Spelling is not with nouns. Not with different parts of speech Vocabulary dictation on the topic not and neither

Interior elements 22.12.2021
Interior elements

Dictation number 1.
A long time ago, apparently-invisibly, willy-nilly, exactly the same, side by side, little by little, nothing, nothing, not at all, not at all, postman, objection, receipt, genuine, bare, shattered, gallery, concentrated, epidemic, necklace, indomitable, authentic, Russia, rush, as if, somehow, rush, combination, distance, desired, oil pancakes, oil paints, pool, slow, attentive, sacred, unexpected, accurate, unprecedented, unheard of, unexpected , uninvited, unexpected, chewed, forged, wounded fighter, driven, striking, stop, claim, be careful, be present, art, skillful, depict, reflect, expose, gate.

Dictation number 2. Case endings of participles.
About the flag fluttering in the wind; falling maple leaf smelling of hay; by the rippling lake; along a river smoked by fog; at the spreading forest swamp; springing from the ground with keys; trunks of birches stretched to the sky; in the stormy sea; a shot that sounded in the forest; walked with a gliding step; a bird floating near the shore; overgrown bush; about birds flying away for the winter; in a moving object; downstream; cleared path; in a sinking haze; in a grove darkened by an approaching cloud.

Dictation number 3. Spelling of participle suffixes.
You will see fog creeping over the river; decision depending on the circumstances; a thought that disturbs you; mercilessly stinging mosquitoes; it will burst like rain sowing through a sieve; thundering waterfall; driven by fear; treated with herbs; rumbling thunder; barely breaking dawn; crying baby; cultivated plants; splashing wave; a ship in distress; leaves swayed by the wind; hoping for help; snowflakes melting on the cheeks; a waterfall gurgling in the distance; about a house under construction; self-adhesive wallpaper; rushing from side to side; worried about exam results; barely visible in the dark; chirping bird; dependent on the weather; recommended book to read; from stinging bees; a ship fighting the waves; barely audible whisper; chasing a hare; at a barking dog; in the mist spreading over the river.

Dictation No. 4. Vowels in the past participles before the suffixes -НН- (-Н-), -ВШ-.
Heard a rustle; hated lies; offending the baby; toiling from the heat; honored; melted snow; dispelled the seeds; sowing fear; dispelling doubts; smelling the beast; pasted posters; rolled out barrel; pumped out oil; hung pictures; hung flour; mixed paints; implicated in a crime; kneaded dough; who ruled the horses; who saw the picture; sowing rye; thawed earth; meeting friends; built a house; stinging a child; barking dog; depending on the circumstances; tied a knot; desperate person.

Dictation No. 5. Spelling -Н- and -НН- in participles and verbal adjectives.
unsalted soup; fresh-frozen fish; freshly frozen pike perch; purchased books; darned socks; sowing flour; torn sleeve; confused answer; patent leather shoes; lightly wounded soldier; a soldier wounded in the arm; fried in oil; woven tablecloth; tangled threads; painted floor; painted floor; uncut meadow; painted with oil paint; golden nuts; washed linen; laundry washed many times; written beauty; butter pancake; the letter is written, read, sent; finished book; noticed errors; loaded with bricks; buttered bread; gold woven suit.

Dictation number 6.
Sucker Punch; divided principalities; ripe gooseberries; arson of a barn; severe burn; set fire to hay; cheap look; coarse hair; thickened place; reed cat; nightingale clicking; small river; pitiful little soul; equipped with new appliances; generalized topic; smoked ceiling; lined with bricks; lead clouds; dejected look; someone else's garden enjoy the scenery baked loaf; dedicated to friends; simplified task; near a large building; barking dog.

Dictation number 7. NOT with participles.
Unopened letter; a letter not opened by the father; the letter is not printed; not written, but printed text; the floors are not painted; not painted with oil paint; not a thoughtful decision at all; never knowing fear; not stopping at any obstacle; an unexplored question; perplexed about the behavior of a classmate; not yet occupied house; uninhabited houses on the outskirts; water is not spilled; irreparable defect; the briefcase is not leather; hated falsehood; was not at school; the jacket is not brown; not wide, but deep river; the fire is not extinguished; things are not collected; the essay is not written; unwritten essay on literature; not yet sown fields; not knowing fatigue; not loud, but quiet conversation; mutters something indistinct; ignoramus in music; not handsome, but simply cute; acted far from nicely; futility of thoughts.

Dictation number 8. Vowels in gerunds and verbs before suffixes.
Cherished a dream; offending the baby; having built a house; built a garage saw a mouse; seeing a fire; sowed peas; sowing the field; taped neatly; upset parents; upset by the news; upset by the news; starting a dispute; offended by a friend; losing hope; relying on a friend; putting emphasis; starting a dispute; started a quarrel; noticing an error; having repented of the deed; quickly calmed down; heard a rustle; hearing noise; noticed a light; noticing the approach of the ship.

Dictation number 9.
Gallery, combination, express, tamp, neat, innovator, chewed, unexpected, sacred, stop, slow, striking, cavalry, silhouette, aligned, claim, as if, bare, unseen, chivalrous, press, unintentional, forged, driven, stop , distance, pool, authentic, true, desired, somehow, silver, adventure, unheard of, distort, generous, sublime, bare, eyelash, oblong, majestic, regal, reflect, arise, be, overcome, black-haired, turquoise, be present , parachute, gate, obstacle, somewhere, art, slay.

Dictation number 10. Н, НН in suffixes of adjectives.
Windy day, valuable thing, earthen rampart, hawk's beak, bee's nest, glass frame, art gallery, duck cry, authentic copy, silverware, courageous deed, solemn day, drum roll, oat field, tower crane, leather bag, wooden horses , moonlit night, long road, state plan, unexpected guest, grass cover, sandy shore, earthen vessel, antique, tin soldiers, windless morning, ruddy baby, windless night, pork ham.

Dictation number 11. The letters E and I in the prefixes NE- and NI- negative adverbs
No time to go to the theater; there is no help from anywhere; nowhere to wait for news; nowhere to stay; there was no light anywhere; not at all afraid; no way to reach; not met anywhere; never receive letters from anywhere; nothing is heard from anywhere; not at all surprised; never denied anyone anything; never offended anyone; not at all confused; nowhere to go; never forget; lie prone.

Dictation number 12. Hyphen between word parts in adverbs.
According to the old custom; jam cooked according to an old recipe; brought up in the old way; approach the problem in a new way; walked along the new bridge; approached the issue differently; they went on different schedules; come close to the shore; wrap in thick paper; wasting time; entered an empty room; according to the new chronology; walked along a visible track in the snow; apparently left; talk in a friendly way; acted comradely; speak English; turned out our way; tie tightly; howl like a wolf; meet someday; do something; barely wandered; repeat exactly; go somewhere; get out the best, hello; moved little by little; warmth in spring; resounded from somewhere; somewhere.

Dictation #13
Be present, column, garland, reflect, gate, package, ferry, silhouette, striking, withered, driven, led, translated, chewed, sacred, inadvertent, watercolor, aquarium, aligned, claim, claim, coach, training, pool, distance, shine, combination, gallery, combine, epidemic, objection, defeat, postman, receipt, stamp, envelope, not at all, not at all, as if, apparently invisible, side by side, exactly the same, subsequently, fantasy.

Dictation number 14. Continuous and separate spelling of prefixes in adverbs.
Get close; fold in four; scatter; the three of us stood; sat in pairs; be in a dead end; carry books under the armpits; look straight ahead; say in hearts; move with difficulty; save for centuries; stay in memory forever; shatter into pieces; run a race; roll along; speak in a low voice; back down; learn the rules first; since the beginning of spring; go to a meeting with friends; run towards; come closer; hope for good luck; went at random; during the lesson; do the job on time; have a quick bite; make a mockery; stand on tiptoe; forcefully persuaded; saw nearby.

Dictation number 15.
Rushing away; dotted all over; gallop; open wide; hit backhand; marry; fall on your back, do not disturb your parents; bake pies; burn brushwood; return after midnight; hide from the rain; rush away; wait impatiently; execute exactly; unable to continue the path; kindle a fire; appear from behind the clouds; make a hut; the day is good; appoint an attendant.

Dictation number 16. Spelling of derivative prepositions and conjunctions.
For a long time; changes in the course of the river; during the whole summer; due to heavy rains; an error was made in the investigation; new characters act in the continuation of the novel; new characters are included in the continuation of the novel; find out about the excursion; transfer to the school account; instead of gratitude put in a secluded place; at the end of the report; for many years the Decembrists were imprisoned in Siberia; despite failure; walked without looking around; answered in spite of what was written; in view of the approach of cold weather; Have this in mind; within five years; spoiled due to overload; swim in the sight of the city; expands due to overheating; lagged behind due to illness; within a minute; did not come due to illness; climbed to the top without looking down; answered without looking at the textbook.

Dictation number 17. Continuous spelling of unions also, too, to.
He also came and told the same thing; he is also a talented student; say the same as other witnesses; as boastful as his brother; he is also ready to go; he also had a dog; what would I read so as not to get bored on the road; whatever happens, everyone must remain calm; acted as cunningly as the hunter; at the same time my brother arrived; he also came to the feast; the problem was solved in the same way as the previous one; I will also go on a hike; and he was there at the same time.

Dictation number 18. Distinguishing in writing particles NOT and NI.
There was not a speck of dust; could not stop thinking about his mother; had no doubts of success; not to take into account anyone's interests; nothing to help; he cannot be trusted in anything; did not contact anyone; knew neither rules nor formulas; no matter how difficult, but it must be done; one cannot but be proud of his successes; the building turned out to be nothing more than a library; it could not be anything else; neither a bush nor a twig moves; whatever he does, all is well; no matter how hard you try, all in vain, did not catch a single fish; not a blade of grass in the field; could not hear; not a piece in the house; did not grow a grain; none came; was late more than once; never been.

Dictation number 19. Consolidated and separate spelling NI and NOT.
Ridiculous act; unripe watermelon; no pity for the time; does not reach the bottom; lack of kindness; the sky is not blue; ill-conceived decision; hair is not loose; not having learned the previous one; without feeling any pain; habits are not fox; the briefcase is not leather; no need to say so; the teapot is not porcelain; the branch is not broken; lacking tact; acted uncomradely; the essay has not been verified; not answering the letter; not less than two meters; not yet frozen river; was not interested in anyone; did not share his problems with anyone; nowhere to get strength; good for nothing; do it at any cost; as if nothing had happened; no better than this; did not do it your way; never quarreled; nowhere for an apple to fall; did not agree at all; nowhere to be seen; nothing to measure; did not warn in time; didn't see anything; not at all surprised; shines not like summer; not sorry; no need; there was no time; door not closed by me; without thinking through to the end; prolonged bad weather; messy look; awkward outfit; resent what happened; not a deep, but a shallow lake; small but fast river; not affected by weeds; did no better; uninvited guest; unthinking kid; far from an interesting film; not completed, but only begun work; don't talk nonsense; far from an easy task; all sorts of surprises; hidden dislike; done carelessly; not high, but low.

Dictation number 20.
Real, situation, pitch, in order to, because, as if, traffic light, semaphore, author, classic, mass, cross, champion, preliminary, diligently, caricature, satire, inaccessible, commandant, polished, furious, grown, overcoming resistance , school football team, goalkeeper help, spring-like, red-hot, power plant, early morning, interesting, unseemly act, dislike, innumerable, railway, anyone, for several days, bad taste, beautiful, climb, legendary.

This man's real name was Evgraf Ivanov; but no one in the whole neighborhood called him anything but Stupid. Indeed, this nickname suited his insignificant, perpetually anxious features in the best possible way. The stunner was a bachelor yard man who was on a spree, who, having no position, not receiving a penny of salary, however, found a way to spend every day at someone else's expense. He had many acquaintances who gave him wine and tea to drink, without knowing why, because he was not only amusing in society, but, on the contrary, annoyed everyone with his senseless chatter, unbearable obsession, feverish body movements and incessant unnatural laughter. He did not know how to sing or dance, from his birth he did not say not only a clever, even a good word: he kept “lotoshi” and lied ...

And meanwhile, not a single drinking bout for forty miles around was not complete without his lanky figure circling right there among the guests - so they got used to him and endured his presence as a necessary evil.

The Blinker didn't look like the Gambler at all. The name Morgacha also went to him, although he did not blink his eyes more than other people. Despite my efforts to find out in more detail the past of this man, dark spots remained for me in his life. This is an experienced person, in his own mind, not evil and not kind, but more prudent. He is cautious and at the same time enterprising, like a fox. I have never seen more penetrating and intelligent eyes than his tiny, sly "peepers". They never look directly - everyone is looking and peeping. They do not like him, because he himself does not care about anyone.

I. S. Turgenev (260 words)


The heroes of L. Tolstoy are indefinable. You can define something static, motionless, stopped in its development, but Tolstoy's heroes never appear before us in finished form. They are not created once and for all, they are eternally created again and again. One property will appear in them and perish, giving way to another, reincarnating into a third - and there is nothing solid, established, frozen in them. And when, after a few pages, we again meet some of Tolstoy's heroes, this hero is already new, both the same and not the same, and if anything remains unchanged with him, it is precisely that spiritual melody, that spiritual coloring that Tolstoy endows each of the characters. And most importantly, we do not notice any labor, no tension in Tolstoy at all. As if it's very easy to create thousands of people, to put everyone in the center of the universe ... Until now, not a single writer could do this. Tolstoy, while performing this greatest work, impossible for human hands, will never rest, he will not stumble, he will not stop. It seems that Tolstoy's creations were not created by man, but grew by themselves. Before "War and Peace" as if standing on the ocean and feel small, insignificant. In general, nothing human can be imagined in Tolstoy as an artist. No lyrics, no pathos, no ups. His inhuman inspiration is even, steady, confident. All events in his creations ripen no earlier and no later than necessary.

K. Chukovsky “L. Tolstoy".


There were also later meetings, frank conversations, when a feeling appears that the protective skin is slipping from the soul, and it, peeled and defenseless, screams at the slightest touch, but for me the main thing has already taken place there, in the small unknown village of Bryansk , my native village of Kositsy. The last war left its indelible mark on the fate of every person in our country, even if he was born later; yes, the people found the strength to rebuild hundreds of cities and thousands of villages wiped off the earth; moreover, the people, the same, many-sided and inexhaustible, showed unprecedented opportunities for moving forward; denying himself the most necessary, he was the first to step into space, and this miracle was a natural continuation of the unthinkable feat of war and victory; the people had to look, as it were, at their face from almost divine distances, from those spaces, at that distance, when only the essence, only the main thing is drawn, and everything superficial, temporary, accidental is eliminated. And the people saw their own face, the face of a creator and creator, a pioneer... - and this was the meaning of a breakthrough into space, a bold, invisible, non-random breakthrough. We are all busy with the difficult arithmetic of everyday life; this is natural - the feat of the cosmos could only take place relying on the mainland of the inconspicuous, everyday, painstaking work of millions, but it was not for nothing that a gigantic country rejoiced from end to end from ocean to ocean, and there was no person in it who would not consider himself attached to this event century.

P. Proskurin "Return".


On that early spring day, for the first time, I saw in the hands of schoolchildren bouquets of fresh wonderful roses - scarlet, white, deep black-burgundy. Bryansk land - and roses? It was something completely incompatible for me, I knew my land of every kind - tormented, flooded from end to end with blood, in swollen conflagrations, in the gallows, I saw its roads littered with corpses, I saw the eyes of its children on the faces parched with hunger, which seemed senile , with unhealthy, thin, wrinkled skin.

My whole life flashed before me, and my mother's grave was nearby; the churchyard could be seen half a kilometer away, in liquid spring willows, across a field that glistened with spring water over the lowlands. All this field I more than once proceeded from end to end, here I plowed and mowed, here more than once tall golden stacks grew, and cheerful work ended here, it used to be late at night, when stars poured out into the black, stuffy sky; I remembered a lot while I was crossing the muddy field; most importantly, there was still a strange and unaccustomed feeling of the return of the earth. In the distance, in a black semicircle, one could see the mass of the spring forest, above it the sky - swift, translucent ...

On the slopes of the hillocks facing south, the first greenery was already smoking, I was walking, and it still seemed that there was no past, never was and cannot be, that the past was simply invented, and that the so-called past is the man himself, his arms and legs, his body, heart and brain, his experience, his field and his sky, and that even the graves are living writings, always available, telling the tired heart about the most secret.

The graveyard, pierced through by the wind, was not large; the graveyard was located on a sandy hillock, and it was relatively dry here. I put roses at the foot of the iron cross; it was chilly and spacious all around, only the horizons shone, and the wind roamed freely and freely from edge to edge.

P. Proskurin "Return".


Village life, constant and close contact with the simple world of people, closely connected with nature, continued for me in later life in fits and starts, during short and hasty visits to my mother and brother. I myself had already dropped out directly from the very cycle of rural life, that is, I no longer plowed, did not sow, did not rejoice at the first, successful, densely streaked seedlings of the field, I no longer felt the warm, sweaty wool of the nursing cow when she, returning home in the evening , smelled of fresh milk and a healing infusion of forest and meadow herbs, and when, raking a horde of mosquitoes and midges from her back with a bare palm or a tight bundle of straw, you feel your ancient kinship with the great and immortal world of nature, and the roosters at dawn already woke me up somehow otherwise, and I listened to them already with a kind of feeling of sadness and confusion before the rapidly flickering time, and this, too, could not be changed.

I do not believe those writers who left the countryside and who, returning from time to time to their father's doorstep, try to assure others that nothing has changed for them in relation to the earth, to nature, and they are the same as they were before they left for city ​​life. This does not happen, the ancients are right, you cannot enter the same river twice - and you change, and the river changes; with age, only the enticing mirages of childhood or youth remain.

P. Proskurin "Return".


Sometimes it is necessary to go back in order to understand and tell yourself again and again that you yourself, and everything that is yours, came out of childhood and youth, and thereby, as it were, justify what is happening in yourself and around; without this, the further path loses all meaning.

Having found one fine day, after much thought and torment, the district office for organizational recruitment and having studied the list of places where both male and female "labor force" were required, I chose the most remote thing that was, Kamchatka, although a minute earlier I had not thought at all about which Kamchatka, and without hesitation, he immediately concluded an agreement, handed over his passport to a voluminous citizen, with a thick briefcase, authorized by the organizational recruitment, a certain Titov, received from him one hundred and fifty rubles in return, carefully listened to his instructions when it would be necessary to appear finally and what was necessary to take with him, and with a relieved soul went out into the street. And immediately the whole world changed, it became easy and free for me - there are more than three years of an unknown, but quite stable life ahead; it will be determined from now on by the articles of the magnificent official paper with the name "Labor, contract" under No. 123 of June 15, 1954; and, consequently, for another three years I was provided with the opportunity to write poetry, plays, short stories, and even novels (by this time I had already written several chapters of a fantasy novel about a journey to the center of the Earth, it’s a pity, really, that these chapters, written on wallpaper, mice later ate it when my mother, after my departure for Kamchatka, collected my writings, put them in a box from under German mines, snapped it with two locks and put this box for safekeeping in the driest place - on the ceiling, in the attic).

I did not think of anything else at that time and set off aimlessly wandering the streets of my native town; my love for him was indestructible in me, despite the most difficult and terrible moments in my life connected with him.

P. Proskurin "Return".


Lord, what do people do in big cities and where they just do not huddle when they come there to win fame, in pursuit of happiness, or, like my friend, for the sake of fulfilling their calling!

My friend hasn't made any films, but I dare to think that cinema was really his calling. In those years, I knew quite a few people who imagined themselves in a dream and in reality as film directors and cameramen, many of them, by the way, managed to fulfill their hopes, but never, neither in those memorable days, nor after, did I meet a person to such an extent obsessed with cinema, like my friend. In a certain sense, all life was perceived by him as a kind of one endless, sometimes sensationally captivating, and sometimes elegiac-contemplative tape; or maybe vice versa, all the fuss of life, rivalry, collisions, losses made sense for him only as a possible material for plot intricacies, turns and moves. The exclamation in the bus skirmish sounded like a successful retort to him in the dialogue, the embraces of the lovers in the doorway expressed a curious mise-en-scène, the view from the window on the Moscow roofs and the decrepit lindens seemed to be a plan noticed just in case.

Cinema embodied the fullness of being for my friend. And incomparable happiness bestowed on him, and tormented by the pain of resentment. Only now the source of existence could not serve him in any way. Here, considerations of the unreliability, the insecurity of any violent devotion in general, arise by themselves - I am afraid that this topic will lead me far. We are talking about that bitterly icy day of early winter, when we, sitting in a smoky room of one of the editorial offices, into which we wandered not even for the sake of earning money, but for the sake of communication, company, for the sake of what, as Dostoevsky noted, a person needs somewhere then go.

A. Makarov "Coat from buying up."


Many different thoughts and feelings flashed through my head while I wandered along the quiet streets, overgrown with the usual resilient grass; the former town, cozy, with old merchant houses, with intricate stucco on the pediments and cornices, was not in sight - the war spared nothing, and even the old churches and monasteries with their three-meter-thick walls at the bases, not to mention the tops, domes, segments were irreparably crippled. I walked along the street of my childhood, on it, too, almost no old houses familiar to me were preserved, I saw again rising, hastily built housing; I walked along the street from the center to the river, in the same way that I used to drive countless times to the meadow and drive home geese, ran on hot summer days to swim, carried water from the pump in a barrel placed on a sled in winter, or climbed over monastery fence to the stadium during football matches ... It seemed to me that none of this happened, that all this was dreamed up in some kind of happy, vague dream - and then I understood, rather, did not understand, but felt with my skin, felt that the best , in spite of everything, a part of life, when every moment was a unique recognition, discovery, is already behind and will never return.

I imperceptibly went outside the city and sat for a long time on a cliff, not looking up from the wide expanse of flood meadows with a river meandering through them, widely spread below, still in some places covered with hollow water - desertedness and uncertainty were in front of me. Only later, many years later, I realized that this was that reserved country of my childhood, from which a different path began, a different countdown of life, this was my Russia, and this Russia will lay for the rest of my life like a fiery thread through the very heart, and I will always remember this moment on the precipice of my childhood, I will remember that it is from this moment that I will never be afraid again.

P. Proskurin "Return".


1) Frost did not like clean people. In his life practice, these were fickle, worthless people who could not be trusted. 2) He (Levinson) was extremely patient and persistent, like an old taiga wolf, which, perhaps, already lacks teeth, but which imperiously leads packs - with the invincible wisdom of many generations. 3) In the warm evening mist, in the creak of loaded carts, in the drawn-out lowing of well-fed, milkless cows, the muzhik's day was fading away. 4) Levinson listened without interfering. 5) Frost hesitated. Levinson leaned forward and, immediately seizing him as if with pincers, with an unblinking glance, pulled him out of the crowd like a nail. 6) Frost imperceptibly lagged behind. The last men overtook him. They now spoke calmly, without haste, as if they were coming home from work, and not from a meeting. 7) Levinson, as it were, showed people that he perfectly understands why everything happens and where it leads, that there is nothing unusual or terrible in this, and he, Levinson, has long had an accurate, unmistakable plan of salvation. In fact, not only did he not have any plan, but he generally felt confused, like a student who was forced to immediately solve a problem with many unknowns.

A. A. Fadeev "Defeat".


Since the introduction of local time, unimaginable confusion has begun in the schedules of air, rail and bus flights. Thousands of letters poured into newspapers and institutions, and I myself, who seemed to know how to count quite well, got into trouble several times with these flights, calculated either for Moscow or for local time. In the Committee for Meteorology, someone simply has nothing to do ... In general, the psychology of a metropolitan worker is very, very different from the psychology of a regional one, this is noticeable even at the level of a cleaner, not to mention a hotel administrator.

At the hotel "Moscow" I let go of the black "Volga". The entrance from the side of the Historical Museum was closed, I went around the massive colonnade, but the porter from the side of the State Planning Commission sent me back. Maybe so that I would not spoil the plastic trees in the lobby - a miserable remnant of the Hammer summer garden, which is arranged in a shopping center next to the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR. About ten people, just like me, were nervous for fifteen minutes at the glass doors. Finally they let us in. I have always been amazed watching the metamorphoses that occur with people in the face of a ticket clerk or a hotel receptionist. Respectable uncles immediately lose their appearance, turn into miserable petitioners, diminutive suffixes appear in their speech. Do I look exactly the same now with my work ID?

V. Belov "One in a Thousand".


Ivin and the lieutenant walked along the shore to the bridge, their wet heads dried out, and the sun baked them, burned their long overheated bare shoulders. The lieutenant admired a distant white cloud, the outlines resembling a huge fish, and suddenly saw that a dark dot swirled on the dazzling white side of the cloud - a hawk wandering in the sky. The lieutenant turned to Ivin, wanting to say something cheerful or just friendly to him, but, looking at the soldier's face, he only sighed and said nothing. And again I thought about the sad business with which I was going to the regiment. The lieutenant knew what awaited Ivin, he also knew what troubles awaited him.

Ivin, walking behind the lieutenant, languished from the heat and reluctantly thought that all people are equal ... equal, of course, but why does this boy have such power over him? Ivin looked dejectedly at the lieutenant's triangular back, on which the muscles swelled and disappeared, and tried to understand why he should call this slender boy "comrade senior lieutenant." But Ivin’s thoughts flowed lazily, there was some indistinct rumble in his head, for moments he agonizingly wanted to completely disappear, to dissolve in the ardent thoughtless solar element, and he dutifully wandered after the lieutenant, who suddenly wanted to go up the river and again swim downstream to the clay cliffs.

A. Kim "Stop in August".


By the way, one evening I went to the so-called Quarantine. This is a small, bald grove, in which once upon a time there was a quarantine in the forgotten time of the plague, but now summer residents live. You have to drive to it from the city four versts along a good soft road. You drive and see: to the left is the blue sea, to the right is the endless gloomy steppe; breathe easily, and the eyes are not crowded. The grove itself is located on the seashore. Having dismissed my driver, I entered the familiar gates and, first of all, went along the alley to a small stone arbor, which I had loved as a child. In my opinion, this round, heavy gazebo on clumsy columns, which combined the lyricism of the old grave monument with the clumsiness of Sobakevich, was the most poetic corner in the whole city.

I sat down on the bench and, leaning over the railing, looked down. A path ran from the pavilion along a steep, almost sheer bank, past clay blocks and burdock; where it ended, far below, near the sandy coast, low waves lazily foamed and purred gently. The sea was as majestic, endless and inhospitable as seven years before, when I, having finished my course at the gymnasium, left my native city for the capital; in the distance a streak of smoke darkened - it was a steamer, and, except for this, barely visible and motionless, streak, nothing enlivened the monotonous picture of sea and sky. To the right and to the left of the gazebo stretched uneven clay banks ...

A.P. Chekhov "Lights": (213 words)


The sun, gaining its height in April, unobtrusively but reassuringly warmed, and that must be why it was so good for people who were selling something, looking at something and buying something. In the first minutes, Ivan, dazed from the hustle and bustle of the fair, did not notice a single gloomy face. Everyone was happy, everyone smiled at each other - both those who offered and unwrapped the goods, and those who stomped in front of the goods, and there is nothing to say about those who tried on and showed the new thing.

First I had to look around. The people changed rapidly, and gradually Ivan began to distinguish stray, casual visitors from regulars. The first, he noticed, were senselessly circling in the whirlpool of people, climbing here and there, almost without stagnation, with wide and surprised eyes. The regulars were in no hurry to go anywhere - they slowly, not scolding even at the overly dashing impudent one, moved from one place to another, studied the goods intently, apparently, making complex estimates and calculations in their minds.

Ilya Kashafutdinov "Jeans".


No country in the world is surrounded by such contradictory myths about its history as Russia, and no other nation in the world is evaluated so differently as Russian.

N. Berdyaev constantly noted the polarization of the Russian character, in which completely opposite features are combined in a strange way: kindness with cruelty, spiritual subtlety with rudeness, extreme love of freedom with despotism, altruism with egoism, self-abasement with national pride and chauvinism. Yes, and much more. Another reason is that various "theories", ideology, tendentious coverage of the present and the past have played a huge role in Russian history. I will give one of the obvious examples: the Peter the Great reform. For its implementation, completely distorted ideas about previous Russian history were required. Since a greater rapprochement with Europe was necessary, it means that it was necessary to assert that Russia was completely fenced off from Europe. Since it was necessary to move forward faster, it means that it was necessary to create a myth about Russia, inert, inactive, and so on. If a new culture was needed, then the old one was no good. As was often the case in Russian life, moving forward required a solid blow to everything old. And this was done with such energy that the entire seven-century Russian history was rejected and slandered. The creator of the myth about the history of Russia was Peter the Great. He can also be considered the creator of the myth about himself. Meanwhile, Peter was a typical pupil of the 17th century, a baroque man, the embodiment of the precepts of the pedagogical poetry of Simeon of Polotsk, the court poet of his father, Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich.

D. S. Likhachev. "Russian culture in the modern world".

1 Always separate! Fusion - if not used without! 1. There is a dependent word. Not explored by me. 2. There is opposition. Not started, but completed. 1. Word with neither. Not at all interesting Not at all an enemy 2. Far, not at all. Not at all. Far from an enemy Far from interesting 3. Contrasting Not deep, but shallow 3. With short participles

Not with a participle Not with a gerund Not with an adverb Not with an adjective (Not) handsome; (not) tall, but strong; (not) bevelled; nothing (not) violated; calculate (not) accurately, but approximately; approached (not) noticeably; this is (not) known to anyone, he spoke far (not) hastily; (not) adjournment; (not) stopping work; (not) ridiculing; choose (not) in a hurry; (not) dependent person; convinced (not) sincerely; (not) agile; (not) appoint; not yet (not) blooming; (not) teaching.

Test yourself! Thunder rumbled over the edge of the earth and (not) clumsily rolled over the forest. (Not) few of us, the heirs of the Varangian, but it is difficult for us to compete with Godunov. The sun beat down (not) sparingly. Our village is (not) close, but far away. Somewhere (not) close, a woman sang, but where exactly and in what direction, it was difficult to understand. Still quite (not) long ago, the sun glided over the tops of the trees with crimson rays. At all (not) far from the path, a bird, barely noticeable in the brown grass, carelessly chirped and frolicked.

Preparing for the Unified State Examination 1. In which sentence is not (or) written together? 1. (Not) asking the ford, (do not) poke your head into the water. 2. In (not) which villages are still expelled from houses any (un)clean. 3. The governor was (not) young and (not) old. 4. (No one) had the courage to admit their mistakes.

2. In which sentence is it not written separately? 1. Her fiancé, a prudent and (not) kind person, was known throughout the district for his tough temper. 2. Loud speeches are by no means (not) always a sign of intelligence. 3. The (in) literacy of the design engineer was obvious to everyone. 4. Vladimir was thin and (not) good-looking.

3. In which answer option are all the numbers correctly indicated, in the place of which not (neither) is written together? It was quite (not) an easy task; not yet (2) dig up the blossoming roses and transplant them to a new place not (3) far from home, where (4) no matter who (5) accidentally (6) broke them. one))))

1. Indiscipline does not consist in pranks and minor violations of the rules of conduct, but primarily in the failure to fulfill the duties of a schoolchild in learning, in a negligent attitude towards socially useful productive work, in an effort to shift one's share of labor to others (Sukhoml.) 2. Non-independent performance of educational tasks - the first step to parasitism. (Sukhoml.) 3. The life of a modern person is unthinkable without constant spiritual communication with a book. (Sukhoml.) 4. Good must be done in silence. But there is nothing to talk about it (P.) 5. An apiary was visible on the slope of a shallow ravine. (T.) 6. The evening dawn went out, and in the air, still bright, although no longer illuminated by the rays of the setting sun, cold shadows began to thicken and spread. (T) 7. No one in the house knew about the alleged escape. (P.) 8. Autumn was unprecedented, dry, vigorous, with the clarity of chilly air. (Paust.) 9. We had no water, we were thirsty. (Paust.) 10. The sun rises higher, rifle and machine-gun rattle unbearably rolls. (Seraph.) 11. Having opened the door, the commander slowly went down to the horse. (Guide.) 12. Anyone who has ever seen the Amur region, he could not help but love it. (V. Gusev.) 13. No one can know everything, but it is shameful and harmful to pretend that you know what you do not know. (L. T.) 14. For several days in a row I was busy reading. (Guide.) 15. The old man got up reluctantly and followed me out into the street. (T.) 16. High in the sky above the unthawed earth, a lark was pouring. 17. During the holidays, we did not go anywhere, and there was nowhere to go. 18. We returned home along the unlit streets. 19. A man opened the door for us. His sleepy face was not evil, but rather kind. 20. Voices were heard from the next room. One of the disputants was clearly indignant. 21. Two people were talking at the entrance to the office. One of them smiled, but not softly and friendly, as usual, but cold and forced. 22. Perplexed, I began to reread the letter. 23. The decision had to be made urgently, and there was no one to consult with. 24. All the seats in the hall were already taken, we had nowhere to sit. 25 The ice on the river was not strengthened, but only slightly tightened with a transparent crust. 26. Unexpectedly, we came to a large sunny meadow. The grass here was juicy, green, not rumpled by anyone. 27. We had no reason to return to the old parking lot. 28. Many questions of agricultural science have not yet been resolved and are awaiting research. 29. Without lighting the fire, we sat quietly and talked. 30. It is not the place that makes the man, but the man the place. (Last)

Here and there a belated flower turns yellow. The grasses have poured their seeds into the ground, and their bare stems are swaying in the wind. Still green on the pastures is an eaten injury, and such a one will lie under the snow.

A shepherd's trumpet is heard in the distance. A bug-eaten leaf on black alder still holds.

On the plowed bare fields, behind the village, ripe potatoes are harvested. In late autumn, cabbage is cut in the gardens - heavy light green heads of cabbage. In high piles, dug up red carrots and thick sweet turnips are poured between the ridges.

At the edge of the forest, tall mountain ash sprinkled with berries is still reddening, raspberries are reddening in bright round beads in the garden. The curly juniper is sprinkled with black beads - it is waiting for the snow. Grass and trees sing the last song, praise the earth, hot sun, warm rains. (According to I. Sokolov-Mikitov.) (109 pp.)

1. Two letters n in suffixes of full passive participles.

2. Vowels in passive participle suffixes.


From our porch I could see the Belaya River, and I was looking forward to when it would break. And finally, this longed-for day and hour has come! Yevseich hurriedly looked into my nursery and in an anxiously joyful voice said: "The white one has set off!" In one minute, warmly dressed, I was already standing on the porch and greedily following with my eyes how a huge strip of blue, dark, and sometimes yellow ice was walking between the motionless shores. The transverse road has already sailed far away; and some unfortunate black cow ran along it like crazy, from one bank to the other. The women and girls standing near me accompanied with mournful exclamations every unsuccessful movement of the running animal, the roar of which reached my ears, and I felt very sorry for him. The river at the turn bent behind a steep cliff, and behind it the road and the black cow running along it disappeared.

Suddenly two dogs appeared on the ice; but their fussy jumps aroused not pity, but laughter in the people around me, for everyone was sure that the dogs would not drown and jump or swim ashore. I readily believed this, and, forgetting the poor cow, I myself laughed along with the others. The dogs were not slow to justify the general expectation and soon got over to the shore.

The ice was still moving in a strong, solid, inseparable, endless block. (S. Aksakov.) (195 w.)

1. Not with different parts of speech,

2 Unstressed vowels in participle endings.


Are intellectual activity and physical activity related? Mikhail Lomonosov could easily tie an iron poker into a knot, Lord Byron participated in boxing matches. Writer A. Kuprin was one of the best weightlifters and wrestlers in Kyiv. They all claimed that training and strengthening the muscles helped them in their mental work.

Muscles and intellect, the subtlety of nature and the power of fists, a bright mind and physical strength. Their close proximity seems strange and incomprehensible. But physiologists prove that the intellect of working, well physically developed people is much higher than that of people deprived of strong muscles. This is because the signals coming from the muscles are a necessary prerequisite for the successful functioning of the brain.

The need for constant training for brain function has already been fully appreciated by the leaders of a number of American firms. Their fitness staff who keep themselves in good shape receive a pay raise. (A. Suvorov.) (131 words)

1. Vowels in suffixes of real participles of the present tense.

2. Unstressed checked vowels in the root of the word.

3. Н - нн in adjective suffixes.


In the morning the puddles were white through the ice, and now, after noon, streams run, dogs bask in the sun and sparrows briskly rinse. The wind is tight, damp-warm. It will pull, blow at times: a lively, spring wind. You listen - it makes noise, laughs. And the sky is in the wind: deep blue behind the golden twigs of poplars. Warmth and freshness. And in this freshness - trickles from the melting snow, from the warmer earth and roofs, from the twigs beating in the wind, which have become juicy and shine from the wind, the wind that has swept through the fields and forests. And it seems to smell like pigeons, their languid grumble, and the warm dampness of cellars with softened ice. Spring ... She looks into the eyes with flushed "larks" and white caps of Easter in paper roses, nods from the cart with a cheerful willow with reddish twigs and grayish camels, gilded with crosses in the sky, shouts in the voices of peddlers. (I. Shmelev.) (124 words)

1. Unstressed vowels in the endings of adjectives, nouns, participles.

2. Vowels in suffixes of real participles of the present tense.

3. The letters e - and in the endings of verbs I and II of conjugation.

The long autumn sunset burned out. The last crimson strip, narrow as a slit, thinned out at the very edge of the horizon, between the gray cloud and the earth, went out. No more land, no trees, no sky. Only overhead, the big stars trembled with their eyelashes in the midst of the black night, and the blue beam from the lighthouse rose straight up in a thin column and splashed there against the dome of heaven in a liquid, foggy, light circle ... Star-shaped flowers, white tobacco in the front garden smelled sharper from the darkness and coolness. (A. Kuprin.) (76 w.)

1. Н and нн in suffixes of denominative adjectives.

2. Not and neither with different parts of speech.

3. Unstressed checked and alternating vowels in the root.

Who does not know these simple meadow and forest cute flowers?

You used to go into the forest along a well-trodden, long-familiar path. To the right and left, meadow and forest flowers scatter like a wide multi-colored and joyful sea. Violet bells sway in the wind, countless dandelions turn yellow, near the forest, already under the trees, Ivan da Marya blooms. And at the very path, along the sides of the ditches, on the forest green lawns, the familiar cheerful daisies are blooming, bowing to you. Modest chamomile flowers with white and pure petals look like a joyful smile. (And Sokolov-Mikitov.) (78 w.)

1. Vowels and consonants in prefixes.

2. The letters e - and in the endings of verbs I and II of conjugation.

3. Unpronounceable consonants at the root.

4. Unstressed vowels in the endings of adjectives.

5. Punctuation with homogeneous members, in complex sentences.

Of all the songbirds - forest musicians - the most secretive and beautiful is the golden yellow oriole.

Orioles live in clean birch groves, in ancient shady parks, in high oak and linden alleys.

In spring, the orioles appear late, when the groves are already covered with green foliage and all the forest songbirds have long since arrived.

Who has not heard the loud whistle of the oriole in the birch grove? It is as if unknown musicians are playing on unseen musical instruments in the forest.

It is difficult to find an Oriole's nest artfully suspended in the green branches of the trees. It is not always possible to see up close the wonderful bird itself, secretly flying from tree to tree. Only sometimes, flying over an open, sunlit forest clearing, will it flash with its bright plumage. (I. Sokolov-Mikitoa.) (103 words)

1 Letters n - nn in suffixes of adjectives and adverbs.

2. Unpronounceable consonants at the root.

3. Unstressed vowels in the endings of adjectives.

4. Punctuation with homogeneous members of adverbial and participial phrases.


Lomonosov's father, absorbed in household chores, almost did not educate his son. He grew up mainly in the care of his mother, he was in good health, quick and dreamy mind. He greedily absorbed pictures of nature, the mysteries of the growth and flowering of herbs, memorized the habits of birds and animals. A fresh and keen look accompanied him throughout his life. It is no coincidence that many years later the great scientist drew a map of his native places from memory.

In the parental home, the young Pomor learned Russian grammar for the first time. First, Mikhailo mastered spiritual books, collections of ancient legends. And then books of secular content.

On a blizzard December night in 1730, the young Pomor went to Moscow to try his luck in the sciences and crafts. Years will pass, Mikhailo Lomonosov will graduate from the Slavic-Greek-Latin Academy in Moscow and the Academic University in St. Petersburg, leave to continue his education in Germany and return to his homeland as a promising chemist, mathematician, master of poetic eloquence. (O. Larin.) (138 words)

1. The letters e and in the case endings of nouns.

2. The letters n - nn in the suffixes of adjectives and participles.

3. Punctuation with homogeneous members, with participles.


Not everyone knows that it is impossible to carry forest cubs out of the forest.

Growing up, the animals strive to learn about life, but they still do not have sufficient caution, they have not learned to be afraid of people. Therefore, sometimes in the forest you can meet lonely cubs of forest dwellers. And not only in the forest - near cities and towns, on the side of a noisy highway.

However, this does not mean at all that the little animals are lost and they need to be rescued. The vast majority of animals in their natural habitat never lose or abandon their young. And also remember that it is extremely difficult to leave a “rescued” wild animal cub at home. Not necessarily, of course, he will die, but a normal, healthy animal will not grow out of him, even if you arrange a tolerable life for them during the fall, you still have to release them into the forest. Release to death: a chick or a young animal that has lived through the stage of maturity near a person is not prepared for an independent life in nature.

Do not seriously expect that by bringing a wild animal into the house, you will achieve the same understanding with him that a person has with animals that have been domesticated for a long time. Do not grow from a lynx Kisa, from a bear cub of a good-natured Potapych. And if you happen to meet a cute little animal during a country walk, please do not touch it. Leave him on the line. (G. Bazhutn.) (196 w.)

1. The letters e - and in the endings of verbs I and II of conjugation.

2. -Tsya and -tsya in verbs.

3. Not with different parts of speech.

4. Punctuation with gerunds and participles, in complex sentences.


For me, the main thing was serving the Motherland, my people. The days of my greatest joys coincided with the joys of the Fatherland. The anxiety of the Motherland, its losses and sorrows have always worried me more than personal ones.

Every year we move further and further away from the war time. It was an unusually difficult, but also a very glorious time. In those years, we became even more tempered and accumulated a huge moral capital. Looking back, we will always remember those who did not spare themselves to defeat the enemy.

The science of winning is not a simple science. But the one who strives for victory, who fights for the cause, in the rightness of which he believes, will always win. (G. Zhukov.) (100 words)

2. Not with different parts of speech.

3. The letters e - and in the endings of verbs I and II of conjugation.

4. Punctuation with adverbial phrases, in complex sentences.


It is impossible to convey the delights of being in the forest under a Christmas tree during a warm summer rain. A crested hazel grouse, driven by the rain, burst into the middle of our thick Christmas tree and sat down right above the hut. Quite in sight under a branch, a finch settled down. The hedgehog has arrived. A hare hobbled past. And for a long time the rain whispered and whispered something to our Christmas tree. And we sat for a long time, and everything was as if the real owner of the forests whispered to each of us separately, whispered, whispered ... (M. Prishvin.) (71 words)

1. The letters e - and in the case endings of nouns.

2. Unstressed checked vowels in the root.

3. Punctuation with participial phrases, in complex sentences.


In large reserves, in our untouched forests, there are red deer. The noble deer is a very beautiful, slender animal with large branched antlers.

There used to be a lot of deer everywhere. In ancient times, they were hunted, poisoned by dogs, killed with arrows from bows and stabbed with sharp spears. Deer hunting is now strictly prohibited.

Beautiful, courageous deer are trusting people. In a forest clearing, in a pine forest, a feeder is arranged. Deer come here every evening. They calmly eat hay and are almost not afraid when a person comes close to admire them. (I. Sokolov-Mikitov.) (86 w.)

1. Tsya and -tsya in verbs.

2. Unstressed vowels in the endings of adjectives.

3. Unstressed checked vowels in the root.

4. Punctuation with homogeneous members, in complex sentences.


On the great flood of the Volga here and there one could see kopecks of unfilled land, where various animals rushed.

The water rat swam, probably from a very long distance, and, tired, leaned against an alder twig. A slight wave of water tried to tear the rat away from its pier. Then she climbed a little up the trunk, sat down on the fork.

And on a fairly large tree, probably standing under water on a high hillock, a greedy, hungry crow was sitting and looking for its prey. It would be impossible for her to see a water rat in the fork, but circles floated on the wave from contact with the rat's tail, and it was these circles that gave the crow the whereabouts of the rat. Here began a war not to the stomach, but to the death.

Several times, from the blow of the crow's beak, the rat fell into the water, and again climbed onto its fork, and again fell. And now the crow had already succeeded in grabbing its prey, but the rat did not want to become a victim of a crow.

Gathering the last of her strength, she pinched the crow so that the fluff flew out of it. The crow even almost fell into the water and only coped with difficulty, dazedly sat on her tree and began diligently straightening her feathers, healing her wounds in her own way. (M. Prishvin.) (178 w.)

1. Not with different parts of speech.

2. Vowels and consonants in prefixes.

3. Unstressed vowels in the endings of adjectives.

4. Punctuation with separate members, homogeneous members, introductory words.

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