Sports shoes in a dream. Why did you dream about sneakers? Why do sneakers dream

Heating 05.07.2020

Sneakers seen in a dream most often symbolize some kind of change in life. Before you start interpreting what crosses dream about, remember all the details of your dreams. If you dreamed, for example, white sneakers, then all dream books, without exception, promise new beginnings and the implementation of your plans.

What Gustav Miller Predicted

Do you see in a dream that you are flaunting in brand new snow-white crosses? An excellent sign that means good luck in business. See you picking out a pair of sneakers at the store? Fate will be kind to you. And just buying white moccasins, according to Miller's dream book, means disappointment.

Brief interpretations

By themselves, white sneakers are a symbol of luck and novelty, but the interpretation of sleep may change due to the way you manipulated them in a dream.

  • measured - to joyful events;
  • bought - to sadness and despondency;
  • washed - to promising work;
  • shili - to profit;
  • lost - to insult;
  • gave - to useful acquaintances;
  • received as a gift - for an exciting trip.

Condition of shoes as a symbol of luck

Separately, you need to consider the stories in which you see your white sneakers old and torn. Such visions symbolize failure due to own stubbornness, the Wanderer's dream book suggests. A Gypsy dream book suggests that torn shoes represent the impossibility of promotion. You will be marking time, being unable to change anything.

But if you saw in a dream that the shoes are new and beautiful, blinding your eyes with their whiteness, then you can safely take on any business - everything will work out for you even better than you wanted, pleases the interpreter of Nostradamus.

Find it at any cost ... or Luck is near

Did you dream that you were trying to find white sneakers? To understand why this is a dream, it is necessary to analyze the dream and check with the dream books.

Lose and look for sports shoes - you are busy trying to find solutions to problems. Well, if you found your sneakers in a dream, then in reality there will be a solution. Looking for sports shoes in stores or in the market - get ready to be entrusted with a difficult but interesting and well-paid job. Looking for white sneakers for a gift in a dream - you will meet an interesting person with useful connections.

Buying is a sign of novelty

Did you dream that you were trying on new white sneakers? Why is this dreaming, Pastor Loff's dream book will tell you: they were just right for you - something new will suddenly burst into your life; were too small, and you felt cramped in them - you should not start anything, because each "new step" will be given to you with great difficulty.

Trying on children's sneakers on a child is a tempting offer that at first glance will seem trifling. But if you dreamed that you were helping someone try on crosses, and you were eager to find out why such a plot was dreaming, then the Lunar Dream Book will come to your rescue: if you help a friend, then very bright prospects will open before you.

Why do white shoes dream?

White shoes in a dream are considered a very favorable prediction, which speaks of a pleasant long trip or a trip to another country, about success in personal life and about joyful changes. Such a dream is generally perceived as positive.

Such a dream foreshadows an unexpected meeting with a charming young man, who in the future can make her an offer to marry. When a person with a commercial home dreams of white boots, it speaks of a huge success.

If women dreamed of white high-heeled boots, then most likely she will have an admirer or will have an unforgettable romantic adventure or a date with an old acquaintance. Such a dream usually does not carry negativity. So you should not be afraid of white shoes in any case.

White shoes, which are present in a dream, also indicate a state in real life your current affairs. Remembering the appearance of the shoe and your behavior that was in the dream, it will easily help you make a forecast for yourself for the future.

A dream in which white shoes appeared indicates a positive change of residence or change of place of work. A lot depends on what kind of shoes you dreamed about and how they looked at that time.

If white shoes are full of holes, then, despite all its positive essence, a person will experience difficulties in fulfilling the plan. If you dream about dirty white shoes, then this indicates a conflict situation at work and about matters that make it difficult to implement designs. To do this, you need to have a clear plan for further action.

Fashionable and graceful white shoes in a dream indicate that it is necessary to maintain distance and dignity when communicating with the opposite sex.

A dreamed heel on white shoes is a harbinger of problems from which it will simply be impossible to hide. Trampled heels on such shoes speaks of a passion for gambling, but if they are torn off, then there is a chance of losing and getting into debt.

The main thing is not to panic when you have such a dream. Believe the interpretation or not, you must decide for yourself. This is a personal matter for everyone.

Everything that was dreamed can be either a symbol or a sign of some event, or simply an expression of existing experiences. You don't need to get too carried away with the interpretation of every dream. It is better to believe in beauty, but at the same time do not forget what the white shoes are for.

Every dream carries a secret interpretation. If you dream of white shoes, then the meaning is interpreted in different ways. To correctly interpret your dream, you just need to remember the essence of the dream and the smallest details. It should be remembered that a dream can tell a lot.

Dream interpretation Shoes, why dream about Shoes in a dream to see

Dream Interpretation of AstroMeridiana Why dream of Shoes according to the dream book:

Seeing in a dream Measuring shoes - get ready for changes in your life. You are already tired of the usual way of things and you are determined to change something.

Measuring shoes in a store for a girl can mean the appearance of a loved one.

Why dream of trying on shoes for a long time, going through many pairs - you will have relationships with several people at the same time.

Autumn dream book Why dream of Shoes according to the dream book:

Shoes - Wash or clean shoes in a dream - for an upcoming trip or business trip.

Summer dream book Why dream of Shoes according to the dream book:

Shoes - Wash or clean shoes in a dream - to buy new shoes.

Small Velesov dream book Why shoes dream in a dream:

  • Dream shoes - Road;
  • old shoes are a nuisance, a need;
  • new shoes are a joy;
  • to wear shoes - good health, good;
  • old shoes - a familiar road // shame, bad;
  • new shoes to put on - news, pleasant trip, wedding, meeting // unfamiliar road, deception;
  • shoes tight - family troubles;
  • losing shoes and not finding - the death of a husband, divorce, losing a close friend;
  • to lose one of the shoes - a quarrel;
  • to buy shoes - improvement of affairs, new acquaintance;
  • to fix shoes - get ready for the road, joy;
  • ragged footwear - losses, death in relatives;
  • ugly shoes - illness, shame;
  • beautiful shoes - benefit, honor;
  • the sole fell off - loss, misfortune, death in relatives.

Symbolic dream book Dream interpretation: Shoes if dreaming

Shoes for what dreams - What we step on the ground, ie How we walk through life; road symbol, new or old affairs, sign love relationship(for women).

Gypsy dream book What does it mean if Shoes dream:

Dream shoes - Beautiful means honor and benefit arising from the diligence of subordinates; To see bad shoes marks shame and illness.

Erotic dream book Why dream of Shoes in a dream?

According to the dream book, to see Shoes - New, beautiful shoes are dreamed of in the case when there are no problems in sexual life, when everything goes like clockwork in it. Torn, dirty, old shoes are a sign of trouble in personal relationships or gossip about your reputation.

Dream interpretation of esoteric E. Tsvetkov Dream interpretation: Shoes what does it mean

Shoes for what dreams - A new place, unusual shoes - unusual affairs or relationships, this is how this dream is interpreted by the dream book.

Ukrainian dream book What does it mean when you dream about Shoes:

Shoes for what dreams - As boots, boots dream, there will be some kind of road or trip. New shoes- meeting, deception. Torn shoes or clothes - someone will die in the family. She dreams that the sole has passed away (and also from the right leg) - this is necessarily some kind of loss, misfortune. The sole is distracted from the shoes - there will be a dead man in the family.

Dream Interpretation of Prince Zhou-Gong Dreaming Shoes

  • Shoes - Someone is putting on your shoes. - Cheating wife, romance on the side.
  • You buy shoes or boots. - Indicates happiness for servants, subordinates.
  • You lose your shoes. - Indicates a possible departure or escape of servants or subordinates.
  • You take off your shoes, you untie your belt. - Indicates an unfortunate event, failure.
  • Shoes are torn, spoiled. - Indicates the illness of the wife, children or grandchildren, close relatives.
  • You put on cloth, hemp sandals. - Indicates success and good luck in all matters. You receive a new title, an honorary title. - Indicates the birth of noble offspring.
  • You ask someone for shoes. - Heralds help, support.
  • You take off your wooden shoes, bulky uncomfortable shoes. “So the danger will soon pass.
  • The ruler, the Emperor, with his retinue sets out on a military campaign. - Foreshadows great, unexpected happiness, according to the dream book - the predictor.

Dream Interpretation of the XXI Century Why Dream of Shoes?

See in a dream
  • Shoes - The glitter of new patent leather seen in a dream is a warning that not all that glitters is gold.
  • A project worthy of your attention, new job or a business that is interesting and promising at first glance may turn out to be absolutely unpromising and even unprofitable.
  • Seeing new shoes in a dream is for joy, old shoes for trouble or need.
  • If you see or wear moccasins in a dream, you have to run, be it sports events or relaxation.
  • If in a dream you wore wooden shoes, this means that thanks to your frugality, you will achieve wealth.
  • For a girl, shiny shoes can portend an acquaintance with a very rich, but stupid person.
  • Seeing women's shoes in a dream - to the road, happiness in love, quick but short-lived success.
  • Losing shoes in a dream is an obstacle, repairing them is a pleasure, changing them is a change in life, buying is to improving the state of your affairs in another city.
  • Cleaning shoes in a dream - to the appearance of a good neighbor.

Spring dream book Why dream of Shoes according to the dream book:

Shoes - Washing or cleaning shoes in a dream - to cancel the intended path.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Dream shoes - In general - the road; new affairs, occupations, relationships; help. Old - old affairs or relationships. To shoot is a change of occupation, feelings for someone. Shoes are not in good time, rubs - inappropriate things, difficulties in contact with other people. Torn - trouble; divorce; diseases of loved ones. There is no way to find a second shoe or shoe - strong doubts about the need for a relationship or a business started. Unusual, original or inappropriate footwear is a very strange situation; bobble; is in an unusual place.

Dream interpretation of the witch Medea Shoes according to the dream book:

What does it mean to see in a dream Shoes what you dream about - Shows that there is a way to solve your problem. Pay attention to the color, style of the shoe. This is a hint of the path. Clearly someone else's shoes urge you to accept someone else's point of view. To put on new shoes - portends success, additional profit, a new lover. Seeing a lot of shoes (on the shelf, in the store) - big choice roads, communication with several persons. To see old, shabby shoes, and even more so to put on - to everyday troubles.

Muslim dream book Why dream about Shoes:

Shoes - Shoes and galoshes denote a servant or servant, as well as property; and any old clothing in general - to sadness, new - to joy, but worn shoes have a better meaning than new ones, according to the dream book this dream is deciphered this way.

Modern dream book If you dream about Shoes:

Solves the dream book: Shoes for what dreams - Travel; clean - good; dirty - heavy

Biblical dream book of Azar Dream interpretation: To see shoes in a dream

Why dream of Shoes - Hard road, endless running around

Esoteric dream book If you dream about Shoes:

Why dream of Shoes - New, clean for good luck. Trying on, choosing any of your undertakings will bring profit. Buying you mistakenly think that you have to pay for happiness. It can ruin everything. Old, dirty to bad luck. You need to make an effort to clean, sew up, and everything can still get better, this is how your dream is interpreted by the dream book.

Persian dream book Taflisi Dream interpretation: Shoes in a dream

Seeing in a dream What is footwear dreaming of - Shoes and galoshes mean a servant or servant, as well as small property; keep in mind also that dreamed old, shabby, completely worn-out shoes are for joy, while new ones are for sadness.

Idiomatic dream book Why dream of Shoes according to the dream book:

To dream of shoes (to put on shoes) to see in a dream - "To put on someone else's shoes" - to deceive; "Felt boot" - about a stupid, simple, stupid person. See separately boots.

If sneakers in a dream are torn and frayed, your travels will be unsuccessful, so it's better not to rush with them for now.

Trying on new ones - you will go on a journey that will leave behind many pleasant impressions.

Sneakers that do not fit - you will be puzzled by the orders of the boss, which will cause you problems.

Why do white sneakers dream?


Tamarachka Frolova

Ramil Akhmetzyanov

light metatarsal

any color white is freedom, air. sneakers - sports. white sneakers mean that the next day is good

★ Carmen ₱ Whis

This is a modern interpretation of "white slippers". I'm afraid I'll be back soon.

Sneakers white

Dream interpretation sneakers white dreamed of why in a dream White sneakers? To select the interpretation of the dream, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get online interpretation of dreams with a letter free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see white sneakers in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

Dream interpretation - Sneakers (sports shoes)

To the road (hike), entertainment; frivolous, nothing insignificant relationship.

Dream interpretation - Underwear

Seeing your underwear torn or dirty in a dream is a sign of shame, shame and need. Such a dream can also portend you a loss of place or demotion, sometimes imprisonment or bankruptcy. Seeing in a dream your linen or linen of a loved one dirty, greasy, burnt is a very bad omen, which portends you a streak of great failures, losses, collapse, complete ruin, which will end in separation from a loved one or divorce. Putting on clean linen in a dream - to get good news.

The dream predicts that lovers after such a dream can count on sincerity and support of each other, as well as on the fact that their desire to marry is mutual. For the rest, a dream predicts good luck in business and the fulfillment of desires. See interpretation: clothing.

A dream in which you see yourself dressed in underwear surrounded by strangers means that many trials, shame and hardships await you. However, if people surrounded you in a dream so that no one sees you naked, then only people who are directly related to the scandalous case will know about your shame. If in a dream you see that you are getting into the elevator in your underwear in the presence of a large number of people and the elevator suddenly starts to move upwards, then, contrary to your expectation, great success awaits you, which, however, will be accompanied by scandals around your name, gossip and big hassle. See interpretation: lift.

If in a dream you see yourself surrounded by strangers, in whose presence you have to undress to your underwear, and everyone sees that you are wearing your lover's underwear, then you will have a lot of worries and troubles because of your frivolous behavior, which will become known to a certain circle, which will cause criticism and disapproval in your address. A dream in which you see that your lover is wearing lingerie that does not belong to you means that he is unfaithful to you. Such a dream warns you that you have given your feelings to a person unworthy and vile. However, if you see your underwear on your lover, then you will have a lot of worries because of your lover, who will have many problems and troubles in the family. Black underwear in such a dream means sadness and tears. The dream also predicts to you that soon all troubles will end and peace and harmony will reign in your relationship. See interpretation: color.

Washing your underwear in a dream is a sign of reconciliation after a long disagreement. Buying new underwear in a dream means that you will make every effort to equip your home or build relationships with a loved one. Tearing your underwear is a sign of undeserved humiliation, insults and shame. Seeing dried blood stains on your underwear is a harbinger of physical ailment, surgery and stress that will affect your entire future life. See interpretation: blood.

For a woman to wear beautiful underwear in front of a mirror in a dream is a sign of disappointed hopes, grief and resentment. Such a dream also portends you separation from your loved one and the collapse of plans. If in a dream you see that your lover is wearing such underwear that he has never worn before, then you will find many disappointments. Such a dream portends you the loss of a loved one, pretense of love, distrust and betrayal. Marks on your underwear - to inheritance and marriage with a very responsible and hardworking person. Beautiful and expensive underwear in a dream warns you that your frivolous behavior can cause other people a lot of grief and damage your reputation. Folding underwear in a dream is a harbinger of success in love.

Dream interpretation - White

White in general means positive changes in life. White grapes are a symbol of innocence, purity, and white wine suggests entertainment, riotous life. White bread- prosperity and profit. A white shirt is good news, putting it on is a pleasant sensation. To have white teeth - good health hair is luck. To see a white kitten - to avoid trouble, a cat - uncertainty, confusion, ruin. White rabbit - fidelity in love. White swan - great prospects and pleasant experiences. A white horse or horse is an alternation of failures and successes, with the latter prevailing. A white donkey is a wealthy life, full of wealth and love.

Whitewashing something - to participate in the celebration. To whitewash yourself is to receive an unexpected gift. White to see or hold in hands - to joy. Negative consequences can cause visions that are really fantastic, for example: white bat as a sign of death or white ink on black paper, promising nothing but blues and illness. However, in any case, due diligence, presence of mind and support from friends can help to avoid unpleasant consequences.

Dream interpretation - underwear

Be careful in your intimate relationships. Seeing underwear for women - your mistrust and jealousy will lead to a quarrel with your dear person. Seeing underwear hanging on a rope - your relationship with your loved one, on display, will lead to separation from those who are dear to you. Washing your underwear - your rash steps will make you feel ashamed that you want to hide from others. You are in underwear - to a disease of the genitourinary organs.

Imagine covering your underwear with a blanket (see Blanket).

Dirty laundry - Your career is at risk. Seeing dirty underwear - your rash behavior will lead to rumors and gossip. Wearing dirty laundry - a dream warns of the imminent danger of shame. You may find yourself in an awkward situation because of your ambition. Seeing another person in dirty linen - you have to learn about the unworthy actions of the owner of dirty linen. To avoid publicity, the owner of the lingerie will try to denigrate you in every possible way or involve you in a business that could compromise you. Buy dirty women's underwear - you will find yourself in the center of a scandal that will knock the soil out from under your feet.

Mentally prolong the sleep and imagine how the owner of dirty laundry got under the shower and a large stream of water washes away all problems (see Shower).

Selling lingerie - you will become the cause of quarrels and discord in the family of your relatives.

Try to refuse in the coming days from visiting your loved ones, no matter how they insist on your meeting.

Dream Interpretation - White something

White monkey - portends the achievement of a higher position.

The white rat shows the way to the treasure - cooperation and support from someone.

White elephant - portends an appointment.

White dolphin - portends an appointment.

You cover yourself with a white veil - great luck and benefit.

Red and white clouds - happiness.

Dressed in white clothes - someone is plotting something against you.

A cart pulled by white horses is riding - great happiness, good luck.

Riding a white horse is a disease.

A carriage pulled by white horses is riding - portends great happiness, good luck.

A commoner in white robes comes to you as a messenger and calls you - heralds death.

You see yourself dressed in white clothes - someone is plotting something against you.

Dream interpretation - Underwear

Linen - wash linen: clean - they don't talk about you well; dirty and dirty water - someone is judging. Doing laundry is death. Buying underwear is a disease; to do - miserliness; hanging out to dry - profit. Torn underwear - humiliation, trouble at work. Get up in your underwear - find out about interesting news. Clean linen in the closet - well-being, dirty - family strife. Dirty linen is a lie, clean linen is profit.

Dream interpretation - Underwear

Washing bedding in a dream portends you tears, a change in life for the worse, resentment and insults that can end in separation from a loved one. For the poor, a dream about bed linen promises well-being, especially if the linen is clean and ironed. See interpretation: bed, clothing.

Seeing in a dream that others wash their bedding is a bad omen, which means that you will be drawn into some kind of big scandal and your reputation will be seriously damaged. See interpretation: wash.

If in a dream you twist wet linen, then you are in for grief and trouble. A dream in which you hang freshly washed linen on a rope means receiving a big win or receiving an inheritance. If the linen suddenly turns out to be torn or stained, then you will face a trial, disputes with relatives and a family scandal. Putting ironed linen in a closet or chest is a sign of stinginess and pedantry. Sleep also means that you will never yield to a friend or relative in some kind of dispute. See interpretation: wardrobe, chest, furniture.

Seeing the linen clean in the closet is well-being. If in a dream you buy bedding, then you will expect a lot of grievances, disappointments and troubles. Sometimes such a dream predicts for you that important changes will soon take place in your home. Selling bedding in a dream is a harbinger of great failures, losses and want.

Dream interpretation - Underwear

Underwear seen in a dream - to win or inherit. If the linen is torn, your career may fail. Rusty stains on linen - wait for guests. Linen hung to dry portends quarrels and discord with friends and a loved one, loneliness. Twisting wet linen is unseemly. Hanging it on a rope itself is a disease of a close relative. Removing dry from the rope is a disaster in the house. Ironing linen - a noisy visit fun company.

Do laundry - start a general cleaning in the house or workplace. Seeing dirty linen - to family squabbles and troubles. Seeing clean, fresh-smelling linen on the closet shelves is a sign of material well-being. Putting on underwear - find out interesting news. Walking in a headset - you will be overcome by restless thoughts. Buying linen means arranging family affairs.

Dream interpretation - Underwear

Hanging clean bed linen on a rope - to win, inheritance.

Just seeing the hanging linen is a quarrel with loved ones.

Twisting wet linen - expose betrayal.

Folding linen is meanness, but just to see a stack of clean linen in a dream is to have prosperity in reality.

Changing or buying bed linen is a disease.

To wash or make the bed with dirty linen - to insult, trouble, retribution for the sins of the past.

Jumping out of bed in your underwear - find out very interesting news.

Seeing yourself half-dressed in a dream is a sign of well-being.

Putting on underwear - to a slippery position (it is not known whether good luck or bad luck will follow).

If a young woman sees herself in a dream in expensive underwear, she will have a loyal admirer.

If she accepts underwear as a gift from a stranger, this is a warning about temptations and temptations.

Dream interpretation - Underwear

Any underwear is a symbol of a woman.

Bed linen symbolizes well-established sexual contacts.

The underwear symbolizes your desire to have sex with a much younger partner.

Any operations with the laundry, such as washing. Ironing, mending, etc., indicate your desire for experimentation in the field of sex.

Choosing and buying lingerie symbolizes a break with a sexual partner.

Lingerie hanging from a string suggests that you tend to advertise your sexual accomplishments.

what is the dream of pure white sneakers, but I knew for sure that they were not new and that I needed to buy others, but so far I have changed one?


Zoom Fivefold

Pure white life awaits you

Maria Ilyinskaya

Taking off your shoes in a dream is a failure.
Putting on varnished shoes in a dream is a rewarding trip.

Tatiana Rybakova

You need to sort out matters of the heart.
Make a choice.
It seems to me in this moment
you change "awl" to "soap".
Careful ...

Why dream of sports white and blue sneakers? clearly saw how they stood on the shelf.


# 8 # 8 # 8 # Misha # 8 # 8 # 8 #

sneakers to see in a dream - you will be knocked down by an explosion of passion. a dream about sneakers is a dream of someone who is seething with anger, and is resolutely disposed.


mira irgalieva

to divorce, the relationship has come to naught, everything will happen quickly

Interpreters give one meaning to any shoe - change, trouble and movement.

But about what sneakers dream of, the dream book offers several different predictions.

What do sneakers symbolize

Sports shoes in dreams speak for themselves: usually such a vision portends a long period of change. For some, this stage of life may seem like a real cross. The details of the image you see will help you find a more accurate interpretation of what sneakers are dreaming of.

  • Measuring new sneakers in the store is a new direction in professional activity... Perhaps you will find a new way to increase the profits of your business or take a new position;
  • You cannot untangle the laces on sports shoes - fear of being late for some important meeting;
  • To successfully untangle the laces on sneakers in a dream is a temporary difficulty;
  • Putting on new and beautiful sneakers is a smile of fortune. Success accompanies you in everything, and a state of lightness reigns in your soul;
  • Washing or cleaning athletic shoes is a rush. The dream interpretation means that soon you will have to sweat hard;
  • Receiving sneakers as a gift is a chore;
  • Mending shoes in a dream is the completion of a black streak in life. If during this period you have not fizzled out and are still ready to reach new heights, then act boldly;
  • Buying new sneakers in a dream is an investment of money in some business. However, to profit from it, you have to work hard.

Special attention should be paid to the interpretation of the dream, where sports shoes were stained. In this case, the dreamer can expect unexpectedly large wealth in the form of an inheritance, winning the lottery or finding a treasure. Moreover, the suddenly dumped money will not bring you problems and misfortunes, as is usually the case, but on the contrary, it will bring happiness and goodness with it.

What sneakers looked like in a dream

The appearance of a shoe can tell a lot about a person and their habits. This aspect is no less important in the interpretation of dreams. To find out what sneakers dream about, you just need to remember how they looked in night dreams.

  • White sneakers are the clean path. It does not matter what it will be, but it will be accompanied by the professional growth of the dreamer;
  • Torn athletic shoes - excessive dedication. If you don't slow down now, you may be threatened breakdown... Take yourself a little rest and get back to business;
  • Dirty sneakers are a symbol of tedious work. Labor will not bring you joy or satisfaction. It is worth considering whether you have chosen the business;
  • Old and worn out sneakers - some events can end very badly. Be careful in communication, send with caution on trips and travel;
  • A torn lace on a sneaker is a warning of danger.

If you happen to see sneakers in a dream, then you should tune in and not take everything that happens around to your heart. Additional elements will give more detailed information about a dream. For example, if you are worried about a recent conflict with your lover, then you should pay attention to the laces that were present on the sneakers in a dream. Torn laces can symbolize an imminent separation.

Modern dream book about sneakers

According to this interpreter, the one who dreams of sneakers will have a dynamic and mobile lifestyle. Shoes worn out to holes promise an unsuccessful trip, during which the dreamer will have to face a lot of various troubles. If in a dream you see that the sneakers are torn or the laces are tangled on them, then you should take this vision as a warning. In the near future, you run the risk of getting bogged down in debt. To prevent this from happening, you will need to take some measures before starting a new business.

Buying or measuring sneakers in a dream means that in real life the dreamer will have to complete a very serious and responsible task. If in a dream the shoes turned out to be too large or, on the contrary, small, then soon you will be in trouble, the cause of which will be a new task given by the leader. Dirty sports shoes by modern dream book indicates upcoming quarrels and scandals. Moreover, aggression can come not only from the people around, but also from the dreamer himself.

Fascinating events, extraordinary, romantic hobbies, flirting, a gambling trip, fun leisure await you ahead - all this will give colorful impressions, intense experiences, a positive emotional charge.


What sneakers did you dream about?

Dreamed of torn sneakers ▼

Worn, old, or torn sneakers are dreamed of to warn you. Be careful when dealing with unfamiliar people. Refuse suspicious offers.

If you are planning to travel somewhere, stick to the rules. safe behavior on the road. It will be useful to provide yourself with additional personal protective equipment.

Dirty sneakers according to the dream book ▼

If you saw dirty sneakers, this is a dream, carrying. The closest one will be distinguished by frequent, wrangling,. Not only the behavior of others, but also your provocations will lead to a stormy showdown.

Unfortunately, it will not be possible to completely avoid aggressive confrontation. But if you treat your opponents with great respect, you will be able to get out with minimal losses.

What color sneakers did you dream about?

Why do red sneakers dream ▼

The red sneakers seen in a dream predict a fateful meeting with a future lover, and also promise that the next period will be intensely colored. A rare piece of luck awaits you.

I dreamed about bright sneakers ▼

If in a dream bright sneakers caught your attention - this is a favorable omen. In real life, you will experience it to its fullest. What has been dreamed of for a long time will begin to come true.

If you are single, you will meet the perfect one for you. If already in a relationship, the connection will become deeper and more harmonious. If you worked patiently and diligently, your satisfaction, recognition, etc.

What did you do with the sneakers in your sleep?

Buy sneakers in a dream ▼

Why dream that you bought sneakers? If they were trendy, the dream carries a particularly inspiring prediction. An active, eventful life awaits you this month.

You will expand your circle of friends or spontaneously go to places where you have not been before. Perhaps you will be carried away by an unusual one, you will come up with an original project and begin to implement it with enthusiasm.

I dreamed that you were wearing sneakers ▼

Sneakers - such an action, according to the dream book, characterizes your competence and. An attempt to pull on sports shoes of the wrong size in a dream, in which it is impossible or uncomfortable to walk, speaks of overestimated self-esteem.

You probably took on a solution that was too complicated and now you reasonably doubt your knowledge. Or you think you are capable of more, but are afraid to say so.

But if you dream about how you try on sneakers in the shoe department and they suit you, then you are ready for a serious one and, for sure, you will successfully cope with it.

Why dream of losing sneakers ▼

The dream in which you are sneakers foreshadows a long one or with a close friend or lover. If in a dream, without finding your shoes, you have someone else with a spare pair, soon you will need a friendly one and you are guaranteed to get it.

How many sneakers did you dream about?

One sneaker is dreaming ▼

If in a dream you found one sneaker, the interpretation sets you up for a long period. It can be caused by the breakdown of a love union or forced with a person.

Although at first such an existence will seem painful to you, there is a chance to find a special meaning in this state - to revise life experience, touch deep feelings, otherwise prioritize. Try to make good use of your free time: in solitude, you can better hear and understand yourself.

Many sneakers in a dream ▼

If you dreamed of a lot of sneakers, for example, on a store rack or in a hallway, now you have a lot of resources at your disposal, several directions for development are open to you and a wide choice is presented - in your personal life and in your profession. It won't always be this way - take advantage of this precious moment.

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Dreamed of Sneakers, but there is no necessary interpretation of sleep in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out why Sneakers are dreaming in a dream, just write a dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

    In new white sneakers I run on a wide, free road, I feel comfort, ease of movement. I run to a certain place, pick up something, but I run past two strange men, I hear that my mobile phone is ringing, an unfamiliar number, I get scared, I don’t answer and run back. What does this mean?

    • Maria, perhaps your dream about running in new sneakers suggests that you can change your mind halfway to the goal.

      Hello! Here is my dream. I'm walking on the asphalt, like in the village. I am walking and I see that I am wearing white sneakers. Then I turn onto some road, which is all in dusty sand. I'm thinking how to get me in these white sneakers. so as not to stain them. Here I stood thinking, thinking ... and woke up.

      I dream that I choose Reebok sneakers :-) There are 2 pairs on the stand: the first is made of gray high-quality suede with blue and purple inserts (my size), and the second pair is black patent leather, super! and the quality is excellent and the price is lifting, but I don’t dare to go for one and… I wake up!

      I dreamed that my mother was trying on sneakers in the store. I will forgive the seller to let me measure my size too. And mom, why do you need sneakers, I'll give you mine, they’re at home, come and take them. They are too small for me.
      But I still take the sneakers from the seller and measure them. And they are so cool, in general I like them in a dream. Although, I notice that I once had such.
      I will also say that at the moment I divorced my husband. Does this dream have anything to do with what is happening at this moment in your personal life?

      • Your dream, most likely, suggests that you should prepare for a duration of painstaking work, simple solution no problems are foreseen.

        at first I dreamed that I was in the hospital and in the corridor they were selling many different paints on the shelves for a very cheap price and I liked some of the paints there very much, but I could not find money to buy them ... after a couple of days I dreamed of a continuation as if I were in the same hospital but already on the rack there are only some krasovki exactly those that I liked .. and this time I found money to buy them!)))

        • Your dream, in which there were such shoes, most likely suggests that you should be prepared for the fact that you will need to make choices to develop prospects.

          I am driving very quickly in a car, someone is chasing me, they catch up with me, I get out of the car and my mother stands and makes me try on new blue sneakers, I put them on, they are a little small for me ... I give them back ...

          We were on the river with a friend, then he (it is not clear how) turned out to be drunk, but we did not drink. And so I practically drag it on myself somewhere and near some shed on the way there are sneakers. The friend says: "Oh, this is mine!" and I woke up. When I told him this dream, he was afraid of something. Tell me what does it mean?

          I dreamed that I was wearing sneakers, I really liked them in my sleep, I couldn't really stop looking. I met a famous guy and he was wearing exactly the same de sneakers, and we hugged him for a long time) what could this mean?

          good evening, I dreamed that I was putting on new white sneakers, but they were from different pairs, they squeeze a little, I take them off and walk barefoot, while I was in a store somewhere abroad, in Italy, in my opinion, pants were still sold there, I I chose all of them and perfume, as a result I did not choose anything

          I had this dream in the afternoon. I woke up completely losing track of time and reality.
          My husband and I decided to go to the theater. When we entered the hall, I noticed that everything was somehow unusual. In a huge hall, dancers in red skirts danced in pairs. The dance was splendid. We were invited to a table. We walked through and sat down at a glass table on glass chairs. The lighting was dim, the atmosphere was very pleasant and romantic. There were many people around. Everyone talked, had fun. I felt a little uncomfortable. This whole atmosphere is like in films at social gatherings famous people... I was in a beautiful long red dress that fitted my figure. (In a dream, I usually see myself much thinner as before than in reality. I recovered after giving birth). I noticed that they often say hello to my husband. strangers... I ask my husband:
          - And who are they who greet you?
          My husband answered me:
          -Yes, do not pay attention, here it is everywhere.
          I AM:
          -What were you here?
          I started asking, how is that? That's impossible. And we quarreled over this. It seemed to me that my husband was deceiving me, that he was not saying something.
          I wandered down the corridor and suddenly saw the cooks in the kitchen. I asked one woman for water. She gave me a glass of water, looked at me and asked:
          -Something happened? That you are so sad.
          I told her that so and so, my husband is hiding something.
          She asked his name. I said the name, and then she revealed the secret to me. My husband has been walking here for a week now. At first he played poker with the guys from the bar, and then he saw his old acquaintance, it seems her name is Irina. She works as a waitress for us. She turned out to be his former love... And she wanted to return my husband back, although she herself was behind her husband.
          - She's a fool, the cook told me. Is it possible to destroy a family like this.
          I cried bitterly, and saw my husband in the doorway to the kitchen. He heard everything, and guessed that I knew everything. And then I woke up.
          PS: after a while I learned from a common friend that her name is actually Irina, she is married and an unfaithful wife. I am very afraid that my dream may come true. Please explain.
          Best regards, Nastya

          I take off my sneakers in white and blue, they have white laces with knots, I untie these knots and wonder to myself that they untie so easily. And then I take brown high-heeled bodfords and put them on, I know that these are my boots, I have already worn them, I like them very much and I am comfortable in them.

          I dream that with in new beautiful kratovki and they are not fully laced, I lace them. the phone rings, and then Phillip Kirkorov calls me and asks me how are you, and I tell him that I bought krasovki so cool, fashionable, stylish, they are brown. But a little too big. And next to me are my friends and we are discussing it. BEFORE I dreamed about boots - I am now dating a man))

          That I put a lot of my different shoes in the closet, as my ex-husband And the sneakers are large and white, I don't remember whether I put them on or not. But I looked at them for a long time.

          A guy came to me, I don't know if I know him or not, he came with a package. I asked him what he had in the package, he says he bought sneakers, and I tried them on for him, he tried one sneaker, and I tried on another. I clearly remember that the sneakers were blue. Then I accompanied him to the door.

          Sneakers measured 35.5 instead of 36. They turned out to be just right and very comfortable. Two-tone .. black with yellow stripes ... from the fabric it seems ..
          I tried to find out their price from the seller - I did not find out ... I was going to buy them 100%.

          I dreamed that I ordered white reebook sneakers in an eldorado store)) white reebook sneakers, then I ended up at home and they brought me sneakers home in a large box, but they were not the same as I ordered in the store, they were stupidly all white, and even better!

          my enemy, but in a small part, a relative offered me to buy sneakers right at school and I agreed to wear them and my ex best friend said that they did not suit me and we went to the school gym and there were many schoolchildren and we called him and said that we wanted to return the money, he first refused and then agreed and we left the gym and I went further with my friend with relief but woke up ...

          Hello! I had a dream about how I was buying a sundress in the store, some kind of sweaters and sneakers, but leaving the store for some reason I didn't like the sneakers, they turned out to be different (one as usual and the second with a high top) and I decided to return them and returned all the things which I bought, but when I returned the money, they kept the money and I left very upset. Tell me what this dream is about) Thank you!

          It seems that I was in training, I took off my sneakers, and when the training was over, I did not find 2 sneakers. looked for him everywhere and could not find it. and could not leave the room and it was a pity since the sneakers were relatively new

          i dreamed that I tightly hug the girl and she me, and as if we had been meeting for a long time and I clearly saw her face. then I try to talk to her on a serious topic, but something or someone constantly interferes with us, then I still ask her a question: how will she react to 2 scenarios of our relationship, 1 scenario - she starts to live together and run the household together with the prospect of a wedding, and scenario 2 - we disagree and sometimes call up, she does not give an answer, it freezes). then I leave the house and put on my sneakers (sort of like new) but without laces, and I hold the laces in my hands and plan to tie them on the street as I leave the house. a little girl (14-16 years old) comes up to the doorstep of the house and asks the guy's name (and says my name). I say that it’s me and what she wants, the girl says that she’s nothing and she needs another guy but with the same name, I’m surprised, but I turn to my girlfriend, who is sitting in the house and writes something and says - “look, they are interested in me , so think quickly on my question and give an answer. " and with a smile I go on.

          I dreamed in the dark time of the day I was talking to a local roofing felts only with an ordinary man, he said what kind of brother and sister of a narrow-minded mind I have, like one is thumping and the other is a drug addict. Then I ended up in some kind of apartment and there we bought sneakers from a woman. There was my mother and brother. In general, I did not seem to have chosen anything. And my mother and brother say try on the white sneakers I liked and they said it was for your birthday. Then, standing in this apartment, my mother stood near the entrance and I stood opposite to her right hand tobish on the side and she held a large mirror, but I was on the table opposite with a yoku and could not see my reflection. This mirror stands in our house, an old rimless mirror, just a mirror. And my grandfather, when he came to visit, said to throw out his supposedly bad mirror ... well, in general, when my mother and brother gave me a cross, I was not very happy and when I raised my eyes and looked at them and experienced such joy as at the first love, butterflies flew inside.

          my husband enters the room and turns into a beautiful ginger cat. begins to crawl along the walls and climbs to the ceiling, then descends and turns back. I tell him to climb back, then he again turns into a ginger cat and climbs on the ceiling, I find myself in a cheerful company, we drink wine, but I don’t get drunk. I'm leaving to play with my nephew, I want him to run with me. he does not want. then I run alone with incredible speed. I understand that I am not tired and I look at my feet. I have nice new sneakers. it seems to me that I run because of them. wake up

          My boyfriend and I are driving a car (already sold), we leave it somewhere outside the city and go for a walk along a forest road, the sun is shining and warmth, I look at my feet and see that I am walking in one sneaker, I take it off and carry it in hand, we go very far from the car and try to get back to it, go out to the village station trying to buy a ticket and I always wake up at this moment….

          I dreamed that I was on the train, I had a bag of shoes with me. I meet a friend with whom we have not spoken for a long time. Then the train stops, a car with my relatives comes for me. and I understand that I forget white sneakers on the train, but they call me and want to return them.

          I dreamed of new multi-colored sneakers, they were on my shoes. At first I liked them, but then I realized that I didn't and they turned out to be a little too big for me. I was in a sleeping car and I began to unlace them to get on the shelf. I didn't see the train itself and didn't I know whether we were standing or driving.

          Hello! I dreamed that someone said that you can buy sneakers. They're pink, soooo cool. And I say: Yes, sneakers alone cost 10,000 !!! (and it is not clear what kind of money).
          Due to the fact that they are expensive, apparently I did not buy them and I don’t remember measuring them. But I remembered the phrase.

          Good day!
          I had a very long dream and many events. But I remember that I put my white running shoes (a pair of sneakers) on my feet and hurry somewhere with my husband (at this time he pulls my hands, like faster).

          The dream was from Thursday to Friday of the last week of Lent, the dream was colored, my ex-husband came to visit me, we talked kindly, leaving I helped him put on sneakers in such a bright unusual turquoise color with small black and white stripes, which is not typical for him , he left and the sneakers stayed at my house! I was worried, they say, what did he wear? But then I put them in a corner

          I dreamed about a guy who was very nice, I really like him, and he shows sympathy for me. he walked me home, kissed me, then I left. met on the second day some kind of party in nature, a lot of people, I stood and looked at him, he came up and hugged from the back. I feel very good and calm, then suddenly I am swimming on my back, in very clean and transparent water, green algae are visible, and I will squeeze him out in the same position and in such water. the picture has changed - I am looking at very bright green or light green krasovki, which were hanging on a rope and dried, I know that these shoes are that guy. we are going in a minibus, he sits next to me, then he repeats further against me, and looks at me and smiles, I have a feeling of loss. then I dream about taking off my underwear, someone asks where that guy is, everyone is looking for him, and I'm going home from the guests, I have the feeling that I lost him that he didn't want to be with me because of the children…. (I have two of them. in my life, and I am married). please explain the dream. Thanks.

          I was at work with my colleague, a delivery of sneakers came to me, my colleague received it and brought me sneakers in a box, then asked me: "First try them on at least." to which I willingly tried them on, I really liked them and fit the size. I put them on immediately. thank you in advance

          Good morning! 2-3 days ago in a dream I bought a new sneaker, and immediately put it on. I liked them so much, I looked at them every five minutes, and I also walked with ex-boyfriend, I often see him in my dreams, but that day we walked together, everything was the same as before. as if we hadn't parted. and he kissed my feet in a dream ...

          I didn't run fast on the new paved road in my new white sneakers. And a young man followed me slowly, as if he had been assigned to look after me, he smiled. Then I got into a new tram, holding the handrail and looking out the window as a boy of about 7 did not have time to sit down, and one woman not far from me pressed the stop-crane for him, but he had already left. Then I’m at home, sitting at the set table with my daughter, I’m given a plate, and on it there’s a huge rosy pancake.

          I cannot pay for the interpretation of the dream. And I dreamed that I was going to work (to the office), and for some reason I put on my husband's sweatpants (they are very large on me, but in reality I really love to wear them, because they are warm and comfortable) gray, my white sneakers , they are not torn, but I only wear them at home in the yard, the sneakers were either mud or sand from the garden, I thought in a dream that it was not so beautiful, and brushed off this mud. Then I looked in the mirror, saw that for some reason I was very thin (in fact, I am also very thin, and this is sometimes the subject of pinning from my family and friends), then I was wearing some kind of dress or white skirt colors with some kind of pattern (I don't remember, the flowers are golden brown), it's all dressed over sports trousers, I understand that it doesn't seem to suit me very well, I tuck this blouse or dress into my trousers, adjust it so that I didn't look very big and I go to work (and in a dream I understand that it is better to put on a suit in the office, but all the same I prefer the clothes that I am wearing, because it is so comfortable).

          Hello! I dreamed that my husband was shool with two friends in new krassovkas, they didn’t have him before with a watch in his arms, they walked smiling talking, I passed by, they didn’t even notice me.

          I dreamed that I bought sneakers for 150 UAH, but when I started looking at them, there were scratches ... I brought it to the seller, she said, there is no return, and in general they are still glued here. I was very upset and burst into tears

          Tatiana, good afternoon.
          My name is Tatyana. The dream was from Friday to Saturday. The bottom line is that I was tasked with designing shoes that are comfortable for athletes. In a dream, I studied the insole in detail. She was leathery light Brown color... Next, I thought about the shape of the shoe. A little later, I realized that I had figured out how to do all this, but I understand that I myself cannot sew the sole. At that moment a man appears who brings a ready-made pair of shoes. I am relieved that a solution has appeared and I will not let the team down. I don't remember further details. In my life I have no relation to sports and shoe making. I would be grateful for deciphering the meaning of sleep. Thank you.

          I was wearing white nikes with a blue curtain, and then there was yesterday's physical training lesson, only when we were running, I felt how the sneakers were crumpled a little, and everyone looked at me, and then we threw the ball, and for the whole lesson I looked at the guy who I liked + he was in his usual form, red, then it was all over and I woke up

          Good morning! I had a dream tonight that my mother gave me very beautiful white sneakers, I measured them in size, they fit and outwardly I really liked. What can this mean (the beginning of a new relationship or something else)?

          I was in our former gardening partnership and walked down our street. People were working on their plots in the distance. Then I went into a strange house. There was no one there. I took warm socks, just like at my house (I knitted myself) and then a 38-year-old woman, a decent-looking woman, came in .. asked what I needed. we didn’t swear. these are not mine, and then she brought my blue with white stripes and that's it.

          I dreamed of white krasovki with blue inserts, clean, comfortable in the hallway, but there was a feeling of fear that my beloved person would scold me for buying them
          When I was shooting, there were the same krasovki


          Hello Tatiana. I dreamed that a guy came to the house (the house is not mine, I was kind of like visiting his mother there) and I saw his white-orange sneakers standing in the hallway. He said that today he only bought them for football

          it was either a train or a bus (the transport was constantly changing) my daughter and I came to visit my grandmother, they met us on the platform, prepared to leave, and when I practically left, I begin to understand that I am in one gray sneakers (in my life I have them now I had the feeling that someone deliberately hid this sneaker. And I began to loudly, or maybe even shout, demand my shoes. I went into the transport and went out many times, but did not want to leave without the sneaker. It was very emotional dream.

          dream. like visiting friends, there were a lot of people visiting there and some kind of pussies, but like I know them too, and when everything starts to leave, I leave later, and in my crosses someone left ... I had such a dream for a long time only there were my other sneakers. and then someone took my adiks away. someone left them.

          I dreamed of beige sneakers, new ones. I was in them,
          but instead of laces there was a nylon thread, which I immediately removed.
          and my favorite person tried to put laces on sneakers, but I did not give him, because the laces were white and did not fit the sneakers.

          I dreamed that I was on some kind of journey and when I began to get ready for home I could not find my travel bag, and then I found that my sneakers were not there. Someone's things were scattered around, among them I picked up someone's sneakers, but I never found the bag. Then I woke up.

          I was sick of how I bought, went to the store, chose the sneakers for myself, the sneakers I chose beautiful white, so I usually don’t wear such sneakers, when I didn’t choose the sneakers, but I didn’t pick out the crochet shoes, but I didn’t use them. FOR ME SNEAKERS.

          Hello, I dreamed as if I came to the store and how I would have won a bonus and they should give me shoes, sneakers and a tracksuit, but they did not have a suit, just sneakers, then the size is not mine, they could not find me, they gave black at first and one sneaker was like would be old dirty and then, as if I pulled out of the box gray sneakers so beautiful and comfortable and my husband was with me like so

          Hello, I had a very strange dream today. And what I want to say is that in this dream I am in the form of black sneakers in size 38 like my friend's. Please tell me why these black 38 sizes are to be removed like your friend's.

          I dreamed of my beloved, with whom I parted for three years, but I am still trapped in ... love. He had not dreamed for a long time, after a dream in a half-awakening she muttered out loud that "I really dreamed about you." In the dream, there was such an accentuated detail as his brown sneaker, which was leaking, but in excellent condition, not soiled ... and thus it brought him to my house. It was raining, and he was sleeping in my apartment, I fed him ... And I cleaned the shoes, fixed them and put them on the radiator to dry.

          I dreamed that I was on the bank of a river, and accidentally fell into it, but not really, just slipped a little, and when I got out I lost my sneakers, but then I caught them, I don't understand what this dream is about, help

          Yesterday I had another fight with a young man and was very worried, hysterical. Today I dreamed about how I was at my school, I opened a portfolio and there were a lot of sneakers and they were mostly gray and black. What does it mean?

          For a long time I wandered around an unfamiliar house in an ordinary high-rise building. There were some people, I climbed for a long time and wandered the stairs and floors. And at the end I found the apartment you need which was my ex-girlfriend (we broke up half a year ago). She was sitting on the floor. I go up to her, sit down next to her and see that one of her legs is very thin, just skin and bones. Also hairy at the top. I ask what happened, and she is silent.

Any footwear seen in a dream symbolizes changes and new acquaintances, both with people and with localities. Dreaming about new sneakers, according to most dream books, is a sign that a carefree pastime awaits you, but only if you correctly prioritize and somewhat accelerate your pace of life. When interpreting what these sports shoes are dreaming of, be sure to consider all the details.

What Gustav Miller Prophesies

Miller's dream book, being one of the most accurate interpreters of dreams, offers very simple and uncomplicated interpretations of the dream in which you saw new sneakers.

So, for example, if in a dream you see on yourself a brand new sports shoes, then you can count on success in the business field. Trying on, choosing crosses is a sign of luck, but if you had to buy them in a dream, then the vision promises disappointment in your personal life.

The color of the shoes will tell you what to expect

The color of the new sneakers in a dream depends on its interpretation. Here's what some of them dream about:

  • white - to the rapid implementation of the plan;
  • black - dreams will "linger" on the way for an indefinite period;
  • red - to passion and love groans;
  • yellow, orange - everything will turn out easy and simple for you;
  • green, blue - to career success and money;
  • variegated or "poisonous" colors indicate that you are a fan of drawing attention to yourself.

Shoe Store: Something new awaits you!

If a man dreamed that he acquired new sneakers, then such a vision may mean painful employment or mastering another specialty. A woman to see this in a dream is to a new boyfriend, the dream book of Nostradamus believes. See the new sneakers have no laces? This means unhappy surprises from a loved one.

Do you want to know why you are dreaming that you are selling sneakers? Pastor Loff's dream book predicts that your actions will provide unconscious support to a colleague, which will bring novelty to your relationship.

An incident happened, or take care of finances

Dreamed that you were presented with brand new sneakers, but they turned out to be already worn? The eastern dream book claims that such dreams symbolize small but insulting financial losses. If you bought sneakers for yourself, but they were stolen from you, the real expenses will be quite tangible.

But what is the dream of buying defective crosses, according to the same interpreter: you will spend a lot of money on a trip that will not bring you the desired satisfaction, the Lunar Dream Book distresses.

On the wrong foot as a symbol of change

Had a dream that the new sneakers that were presented to you are pressing and rubbing calluses? Before taking on any off-profile work, "weigh" your skills and abilities. There is a chance that you will not cope with the task, and this will cause you to be demoted or deprived of your bonus, suggests the Spring Dream Book.

To put on sneakers on the wrong foot in a dream is a sign that innovations will come into life. But if you put on the moccasins of your marriage partner, then this promises you a change of image or getting rid of old habits.

Dream interpretation Shoes, why dream about Shoes in a dream to see

Dream Interpretation of AstroMeridiana Why dream of Shoes according to the dream book:

Seeing in a dream Measuring shoes - get ready for changes in your life. You are already tired of the usual way of things and you are determined to change something.

Measuring shoes in a store for a girl can mean the appearance of a loved one.

Why dream of trying on shoes for a long time, going through many pairs - you will have relationships with several people at the same time.

Autumn dream book Why dream of Shoes according to the dream book:

Shoes - Wash or clean shoes in a dream - for an upcoming trip or business trip.

Summer dream book Why dream of Shoes according to the dream book:

Shoes - Wash or clean shoes in a dream - to buy new shoes.

Small Velesov dream book Why shoes dream in a dream:

  • Dream shoes - Road;
  • old shoes are a nuisance, a need;
  • new shoes are a joy;
  • to wear shoes - good health, good;
  • old shoes - a familiar road // shame, bad;
  • new shoes to put on - news, pleasant trip, wedding, meeting // unfamiliar road, deception;
  • shoes tight - family troubles;
  • losing shoes and not finding - the death of a husband, divorce, losing a close friend;
  • to lose one of the shoes - a quarrel;
  • to buy shoes - improvement of affairs, new acquaintance;
  • to fix shoes - get ready for the road, joy;
  • ragged footwear - losses, death in relatives;
  • ugly shoes - illness, shame;
  • beautiful shoes - benefit, honor;
  • the sole fell off - loss, misfortune, death in relatives.

Symbolic dream book Dream interpretation: Shoes if dreaming

Shoes for what dreams - What we step on the ground, ie How we walk through life; a symbol of the road, new or old affairs, a sign of love relationships (for women).

Gypsy dream book What does it mean if Shoes dream:

Dream shoes - Beautiful means honor and benefit arising from the diligence of subordinates; To see bad shoes marks shame and illness.

Erotic dream book Why dream of Shoes in a dream?

According to the dream book, to see Shoes - New, beautiful shoes are dreamed of in the case when there are no problems in sexual life, when everything goes like clockwork in it. Torn, dirty, old shoes are a sign of trouble in personal relationships or gossip about your reputation.

Dream interpretation of esoteric E. Tsvetkov Dream interpretation: Shoes what does it mean

Shoes for what dreams - A new place, unusual shoes - unusual affairs or relationships, this is how this dream is interpreted by the dream book.

Ukrainian dream book What does it mean when you dream about Shoes:

Shoes for what dreams - As boots, boots dream, there will be some kind of road or trip. New shoes - meeting, deception. Torn shoes or clothes - someone will die in the family. She dreams that the sole has passed away (and also from the right leg) - this is necessarily some kind of loss, misfortune. The sole is distracted from the shoes - there will be a dead man in the family.

Dream Interpretation of Prince Zhou-Gong Dreaming Shoes

  • Shoes - Someone is putting on your shoes. - Cheating wife, romance on the side.
  • You buy shoes or boots. - Indicates happiness for servants, subordinates.
  • You lose your shoes. - Indicates a possible departure or escape of servants or subordinates.
  • You take off your shoes, you untie your belt. - Indicates an unfortunate event, failure.
  • Shoes are torn, spoiled. - Indicates the illness of the wife, children or grandchildren, close relatives.
  • You put on cloth, hemp sandals. - Indicates success and good luck in all matters. You receive a new title, an honorary title. - Indicates the birth of noble offspring.
  • You ask someone for shoes. - Heralds help, support.
  • You take off your wooden shoes, bulky uncomfortable shoes. “So the danger will soon pass.
  • The ruler, the Emperor, with his retinue sets out on a military campaign. - Foreshadows great, unexpected happiness, according to the dream book - the predictor.

Dream Interpretation of the XXI Century Why Dream of Shoes?

See in a dream
  • Shoes - The glitter of new patent leather seen in a dream is a warning that not all that glitters is gold.
  • A project that deserves your attention, a new job or business, interesting and promising at first glance, may turn out to be absolutely unpromising and even unprofitable.
  • Seeing new shoes in a dream is for joy, old shoes for trouble or need.
  • For a girl, shiny shoes can portend an acquaintance with a very rich, but stupid person.

Spring dream book Why dream of Shoes according to the dream book:

Shoes - Washing or cleaning shoes in a dream - to cancel the intended path.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Dream shoes - In general - the road; new affairs, occupations, relationships; help. Old - old affairs or relationships. To shoot is a change of occupation, feelings for someone. Shoes are not in good time, rubs - inappropriate things, difficulties in contact with other people. Torn - trouble; divorce; diseases of loved ones. There is no way to find a second shoe or shoe - strong doubts about the need for a relationship or a business started. Unusual, original or inappropriate footwear is a very strange situation; bobble; is in an unusual place.

Dream interpretation of the witch Medea Shoes according to the dream book:

What does it mean to see in a dream Shoes what you dream about - Shows that there is a way to solve your problem. Pay attention to the color, style of the shoe. This is a hint of the path. Clearly someone else's shoes urge you to accept someone else's point of view. To put on new shoes - portends success, additional profit, a new lover. Seeing a lot of shoes (on a shelf, in a store) - a large selection of roads, communication with several persons. To see old, shabby shoes, and even more so to put on - to everyday troubles.

Muslim dream book Why dream about Shoes:

Shoes - Shoes and galoshes denote a servant or servant, as well as property; and any old clothing in general - to sadness, new - to joy, but worn shoes have a better meaning than new ones, according to the dream book this dream is deciphered this way.

Modern dream book If you dream about Shoes:

Solves the dream book: Shoes for what dreams - Travel; clean - good; dirty - heavy

Biblical dream book of Azar Dream interpretation: To see shoes in a dream

Why dream of Shoes - Hard road, endless running around

Esoteric dream book If you dream about Shoes:

Why dream of Shoes - New, clean for good luck. Trying on, choosing any of your undertakings will bring profit. Buying you mistakenly think that you have to pay for happiness. It can ruin everything. Old, dirty to bad luck. You need to make an effort to clean, sew up, and everything can still get better, this is how your dream is interpreted by the dream book.

Persian dream book Taflisi Dream interpretation: Shoes in a dream

Seeing in a dream What is footwear dreaming of - Shoes and galoshes mean a servant or servant, as well as small property; keep in mind also that dreamed old, shabby, completely worn-out shoes are for joy, while new ones are for sadness.

Idiomatic dream book Why dream of Shoes according to the dream book:

To dream of shoes (to put on shoes) to see in a dream - "To put on someone else's shoes" - to deceive; "Felt boot" - about a stupid, simple, stupid person. See separately boots.

Why dream of Shoes

The ABC of interpretation of dreams

Shoes - shows that there is a way to solve your problem. Pay attention to the color, style of the shoe. This is a hint of the path.

Clearly someone else's shoes - encourages you to accept someone else's point of view.

To put on new shoes - portends success, additional profit, a new lover.

To see a lot of shoes on the shelf, in the store - a large selection of roads, communication with several persons.

To see old, shabby shoes, and even more so to put on - to everyday troubles.

Ancient Persian dream book Taflisi

Shoes and galoshes - mean a servant or servant, as well as small property; keep in mind also that dreamed old, shabby, completely worn-out shoes are for joy, while new ones are for sadness.

Idiomatic dream book

"Shoot someone" - to deceive; "Felt boot" - about a stupid, simple, stupid person.

Small Velesov dream book

Shoes are expensive; the old one is a nuisance, a need; new - joy; dress - good health, good; old shoes - a familiar road / shame, bad; new shoes - news, pleasant trip, wedding, meeting / unfamiliar road, deception; presses - family troubles; losing shoes and not finding - the death of a husband, divorce, losing a close friend; to lose one of the shoes - a quarrel; buy - improvement of affairs, new acquaintance; to fix shoes - get ready for the road, joy; ragged footwear - losses, death in relatives; ugly - illness, shame; beautiful - benefit, honor; the sole fell off - loss, misfortune, death in relatives.

Muslim dream book

Shoes and galoshes - mean a servant or servant, as well as property; and any old garment in general - to sadness, new - to joy, but worn footwear - matters better than new.

The newest dream book

In a dream, why do shoes dream?

Shoes - to foot disease; to gout.

Psychoanalytic dream book

Shoes are the point of contact of the phallic and female genital symbol, as well as a symbol of freedom.

Lace-up shoes are a well-known symbol of death.

Russian dream book

Shoe is a business road that will lead to success

Symbolic dream book

Shoes are what we walk on the earth with, that is, how we walk through life; a symbol of the road, new or old affairs, a sign of love relationships (for women).

The interpreter

Beautiful shoes mean honor and benefit arising from the diligence of subordinates; To see bad shoes marks shame and illness.

Modern dream book

Find out what it means if you dream about Shoes?

Shoes - travel; clean - good; dirty - heavy

Dream interpretation 2012

Shoes are a reflection of understanding in general.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

What did the Shoes dream about in a dream?

The glitter of new patent leather seen in a dream is a warning that "not all that glitters is gold." A project deserving your attention, a new job or business, interesting and promising at first glance, may turn out to be absolutely unpromising and even unprofitable.

Seeing new shoes in a dream is for joy, old shoes for trouble or need.

If you see or wear moccasins in a dream, you have to run, be it sports events or relaxation.

If in a dream you wore wooden shoes, this means that thanks to your frugality, you will achieve wealth.

For a girl, shiny shoes - can portend an acquaintance with a very rich, but stupid person.

Seeing women's shoes in a dream - to the road, happiness in love, quick but short-lived success.

Losing shoes in a dream is an obstacle, repairing them is a pleasure, changing them is a change in life, buying is to improving the state of your affairs in another city.

Cleaning shoes in a dream - to the appearance of a good neighbor.

Dream interpretation of Azar

Shoes are a hard road, endless running around.

Dream interpretation Veles

Wearing shoes that are too small for you is difficult to establish a personal relationship with someone (whose shoes), or you will not like the job offered to you.

To choose worn shoes is a desire to enter into a personal relationship with someone (with the one whose it is) who has many acquaintances. You may be offered someone else's position

Dream interpretation of the future

Shoes - to the road; if the shoes are clean - to a successful trip; if dirty - to poverty and longing on the way; Wearing lacquered shoes is a useful and profitable business trip.

Dream interpretation horoscope

Trying on shoes - an offer you recently received is worth accepting.

Dream interpretation for bitches

A lot of different shoes - an interesting and unforgettable journey.

Clean - easy road, good health.

Dirty - obstacles.

Letting someone wear your shoes - a rival will appear.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope Winter

Shoes in a dream - symbolizes the readiness for any action.

Torn shoes - means that you have not prepared well for possible difficulties and because of this, your plans may be frustrated. After such a dream, you should once again weigh your plans and soberly assess your capabilities.

Dirty shoes are complications in business and conflicts.

Cleaning your shoes in a dream is a sign that soon you will have to settle your problems.

If the shoes are pressing your foot - such a dream suggests that in reality you have not taken any necessary measures, which will make it difficult to advance your plans.

If the shoes are big, it looks like you are making too many plans for the future. Try to moderate your ardor a little and dwell on one thing, otherwise you will not be able to complete any of your undertakings.

Sports shoes are a sign that you need to speed up your business and more energetically implement your plans.

Home slippers and flip-flops are a sign of complete liberation and confidence in the future. At the same time, being in flip-flops on the street or in the office space means that, when you relax, you risk getting into a mess.

Unassuming, but strong and comfortable shoes in a dream - indicates that you have a chance to solve problems in some simple but effective way.

Unpaired shoes are a warning that without a reliable companion, you will not be able to fulfill your plans.

Shoes on one leg - means that you are looking at some problem too one-sided, thereby dooming yourself to failure.

The loss of your shoes in a dream is a sign of serious difficulties in promoting some ideas. You may need to postpone your business for a while.

If you see that someone else is wearing your shoes, this is a hint that someone is going to take your place.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Washing or cleaning shoes in a dream - to cancel the intended path.

Dream interpretation of birthdays of September, October, November, December

To wash or clean shoes in a dream - for an upcoming trip or business trip.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in may, june, july, august

Washing or cleaning shoes in a dream means buying new shoes.

Chinese dream book

Someone puts on your shoes - cheating on his wife, romance on the side.

You buy shoes or boots - indicates happiness for servants, subordinates.

Losing your shoes - indicates a possible departure or escape of servants or subordinates.

You take off your shoes, untie your belt - indicates an unhappy event, failure.

Shoes are torn, deteriorated - indicates the illness of the wife, children or grandchildren, close relatives.

You put on cloth, hemp sandals - indicates success and good luck in all matters.

You receive a new title, an honorary title - indicates the birth of noble offspring.

Asking someone for shoes - portends help, support.

You take off your wooden shoes, bulky uncomfortable shoes - it means that danger will soon pass.

The ruler, the Emperor, with his retinue, embarks on a military campaign - portends great, unexpected happiness.

Dream interpretation from A to Z

Why see Shoes in a dream?

Wearing a pair of the same shoes in a dream portends a normal course of affairs, unequal - to the most unexpected obstacles and difficulties. Taking off your shoes in a dream - soon you will have to go on the road.

Spacious shoes falling off your feet means a complete break in relations with a person who did not live up to your hopes. Tight shoes that unbearably press and rub painful blisters - you will be persuaded to make the wrong decision by people who will be the first to blame you for the negative consequences.

Patent shoes - portends that you will be misled or deceived with good intentions in order to save you from frustration. Wooden shoes in a dream - says that your hoard will bring the desired material wealth, but leave you completely alone.

Seeing old shoes - to losses in entrepreneurship, repairing them - you will make new useful acquaintances, wearing - to problems that could have been avoided.

Dream interpretation of Simon Kananit

Patent footwear is a fun journey; surface - deceptive hopes; boots - sadness

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Interpretation of a dream: Shoes from a dream book?

Shoes in general are expensive; new affairs, occupations, relationships; help.

Old - old affairs or relationships.

To shoot is a change of occupation, feelings for someone.

Shoes are not in good time, rubs - inappropriate things, difficulties in contact with other people.

Torn - trouble; divorce; diseases of loved ones.

There is no way to find a second shoe or shoe - strong doubts about the need for a relationship or a business started.

Unusual, original or inappropriate footwear is a very strange situation; bobble; is in an unusual place.

Dream interpretation of Fedorovskaya

If you dreamed that you are wearing new shoes, you will soon get a new place.

If you dreamed that you were wearing old shoes, a big setback awaits you.

Buying shoes means looking for a new job.

If you dreamed that you were selling shoes, an old acquaintance will appear, whose existence you have long forgotten.

Throwing out your shoes is a scandal at work.

In a dream, you observed how someone was selling or buying shoes - one of your loved ones may change jobs.

Freud's dream book

Various types of shoes (shoes, boots, boots, sandals, etc.) - symbolize a woman or female genital organs.

If you fit, you get full pleasure from your sex life.

If you feel great - you doubt your sex appeal.

If you are pressed, you strive to change your sexual partner.

If a nail is found in the shoe, you do not get satisfaction from your sexual partner.

If you dry wet shoes, you are afraid of an unplanned or unwanted pregnancy.

If you clean and cream your shoes, you get satisfaction from sexual relations with your regular partner and do not seek change.

If you choose the shoes that you are going to wear, you carefully choose your sexual partners and are not prone to love adventures.

If you buy shoes, you are striving for new romances.

If a man puts on shoes, he needs a quick sexual release, but he should not forget about a condom.

If a woman puts on shoes, she is indifferent to male caresses; she is more attracted to other women, or to masturbation.

Worn-out shoes - symbolizes your cooling to your sexual partner.

Dirty shoes - symbolizes possible diseases genitals.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

Shoes are a new place; unusual shoes - unusual affairs or relationships.

Dream interpretation of Shereminskaya

Shoes have always been a symbol of marriage.

If the shoes are old, worn out, then the marriage is unhappy.

If in a dream both shoes (boots) or a pair of shoes fit, the marriage will be long.

If one shoe is lost, then the marriage may fall apart.

Flying off heel - may mean disagreement with a loved one.

Medieval dream book

To have new shoes is to wealth.

To have old or torn shoes - to deception or to losses.

Wearing old shoes is very difficult

Having new shoes or putting them on for the first time is for joy and fun, or for wealth.

Ukrainian dream book

How boots, boots dream - there will be some kind of road or trip.

New shoes - meeting, deception.

Torn shoes or clothes - someone will die in the family.

She dreams that the sole has disappeared (and also from the right leg) - this is necessarily some kind of loss, misfortune.

The sole is distracted from the shoes - there will be a dead man in the family.

Universal dream book

The shoes we wear reflect our mood and our character. What kind of shoes did you see in a dream? Who wears it and where? Someone is waiting for something, does not want to take action until you feel completely confident in something? Or a dream symbolizes a change in luck — that's another matter entirely.

Esoteric dream book

New, clean shoes - good luck.

Trying on, choosing - any of your undertakings will bring profit.

Buy - you mistakenly think that you have to pay for happiness. It can ruin everything.

Old, dirty - bad luck.

Cleaning, sewing up - you have to make an effort, and everything can still work out.

Erotic dream book

New shoes, beautiful shoes - I dream when there are no problems in sex life, when everything goes like clockwork in it.

Torn, dirty, old shoes are a sign of trouble in personal relationships or gossip about your reputation.

Online dream book

The meaning of sleep: Shoes according to the dream book?

The dream interpretation interprets shoes as a sign that the difficulties that have arisen in front of you can be overcome.

If it is not yours, then you should listen to the opinions of the people around you.

One half-pair does not correspond to the other - a warning that plans to come true only together with like-minded people.

If you dreamed that shoes are much larger than your size - moderate your ardor, and really correlate desires with possibilities.

If, on the contrary, it is too small, it means that you missed something and did not react in time, and now things will not go as smoothly as you would like.

Trying on a still-worn pair - you will meet an interesting person of the opposite sex, or you will receive some material benefit.

I dreamed that strangers put on your shoes - be careful, someone is coveting your position or family status.

You have lost it - on the way to the goal, unforeseen difficulties will arise that will ruin all your plans.

If you dream that the shoes were presented to you, you will help someone in a difficult situation, followed by sincere gratitude and generous rewards.

You dreamed exactly women's shoes- you will be incredibly lucky in your personal life, and in the business sphere everything will turn out well, but the period of luck will be fleeting.

Giving shoes in a dream - in reality, you feel sympathy for the gifted object, and he is more than worthy of it.

Forgetting shoes in a dream - you have to go on a fairly long journey, or else will leave close person, the separation will be long.

If you dreamed that the shoes were small - at the moment something does not suit you in your life, something is not going the way you would like, and this violates your spiritual harmony.

Walking without shoes in a dream - you do not have enough freedom of action, you either drive yourself into some kind of framework, or you have to do something for which your soul does not lie, and this takes away your vital energy.

Choosing shoes in a dream is a sign of conservatism in the field of intimate relationships and your excessive selectivity, take everything easier, and you will become truly happy.

According to the dream book, a pair of shoes that match each other means that everything will develop in the most favorable way for you.

If it is different, it will be more difficult to achieve the intended goal than you planned, due to a number of complications that will arise on your way.

If you dream of already worn out, old shoes - a period of mutual cooling has begun in your pair, this union no longer has a future, and it must be broken as quickly as possible.

If you dreamed about children's shoes, before starting any serious event, carefully cock everything and calculate all possible scenarios for the development of events, since sudden complications can confuse you and destroy all your plans.

Good quality seen in a dream men's footwear- this is evidence of your straightforwardness and the habit of making concrete, but effective decisions, as well as that everything in life you will achieve with your hard work.

If you dreamed that you were wearing different shoes, be prepared that your affairs will not go the way you would like, additional efforts will have to be made to implement your plan.

If you dreamed that the shoes were white and she dreamed of a young lady - in the near future she will get acquainted with attractive man who will become a worthy life companion.

If a girl dreams of black shoes, she should get ready for an exciting romantic adventure, which will become one of the brightest events in her life.

If you dreamed about red shoes and not yet worn, you will become incredibly attractive in the eyes of men, your personal life will be transformed in the most extraordinary way.

A dream in which you were clearly wearing large shoes indicates that complete confusion reigns in your life now, you are fussing, in a hurry, but you do not have time to do anything. To implement the plan and achieve success, it is necessary to carefully weigh each of your actions and think over everything several steps ahead.

In a dream, shoes are dirty and sloppy - be attentive to your health, and also beware of getting all kinds of injuries.

If in a dream you are wearing someone else's shoes, you should be more selective in intimate relationships, strive not for quantitative, but qualitative indicators.

If you dreamed about new and high-quality shoes - you are in for great luck, try on the role of a true darling of fate.

I dreamed that the shoes were torn and worn out - this is a warning that you misjudged the situation and, therefore, chose the wrong tactics, you urgently need to correct your plans, otherwise they will not be implemented.

The dream in which you are going to buy shoes says that not everything is bought and sold, accept with sincere gratitude the benefits that come to you, and do not even try to repay the same.

If you dreamed that you were trying on shoes, be prepared for the fact that at any moment you will need to jump off your seat and go on the road, although you will not know about this in advance.

According to the dream book, to wash your shoes - you will have to leave your home and go to another city to solve some work issues.

To clean your shoes in a dream - be prepared for unforeseen difficulties and obstacles on your way; in order to overcome them, you will have to gather all your strength into a fist.

If your shoes were stolen in a dream, this is a warning that you should change your plans, otherwise you will not achieve what you want, but will only make yourself additional problems.

Losing shoes in a dream - you should be more resourceful, be able to act according to the situation, otherwise you will face disappointment and serious material difficulties.

Looking for shoes in a dream - most likely you cannot decide what to do and how to position yourself in society.

Find shoes in a dream - soon you will go on some forced journey to solve important issues, everything will go even better than you expected, circumstances will develop in your favor, and others will gladly help you, as a result, you will succeed in business and interpersonal communication.

If you dream that you want to take off your shoes, you will see dramatic changes that will affect your career, personal life and even ideological positions.

If in a dream the shoes are wet or you are not comfortable in them - be attentive to your well-being, there may be problems with the lower extremities.

Shoe sneakers

Dream interpretation Shoe sneakers dreamed of why in a dream Shoe sneakers? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to dream Shoe sneakers by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream interpretation - Shoes

Shoes in a dream means a road or an occupation, and a pair of shoes usually means that you are not satisfied with your life and are looking for a partner or someone who can become close. The dream about shoes is one of the most important dreams that predicts changes in business and personal life.

Putting on shoes in a dream is a sign that soon you will have to hit the road (if these are your regular shoes) or do something new (if the shoes are new). Putting on in a dream the shoes presented by your loved one, and going to go out in them, warns you that you are flaunting your love affairs, which will inevitably turn into a scandal for you. Taking off your shoes in a dream means giving up your intentions or plans. Choosing or trying on shoes in a dream is a sign that you yearn for a change. If you dream that you are wearing expensive, fashionable and beautiful shoes that cause your admiration, and maybe the admiration of others, then soon you will have new lover or a patron who will pamper you like a child, give gifts. You will not know of refusal in anything, but those around you will become envious of you. New, expensive, comfortable and fashionable shoes in a dream indicate that your life will turn out in the most favorable way. You will have a prestigious job, money, you will be able to buy what you like. However, if in a dream you see that your shoes have deteriorated, torn so that they can no longer be worn, then expect a change in your life for the worse. Such a dream predicts that soon you may lose Good work or a loved one, and sometimes both together. Sometimes such a dream speaks of an undeserved resentment that you have to endure. Unusual shoes in a dream are a sign that unusual events, changes or adventures await you. See how it suits you and if you can walk in it. Seeing, putting on, wearing rough, heavy shoes in a dream is a sign that your life path will not be dotted with rose petals. Many difficulties and humiliations await you. However, if such shoes are durable and sturdy, then you will earn enough for a living, but it will not come easy for you. Losing your shoes in a dream is a sign of obstacles in a profitable business. If you dream about a pair of shoes you have removed, then soon you will have to move to another apartment. A dream in which you saw that you were presented with a pair of shoes predicts that you will render someone an important service, for which you will be thanked later. Elegant shoes in a dream indicate that many pleasant moments and meetings await you. Sometimes a dream about her predicts a pleasant pastime, bliss, caress of a loved one.

Unpaired shoes in a dream means fear, loneliness, suffering. To see a lot of shoes in a dream is a sign of discord, disputes, carve-up. After such a dream, you should expect a subpoena. Rough shoes in a dream, on the contrary, predict difficulties, discontent, obstacles in business. Wooden, flimsy, paper shoes in a dream are a sign of obstacles in business. Flannel, soft shoes, slippers, felt boots are a symbol of home comfort, calm, measured life, and sometimes senile illness or just old age. Beautiful slippers in a dream are a harbinger of a dangerous love affair. Galoshes in a dream mean difficulties on the road associated with health risks. See interpretation: boots.

If you dream that someone has put rough boots or shoes in front of you, then the dream prompts you to action.Maybe you have a trip ahead that will largely determine your future well-being. Solid boots in a dream mean loyal friends who are ready to help you in difficult times. Expensive boots in a dream are a harbinger of the fact that you will have a rich and powerful patron. To see graceful boots in a dream is a harbinger of a secure future with a loved one. Choosing boots in a dream means that you are faced with a choice and you have to make a decision on which your future will depend. Sometimes such a dream also indicates that you are extremely unhappy with your current situation and are worried about your future. Trying on or putting on new boots in a dream is a sign of great changes in your destiny. A dream in which you saw or thought that some pair of shoes is very durable and will be worn for a long time informs you that your position will not be easy, but strong, which you will receive for a long time and which will provide you with a decent existence, although not easy ...

Being barefoot in a dream means that illness and poverty await you. See interpretation: go, run.

Repairing shoes in a dream is a sign of that wealth and satisfaction.

To clean shoes in a dream is a harbinger of troubles in personal affairs. The dream speaks of your attempt to put your affairs in order. But shoes polished to a shine in a dream predict the respect of others and the love of others.

Changing shoes in a dream means that a change awaits you. If you change shoes for the better, then the changes will be for the better, and if for the worse, then, accordingly, the changes will be bad.

Giving shoes in a dream means that you are disposed to this person or that he deserves it.

To see a shoemaker in a dream is a harbinger of good events, if only he is benevolent to you. If in a dream you see that his cause is going well, then you will receive news of the successful progress of your affairs. If you dream that your loved one has become a shoemaker or shoemaker, then the dream predicts your wishes come true.

If you dream that your shoes are too small for you, then difficulties and dissatisfaction with real life await you. If in a dream the shoes are so small for you that you cannot walk in them, then regardless of your desire, you will have to change your lifestyle. In a dream, patent shoes predict a pleasant and rewarding trip that will bring good results.

A hole in the sole of your shoes, seen in a dream, portends a break in relations.

A dirty sole in a dream is a sign of insults or resentment. See the interpretation: heel, color, dirt, road, stones.

Dream interpretation - Shoes

The meaning of sleep depends on the type of shoe, as well as on its condition.

Buying new shoes is a new joy. Trying on shoes in the store: shoes - for a celebration, boots - for the road, boots - for hard work.

If a woman dreams that a man is putting shoes on her feet, a love affair awaits her. If the shoes were too big or too tight, the affair will not bring satisfaction. If the shoes were torn or dirty, be careful: your romantic adventure can end in illness and public censure.

This dream is especially unfavorable for married women... If you dreamed that a man puts shoes on you in torn or dirty shoes, imagine that you push him away and throw your shoes in the trash. You have new, comfortable shoes on your feet.

Old, worn out, but still sturdy shoes, in which you feel good and comfortable, dream of a long-awaited meeting with old friends. If you dreamed of several pairs of home slippers - such a dream portends harmony in the family and wonderful relationships with children.

To dream that the sole flies off the shoe is a sign of loss or misfortune.

In this case, imagine that you took the shoes to the shoemaker and he put on new soles, stronger than the previous ones.

If someone puts on your shoes, expect a betrayal of a spouse or loved one.

Imagine that the shoes are not really yours, but someone else's, only similar to yours.

Lacquered shoes are a dream for a wedding. If at the same time they press, the marriage will not be very successful: your spouse (or spouse) will turn out to be a tough person, you will feel like in a cage. If the shoes are too loose, they fall off their feet - your chosen one is too windy, he cannot be trusted.

Washing or cleaning shoes is a gift. If the shoes are new, the gift will be expensive, if not, it will be modest, but it will still bring you joy.

Seeing iron shoes is a difficult road and sad events. Wooden shoes - to obstacles. If you dream that you have only one shoe or boot left, and you cannot find the other, in reality you will be left alone with your misfortune, your friends will leave you.

Imagine putting on new, comfortable, warm, and reliable shoes. Feet is comfortable and easy in it.

Dream interpretation - Shoes

Symbolizes the willingness to take any action.

Torn shoes: means that you are poorly prepared for possible difficulties and because of this, your plans may be thwarted. After such a dream, you should once again weigh your plans and soberly assess your capabilities.

Dirty shoes: these are complications in business and conflicts.

To clean your shoes in a dream: a sign that soon you will have to settle your problems.

If the shoes are pressing your foot: such a dream suggests that in reality you have not taken any necessary measures, which will make it difficult to advance your plans.

If the shoes are big: it looks like you are making too many plans for the future. Try to moderate your ardor a little and dwell on one thing, otherwise you will not be able to complete any of your undertakings.

Sports shoes: a sign that you need to speed up your business and more energetically put your plans into action.

Home slippers and flip-flops: a sign of complete emancipation and confidence in the future.

At the same time, being in flip-flops on the street or in the office space means that, when you relax, you risk getting into a mess.

Unassuming, but strong and comfortable shoes in a dream: indicates that you have a chance to solve problems in some simple but effective way.

Unpaired shoes: a warning that without a reliable companion, you will not be able to fulfill your plans.

One-legged shoes: means that you are looking at a problem too one-sided, thereby dooming yourself to failure.

Loss of your shoes in a dream: a sign of serious difficulties in promoting some ideas. You may need to postpone your business for a while.

If you see that another is walking in your shoes: this is a hint that someone is going to take your place.

Dream interpretation - Shoes

Shoes in a dream are a symbol of the road / minor everyday troubles / female organs of love.

Putting on new shoes is good / finding a new man, changing your husband / a night of love ahead.

Putting on shoes in a dream is something associated with an act of love; a woman - a new man.

Taking off your shoes - travel, change of location / loss of a friend.

To hammer a nail into your shoes - trouble awaits.

To wear tight shoes is the feeling that you are surrounded by people whom you would gladly get rid of.

Shoes rub corn - someone's importunity or impudence.

Trampled heels - changes in the family.

Torn shoes - unsuccessful labors / loss of a husband / sterile wife.

Shoes without soles are an insult.

To see or find soles is fun with a man.

Wearing high-heeled shoes is a high distinction.

To see many different shoes - many roads / great success in love / connection with several persons at the same time.

For a woman to see boots - success and declaration of love.

Women's shoes - a strange road / happiness in caresses / quick, short-lived success / a person for whom you have a strong passion.

To put them on for a man is sensual attraction.

Losing them is an obstacle.

Mending shoes is a pleasure in love.

Change - changes in life, family, divorce.

To see in the store - good deeds, success in

Buy - you will find your happiness elsewhere.

Grooming barefoot - feeling unprotected from everyday troubles / giving too much importance to little things / liberation from everyday pleasures / a woman to pave the way for herself without a man.

Slippers or home shoes to see - the danger of becoming dependent on another person.

To receive them, to buy them is a valuable gift.

Torn - the loss of a family.

Boots are an important road that will play a big role in your life.

New - a gift from a man.

The old are poverty.

Torn - harm from loved ones.

To put them on is to find a patron.

Rough wear - flirting.

To lose is a woman's betrayal.

To wear or see galoshes - bad changes, failure.

To put on strangers is an obstacle in business.

Losing galoshes is a woman's betrayal.

Buying is well-being.

Selling is a nuisance.

Dream interpretation - Shoes

The shine of the new patent leather shoes is a warning that "all that glitters is not gold." A project that deserves your attention, a new job or business, interesting and promising at first glance, may turn out to be absolutely unpromising and even unprofitable.

New shoes are a joy.

Old - to trouble or need.

You see or wear moccasins in a dream - you have to run, whether it be sports or leisure.

Wore wooden shoes - thanks to your frugality, you will achieve wealth.

Shiny shoes - for a girl, it can portend an acquaintance with a very rich, but stupid person.

Women's shoes - to the road, happiness in love, quick but short-lived success.

Losing your shoes is an obstacle.

Fixing shoes is a pleasure.

Changing shoes is a change in life.

Buying shoes - to improve the state of your affairs in another city.

Cleaning shoes - to the emergence of a good neighbor.

Dream interpretation - Shoes

Wearing a pair of identical shoes in a dream portends a normal course of affairs, unequal - to the most unexpected obstacles and difficulties. Taking off your shoes in a dream - soon you will have to go on the road.

Spacious shoes that fall off your feet mean a complete break in a relationship with a person who did not live up to your expectations. Tight shoes that unbearably press and chafe painful blisters - you will be persuaded to make the wrong decision by people who will be the first to blame you for the negative consequences.

Patent shoes foreshadow that you will be misled or deceived with good intentions in order to save you from upset. Wooden shoes in a dream say that your hoarding will bring the desired material wealth, but leave you completely alone.

Seeing old shoes - to losses in entrepreneurship, repairing them - you will make new useful acquaintances, wearing - to problems that could have been avoided.

Buying new shiny galoshes in a dream is an unjustified waste of funds, putting them on - with a careless statement, you will make an enemy for yourself. Putting on other people's galoshes - fail in the game, walking in galoshes in the slush - they will invite you to visit, throwing out old galoshes - to contentment and well-being.

To dream of bast shoes or onuchi - to want and poverty, boots - do not succumb to deception, moccasins - to the loss of money, slippers - your family loves you.

Black shoes portend an improvement in business, splattered with mud - you risk making enemies. Lace-up shoes - to quarrels and malaise. Graceful and fashionable shoes - maintain distance and dignity in relationships with men.

A heel seen in a dream is a harbinger of problems with pressing creditors, from whom you will not know where to hide. Trampled heels - you will get carried away with gambling, torn off - you will lose cleanly, fixing heels - you will get into debt.

Torn tops of boots - you will incur losses, change the head of your boots to a new one - you will be invited to a christening. A leaky sole - to injury, putting prophylaxis on a new sole - prudence will not avoid trouble. Change heels to metal - you will be harassed by colleagues who will want to survive or cheat you.

Dream interpretation - Shoes

Shows that there is a way to solve your problem.

Pay attention to the color, style of the shoe.

This is a hint of the path.

Clearly someone else's shoes urge you to accept someone else's point of view.

To put on new shoes - portends success, additional profit, a new lover.

See a lot of shoes.

On the shelf, in the store, there is a large selection of roads, communication with several persons.

To see old, shabby shoes, and even more so to put on - to everyday troubles.

Dream interpretation - Shoes

Someone puts on your shoes - cheating on his wife, romance on the side.

Taking off your shoes is a failure.

Shoes deteriorate, torn - indicates the illness of the wife, children or grandchildren, close relatives.

Asking someone for shoes - help, support.

Losing your shoes - indicates a possible departure or escape of servants or subordinates.

Dream interpretation - Shoes

Shoes - as boots, boots dream, then there will be some kind of road or trip. New shoes - meeting, deception. Torn shoes or clothes - someone will die in the family. She dreams that the sole has passed away (and also from the right leg) - this is necessarily some kind of loss, misfortune. The sole is distracted from the shoes - there will be a dead man in the family.

Sneakers new

Dream interpretation Sneakers new dreamed of why in a dream New sneakers? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see new sneakers in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream interpretation - Sneakers (sports shoes)

To the road (hike), entertainment; frivolous, nothing insignificant relationship.

Dream Interpretation - New something

To change doors for new ones is the birth of a noble offspring.

Watching how a new banner is being made is a great happiness.

Putting on a new robe is a new wife.

A new grave - portends getting rid of anxiety.

A newborn son or daughter portends great happiness.

New curtains, curtains - portend a good wife.

A new coffin - predicts getting rid of anxiety.

The newly rebuilt bridge portends a great coincidence.

To open new gates is wealth, nobility.

Move to new house belonging to another person - fortunately.

You fold, collect new clothes - there will be various adversities, failures.

Dream Interpretation - New Year

Gypsies say that if you dream of something related to the new year, the celebration of the new year, the wish for a happy new year, this means that you will have the opportunity to start all over again - start a new project, implement new ideas, change the course of affairs.

If you are celebrating the new year, then expect something new, a change of activity is possible.

Dream Interpretation - New Year

Meeting him in a dream is a harbinger of new, profitable deeds or new happiness.

Dream about New Year always favorable and predicts new impressions, hopes, new happiness, new successes. Such a dream often foreshadows the fulfillment of desire. If after such a dream you woke up in a gloomy mood, then domestic squabbles and troubles await you. See interpretation: Christmas tree.

Dream Interpretation - New Year

Dream Interpretation - New Year

New Year (holiday) - You know that the actions of sleep take place in the New Year - a new cycle begins in your life. Everything can change. Celebrating is a change for the better, don't resist.

Dream Interpretation - New

If in a dream you see that you have new friends, new things, a new home, etc., then changes await you. See what these things are and in what condition they are. The better, the more expensive, the more solid these things are, the better fate has prepared for you.

Dream Interpretation - New Year

A dream in which you prepare for the New Year by decorating a Christmas tree and cooking festive table, - this is a harbinger of very joyful events for you in the very near future. To light a star and garlands on the tree a few minutes before the New Year - merry days will replace sorrows.

Slapping champagne and pouring it into glasses to the ringing of New Year's chimes is a harbinger of a happy marriage. Walking down the street on New Year's Eve with a good frost and falling snow - in reality expect a scandal that will be arranged by a drunk relative. Seeing yourself at the New Year's ball - you will soon receive an interesting offer, refusing which, you will lose a lot. Celebrating the New Year in a restaurant - beware of being robbed.

Dream Interpretation - New Year

To celebrate the New Year in a dream - to prosperity in the future. For young people, this is a harbinger of a happy marriage.

If you are tired of thinking about celebrating the New Year and it does not make you happy, there may be complications in relations with loved ones.

Dream Interpretation - New Year

To celebrate the New Year in a dream - to improve well-being in the future. For young people, such a dream portends a happy marriage. If the upcoming meeting of the New Year does not make you happy, there may be complications in relations with loved ones.

Sneakers to wear

Dream interpretation Sneakers to dress dreamed why in a dream to wear sneakers? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see sneakers in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream interpretation - Sneakers (sports shoes)

To the road (hike), entertainment; frivolous, nothing insignificant relationship.

Dream interpretation - Wear a white shirt

Good omen, one must hope.

Dream interpretation - Put on pants

To losses.

Dream interpretation - wear pants

Dream interpretation - Deceased husband gave shoes

Dream interpretation - Deceased husband gave shoes

Dream interpretation - look for shoes

Dream interpretation - Dream

Dream interpretation - Rings

Someone else's Wedding is the desire of the Dreamer to establish her personal life with an unusual emotionality. The dreamer is looking for a Ring for herself at someone else's wedding, since she should be made an offer - it shows the social conventions and restrictions in the dreamer's life that affect her personal life and delay the moment of personal happiness. The proposal must be made by a classmate - symbolizes the Dreamer's conscious motives regarding her personal life, a certain choice that excludes the possibility of mistakes in her personal (fellow student's name is like ex / husband). The dreamer tries on a completely different Ring for a proposal (not to her) and at this time finds both rings from "her" Groom - symbolizes the discrepancy between internal requirements and external emotional capabilities (age, time aspect - at this time), when the emphasis begins to shift to the side emotional choice (emotions, feelings). The Silver Big Ring among the gold ones - symbolizes the unconscious and repressed spiritual sphere of the Dreamer (as an aspect of life that has a place to be).

Sneakers stolen

Dream interpretation sneakers stolen dreamed why in a dream Sneakers were stolen? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Sneakers stolen in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream interpretation - Sneakers (sports shoes)

To the road (hike), entertainment; frivolous, nothing insignificant relationship.

Dream interpretation - stole wallet

The case, in itself, is unpleasant, entailing material loss.

But wait to get discouraged.

Think what higher knowledge chance brings you? Is this not a warning against the path on which your losses could be much greater, do not you lose your wallet with a change.

Or maybe this is an impetus to your search for new ways, profession, additional income?

Dream interpretation - stole son

The son, in this case, is immature Yang qualities (the Power of the Soul, bright thoughts, determination, responsibility) against the background of the prevailing Yin qualities (statement, static, acceptance). The Son Runs forward and sits in the Car in the hands of the Man - this means that it is high time for the Dreamer to take all the Aspects of her life into Her hands (by the power of will and Reason). The car with the Son and the Men leaves, the Dreamer misses the car, but remembers its number - in reality this symbolizes the necessary State to which the Dreamer needs to run and accelerate (to gain Yang qualities - determination, reason, will), otherwise, she will lose the vital stability and Peace of mind along with her (that is, now the Dreamer should only dream about Peace, and if she dreams - discord, because in reality the Dreamer will not dare to disrupt her usual and comfortable way of life - The man from the 7th apartment is standing near the Entrance and is in no hurry in a dream). But the Dreamer understands that it is through the Man (bright Yang qualities) that she will find her Son and feverishly Shakes the Man - this is what you need to do in reality, everything that you are capable of to find out where the Machine has gone, which means awareness and use of all your qualities and human capabilities (a lot of people gathered near the Entrance - it's time to hurry in reality, life is not endless). Best regards Libya.

Dream interpretation - Stole wine

To steal in a dream, this dream foreshadows the achievement of the goal. If at the moment there is some kind of goal and you are purposefully going, then after such a goal will be achieved. I had such a dream come true within 10 days.

Dream interpretation - Stole wine

You will also have an acquaintance with a gorgeous man ... Once stolen, he will not be free ... Pleasant meetings, communication - guaranteed ...

Dream interpretation - stole the door

Lost your peace of mind (door to your apartment). It was carried away by the person who put your alertness to sleep (was sleeping). You are defenseless in front of him and it upsets you a little. In love ?!

Dream interpretation - stole the door

Surprise in a dream, this is surprising in real life. Will be associated with some kind of successfully developing business

Dream interpretation - stole gold

Lack of faith in your creative abilities rob you, that is, it deprives you of strength and joy.

Dream interpretation - Stole my dog

The dream advises the Dreamer to approach a close relationship with the male half not only from the Material side (I want a special and wealthy - a Man from a mansion in a dream), but also from the Logical side too - will an exceptional Man listen to the Dreamer's desires - after all, everything is in his hands ( The Man Drags the Dog in his arms to the House, and he also Throws the Dog out of the Window on the other side, when the Dreamer begins to put forward her demands and along the way calling the Police, which means emotional and moral support in reality). In short, the Dream leads to the fact that, having finally figured it out on the spot, the Dreamer herself is more likely to leave the chosen type of relationship, losing all hope for personal and family happiness. And personal Happiness is in mutual attention and understanding, love and harmony, which ultimately leads to all-round well-being in life (society, family, children, prosperity - the balance of all spheres of life). Best regards Libya.

Dream interpretation - stole boots

The temple is the unconscious. And you veiled it as a house of culture =) Winter - conscious attitudes that have frozen, subordinated life to conscious calculation. Boots are a symbolic attempt to maintain individuality and independence in the world of the game that you have chosen for yourself. But it doesn't work that way. Or in a temple, where it is warm, or in a built numb something called life in winter. Maybe the point is that you think that you are doing all this for the good of the child? As an option? But then think about it - will the child be happier if you yourself are happy? Something like this.


Dream Interpretation Sneakers dreamed why Sneakers dream in a dream? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to dream of Sneakers by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream interpretation - Sneakers (sports shoes)

To the road (hike), entertainment; frivolous, nothing insignificant relationship.

Dream interpretation - Deceased husband gave shoes

Symbolically, shoes are a new husband for your mom. If the size does not match, then the partner does not quite fit your mother's requirements, "more than we would like"

Dream interpretation - Deceased husband gave shoes

Good day, Olga! New shoes mean that your mother has finished working off those karmic tasks for which she and your father created a family. Save Khristos!

Dream interpretation - Deceased husband gave shoes

Shoes in a dream symbolize a willingness to take any action. Sports shoes are a sign that you need to speed up your business and more energetically implement your plans. If the shoes are big, then it looks like you are making too many plans for the future. Try to moderate your ardor a little and dwell on one thing, otherwise you will not be able to complete any of your undertakings.

Dream interpretation - look for shoes

Most likely, you became aware of or you suspect your friend, boyfriend, husband (pair of sneakers) of cheating, because he comes in the morning and leads an entertaining lifestyle ... Perhaps also it comes not about the martyr or husband, with whom you are in an official relationship, but about a friend with whom the relationship is friendly (sneakers), but you would like more ... Roman, love ... But so far this is not there, and you are already jealous.

Dream interpretation - Dream

Most likely, the breakup was given to you hard, you still cannot get used to your own freedom.

Any footwear seen in a dream symbolizes changes and new acquaintances, both with people and with localities. Dreaming about new sneakers, according to most dream books, is a sign that a carefree pastime awaits you, but only if you correctly prioritize and somewhat accelerate your pace of life. When interpreting what these sports shoes are dreaming of, be sure to consider all the details.

What Gustav Miller Prophesies

Miller's dream book, being one of the most accurate interpreters of dreams, offers very simple and uncomplicated interpretations of the dream in which you saw new sneakers.

So, for example, if in a dream you see on yourself a brand new sports shoes, then you can count on success in the business field. Trying on, choosing crosses is a sign of luck, but if you had to buy them in a dream, then the vision promises disappointment in your personal life.

The color of the shoes will tell you what to expect

The color of the new sneakers in a dream depends on its interpretation. Here's what some of them dream about:

  • white - to the rapid implementation of the plan;
  • black - dreams will "linger" on the way for an indefinite period;
  • red - to passion and love groans;
  • yellow, orange - everything will turn out easy and simple for you;
  • green, blue - to career success and money;
  • variegated or "poisonous" colors indicate that you are a fan of drawing attention to yourself.

Shoe Store: Something new awaits you!

If a man dreamed that he acquired new sneakers, then such a vision may mean painful employment or mastering another specialty. A woman to see this in a dream is to a new boyfriend, the dream book of Nostradamus believes. See the new sneakers have no laces? This means unhappy surprises from a loved one.

Do you want to know why you are dreaming that you are selling sneakers? Pastor Loff's dream book predicts that your actions will provide unconscious support to a colleague, which will bring novelty to your relationship.

An incident happened, or take care of finances

Dreamed that you were presented with brand new sneakers, but they turned out to be already worn? The eastern dream book claims that such dreams symbolize small but insulting financial losses. If you bought sneakers for yourself, but they were stolen from you, the real expenses will be quite tangible.

But what is the dream of buying defective crosses, according to the same interpreter: you will spend a lot of money on a trip that will not bring you the desired satisfaction, the Lunar Dream Book distresses.

On the wrong foot as a symbol of change

Had a dream that the new sneakers that were presented to you are pressing and rubbing calluses? Before taking on any off-profile work, "weigh" your skills and abilities. There is a chance that you will not cope with the task, and this will cause you to be demoted or deprived of your bonus, suggests the Spring Dream Book.

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