Abstract of GCD for productive activities in origami technique “Snowdrop. Summary of GCD on productive activities. Topic "Space" outline of drawing lessons (preparatory group) on the topic of Nod of productive activity

Wood boards and products 27.07.2020

GCD in the senior speech therapy group "Our funny clowns" (Artistic activity)

Topic of the week: Human Anatomy. 11/17/2015 Khrenkova O.A.

Target: Creating conditions for the development of fine motor skills in children through sculpting clowns from salt dough.

Continue teaching children: to sculpt a craft from salt dough; give the figure movement.

    Develop skills: transfer proportions, work with a stack.

    Strengthen the ability to work in the technique of dough plastic.

    Raise love for mom.

Preliminary work: a conversation about the circus, examining illustrations depicting clowns.

Exhibition of children's handicrafts.

Equipment: salted dough, a sheet of cardboard 10/15, stacks, napkins. A set of paper forms for each child, presentation.

Preliminary work: acquaintance with the circus album.

The course of educational activities

Stage of educational activity

Workspace organization

Adult activity

Children's activities

Psychological and pedagogical conditions / tasks

Children, together with the teacher, stand in a circle.

Postcard congratulating mom on her holiday (calendar sheet)

We write on the board a sequence (action plan) not only for today.

There is flour, paint, salt, paper, rectangular plates.


I draw the attention of the children to the postcard.

The postcard is addressed to mom, it says: that soon there is a holiday for mothers and this is a congratulation for mom.

The teacher offers to do everything in order, depending on how long it takes. Writes points on the board, marking them with pictures.

    Come up with a gift.

    Come up with a postcard:

    Prepare a holiday for mom.

We consider the prepared materials, try to turn to the computer for help. We need to come up with something to make my mother smile. Consider the attached illustrations. (Presentations)

We conclude that we will use salted dough.

You need to choose for yourself a planar image or a volumetric one, I must warn you that a volumetric image is more complicated.

Children stand in a circle, holding hands, smiling at each other.

Children join in the conversation

express their assumptions and come to the conclusion that it is necessary to come up with a congratulation for mom. Better yet, a gift.

Children listen to the teacher, express their assumptions about how long it will take to make cards, crafts, and discuss each point of work.

Express their assumptions: how you can make a picture or craft. They say what can be made of, and how long this or that craft will be stored, how long it will take to make it.

Children are included in the conversation, expressing their opinions, reason.

Conditions for creating a positive emotional attitude to work.

Conditions for the manifestation of communication skills: the ability to negotiate. Conditions for the development of cognitive interest.

Conditions for the manifestation of cognitive interest, motivation for the upcoming activity.

Conditions for the manifestation of communication skills: interaction with each other during the task.

Conditions to support cognitive interest.

Conditions for speech activity.

Main part


Tables have been prepared for children to work on flat paper forms. And sculpting boards. Folk tunes sound.

The sculpted works of children are placed on the board.

The teacher, if necessary, draws the attention of children to the way of working with a particular part.

The teacher offers to compare the received parts of the future clown, find out who succeeded and how he achieved it.

Now we are trying to decorate the paper forms, try to make the gifts like your parents.

I sculpt from plasticine -
Plasticine is softer than clay -
I sculpt from plasticine
Dolls, clowns, dogs ... ..
(Novella Matveeva)

The teacher draws the attention of children to the board, to children's work.

Did we do the job? What did you remember the most? Have you completed all the points of our plan?

Work individually on plates or sculpting boards.

Compare their details with the details suggested in the presentation.

Children look at sketches, express their assumptions.

Independent work children.

Physical minute.

Children come up to the board, stand in a semicircle, join in the discussion, express their assumptions, business conversation of their choice consensus... Children reflect and evaluate their work.

Conditions for creative development.

Conditions for maintaining individuality in the choice of the use of visual means.

Conditions for substantiating your opinion.

Conditions for supporting speech activity.

Conditions for relieving tension, relaxing muscles, maintaining the health of children.

Conditions for enrichment vocabulary children.

Conditions for children to interact with each other.

Conditions for supporting speech activity.

Organizational and motivational moment

For work we need salted dough. To make the work cause joy, we will sculpt clowns, it is possible to perform the work in two versions, but if you make a sculpture, and not a bas-relief, it is more difficult ..

I suggest you give your mothers funny clowns, whom we mold from salt dough. Do you like my proposal?

Roll the sausage out of the dough and divide it in half, half in half. Roll up a ball from a large piece, flatten it between our palms and press it against the cardboard. We cut the stack to make the legs. We roll the ball into a smaller one, cut it with a stack along the edge - this is the hair. Roll up a ball of even smaller size and press it in the middle of this face. We sculpt handles and shoes. You can decorate the costume with dough buttons or beads. When the clowns are dry, we will paint them with paints.

I sculpt from plasticine -
Plasticine is softer than clay -
I sculpt from plasticine
Dolls, clowns, dogs.
If the doll comes out badly,
I will call her Fool,
If the clown comes out badly
I'll call him Fool.
Two brothers came up to me,
They came up and said:
Is the doll to blame
Is the clown to blame?
You make them rude
You don't love them enough

You yourself are to blame
And no one is to blame
And no one is to blame.
I sculpt from plasticine
And I myself sigh heavily.
I sculpt from plasticine
I say this:
If the doll comes out badly,
I'll call her Poor thing
If the clown comes out badly
I'll call him Poor Man.
If the clown comes out badly
I'll call him Poor Man.

Novella Matveeva

Synopsis of directly educational activities for children senior group on productive activities: "We do exercises" (collective modeling

Author: Gorbacheva Marina Aleksandrovna, teacher of MBDOU d / s No. 2 "Kolokolchik", Stary Oskol
Material description... I offer you a summary of directly educational activities on productive activities for children of the older group. This material will be useful for educators of children of older groups when conducting classes aimed at developing skills in working with plasticine, fostering the ability to work in a team.

Synopsis of direct educational activities for children of the senior group on productive activities: "We do exercises" (collective modeling)

Learn to create a collective plot composition, analyze the features of the image of a person in motion, correlate parts in size and proportion; develop skills in working with plasticine; to develop the ability to work in a team; instill a desire to lead a healthy lifestyle
Strengthen the ability to work collectively creatively, the ability to coordinate their actions, to negotiate with each other; develop imagination, a sense of color, aesthetic taste, accuracy.
Preliminary work:
Conversation about a healthy lifestyle.
Material and equipment:
Subject pictures on the topic, plasticine, stacks, a board for rolling plasticine, a napkin, cardboard.
Course of the lesson
1. Creation of game motivation.
There are plot pictures on the board. The song "If you want to be healthy" sounds.
Educator. Once upon a time there was a boy named Alyosha. Once he visited the circus and saw there an artist who lifted cars, a dozen acrobats. He liked it very much, and he decided ...
“I want to become a strongman,
I come to the strongman:
- Tell us about this,
How did you become a strong man?
The strong man looked at me
He threw a chair up to the ceiling.
And then, having caught him,
He lifted the closet like a feather.
So he came to the table,
I grabbed the table by the leg,
He began to juggle them deftly.
- This is just training!
I will not hide my secret.
I get up early in the morning
And in the sun, and in bad weather
I open the windows wide open.
I start charging.
Heels together, socks apart,
Squats and jumps.
One Hundred Fun Exercises
With a rope and a ball!
You will do them without laziness -
You will also become a strong man! "
- This is the advice the artist gave to our Alyosha. But exercising doesn't just make us strong. Have you noticed that after her our mood improves? In general, to make our day go smoothly, we will start it with physical exercises.
Do you remember the exercises we do? (Children show the exercises as they wish.) What are your favorite exercises? No - no, don't show them to me. Let's sculpt ourselves doing these exercises.
2. Demonstration of methods of work.
The teacher shows the techniques of sculpting a human figure, paying attention to the proportions, changes the position of the arms and legs, showing the most expressive poses.
3. Finger gymnastics:
"Fingers are tired, curled up into a fist
One, two, three, four, five wanted to play
Knocked on the neighbors house
There they woke up: six, seven, eight, nine, ten
Everyone is having fun! But it's time to go back to everyone:
Ten, nine, eight, seven,
Six curled up in a ball,
Five yawned and turned away
Four, three, two, one
We sleep in the houses again! "
4. Practical work.
Assignment: perform modeling on the topic, compose the composition "We are doing exercises"
5. Lesson summary.
The composition of children is displayed at the stand.
Educator. Take a look at our composition. Each of you does different exercises: Dima likes to jump on one leg, Katya does bends, Misha likes to do torso bends, and Alena enjoys playing with the ball. But no matter what exercises we do, the main thing is that they all bring us health and good mood.
We did the exercises
We jumped and ran.
Have become tanned
Strong and brave.

MBDOU " Kindergarten combined type No. 68 "

Engels municipal district Saratov region

Abstract of directly educational activities

productive activity "Drawing"

Topic: "Snowfall"

Group: senior

Educator Kuznetsova E.P.

Engels 2013

Approximate basic educational program: "School 2100"

Complex program:"Kindergarten - 2100"

Age group: older

Theme direct educational activities: "Snowfall"

Priority educational area: productive area

Integration of educational areas:cognition, communication, socialization, work, play, reading fiction, artistic creation.

Target: create conditions for the identification and verification of children's ideas about the ability to compose a fairy tale on the proposed topic and depict it on paper, conveying the features of the fairytale genre.

Tasks: contribute to the accumulation of ideas about the selection of synonyms and antonyms, definitions of given words. To develop the artistic and creative abilities of children, free communication with adults and children. Raise interest in the phenomena of inanimate nature.

Activities:play, productive, work, communicative.

Forms of implementation of children's activities: the transformation of children into storytellers and artists, a game.

Equipment: winter landscapes on slides; toys "White cat" and "Snowflake"; sheets of dark blue paper, white gouache, brushes of 2 sizes (for each child).

Prior work:viewing illustrations of snowfall, observing during a walk, reading poems about winter, solving riddles about winter natural phenomena.

GCD move.

Children enter the group to the accompaniment of calm music.

V.: Guys, listen. Can't you hear anything? Who walked so quietly outside the window?

Who came so quietly - quietly?

Well, of course, not an elephant,

And of course the hippo

I couldn't go quietly like that.

And silence is everywhere.

This means, this means:

Winter has come the quietest.

V.: So winter has come to us. You have probably already guessed that today we are going to talk about winter. Guys, you know that every word has words - relatives. There will be a lot of snow this winter. Pick up the words - relatives to the word "snow".

D .: Snowball, snowflake, snowy, snowman, snowdrop.

V.: Guys, think about what you can say "winter"?

D .: Month, garden, plot ...

V.: Come up with definitions for the word "winter". What is she like?

D .: Cold, snowy, frosty, merry, blizzard.

V.: Well done! That's how many good and beautiful words we remembered!

Knock on the door

V.: Someone came to visit us. Who is this? This winter has sent us its magic snowflake. Now this kind sorceress will touch each of you, and you will turn into great storytellers! Let's please our guest winter tale... Oh guys, can you hear who is that purr at the window? Why, this is a cat as white as snow. Now we are going to compose a fairy tale. And it will be called "Snowflake and Cat"

“There was a cat. His name was ... ... .. He loved to walk, but the hostess rarely let him out in the fall. Why do you think? (children's answers). But here came the long-awaited, snow-white ……. The cat came out onto the porch, just lay down, when suddenly something fell on his nose. The cat looked up and saw a shiny ... ... ". And what happened next (children tell their endings of a fairy tale).

V.: And now the snowflake will touch you again and turn children into artists.

(the teacher touches each child with a snowflake)

I want to propose to draw a snowfall. How many knows what it is?

D .: This is when it snows a lot, snow falls from the sky, ...

V.: Come to the tables and notice what color I have prepared you drawing sheets. And why?

D .: Dark blue, because if you paint snow with white paints on white paper, it will be difficult to see.

V.: Right. Today we are going to paint the evening snowfall. Here's how I drew.

(showing the teacher his drawing, examining)

Now close all your eyes and imagine your snowfall

(music sounds)

You will now start your work. And in order to make the drawing more beautiful, let's knead our fingers.

Finger game.

We went for a walk in the yard

One, two, three, four, five.

(bend your fingers one at a time)

We came to the yard for a walk

They sculpted the snow woman.

(imitate sculpting lumps)

The birds were fed with crumbs.

(crumbling bread)

Then we rode down the hill,

(with your index finger, move your palm from top to bottom)

And they were lying in the snow.

(palms on the table with one side and the other)

Everyone came home in the snow.

(shake off)

We ate the soup and went to bed.

V.: Now you can start your work.

(children do their job)

V.: Guys, the magic of the snowflake is over and we have become ordinary guys. Let's take a look at what kind of snowfall we got. Who do you think did the best job? (children express their opinion about the work of their comrades)

What did you like about the transformation today? (....)

What new have you learned today? (...)

At the end of the immediate educational area Together with the children, we organize an exhibition of drawings, compare with the snowfall shown on the slides.

Malakhova Anna Ivanovna

Municipal budgetary preschool

educational institution №89 "Kindergarten

combined type "Umka"

educator, suitability for the position held

Synopsis of directly organized educational

activity "Tree of desires for forest animals"

Educational areas:

Cognitive - speech development;

Artistic and aesthetic development.

Purpose: to acquaint children with an unconventional technique for drawing a Christmas tree with New Year's toys.


To develop in children creativity, imagination, fine motor skills;

To form an artistic taste, aesthetic perception of the world, the ability and desire to bring things to an end;

Learn to perform a volumetric image using shaving foam;

To foster love and respect for nature and animals.

Preliminary work: watching the Christmas tree while walking; learning the poem by K. Chukovsky "Christmas tree"; listening to the children's song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”; conversation with children about the upcoming New Year's holiday.

Equipment and materials: blanks with carved children's palms and New Year's toys for the Christmas tree; shaving foam, gouache, glue, napkins, magnetic board, squirrel toy, squirrel basket with supplies (mushrooms, cones, riddles).

Children age: 4 years

Course of the lesson

Organizing time

Children hear a knock at the door. The teacher offers to see who came, goes out the door and returns with a toy - a squirrel.

Educator (for a squirrel)"Hello guys! Did you recognize me? I ran to you from the forest and brought you riddles in a basket from forest animals. Can you guess them? Well then listen.

∙ Completely in needles, but not a hedgehog To our home under New Year

There are paws, but no legs Someone from the forest will come

In beads all, but not a girl All fluffy, in needles

In the New Year, she is the queen! And the name of that guest is ………

(tree) (tree)

Educator (for a squirrel, sad): Well done boys! Of course, this is a Christmas tree.

Educator: Squirrel, why are you so sad?

Educator (for a squirrel): In the fall, I made supplies for the winter, picked mushrooms, cones and ran away from home so far that I got lost. And I had a nice house on a big fluffy tree and I lost it. But the animals in the forest told me that very sympathetic, kind, funny and skillful children live in the middle group of the Snow White kindergarten, and if I ask them, they will definitely help me.

Educator: Let's help, guys, a squirrel?

Children (in unison): Yes!

Educator: How can we help the squirrel? (children's suggestions)

Educator: Do not be sad, squirrel, sit down, rest. And the guys and I will make such a tree for you that it will not be more beautiful in the forest and will not be found.

Main part

The teacher invites the children to the previously prepared tables with materials for work and invites the children to first stretch their fingers a little.

Finger gymnastics:

“Before us is a Christmas tree (fingers are intertwined, from the thumbs - the top of the Christmas tree)

Bumps, needles (hands in fists, index fingers put forward)

Balls, flashlights (squeeze, unclench "balls" from your fingers)

Bunnies and candles ("ears" from the index and middle fingers)

Stars, little men "(palms folded, fingers spread, index and middle

"Walk" on the table)

Educator: Guys, remember yesterday you and I traced our palms on green paper, and then cut them out? Now our palms will come in handy for making a very beautiful fluffy Christmas tree. Well, what shall we try? Let me show you how to do it.

(the teacher glues blanks of green paper children's handprints on the bottom layer of a high triangle - blanks for spruce, the fingers of the palms look down. Children continue gluing until the silhouette of the Christmas tree is obtained)

Educator: What are you, fellows! We did our best! Clever girls! Instead of one, we got several Christmas trees. Let the squirrel choose one for itself, and give the rest to its forest girlfriends. In the meantime, the squirrel admires our beautiful Christmas trees, I suggest you guys warm up a little, otherwise we stayed too long.

Stand in a circle and repeat the movements after me.

Physical education: children repeat different movements after the teacher

Ate outside the window

They look at the blue sky

Branches stick out to the sides

Squirrels sit on the branches

We sit under the trees

And we look at the squirrels

The sun is shining in the sky

The fox gallops across the field

Well, we'll walk a little - a little

And we will return home to ourselves

(children sit down at the tables again)

Educator: Guys, who remembers what holiday is coming up?

Children: New Year.

Educator: That's right, the New Year will come to us soon. What do we do on New Year's? How are we preparing for this holiday? (leads the children to the idea that they need to decorate the Christmas trees with New Year's toys) I suggest decorating the Christmas trees that we have prepared for the squirrel so that they become even more beautiful. Do you agree? But since our Christmas trees are not quite ordinary, the decorations for them should also be magical.

(shows the children blanks of Christmas tree decorations made of white paper, offers to choose those that they liked the most)

These toys are your desires. But to make your wishes come true you need to paint these toys with "magic" colors. They are so bright and airy.

(offers children bowls with pre-prepared multi-colored paints shaving cream + gouache)

We will type these magical colors on our fingers and apply a thick layer on our Christmas tree toy, and when the paint dries up we will see how voluminous and beautiful they turned out to be.

Children, having made a wish, paint toys, and then attach them to ready-made Christmas trees.

Educator (for a squirrel):

Oh, what a beauty! I am very happy with my house, and I will give the rest of the trees to my girlfriends. And I will definitely convey all your wishes to Santa Claus.

(children say goodbye to the squirrel)

Lesson summary:

Educator: Well, guys, let's remember what we did today in our lesson (children's answers). Whom did we help? And why does a squirrel need a Christmas tree? What did you enjoy doing the most today? (children's answers). Well done, guys, I want to thank you all for your work, for your kindness and responsiveness.

MBDOU "Combined Kindergarten No. 68"

Engels Municipal District of the Saratov Region

Abstract of directly educational activities

productive activity "Drawing"

Theme:" Snowfall"

Group: older

Educator Kuznetsova E.P.


Approximate basic educational program: "School 2100"

Complex program: "Kindergarten - 2100"

Age group: older

Theme direct educational activities: "Snowfall"

Priority educational area: productive area

Target: create conditions for the identification and verification of children's ideas about the ability to compose a fairy tale on the proposed topic and depict it on paper, conveying the features of the fairytale genre.

Tasks: contribute to the accumulation of ideas about the selection of synonyms and antonyms, definitions of given words. To develop the artistic and creative abilities of children, free communication with adults and children. Raise interest in the phenomena of inanimate nature.

Activities: play, productive, work, communicative.

Forms of implementation of children's activities: the transformation of children into storytellers and artists, a game.

Equipment: winter landscapes on slides; toys "White cat" and "Snowflake"; sheets of dark blue paper, white gouache, brushes of 2 sizes (for each child).

Prior work: viewing illustrations of snowfall, observing during a walk, reading poems about winter, solving riddles about winter natural phenomena.

GCD move.

Children enter the group to the accompaniment of calm music.

V.: Guys, listen. Can't you hear anything? Who walked so quietly outside the window?

Who came so quietly - quietly?

Well, of course, not an elephant,

And of course the hippo

I couldn't go quietly like that.

And silence is everywhere.

This means, this means:

Winter has come the quietest.

V.: So winter has come to us. You have probably already guessed that today we are going to talk about winter. Guys, you know that every word has words - relatives. There will be a lot of snow this winter. Pick up the words - relatives to the word "snow".

D .: Snowball, snowflake, snowy, snowman, snowdrop.

V.: Guys, think about what you can say "winter"?

D .: Month, garden, plot ...

V.: Come up with definitions for the word "winter". What is she like?

D .: Cold, snowy, frosty, merry, blizzard.

V.: Well done! That's how many good and beautiful words we remembered!

Knock on the door

V.: Someone came to visit us. Who is this? This winter has sent us its magic snowflake. Now this kind sorceress will touch each of you, and you will turn into great storytellers! Let's please our guest with a winter fairy tale. Oh guys, can you hear who's that purr at the window? Why, this is a cat as white as snow. Now we are going to compose a fairy tale. And it will be called "Snowflake and Cat"

“There was a cat. His name was ... ... .. He loved to walk, but the hostess rarely let him out in the fall. Why do you think? (children's answers). But here came the long-awaited, snow-white ……. The cat came out onto the porch, just lay down, when suddenly something fell on his nose. The cat looked up and saw a shiny ... ... ". And what happened next (children tell their endings of a fairy tale).

V.: And now the snowflake will touch you again and turn children into artists.

(the teacher touches each child with a snowflake)

I want to propose to draw a snowfall. How many knows what it is?

D .: This is when it snows a lot, snow falls from the sky, ...

V.: Come to the tables and notice what color I have prepared you drawing sheets. And why?

D .: Dark blue, because if you paint snow with white paints on white paper, it will be difficult to see.

V.: Right. Today we are going to paint the evening snowfall. Here's how I drew.

(showing the teacher his drawing, examining)

Now close all your eyes and imagine your snowfall

(music sounds)

You will now start your work. And in order to make the drawing more beautiful, let's knead our fingers.

Finger game.

We went for a walk in the yard

One, two, three, four, five.

(bend your fingers one at a time)

We came to the yard for a walk

They sculpted the snow woman.

(imitate sculpting lumps)

The birds were fed with crumbs.

(crumbling bread)

Then we rode down the hill,

(with your index finger, move your palm from top to bottom)

And they were lying in the snow.

(palms on the table with one side and the other)

Everyone came home in the snow.

(shake off)

We ate the soup and went to bed.

V.: Now you can start your work.

(children do their job)

V.: Guys, the magic of the snowflake is over and we have become ordinary guys. Let's take a look at what kind of snowfall we got. Who do you think did the best job? (children express their opinion about the work of their comrades)

What did you like about the transformation today? (....)

What new have you learned today? (...)

At the end of the immediate educational area, together with the children, we organize an exhibition of drawings, compare with the snowfall shown on the slides.

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