Translation of "participants did not agree" in Chinese. In Volgograd, they did not come to a consensus on methods of combating neo-pagans "Pogroms of Uzbeks with the approval of official Bishkek"

Roofing materials 01.08.2020
Roofing materials

On Saturday, September 15, residents of the Volga region organized a people's gathering against the tower cellular communication, which was placed under their windows. About 70 people came out into the street from houses on Dzerzhinsky Avenue.

As one of the local residents Galina Mubarakshina, police officers were present at the event, but they did not interfere in the process, they did not check the documents and did not take anyone away.

According to the representative of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Nizhny Novgorod Region, no violations were recorded at the meeting.

We stood on the street and talked with MTS employees, who showed us documents, according to which the tower does not pose a threat. But Rospotrebnadzor says that they have not received any documents on the calculations of the levels of electromagnetic fields for the base station of MTS PJSC to agree on the size of the sanitary protection zone and restricted zones. We do not believe these papers, - shared Galina.

The gathering lasted about an hour. There was no administration of the Volga region on it.

As a result, of course, MTS and I did not come to a consensus. They stated that the tower was not dangerous and they would not dismantle it. But this does not suit us, - the Zavolzhanka confidently reported.

According to her, after all that had happened, the residents of the city decided to abandon the services of MTS.

We also learned that the range of this tower is 800 meters. Can you imagine? That is, every 800 meters now they can put such a structure. None of the locals want this. Residents of houses that are located far from ours even came to the gathering, ”Galina said.

Now the townspeople continue to collect signatures for the dismantling of the tower. They are going to draw attention to what happened and continue to contact the monitoring stations and check the safety of the tower. On the this moment collected more than 200 signatures Zavolzhan.

Recall that in early September, a cell tower from MTS PJSC appeared next to house No. 55 on Dzerzhinsky Avenue. Many are dissatisfied with this, because: firstly, the building is located 10 meters from a residential building, secondly, the view from the window is spoiled, and most importantly, residents are afraid of radiation. They did not like that their opinion was not even asked during installation.

However, the press service of MTS PJSC for the Nizhny Novgorod Region told KP NN that the tower was installed in accordance with the law and it does not pose any danger to people.

The base station is installed in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation - the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation, as well as the Law of the Nizhny Novgorod Region "On the Basics of Regulation of Urban Planning Activities in the Nizhny Novgorod Region". The sanitary passport of the facility has already passed an examination with a positive result, and the project documentation has been sent to Rospotrebnadzor. The distance from the installation site of the base station to residential building No. 55 also complies with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation, which is developed taking into account all possible risks and dangers, - answered MTS.

A discussion of the problem of neo-paganism, which is gaining strength in Russia, took place in Volgograd. Representatives of the Volgograd diocese and the regional administration, representatives of the Volgograd diocese and the regional administration, social activists, and scientists took part in the discussion.

As RIAC was informed in the press service of the Volgograd diocese, the participants got acquainted with the conclusions of the scientific-practical conference "Neo-paganism in Russia: history, present, prospects", held at the Don Theological Seminary. It was noted that neo-paganism in Russia is still in the “blooming stage”. A typical participant in neo-pagan holidays is an accomplished man aged 31, with a completed higher education. Most neo-pagans are in cities of federal significance (Moscow, St. Petersburg, Sevastopol).

2-3 thousand people gather for neo-pagan in Central Russia. Up to 10 thousand people gather in Siberia. Of those present at the festival, only 20-30% believe in what is happening at them, the rest are more observers. On holidays, both bloody and bloodless sacrifices are made. Participants dress in national shirts, lead round dances. Cult leaders perform rituals and rites. Workshops are held for guests folk art, playing folk instruments and martial arts. Marriages can take place. Absolutely, at least two rites of cremation under the open sky.

The representative of the regional administration, Yuri Fedorenkov, considered the threat of neo-paganism exaggerated. He suggested that no more than 2,000 people throughout Russia sincerely sympathize with this movement. The humanitarian intelligentsia is attracted folk traditions, but they do not give the action a religious meaning. The official gave several examples of legislative initiatives that are most logically explained as neo-pagan lobbying.

The rector of the Church of St. Sergius of Radonezh, Priest Sergiy Yermolov, shared his experience of communicating with neo-pagans on the Internet and in reality. To overcome the problem, he suggested using church preaching more effectively.

The topic of opposition to neo-paganism turned out to be the most complex and debatable one, and it was not possible to come to a consensus on it. A variety of measures were discussed: the de-romanticization of paganism, preventive lectures and talks, publications in the media on historical topics that would not allow manipulators to lure Volgograd residents through historical forgery.

The participants agreed that criticism of religious doctrines, appeal to archaeological sources and logical arguments in a dispute with established neo-pagans are futile, which is confirmed by the experience of many missionaries from other regions of Russia.

Several reports on inter-ethnic clashes that took place in southern Kyrgyzstan in June 2010 have become public. Their colleagues abroad got acquainted with the conclusions of the Kyrgyz experts.

The National Commission for the Investigation of Ethnic Clashes in the Southern Regions of Kyrgyzstan on June 10-15, 2010, the Independent Commission of the Ombudsman of Kyrgyzstan, the Osh Initiative group published the results of their work in mid-January.

Human Rights Watch report

Earlier, a report by the international human rights organization Human Rights Watch was published. The completion of an independent investigation was also announced by the international commission, which plans to release its report in early February. Several groups were simultaneously collecting information, trying to analyze the causes of the conflict and find those responsible.

"Pogroms of Uzbeks with the approval of official Bishkek"

Each of the commissions in its report names the historical, social and political prerequisites for the conflict in Osh. The conclusions and assessments contained in the reports are sometimes completely opposite. Thus, the organization "Osh Initiative", consisting of Uzbek and Kyrgyz human rights activists, believes that in June pogroms of the Uzbek population took place in Osh.

"Pogroms sanctioned and planned not by third forces, but by individual Kyrgyz politicians in solidarity with the leaders of organized crime in the country and supporters of ex-president Kurmanbek Bakiyev," the report says. In its conclusions, the Osh Initiative claims that the June riots "occurred with the approval and connivance of official Bishkek."

" Interethnic conflict provoked by Uzbek communities and Bakiyev's clan"

According to the conclusions of the national commission of inquiry into the June events in Osh, the perpetrators of the events that took place in southern Kyrgyzstan are representatives of the Bakiyev clan and leaders of the Uzbek community, in particular, Kadyrzhan Batyrov. "We do not agree that it was genocide or Civil War. We believe that there has been a major inter-ethnic conflict, provoked by the Uzbek communities and the Bakiyev clan, accompanied by violence, arson and looting."

As Abdygany Erkebaev emphasized, “these events began due to the extremist actions not of the Kyrgyz or Uzbek people, but of Kadyrzhan Batyrov and his accomplices, who organized rallies and were the ideological inspirers of those events. Further, other forces began to gather there, which had different goals, including including the Bakiyev clan.

" The report of the National Commission is superficial"

The human rights organization "Kylym Shamy" headed by Aziza Abdirasulova also collected data on the Osh tragedy. Last fall, Abdirasulova resigned from the national commission, accusing her of superficiality. In an interview with Deutsche Welle, Aziza Abdirasulova said: “I agree that this is a major interethnic conflict, but I do not agree that it was provoked by the Uzbek community or the Bakiyev clan. And I also do not agree that the national commission asks for the award of the President of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov".

According to the human rights activist, the national commission did not take into account or hushed up many facts during the investigation. "There is nothing in the commission's conclusion about the huge amount of firearms that fell into the hands of the crowd. Nothing is said about snipers. It does not say about the responsibility of state officials," says Aziza Abdirasulova.

"People should know the truth, no matter how bitter it may be: neither the Kyrgyz nor the Uzbeks were the first to use weapons," the human rights activist stressed. According to her version, law enforcement officers were the first to use firearms. "They were forced to shoot at the crowd near the Alai Hotel, because they began to burn, cut, and kill them. And the law enforcement agencies did not have special equipment on their hands: rubber bullets, stun grenades."

According to Abdirasulova, the events are presented one-sidedly in the report of the Osh Initiative. "They began their report on May 19, when a Kyrgyz mob smashed the university owned by Kadyrzhan Batyrov. But they kept silent about the facts on May 14, when, led by Kadyrzhan Batyrov and representatives of the Ata-Meken party, supporters of the governor of the Jalal-Abad region, they went and burned down the house that belonged to the Bakiyevs' relatives. The whole tragedy started from that."

The commission also drew its conclusions Ombudsman of Kyrgyzstan

According to the conclusions of the Ombudsman's Commission of Kyrgyzstan, interethnic conflicts in the south are "the fruit of the work of the overthrown presidents Akaev and Bakiyev." The roots of inter-ethnic tensions in the south, as stated in the report, "are in misery and poverty, which are easy to mobilize under any slogans."

In particular, the authors point to the activities of the leader of the Uzbek community, Kadyrzhan Batyrov. "Batyrov's provocative speeches at rallies in Jalal-Abad were the detonator of the emergence of an interethnic conflict," the report of the Ombudsman's Commission of Kyrgyzstan says. "The main reason for such a large-scale and bloody conflict in the south was the inability of the state to protect its citizens, regardless of race and nationality."

"Law of the street, aggression in society, settling scores"

According to the German expert on Central Asia, Beate Ashment, some of the conclusions of the national commission are not in doubt, although the causes of the conflict require much deeper study. "I am practically sure that both Uzbeks and representatives of the Bakiyev clan are involved in this conflict. But the search for the perpetrators in this form will not bring anything. It is much more important now to understand how to improve the situation," the expert says. In her opinion, a number of prerequisites led to the conflict in the south of Kyrgyzstan.

“Of course, the important fact is that the socio-economic situation of the Uzbeks all these years was much better, and the Kyrgyz were in power in the meantime. But the decisive factor is that, due to the events taking place in the country in recent years, the population everywhere is trying to solve their problems through protests, rallies, demonstrations. The Kyrgyz people chose the law of the street, no longer relying on the government. This situation was used by people from the Bakiyev clan and the leaders of the Uzbek diaspora. The conflict in such conditions was almost impossible to prevent!"

Another German expert from the Institute for the Study of Peace and Security Policy in Hamburg, Anna Kreikemeier, also says that she would not name the perpetrators now. "With such a high level of aggression, any tension in relations between representatives of different nationalities in the south of Kyrgyzstan led to serious consequences: the image of the enemy began to take shape in society, then the search for" scapegoats " began.

According to Anna Kraikmeier, "in the course of the investigation, it became quite obvious that the Bakiyevs, especially Maxim Bakiyev, the president's son and Zhanysh, the president's brother and head of the presidential security service, were very closely connected with criminal structures. The events in Osh became a kind of settling of scores."


The work in the south of Kyrgyzstan, the international commission began with a long delay

Due to difficult negotiations at the international level, an independent investigation into the conflict in southern Kyrgyzstan is starting almost two months later than previously planned. The preparation of the report is postponed to a later date. (10/18/2010)

We absolutely need sleep. A person can survive for quite a long time without food, a week without water, and five or six days without sleep can lead not only to serious consequences for the body, but also to death. It is no coincidence that sleep deprivation torture, which was also practiced in the dungeons of the Lubyanka to break a person, is one of the most severe.

Sleep is needed not only for us, animals and birds sleep. Other animals - reptiles and even invertebrates - have a resting stage. However, according to Doctor of Biological Sciences Vladimir Kovalzon, leading researcher, leader Russian Society of Somnologists Only warm-blooded animals — mammals and birds — have true sleep. And this dream is complexly organized, consists of several stages.

The need for sleep for life, as he told the correspondent of Gazeta.Ru, was proved at the end of the 19th century by a Russian researcher Maria Manaseina. In her experiments, she kept the puppies awake, constantly stroked them, and after four or five days the puppies died.

If the body needs sleep so much, then why? The answer to this question - our body gets tired during the day and rests in a dream - ceased to be obvious when scientists found that our internal organs work in a dream and, most importantly, the brain works very actively.

How sleep works

Most of all, to study the electrical activity of the brain during sleep, the French researcher Michel Jouvet, who is also known as author of "The Dream Thief". He found that sleep consists of two successive phases.

if sleep is involved in memory processes, it does not play a major role.

Scientists conducted experiments in which rats were deprived of sleep by rolling them on a carousel. It turned out that sleep deprivation impaired the rats' ability to learn, but not by much. The neurophysiologist believes that, most likely, in a dream, the brain gets rid of unnecessary information, cutting off everything superfluous and leaving what is really important.

Another hypothesis is that important metabolic steps take place during sleep.

Data have been obtained that during slow-wave sleep in mice, genes encoding proteins involved in the synthesis of various enzymes and other vital proteins work in the cerebral cortex and hypothalamus.

Thus, the brain in a dream prepares for wakefulness. Perhaps at this time there are biochemical reactions that require a lot of time.

And according to the hypothesis of Doctor of Biological Sciences, leading researcher Ivan Pigarev, during sleep, brain neurons switch to a different mode of operation. They cease to perceive information from the external environment and switch to information from internal organs. The activity of neurons during sleep ensures the coordination of all body systems: cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive.

Back in Soviet times, neurophysiologists Vadim Rotenberg and Viktor Arshavsky hypothesized that

REM sleep provides a psychological defense mechanism against stress.

Usually, when stressed, the proportion of REM sleep increases. According to the hypothesis of scientists, at this time the brain is trying to find a solution to a situation that a person is not able to resolve in reality. This "search activity" saves the body from the severe effects of stress.

Another important role of sleep has been recently proven. Answering Gazeta.Ru about the most interesting discoveries of recent times, Vladimir Kovalzon said: “Perhaps the most interesting thing is a sensational article that published October 18, 2013 in Science("Gazeta.Ru" wrote). A group of researchers led by the Dane Maiken Niedergaard, who is now working in the United States at the University of Rochester, discovered a previously unknown drainage system in the brain. It serves to remove large molecules that cannot leave it in the usual way. In the body, they are removed by lymph, but there is no lymph in the brain, and it was not known how this happens. The authors called this system glymphatic, from the word "glia". Astrocyte cells have channels that conduct water, and so far it has not been entirely clear why they are needed. These tubules open, water enters the intercellular fluid and flushes out all harmful substances. These tubules open during sleep and close when awake.

This is also very important for the mechanisms of development of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, when pathological proteins are formed. Drainage removes these proteins, and this happens during sleep. And if the circulation is disturbed, they accumulate and form plaques.

Intuitively, it has long been clear that sleep cleanses the brain, it is no coincidence that we wake up with a fresh head. But now this has been proven using the most modern technology, two-photon microscopy".

Sleep bills

“The normal duration of sleep for an adult is considered to be seven to eight hours,” a somnologist, associate professor at the Moscow Medical Academy. Sechenov Mikhail Poluektov. - The most obvious consequences of lack of sleep are a decrease in attention, memory, and performance. Labor productivity is reduced by about half, the number of errors increases.

It is estimated that the risk of getting into an accident in a sleepy person increases five times.

The danger of man-made disasters through his fault is also growing. At the same time, insufficient sleep syndrome is common today, especially for residents of large cities. It is believed that out of ten actively working people, nine do not get enough sleep on weekdays.

Lack of sleep can make you seriously ill. As Mikhail Poluektov said, “people who chronically do not get enough sleep are more likely to have hypertension, bronchial asthma, gastritis, peptic ulcer disease and, as has been shown, even one and a half times higher mortality in the long term from various diseases.”

Lack of sleep is a direct path to diabetes, as it develops cell resistance to insulin.

People who work at night are more likely to gain weight. Wakefulness causes hunger, and a person goes to the kitchen with something to eat. And his biological clock is not set at this time for food, and calories turn into body fat.

The immune system also suffers from lack of sleep. This fact was experimentally verified on volunteers who were infected with rhinovirus (the virus that causes SARS) for scientific purposes. It turned out that those who sleep less than seven hours a night fell ill more often than those who sleep seven to eight hours.

Insomnia is a serious condition, according to statistics, about 6% of people in the population suffer from it, and with age, their number reaches 15%.

In order to avoid insomnia, it is important to observe sleep hygiene.

What it is, Mikhail Poluektov explained to the correspondent of Gazeta.Ru: to sleep in silence, in the dark, on a comfortable pillow, in a room where it is neither too hot nor too cold; before going to bed, do not watch films with shooting and do not swear with your family; do not eat much at night, do not drink coffee or alcohol.

A glass at night to fall asleep, not the best remedy: the inhibitory effect of alcohol will be replaced by an exciting one, and sleep will be intermittent.

You need to go to bed and get up at the same time so that the body gets used to when to activate and when to relax.

Good night everyone!

In Kyiv, this evening announced the suspension of the operation with the use of the army in the eastern regions. This is stated in the comments of the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry to the agreements reached in Geneva. On their own occasion, the acting head of the department said a little earlier that the military operation would continue until the demonstrators were completely disarmed.

There are other inconsistencies with regard to the document, which was worked on in Switzerland all day the day before. According to the Kyiv version, there are two types of rallies: the only correct one and all the others.

The unexpected interpretation by the Kyiv authorities of what was achieved in Geneva was voiced, as they say, firsthand. Andrei Deshchitsa, Acting Foreign Minister, commented on the demands for the disarmament of all illegal armed groups.

"If you carefully read the agreements, then we are talking about the release of roads and squares that were illegally occupied by the protesters. As far as I know, Maidan activities are legal," he said.

Meanwhile, the following is literally spelled out in the Geneva agreements: "All illegal armed formations must be disarmed; all illegally seized buildings must be returned to their rightful owners; all illegally occupied streets, squares, and other public places in all cities of Ukraine must be liberated."

That is, the Maidan, at a minimum, occupies buildings that do not belong to the Maidanites, and, as a maximum, is armed. The Russian Foreign Ministry also expresses disappointment with such free interpretations.

“When we talk about disarmament in Ukraine, we mean, first of all, the seizure of weapons from the militants of the Right Sector and other pro-fascist groups that participated in the coup in Kyiv,” the Russian Foreign Ministry said in an official statement.

It is understandable why the Verkhovna Rada, which had been trying all day to work out a memorandum on resolving the situation in the east, went on the Easter holidays without agreeing on anything. They just talked about different things. The meeting, by the way, began with a brawl. Presidential candidate Lyashko expelled Volodymyr Oleinik from the hall of Regions, the very one who, during the confrontation between Maidan and Yanukovych, was the author of the law on restricting the rights of participants in rallies.

Neither the regionals nor the communists believed the parliamentary majority, which proposed as a settlement of the conflict to establish a certain deadline for the surrender of weapons for armed groups. True, when asked whether this concerns Kyiv, the deputies answered evasively.

"This is a clear statement about the time until which moment this should happen. Whoever does not, the force of the law will be used. There are no territorial indications, the law should be the same throughout the territory," the acting president said. Chairman of the faction "Batkivshchyna" Sergei Sobolev.

Such general phrases and the lack of specifics did not please the opposition deputies, who sensed a catch.

"They don't hear us when we assume specifics on points, we say that the disarmament and liberation of buildings should go on throughout the country," says Oksana Kaletnik, deputy of the Verkhovna Rada from the Communist Party.

“The adoption of a separate amnesty law will not solve anything. People in the east do not consider themselves criminals. They say that in Kyiv, it means they are activists, but here they are terrorists? Both the buildings are occupied and the buildings are occupied here. Why such double standards? " - the chairman of the faction "Party of Regions" Alexander Efremov is perplexed.

Whoever was the first to arm and seize buildings should be the first to set an example of disarmament. In addition, the authorities must release the detained and arrested Anti-Maidan activists, drop charges against the protesters, return the army to their places of deployment and remove special forces from the southeast, and finally stop the threats.

According to self-defense leaders in the east, Kyiv must actually prove that it will comply with the Geneva agreements, but so far this has not been seen.

"We continue preparations for the referendum. Kyiv is not going to comply with these agreements, they started violating them yesterday, they announced their refusal to withdraw troops from Slavyansk and Kramatorsk. The buildings must be vacated either by everyone or by no one. Both Turchinov and Yatsenyuk will vacate illegally occupied building by them," says the co-chairman of the Presidium of the Donetsk people's republic Denis Pushilin.

And these are not the demands of some political group, people on the streets of Donetsk and Luhansk are talking about it. This is exactly what Vladimir Putin was talking about the day before. Without people's trust in the government, the crisis cannot be resolved.

"Why are Kyiv politicians going east? Who do they talk to? With their appointees? You don't need to travel for this. You need to talk with the people, with those whom people trust. And they are dragging the army. And they say - disarm. Well, the east will disarm, and who will disarm the Right Sector? - perplexed Russian President.

But what kind of trust can we talk about if, while demanding from the East to stop resistance, the authorities simultaneously award large awards for the heads of the so-called "Russian saboteurs", only fueling the paranoia reigning in society?

"For each transferred saboteur, the Headquarters of the National Defense of the Dnepropetrovsk region announces a reward of 10 thousand US dollars. For each vacated administrative building I announce a reward of 200 thousand US dollars," said Yuriy Bereza, commander of the Dnepr-1 unit.

What kind of trust can we talk about if the "Right Sector" is still recruiting fighters on the Maidan, including to be sent to the eastern regions?

"Mobilization is going well, several groups have left for Dnepropetrovsk, in the Poltava, Kharkiv regions. They learn to shoot, disassemble and assemble weapons. Their instructors are military men to teach the basics of military affairs," said Igor, coordinator of the Right Sector in the Kyiv region. Gorban.

Supporters of the "Right Sector" are contributing to the persecution of politicians objectionable to Kyiv. Here they are picketing the Rada, demanding in the literal sense of the word to put an end to presidential candidate Oleg Tsarev, against whom, by the way, they are already going to start a third criminal case under the article "Separatism" - this is how calls for federalization are now called in Kyiv. True, why it is necessary to put an end to Tsarev, the right-wingers could not explain. Just "annoying".

Finally, the people of Kiev are calling for disarming the radicals. And today, people, mostly pensioners and students, came to a spontaneous rally in front of the building of the National Bank of Ukraine. They demanded the resignation of its chairman and an end to the endless rise in prices.

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