Presentation of flat feet diagnostics clinic treatment. Flat feet definition classification clinic diagnosis principles of treatment. Guryevsky municipal district

Repair from ZERO online 09.03.2021
Repair from ZERO online

o o Our feet normally perform 3 functions: depreciation, balancing and jogging. When walking, each step is accompanied by a blow on some kind of surface, thanks to the shock-absorbing function (arches) - the push force is evenly distributed over the entire foot. But with flat feet, the "shock impulse" is not compensated by the arches of the foot (they are absent) and causes damage to the knee, hip joints and lumbar spine, there are pains in the knees, pelvis, spine. The balancing function maintains balance during movement and standing, but since with flat feet the interposition of the parts of the foot is disturbed, the function is not completely fulfilled and unsteadiness, instability, and loss of balance can be observed when walking. The jog function provides acceleration when walking. In this case, there is a redistribution of the load on the forefoot and then push. But since flat feet are often painful, a shift in the center of gravity and a push by one point of the foot will certainly lead to sharp pain and the function is partially lost.

o There are two arches of the foot: transverse (arc from I to V of the metacarpal bone) and longitudinal (arc in the area of ​​the inner edge of the foot).

oooo There are several factors that contribute to the development of flat feet, these include: Increased body weight Heavy physical activity Pregnancy Activities associated with prolonged standing The presence of flat feet in relatives Weakening of the muscles and ligaments of the foot associated with age, or lack of training for the feet Wearing low-quality shoes and dr.

o With transverse flat feet, the transverse arch of the foot is flattened, so that its anterior section rests on the heads of all five metatarsal bones, and not only I and V, as is normal. The relationship between the bones of the foot is normal (left) and with transverse flat feet (right).

Transverse flat feet The proportion of transverse flat feet, according to various sources, ranges from 55% to 80%. The disease usually develops in middle-aged people (35-50 years). Women suffer from transverse flat feet 20 times more often than men.

o This type of flat feet is characterized by a decrease in the length of the foot, fan-shaped separation of the bones of the metatarsus, deformity of the first toe (Hallux valgus) and hammer toes.

o o The support is redistributed to the heads of all metatarsal bones, while the load on the head of the I metatarsal bone decreases, and the load on the heads of the II-IV metatarsal bones increases sharply. I toe deviates outward, the head of the I metatarsal bone and I toe form an angle. Osteoarthritis occurs in the I metatarsophalangeal joint. Pain appears, the range of motion in the joint decreases. High blood pressure of the metatarsal heads causes a thinning of the layer of subcutaneous fat on the plantar surface of the foot, causing a further decrease in the amortization function of the foot. On the sole, in the area of ​​the heads of the metatarsal bones, corns are formed.

o o Depending on the severity of the angle between the I finger and the I metatarsal bone, the following degrees of transverse flat feet are distinguished: I degree. Angle less than 20 degrees. Weak flat feet. II degree. Angle from 20 to 35 degrees. Moderately expressed flat feet. III degree. Angle over 35 degrees. Pronounced flat feet.

Symptoms of transverse platypodia o o As a rule, patients with transverse platypodia consult a doctor for a cosmetic defect of the foot, less often for pain while walking, corns on the sole, rough skin growths or inflammation in the region of the I metatarsophalangeal joint. However, in the course of the survey, it usually turns out that a patient with flat feet for a long time is worried about more or less pronounced burning or aching pain in the foot while walking. Examination reveals a flattening of the transverse arch of the foot, a characteristic deformation of the first metatarsophalangeal joint, with pronounced flat feet - hammer-like toes.

Treatment of transverse flat feet o o Conservative therapy is effective only at stage I of flat feet. The patient is advised to reduce body weight, choose comfortable shoes without heels, and reduce static loads on the foot. Wearing of special insoles and cushions is shown. With flat feet of the III degree, surgical treatment is performed. There are many techniques for correcting the deformity of the first toe, however, none of the operations eliminates the cause of transverse flat feet - weakness of the ligaments and muscles of the foot. Possible isolated surgical intervention (resection of the Hallux valgus of the protruding part of the bone) and surgical treatment, which includes resection of a portion of the bone in combination with plastic joint capsule and tendon transplant. In the postoperative period, a patient with flat feet is recommended to constantly wear instep supports or shoes with special insoles.

o Longitudinal flat feet are the most common, characterized by flattening of the longitudinal arch of the foot. The relationship between the bones of the foot is normal (above) and longitudinal flat feet (below).

o The foot lengthens, spreads and touches the support with almost the entire sole. The proportion of longitudinal flat feet is 20 to 29%. The disease develops more often in young patients (16-25 years old).

o The process involves the bones, muscles and ligaments of the foot and lower leg. The bones of the foot move in such a way that the calcaneus unfolds inward, and the forefoot is deflected outward. The tension on the tendons of the peroneal muscles increases, and the tendons of the tibialis anterior muscle decreases. The midfoot expands. The patient's gait becomes clumsy; when walking, he strongly spreads his socks to the sides.

o o o There are four stages of longitudinal flat feet: the stage of pre-disease (prodromal stage); intermittent flat feet; flat foot; planovalgus foot.

o o o At the stage of pre-disease, a patient with flat feet is worried about rapid fatigue when walking, pain in the upper arch of the foot and the muscles of the lower leg after prolonged static loads. In the stage of intermittent flat feet, pains appear not only by the end of the working day, but also after prolonged standing or long walking. The tension of the leg muscles is revealed, and sometimes their temporary contractures develop. The longitudinal arch of the foot is normal in the morning, but becomes flattened in the evening. During the development of a flat foot, pain appears even after small static loads. The foot is flattened, the height of its arch decreases. The gait gradually begins to change.

o o There are three degrees of flat foot: I degree. The stage of the beginning of formation. The height of the arch of the foot is less than 35 mm; II degree. The height of the vault is 25 -17 mm. Osteoarthritis begins to develop in the joints of the foot; III degree. The height of the vault is less than 17 mm. The forefoot is unfolded and extended. The deviation of the first finger outward is revealed. In this case, the pain in the foot does not temporarily decrease.

Treatment of longitudinal flat feet o o o In the pre-disease stage, the patient is advised to develop a correct gait (without spreading the socks), walk barefoot on sand or uneven surfaces and regularly unload the muscles of the arch of the foot, while standing, periodically transferring the load to the outer surfaces of the feet. A patient with flat feet is prescribed exercise therapy, massage and physiotherapy: magnetotherapy, hydromassage, etc. In the stage of intermittent flat feet, a recommendation is added to the listed activities to change working conditions to reduce the static load on the feet. With a flat foot, orthopedists prescribe the wearing of orthopedic shoes and special insoles to the complex of therapeutic measures. With further progression of flat feet, surgical treatment is indicated.

o Static flat feet. A common form of flat feet (more than 80%). The cause of the development of pathology is the weakness of the bones, muscles and ligamentous apparatus of the foot and lower leg. The risk of developing flat feet increases with an increase in body weight, insufficient physical activity in people of sedentary professions, "standing work", wearing uncomfortable shoes. Static flat feet can also develop as a result of the constant wearing of high-heeled shoes (due to excessive stress on the forefoot).

o o o Traumatic flat feet. It develops after a fracture of the bones of the foot, calcaneus and ankles. Rachitic flat feet. It occurs after rickets. The reason for the development is a decrease in bone strength and a violation of the formation of the skeleton of the foot. Paralytic flat feet. Develops after polio. The cause of flat feet is paralysis of the tibial muscles and plantar muscles of the foot.

Diagnostics o o o Podometry - measuring the height of the arch of the foot from the floor. Plantography is the study of a footprint left on paper. X-ray of the foot in frontal and lateral projection.

Podometry (Frinland's method) o o the subject is placed on a sheet of paper so that his feet form a right angle with respect to the legs; the height of the foot is determined by measuring the distance from the upper surface of the scaphoid bone (felt on the transverse toe anterior to the ankle bend) with a compass to the floor. Each of the feet is traced on paper with a pencil, holding it strictly perpendicular. The length of the foot from the tip of the first toe to the rear edge of the heel is measured along the contour with a ruler (in millimeters). The height of the foot is multiplied by 100 and divided by the length of the foot (podometric index). The index of the foot normally ranges from 29 to 31.

Plantography is a method of obtaining a graphic "print" of the plantar surface of the foot on paper. The imprint is obtained on a special device - a plantograph, which is a frame covered with a rubber membrane. Before each measurement, the lower surface of the membrane is smeared with printing ink. Then a sheet of paper is placed under the membrane, the patient stands on the membrane, and the doctor traces the perimeter of the foot with a special "spatula".

o o o On the obtained print, certain reference points are manually connected and indicators are calculated that quantitatively characterize the condition of the patient's feet. This method is simple, does not require expensive equipment and is indispensable for field surveys. However, in this case, the condition of only the supporting surface of the foot is assessed without taking into account its deformations in the sagittal and frontal planes. In addition, the quality of the resulting impressions does not always meet the requirements for subsequent calculations. Despite the above disadvantages, today plantography is the most common method for quantifying the arched feet.

o FOOT X-RAY The front and side X-rays of both feet are taken under stress while the patient is standing.

o o Principles of flat feet treatment Conservative treatment Appointed physiotherapy, aimed at strengthening the muscles that support the arch of the foot and contributing to the tension of its ligamentous apparatus, correcting the vicious installation of the feet, fostering the stereotype of the correct position of the whole body and lower extremities when standing and walking, which has a general strengthening effect on the body. The leading place in exercise therapy classes is occupied by special exercises aimed at correcting foot deformities. Exercise therapy classes must be performed several times a day (at least three times). Massage and, especially, self-massage of the arch of the foot and the muscles supporting the foot helps to strengthen the ligamentous-muscular apparatus of the feet and legs. Prescribed electrical muscle stimulation in courses of 20-25 sessions with repetition in a month break. To improve tissue trophism, physiotherapeutic treatment is carried out. Orthopedic insoles are ordered with the layout of the transverse and longitudinal vaults. With transverse flat feet, cuffs made of bandage rubber with a special insert are used to maintain the transverse arch. With pronounced forms of flat feet, it is necessary to equip the patient with orthopedic shoes with an arch tab (according to plaster casts) and raising the inner edge of the heel. The stiff heel should wrap around the heel and midfoot to the mid-metatarsal bones, keeping the heel upright and preventing it from rolling.

Surgical treatment o o o For the treatment of transverse flatfoot, depending on its stage and shape, more than 300 methods of surgical intervention have been developed. Therefore, in order to avoid recurrence of the disease, an optimal choice of an operative technique for correcting foot deformities and accurate preoperative planning are required. All foot surgeries are divided into three types: soft tissue surgeries (Silver, McBride, Shede surgeries), bone surgeries and combined surgeries. The first is carried out most often in young people with a normal or insignificant increase in the first intermetatarsal angle. During such an operation, the tendon of the adductor muscle of the first toe is excised, which can be combined with subsequent transposition and capsuloplasty, and, if necessary, supplemented with the removal of the inflamed subcutaneous mucosa and bone-cartilaginous outgrowth, which form a painful lump. Bone surgeries and combined surgeries are performed in cases of a strong increase in the first intermetatarsal angle, the patient has rigid feet or an elongated first metatarsal bone. Although there are many types of such surgical intervention, they are most often used different kinds osteotomies (dissection of the bone).

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Flat feet is a deformity of the foot, characterized by a flattening of its arches. Doctors call flat feet a disease of civilization. Uncomfortable shoes, synthetic coatings, physical inactivity - all this leads to improper development of the foot.

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Deformation of the feet is of two types: transverse and longitudinal. With transverse flat feet, the transverse arch of the foot is flattened, its anterior section rests on the heads of all five metatarsal bones, and not on I and V, as is normal, the length of the feet decreases due to the fan-shaped divergence of the metatarsal bones, deviation of the I toe outward and hammer-shaped deformities of the middle toe With longitudinal flat feet, flattening of the longitudinal arch is observed, and the foot is in contact with the floor with almost the entire area of ​​the sole. In rare cases, a combination of both forms of flat feet is possible.

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In the normal shape of the foot, the leg rests on the outer longitudinal arch, and the inner arch serves as a spring that provides elasticity of the gait. If the muscles supporting the arch of the foot weaken, the entire load falls on the ligaments, which, as they stretch, flatten the foot.

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With flat feet, the supporting function of the lower extremities is disturbed, their blood supply deteriorates, which causes pain and sometimes cramps in the legs. The foot becomes sweaty, cold, bluish. Flattening of the foot affects the position of the pelvis and spine, which leads to poor posture. Children with flat feet, when walking, swing their arms widely, stomp heavily, bend their legs at the knees and hip joint; their gait is tense, awkward.

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Flat feet is in direct proportion to body weight: the greater the mass and, therefore, the load on the feet, the more pronounced the longitudinal flat feet. This pathology occurs mainly in women. Longitudinal flat feet occurs most often at the age of 16-25 years, transverse - at 35-50 years. By the origin of flat feet, a congenital flat foot is distinguished, traumatic, paralytic and static. It is not easy to establish congenital flat feet before the age of 5-6 years, since all the elements of a flat foot are determined in all children younger than this age. However, in about 3% of all cases of flat feet, flat feet are congenital.

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Static flat feet (most common in 82.1%) occurs due to weakness of the muscles of the lower leg and foot, ligamentous apparatus and bones. The reasons for the development of static flat feet can be different - an increase in body weight, work in a standing position, a decrease in muscle strength during physiological aging, lack of training in persons of sedentary professions, etc. external reasons - overloading the feet associated with the profession (a woman with a normal foot structure, spending 7-8 hours at the counter or in the weaving shop, may eventually acquire this disease), housekeeping, wearing irrational shoes (narrow, uncomfortable). When walking on "stiletto heels" the load is redistributed: from the heel it moves to the area of ​​the transverse arch, which cannot withstand it, is deformed, which is why transverse flat feet appear.

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With mild flat feet (I degree), after physical exertion, a feeling of fatigue appears in the legs, and when pressing on the foot, painful sensations arise. The gait becomes less plastic, often in the evening the foot swells. In patients with flat feet of the II degree, the pain is concentrated not only in the feet, but also spreads to the area of ​​the ankles and lower legs. It is stronger and more frequent. The muscles of the foot lose their elasticity to a large extent, and the gait - smoothness. Finally, grade III flat feet is a pronounced deformity of the foot. Often, patients only at this stage go to the doctor. After all, pain in the feet and legs, which are almost always swollen, is constantly felt in the knee joints. The lower back often hurts, a painful headache appears. With the III degree of flat feet, sports become inaccessible, the ability to work is significantly reduced, even a calm, short walking is difficult. A person can no longer move in ordinary shoes.

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The consequences of transverse flatfoot should not be underestimated, even if the flattening of the transverse arch of the foot is almost imperceptible. Flat feet refers to those diseases that, having arisen, progress quickly enough. Therefore, soon the transverse arch may not be determined at all. The forefoot is spread out. This causes deformation of the fingers, they acquire a hammer-like shape. For transverse flat feet, pain in the foot is also characteristic, as well as calcification of the skin of the sole under the heads of the metatarsal bones, tension of the tendons of the extensor digits. The more pronounced it is, the more the thumb deviates from the outside, which leads to subluxation of the head of the first metatarsal bone. Although an external examination can determine the presence of flat feet, however, this applies to severe neglected cases. Sufferers of flat feet walk with their socks turned around and their legs wide apart, slightly bending them at the knee and hip joints and swinging their arms vigorously; they usually wear out the inner side of the soles. For a more accurate definition of a flat foot, you should consult an orthopedic doctor.

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traumatic flat feet. As the name suggests, this ailment occurs as a result of trauma, most often fractures of the ankles, calcaneus, tarsus and metatarsus bones. congenital flat feet. It should not be confused with the "narrow heel" of aristocratic ladies, typical of static flat feet. The cause of congenital flat feet is different. In a child, before he firmly stood on his feet, that is, up to 3-4 years old, the foot, due to the incompleteness of the formation, is not so weak, but simply flat, like a plank. It is difficult to assess how functional her vaults are. Therefore, the baby must be constantly monitored and, if the situation does not change, order corrective insoles for him. Rarely (in 2-3 cases out of a hundred) it happens that the cause of flat feet is an anomaly of the intrauterine development of the child. As a rule, other disorders of the skeletal structure are found in such children. Treatment of this type of flat feet should be started as early as possible. In difficult cases, they resort to surgical intervention. Rachytic flat feet - not congenital, but acquired, is formed as a result of improper development of the skeleton, caused by a deficiency of vitamin D in the body and, as a result, insufficient absorption of calcium - this "cement" for bones. Rickets differs from static flat feet in that it can be prevented by preventing rickets (sun, fresh air, gymnastics, fish oil). Paralytic flat foot is the result of paralysis of the muscles of the lower extremities and most often a consequence of flaccid (or peripheral) paralysis of the muscles of the foot and lower leg caused by poliomyelitis or other neuroinfection.

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Prevention. Cultivating correct gait - avoid spreading the socks when walking, so as not to overload the inner edge of the foot and the ligaments that support it. For persons whose profession is associated with prolonged standing, parallel installation of the feet is recommended and from time to time rest on the outer edges of the supinated feet (3 - 4 times a day, stand on the outer sides of the feet and stay in this position for 30 - 40 seconds). At the end of the working day, warm baths (water temperature 35-36 C) are recommended, followed by massage of the arch of the foot and supining muscles. Massage with smooth, but strong enough movements the front and inner surfaces of the legs, while massaging the feet, pay special attention to the sole. Basic techniques: stroking, rubbing, kneading in different directions, tapping with fingertips.

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No matter how beautiful and fashionable the shoes are, discard them if they, even if only a little, are tight, narrow. Heel height should be 3-4 cm, elastic outsole. Undoubtedly, high-heeled shoes look very nice on the foot, but don't wear them everyday. Otherwise, it may happen that after a while you will be doomed to wear only orthopedic shoes. To prevent flat feet or relieve pain, a large number of inserts and special shoes are offered.

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For less complex deformations, it is good to use insert insoles - cork, plastic or metal. Complex deformations require the manufacture of shoes or orthopedic insoles using plaster casts. In severe forms of flat feet, causing permanent severe pain, surgical treatment is indicated.

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Orthopedic correction of the feet is necessarily carried out in combination and against the background of other methods of treatment: physiotherapy, massage and therapeutic exercises. Physiotherapeutic procedures in the treatment of flat feet are prescribed quite widely and are carried out mainly in polyclinics. The exception is thermal procedures, which can be carried out at home. Paraffin, ozokerite and mud applications can be applied to the entire lower leg and foot, but it is desirable to accentuate the thermal effect on the antero-outer surface of the lower leg and the dorsum of the foot. Massage is a necessary part of the complex treatment of flat feet. It allows you to normalize the tone of the muscles of the foot and lower leg: to strengthen the weakened, stretched muscles and relax the tense ones, and this is very important for the restoration of their coordinated work.

Consequences of flat feet If the muscles and ligaments of the feet stop working and become weak, then the normal shape of the foot is disturbed - it settles and becomes completely flat, losing its main function - spring. In this case, the entire load is distributed to the joints of the legs - hip, knee, ankle. There are pains in the pelvis, foot, knee, and pathological posture develops.

Symptoms of longitudinal flat feet Cross flat feet - fatigue in the legs, pressure on the feet or the middle of the sole causes pain, the rear of the foot swells in the evening; -severe and persistent pain in the feet, in the area of ​​the ankles and lower legs, it becomes very difficult to choose the right shoes; - pain in the lower back, the longitudinal arch is outwardly not noticeable, the heel is completely flattened, the foot is swollen, the ankle joint is difficult to move. - the disappearance of the transverse arch of the foot, and as a result, deformation of the toes; - pain in the forefoot, callous skin; - the appearance of hammer-like fingers.

Static flat feet occurs: In people with thin bones of the skeleton from congenital ligamentous weakness In people prone to obesity Constant wearing of irrational, uncomfortable shoes. Long-term loads associated with professional activities human

Painful areas with static flat feet On the sole, in the center of the arch of the foot and the inner edge of the heel; On the sole, in the center of the arch of the foot and the inner edge of the heel; On the back of the foot, in its central part, between the scaphoid and talus; On the back of the foot, in its central part, between the scaphoid and talus; Under the inner and outer ladders; Under the inner and outer ladders; Between the heads of the tarsal bones; Between the heads of the tarsal bones; In the muscles of the ankle due to their overload; In the muscles of the ankle due to their overload; In the knee and hip joints; In the knee and hip joints; In the thigh due to muscle strain; In the thigh due to muscle strain; In the lower back, on the basis of compensatory reinforced lordosis (deflection). In the lower back, on the basis of compensatory reinforced lordosis (deflection). The pain intensifies in the evening, weakens after rest, sometimes swelling appears on the ankle.

It occurs as a result of injury, most often fractures of the ankle, calcaneus, tarsus, metatarsus. Diabetic foot It is connected with the fact that in patients with diabetes, the healing processes of the skin processes are disturbed: any scratch or scuff becomes wet for a long time and painfully, festers. It occurs due to a failure of the nutritional processes in the tissues. Traumatic flat feet

Rickety flat feet Refers to the acquired type of flat feet as a result of abnormal development of the skeleton, caused by a lack of vitamin D in the body. This type of flat feet can be prevented by prophylaxis of rickets. This is the result of paralysis of the muscles of the lower extremities and most often the consequences of flaccid paralysis of the muscles of the foot and lower leg caused by poliomyelitis or other neuroinfection. Paralytic flat feet

Self-identification Place the child in a chair so that the lower leg is strictly vertical to the floor, and the foot forms a right angle with it. Feel on the inner surface of the instep for the scaphoid (there is a noticeable tubercle protruding above it). Put a point on this bump, then measure the distance from it to the floor with a ruler. Without changing the position of the foot, ask the child to stand up. Measure the height of the arch again. The difference between the height of the arch without load and in the standing position (under load) is an important diagnostic value. A change in this height by more than 3-4 mm indicates the weakness of the arch due to insufficient development of the ligamentous and muscular apparatus, instability and, consequently, flat feet in one form or another. The measurement is taken on both legs. Consider the difference between the height of the arch on the left and right legs. Normally, it should not exceed 3-4mm. Similarly, you can check all family members of any age. Test 1

Self-Revealing Test 2 1. Take a blank sheet of paper and place it on the floor. 2. Spread the baby's feet with greasy cream and place his leaf. 3. The footprint remains on the sheet. Take a pencil and draw a line connecting the edge of the sole of the sole. 4. Draw a perpendicular to this line that intersects the indentations of the foot at the deepest point. 5. If the print in the narrow part is no more than 1/3 of this line, the foot is normal. If it reaches ½ of this line - you have flat feet, consult a podiatrist.

Method V.A. Yaralova-Yaralyantsa Plantography is used for mass examination of preschoolers - obtaining foot prints using a plantograph. It represents a wooden frame (2 cm high and 40x40 cm in size), on which a canvas (or burlap) is stretched and a plastic wrap over it. The canvas is wetted from below with stamp paint. A blank sheet of paper is placed on the floor under the painted side of the plantograph. The child becomes with both legs or each one in turn in the middle of the frame, covered with plastic wrap. The examinee should stand on two legs with a uniform load. The dyed fabric bends, in contact with the paper in places of pressure, and leaves foot prints on it - a plantogram. The assessment of the plantogram is done by analyzing the position of the two lines drawn on the print. The first line connects the middle of the heel to the second interdigital space; the second, drawn from the same point, runs to the middle of the base of the thumb. a) normal foot; b) the foot is flattened; c) flat foot.

Prevention of flat feet includes: Compliance with hygienic rules Rational load on the lower extremities Compliance with the principles of choosing shoes for children Massage and self-massage Water preventive procedures Exercises and games (with and without objects, on sports equipment)

Hygienic rules and a rational mode of load on the lower extremities 1. To develop a gait without excessive spreading of the feet (daily walking with parallel feet) - walking along a stick or rope lying on the floor. 2. Wash your feet daily with cool water. After wiping your feet, collect the towel with your feet. 3. Walk barefoot on sand, gravel, loose soil, grass. 4. Do not walk indoors in insulated shoes. 5. In physical education, do not use shoes with a solid insole. 6 don't walk long time barefoot or in soft shoes on the trampled surface. 7. Sitting on a chair, pick up small objects with your feet or roll a wooden rolling pin.

Principles of choosing shoes for children 1. When buying shoes, you should measure them while standing, since under load the size of the foot increases in length and width by 0.5-1 cm. The foot should not only fit into the shoe, but also have adequate freedom and space in it. 2. It is not recommended to buy second-hand shoes. 3. Shoes must correspond to the season and the child's lifestyle, his age and the individual shape of the foot. 4. The longitudinal axis of the shoe should run along the second toe, its sole should not be bent. 5. The shoes should not change the natural setting of the extreme toes (little finger and thumb), occupied by them under load, of the bare foot. 6. The boot must have a closed and firm heel counter. In the area where the toes are raised, the sole should be elastic. 7. It is desirable that children's shoes are strong, waterproof, made of flexible elastic material. Shoes with firm, rigid soles are completely unsuitable for children!

Irina Nikipelova
Presentation "Prevention of flat feet in children preschool age»

« Prevention of flat feet in preschool students».

V preschool period, the child grows and develops rapidly, movements become his need. Child suffering flat feet, quickly gets tired of walking and running, does not tolerate static loads. This, in turn, has a negative effect on his general physical development.

So prevention of flat feet and timely detection of flattening of the foot is extremely important during the period of growth and development of the musculoskeletal system of the body.

The purpose of my work is to create conditions for the organization of work to prevent and prevention of flat feet in preschool children,

To achieve this goal, I decide the following tasks:

Formation of motor skills and abilities of students in accordance with their individual characteristics prevention and correction of flat feet

The use of specific physical exercises for prevention of flat feet.

Creation of conditions in the preschool educational institution for a variety of content and forms of cooperation, contributing to the development of constructive interaction with parents.

When implementing tasks, I use the following literature:

1.E. I. Nikolaeva "Health preservation and health formation in conditions kindergarten» .

2. E. Yu. Aleksandrova "Wellness work in preschool educational institutions by program "Island of Health"».

3. Yu. A. Kirillova “Scenarios of physical culture leisure and sports events for children speech therapy groups diagnosed with OHP and children mass groups of kindergarten from 3 to 7 years.

4. M. Yu. Kartushina "We want to be healthy".

5. E. R. Zheleznova "Health-improving gymnastics and outdoor games for seniors preschoolers».

Look at the image on the screen, which foot do you think is healthy and which is flattened?

What is flat feet?

Participants' answers.

Flat feet- a change in the shape of the foot, which is characterized by the omission of its longitudinal and transverse arch.

What do you think is the reason flat feet?

Participants' answers.

Causes flat feet:

Getting up and walking early;


Genetic predisposition;

Foot injuries;

Long-term walking barefoot on the floor with a hard, smooth surface;

Poorly fitted shoes;

Past illnesses (rickets, complications after polio);

Insufficient or excessive physical activity.

Name the signs flat feet.

Participants' answers.

Rapid fatigue of the legs;

In the evening, the possible appearance of edema of the feet, which will not be in the morning;

Aching pain when standing or walking in the legs and feet;

Quick wear of the inner side of the sole;

The child walks with legs wide apart, slightly bending the knees, spreading the feet;

The foot is irregular or wider;

What are the measures prevention of flat feet?

Participants' answers (correct footwear, physical activity, preventive exercise).

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The basis prevention is: strengthening the muscles that preserve the arch of the foot, wearing the right shoes, limiting the load on the lower extremities.

The main remedy prevention of flat feet- special gymnastics aimed at strengthening the musculo-ligamentous apparatus of the feet and lower legs, carrying out special exercises, hygiene and foot massage using special items: wooden sticks, sandbags, ropes, balls, cloth.

I suggest that you practice some exercises for prevention of flat feet.

No wonder the Chinese proverb reads: "Tell me - I will forget, show - and I will remember, let me try and I will understand".

Exercise while sitting on the floor.

Grasping small objects with the toes and shifting them to the other side (also with the toes of the other foot,

Capturing and holding a medium-sized ball with two feet, shifting from place to place.

Exercise on a massage mat.

Slow walking with a deep roll of the foot.

Walking on toes, on the outer edges of the foot.

Rolling from toes to heels and back.

Light hops and jumping exercises.

Exercise while sitting on a chair.

Picking up small objects or tissue from the floor with your toes.

Rolling sticks, pencils.

The exercise "Artist".

Using a pencil between our toes, draw various shapes on a sheet of paper, holding the sheet with the other foot.

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Exercises with new equipment.

Wavy track.

Tactile track.

Nipple clouds.

Massage track.

Working with parents.

In system "Child - family - kindergarten", parents are the main constituent link in prevention of flat feet in children.

I conduct consultations and workshops on the use of special physical exercises for prevention of flat feet.

A complex of gymnastics has been developed for use Houses:

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Slow walking on toes and heels with an increase in the pace of movement;

Walking on the outside of the foot

Alternating flexion and extension of the toes;

Rotation of the feet while sitting on a chair;

Lifting and shifting objects using the legs;

Rolling the ball with your feet;

Sitting on a chair, crush the newspaper with your toes.

Systematic work on prevention of flat feet in kindergarten conditions is one of the important factors in health promotion children... The success of its implementation can be ensured only in close contact of the educator, physical education instructor and parents.

And I want to end my speech with one parable. Once upon a time, on Mount Olympus there were gods. They got bored, and they decided to create a man and populate the planet Earth. Become think: what a person should be. One of the gods said: "A man must be strong", another said: "A person must be healthy", third said: "A person must be smart"... And one of the gods said So: "If a person has all this, he will be like us"... And, they decided to hide the main thing that a person has - his health.

They began to think, decide - where to hide it? Some suggested to hide health deep in the blue sea, others - behind the high mountains. And the wisest of the gods said: “Health must be hidden in the person himself. Let him look for him ".

This is how people have lived for a long time, trying to find their health. But we know that our health and the health of our children depend on us... Take care of it.

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Prevention of flat feet in preschool children 1. The role of movement in human life. Can we imagine life without the ability to walk? We can, but only in theory - from observations.

Presentation "Prevention of flat feet in preschool children" Flat feet is one of the most common diseases of the musculoskeletal system in children. This is a deformity of the foot with a flattening of its arch.

Prevention and correction of flat feet Memo for parents of preschoolers. Prevention and correction of flat feet by means of physical culture. Instructor for physical culture.

1. Prevention of flat feet

a number of important functions:

The smoothness and

ease of gait and in many respects condition

the entire musculoskeletal system.

the position of the pelvis and spine, therefore

flat feet may be accompanied by

the development of various types of disorders

posture, scoliosis, osteochondrosis, pain in

knee and hip joints.

The urgency of the problem is that

in children, foot pathology is up to 40%.

more developed subcutaneous fat,

therefore, up to three years flattening of the arch of the feet

6. Development of the child's foot

Up to two years - the longitudinal arch of the foot is flat

3-4 years - an arched longitudinal arch of the foot is formed (with

the inner side, from the base of the thumb to the heel

5-6 years - the process of forming the bones of the foot

6-7 years old - the arches of the feet are formed

manifested in a decrease in its

longitudinal or transverse vault.

8. Three degrees of flat feet

9. DIAGNOSIS: FLAT FEET is established by a surgeon and / or orthopedist

10. Reasons for the development of flat feet:

Getting up early and walking

Features of biomechanics when learning to walk

Incorrectly fitted shoes

Weakness of the muscles of the foot, imbalance of the muscles of the lower leg

Past diseases (rickets, poliomyelitis,

injuries to feet and legs)

11. Formation of a rational gait

placing the walking leg on a support (that is, on the heel with

the subsequent roll on the whole foot, and not flat, the whole

foot), avoiding shuffling and slapping feet, without spreading

Use different types of walking more widely (on the heels,

outer edge of the foot, socks, etc.), including walking on

an inclined board (tilt angle of 10 degrees or more), as well as

on massage mats, ribbed boards, slats and

chopsticks placed on the floor so that they

accounted for the middle of the foot, exercises with grabbing

objects with toes, foot massage.

if she is strong and beautiful.

Every child has his own

individual foot shape and

accordingly wears out

14. Correct organization of the motor regime

baby on the move, don't force him

stand next to you waiting

transport or during a conversation with your


MOVEMENT, not standing.

Train your toddler while walking

walk along the "narrow path" - the curb

15. The lower limbs are formed within 10-12 years, especially intensively in 3-4 years

jumps, does not climb - his muscles do not

exercise, poor blood supply,

therefore they become flabby, weak.

Allow your child to walk barefoot: in the summer - on

Posture & Flat Feet Presentation

Presentation on the topic of the lesson, a fragment of the video clip "Flat feet", an introspection sheet (Appendix 1), cards with types of curvature of the spine. Presentation for a physical education lesson on the topic: Presentation: “Prevention of flat feet and postural disorders in primary students. Posture disorders and scoliosis, flat feet, osteochondropathy (Osgood-Schlatter disease). Presentation subject: Biology Topic: Human posture Presence of a plan - lesson outline: No Presentation Posture. Prevention of flat feet.

Preview:. To use the preview of presentations, create yourself a Google account (account) and log into it: https: // accounts. google. com.

Posture presentation. Prevention of flat feet. Posture. Prevention of flat feet. The presentation contains material for biology lessons in. Presentation for a lesson in biology (grade 8) on the topic: Presentation for the last lesson in the topic. Poor posture and flat feet. Download ppt “Posture. Posture warning. Prevention of flat feet. ppt (1.02 megabytes) Downloaded 2155 times. Presentation on biology, human posture How to prevent postural disorder and flat feet, how to sit at a student's desk - these and. To your site. Presentation on the topic: Posture. Prevention of flat feet Posture is the usual position of the body when standing, sitting and walking.

Slide captions: Prevention of flat feet and poor posture in students primary school.

PURPOSE OF THE PROGRAM: PREVENTION OF POSTURE DISORDERS AND FLAT FOOT IN YOUNGER PUPILS. Objectives of the program: Formation of the skill of correct posture and muscular-motor ideas about it. Harmonious strengthening of the muscle corset. Strengthening the entire ligamentous - muscular apparatus of the foot and lower leg. Development of flexibility.

Formation of the skill of rational breathing. The great value of every person is health. Raising a child strong, strong, healthy is the desire of parents and one of the leading tasks facing a school institution, including ours. According to research by specialists, 75% of adult illnesses are inherent in childhood.

Today, only 10% of children enter school completely healthy, and many find themselves among the laggards not because of laziness, but because of poor health. What is posture.

This is the usual posture of a naturally standing person, which he takes without unnecessary muscle tension. A person with correct posture holds his head straight, his back is straight, his shoulders are level and slightly laid back, his stomach is pulled in, and his chest is slightly pushed forward. In a person with incorrect posture, the head is lowered, the shoulders are brought forward, one of them may be higher and the other lower, the stomach is protruding, the back is stooped, the spine may have lateral curvatures. What is your posture? There is an easy way to test your posture: stand with your back against a wall in a familiar posture. If you feel that the walls are touching the back of the head, shoulder blades, buttocks, calves and heels, the posture is correct.

Causes of poor posture. Causes of poor posture. Why is it important to have correct posture? With correct posture, the spine and feet have the best ability to bounce and soften shocks and shocks in movements such as running, jumping, walking; all organs in the chest and abdominal cavity the bodies are in a position most convenient for their activity; well-being and mood improves. With incorrect posture and flat feet, a person's movements become awkward; internal organs shift, which leads to disruption of their activities, there are pains in the joints, muscles, feet, lower back. Reasons for poor posture:

Flat feet Deformation of the foot, characterized by the flattening of its arches. The main reason for the development of flat feet is the weakness of the muscles of the ligamentous apparatus, which are involved in maintaining the arch of the foot. As well as uncomfortable shoes, synthetic surfaces, physical inactivity - all this leads to improper development of the foot. Flattening of the foot affects the position of the pelvis and spine, which leads to poor posture. Means of forming correct posture and preventing its violations in the "Birch" circle: exercises for the development of large muscle groups: back, abdomen and legs, in order to create a natural muscle corset; exercises with small physical training aids. Exercises with objects are widely used. gymnastic sticks, hoops, skipping ropes, balls, gymnastic roller, bags; breathing exercises; exercises to develop flexibility and mobility of the spine; exercises for the toes.

In order to harden the feet and prevent flat feet during classes, children go in for barefoot. Electronic resources:. medportal.

ru vashaspina. ru telona. ru / ploskostopie-uprazhneniya. php ru. wikipedia. org / wiki /. methodological developments, presentations and notes.

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Psychological support of the teacher. Metasubject results The task of modern education is developmental and correctional activities The definition of the concept of "universal training activities... The study of the dynamics of the progress of students with OHP II-IV grades (who underwent correctional training in a speech kindergarten, at a speech therapy center at a general education school) shows that in the process. This paper describes some of the techniques for working with younger students to develop their interest in learning a foreign language. To arouse student interest in learning a foreign language, you first need to motivate him. I am a teacher-educator of an educational institution of a sanatorium type GBOOU "Boarding School No. 68" in St. Petersburg.

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Presentation on the topic: Prevention of flat feet

Prevention of flat feet Prepared by: Elizaveta Tenigina, a student of grade 7A of the Moscow State Educational Institution "Secondary School No. 15"

Purpose: Purpose: To study the method of determining flat feet.

Tasks: Studying the methodology for determining flat feet. To study data on flat feet in the 7A grade of our school for the last 3 years. Compare data on flat feet in the 7A grade of our school for the last 3 years. Studying and processing information from literary sources on this topic.

Flat feet Flat feet is a deformity of the foot, characterized by flattening of its arches

There are transverse and longitudinal flat feet, a combination of both forms is possible. Transverse flat feet in combination with other deformities is 55.23%, longitudinal flat feet combined with other deformities of the feet - 29.3% Longitudinal flat feet occurs most often at the age of 16-25 years, transverse - at 35-50 years.

There are 5 types of flat feet: Traumatic Congenital Rachytic Paralytic Static

Types of flat feet Traumatic flat feet occurs as a result of trauma, most often fractures of the ankles, calcaneus, bones of the tarsus and metatarsus. Congenital flat feet. In a child, before he firmly stood on his feet, that is, up to 3-4 years old, the foot, due to the incompleteness of the formation, is flat, like a plate. It is difficult to assess how functional her vaults are. Therefore, the baby must be constantly monitored and, if the situation does not change, order corrective insoles for him.

Rachytic flat feet - not congenital, but acquired, is formed as a result of an abnormal development of the skeleton caused by a deficiency of vitamin D in the body and, as a result, insufficient absorption of calcium - this "cement" for bones. Rickets differs from static flat feet in that it can be prevented by preventing rickets (sun, fresh air, gymnastics, fish oil). Paralytic flat foot is the result of paralysis of muscles, lower extremities and, most often, a consequence of flaccid paralysis of the muscles of the foot and lower leg caused by poliomyelitis or other neuroinfection.

Types of flat feet Static flat feet are found in women who have “a narrow hand in the rings,” as Blok wrote, or “a narrow heel,” which Don Juan managed to spy on. In a word, a thin bone. But in "broad-boned" individuals, static flat feet can also be observed. In people prone to obesity, the arches of the foot do not support a centner of live weight. Another reason for static flat feet is inappropriate footwear. The constant wearing of high-heeled shoes or on a rigid platform so perverts the biomechanics of a normal step that it almost fatally leads to this form of this foot disease. The shape of the leg changes depending on the height of the heel

Statistical data for Russia According to the medical and statistical studies of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia, by the age of two, 24% of children in Russia develop flat feet, by the age of six, 40%, and at 12 summer age this diagnosis is given to every second teenager. It is not easy to notice the deformity of the foot in a child, because, as a rule, it does not hurt him. That is why, at the slightest hint of a problem, it is important for parents to immediately show the baby to an orthopedic surgeon. According to medical statistics, more than 80% of children from 12 to 16 years old have disorders of the musculoskeletal system (curvature of posture, various deformities of the feet, etc.). According to the literature, 65% and more children acquire flat feet by school age. Considering that in most cities of Russia there are no pediatricians, then a full correction of flat feet is simply not available to the population. This means that more than 65% of the child population passes into the adult period with flourishing flat feet, and later (in grandmothers) - with "berries" in the form of bumps on the feet.

School statistics Flatfoot data from the 2009 to 2012 school year

Diagnosis of flat feet Flat feet can be determined by several methods. Yaralova-Yaralenda; method I.M. Chizhina; Streeter method. I will focus on the method of V.A. Yaralova-Yaralenda. To do this, two lines are applied to the print: AB, connecting the middle of the heel with the middle of the base of the big toe, and AC, connecting the middle of the heel with the second interdigital space. If the inner bend of the footprint contour goes beyond the AC line or is at its level, the foot is normal; if it is between the lines AB and AC, the foot is flattened (flat feet of the 1st degree); if it does not reach the line AB - flat feet of the 2nd and 3rd degree. Using the proposed methodology, the state of the feet (right and left) of students is determined. The results are entered into the pivot table of plantograms

Having studied the technique of V.A. Yaralova-Yaralenda, by the definition of flat feet, I applied it in practice, examined the foot of some students of grade 7A. To do this, I took a footprint of two girls who have worn high heels for the last 2 years and two boys of different physiques. Comparing the data of a medical worker on flat feet over the past 3 years, I received the following result: no flat feet were found in students of grade 7A for the last 3 years. But in girls, flat feet are observed on one foot, as well as in one of the boys with a large body weight and constant wearing sports shoes.

Study Results Normal Foot Flattened Foot

Methods for preventing the development of flat feet It is quite difficult to treat this seemingly simple disease. Flat feet are given once and for life. With the help of special events, one can only tame the disease, prevent it from significantly affecting everyday life. With congenital flat feet, massage is necessary; in difficult cases, the child's feet are fixed in the correct position with special plaster casts. In preschool age, the main treatment should be to strengthen the arch of the feet with the help of massage and gymnastics, and the use of insoles-instep supports is prescribed less often at this age.

For schoolchildren, particular importance is attached to the selection of good orthopedic shoes with arch layouts and raising the inner edge of the heel. There is important point: The baby's foot grows quickly, so the shoes need to be changed frequently.

Prevention and treatment of flat feet Massage and corrective gymnastics have a good supportive effect, improves blood circulation and tones the muscles that tighten the arch. The shin is massaged - along the back inner side from the bones to the foot - and the foot itself - from the heel to the bones of the fingers. Techniques - stroking, rubbing, kneading.

Practical Tips Strengthen the muscles of the foot; Wear the correct shoes; Massage the legs and feet; Walk barefoot on grass, sand and stones; The health of the feet is the health of the whole organism. Healthy feet - correct gait and correct distribution of body weight on the ground. Correct gait and correct distribution of body weight on the surface of the earth - healthy joints and muscles. Healthy joints and muscles are healthy internal organs.

“People put on their own shackles, blindfold themselves and then wonder why life is so bad.” Henry Ford

Presentation on the topic "Prevention of flat feet" on OBZH

Slide text: Prevention of flat feet Prepared by: Elizaveta Tenigina, student of grade 7A of the Moscow State Educational Institution "Secondary School No. 15"

Slide text: Purpose: To study the method of determining flat feet.

Slide text: Tasks: Studying the technique for determining flat feet. To study the data on flat feet in the 7A grade of our school for the last 3 years. Compare data on flat feet 7A class of our school for the last 3 years. Study and processing of information from literary sources on this topic

Slide text: Flat feet is a deformity of the foot characterized by flattening of its arches. Flat feet

Slide text: There are transverse and longitudinal flat feet, a combination of both forms is possible. Transverse flat feet in combination with other deformities is 55.23%, longitudinal flat feet combined with other deformities of the feet - 29.3% Longitudinal flat feet occurs most often at the age of 16-25 years, transverse - at 35-50 years. Flat feet

Slide text: There are 5 types of flat feet: Traumatic Congenital Rachytic Paralytic Static Types of flat feet

Slide text: Traumatic flat feet result from trauma, most commonly fractures of the ankles, calcaneus, tarsus and metatarsus. Congenital flat feet. In a child, before he firmly stood on his feet, that is, up to 3-4 years old, the foot, due to the incompleteness of the formation, is flat, like a plate. It is difficult to assess how functional her vaults are. Therefore, the baby must be constantly monitored and, if the situation does not change, order corrective insoles for him. Types of flat feet

Slide text: Rachytic flat feet - not congenital, but acquired, is formed as a result of an abnormal development of the skeleton caused by a deficiency of vitamin D in the body and, as a result, insufficient absorption of calcium - this "cement" for bones. Rickets differs from static flat feet in that it can be prevented by preventing rickets (sun, fresh air, gymnastics, fish oil). Paralytic flat foot is the result of paralysis of muscles, lower extremities and most often a consequence of flaccid paralysis of the muscles of the foot and lower leg caused by poliomyelitis or other neuroinfection. Types of flat feet

Slide text: Static flat feet are found in women who have “a narrow hand in the rings,” as Blok wrote, or “a narrow heel,” which Don Juan managed to spy on. In a word, a thin bone. But in "broad-boned" individuals, static flat feet can also be observed. In people prone to obesity, the arches of the foot do not support a centner of live weight. Another reason for static flat feet is inappropriate footwear. The constant wearing of high-heeled shoes or on a rigid platform so perverts the biomechanics of a normal step that it almost fatally leads to this form of this foot disease. Types of flat feet The shape of the leg changes, depending on the height of the heel

Slide text: According to the medical and statistical research of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia, by the age of two, 24% of children in Russia develop flat feet, by the age of six, 40%, and at the age of 12, this diagnosis is made already to every second teenager. It is not easy to notice the deformity of the foot in a child, because, as a rule, it does not hurt him. That is why, at the slightest hint of a problem, it is important for parents to immediately show the baby to an orthopedic surgeon. According to medical statistics, more than 80% of children from 12 to 16 years old have disorders of the musculoskeletal system (curvature of posture, various deformities of the feet, etc.). According to the literature, 65% and more children acquire flat feet by school age. Considering that in most cities of Russia there are no pediatricians, then a full correction of flat feet is simply not available to the population. This means that more than 65% of the child population passes into the adult period with flourishing flat feet, and later (in grandmothers) - with "berries" in the form of bumps on the feet. Statistical data for Russia

Slide text: Data on flat feet from the 2009 to 2012 academic year Statistical data on the school № p / p Class Number of patients with flat feet 2009 - 2010 academic year. year 2010 - 2011 academic year year 2011 - 2012 academic year year 1 1-4 1 - 1 2 5-9 8 6 2 3 10-11 4 2 5 Total 13 8 8

Slide text: Diagnostics of flat feet Flat feet can be determined by several methods. Method V.A. Yaralova-Yaralenda; method I.M. Chizhina; Streeter method. I will focus on the method of V.A. Yaralova-Yaralenda. To do this, two lines are applied to the print: AB, connecting the middle of the heel with the middle of the base of the big toe, and AC, connecting the middle of the heel with the second interdigital space. If the inner bend of the footprint contour goes beyond the AC line or is at its level, the foot is normal; if it is between the lines AB and AC, the foot is flattened (flat feet of the 1st degree); if it does not reach the line AB - flat feet of the 2nd and 3rd degree. Using the proposed methodology, the state of the feet (right and left) of students is determined. The results are entered into the pivot table of plantograms

Slide text: Having studied the methodology of V.A. Yaralova-Yaralenda, by the definition of flat feet, I applied it in practice, examined the foot of some students of grade 7A. To do this, I took a footprint of two girls who have worn high heels for the last 2 years and two boys of different physiques. Comparing the data of a medical worker on flat feet over the past 3 years, I received the following result: no flat feet were found in students of grade 7A for the last 3 years. But in girls, flat feet are observed on one foot, as well as in one of the young men with a large body mass and the constant wearing of sports shoes. Research

Slide Text: Study Results Normal Foot Flattened Foot

Slide text: Methods for preventing the development of flat feet It is quite difficult to treat this seemingly simple disease. Flat feet are given once and for life. With the help of special events, one can only tame the disease, prevent it from significantly affecting everyday life. With congenital flat feet, massage is necessary; in difficult cases, the child's feet are fixed in the correct position with special plaster casts. In preschool age, the main treatment should be to strengthen the arch of the feet with the help of massage and gymnastics, and the use of insoles-instep supports is prescribed less often at this age.

Slide text: For schoolchildren, particular importance is attached to the selection of good orthopedic shoes with arch lining and raising the inner edge of the heel. There is an important point here: the child's foot grows quickly, so shoes need to be changed often.

Slide text: Massage and corrective exercises have a good supportive effect, improve blood circulation and tone the muscles that tighten the arch. The shin is massaged - along the back inner side from the bones to the foot - and the foot itself - from the heel to the bones of the fingers. Techniques - stroking, rubbing, kneading. Prevention and treatment of flat feet

Slide text: Corrective gymnastics

Slide text: Practical advice Strengthen the muscles of the foot; Wear the right shoes; Massage your legs and feet; Walk barefoot on grass, sand and rocks; The health of the feet is the health of the whole organism. Healthy feet - correct gait and correct distribution of body weight on the ground. Correct gait and correct distribution of body weight on the surface of the earth - healthy joints and muscles. Healthy joints and muscles are healthy internal organs.

Slide text: "People put on shackles themselves, blindfold themselves and then wonder why life is so bad." Henry Ford

Presentation "Prevention of flat feet in preschool children"

« Prevention of flat feet in preschool students».

V preschool period, the child grows and develops rapidly, movements become his need. Child suffering flat feet, quickly gets tired of walking and running, does not tolerate static loads. This, in turn, has a negative effect on his general physical development.

So prevention of flat feet and timely detection of flattening of the foot is extremely important during the period of growth and development of the musculoskeletal system of the body.

The purpose of my work is to create conditions for the organization of work to prevent and prevention of flat feet in preschool children,

To achieve this goal, I decide the following tasks:

Formation of motor skills and abilities of students in accordance with their individual characteristics prevention and correction of flat feet

The use of specific physical exercises for prevention of flat feet.

Creation of conditions in the preschool educational institution for a variety of content and forms of cooperation, contributing to the development of constructive interaction with parents.

When implementing tasks, I use the following literature:

1.E. I. Nikolaeva "Health preservation and health education in a kindergarten".

2. E. Yu. Aleksandrova "Wellness work in preschool educational institutions under the program "Island of Health"».

3. Yu. A. Kirillova “Scenarios of physical culture leisure and sports events for children speech therapy groups diagnosed with OHP and children mass groups of kindergarten from 3 to 7 years.

4. M. Yu. Kartushina "We want to be healthy".

5. E. R. Zheleznova "Health-improving gymnastics and outdoor games for seniors preschoolers».

Look at the image on the screen, which foot do you think is healthy and which is flattened?

What is flat feet?

Flat feet- a change in the shape of the foot, which is characterized by the omission of its longitudinal and transverse arch.

What do you think is the reason flat feet?

- early getting up and walking;

- prolonged walking barefoot on the floor with a hard, smooth surface;

- poorly matched shoes;

- past illnesses (rickets, complications after polio);

- insufficient or excessive physical activity.

Name the signs flat feet.

Rapid fatigue of the legs;

In the evening, the possible appearance of edema of the feet, which will not be in the morning;

Aching pain when standing or walking in the legs and feet;

Quick wear of the inner side of the sole;

The child walks with legs wide apart, slightly bending the knees, spreading the feet;

The foot is irregular or wider;

What are the measures prevention of flat feet?

Participants' answers (correct footwear, physical activity, preventive exercise).

The basis prevention is: strengthening the muscles that preserve the arch of the foot, wearing the right shoes, limiting the load on the lower extremities.

The main remedy prevention of flat feet- special gymnastics aimed at strengthening the musculo-ligamentous apparatus of the feet and lower legs, carrying out special exercises, hygiene and foot massage using special items: wooden sticks, sandbags, ropes, balls, cloth.

I suggest that you practice some exercises for prevention of flat feet.

No wonder the Chinese proverb reads: "Tell me - I will forget, show - and I will remember, let me try and I will understand".

Exercise while sitting on the floor.

Grasping small objects with the toes and shifting them to the other side (also with the toes of the other foot,

Capturing and holding a medium-sized ball with two feet, shifting from place to place.

Exercise on a massage mat.

Slow walking with a deep roll of the foot.

Walking on toes, on the outer edges of the foot.

Rolling from toes to heels and back.

- light leaps and jumping exercises.

Exercise while sitting on a chair.

Picking up small objects or tissue from the floor with your toes.

Rolling sticks, pencils.

Using a pencil between our toes, draw various shapes on a sheet of paper, holding the sheet with the other foot.

Exercises with new equipment.

Working with parents.

In system "Child - family - kindergarten", parents are the main constituent link in prevention of flat feet in children.

I conduct consultations and workshops on the use of special physical exercises for prevention of flat feet.

A complex of gymnastics has been developed for use Houses:

Slow walking on toes and heels with an increase in the pace of movement;

Walking on the outside of the foot

Alternating flexion and extension of the toes;

Rotation of the feet while sitting on a chair;

Lifting and shifting objects using the legs;

Rolling the ball with your feet;

Sitting on a chair, crush the newspaper with your toes.

Systematic work on prevention of flat feet in kindergarten conditions is one of the important factors in health promotion children... The success of its implementation can be ensured only in close contact of the educator, physical education instructor and parents.

And I want to end my speech with one parable. Once upon a time, on Mount Olympus there were gods. They got bored, and they decided to create a man and populate the planet Earth. Become think: what a person should be. One of the gods said: "A man must be strong", another said: "A person must be healthy", third said: "A person must be smart"... And one of the gods said So: "If a person has all this, he will be like us"... And, they decided to hide the main thing that a person has - his health.

They began to think, decide - where to hide it? Some suggested to hide health deep in the blue sea, others - behind the high mountains. And the wisest of the gods said: “Health must be hidden in the person himself. Let him look for him ".

This is how people have lived for a long time, trying to find their health. But we know that our health and the health of our children depend on us... Take care of it.

Presentation on the topic: "Prevention and correction of flat feet in preschool children"

This presentation helps to tell and explain to both students and parents to learn about the problem of flat feet. The presentation includes a description of the cause of the disease, relevance, prevention and correction of functional insufficiency of the feet. It also provides some complex exercises that can be used both in the classroom and in home conditions.

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"Presentation on the topic:" Prevention and correction of flat feet in preschool children "

  • TOPICALITY It is caused by a negative tendency of an increase in the number of preschoolers with certain postural disorders and deformities of the feet. Flat feet are more common among weakened children with reduced physical development and weak musculo-ligamentous apparatus. During the preschool age, the foot is in the stage of intensive development, its formation is not completed. , therefore, any adverse effects can lead to functional deviations.
  • REASONS FOR FLAT FEET The load when walking, running, jumping for the arches of the feet of weakened children turns out to be excessive. The ligaments and muscles of the feet are overstrained, stretched, and lose their springy properties. The arches of the foot (longitudinal and transverse) are flattened, lowered, and flat feet appear: longitudinal, transverse and transverse-longitudinal. The foot is the support, the foundation of the body, so it is natural that the violation of this foundation is necessarily reflected in the formation of the growing organism.
  • CONSEQUENCES Changing the shape of the foot affects its function, changes the position of the pelvis, the spine Negatively affects the function of the spine, and therefore the posture and general condition of the child. Insufficient development of the muscles and ligaments of the foot adversely affects the development of many movements in children, and at an older age can be a serious obstacle to many sports.
    • HYGIENIC FACTORS Nature of use: hygiene of shoes and its correct selection in accordance with the purpose; Hygienic washing of feet with cool water before going to bed, after walking barefoot.
    • NATURAL HEALTH FACTORS Nature of use: walking barefoot along natural unpaved paths (grass, sand, pebbles, etc.), equipped in group areas in the warm season, along artificial unpaved paths (boxes with washed river pebbles) in the cold season; hardening procedures for the feet (salt path, rubbing the feet, contrast doused feet, "Riga" method, intensive hardening of the feet) in accordance with the individual characteristics of children and the absence of contraindications, subject to medical supervision.
    • Nature of use: special sets of exercises aimed at strengthening the muscles of the foot and lower leg and the formation of the arches of the foot; a feature is the use of figurative names of exercises ("Kittens", "Ducklings", "Merry Zoo", etc.) and exercises with objects (hoop, ball , a skipping rope; one complex is learned and performed for two weeks in physical education classes, and in the next two weeks it is included in morning gymnastics; the next four weeks another complex is used; then for another two weeks in the process of gymnastics after an afternoon nap, the previous complex is repeated ...
    • At the first stage, children perform exercises without objects. At the second stage, children are offered exercises with objects. At the third stage, the child's motor actions are comparatively more complicated, various devices of a universal type are used, and the way the child moves on these equipment is also complicated.


    • It is provided with correct physical education. Inclusion in the content of physical education classes, starting from toddler age, special exercises for the formation and strengthening of the arch of the foot. During the lesson, children should not stand a lot, because children's foot is not adapted to static loads, gets tired quickly and easily deforms.

    • GAITS Forming the walking skill in children, teach them the correct positioning of the walking leg on support (i.e., on the heel, followed by rolling over the whole foot, not flat, with the whole foot), avoiding shuffling and slapping of the feet, without spreading socks. various types of walking (on the heels, outer edge of the foot, toes, etc.), including walking on an inclined board (inclination angle of 10 degrees or more), as well as on massage mats, ribbed boards, slats and sticks laid on the floor so that they accounted for the middle of the foot, exercises with grasping objects with toes; foot massage.
    • Use specially selected exercises, some of which should be performed from the initial sitting and lying positions, while unloading the feet. Use exercises with figurative names, as well as specially selected outdoor games, dance steps and elements. The experience of folk pedagogy - songs, nursery rhymes, jokes, for example, When preparing a child for mastering the skills of standing and walking in order to strengthen the muscles of the foot, it was customary to lightly slap him on the soles of the legs, saying: Toko-toki-tooshka, Kuyu, kuyuzhki.Toki-toki-toshka, Little legs -Kozhkhodunushki, Runner, jumping.

    • long slow running, jumping off; restrictions in certain types of walking and jumping (as recommended by a doctor), walking on the inner side of the feet.
      • Jumping. It is important to teach the child to land softly as early as possible, which prevents the development of flat feet and prevents the occurrence of injuries when jumping on hard ground, when jumping from natural obstacles. The content of jumping exercises available for the child should be carefully selected, making use of leading exercises to form landing skills - rhythmic squats and straightenings, turning into bouncing. Limit the dosage in jumps on one leg, and exercises in jumping rope alternate with short rest intervals. Provide a landing place. Kids - to jump on the sand, loosened ground, for the older ones - a jumping hole, in the gym - gymnastics mats.
    • on a gymnastic wall, rope ladder, rope help to strengthen the muscles of the foot and lower leg, and therefore they should be used more often in the process of exercising. Swimming and cycling contribute to the prevention and correction of flat feet.

    • Availability of equipment and inventory that helps to strengthen the muscles of the foot and lower leg: ribbed and inclined boards, beveled surfaces, a gymnastic wall, rope ladders, hoops, balls, skipping ropes, massage mats, gymnastic sticks, gymnastic mats, bicycles; equip natural dirt paths (made of sand , pebbles, small gravel, etc.).
    • Objective: the formation of the necessary knowledge, abilities and skills for the use of physical education for the purpose of prevention various diseases and functional deviations.
    • In order to create a positive emotional background, it is recommended: to use musical accompaniment, a variety of visual aids (pictures, toys), as well as corresponding riddles, poems and songs. The greatest effect is achieved when the exercises are performed barefoot. With children who have a functional deficiency of feet or flat feet, individual work should be carried out, including exercise therapy classes.

      Exercises for correcting flat feet

    • 1 Dancing Camel I. p. - standing, legs apart, feet in parallel, hands behind the back. Walking in place with alternate raising of the heel (do not pull the socks off the floor).
    • 2. "Funny Bear".

    • I. p. - standing on the outer edges of the feet, hands on the belt. Walking in place on the outer edges of the feet. The same with moving forward - backward, right - left. The same, whirling in place to the right and to the left.
    • I. p. - standing, legs together, hands in front of the chest with the elbows down, the hands are directed with the fingers to the bottom. 1 - 2 - half-squat on toes, smile; 3 - 4 - I. p.
    • 4. "The tiger cub is stretching."

    • I. p. - sitting on your heels, hands in the support in front. 1 - 2 - straighten your legs, emphasis standing, bending over;, 3 - 4 - i.p.
    • I. p. - sitting in Turkish style (bending the legs with the knees to the sides, the feet cross-on-the-cross, the outer edges of the feet are equally flat on the floor), hands arbitrarily. 1 - 2 - stand up; 3 - 4 - stand: legs are crossed, rest on the outer edges of the feet; 5 - 6 - sit down; 7 - 8 -

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