valsalva maneuver is a procedure that creates high pressure in the middle ear, thoracic and abdominal cavities. It is used in otolaryngology to test the patency of the Eustachian tubes and in cardiology to detect heart pathologies. Also, this maneuver is used in powerlifting and weightlifting and helps athletes lift a lot of weight.

The Valsalva maneuver used in power sports is as follows: a person takes a deep breath (about 75% of the maximum possible), and then, at the moment of maximum effort, holds his breath for a few seconds and tries to exhale air through a closed glottis. Breathing is held throughout the repetition, exhalation occurs after the end.

The Valsalva maneuver increases the pressure in the chest. Through the diaphragm, it is transmitted to the abdominal cavity, which creates good support for the back and helps to resist the forces that tend to move the spine. As a result, the athlete can lift more weight, and the risk of injury is reduced.

Effects of the Valsalva maneuver on the body

However, the Valsalva maneuver is often criticized because it increases the already high pressure during strength training, which can lead to.

Opinions on this issue differ. Dr. Jonathon Sullivan, a professor in the Department of Emergency Medicine at Wayne State University, said that only those with pre-existing cardiovascular problems should be concerned about a heart attack when using the Valsalva maneuver.

In another study Effects of Weightlifting and Breathing Technique on Blood Pressure and Heart Rate . it has been found that using this technique to raise a one-time maximum causes only minor changes in blood pressure. The Valsalva maneuver is only suitable for lifting really heavy weights with low reps.

Using the Valsalva maneuver for multiple repetitions with light weights can cause a dangerous increase in blood pressure, rupture of blood vessels in the eyes and face, headaches, temporary blurred vision, fainting, or leakage of cerebrospinal fluid.

The last problem was described in the article Don't Hold Your Breath. Vishal Goyal and Malathi Srinivasan, MD, UCLA Department of Medicine.

A 50-year-old patient complained of headaches in the projection of the nose, continuous coughing and persistent unilateral discharge from the nose. As a result of the tests, the doctors found a leak of cerebrospinal fluid and damage to the nasal ethmoid bone. It turned out that the patient performed a chest press every day with a weight of 90–136 kilograms. At the same time, he held his breath during the bench press.

Doctors suggested that the patient's problems arose precisely because of the Valsalva maneuver. Training raised pressure, destroyed the meninges, which caused meningocele and rhinorrhea of ​​the cerebrospinal fluid.

The Valsalva maneuver does help lift heavy weights, but it should not be used if:

  • you are a beginner who does not have a set technique and a trainer who can follow the correct execution of the Valsalva maneuver;
  • Do you prefer low weight, high rep exercises?
  • you had problems with the cardiovascular system;
  • you have had problems with intracranial pressure.

Fixation of the body and continuous breathing

For medium loads, it is worth using continuous breathing without delay - exhale for effort, inhale for relaxation.

Start exhaling a little earlier, a moment before the maximum effort. So you can do more.

Breathing should be smooth and rhythmic. Don't stop at extremes. Immediately after inhalation, exhalation follows without short delays.

For maximum case rigidity, try using the pinning method. The term was first used by Dr. Stuart McGill, a specialist in trauma and rehabilitation of the lumbar spine. Pinning is the activation of all core muscles, which allows you to create a rigid middle part of the body, provide stability to the entire body and reduce the risk of injury.

Before lifting the weight, imagine that you are about to be punched in the stomach. Tighten your abdominal and back muscles. This will create a rigid corset that must be held throughout the exercise. At the same time, breathe continuously, exhaling with maximum effort and further strengthening the body.

There is another theory about breathing during. Dr. Stuart McGill and Dr. Mel Stiff believe that the correct exercise technique will automatically make the body breathe correctly, your control is not required.

But this is true only for ideal technology. If you can't boast of one, work on your breathing as well as your technique.


  1. Try to develop diaphragmatic breathing. Breathe like this during the warm-up to get used to and tune in.
  2. Use the Valsalva maneuver for only a few max weight reps.
  3. For exercises with a high number of repetitions, use continuous smooth breathing with inhalation on the easy part of the exercise and exhalation on the maximum effort.
  4. Along with continuous breathing, use the core tension to stabilize the core during exercise.

If you have any breathing tips during strength training, write in the comments.

Did you know that the effectiveness of your sports training is directly related to how you breathe?

In the process of losing calories and gaining muscle mass we often forget about breathing, and this is even more than half the success - breathing helps to properly saturate the body with oxygen, thanks to which the training process brings the same joy as their result.

How to breathe properly during exercise? When to inhale and exhale, how long should the inhale be and how short should the exhale be?
Breathing is such a natural process for us that most of the time we don’t even notice how we breathe. But one has only to cut off the oxygen - and "life is changing before our eyes."

Breathing during exercise is almost more important than the exercise itself. It is not uncommon for a person to seem to run all the time and do physical training regularly, but the fat remains the same. This is where it's time to think about how you breathe during physical exertion. Because breathing is a whole science, you can ask any professional athlete (see)

In order for excess fat to begin to be consumed, it must give energy to the muscles. For this two components are necessary: ​​physical activity(make the muscles work) and oxygen(“fires up” fat, turning it into energy). In order for the body to be saturated with oxygen as much as possible, it is preferable to perform physical exercises in the fresh air (on the street). The intensity of training is needed so that the body spends as much fat as possible, that is, when playing sports, you need to “sweat” properly. And one more thing: competent and proper breathing is necessary.

For the majority of those who lose weight, this is a wide open mouth, the chest rises high, it may seem that the person is suffocating. And at this moment, the person thinks that he is burning a lot of fat, because he has done heavy physical exertion. But in fact it's the other way around. Lost breathing suggests that your body has an oxygen deficiency, and since it lacks oxygen, then there can be no talk of burning fat.

At rest, most people breathe through their chest. During inhalation, the chest rises. This type of breathing is called chest breathing. With such breathing, our body does not spend a lot of energy, and in this case the breath will not turn out to be deep. Since breathing is a process that we do not control consciously, we transfer this type of breathing to sports. During training, a person continues to breathe superficially, and literally from the first minutes the body begins to feel oxygen starvation. Our body has to take some measures, the way out is an increase in breathing, heart rate. But for the normal "burning" of fat, there is clearly not enough air.

Breathing during exercise should be deep because this is the way oxygen exchange is most efficient.

Shallow breathing is a problem for all citizens. The fact is that in megacities the air is heavily polluted, therefore, defending ourselves from it, we involuntarily get used to taking a shallow breath. As a result, the blood is not sufficiently saturated with oxygen, and a person quickly gets tired during training, and his body cannot fully burn fat. To compensate for shallow breaths, we begin to breathe more frequently. However, this does not help to exhale carbon dioxide well, because of this, the blood cannot "take" a lot of oxygen - because CO2 takes its place. And so we often, often breathe, suffocate, pain appears under the ribs - this is how the spleen reacts to a lack of oxygen. The pulse and pressure rise, and those who usually have it low may begin to faint. The person is unable to go on. But full-fledged fat burning begins only at the 20th minute of continuous physical work. A weight loss workout should last at least half an hour, and fitness classes in clubs usually last 45-50 minutes. Therefore, in order to hold out, you must learn to breathe deeply.

Deep breathing is well trained by tai chi, yoga and Buteyko breathing exercises. As well as learning to swim in the pool.

Next: Required learn to breathe. Many people have heard about belly breathing. In fact, it is not carried out by the stomach, but by the diaphragm. This is a large muscle that is located just below the ribs, in what is called the solar plexus. Working with the diaphragm, and you need to inhale and exhale, but not always. For example, yoga instructors may suggest breathing through the lower abdomen.

"Belly breathing" is very effective, this is how small children breathe. Performing this exercise, you not only enrich the body with oxygen, but also massage internal organs. With age, breathing becomes more and more shallow, so the proposed exercise will help restore full-fledged deep breathing.

1. As you exhale, pull your belly and stomach toward your spine.
2. The chest is relaxed and lowered. Avoid physical stress. You should feel some flattening of the chest.
3. Inhale slowly through your nose. While inhaling, make sure that the chest and abdomen are flat.
4. Fill your lungs with air. Try to let the air fill the diaphragm, feel how it expands.
5. The abdomen expands like an inflated ball in all directions (not just forward). The chest and abdomen above the navel practically do not expand.
6. At the peak of inhalation, begin a slow smooth exhalation, contracting the stomach due to light physical effort and relaxation of the diaphragm.
7. Both inhalation and exhalation should be smooth, as silent as possible and the same
by duration. As soon as the breath becomes barely noticeable, it will be possible to speak of undoubted success.
8. Begin the exercise with three breaths/exhalations. If health allows, do the exercise nine or more times.

Such exercises have specific goals, but they are exercises, that is, temporary actions. And during normal training, we need normal constant breathing, due to which fat burns, and it is performed with the participation of the diaphragm.

Here is a simple exercise for correct breathing: Lie down, for example, on the floor. I put my hand on my stomach. Now, when you inhale, try not to move your chest, but inflate your stomach. As you exhale, try to pull your stomach in harder to push the air out. Such training should be carried out as often as possible, so that later during physical exertion you can breathe automatically with your stomach.

Breathing during exercise should be carried out only through the nose. This is due to the fact that breathing through the nose has a beneficial effect on brain activity. Such a process is akin to meditation, which increases the time for physical activity and delays fatigue. Plus, nasal breathing contributes to the fact that the diaphragm is activated to the maximum. Breathing through the mouth does not have the advantages of nasal breathing, and even interferes with the normal exchange of oxygen, so breathing through the mouth will not bring anything but harm.
What if a person has chronic rhinitis? Then exhale through your mouth, this is not fatal, however, you will get tired a little faster.

Breathing during exercise among other things should be rhythmic. That is, during training, try to adjust your breathing to some rhythm: music, steps, beats, claps, etc. Develop your own breathing tactics, try to hold your breath for longer (for example, inhale and exhale after 2-3-4-5-10 steps). As a result, you will develop your own style, in which your breathing will be synchronized with your actions, and this will immediately increase the effect of the exercises performed by an order of magnitude.

Why is it important to breathe properly?

You exhaust yourself with fitness, and still do not lose weight. Why? One explanation is improper breathing.

Reason 1: Oxygen supply

Our fat "bins" are energy in a "passive" form. Without exaggeration, they can be compared to a pile of coal or a woodpile. In order for fat to “flare”, it must be inflated like a fire. In other words, provide an influx of oxygen. Just for this reason, when running, you begin to breathe more often. The more frequent breathing, the more oxygen in the blood. The more it gets into the areas of fat accumulation. Then everything is simple: fat burns and gives energy to working muscles.
We now draw two important conclusions.

First conclusion: the intensity of the training should be high. The more energy your muscles need, the more fat your body will have to burn.

Second conclusion, the most important thing: breathing during sports should not be anyhow, but correctly.

To an inexperienced beginner, it seems that his short, short breath is a sign that he has taken a really serious load on his chest. Accordingly, and fat, they say, will burn more. No, it's not like that at all. When you gasp for air with your mouth wide open, like a fish washed ashore, it just means that your body is sorely lacking oxygen. This has nothing to do with the loss of kilograms, since the lack of air automatically leads to the “fading” of the metabolic flame, that is, slowing down the burning of fat.
Remember the burning of a candle. In the open air, it burns calmly and evenly. But as soon as you cover it with a glass, in other words, “shut off her oxygen,” she immediately goes out. So, the harder you breathe, the less hope you have of losing weight.

Reason 3: Heart rate

Breathing is an unconscious process. Watch yourself when watching TV. You breathe in and your chest rises. This is the so-called chest breathing, in which the body spends a minimum of its strength. When you breathe through your chest, you will inevitably get shallow breaths, because the air circulates only in the upper part of the lungs.
During fitness classes, you continue to breathe from your chest, according to a long-term habit. As a result, the lungs work at hardly a third of their potential volume. Such breathing almost immediately creates an energy deficit, as the body is desperately short of oxygen. In response, the body tries to make breathing more frequent - it speeds up the heart rate. As a result, the pulse quickens, stress is created for the body. It is because of him that the next day after aerobics, instead of pleasant fatigue, you feel completely overwhelmed.

Reason 4: Posture Correction

Remember: oxygen exchange occurs most efficiently in the lower part of the lungs. In order for air to enter here, you need to breathe deeply - diaphragmatic (or "abdominal") breathing. In other words, you need to breathe with your stomach.
And now let's start experimenting: inhale - the stomach inflates, exhale - the stomach is drawn in, pushing out the remnants of the recycled air. If it turns out that it is difficult for you to breathe with your stomach, then you have bad posture. Stand with your back to the wall and try to simultaneously press the back of your head, buttocks and calves against the wall. Again, try to inhale with your belly. Happened? In any case, first you need to correct your posture (see) and only then take on a serious aerobic cycle aimed at shock weight loss. Otherwise, you will suffocate and will not master even half of the required load.

Reason 5: Fighting Fatigue

How to breathe - nose or mouth? Definitely a nose! Breathing through the mouth limits the vital capacity of the lungs and burns out gas exchange in the body, even in the case of correct “abdominal” breathing. But “nasal” breathing, on the contrary, activates the diaphragm as much as possible. In addition, breathing through the nose calms the biorhythms of the brain, like meditation. As a result, fatigue comes later. You should breathe through your nose as long as possible, and the transition to mouth breathing with increasing loads occurs automatically.
Breathing through the nose seems more difficult than through the mouth, but this is only at first. To teach yourself a strict breathing rhythm, count your steps (or strokes, or pedaling - it doesn't matter) and adjust your breaths to them. Gradually increase the breath interval. If before you breathed every second step, now try to breathe in every fourth. Keep breathing in a new way, not only in the gym, but also in ordinary life. And take your time: to master this science, you may need from 3 to 10 weeks of practice.

Breathing during training - practical recommendations

If you learn to control your breathing, you can significantly ease the load on the cardiovascular and respiratory system and improve the efficiency of the training process.

Flexibility exercises- tilts, turns, rotation of the body, swings, circular movements of the arms and legs - in all these exercises, inhalation is done in positions that contribute to the expansion of the chest, and exhalation - when it contracts. . For example, tilt - exhale, straighten the body - inhale. Do you feel your lungs expanding?

Strength exercises In these exercises, everything depends on muscle tension - it is recommended to exhale at the moment of greatest muscle effort, and inhale at the moment of the least. That is, if you lift your legs up from a supine position, then inhale while raising your legs, and exhale while lowering them down, when the tension of the abdominal muscles is greater.
Inhalation increases intra-abdominal pressure and, accordingly, arterial pressure, which increases the load on the cardiovascular system. There is no need to add to it the load from the movement being performed. In addition, it is easier to concentrate effort on exhalation. When pushing up from the floor in the prone position, inhale while bending the arms, and exhale while straightening.

And now for the breath. The main rule in this casedon't hold your breath! Under any load, it is impossible to delay it, to do it at the very end of the effort. This can lead to a sharp jump in pressure and overload the heart.

In exercises of a cyclic nature while walking, running, swimming, etc. it is especially important to breathe properly, because the body's need for oxygen increases several times. Performing cyclic movements, try to breathe evenly and deeply, focusing on exhalation. The fuller the exhalation, the deeper the inhalation will be and the better the ventilation of the lungs. However, everything needs a sense of proportion. Excessively deep breathing can backfire.
And further. Physiologically, our inhalation is slightly shorter than our exhalation. Therefore, instructors advise during cardio training (running, skiing, cycling, ellipsoid, walking) to monitor the uniformity of breathing. On two counts, inhale - "one-two" and exhale in the same way - "one-two". Therefore, to accustom yourself to even breathing, count to yourself one-two, one-two. Just pay attention: the breath is not delayed, but slightly stretched.
When running First of all, the rhythm and frequency of breathing coordinated with the movements of the body is needed. Random, with pauses or, on the contrary, too frequent breathing disrupts the rhythm of running, makes it difficult to coordinate and does not provide sufficient ventilation of the lungs. For example, when running slowly for each inhalation and exhalation, there are 3-4 steps, and when moving at an average speed, for each inhalation and exhalation - 1-2 steps.
Feeling dry in your throat? Reduce stress and restore breathing. By the way, breathing while running is an indirect indicator of your heart rate. If you are able to breathe through your nose while running, your heart rate is unlikely to exceed 130 beats per minute.

What to do if we suffocate. This happens when we choose an activity that is too intense. It is also difficult to breathe after an illness, flight or lack of sleep. There is no need to overcome yourself in such a situation, they began to choke - slow down and gradually complete the workout. Do you feel the strength to continue? Then do the exercises at a slower pace. Remove some of the repetitions, replace jumps with steps, reduce the range of motion. Of course, it's a shame to "blame", but it's better than fainting. Moreover, remember? - when breathing is down, the body stops burning fat, because it does not receive enough oxygen.

It is useful to raise your arms and shoulders while inhaling, turning them as much as possible. chest and slowly lower as you exhale.

Don't forget to breathe! Some people, doing exercises, stop breathing altogether. A person is so focused on the exercise that he literally does it with bated breath, and this is not good, because it leads to an increase in pressure.

For such people, it is very important to be psychologically liberated and feel as comfortable as possible in class. They should especially carefully choose the type of training (to be to their liking) and be sure to do a warm-up.

PS.There are techniques that deviate from general rule- yoga, pilates, callanetics. Efficiency in these practices is highly dependent on the strict observance of a specific respiratory cycle.

According to,,

Inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth - right? Correct, but not always. Breathing plays an important role in sports, because if you breathe incorrectly, you lose oxygen, and therefore strength. My fitness coach at each class repeats over and over again, like a mantra: “Remember to breathe! Breathe out through your mouth! For those exercises that we perform at this time, this is correct. But such a rhythm is absolutely not suitable for, for example, running or yoga.

Each exercise has its own rhythm and depth of breathing, which fills our lungs with oxygen, and the body with the energy necessary for training.

So, inhale for "one", exhale for "two-three-four"?


Recent studies have shown that proper breathing technique has a positive effect on speed and performance. So the chances of reaching the finish line first increase if you breathe correctly.

There is no “golden rule” that is perfect for all runners. Alison McConnell, breath expert and author of Breathe Strong Perform Better, says many people prefer the two-kick-one-breath option. That is, one inhale for two steps and one exit for two steps - a 2: 2 rhythm.

McConnell also recommends breathing through the mouth, as breathing through the nose during running is difficult. Some do not agree with it and give their arguments in favor of breathing through the nose. Dr. Roy Sugarman believes that breathing through the nose increases CO2 concentration in the blood, which creates a calming effect. In addition, breathing through the nose in cold weather warms the cold air and reduces the likelihood of catching a cold, as well as reduces the amount of allergens that enter the body with inhalation.

Therefore, you can try breathing through your nose and through your mouth and choose the option that is easiest to run with. If you still breathe through your mouth, in cold weather you need to slightly raise your tongue to the sky during inhalation: in this way, cold air will not immediately enter the throat.

Football, basketball and other team games

The breathing rhythm during active team games, such as football or basketball, is very different from the measured rhythm during the run, which you choose for yourself. During these games, you not only move in jerks, but also get a decent dose of adrenaline, which makes your heart race, which in turn affects your breathing.

McConnell says the muscles that we use to inhale and exhale are an integral part of the main stabilizing and postural control system. This means that you intuitively take a deep breath and tense your core when you expect a hit or a big load. This not only helps to resist, but also protects the spine.

While running on the field, you should breathe through the diaphragm (the most efficient muscle for breathing), and not through the chest. Your chest should move from the bottom up, from your back to your chest and out to the sides, says physiotherapist Anna Hartman. In addition, deeper breathing calms, provides the necessary fuel for the muscles and, accordingly, an advantage over rivals.

Power training

Proper breathing is important not only during aerobic exercise. Anyone who has done strength exercises with weight lifting at least once knows that if you breathe incorrectly or even hold your breath, you get exhausted very quickly.

The standard is one breath per effort, and then exhalation. This rhythm helps the body gather before lifting weights and insure lumbar spine. How to breathe while bench press? Deep and long exhalation while lifting the weight, then inhale in the top position or when lowering the weight to the chest. Remember that when the weight is lifted, it does not disappear anywhere and the body must be kept in constant tension. This mechanism is a bit like the one that turns on during contact sports, and it is insurance for your spine.

And don't forget to breathe! Holding the breath increases the pressure in the chest. This is good for maintaining a stable position, but if you don't breathe for too long, blood flow to your heart will decrease, which can lead to high blood pressure.

During FT exercises, our standard breathing pattern is to inhale on the chest press and exhale on the chest press. Moreover, inhalation and exhalation are done as much as the counts last for the bench press.


It's time to relax and do yoga. Breathing plays a very important role in yoga practice. Everything is tied to him. There are several ways to relax with the breath.

1. Sama Vritti or equal breath. This is breathing during which the inhalation is equal in duration to the exhalation. This style of breathing calms the nervous system, lowers blood pressure and relieves stress.

2. Ujjayi (victorious spirit). During this breath, you will make a slightly hissing sound (almost like Darth Vader). During this breath, you inhale and exhale through your nose, while slightly squeezing your throat.

What should not be done? When it comes to positions that are difficult to balance or stand for long periods of time, we tend to start holding our breath. Under no circumstances should this be done. Just take it as a sign of your tiredness and take a short break.

There are a huge number of different breathing practices in yoga, and if you choose a good instructor, he will definitely tell you how to do it correctly. Just remember that you cannot hold your breath during the exercises, unless the trainer tells you to.

I hope this short review will help you achieve better results in training and point out weaknesses. This is especially true for running, as it often happens that the legs would still run and run, but breathing no longer allows.

I welcome you to my page! Today's topic is simple at first glance, but when it comes to how to breathe properly during exercise, this question baffles many. What can be complex and incomprehensible in such an ordinary process as breathing? And why is it so important to do it wisely?

Special breathing techniques exist in order to enrich the body with the oxygen necessary for development and functioning as fully as possible with each breath. And for a person involved in sports, the skills of conscious correct breathing should be developed in the first place. They will not only help to achieve a better result, but also greatly simplify training.

Proper breathing during warm-up

Morning usually consists of fairly simple exercises that do not require excessive physical exertion. But even when they are performed, it is necessary to monitor breathing.

The main rule is to monitor the coordination of the movements performed and the phases of breathing. So, you need to exhale when the muscles are as tense as possible, and inhale during the period of relaxation.

Consider the example of squatting with a barbell. Going down, you need to take a breath. Rising, you make an active movement, in which the body tenses up, which means we exhale.

We must not forget that breathing in this way is necessary with each approach. Otherwise, you will be exhausted very quickly, because the lungs will be oversaturated with oxygen due to frequent uncontrolled air intake.

Type of breathing

The type of breathing is also important. Superficial, which affects only the upper body, is completely ineffective. But if you breathe, connecting the abdominal muscles (inhale - the stomach bulged out, exhaled - pulled in), the body will work at full capacity.

If you are sure that you are breathing correctly, try testing yourself by taking this test. Lying down, we put one palm on the chest, the second on the stomach. And breathe in, as we usually do. See which hand is higher. If the one that lies on your stomach, then you are doing everything right. Otherwise, learn abdominal breathing.

Proper breathing during the main stage of sports

In general, the approach remains the same, but depending on there are several nuances, the correct observance of which will lead to optimal results.

When we make continuous movements long time, the body is under considerable stress. Our task is to help him, including with the help of proper breathing.

Each inhalation and exhalation should be clearly controlled, correlating them with motor activity. During the optimal time to perform a complex inhale-exhale every 4 steps. But it is possible to reduce this sequence to 2 steps.

In any case, you need to listen to yourself, adjusting your breathing so that it is comfortable to run.

These guidelines do not apply to sprints, during which motor activity increases many times over, and the lungs are simply not able to get enough oxygen. But at the end of the race, the body compensates for the energy costs for its implementation.

If you have recently started exercising, it is advisable to exhale during each approach with the sound “Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh”. Do not be afraid to seem ridiculous - you can make a sound quite quietly, focusing on the correct exit of air from the lungs.

Holding your breath, especially when exercising with weightlifting equipment, is categorically not recommended. This leads to a sharp lack of oxygen and can even cause fainting.

There are exercises that include simultaneous relaxation and muscle tension in different parts body. In this case, it is also necessary to exhale only during the phase of tension, on another part of the body, which at this time is relaxed, not paying attention.

Overcoming the resistance of water, the muscles tense up many times stronger than if you do exercises on land. But it is worth accustoming yourself to breathe properly and any difficulties in the way of developing the water space will become less.

The main rule while swimming is to take a short breath through the mouth, and exhale slowly through the nose. This is due to the fact that you need to get rid of the water that has entered the nasal passages.

Beginner swimmers need to perform the following exercise.
Take a deep breath, holding your breath, and sink completely under water for 10-15 seconds. Then rise and exhale. So you need to train gradually until the number of dives reaches 20 times. This is a great help in preparing for swimming.

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