How to learn the alphabet with a child 4. Learn letters: how to help your child learn the alphabet. Video: what can come in handy when learning letters

Decoration Materials 06.11.2021
Decoration Materials

As recently as twenty years ago, most first graders went to school without being able to read or write. Today's kids are different. They begin to sit, walk and talk earlier, grow and develop faster. Small accelerators are perfectly oriented in an endless stream of information, easily assimilating it and applying it in life. Accordingly, the requirements for preschool children have become much more serious: the future student must know the score and be able to read, or at least put letters into syllables and words. Otherwise, from the first day, he will begin to lag behind his peers, which will adversely affect his self-esteem and desire to acquire new knowledge. The task of parents is to prevent the development of such a scenario and teach the child the alphabet long before school. But how and when to introduce the baby to letters? Let's try to figure it out.

At what age is it better to start classes

Teachers and parents still do not have consensus on this account. Some, being supporters of early development, insist that it is necessary to introduce the child to the alphabet from infancy. Others argue that teaching literacy from an early age is a waste of work, besides depriving the child of a carefree childhood.

The classics of pedagogy, together with psychologists, have established that the most favorable age for getting to know the letters of the alphabet is 5 years. And this is not an unfounded assertion. It is supported by long-term scientific research and is based on knowledge of the age-related characteristics of child development:

  1. In children, the visual-effective type of thinking prevails. Only by the age of 5 does the brain begin to fully perceive abstract information and iconic images, including letters.
  2. From birth to four years of age, a child must acquire basic knowledge that will be used throughout his life. During this period, his consciousness is directed exclusively to socialization and acquaintance with the outside world. It makes no sense to distract the baby and overload his brain with additional, complex and irrelevant this moment information.
  3. Until the age of 5, a child cannot pronounce the names of some letters correctly due to the imperfection of the speech apparatus. Therefore, there is a risk that he will remember their incorrect sound, creating additional difficulties in learning to read and write.
  4. Introducing the baby to letters, we, without noticing it, focus on the development of the left hemisphere, which is responsible for the perception of signs and symbols, and the right one gradually begins to lag behind. The consequences can be the most unpredictable: after all, this part of the brain is responsible for the creative, emotional and volitional development of the individual.
  5. Psychologists note that it is at the age of five that a small person shows special curiosity for everything new and is able to memorize a lot of information without making any special efforts.

It is important not to forget that every child is an individual, and the process of mastering knowledge is different for everyone. One kid is able to learn letters as early as 3 years old, while for another, even by seven, this seems an impossible task.

So, dear parents, be guided by the abilities of your little one. He himself will tell you that the time has come to learn, when he begins to clearly pronounce all the sounds, ask for the names of the letters and show a keen interest in the printed text, examining it as if reading, diligently guiding the lines with his finger.

If the baby quickly gets tired, is capricious, reacts sharply to his failures, and his attention is scattered, then it is advisable to postpone the lessons for some more time.

How best to conduct classes

Professionally conveying knowledge to a child is not an easy task. Future teachers have been studying this art for many years. If you want the classes to arouse interest in the crumbs and bring him great benefit, approach the process responsibly and first read the golden rules preschool methodology teaching:

  1. Academic class is not for kids. Present knowledge unobtrusively, in a playful way.
  2. The duration of the lesson should not exceed 10 minutes. Further, your student's attention dissipates and he ceases to absorb information, requiring a switch to another type of activity.
  3. In no case do not scold, criticize the baby, do not compare with other children and do not force them to do it by force. The negative emotions that have arisen will discourage him from learning for a long time.
  4. Do not overload your child with information. Try to keep it short, interesting and accessible.
  5. Diversify tasks using visualization, riddles, songs, rhymes and tongue twisters.
  6. Be friendly and patient, actively join the game.
  7. Try to exercise regularly with your child. If the baby has forgotten the name of the letter studied the day before, do not get annoyed and do not be indignant. Repeat the material covered as many times as required by your little one.

Be attentive to the child. At the first sign of fatigue or a bad mood, interrupt the lesson, giving the tomboy the opportunity to run around and fool around.

Ways to Learn the Alphabet with Kids

Any developmental activity with a child should be thought out and carefully prepared, especially as serious as learning the alphabet. After all, the child will use the knowledge laid down now for the rest of his life. Parents will have to consider in advance the existing teaching methods and methods and choose from them the most appropriate for their little one.

Getting to know letters and sounds

Sound is what we hear and say, and a letter is a graphic image that we see, read, write or print. The classical technique advises to study both concepts in parallel in order to facilitate further reading by syllables.

  • Start with the simplest vowels a, o, y, and. Show the child a card with a picture of a letter and sing it first yourself, then with the baby.
  • Learn consonants not in alphabetical order, but in increasing complexity. First m, n, p, s, l: they are easy to pronounce and do not look like the rest in outline. Then b, c, k, x, t, g. It is not difficult to pronounce them, but it is easy to confuse them due to the similarity in spelling. Be sure to focus the attention of the baby on this fact. The letters d and zh are too difficult to write, so start working with them when the child has already accumulated some knowledge and experience related to literacy. Hissing h, sh, u and sonorant p are best memorized last, as their pronunciation can cause some difficulties for the baby.
  • It is better for a child to immediately learn to name the sound, and not the alphabetic name of the letter: b, not be; m, not um. Otherwise, while reading, it will be difficult for him to combine letters into syllables.
  • Difficulties may arise with ioted e, e, yu, i, in the sound of which two sounds are clearly heard. Also, the difficulty in understanding is almost always caused by ъ and ь, they do not have a sound designation at all. Therefore, do not rush to show them to 3-4-year-old kids.
  • Initially, try to accustom children to graphic images of letters.

To study at home, you will need any variants of the alphabet (books, cubes, stickers, three-dimensional letters) and cards with the image of the letters of the alphabet. Well, if they are large and bright. In this case, vowels can be made red, voiced consonants - green, deaf - blue, and hard and soft sign - black.

In one lesson, do not show two new letters at once. Graduality and regularity are synonymous with success. It will most likely take more than one day to repeat and consolidate the knowledge gained.

Help the baby: memorize with him each newly learned letter by playing, drawing or telling rhymes. Hang cards with the alphabet around the house and constantly in passing, draw the attention of the child to them, developing his visual memory.

Stock up on patience and perseverance: your efforts will eventually be rewarded.

Learning by playing

In order for knowledge to be given to children easily and retained in memory for as long as possible, they need to be presented in an exciting, accessible and understandable form. And such for preschoolers is the game. It is she who makes the process of cognition interesting child, creates a favorable emotional background for the assimilation of new material, helps the baby to show his abilities and believe in himself. To remember the letters you just learned will help:

  1. Association selection. Children 2-3 years old are not yet able to decompose a word into phonemes or highlight the initial sound in its composition. Therefore, it is difficult for them to understand why a squirrel is depicted next to the letter b, and a house is depicted next to the letter d. These drawings do not cause any associations in the mind of the child. But if the letter is “revived”, then a bright image will easily and permanently be deposited in children's memory. For example, k will turn into a cactus, you just need to color it in green color and finish the thorns and a bright pot. F, if you look closely, it is very reminiscent of a little man who put his hands on his belt, and lying on his side y is an airplane that flies and buzzes: “Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuumuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuum”. Memorizing short quatrains will make memorization even faster: "B is like a fat hippopotamus, he has a big belly."
  2. Drawing is a favorite pastime for preschoolers. So why not use it to get familiar with the alphabet? At the initial stage, invite the child to circle the finished letter several times with colored crayons, pencils or felt-tip pens. Print the outline on the printer: it will serve as a base that can be painted or dressed up by gluing paper parts, colored glass, buttons or elements molded from plasticine. An older kid can draw letters on his own in an album, copybook, and even on semolina, poured onto a flat dish. In winter, you can train by drawing lines in the snow, and during a summer walk - on the sand. In the process of such games, not only visual, but also tactile analyzers are involved, as well as fine motor skills, which contributes to the reliable consolidation of new information in the child's memory.
  3. Assembling puzzles is a very exciting activity, the difficulty level of which can be adjusted. At the introductory stage, children are happy to assemble an image of a letter, connecting several disparate parts. And, having learned to hear and distinguish individual sounds in the composition of the word, the guys enthusiastically select pictures-associations for the letters. Similar educational games can be bought in a store, for example, Yulia Tarakanova's "Live ABC", or you can make it yourself by printing out the letters on a printer, pasting the image on thick cardboard and cutting it into several arbitrary parts.
  4. also help teach the alphabet. In the modern market of children's educational products, they are presented in a large assortment: all kinds of dominoes, lotos, walkers, searchers, memos. Listening, matching and placing chips, the child learns to memorize, analyze and name sounds and letters. For example, the game "Live ABC" from the publishing house "New Generation" trains phonemic hearing and memory. The kid, throwing a die and hitting a cell with a certain letter, must find and put on the next square a card with an animal whose name begins with the same letter. The well-known "Memory" is easy to do with your own hands: put six pairs of letters on 12 cards. Arrange them randomly in 3 rows, give the baby a few seconds to memorize, and then turn them upside down. The task of the student is to indicate the places where the same elements are located.
  5. Using letters as toys. In young children, concrete-figurative thinking prevails. Therefore, touching, twisting, stroking and using letters made of paper, wood, plastic or fabric in the game, the baby easily remembers their outlines and names. As toys, alphabet blocks, soft pillows in the form of letters, a wooden or, speaking or musical educational poster can be used.
  6. Magnetic alphabet games. The number of letters included in the kit allows you not only to learn the alphabet, but also to compose syllables, words and even short sentences. Therefore, such a set will be in demand in primary school. Parts are attached to a magnetic board. There are a lot of options for tasks: from a simple search for letters and “settlement” of them in contour houses to composing words and sentences.

It is worth choosing exercises, focusing on the age, type of temperament and interests of the baby, and using them unobtrusively and as naturally as possible, in the course of daily communication. So the baby will effortlessly receive valuable knowledge, which will become the basis for further learning to read and write.

Author's methods

Today, teachers and psychologists pay great attention to the intellectual development of the child, striving to open the potential inherent in the little genius by nature as early as possible. Therefore, along with the classical method of teaching the letters of the alphabet, a lot of copyrights appear. Each of them is interesting in its own way, has its pros and cons. Let's get acquainted with the most popular.

  1. American professor, physician for a long time involved in the restoration of children with various brain injuries. Studying the potential of the child's body, he came to the conclusion that the physical condition of the child is directly related to the level of his intellectual development. The sooner we start training, the more likely we are to raise a healthy baby. According to his method, already at three months, as soon as the baby begins to focus his eyes and focus on objects, he is shown 5 cards three times a day for 2-3 seconds with simple and familiar words written: “mom”, “dad”, "cat". Individual letters and syllables are not considered. The baby, who perceives information with the help of auditory and visual analyzers, remembers it mechanically, and later the brain processes and systematizes it. Then they replace one of the cards and demonstrate everything in a new sequence. As the baby grows older, the text becomes more complicated, phrases and even whole sentences appear. It should be noted that not all teachers and psychologists support this technique, considering its main drawback to be the fact that a child remembers a picture, an image of a word, not knowing the letters and not being able to conduct a sound analysis.
  2. A famous one claims that the smallest component of speech is warehouse. This is a single tension of the muscles of the speech apparatus during speaking. It can consist of a single letter, a combination of a consonant with a vowel, or a consonant with a hard or soft mark. Zaitsev recommends starting acquaintance with the alphabet at the age of 3 and with these units. They are depicted on three-dimensional tables and faces of educational cubes of different colors and sizes. Each of them has a characteristic filler that allows you to distinguish sounds. Vowels sound like a bell, deaf consonants sound like wooden sticks, voiced sounds like metal caps. A child will remember warehouses better if he sings them while looking at a cube or a table. Gradually, having mastered all 246 options, he will begin to easily read them everywhere and combine them into words.
  3. Lecturer with great experience Evgeny Chaplygin I am also sure that literacy should be taught from the age of three. It is at this age that the baby begins to speak quite clearly, think actively, and perceive abstract information. The Methodist argues that the emphasis should not be on individual letters, but on syllables. They are studied using dynamic cubes connected in pairs. By rotating the faces on which letters and symbols are applied, the child makes up different syllables, memorizes them and learns to pronounce them.
  4. The Italian teacher says that when getting acquainted with the alphabet, you need to use visual, auditory, tactile and motor analyzers at the same time. After you have shown the new letter to the child, uttered the sound that it means, the baby must definitely study it with his hands: twist it and touch it. After all, children remember better by touch than visually. Therefore, the teacher advises during classes to use sets of rough letters, as well as drawing in the sand. Come up with an entertaining story about each letter, and then be sure to practice writing a new element.
  5. Elena Bakhtina offers an associative memorization method for learning the alphabet, using drawings, sound similarity or short stories about letters. For example, a screams like a baby: “Ah-ah-ah-ah”; е and ё are two sisters, only "the first one's eyes are closed, and the second one's on the contrary."

Choosing among the many techniques the only one that is ideal for your baby is not at all easy. Most likely, reviews left by experienced parents will help.

Alena, mother of Irishka, 1 year 8 months. I ordered a set of Glenn Doman "Reading from the cradle". It contains 800 multi-colored cards, a book with guidelines and a CD with an instructional video, as well as an additional Baby set with English vocabulary, illustrations and transcription. The technique involves 4 stages of learning: familiarity with words, phrases, simple and common sentences. We are currently in stage 2. So that the child does not lose interest, I try to diversify the activities: we jump on the cards, voicing them, “fly” on an airplane, landing on a certain “site”, hang signs throughout the apartment. Interestingly, Irishka really already remembered some words and unmistakably brings them at the request of me or my grandmother. I believe that the technique will give excellent results, subject to regular practice.

Sofia, 32 years old. We have news: the three-year-old son Pavlushka learned the letters in a week. All thanks to the book "ABC book for kids from two to five" by Elena Bakhtina. The book turned out to be very accurate. Brought a mass positive emotions. How Pashka laughed when he found out that p looked like daddy's legs, how diligently he showed everyone his tongue, like e. I liked the idea with a stone and a feather for a hard and soft sign. I remembered everything easily, effortlessly, thanks to bright and cheerful illustrations. True, he still confuses e and e, but it does not matter. Let's try to read the syllables.

Computer helps to learn

Parents who have heard about the harmful effects of a computer on a fragile child's psyche are trying with all their might to protect their child from the "hellish machine". And absolutely in vain. Reasonable use of technology will be of great benefit, making the learning process brighter, more emotional and exciting. While playing, your child will easily memorize the alphabet, begin to read independently, and, if desired, even learn the basics of any foreign language. And special developmental programs created taking into account the age characteristics and interests of kids will help him:

Doctors say that a kid can play on a computer from the age of three, but on one strict condition: the duration of these classes for preschoolers should not exceed half an hour a day. And after 15 minutes, it is worth interrupting the lesson for a while and doing exercises for tired eyes.

Non-standard ways of learning the alphabet

Parents do not have to adhere to well-known classical tricks introduction to the alphabet. Games can be invented, focusing on the interests, desires and favorite activities of your unique child. You can learn letters in the most non-standard ways:

It is interesting that you can learn the alphabet even during outdoor games, which, of course, will appeal to novice students. To do this, you need to hang colorful signs on the walls and give the baby the command “Run to the letter m, and now to y”. If there are several children, then you can arrange real sports competitions with prizes, and, be sure, this knowledge will definitely remain in the memory of your student.

The kid does not want to learn letters

If the child is healthy, grows and develops in accordance with age norms, but does not want to memorize the alphabet, you should not panic. Most likely, you clumsily approached the organization of the learning process:

  • too early began to introduce the baby to the letters;
  • did not take into account the individual characteristics of the child;
  • overload the baby with unnecessary information;
  • do not take into account the mood and condition of the baby, force him to do it by force;
  • selected uninteresting tasks and manuals;
  • yell, get nervous, or punish your child for mistakes.

In such cases, it is worthwhile to postpone training for a while or radically restructure classes.

Psychologists sound the alarm when, with systematic hard work, a child does not remember and confuses a letter, not recognizing it among others. Such difficulties may be associated with a delay in mental and speech development and require immediate treatment to a neurologist. At the source of the problem, there may be a birth injury, accompanied by a violation of the blood supply to the cervical region. It does not make itself felt for a long time and manifests itself just in time for 6-7 years, accompanied by such non-obvious symptoms as negativism, tearfulness, and frequent headaches.

Accounting for age characteristics when getting acquainted with letters

Most of the currently popular methods of early development suggest starting learning the alphabet from the age of 3. Why are we talking about this particular age? Everything is very simple: the child overcomes the first significant milestone and turns from an infant into a preschooler. He does not just grow and change externally, his speech, thinking, perception, awareness of his own “I” progresses. Priority is given to basic knowledge that allows you to study the world and lay the foundation for intellectual development.

To acquaint with letters, or rather sounds, such kids can only be in the game and very unobtrusively.

  • The baby already knows what sounds a dog or a cat makes, and now tell him how the letter “says”: “Mmm” or “Ah-ah”.
  • Poems and songs will make classes more emotional and interesting.
  • Do not forget that the baby's thinking is visual-figurative, so a lot of visualization is required: pictures, toys, books.
  • Exercises that develop fine motor skills will not interfere either, so we draw, color, and design letters from improvised material.
  • Three-year-olds are terrible fidgets and are happy to participate in outdoor learning games.

Teaching a child the alphabet at 4-5 years is easier. Indeed, by this time, the baby’s brain is already ready to perceive and analyze even abstract information, so classes can be complicated using various aids:

  • computer and board games;
  • cubes with letters (including Zaitsev and Chaplygin);
  • puzzles;
  • magnetic alphabet.

The attention of the kids becomes more stable, so you can use games with the search for letters and even their spelling.

At 6-7 years old, learning the alphabet is no longer entertainment, but a necessary serious work that prepares for school. Classes become more serious, elements of the classical lesson appear: primers, alphabets and copybooks. Their goal is not only to introduce the basics of literacy, but also to gradually accustom the baby to a completely different form of organizing time. But no one canceled the gaming moments, so design letters, invent entertaining stories about them, sing songs, watch cartoons.

In order to want to study, a child needs a calm and friendly home atmosphere, and dad and mom should not be strict outside observers, but active participants in the baby’s games.

To date, my daughter is already 11 years old, and her educational success began at an early age. At the age of 2, she spoke quite clearly in complex and complex sentences. And at the age of 5 she was already reading books on her own. The whole period between these ages was spent on teaching my daughter to read. A lot or a little - judge for yourself.

How to teach a child to speak is a separate topic, today we will focus only on how to learn the alphabet correctly. Word "right" in this case has a subjective connotation as I will only share personal tips that have worked in real life. But if you are a supporter of evidence-based methods, then they are also there. I will list them very briefly. And then I will share my experience.

Techniques for learning the alphabet

Most often, such developments are called by the name of the author. If you have a desire to get to know them better and use them in your practice, then it will not be difficult to find their description - they are all on the Internet.

Bakhtina's technique

The study of the Russian alphabet is based on creating a visual image or association. Simply put, you need to find an object that looks like a letter and at the same time begins with it. For example, the letter "B" can be associated with a hippopotamus, which has a big tummy.

Montessori Method

Memorization of letters according to this scheme occurs with the simultaneous operation of three types of analyzers: tactile, visual and auditory. That is, the child must see the letter, hear its sound and hold it in his hands. At the same time, letter layouts are recommended to be made rough.

Zaitsev's technique

The study begins immediately with the syllables that are written on the game cubes. That is, we can say that the stage of acquaintance with individual letters is not the first. Many teachers find both advantages and disadvantages in this.

Polyakov's technique

The main idea of ​​this development is the study of alphabetic characters in consonant pairs. For example, "A - Z", "O - E". Vowels are considered first, and then consonants. The latter also rhyme: "BA - BYA". All paired combinations are summarized for convenience in a table, and the letters themselves should not be pronounced, but sung.

When to start teaching your child letters

This question does not have a clear and categorical answer. Child psychologists and educators call different age brackets. Someone thinks that you should start learning as early as 2 years old, someone recommends it at 5-6 years old. I remember when Lera went to first grade, one of the parents asked our teacher at the first meeting: “Does a child have to be able to read by the age of 7?” To which our teacher replied: "Don't worry, we will teach you everything."

It is believed that the sooner a child learns new knowledge and skills, the better. The development of thinking, logic, memory is more active. Later, it is easier for the child to study at school and absorb information from different areas knowledge.

However, this point of view is not shared by everyone. Some psychologists believe that you should not rush - you need to acquire new skills according to age. In particular, to learn letters and start reading - at 6-7 years old (as programmed by the school curriculum).

In my opinion, there is only one conclusion - in relation to your child, you have the right to choose any path of development. If the baby shows curiosity, a desire to learn new things, he has the potential for more active development, then should he be restrained and wait until 5-6-7 years old? And, on the contrary, if the child is not yet ready for the voluntary development of the alphabet, does not show interest and does not have enough perseverance, then one should not rush things.

Criteria by which it is determined that it is already possible to start learning letters:

  • The child speaks well, pronounces all sounds clearly and pronounces words correctly.
  • Shows perseverance or in another way - concentration of attention.
  • He expressed interest in new information for him.
  • The child has a good memory (primarily visual).
  • He likes to look at books and loves having books read to him.

If you put a plus sign under all the items, then it's time to start learning letters. Although with regard to the last thesis, I would not be so categorical. Life shows that not all children love books. And waiting for them to love them is pointless. For such kids, you can find other ways to learn letters, since there are a lot of them.

As for my personal experience, then my daughter and I began to get acquainted with letters at about 2.5 years old. I did not use any modern methods and did not even waste time reading and mastering them. And it all began very unobtrusively - with a gradual reading of the alphabet. There were no special lessons of 10-15 minutes. I used only these things and tricks that I recommend to you:

The order of mastering letters

Most often there are recommendations to start learning with vowels. And last but not least, master the letters that are considered difficult - "Sch", "Ts", "Ch" and the like. You may or may not follow this rule. As for me, I did not adhere to such a principle. We studied the alphabet with my daughter randomly and the first were both vowels and consonants. Only "Y", "L", "B" were left at the finish line.

Letter pronunciation

The child needs to be called the sound that the letter gives, and not its name according to the Russian alphabet. That is, a jerky "B", not "Be", a short "M", not "em". It is also necessary to read the alphabet correctly, but this can be left “for later” (closer to 7 years old or already at school itself), when the child learns the alphabet strictly in order.


Do not just call the letter to the child, but ask him to repeat it. Even sing the sound together. Those alphabetic characters that the child has already met can be found anywhere for consolidation. For example, you walk down the street, you see a sign "Pharmacy", ask what the first letter is. Bought cookies in the form of the alphabet, ask the child to find familiar letters. Walking along, ask, among other things, where the word "Peacock" begins on the sign.


In no case should you rush to learn the alphabet, especially if you started learning early - from 2, 3 or even from 4 years old. Excessive pressure on your part can suppress interest and desire to learn letters. And don't forget to praise your child! The compliment received from you is an incentive to move forward!

Proceed to the acquaintance and memorization of the next letter only after the child has firmly remembered all the previous ones. And reading and folding into syllables should be started in general only after the child knows the entire alphabet (albeit not in order), that is, he can name each letter without hesitation.


Do not overload children with such activities. Still, for preschoolers, learning the alphabet is not a paramount task. If you see that the baby has lost interest in mastering a new letter after five minutes, switch his attention to another matter. And return to the alphabet another day. It will take more than one month to learn letters with a child, so take your time.

What you need to learn letters

Books and ABCs

It is impossible to do without these helpers. Buy your child several different alphabets (at least two). They should be bright and colorful. It is better if each letter is described in poetic form - children perceive rhyme faster.

Now there are alphabets in which sound applications are mounted. That is, you press the button in the book and the letter sounds. With these books, the child will be able to study independently.

Read as much as you can to your child to develop an interest in books. And you need to start reading from birth, and not wait for X hour. And books should be different in design and quality. For example, in our home library there were several colorful books with CDs on which the text of a fairy tale from a book was recorded. I turned on the disc, and my daughter sat with a book in her hands, listened and “read”, turning the pages in time. She could not read then, but I think that the desire and desire were spurred on well.


The easiest way to learn letters is in the game. And this type of activity in children is constant, so you just have to play along with your baby. There are many ready-made games and creative supplies that can be adapted for learning letters:

  • lotto;
  • mosaic;
  • coloring pages;
  • colored crayons;
  • constructor;
  • plasticine.

Didactic material

This includes various cards with written letters, a magnetic board, cubes, posters with the alphabet (including sound ones). Many of these things will come in handy later, when you have to add syllables and words. We have magnetic letters, and as a result, even the refrigerator was plastered with words from them - from a child's point of view, it turns out that it is so much more interesting than on the blackboard.

If there are problems with the choice of the alphabet and other printed materials for studying letters, then you can look for the right one here this showcase. There are many wonderful colorful alphabets and manuals, so choosing the materials you need for your child will not be difficult. Many of these items were in our home.


Children's life is hard to imagine without cartoons. And it's great when they can be combined with home schooling. To reinforce a new letter, turn on the desired cartoon series for the baby.

Now there are a lot of different animated series on this topic. These are the series with Luntik, with Aunt Sovunya, with the truck Leva. There are other, less famous cartoons. Here is one of them. See how the letter "A" is introduced in this cartoon:

I hope you will not have problems how to learn letters with a child. And you will do it right, focusing not only on advice, but also on the temperament and abilities of your baby.

I wish you success! Nadezhda Goryunova

Perhaps the title of this article will seem immodest to you, and the author - presumptuous. Perhaps you think that the author used such a title in order to attract the attention of readers.

Yes it is. The purpose of this heading is to draw your attention to the really most effective way to teach your child the letters of the Russian alphabet in the shortest possible time and teach him to pronounce these letters with sounds. You will see for yourself the simplicity and effectiveness of this method by reading this article and starting to teach your child letters with its help. After five lessons, your child will know all 10 vowels well and begin to memorize consonants, even if before that he did not know a single letter. And, most importantly, he will learn letters in the process of games and will remember them firmly.

But first, a little digression. Before you start teaching your child letters, you must decide what he needs it for. Some parents are proud that they were able to teach letters to a two-year-old or even a one-and-a-half-year-old child. But this is worth doing only if at the same time you begin to teach your child to read. Any knowledge should immediately find its practical application. And teaching letters in itself, without simultaneous learning to read, does not make sense. There are many other, equally effective, ways to develop a child's memory and stimulate the brain during the formation period. It’s also good if, by the beginning of learning to read, the child forgets these prematurely learned letters and does not pronounce them the way he was once taught: Ba, Ve, Ge ... or By, You, Gee ..., otherwise when reading it it will bother him a lot. You ask: "Well, if you teach a child letters and reading at the same time, then at what age is it better to start, is it already possible from two years old?" I believe that at home, in the family, a mother with a child of this age can already do; but first for half a minute, and then for several minutes during the day. As a result of such “lessons”, built in the form of a game, the child will develop the ability to concentrate on a particular lesson, and then, starting from the age of three and even a little earlier, he can be taught to read in a group of children like him. Just do not forget that learning to read, and especially early, should take place without coercion, in the game, against the backdrop of positive emotions.

Modern parents have different attitudes towards early development child. Many people think that it is not necessary to “stick” to the baby too early with reading, studying of English language and other tricks. It is better to create conditions for a full-fledged carefree childhood, surround him with love and care. Nevertheless, there is nothing wrong with starting to introduce the alphabet to the baby long before school, gradually learning the letters of the native language and their correct sequence with it. At what age do you start training? What methods and techniques to choose?

At what age can you start learning

Educators and psychologists do not have strict guidelines regarding the specific age at which a preschooler can be introduced to letters. However, the most favorable time for this, experts still consider five years. This recommendation is based on the fact that in very young children the visual-effective type of thinking prevails. But by the age of 5, the brain is already able to perceive abstract information, symbolic images, which are letters.

According to psychologists, it is at this age that the child shows special curiosity and can memorize a large amount of information without much effort.

In addition, up to 5 years, the speech apparatus is still being formed, so the baby often cannot pronounce the names of some letters correctly. There is a chance that he will remember their wrong sound, which in the future will create problems when learning to read.

According to psychologists and educators, the optimal age for learning the alphabet is 5 years.

Another important point. Parents should understand that learning letters and the alphabet is closely related to learning to read. If you start getting acquainted with the alphabet too early, the baby may simply forget the letters by the time it is time to master reading (to prevent this from happening, you need to repeat them almost daily).

Correct acquaintance with Russian letters at the age of 3

By the age of three, many children already have favorite fairy tales and books. At this age, you can learn only individual letters with your baby, and certainly not get hung up on their sequence (do not touch the alphabet).

Best of all, three-year-olds remember the letters A, B and C, as well as the first letter of their name, M and P (“mother” and “dad”).

A three-year-old kid should make or purchase toy letters - voluminous, colorful, interesting to look at. Various cubes (preferably voluminous, soft) with painted letters and pictures will come to the aid of parents. The image can be selected with a specific theme (for example, only animals).

For a three-year-old baby, letters are best associated with toys, for example, voluminous soft cubes

For example, in my childhood I had a big inflatable ball, on which all the letters of the alphabet were depicted with black and red pictures. I remember that I loved playing with him very much, I looked at the images for a long time. My first acquaintance with letters was connected with this toy.

Mom can also lay out small letters from counting sticks, matches, buttons, draw them on paper, chalk on asphalt. Then you need to stimulate the baby to repeat these actions.

4 years: play and remember

For example, you can play the game “Find the pictures”. Mom lays out a certain letter and 3-4 pictures. Among them, the child must choose an item that begins with a given letter.

In addition, you can purchase an interactive alphabet in the form of a poster or book. Toddlers usually really like to press the buttons on it. The form of the letter will be deposited in the memory of the child, he will associate the graphic symbol with the sound.

Interactive alphabet will associate a graphic symbol with a picture and sound

The child can already be shown various educational cartoons, videos where the alphabet, for example, appears as a funny song.

Video: the whole alphabet in the form of a fun song

5-6 years old: school methods of learning in the comfort of home

At 5 years old, you can already learn the alphabet directly, that is, the letters in their correct sequence. We need to tell the child that the alphabet is the basis of our language. His knowledge helps in life, for example, it is much easier to navigate in the library when you need to find a book that begins with a certain letter.

At this time, games, more complex productive activities (for example, plasticineography, making unconventional applications from seeds, cereals, napkins, etc., modeling) will again be of help to parents. Various manuals (printed alphabets), special workbooks, copybooks will come to the rescue (after all, you can not just study letters, but immediately learn to write them).

At 5-6 years old, the child can already be offered special workbooks, prescriptions

In addition, there are many useful applications for smartphones and tablets. These are educational games that help you learn the alphabet.

Together with the child, you can make a unique author's primer. An ordinary album is taken (applications from postcards, magazines can be glued to the cover), a letter and a picture are drawn on each page - an object whose name begins with this letter. This activity will bring family members together and will undoubtedly captivate the preschooler.

How to interest a child (and not force!)

Of course, for the successful development of the alphabet, adults need to interest the baby, motivate him. There are many ways to do this:

  1. On a walk, the mother shows the child that the letters surround us everywhere - on store "enticing" signs, advertising banners. Pay attention to colorful options, where the letters are large, colored.

    You need to pay attention to the child that the letters surround us everywhere

  2. Associate letters with specific images (“Look, O looks like a ring or a donut, F is like a beetle, P is like a horizontal bar, G is like a crane, D is like a house, etc.”).
  3. Arrange a tea party with letters. In the store, you can try to find cookies in the shape of letters or bake them at home. In addition, pasta of a similar shape is on sale.

    delicious homemade cookies in the form of letters, of course, will delight the baby

  4. You can offer a preschooler a stack of colorful glossy magazines and let him cut out letters from there.
  5. Acquire various games related to letters: lotto, dominoes, paired pictures (where you need to connect a letter with an image according to the puzzle principle).

    It is necessary to offer the preschooler various games related to letters, for example, loto with bright cards

  6. Allow the child to type in the World program - click on various letters and look at their image on the screen. In this case, you need to set a beautiful large font in a bright color (you can make a color fill for each letter).
  7. Introduce learning elements into the interior of the nursery and other rooms. It can be pillows in the form of letters, puzzle mats, curtains with such a pattern.

    It will be great to include letters in your home interior.

Naturally, based on these games and activities, parents will need to prepare the necessary didactic material(after all, the alphabet cannot be studied “on the fingers”). These are cubes with the image of letters (soft, wooden, plastic, etc.), posters, cards, alphabet (including interactive). For classes, you will also need paper, colored pencils, felt-tip pens, counting sticks, natural material, etc.

You can even sew large letters from fabric and stuff them with something soft, such as foam rubber. Everything here depends only on the scope of parental imagination and the availability of free time.

There can be a lot of didactic material for studying letters, the main thing is the desire of parents

Video: what can come in handy when learning letters

How to learn letters

The basic way to learn the alphabet is to use cards with letters (they can be supplemented with pictures). The algorithm can be chosen as follows:

  1. At first, it is better to master all the vowels, it is convenient to do it in pairs: A - I, O - E, U - Yu, S - I, E - E).
  2. Then consonants are introduced, first paired in voicing-deafness (B - P, V - F, Z - C, etc.), then unpaired.
  3. At the end, introduce the child to b and b.
  4. Only after studying all the letters you need to move on to the alphabet - their correct sequence.

At the same time, when studying letters, it is better to name the sounds that they represent, and not how the letters are pronounced in the alphabet. This will make reading easier later on.

Secrets of fast and easy memorization

  1. The lesson should not be too long so as not to tire the child. For a baby of 3-4 years old, 7-8 minutes is enough, for a 5-6-year-old - 10-15 minutes.
  2. It is best to enter a new letter once every two days.
  3. You need to do it regularly, do not take long breaks. However, if on some day the baby is not in the mood, it is better to reschedule the lesson, otherwise the negative emotions that have arisen may discourage the child's interest.
  4. For each letter, it is desirable to find or come up with a quatrain, tell a tongue twister, sing a song, etc.
  5. Each studied letter must be fixed: in exercises, productive activity(drawing, modeling, designing from improvised materials).
  6. Each lesson should begin with a repetition of the material covered so that the child does not forget the letters already learned.

Each letter studied must be well consolidated, including in productive activities.

Letter consolidation exercises

If you connect fantasy, an adult can come up with a lot of exercises to consolidate the studied letters. For example, you can use the following:

  1. Show the child a card with several letters and offer to find a specific letter.

    On the proposed card, the preschooler must find and show the given letter

  2. Similarly, pictures are offered (for example, animals or toys). The preschooler must name the one that begins with a given letter.
  3. The kid must “fix” the letters - an adult draws them on paper without drawing a specific element for each.
  4. On the street, you can lay out the given letters on the ground from leaves, pebbles, at home - from cereals, pasta, etc.

    On the instructions of the mother, the child can lay out letters on the ground from pebbles or leaves

  5. Letters can be drawn on the surface of porridge, pancakes, using, for example, jam or condensed milk.
  6. An adult with the help of pantomime depicts various letters (of course, this will not work with all of them, but, for example, with G, O, S, F, F, K, L, etc.). Then it is proposed to do the same to the baby.
  7. Mom asks the child to find objects in the room with a certain letter.
  8. The preschooler is invited to "revive" the letter: to give it human features (face, arms, legs, etc.).

    Mom offers the child to revive the given letters - to give them human features

Author's methods

When familiarizing a preschooler with letters, parents can use the author's methods:

  1. M. Montessori, when getting acquainted with the alphabet, suggests using several analyzers at the same time: visual and auditory, tactile and motor. An adult shows the child a new letter, pronounces the sound that it stands for. The kid must certainly touch it with his hands, crush, twist. In the course of classes, the teacher recommends using letters of different textures, for example, rough ones (made of velvet paper). Also, the preschooler must draw them (for example, in the sand), circle, shade.

    The Montessori method, when introducing a child to letters, involves several analyzers at once - visual, auditory, tactile and motor

  2. Elena Bakhtina, the author of educational cards, suggests memorizing a letter with the help of associations. For this, drawings, short stories, sound analogies are used. For example, a baby screams: “Aaaaa”, Yo and Yo are two sisters, the first of them has their eyes closed, and the other is open.
  3. The methodology of Olga Soboleva is also based on associations. For each letter, an image (story) is created that will help to remember it. For example, the letter U loves to tease, says "Whoo!" everyone: snake, snail, duck, coal. In addition, games with lettering are also used.

    Each letter has its own mini-story to help you remember it.

  4. The technique of Sergey Polyakov is clearly divided into lessons. First of all, the teacher suggests learning 10 vowels well. At the same time, they are offered in rhyming pairs: A - Z, O - E, U - Yu, Y - I, E - E (respectively, 5 lessons). You can prepare 10 cards: the first letter of each pair is indicated in red, the second in blue. After that comes the study of consonants. In just 18 lessons, the kid masters the entire alphabet, as well as reading warehouses.

The computer will help you learn letters

Of course, parents have heard a lot about the harmful effects of computers on the emerging child's psyche. However, using it correctly can help a preschooler learn the alphabet. After all, there are a number of developmental programs designed taking into account the age characteristics of children. Here are just some examples:

  1. Azbuka Pro. Letters are hidden under the squares. When pressed, they open for a while, announce their name, and then disappear. The child must open pairs.

    The task of the child is to open pairs of identical letters

  2. "Smeshariki: primer". The goal of the game is to collect letters from sticks located above the playing field. You can choose different difficulty levels.
  3. "Primer-Smesharik". Together with the characters of the animated series Smeshariki, children travel through a magical land to find the lost letters.

    Together with the heroes of the animated series, the child must find the lost letters

  4. "Luntik: the alphabet". The study of letters takes place in 4 stages. 1. The child clicks on the letters in the alphabet - Luntik calls the word that begins with a given letter. 2. Kuzya names letters - they need to be found in the alphabet. 3. Luntik shows pictures - you need to choose the letter with which the word begins. 4. There is a sequence of letters on the screen, the first and last ones are open - you need to place the missing letters.

Do you want to know about the most effective way to teach your child letters and learn the alphabet in the shortest possible time? With our recommendations, it will not be difficult for you to teach your child the alphabet at 3-6 years old. In just a month of short lessons, you can learn vowels and consonants with your child and start reading.

Why teach a child the alphabet

Before you introduce your child to the letters of the Russian alphabet, answer yourself the question WHY you want to do this right now. Is your child 5 or 6 years old and you want to prepare him for school? He is 2 years old and you want to show off the successes of a little genius to your friends and relatives? The kid is 3 years old and you want to "invest in him the maximum" in all ways available to you, so as not to miss the optimal moment for all-round development? What?

Of course, you can teach a child the alphabet at any age. You can show letter cards from the cradle, but... Let's put parental ambitions aside and focus on the object - the child. Why does he need to know letters? Right to read! Are you sure that right now he is READY to learn the basics of reading? Read what conditions are necessary in order to teach a child to read in our articles and only after that make the right decision:

Any knowledge should be put into practice. You must clearly understand that the study of letters and the alphabet is teaching the child to read. Otherwise there is no point, there are a bunch of others effective ways develop memory, thinking, speech. It is not necessary for this to learn letters with a one and a half year old malupas, who is not yet able to pronounce them correctly. If you start learning the alphabet too early, there is a high chance that the child will simply forget the letters by the time he is ready to learn to read. Or the second, more "terrible" moment. Having learned “be”, “ve”, “de”, the child will not be able to read, because other rules work when reading. To merge syllables and turn them into words, you need to pronounce sounds completely different. Relearning is always harder. Be careful with the choice of talking toys and books: they do not always pronounce the letters correctly!

By itself, knowing the alphabet will not give the baby anything. He will simply memorize it like a song or a rhyme, but this will not teach him to read. Therefore, leave the study of the alphabet for children 5-6 years old, who will need it at school, and with toddlers, just learn the letters without adhering to the alphabetical sequence.

  • The alphabet is not just all the letters, it's the letters in a CERTAIN sequence.
  • The alphabet is the basis of any language.
  • The alphabet is the key to all dictionaries, reference books, encyclopedias, and other documents where order and systematization are important.
  • Knowing the alphabet saves time.

Learning letters: where to start

In what order do you learn the letters? Do I need to learn the alphabet? Start with vowels or consonants?

Let's be clear, then:

1. No need to learn letters in alphabetical order.

2. Do not learn letters mixed up: either vowels or consonants.

3. Be the first to learn with your child 10 letters for vowel sounds.

The most important thing at this age is to pay attention to CORRECT SPEECH. If necessary, contact a speech therapist to help put the right sounds, because success in school directly depends on this.

A common problem at this age is sound R. You can work with your child on your own by doing it regularly.

We recommend reading
