Pictures of folk life are depicted in art. “I dedicated the lyre to my people. Essays by topic

Attic 13.10.2021

I dedicated the lyre to my people.
ON THE. Nekrasov
Poem by N.A. Nekrasov “Who should live well in Russia” was created over a period of more than ten years (1863-1876). The main problem that interested the poet was the position of the people, the Russian cross of janin under serfdom and after the "liberation". On the essence of the tsar's manifesto N.A. Nekrasov speaks in the words of the people: "You are good, royal letter, but you are not written about us." Pictures of folk life are written with epic breadth, and this gives the right to call the poem an encyclopedia of Russian life of that time.
Drawing numerous images of peasants, various characters, the author divides the heroes, as it were, into two camps: slaves and fighters. Already in the prologue we get acquainted with the peasants-truth-seekers. They live in villages with characteristic names: Zaplatovo, Dyryavino, Razutovo, Znobishino, Gorelovo, Neelovo, Neurozhayka. The purpose of their journey is to find a happy person in Russia. Traveling, peasants meet with different people. After listening to the story of the priest about his "happiness", having received advice to find out about the happiness of the landowner, the peasants say:
We know them!
Truth-seekers are not satisfied with the "noble" word, they need the "Christian word":
Give me a Christian word!
Noble with a scolding,
With a push and with a poke,
That is unsuitable for us!
Truth seekers are hardworking, always striving to help others. Hearing from a peasant woman that there are not enough working hands to remove the bread on time, the peasants offer:
And what are we, godfather?
Come on sickles! All seven
How will we become tomorrow - by evening
We will harvest all your rye!
Just as willingly, they help the peasants of the Illiterate province mow the grass.
Most fully, Nekrasov reveals the images of peasant fighters who do not grovel before the masters, do not reconcile themselves to their slavish position.
Yakim Nagoi from the village of Bosovo lives in dire poverty. He works to death, escaping under a harrow from heat and rain.
The chest is sunken; like a depressed
Stomach; at the eyes, at the mouth
Bends like cracks
On dry ground...
Reading the description of the appearance of a peasant, we understand that Yakim, all his life toiling on a gray, barren piece of land, himself became like the earth. Yakim admits that most of his labor is appropriated by "shareholders" who do not work, but live on the labors of peasants like him: You work alone, And as soon as the work is over, Look, there are three dolytsiks: God, king and master!
All my long life Yakim worked, experienced many hardships, starved, went to prison, and, “like a peeled velvet, he returned to his homeland.” But still he finds in himself the strength to create at least some kind of life, some kind of beauty. Yakim decorates his hut with pictures, loves a well-aimed word, his speech is full of proverbs and sayings. Yakim is the image of a new type of peasant, a rural proletarian who has been in the seasonal industry. And him voice - voice the most advanced peasants:
Every peasant has
Soul that black cloud -
Angry, formidable - and it would be necessary
Thunders rumble from there,
Pour bloody rain...
The poet treats his hero Yermil Girin with great sympathy, the village headman, fair, honest, intelligent, who, according to the peasants,
At seven years of a worldly penny
Didn't squeeze under the nail
At the age of seven, he did not touch the right one,
Didn't let the guilty
I did not bend my heart.
Only once did Yermil act out of conscience, giving the son of the old woman Vlasyevna instead of his brother to the army. Repentant, he tried to hang himself. According to the peasants, Yermil had everything for happiness: peace of mind, money, honor, but his honor is special, not bought "neither money nor fear: strict truth, intelligence and kindness."
The people, defending the worldly cause, in difficult times help Yermil to save the mill, showing exceptional trust in him. This act confirms the ability of the people to act together, in peace.
And Ermil, not afraid of the prison, took the side of the peasants when "the patrimony of the landowner Obrubkov rebelled." Ermil Girin is a defender of peasant interests.
The next and most striking image in this series is Savely, the Holy Russian hero, a fighter for the cause of the people. In his youth, he, like all peasants, for a long time endured cruel abuse from the landowner Shalashnikov and his manager. But Savely cannot accept such an order, and he rebels along with other peasants, he buried the German Vogel alive in the ground. "Twenty years of strict hard labor, twenty years of settlement" Savely received for this. Returning as an old man to his native village, he retained good spirits and hatred for the oppressors. "Branded, but not a slave!" he says about himself. Savely to old age retained a clear mind, cordiality, responsiveness. In the poem, he is shown as a people's avenger:
...Our axes
They lay for the time being!
He speaks contemptuously of the passive peasants, calling them "the dead ... the lost."
Nekrasov calls Saveliy a Holy Russian hero, emphasizing his heroic character, and also compares him with the folk hero Ivan Susanin. The image of Savely embodies the desire of the people for freedom.
This image is given in the same chapter with the image of Matryona Timofeevna not by chance. The poet shows together two heroic Russian characters. Matrena Timofeevna goes through many trials. She lived freely and cheerfully in her parents' house, and after marriage she had to work like a slave, endure the reproaches of her husband's relatives, and the beatings of her husband. She found joy only in work and in children. She had a hard time with the death of her son Demushka, a year of hunger, and begging. But in difficult times, she showed firmness and perseverance: she fussed about the release of her husband, who was illegally taken as a soldier, she even went to the governor himself. She stood up for Fedotushka when they wanted to punish him with rods. Recalcitrant, resolute, she is always ready to defend her rights, and this brings her closer to Savely. Having told wanderers about her difficult life, she says that “it’s not a matter of looking for a happy woman among women.” In the chapter entitled "The Woman's Parable", a peasant woman speaks of the female lot:
Keys to female happiness
From our free will
abandoned, lost
God himself.
But Nekrasov is sure that the "keys" must be found. The peasant woman will wait and achieve happiness. The poet speaks about this in one of Grisha Dobrosklonov's songs:
You are still in the family as long as a slave,
But the mother is already a free son!
Nekrasov with a special feeling created images of truth-seekers, boards, which expressed the strength of the people, the will to fight against the oppressors. However, the poet could not help but turn to the dark sides of the life of the peasantry. The poem depicts peasants who have become accustomed to their slave position. In the chapter "Happy", the truth-seekers meet with a householder who considers himself happy because he was Prince Peremetiev's favorite slave. The courtyard is proud that his daughter, along with the young lady, “learned both French and all kinds of languages, she was allowed to sit down in the presence of the princess.” And the courtyard himself stood for thirty years at the chair of the Most Serene Prince, licked the plates after him and drank the rest of the overseas wines. He is proud of his "closeness" to the masters and his "honorable" disease - gout. Simple freedom-loving peasants laugh at a slave who looks down on his fellow peasants, not understanding all the meanness of his lackey position. The courtyard of Prince Utyatin Ipat did not even believe that the peasants had been declared "freedom":
And I am the Utyatin princes
Serf - and the whole story here!
From childhood to old age, the master in every possible way mocked his slave Ipag. All this the footman took for granted:
... redeemed
Me, the last slave,
In the winter in the hole!
Yes, how wonderful!
Two holes:
In one he will lower in the net,
It will instantly pull out into another -
And bring vodka.
Ipat could not forget the master's "favors": the fact that after swimming in the hole in the hole the prince "will bring vodka", then he will plant him "nearby, unworthy, with his princely person."
A submissive slave is also "an exemplary slave - Jacob the faithful." He served with the cruel Mr. Polivanov, who "in the teeth of an exemplary serf ... seemed to blow with his heel." Despite such treatment, the faithful slave protected and gratified the master until his old age. The landowner severely offended his faithful servant by recruiting his beloved nephew Grisha. Yakov “fooled”: first he “drank the dead”, and then he brought the master into a deaf forest ravine and hung himself on a pine tree above his head. The poet condemns such manifestations of protest in the same way as servile obedience.
With indignation, Nekrasov speaks of such traitors to the people's cause as the headman Gleb. He, bribed by the heir, destroyed the "free" given to the peasants before his death by the old master-admiral, than "for decades, until recently, eight thousand souls were secured by the villain."
To characterize the yard peasants, deprived of self-esteem, the poet finds contemptuous words: slave, serf, dog, Judas. Nekrasov concludes the characteristics with a typical generalization:
People of the servile rank -
real dogs sometimes:
The more severe the punishment
So dear to them, gentlemen.
By creating different types peasants, Nekrasov claims: there are no happy ones among them, the peasants, even after the abolition of serfdom, are still destitute and bled, only the forms of oppression have changed. But among the peasants there are people capable of conscious, active protest. And therefore the poet believes that in the future in Russia there will come good life:
More Russian people
No limits set:
Before him is a wide path.

Nekrasov N. A.

An essay on a work on the topic: Pictures of folk life in the poem by N. A. Nekrasov “Who should live well in Russia”.

“Nekrasov is the same as if there were such a man, with enormous abilities, with Russian, peasant pains in his chest, who would take it that way and describe his Russian insides and show it to his brothers-muzhiks:
"Look at yourself!"
(Newspaper "Pravda", October 1, 1913)

All his life, N. A. Nekrasov nurtured the idea of ​​​​a work that would become a folk book, that is, a book “useful, understandable to the people and truthful”, reflecting the most important aspects of his life. “According to a word,” he accumulated material for this book for 20 years, and then worked on the text of the work for 14 years. The result of this colossal work was this epic poem "Who should live well in Russia."
The wide social panorama unfolded in it, the truthful depiction of peasant life, begin to occupy a dominant place in this work. Separate plot-independent parts and chapters of the epic are connected by the inner unity of the poem - the image of the life of the people.
From the first chapter of the first part begins the study of the main life force of Russia - the people. It was the desire to portray the entire people's Russia that led the poet to such paintings where a lot of people could be gathered. It appears especially fully in the chapter "Country Fair".
Wanderers came to the square:
A lot of goods
And apparently invisible
To the people! Isn't it fun?
With great skill, Nekrasov conveys the flavor of Russian festivities. There is a feeling of direct participation in this holiday, as if you are walking among a motley crowd and absorbing the atmosphere of universal joy, a holiday. Everything around is moving, making noise, screaming, playing.
And here is an episode that confirms the idea of ​​the moral strength and beauty of the national character. The peasants are happy with the act of Veretennikov, who presented Vavila's granddaughter with shoes:
But other peasants
So they were disappointed
So happy, like everyone
He gave the ruble!
Pictures of folk life are not only fun, joy, celebration, but also its dark, unsightly, “ugly” side. The fun turned into drunkenness.
Crawled, lay, rode,
Drunk floundered,
And there was a groan!

The road is crowded
What later is uglier:
More and more often come across
Beaten, crawling
Lying in a layer.
"Drank" and the man who "thought about the ax", and the guy "quiet", who buried a new undercoat in the ground, and the "old", "drunk woman". The statements from the crowd testify to the darkness, ignorance, patience and humility of the people.
The peasant world appears extremely naked in all intoxicated frankness and immediacy. The interchanging words, phrases, quick dialogues and shouts seem to be random and incoherent.
But among them sharp political remarks are discernible, testifying to the desire and ability of the peasants to comprehend their situation.

You are good, royal letter,
Yes, you are not written about us ...
And here is a picture of collective labor - "merry mowing." She is imbued with a festive and bright feeling:
Dark people! There are white
Women's shirts, but colorful
men's shirts,
Yes voices, yes tinkling
Agile braids…
The joy of work is felt in everything: “high grass”, “agile braids”, “fun mowing”. The picture of mowing gives rise to the idea of ​​inspired labor, capable of repeating miracles:
Sweeps are haymaking
They go in the right order:
All brought together
Braids flashed, tinkled ...
In the chapter "Happy" Nekrasov showed the people already as a "world", that is, as something organized, conscious, with the strength of which neither the merchant Altynnikov nor the chicane clerks are able to compete ("Cunning, clerks are strong, and their world is stronger , the merchant Altynnikov is rich, but he will not be able to resist against the worldly treasury").
The people win by organized action in the economic struggle and actively behave (albeit spontaneously, but still more decisively) in the political struggle. In this chapter of the poem, the writer told, “how the patrimony of the landowner Obrubkov rebelled in the Frightened province, the county of Nedykhaniev, the village of Stolbnyaki ...”. And in the next chapter (“The Landowner”) the poet once again for the “sharp-witted” people will ironically say: “The village must have rebelled in excess of gratitude somewhere!”.
Nekrasov continues to recreate the collective image of the hero. This is achieved, first of all, by the masterful depiction of folk scenes. The artist does not stop for a long time at showing individual types of the peasant masses.
The growth of peasant consciousness is now being revealed in historical, social, everyday, psychological terms.
It must be said about the contradictory soul of the people. In the mass of peasants there is an old woman, “pockmarked, one-eyed”, who sees happiness in the turnip harvest, “a soldier with medals”, pleased that he was not killed in battles, a courtyard man of Prince Peremetyev, proud of gout - a noble disease. Wanderers, seekers of happiness, listen to everyone, and the people in their bulk become the supreme judge.
As he judges, for example, the court prince Peremetyev. The impudence and arrogance of the toady-licker causes contempt of the peasants, they drive him away from the bucket from which they treat the "happy" at the rural fair. It must not be overlooked that Peremetiev's "beloved slave" once again flickers among the pictures of the drunken night. He is flogged for theft.
Where he is caught - here is his judgment:
Three dozen judges met
We decided to give a vine,
And each gave a vine.
It is no coincidence that this was said after the scenes of people's trust were drawn: Yermil Girin is given money without receipts to buy a mill, and in the same way - for honesty - he returns it. This contrast suggests the moral health of the masses of the peasantry, the strength of their moral rules even in an atmosphere of serfdom.
The image of the peasant woman Matrena Timofeevna occupies a large and special place in the poem. The story about the share of this heroine is a story about the share of the Russian woman in general. Talking about her marriage, Matrena Timofeevna talks about the marriage of any peasant woman, about all their great multitude. Nekrasov managed to combine privacy heroines with mass life without identifying them. Nekrasov all the time sought to expand the meaning of the image of the heroine, as if to embrace as many women's destinies as possible. This is achieved by weaving folk songs and lamentations into the text. They reflect the most characteristic features of folk life.
Songs and lamentations are a small fraction of the artistic originality of the poem "Who in Russia should live well." One can write about the people, write for the people only according to the laws of folk poetry. And the point is not that Nekrasov turned to folklore, using vocabulary, rhythm and images of folk art. In the poem "To whom it is good to live in Russia", first of all, it is revealed folk theme- the people's search for the path to happiness. And this theme is approved by Nekrasov as the leading one, which determines the movement of the people forward.
Behind the numerous pictures of people's life there is an image of Russia, that "wretched and plentiful, downtrodden and omnipotent ..." country. A patriotic feeling, a heartfelt love for the motherland and people fills the poem with that inner burning, that lyrical warmth that warms its harsh and truthful epic narrative.

N. A. Nekrasov’s poem “Who Lives Well in Russia” is conceived as an epic, that is, a work of art depicting with the maximum degree of completeness an entire era in the fate of the people. The poet recreates a broad panorama of the life of post-reform Russia, shows the bitter lot of the multi-million Russian peasantry after the “liberation” in 1861.

The poet tragically experiences the events of those years. From the very beginning of the poem - with the significant names of the province, county, volost, villages - the author draws the reader's attention to the plight

people. Already the first lines about fields with poor seedlings give rise to disturbing thoughts in the author about the fate of the people: “What happiness is there?” The heroes of the poem, wandering peasants, go through Russia and before their eyes there are pictures of a sad peasant life. The description of nature in the second chapter is given in inseparable unity with the life of a peasant: "It is a pity for the poor peasant." Plowmen evoke a feeling of compassion, because because of the cold spring, crop failures and famine await them.

She drove the snow, and the greenery
No weed, no leaf!
Water is not removed
The earth does not dress
Green bright velvet
And like a dead man without a shroud,

Under cloudy skies
Sad and naked.

The comparison of the earth with the dead fills the poet's soul with bitter forebodings about the fate of the poor in the coming winter.

With particular force, the motive of peasant deprivation sounds in the description of the village of Klin - “an enviable village”:
Whatever the hut - with a backup,
Like a beggar with a crutch;
And from the roofs the straw is fed
Scott. They stand like skeletons
Wretched houses.

A general picture of the impoverishment of the Russian village and the horrific situation of the Russian woman grows out of a private picture:
Our poor villages
And in them the peasants are sick
Yes, sad women
Nurses, drinkers,
Slaves, pilgrims
And eternal workers...

With bitter irony, the village of Kuzminskoye is called “rich”. It is rich in taverns, in which a Russian peasant pours vodka into mortal anguish. Dirt and desolation are everywhere in the village. The details are indicative: the school is “empty, packed tightly”. This means that literacy classes for the peasant people will hardly begin in the near future. In the hut where the paramedic receives patients, there is only “one window”. Poverty, darkness, ignorance - these are the conditions in which the "liberated" people exist.

At the same time, all these descriptions give an idea of ​​the spiritual wealth of a person from the people. Wanderers use in their speech a well-aimed word, vivid epithets and comparisons, sayings and proverbs that reflect the natural mind of ordinary workers. The author draws vivid pictures that help to sharply feel how poor, disenfranchised, but at the same time talented peasant Russia.

The poem highlights the image of a stonemason, “shouldered”, “young. Who does not know the need and who therefore can be called "lucky". His appearance and words are admirable. This is the man loving labor who knows how to work: “he waved with a hammer, like a feather.” The hero is distinguished by both moral and physical beauty. This is a real hero who works from dawn to dusk:
When I wake up to the sun
Let me unwind at midnight
So I will crush the mountain.

However, the comments of one of the wanderers make one think that overwork will surely turn into a tragedy in old age:
... but will not
Carry with this happiness
Old age is hard.

The future of the working peasants still turns out to be hopeless. “A man with shortness of breath”, also torn by work, remembered the fate of “no worse than a bricklayer”, who is now “withering away”.

Pictures of the life of Matrena Timofeevna show what trials Russian women go through: servitude in the husband's family, eternal humiliation, despotism family relations, constant separation from her husband, who was forced to go to work, need: fires, loss of livestock, crop failures; a threat to remain a soldier - the most disenfranchised person. Matrena Timofeevna bitterly tells the wanderers how she was "slandered as a happy woman, called the governor's wife." Indeed, the peasant woman had the happiest day in her life - a meeting with a kind person from the “top”. The sympathetic governor's wife saved Matrena Timofeevna's husband from soldiering. But the fate of the woman's firstborn son, Demushka, did not save her. After his death, the sufferer experienced terrible despair. For another son, Matryona was publicly flogged with rods. The story of the heroine about her life is a story about the fate of any peasant woman, a long-suffering Russian woman-mother. However, the author cherishes in it a sense of dignity, a protest against oppression. The heroine in the poem says proud words:
I bow my head
I carry an angry heart!

Another representative of the peasant world in the work is Yakim Nagoi. He protests against the unfair treatment of the working peasantry:
You work alone
A little bit of work is done
Look, there are three equity holders:
God, king and lord!

In the words of Yakim about the people's soul, a formidable warning sounds:
Every peasant has
Soul that black cloud -
Angry, ugly...

In the image of Savely, the Holy Russian hero, lies the strength and impotence of the Russian peasant, the inconsistency of his consciousness. The hero has:
Saved in slavery, free heart,
Gold, gold, people's heart.

On the other hand, he calls on Matryona to be patient: “Be patient, multi-curved. you are a serf woman!”

So, in the poem, folk life is revealed in a wide variety of manifestations. For the poet, the peasant is great in everything: in his slavish patience, in his age-old suffering, in sins, and in revelry, and in the thirst for will. Nekrasov showed a people who preserved powerful forces even in a painful, impoverished, hopeless life. Therefore, the leading place in the poem is occupied by the images of peasants who are not reconciled with their position, protesting against the oppressors.

Essays on topics:

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  3. The poem “To whom it is good to live in Russia” is the pinnacle work of the work of N. A. Nekrasov. He nurtured the idea of ​​this work for a long time, fourteen...
  4. The poem "To whom it is good to live in Russia" (1863-1877) is the pinnacle of Nekrasov's work. This is a genuine encyclopedia of Russian pre-reform and post-reform life, a work ...

Pictures of Russian life in the work of Nekrasov (Based on the poem "To whom it is good to live in Russia") Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov - the great Russian poet of the 19th century. Great fame brought him a poem - the epic "To whom in Russia it is good to live." I would like to define the genre of this work in this way, because it widely presents pictures of the life of post-reform Russia. This poem has been written for 20 years. Nekrasov wanted to represent all social strata in it: from a peasant peasant to a king. But, unfortunately, the poem was never finished - the death of the poet prevented it. Of course, the peasant theme occupies the main place in the work, and the question that torments the author is already in the title: “Who should live well in Russia?” Nekrasov is disturbed by the thought of the impossibility of living the way Russia lived at that time, of the heavy peasant lot, of the hungry, beggarly existence of a peasant on Russian soil in this poem, Nekrasov, as it seemed to me, does not idealize the peasants at all, he shows the poverty, rudeness and drunkenness of the peasants .

To everyone who meets on the way, men ask a question about happiness. So gradually, from the individual stories of the lucky ones, a general picture of life after the reform of 1861 is formed. To convey it more fully and brighter. Nekrasov, along with wanderers, is looking for a happy man not only among the rich, but also among the people. And before the reader there are not only landowners, priest, wealthy peasants, but also Matrena Timofeevna, Savely, Grisha Dobrosklonov And in the chapter “Happy” images and pickles of the people are conveyed most realistically. One by one, the call comes from the peasants: "the whole square is crowded" listening to them. However, the men did not recognize any of the narrators.

Hey, man's happiness! Leaky, with patches, humpbacked with corns... After reading these lines, I concluded that the people throughout Russia are poor and humiliated, deceived by their former masters and the tsar. The situation of the people is clearly drawn by the name of those places where the peasants come from - wanderers: Terpigorev district, Pustoporozhnaya volost, the villages of Zaplatovo, Dyryavino, Znobishino, Gorelovo. So in the poem the joyless, disenfranchised, hungry life of the peasantry is vividly depicted. The description of nature in the poem is also given in inseparable unity with the life of a peasant. An image of a land devoid of life arises in our imagination - “no greenery, no grass, no leaf.” The landscape gives rise to a feeling of peasant deprivation, grief.

This motif sounds with a special, soul-touching force in the description of the village of Klin, the “village of the Unenviable”: Whatever the hut, with a prop, Like a beggar with a crutch: And from the roofs, straw is fed to Cattle. They stand like skeletons, Wretched houses. Rainy late autumn This is how the nests of the jackdaw look, When the jackdaws fly out And the wind exposes the roadside Birches. The village of Kuzminskoye is also described with its mud, the school “empty, packed tightly”, the hut, “in one window”. In a word, all descriptions are convincing evidence that in the life of a peasant throughout Russia "poverty, ignorance, darkness." However, the images of special peasants such as Saveliy the Bogatyr, Matryona Timofeevna help to judge that Mother Russia is full of spirituality. She is talented. The fact that Nekrasov connected people of different classes in his poem made, in my opinion, the image of Russia of that time not only extensive, but also complete, bright, deep and patriotic. It seems to me that the poem “To whom it is good to live in Russia” reflects the author’s ability to convey reality, reality, and contact with such a work of art brings me closer to high art and history.

The first folk poet, he wrote about the people and for the people, knowing their thoughts, needs, concerns and hopes. The connection with the people filled the life of Nekrasov with special meaning and was the main content of his poetry.

"On the road"

Nekrasov the poet is very sensitive to the changes that are taking place among the people. In his poems, people's life is depicted in a new way, not like that of his predecessors.

Through all the work of the poet passes the motive of the road - a through motive for Russian literature. The road is not just a segment connecting two geographical points, it is something more. “If you go to the right, you will lose your horse; if you go to the left, you yourself will not be alive; if you go straight, you will find your destiny.” The road is the choice life path, goals.

There were many verses on the plot chosen by Nekrasov, in which daring troikas raced, bells rang under an arc, and coachmen's songs sounded. At the beginning of his poem, the poet reminds the reader of this:

Boring! boring! .. The remote coachman,
Disperse my boredom with something!
Song, or something, buddy, sing
About recruiting and separation ...

But immediately, abruptly, decisively, he breaks off the usual and familiar poetic course. What strikes us in this poem? Of course, the coachman's speech, completely devoid of the usual folk-song intonations. It seems as if bare prose unceremoniously burst into poetry: the coachman's speech is clumsy, rude, saturated with dialect words. What new opportunities does such a “mundane” approach to depicting a man from the people open up for Nekrasov the poet?

Note: in folk songs, as a rule, we are talking about “a daring coachman, a “good fellow” or a “red maiden”. Everything that happens to them is applicable to many people from the popular environment. The song reproduces events and characters of national significance and sound. Nekrasov is interested in something else: how people's joys or hardships are manifested in the fate of this particular hero. The poet depicts the general in peasant life through the individual, the unique. Later, in one of his poems, the poet joyfully greets his village friends:

All familiar people
Whatever a man, then a friend.

So after all, it happens in his poetry that no man is a unique personality, a one-of-a-kind character.

Perhaps none of Nekrasov's contemporaries dared to get so close, to get close to a peasant on the pages of a poetic work. Only he could then not only write about the people, but also "speak to the people"; letting in peasants, beggars, craftsmen with their different perception of the world, different language in verse.

With ardent love, the poet refers to nature - the only treasure of the world, which "strong and well-fed lands could not take away from the hungry poor." Subtly feeling nature, Nekrasov never shows it in isolation from man, his activities and condition. In the poems "Uncompressed Strip" (1854), "Village News" (1860), in the poem "Peasant Children" (1861), the image of Russian nature is closely intertwined with the disclosure of the soul of the Russian peasant, his difficult life fate. A peasant who lives in the midst of nature and deeply feels it rarely has the opportunity to admire it.

About whom in question in the poem "Uncompressed band"? As if about a sick peasant. And the trouble is comprehended from the peasant point of view: there is no one to clean the strip, the grown crop will be lost. Here, the land-breadwinner is also animated in a peasant way: “it seems that the ears of corn are whispering to each other.” I was going to die, but this rye, ”they said among the people. And with the onset of the hour of death, the peasant did not think about himself, but about the land, which would remain an orphan without him.

But you read the poem and more and more you feel that these are very personal, very lyrical poems, that the poet looks at himself through the eyes of a plowman. So it was. Nekrasov wrote the “uncompressed strip” to seriously ill patients before leaving abroad for treatment in 1855. The poet was overcome by sad thoughts; it seemed that the days were already numbered, that he might not return to Russia either. And here the courageous attitude of the people to troubles and misfortunes helped Nekrasov to withstand the blow of fate, to preserve his spiritual strength. The image of the “uncompressed lane”, like the image of the “road” in the previous poems, acquires a figurative, metaphorical meaning from Nekrasov: this is both a peasant field, but also a “field” of writing, the craving for which the sick poet has is stronger than death, as love is stronger than death a grain grower to work on the earth, to a labor field.

"Song to Eremushka" (1859)

Nekrasov condemns in this "Song" the "vulgar experience" of opportunists, crawling their way to the blessings of life, and calls on the younger generation to devote their lives to the struggle for the people's happiness.


Reading and independent analysis or commentary of Nekrasov’s poems: “On the road”, “Is I driving at night”, “I don’t like your irony ...”, “Uncompressed band”, “Schoolboy”, “Yeremushka’s Song”, “Funeral”, “ Green Noise”, “Morning”, “Prayer”, fragments from the cycle “About the weather”.

The analysis of poems is carried out at three levels:
- figurative-linguistic (vocabulary, tropes);
- structural and compositional (composition, rhythm);
- ideological (ideological and aesthetic content).

In the poem "Yesterday at six o'clock" Nekrasov first introduced his Muse, the sister of the offended and oppressed. In his last poem, “O Muse, I am at the door of the coffin,” the poet recalls for the last time “this pale, bloody, / Whip-slashed Muse.” Not love for a woman, not the beauty of nature, but the suffering of the poor, tortured by poverty - this is the source of lyrical experiences in many of Nekrasov's poems.

The subject matter of Nekrasov's lyrics is varied.

The first of the artistic principles of Nekrasov-lyric can be called social. The second is social analytics. And this was new in Russian poetry, absent from Pushkin and Lermontov, especially from Tyutchev and Fet. This principle permeates two of Nekrasov's most famous poems: "Reflections at the front door" (1858) and " Railway» (1864).

"Reflections at the Front Door" (1858)

In "Reflections ..." a specific isolated case is the arrival of peasants with a request or complaint to a certain statesman.

This poem is built on contrast. The poet contrasts two worlds: the world of the rich and the idle, whose interests are reduced to "red tape, gluttony, play", "shameless flattery", and the world of the people, where "blatant sorrow" reigns. The poet depicts their relationship. The nobleman is full of contempt for the people, this is revealed with the utmost clarity in one line:

Ours does not like ragged mob!

The feelings of the people are more difficult. Walkers from a distant province wandered "for a long time" in the hope of finding help or protection from a nobleman. But the door "slammed" in front of them, and they leave,

Repeating: "God judge him!",
Spreading hopelessly hands,
And as long as I could see them,
With their heads uncovered...

The poet is not limited to depicting the hopeless humility and endless groaning of the people. “Will you wake up, full of strength? ..” - he asks and leads the reader to answer this question with the whole poem: “The happy are deaf to good”, the people have nothing to expect salvation from the nobles, he must take care of his own fate.

Two principles of reflecting reality in Nekrasov's lyrics naturally lead to the third principle - revolutionary. The lyrical hero of Nekrasov's poetry is convinced that only a popular, peasant revolution can change the life of Russia for the better. This side of the consciousness of the lyrical hero was especially strongly manifested in poems dedicated to Nekrasov's associates in the revolutionary-democratic camp: Belinsky, Dobrolyubov, Chernyshevsky, Pisarev.


School curriculum grade 10 in answers and solutions. M., St. Petersburg, 1999

Yu.V. Lebedev Comprehension of the people's soul // Russian literature of the 18th–19th centuries: reference materials. M., 1995

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