Hernia exercises. Exercises for a hernia of the lumbar spine - training complexes at home with video. Lying pelvis rotations

Concrete 11.08.2020

Exercises for a hernia of the lumbar spine are aimed primarily at strengthening the muscular girth of the lower back - a complex of longitudinal and transverse muscles that tighten and strengthen the spine. It is these muscles that hold the vertebrae and intervertebral discs on the same axis, do not allow them to shift and pinch the surrounding tissues. Regular exercise therapy for a hernia of the lumbar spine is the most effective preventive measure. In the long term, it prevents the occurrence of hernia-like pinching in the lower back, causing pain; insures against their short-term and long-term physiological consequences leading to limited mobility and complete paralysis of the lower body.

Each exercise in remedial gymnastics for a hernia of the lumbar spine is focused on the development of a specific group of muscle fibers. Dynamic and static efforts of the body's own weight are alternately directed to the dorsal, abdominal and lateral parts of the lumbar musculature. This stimulates:

  • Blood circulation in the lumbar region;
  • The processes of intake of nutrients in the lower back and removal of unsuitable products;
  • Restoration of normal conduction of the spinal cord and all its lumbar branches, regulating functions internal organs abdominal and lower extremities.

As a result of systematic charging for a hernia of the lumbar spine, carried out according to a modern therapeutic method:

  • Muscle tissue grows;
  • The connection of the vertebrae in the lumbar region is strengthened;
  • The likelihood of slipping or weakening of the intervertebral discs and the corresponding occurrence of a hernia is reduced.

Gymnastics with a hernia formed on the border of the lumbar and sacral spine as an extended version of conservative action allows you to further stimulate the genitourinary system. Exercise enhances blood flow, metabolic potential, and immune properties of vital pelvic organs. The positive consequences are:

  • More effective resistance to external infections and inflammation caused by them;
  • Restoration of the capabilities of the pelvic organs.

What you need to know before starting classes

Physiotherapy for a hernia of the lumbar spine requires several preliminary rules:

  • Control pain. You can start exercising only if these symptoms are absent in the lower back. Exercises that cause a little discomfort should be done very slowly to avoid pain build-up.
  • Avoid exertion that leads to severe pain. In the process of training, you will have to return to them. At the right choice treatment method discomfort will eventually dull or disappear altogether.
  • At the first lessons of exercise therapy, it is not recommended to: "twist" the lower back in turns; bounce; tapping on the spine; bend sharply forward and backward; strain painful areas of the lumbar region.
  • Monitor the range of motion and total load: they should increase gradually.
  • All exercises are divided into several complexes - from the easiest to the most difficult. Perform them sequentially several times during the day.

Only in this unhurried way can you enter the optimal rhythm, heal and strengthen the lower back.

The most effective techniques

The set of exercises for lumbar hernia is performed mainly in the supine position. You need to pack on your back. The surface must be firm and straight. It is better to use a thin cloth rug as a bedding. Softer materials will cause the spine to flex and reduce the therapeutic effect. The main complex is preceded by a warm-up.

Light massage:

  • Stroking the muscles of the lumbar region with the palms;
  • Rubbing the longitudinal muscles of the spine with the fingers of both hands along the spinous processes.
  • Walking in place with the transfer of weight from one leg to the other (the feet do not come off the floor).
  • Stretching from a standing position (hands down at the seams):
  • With a sigh, the arms rise up, the legs are extended with support on the pads of the fingers;
  • On exhalation, the starting position is taken.

Immediately after the warm-up, the main therapeutic phase begins. The number of specific exercises for lumbar hernia of the spine depends on the fitness of the subject and fluctuates on average 3 to 15 times for each task:

Starting position (NP) # 1:

  • Hands are spread out to the sides, palms down;
  • Legs are compressed, extended;
  • The head is oriented in a forward direction.

Task execution order:

  • Bend both legs slightly at the knees;
  • Strain your abs;
  • Relax,
  • Repeat the exercise until you feel tired.

NP - the same as above.

  • S-go down, relax;
  • Repeat the exercise.
  • Bend both legs at the knees;
  • Raise your left hand, stretch it forward, lower your palm to your right knee;
  • Make an attempt to raise the knee of the right leg, overcoming the resistance of the left hand (effort to maintain a few seconds).
  • After a short relaxation, repeat the exercise with right hand and the left knee.

After performing these exercises, more complicated gymnastics follows with a lumbar hernia. All exercises for one side of the body are duplicated on the other, with each task repeated from 2 to 12 times.

  • Hands are spread on the sides with palms down;
  • Legs at the knees are squeezed, extended straight;
  • The head is straight.

All limb movements are performed strictly according to the count:

  • Once - raise your left leg;
  • Two - overlap her right in front, turn her head to the left;
  • Three - straighten your head, remove the left leg from the right leg;
  • Four - lower your left leg.
  • The position of both hands, as in the previous exercise;
  • The heels are moved to the buttocks, the knees are extremely apart.
  • One - fold the torso into right side(without changing the position of the pelvic region);
  • Two - turn your head to the left.
  • Three and four - perform movements in reverse order.
  • Once - put the left foot on the right knee.
  • Two - roll the torso to the left, the head to the right;
  • Three and four are the sequential return of body parts to the starting point.
  • Hands with palms down, spread apart on the sides,
  • The heels are moved to the buttocks,
  • The knees are closed.

The sequence of the task:

  • Once - the feet are lifted off the floor, the knees are attracted to the abdominal wall;
  • Two - the body twists to the right, while the head turns to the left.
  • Three and four - the body is in its original position.

  • Be sure to read:
  • Once - rest your left heel on the toes of your right foot.
  • Two - turn the body to the right side, the head at the same time folds to the left.
  • At the expense of "three and four", return to position # 1.
  • The starting position is the same.
  • When counting "one" - throw the back of the left ankle over the knee of the right leg.
  • Two - take the left knee to the side and turn the body to the right (while turning the head to the left).
  • "Three", "four" - return to position # 1.

NP - similar to the previous one. Breathing is deep, abdominal.

  • Spread your arms along the body;
  • At the peak of a sigh, hold your breath for 5-8 seconds, strain the abdominal wall;
  • Relax in the starting position.

The task is performed 10-15 times in a row.

The position is the same. Knees are raised off the floor.

  • Raise your hands, stretch out in front of you:
  • Lifting your shoulders off the floor and straining your abdominal press, pull your hands to your knees.

Each attempt to reach must last at least 8 seconds.

The exercise is performed while sitting on the mat:

  • To squat;
  • For stability, rest your palms on the floor;
  • Bending the lower back, shift your arms forward to the limit (do not lift your heels off the floor).

Repeat up to 10 times.

Starting position:

  • Stand up, spread your legs to shoulder level, clench your palms into a fist behind your back on the line of the spine.
  • While inhaling, press the knuckles into the spines of the upper lumbar vertebrae and guide them with your hand in the direction of the pelvic region;
  • As you exhale, return your fists to the upper spines and continue the massage.

In total, 10-15 massaging movements are performed.

Contraindications for remedial gymnastics with a hernia of the lumbar spine are:

  • Lumbar pain
  • Inflammatory processes in the internal organs, especially in the acute phase.
  • Malignant neoplasms in the spine.

In other cases, a well-thought-out exercise therapy is only beneficial.

Many pathologies of the spine, unlike other diseases, can be cured without the use of drug therapy and, even more so, without surgical intervention. For mild forms of hernial pinching, ordinary therapeutic exercises prescribed by a specialist and performed under his strict control are sufficient. The end result largely depends on the patient himself, his will and desire to overcome his illness. This is the only way to regain your health and full life.

A very common explanation for back pain is a lumbar hernia. The spine takes on heavy loads on a daily basis, as a result of which an intervertebral hernia may begin to develop. To eliminate the ailment of the musculoskeletal system and return to previous life, you only need a comprehensive treatment, which consists of using drugs and exercise therapy. Subject to all the rules of treatment, you can achieve the desired result.

An ailment that develops when the intervertebral disc is damaged as a result of excessive physical exertion, a sedentary lifestyle or sudden movements. Determined that this pathology is a consequence of osteochondrosis, and in the absence of competent treatment can result in disability.

Facts! According to medical data, it has been established that a hernia is mainly diagnosed in people aged 25 to 45 years, who lead an inactive lifestyle, have frequent physical activity. However, the age group under 25 is no exception.

Pathology is formed in several phases.

How to identify a hernia?

There is a typical symptomatology for a hernia, with the manifestation of which, it is possible to establish a pathology:

  1. In the lumbar region, increased pain is observed. If the load increases, the pain becomes unbearable.
  2. Sensitivity is significantly reduced, and numbness is felt in the limbs.
  3. When the hernia is completed, it will be very difficult for the patient to move independently.
  4. There is a shooting pain in the buttocks. Often, the irradiation of pain syndrome can occur in the fingers of the lower extremities.
  5. There are problems with knee reflexes.
  6. With an advanced stage of the disease, there are signs such as difficulty urinating, sometimes spontaneous, problems with the pelvic organs can occur.

It is important! Additional symptoms will depend on the direction of the protrusion. When this pathological process occurs to the sides or forward, then there is a high probability of a violation of the functionality of internal organs. In the case of bulging inward, the main damage will be done to the spinal canal, which can ultimately be fatal.

What are the contraindications for remedial gymnastics?

One of the most effective methods of treating lumbar hernia is special gymnastics. However, there are a number of conditions in which it is forbidden to use this therapy:

  • exacerbation of lumbar hernia;
  • if there is a high body temperature;
  • severe heart ailments, diseases of internal organs. The use of exercise can only aggravate the clinical picture in such diseases;
  • if there are metastases of tumor formations in the back.

Attention! If the above contraindications are not observed, then according to the prescriptions of a specialist, you can start using therapeutic exercises.

Basic rules of physiotherapy exercises

  1. To achieve a therapeutic result, exercises are performed daily.
  2. You need to forget about active sports, which involve sharp turns, jumps and other intense loads on the spine.
  3. You cannot dramatically increase the load during exercise, this should happen gradually.
  4. The patient will feel a little fatigue after therapeutic manipulations of complex exercises, but not painful fatigue.
  5. During manipulations, pay attention to the sensation in the area of ​​the lumbar hernia location. In the event of an increased pain syndrome, you should urgently stop training and go to see a specialist.

Effective Technique: Twisting Exercises

This technique is defined as spiral gymnastics, which can very quickly alleviate the patient's condition and take a course towards recovery. Many patients claim that after 10-14 days of daily training, the pain syndrome practically disappears. This therapeutic set of exercises is recommended for use by people of different age groups (with the exception of contraindications).


  1. The main position of the patient in all the exercises mentioned below is lying on his back.
  2. The patient needs to perform manipulations only on an extremely flat and hard surface.
  3. The number of repetitions should vary from 3-10 (progressively).

PI (position of the patient)Brief description of implementation
PI on the back, lower and upper limbs to the sides, head straightIt is necessary to raise the left leg, without bending, slightly raise and throw it over the right. The head turns to the other side. Then the patient returns to the IP, and performs manipulations with the second leg
PI on the back, lower limbs bent (emphasis is placed on the feet). Hands remain straight, outstretched to the sidesManipulation begins with turning the legs to the left. Again, the patient takes a PI, and then actions are taken on the right side
The lower and upper limbs are in upright position and slightly spread out to the sidesYou need to put the foot of the left limb on the right knee, twist to the right, while the head turns to the left. The patient takes a PI, and then performs a similar action only in the other direction
Legs remain bent and practically closedThe patient should rest his feet on the surface on which he lies. Then the legs are raised above the surface and pulled to the abdominal area. Twisting of the lower back is done. At the same time, as in the above exercises, the head should simultaneously turn in a completely different direction.

Carefully! When one of the above exercises delivers uncomfortable or painful sensations, then you should stop performing.

Standard complex of medical gymnastics

The purpose of this lesson is to strengthen the main muscle group of the back, followed by the improvement of the lumbar region. It is very important to note that the listed exercises are used in exercise therapy rooms.

Note! All of these exercises provide for 10 to 15 repetitions.

SPBrief description of implementation
The patient lies on his back, his arms are near the body, and his legs are straightenedThe exercise involves engaging the breath. Therefore, on a deep breath, the patient tries to tighten the abdominal muscles, and, exhaling, relaxes them.
Repeats the above PI, but the lower limbs are bent at the kneesHands rise up along with the shoulders and gradually pull to the knees (we linger for ten seconds), after that, there is a return to the PI, followed by relaxation
The patient changes the PI and sits down on almost heels, his palms should rest in front of himThe patient crouched on his heels, pulls up his hands without raising his palms above the surface, moves forward as much as possible and flexes the spine
The patient sits on a chair (straight back, hands on the lower back)Tilts to the sides are performed. It is necessary to do the exercise correctly, making every possible effort so that the muscles of the press and lower back are strained as much as possible.
The patient stands upright. Hands are clenched into fists and placed on the back of the lumbar region (the fist should be one above the other)We use our breathing. When there is a deep breath, the fists are pressed down a little in the back and are carried down, and on exhalation they return smoothly back.

It is important! If the hernia is in a period of exacerbation, then it is not recommended to use exercises. The doctor must select a special exercise therapy complex, allowed in case of exacerbation of the disease.

Gymnastics Bubnovsky

The main goal of this set of exercises is deep muscle recovery:

  1. For relaxing the lumbar muscles. The patient gets on all fours. On exhalation, the back flexes as much as possible, and on exhalation, it bends. The actions are done very slowly, without any sudden movements. One set consists of twenty reps.
  2. Stretching the muscles. The patient sits on the floor, his hands are behind his back and act as a support. In turn, the legs begin to straighten (angle 45º), with the maximum pulling of the socks over themselves. At least five approaches are performed.
  3. Twisting. It is necessary to lie flat on your back, and put your left hand under the back of your head. Then try to touch the left elbow with your right knee. Perform 15 actions, alternating arms and legs.
  4. Riding an imaginary bike. The patient remains on his back, and his legs are bent at the knees (hands behind the head). In this position, it is necessary to simulate cycling. 10 reps per leg.

This gymnastics, according to a specially developed technique by Dr. Bubnovsky, restores intervertebral discs by activating biochemical processes. Additionally, complex gymnastics helps to restore blood flow. The main thing is to perform the exercises correctly (the first days of the lesson should be coordinated and monitored by a specialist). Thus, it is possible to achieve good results in the treatment of hernia.

Video - Exercises for lumbar hernia

Video tutorials: the basics of doing exercises

Manipulations aimed at eliminating lower back pain:

Video - Two universal exercises for a hernia in the lumbar spine

Pathologies associated with the spinal column can be partially cured with exercise. This is especially true for the lower back. Consider exercises for a hernia of the lumbar spine.

Where does the hernia come from?

If you do not go into details (not everyone is well acquainted with the anatomy of the spine), then a hernia is the exit of a part of the contents of the intervertebral disc beyond its anatomical limits. A very rough explanation, but understandable.

Cartilage is located between the vertebrae, which provide shock absorption when walking and perform a number of other functions. The spinal nerves also pass there. When the nerves are pinched by the vertebrae, we feel pain, arms and legs become numb.

When a cartilage or intervertebral disc is damaged and goes beyond its anatomical boundaries (a hernia is formed), the likelihood of nerve entrapment becomes even greater than with its usual deformation (protrusion).

Cartilage damage always occurs due to non-anatomical or excessive physical exertion and muscle weakness. If, for example, an unprepared person carries bags of cement, weighing 50 kg each, his lower back will definitely hurt. The most harmless thing that can happen is a slight protrusion. If a person continues to lift the bags, the protrusion is imperceptible, but very likely, it will turn into a hernia.

In women, hernias may appear even due to carrying buckets of water (10–12 liters each) in one hand. But all this does not appear immediately. With a spinal hernia, pain appears when its size begins to really cause inconvenience to the nerve pathways.

Constant back pain suggests that the process has developed long ago and reached its climax. Perhaps you did not consider earlier, periodic pains as a variant of a problem in the lumbar spine. So be more attentive to your feelings. Pain is a beacon in the ocean. If we do not pay attention to him, we will drown.

When to start gymnastics

Practice shows that, as a rule, cartilage protrusions in the spine are unilateral. Accordingly, with a hernia, pain is felt in the lower back and in the arm or leg (on one side).

A person reflexively tries to take a painless position. As a result, curvature of the spine is formed due to reflex muscle spasm. Unconscious control over muscular system effectively isolates the sore spot, making some of the movements impossible.

Therefore, the first thing to do with a hernia is to relieve pain.

A hernia can go away on its own if conservative treatment is provided correctly. If you just wait for all this to pass by itself, over time this can lead to irreversible consequences. It happens that the hernia is so large that it is useless to just relieve the pain. Do the operation.

After pain relief, depending on the situation, the patient is prescribed spinal stretching or exercise therapy. Exercises to strengthen the muscles of the back must be done. Once you can do them, you need to start.

Exercise principles

To make each vertebra feel comfortable, you need to strengthen the muscles that support it.

Back exercises for a hernia of the lumbar spine are performed after anesthesia. If it hurts, you don't need to do it, wait until the acute medication has passed. Exercises for protrusion of the lumbar spine are also performed after the end of the acute period.

Exercises include various gymnastics on the floor (there must be no draft), as well as different ways self-pulling.

For example, you can stretch your spine by lying on an inclined plane and holding on top with your hands. The weight of your legs is enough to slowly stretch the spinal column. In particular, hanging on a horizontal bar is useful for stretching the lumbar spine.

Before practicing such activities, consult with your neurologist. At intervertebral hernia everyone must be registered with him.

Exercises for lumbar hernia of the spine are done lying down or standing on all fours.

Remember. Exercises in a standing or sitting position, with additional weights, should not be done with a hernia of the spine, since vertical loading can exacerbate the situation again. This recommendation is relevant for gym goers.

If you have been powerlifting before your injury, you will need to stop trying to lift weights during treatment and instead rehabilitate patiently and persistently. It would be nice to understand why, with your previous training, a spinal hernia appeared.

All exercises for a hernia of the spine are done slowly, smoothly, without jerks and sudden movements.

Exercises should not be done with weights, no dumbbells, pancakes, weights. Only your own body and special rehabilitation equipment.

So, to summarize: exercises for the treatment of a hernia are done:

  • Smoothly.
  • No weight.
  • At a slow pace.
  • In a prone position or on your knees-elbows.

And don't forget that a draft can exacerbate pain, so put some kind of rug on the floor, put on light clothes and close the windows.

A set of exercises for rehabilitation

So, let's take a look at what exercises can and should be done. The complex below will not require any additional equipment, except for a rug.

Having started doing a set of exercises for a hernia, you can put a soft roller 3-4 cm high under the lower back. If you feel good without it, you can do it without a roller.

All physical exercises for a hernia of the spine are performed according to the sensations. If a movement hurts, postpone it for another time.

Belly breathing

We lie with our backs on the floor, legs at the knees need to be bent, hands are folded on the stomach.

  • Take 10 quality breaths in and out while inflating your belly.

In this exercise, you will stretch your core and diaphragm. We breathe slowly, and with our hands we control so that the stomach inflates and deflates.

Abduction of arms and legs

Back on the floor again, knees directed to the ceiling, straight arms along the torso.

  • Straighten one leg, then swing it to the side. In parallel with it, take the straightened arm of the other side to the side.
  • Bring your leg back and bend it, and return your straight arm to its original position.
  • The recommended number of repetitions is 10 times.

These are exercises for stretching muscles that have been under the pressure of spasms, plus coordination.

Crossing legs

We lie with our backs on the floor, with bent legs resting on the floor with the heels. Hands are clasped behind the head.

  • One leg was straightened, put on the other, bent.
  • Then they straightened and removed to their original position.
  • Then we do the same with the second leg.
  • 10 times on each leg.

Exercise strengthens and stretches the abdominal muscles.

Another version of this exercise for the back with a hernia of the spine is to reach with your hand to the heel of the opposite leg, when this leg is thrown over the knee. This is a slightly complicated option.

We rotate our feet

We lie on our backs, arms bent at the elbows, so that the hands were in the air.

  • The legs were straightened and slightly spread apart. Simultaneously rotate the feet and brushes in one direction.
  • Made 5 circles - rotate to another.

Calf stretch

We lie with our hands behind our heads. One leg is bent at the knee, and the other is straight.

  • Pull the toe of a straight leg towards ourselves for about 10 seconds to stretch the calf muscle.
  • Then I do this exercise for the second leg.
  • We repeat 5 times.

Hands around the knees

A more difficult version of the exercise for intervertebral hernia is alternating arms around the knees.

  • From a prone position, arms outstretched to the sides, and legs bent at the knees, raise one knee to the chest.
  • We wrap our hands around it and pull it towards ourselves. Then we repeat the same movement with the other knee.
  • 5-8 times for each knee.

Sliding your hands over your thighs

The exercise is also performed on the floor.

  • From a prone position, slide the palm of one hand down the thigh, bending the body to the appropriate side. At the same time, the second hand slides up on the opposite side of the body.
  • We carry out the movement slowly, to the right and to the left alternately.
  • We repeat 5-8 times in each direction.

Lying knee turns

We lay on our backs, hands were removed behind the head, legs were bent at the knees.

  • We lower our knees to one side, to a comfortable limit, raised them back. Then we lower it to the other side - we return to the starting position.
  • Try not to lift your heels off the floor so that your feet do not hang in the air. It can hurt.
  • We repeat 10 times in each direction.


This exercise develops stretching, and your body looks like a house with a triangular roof.

  • We rolled over on our stomach, got on all fours, the toes of our feet rested on the floor. Keep your back straight.
  • Raise the pelvis and pull it up until an angle forms between your body and legs. The back should be straight.
  • Do not try to straighten your legs by rounding your back. Better to keep your legs slightly bent.
  • We stood in this position for 5-10 seconds, returned to the starting position. Repeat 5 times.

If you can do this exercise, very good! If not, you can later.

Sliding the knee to the hand

We stand on our knees and palms.

  • Move your right knee across the floor to your left hand.
  • Return it back.
  • Do the same for the other hand.
  • 10 times for each knee.

Raising the legs

Get on your knees and elbows.

  • Without changing the angle at the knee, raise one leg, then lower it.
  • We do 10 lifts.
  • Then raise the other leg 10 times.

The movement can be painful at first. We do it with a painless amplitude.

Stretching and balance

We stand on 2 limbs - a leg (knee) and an arm (on opposite sides of the body).

  • We straighten the opposite leg and take it back, and the arm, respectively, forward.
  • Hold on for 10 seconds and change sides. Repeat 5 times.

Side leg abduction

We lie on our side so that it is comfortable. Legs should be straight and lay on top of each other.

  • Raise the leg, which is from top to top, lower it back. We repeat 10 times.
  • Then we roll over and repeat the movements for the other leg.


This movement is sometimes called "". We are on all fours. Arms straight, palms facing forward. Head straight.

  • We lower our head down, at the same time we bend our back up.
  • You should get a single arc - from the head to the coccyx itself. We return back.
  • We make 10 of these rainbows. Slowly.

The key to effective training

Exercises for the spine with a hernia are so diverse that it is easier to convey their principle than to list everything.

As you understand, only a small part of all existing options is indicated above.


The first stage is the initial restoration of leg mobility, muscle stretching. All movements are performed so that the lower back does not receive a large load.

The next stage - you can already raise the pelvis, boats, folds with legs bent at the knees and a slight increase in the body.

The main thing is to gradually strengthen the muscles so as not to get negative consequences.

Stability and regularity

Consistency of classes is a guaranteed result. If you have practiced consistently for a month, you will certainly get better.

It should be said right away that if, after feeling relief, you stop exercising, the pain is likely to return. After all, the muscles will weaken without training, and the hernia will again make itself felt. Gymnastics is now your constant companion. You can change the exercises, gradually making them more difficult. But several times a week you just need to do it.

With a hernia of the spine, exercise is the key to your well-being. You can live your whole life with a hernia and without pain.

Neatness and self-care

Every movement can bring pain, so it is important to feel it in time. Listen to your body. It will tell you what you can and cannot do better than anyone else.

Musculoskeletal disorders are common in modern world, as they are associated with a passive lifestyle and lack of physical activity. They are treated in most cases with the use of therapeutic exercises, since drug therapy alone does not give the desired effect. Classes are accompanied by a change in lifestyle, proper nutrition and wearing a corset.

Is exercise therapy effective?

Physiotherapy indicated for hernia of the lumbar spine, as it has a positive effect on blood circulation, metabolic processes between soft tissues and bone structure. Exercise therapy is an important part of treatment tactics, as effective remedy rehabilitation and restoration of the mobility of the ridge. The main positive results from regular exercise of the prescribed exercises:

  • Restoration of the elasticity of the muscle structure.
  • Normalization of blood circulation and increased nutrition of all tissues in the spinal canal.
  • Improving lymph movement.
  • The return of the mobility of the spine.
  • Reducing the manifestation of pain.
  • Strengthening the muscle corset.
  • Correct fixation of the spine.
  • Uniform distribution of body load on the ridge, due to the removal of blocks.
  • Relaxation of the muscle structure, elimination of spasms.
  • Removal of the inflammatory process.

Therapeutic gymnastics for a hernia of the spine is carried out under the supervision of a specialist, in particular, at first, later training is allowed at home. Exercises are selected individually based on the characteristics of the pathology, the severity of symptoms. The effectiveness directly depends on the correctness of the composition of the complex.

Approximate complex of exercise therapy for intervertebral hernia of the spine

How is the set of exercises selected?

Exercise therapy for intervertebral hernia is an important component of the chosen therapy. The complex is selected taking into account the localization of the pathology, as well as the symptoms of the disease. Selected exercises are aimed at strengthening hip joints and muscle tissue of the press. They atrophy mainly due to low activity or the development of pathology of the spine. If measures are not taken in time, the hernia progresses and leads to serious deformation of the discs. The load is distributed on the bone and cartilage tissue, leading to their destruction. An ideal complex should take into account the following features:

  • The age of the patient.
  • The degree of his physical development and training.
  • Stage of disease progression.
  • Other prescribed treatments.

Exercise therapy is prescribed for lumbar hernia only during remission, when the acute period is completely arrested. Otherwise, classes lead to the development of a number of serious complications (damage to the spinal cord, pinching of blood vessels, increased pressure on nerve endings). There are no universal recommendations regarding the choice of the complex, but usually, with pathologies of the lumbosacral region and other areas, it is worth doing the following sports:

  • ... Classes are held together with an instructor and improve the elasticity of muscle tissue. Not all types of asanas are allowed, but some of them will significantly improve the patient's condition.
  • Swimming. Has a positive effect on the entire musculoskeletal system, normalizes blood circulation and removes unnecessary stress from the vertebrae, clamps, infringements and blocks. Thanks to water, it normalizes psychological condition, the person relaxes faster. Regular exercises eliminate pain, increase blood flow to certain areas, and eliminate back discomfort.
  • Pilates. Some exercises from this sport improve posture, normalize the mobility of the vertebrae, and make the spine more flexible. Classes are held only with an instructor.
  • Dikul's complex. Back treatment is not complete without techniques developed by specialists and orthopedic doctors. This technique is offered by a doctor who himself suffered a spinal fracture and therefore he himself tried many methods and techniques. Its complex includes only the most effective ones.
  • Bubnovsky exercises... Another specialist who offers to cure the spine with the help of kinesiotherapy. It allows you to use even small muscles in the work, and thereby quickly get rid of spasms. In a short time, the ridge becomes elastic, more flexible, and the muscle corset becomes stronger.

It has a good effect on the condition of the back and intervertebral discs by hanging on the horizontal bar. It is often prescribed even as a prophylaxis if the risk of developing a hernia or protrusion of the disc is high. But stretching should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist, since, otherwise, it will be carried out unevenly.

Important information! It is strictly forbidden to engage in full-fledged physical education during the treatment period, as this will provoke displacement or more serious processes.

The first classes of medical gymnastics should be carried out under the strict supervision of a specialist.

Safety regulations

When performing exercise therapy for a lumbar hernia, it is extremely important not to overdo it so as not to harm your health. For this there are simple rules that will allow you to conduct training correctly:

  • Each time it is necessary to monitor the condition to exclude pain. At the first appearance of excessive discomfort, it is necessary to stop the lesson.
  • Jumping, striking techniques or sudden movements, turns should be avoided.
  • The load on problem areas should be minimal to avoid injury.
  • Physiotherapy exercises for intervertebral hernia eliminates excessive efforts or a large range of motion.
  • The intensity of work with the back increases and the duration is gradually increased, preference is given to smooth movements that do not cause discomfort.
  • Classes are performed every day or according to the schedule prescribed by the doctor.
  • Severe fatigue should not be allowed; during treatment, exercise "wear and tear" is prohibited.

Exercise therapy for a spinal hernia should not cause discomfort or pain and should be performed with minimal stress. It is useful for a start to strain individual parts of the body while lying on the floor or on a flat hard surface (cervical, then chest, arms, buttocks, legs). Only then can one move on to more complex approaches.

Yoga offers great complexes for improving spine health, stretching and increasing mobility.

Effective exercise

Therapeutic gymnastics for spinal hernia is aimed at relieving the main symptoms of pathology. These are spasms, pains, discomfort, numbness of the limbs. They usually disappear after two weeks of regular training. Exercise therapy is recommended during the recovery period after rehabilitation, as well as for other pathologies, regardless of the patient's age. All manipulations are performed only on a flat surface, preferably on the floor. The number of repetitions is not more than 10.

Useful exercises with intervertebral hernia, there are:

  • Take the starting position, lying on the floor, stretch your legs and arms along the body. Lift the body slowly up, use your arms and legs as support. Hold the body in this position for 8-10 minutes. The time and distance from the floor increases gradually.
  • Another exercise that is good for the spine as a whole. You need to lie on your back, stretch your arms forward, bend your legs at the knees. The head rises up 15 cm, the trunk of the ridge remains motionless. Held in position for 20 seconds.
  • Sit on a chair, stretch your legs straight, spread them to the side. Smoothly lower to each leg 15 times.
  • Squat so that the buttocks rest on the heels. Stretch your arms forward as far as the stretch allows.
  • Lie on your back, legs bent at the knees, pull to your chest. Stay in this position for 10 seconds.

The exercises described are useful for the lower back, neck, chest, or any other. The earlier exercise therapy is prescribed, the higher its effectiveness. During the rehabilitation period after surgery, it should only be carried out under the supervision of medical personnel. Its main goal in this case is adaptation in everyday life, prevention of pain and normalization of metabolic processes.

In an acute period, it is extremely important to organize the correct sleeping place by choosing a high-quality mattress and pillow, preferably with an orthopedic effect.

What to do in an acute period?

Physical activity during an exacerbation of a hernia of the cervical, thoracic or lower back is strictly prohibited, as it leads to a serious complication of the patient's condition. But during this period, the patient is advised to adhere to the following rules:

  • Use only an orthopedic mattress and sleep pillow.
  • Strictly bed rest and exclusion of excessive load on the vertebrae.
  • Wearing a corset no more than the recommended time, the duration is assigned individually.
  • If obesity is the cause, a weight loss diet is strictly followed.

During the period of treatment, it is important for the patient to give up physical activity altogether, to rest more, breathe fresh air. As the condition normalizes, exercises are prescribed lying on the floor, on a gymnastic ball, wall bars. An individually designed gymnastics complex is adjusted gradually, taking into account the dynamics of the disease.


Treatment of a lumbar hernia at home is unacceptable during an exacerbation of the disease or an increase in body temperature. At this time, any effects and increased blood flow will only worsen the state of health. In addition, the following contraindications are distinguished:

  • Oncology or metastases in the spine.
  • Diseases of cardio-vascular system.
  • Exacerbation of diseases of internal organs.
  • Stroke or heart attack.
  • Preinfarction state.
  • Postoperative period.

Self-medication can be dangerous, since a set of exercises must be compiled by a specialist and must be accompanied by other methods of improving the patient's well-being. Usually this is taking vitamins and minerals, swimming and visiting a massage therapist.

Important information! When treating a hernia, it is strictly forbidden to do weightlifting, do twists, run long distances, load the intervertebral discs with other exercises and perform leg presses.

Treatment of a cervical hernia or other part of the spine is carried out with the help of physical exercises, but only under the supervision of a specialist. Thanks to a properly selected complex, the pressure on the nerve roots decreases, the manifestation of pain and spasm is stopped.

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