Why is the former best friend dreaming. What is the dream of a best friend, a former boyfriend or childhood friend. Get rid of excess

Ventilation 05.07.2020

How much hidden meaning are often carried in our dreams, into which we plunge every night.

Sometimes they are amazing and unusual, and sometimes they just surprise, showing such stories that you would not expect to see at all.

Familiar and close people, to whose actions and behavior in reality we are accustomed, in dreams can not only appear in a new, different role, but also surprise with their actions or words. How is this to be understood?

It is very interesting why a friend is dreaming - a person for every woman is special, irreplaceable, unique in its kind. The best friend is a sister in one person, and funny company, and a lifebuoy - it's hard to do without it.

But if in reality everything is simple and pleasant, then in the world of dreams everything is sometimes very confusing. And a dear, dear soul in a dream can simply amaze - to do what you do not expect from it, betray, offend, get married or give birth, and even die!

If a girl dreamed of this, then it is not without reason. The dream book will tell you what this means, you just have to remember the details of the plot of dreams, and there could be many of them. For example:

  • I just dreamed about my best friend.
  • I dreamed of a former girlfriend.
  • A friend in a dream is pregnant.
  • She is getting married in your dreams.
  • She is drunk in her sleep.
  • Best friend in a dream in wedding dress.
  • She dreams that she has given birth to a child.
  • Or she died in a dream.
  • Quarrel with a friend in a dream.
  • An ex or an old friend who has not been seen for a long time calls you in a dream.
  • An old friend goes to meet in dreams.
  • Talk to her.
  • Kissing your girlfriend.
  • A friend betrayed you in a dream.

Some of these dreams are common and will not surprise you, and some can leave a strong mark. Their plot is so unusual and mysterious.

Do not be afraid - even if your girlfriend died in dreams, this does not bode well. And such dreams, where she is drunk, appears in a wedding dress or gets married, also do not promise anything bad - neither for the girlfriend herself, nor for you.

It is worth remembering the dream carefully and asking the interpreter the right question - to find out the truth. Perhaps it will be something very important.

See a girlfriend

Suppose that your girlfriend is the best, the old one with whom you are in a quarrel, the former or the one you have not seen for a long time, you dreamed in your dreams as a kind of vision, but you yourself did not interact with her in any way. They did not speak, did not come close - they only saw from the side.

What does this dream mean? And what does your friend want to say?

1. As the dream book says, a friend in dreams is an unusual sign. It indicates that you can solve your difficulties or problems in some unconventional, non-standard way. It may be worth contacting a friend in real life for advice - she will help you find an unusual and effective solution. Try it!

2. Such a dream in which yours appears before you ex-girlfriend, the one with whom you were friends for a very long time, even in childhood - a hint of your loneliness or nostalgia for the past, longing for former friends.

But former life is already behind, and it is worth seeing the delights of the present. New friends and girlfriends, other hobbies and new happiness - these are the things worth appreciating.

3. If you suddenly dream of a pregnant girlfriend, expect unexpected joy at any moment. If you really dreamed of this, you will not escape a pleasant surprise from fate!

4. If you dream of a friend who marries her beloved in a beautiful wedding dress, this dream should not scare you. There is a strange old belief that such a dream is a misfortune, but interpreters contradict this.

Dream Interpretations say that a friend in a wedding dress who finally gets married is just advice to be sincere to you, to enjoy someone else's happiness, not to envy. This is friendship!

5. A drunk girlfriend in a dream is a foreshadowing of an unexpected turn of events for you in reality. If your girlfriend was drunk in a dream, know that events will soon take an unexpected turn, surprises await you - rather, positive and pleasant.

6. A girlfriend who, in a dream, spins around the mirror in a wedding dress, but does not marry, but just stands in such a dress, portends you great fun and spree. A noisy party or a feast, a holiday or just a gathering awaits you - enjoy the company of friends, enjoy the carefree fun, you also need to relax!

7. If in a dream a friend gave birth to a baby, this good dream hardly promises her replenishment, but it definitely indicates your joint plans and undertakings with her in reality. Moreover, according to the dream book, they will find success. Feel free to plan and undertake something together with your girlfriend, everything will come true as well as possible!

8. If the girlfriend is in bad dream died, do not be alarmed, but, on the contrary, rejoice - this dream guarantees for her complete safety, protection of higher powers, health and good luck.

Friendship or quarrel?

More often than not, girlfriends in dreams do not just appear as a vision, but make contact. If a woman saw a friend in her dreams and communicated with her, it is important to remember the nuances of this communication - they will indicate the correct interpretation of the dream.

1. A quarrel in dreams with a friend, even a fight is a good, oddly enough, sign. This means that in life your hopes will come true, and your plans will come true as well as possible.

2. If a friend called you in a dream, with whom in reality you have not seen in reality for a long time, you have not even contacted, this is a decree that you are tired of people, you need good rest and loneliness - not for long. This will help, you will put your thoughts in order, and you will be ready to communicate further. Stay alone and quiet for a bit.

3. The same friend with whom you have not met for a long time, walking towards in dreams - a sign that you must take a break and rest. And not only from work and business, but also from any society, even from the closest ones. Find a way to be alone with yourself for at least a couple of days, go out of town.

4. Talking to your best friend in dreams is a hint that in reality you are not paying enough attention to her now. Call, ask about her affairs - maybe you talk a lot, while listening a little, are not interested in her life?

5. Kissing a friend in a dream is strange, but such a dream promises that you will soon reconsider your views on reality, change your life thanks to a new, different perception.

6. If in a dream a friend betrayed you or severely offended you, in reality you are simply afraid to open up, but in vain. There is a faithful friend next to you, you can safely confide in her.

Such dreams can indicate pleasant things and not so much. but be careful, think about how to take the interpreter's advice - after all, he does not decide anything for you. The last decision is always yours, so make it reasonable. Author: Vasilina Serova

Sometimes a person who we have long forgotten can come into our dream. What does such a dream mean? It is believed that the dreamed person thinks about the dreamer and wants to meet. Why is a former girlfriend dreaming of a woman or a man? Consider the interpretation of dream books.

The interpretation of a dream cannot be unambiguous. A person with whom life has divorced may come to a dream, or the one with whom parting was a gift of fate may also dream. Therefore, the interpretation of the dream depends on whose image you saw:

  • good old friend;
  • childhood friend;
  • ex-girlfriend of her husband;
  • former lover;
  • deceased girlfriend.

If childhood friend dreams most likely you are overwhelmed by nostalgia for the past. Nostalgia can be caused by an object or thing associated with childhood. In this case, the dream is a reflection of your daytime experiences.

If you experience an anxious feeling, the dream is interpreted differently. Perhaps you are in for trouble because of an unresolved problem in the past, an echo of old events.

Peacefully talk to ex-girlfriend not good: this dream portends gossip and trouble. Scandal with a girlfriend in a dream - you can soon make peace with her.

If you came to sleep old friend, with whom you have not seen for a long time, she remembers you and wishes to meet. If your memories of an old friend did not bring joy, the dream predicts gossip and trouble.

  • A former girlfriend dreams of problems in life.
  • A quarrel with her portends a scandal at work.
  • Beating an ex-girlfriend is a conflict with colleagues.
  • Gossip with her - expect bad news.

Why are they dreaming husband's ex-girlfriends? If the dream caused unpleasant emotions, a scandal is brewing in your family. You have not come to terms with past life spouse, and jealousy periodically makes itself felt. Trust your husband to keep the relationship going.

Remember how your husband's friends behaved? The vulgar behavior of girls reveals a subconscious fear of losing a dear person. If your husband's ex-girlfriends talked to you calmly, the marriage is at stake. Try to revive the extinct love, otherwise divorce is inevitable.

What does sleep mean for a man

What does a dream mean in which a man saw an ex-wife or concubine? Financial problems will soon begin due to unpaid debts, unresolved old problems and promises. The dream indicates that the causes of problems are in the past.

  • See in a dream former love- to a conflict with a wife or girlfriend.
  • Fighting in a dream with an ex-girlfriend - to denigrate the dreamer's reputation.
  • Dancing with an ex is a new frivolous hobby.
  • Beating your ex is a serious problem in your personal life.
  • Passionately kiss your ex - your feelings for her have not faded away.
  • A drunken girlfriend is dreaming - a hobby for alcohol will attract trouble soon.

If you dream wedding with ex-wife, have to make excuses for old deeds. Past mistakes and miscalculations, rumors and gossip will surface. You have to get through this black streak, it won't last long.

If a man I saw my first girlfriend in a dream perhaps fate will provide a chance to revive old feelings. However, you should not plunge headlong into these sensations: the old relationship has already lost its freshness and novelty.

There is also a different view on the interpretation of this dream - your dreams and plans are difficult to fulfill, that is, you dream of the unreal.

Dead in a dream

See a dead wife in a dream is not good. Something "dead" from the past will come to life and burst into the dreamer's life. However, sleep can also have a positive meaning if the dreamer has experienced bright emotions. For example, an already forgotten desire may come true.

If the wife died not so long ago (up to two years ago), the dream has no interpretation. The deceased often appear in dreams alive, whom they loved. Light a candle in the church, order a memorial service, visit the grave: the soul will calm down.

The image of a deceased girlfriend girls dream of trials. Old fears and anxieties can "come to life". Sleep can portend material losses and mental exhaustion. If a friend tried to convey information, showed the way somewhere, you need to remember her message in detail. However, this message can be beneficial and harmful.

It's bad if the dead girl calls with her in a dream, trying to take away with him. In this case, you should force yourself to wake up, but not follow her in a dream. However, more often a dream portends simply a change in the weather, like a dream with any deceased person.

Interpretation from other dream books

  • Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov ... If you dream about the arrival of a school friend, you cannot forget a painful episode from the past that lurks deep in your soul.
  • Dream interpretation Hasse believes that kissing a deceased friend is to unexpected support and help from the outside.
  • Miller's dream book believes that a long-forgotten childhood friend dreams of remembering old grievances and experiences. A former girlfriend, with whom they have not communicated for a long time, dreams of the help of strangers. Seeing a deceased friend is not good if she kissed you in a dream. Such a dream on Friday portends a car accident, on other days - expect trouble.
  • Dream interpretation of Wangi warns: the appearance of an old friend in a dream promises trouble due to past mistakes associated with that period. Something from the past will burst into your life and make you experience negative moments. A dream is especially dangerous if a friend looks several years older than she was at the time of separation. Seeing how a former girlfriend gave birth to a child is a sign of pregnancy. A drunk girlfriend dreams of her own oversight. If a deceased friend kissed in a dream, the dream portends a serious illness.

Why do old friends dream ex-wives and husbands? Psychologists associate these dreams with a feature of the dreamer's psyche. You need rest. Take a break from business for a while, allow yourself to relax.

Also, old school friends may dream as a reminder that you have long passed out of adolescence. It's time to become an adult, to change the worldview and the old foundations of life.

Many believe that female friendship does not happen, but of course it is not; perhaps this is why girls often have dreams with the participation of girlfriends with whom they constantly communicate. The image of friends can appear in the subconscious during sleep and mean different things. It is often said that I dreamed of a friend with whom I do not communicate , or have no clue about what a pregnant girlfriend is dreaming of .

In interpretations, the dream book talks about competition in reality. But in order to give a more detailed prediction, it is necessary to take into account all the nuances of the dream.

The psychologist interprets this to what an old friend is dreaming of: soon you will find out the sad news. Miller suggests that they are related to the deteriorating health of a relative or friend.

Hidden fears

In a dream, met your best, but already forgotten friend? In reality, when there is nothing to hope for, support will come unexpectedly.

Why dream that your best friend is crying? When creating difficulties, keep in mind that the consequences of actions will be reflected not only on you, but also on those around you.

If your best friend appears too often in a vision, then you are tormented by fear. You probably doubt your ability to correct the state of affairs, feel dependent on another person.

Guests on the doorstep

Why dream that an ex-girlfriend is hugging? Expect guests. These are old friends from whom there has been no news for a long time.

The wedding of a friend in a vision portends a difficult test for your family and loved ones.

The dream book deciphers a fight with a friend as an attempt to bring the unrealizable to life. Perhaps the cherished dream will come true someday, but this will clearly not happen now.


Did you see your husband's ex-girlfriend in a dream? Fortunetellers say: you do not trust your spouse and are very afraid of infidelity.

The dream book interprets the past passion of her husband, who appeared in a dream, as monotony in intimate life. Take the initiative and diversify it. You both benefit from this.

In some cases, having sex between a husband in a dream with his ex is an attempt to calm his conscience after his infidelity.

Stop fantasizing

Why is a bosom friend dreaming of a girl? You are an overly impressionable person. Most fears are far-fetched, and you are not in danger.

A quarrel with a friend in a vision is a harbinger of trouble and failure.

An old acquaintance appears to a lady in a dream before a quarrel, perhaps even parting with her beloved.

Get together

What is the ex-girlfriend dreaming of married woman? Dirty gossip and rumors will go about you, the source of which will be difficult to find.

Being in dreams often, the girlfriend tries to quarrel every time - get ready for a divorce.

Think first

Did you have a chance to communicate with an old friend in a dream? To proceed further, you need to get additional information, master new skills.

If you had to communicate in a raised voice, the dream book foresees: you will be prohibited from getting into other people's affairs without asking.

We communicated joyfully and in a friendly way - in the near future, events will turn out in your favor.

In a dream, it was not possible to have a normal conversation, as they communicated on the go, and part of the conversation escaped you - in reality they misjudged the state of affairs. The dream book warns: you run the risk of taking on obligations that you cannot fulfill.

Important nuances

For a more accurate interpretation of the plot in a dream, it is necessary to recreate the events of the dream in memory as accurately as possible. Then you can correctly decipher what you saw.

  • The ex-girlfriend spat in her face, the dream book is encouraging - in reality, the old forgotten debt will be returned.
  • I had to swear in a vision with a friend - responsible negotiations are coming.

  • Fighting with a friend in a dream - you will be able to avoid serious troubles and get out of the water dry.
  • Putting up with an ex-girlfriend - in reality, you can reach unprecedented heights. Any business will argue.
  • The dream interpretation claims: greeting a friend in a dream portends a meeting that will exhaust and tire.
  • If a woman has a conflict with a good friend in reality, and in a dream she comes and silently looks at the sleeping woman; this may mean that the acquaintance is left with unspoken words and not splashed out emotions. It is worth calling and talking to establish contact.
  • If a friend is in a dream, is worried about something and is in sadness, it says that in the future you can expect trouble and discord with loved ones. It is better to be more attentive to your words and try not to offend anyone.
  • What is the dream of a former girlfriend, with whom the connection has long been lost, means that the sleeping person has deep experiences that require them to be dealt with immediately; it is possible to go on vacation or set aside time for doing yourself and spending time away from eyes and bustle. You may have to think about something and rethink.

Everything is great!

What is the dream of your beloved ex-girlfriend with whom you do not communicate in reality? Although this is not an easy time, visionaries promise that family life will soon improve.

If in a vision you meet a girlfriend with whom you do not communicate, it means that you have a discord between beliefs and aspirations.

Throw out the excess

In a dream, reconciled with a friend after a long-standing conflict? The troubles will soon pass, and luck will smile on you. According to another version, the seers assure that this is a shape-shifting vision that portends a new quarrel.

The dream book, if a former girlfriend tearfully asks for forgiveness in a dream, notes: you still cannot let go of the past, cling to old insults and humiliations.

Pregnant or with a baby

Why is a pregnant girlfriend dreaming , it is not always possible to accurately interpret, but if a woman sees a dream, this may indicate that she does not want to be realized as a homemaker, mother and loving wife. For her, her own freedom and independence is more important.

In a dream, they learned about the pregnancy of an ex-girlfriend. In reality, you will receive a huge amount of money, most likely, relatives will help improve your financial situation.

The ex-girlfriend is pregnant - the dream book talks about the appearance of problems in family life.

The lady gave birth in a dream - you will be relieved of old debts and obligations. Now you can live in peace.

Have you met a girlfriend with a child in a dream? Much depends on the gender of the child. The boy portends financial stability; girl is happiness.


Died in a vision of a badly separated ex-girlfriend? In reality, good health and a comfortable existence await the dreamer.

Longtime good friend died? Pull yourself together, hard times are coming.

If in reality a deceased friend often comes in visions, the dream book says that the events of the past do not let you go. Understand this issue, otherwise you will not be able to live peacefully on.


The dream interpretation, if a man in a vision met a forgotten sweetheart, predicts a romantic acquaintance with a beautiful woman.

A classmate came - the past will soon remind of itself by meeting old friends.

A friend who was left in a dream by a man can mean imminent love affairs, the price of which may be health.

At the level of the senses

Of course, if unpleasant aspects of the personality were touched upon in a dream, you should not take everything literally, because a lot also depends on the specific day in which the dream was dreamed. Women are more inclined to feel the promises of their intuition at a subconscious level, so they should be attentive to the position of the moon on the night when they dreamed of something special, important in their opinion.

How to identify a prophetic dream

After interpreting a dream, we think about when dreams come true. Whether a dream will come true or not depends on what lunar day he dreamed about and on what day of the week. Let's take a look at moon calendar- what is the phase of the moon today and what is the lunar day.

Comparing data on lunar day and by the day of the week, one can assume whether the dream prophecy will come true.

Once you were close friends, but now this is no longer the case, the paths have diverged and each lives its own life, only occasionally remembering the other, but does not try to establish contact or maintains a purely formal relationship. And then one day you dreamed of a former girlfriend, and the question arose what this dream could mean.

First, you should think about why you are so interested in this dream. Was there any unusual situation there, do you feel strange and after waking up, or the dream in which your ex-girlfriend appeared was a big surprise, because you were sure that you forgot to think about her?

From the point of view of psychology, dreams are one of the manifestations of our subconscious, which in ordinary life we are suppressing. Mind control weakens when we go to bed, the subconscious has the ability to remind us of what worries us, although we usually do not admit it to ourselves.

Think about why you stopped communicating, whether any of the parties retained the grudge. If life circumstances just happened, for example, you moved, and communication gradually stopped, then maybe you just miss and recently remembered about her. If communication has ceased due to a serious conflict, then perhaps the resentment has not yet subsided or a feeling of guilt remains. More conclusions can only be drawn by analyzing the content of a particular dream.

Another answer to the question “what is your ex-girlfriend dreaming about” may be that you pay too much attention to your past and forget to look ahead and think about the future.

Dream interpretation - former best friend

Interpretation of dreams with the participation of a best friend, with whom communication has ceased, can also be found in dream books. Most dream books say that if you talked to her nicely, then such a dream promises trouble, quarrels with loved ones and a quarrel with your partner. If in a dream you are arguing with a friend, then this, on the contrary, good sign- relations will improve.

Also, such dreams are associated with various gossip, gossip and plots behind the back, so you should Be vigilant and remember that you have a right to happiness, but you have to fight for it.

Psychoanalysis, on the other hand, claims that a friend, even a former, is in any case a sexual rival, which may be a warning about possible problems in a relationship with a partner.

However, it is important to remember that sleep can carry some kind of warning and affect your life only if you attach great importance to it. Otherwise, it will remain just a dream.

In a dream, an ex-girlfriend always personifies competition or rivalry. Why else is this character dreaming? The dream book will try to figure out all the details of the image.

What are you afraid of?

Have you seen your best, but already forgotten friend? In real life, get help from an unexpected side.

Why dream that your best friend is crying? The dream interpretation suspects that your personal problems will affect the people around you.

If your best friend appears too often at night, then you are clearly afraid of something, and this feeling is associated with lack of confidence in your own strengths or dependence on a situation over which you have no control.

Wait for the guests!

Why dream that an ex-girlfriend is hugging? The dream interpretation advises to prepare for the arrival of uninvited guests. Most likely these are acquaintances from the past.

Did you dream about a friend's wedding? Alas, you or your friends are in for serious trouble.

A fight with a longtime acquaintance in a dream signifies the desire for something deliberately unrealizable. Perhaps the dream is coming true, but it will not be soon.

Have you sinned?

Did you dream about the ex-girlfriend of your own husband? This means that in reality you are afraid of his betrayal or are simply terribly jealous.

The appearance in a dream of the husband's past passion marks the decision that it would be necessary to diversify intimate life in the most unexpected way.

Sometimes seeing your husband having sex with a sweetheart from the past literally means that you are trying to calm your own conscience after your own betrayal.

Do not invent!

Why is a bosom friend dreaming of a girl? The dream book is sure that all your fears and terrible fears have no real basis.

If in a dream there was a quarrel with a friend, then the girl herself is destined for total bad luck.

An old acquaintance can dream of a girl before a scandal and even separation from her lover.

Get ready!

Why is a married woman's ex-girlfriend dreaming? The lady will become the object of unpleasant gossip and gossip.

If in a dream the girlfriend strives to quarrel every time, then the woman will have to go through a divorce.

For a man to see a forgotten sweetheart is a romantic infatuation. If a classmate has come, you will soon meet people from the "past."

Where are you climbing?

Had a dream that you had a chance to communicate with an old friend? The dream book is sure that you need some information or new knowledge.

If you had to communicate in a raised voice, then you will be accused of shameless interference in the affairs of outsiders.

In a dream, communicating joyfully and in a friendly way means that a streak of luck and prosperity is coming.

If you happened to talk literally on the go and you did not quite grasp the essence of the conversation, then in real life you misjudged a certain event or started a little business in which you do not understand anything.

Important details

To have a more accurate interpretation of sleep, the dream book recommends remembering other actions in the night adventure. Their decoding will shed light on future events.

If, for example, you dreamed that your ex-girlfriend spat in her face, then you should not be upset. In reality, you will be returned a debt that you have long forgotten about.

  • Swearing - to important negotiations.
  • Fighting will get around troubles.
  • Making peace is prosperity.
  • Saying hello is a tiring visit.

All perfectly!

What is the dream of an ex-girlfriend with whom you do not communicate on this moment? The dream interpretation guarantees a prosperous family life, good luck and wealth, even in spite of temporary difficulties.

Sometimes seeing a girlfriend with whom you do not communicate reflects an internal conflict between separate parts of your own Ego.

Get rid of unnecessary things!

Did you have a chance to make up with a friend after a long-standing conflict? The losing streak will end very soon, and things will go well. Reconciliation in a dream is sometimes an inversion and heralds a new scandal.

If you dream all the time that your ex-girlfriend is tearfully asking for forgiveness, then old grievances or deep feelings do not allow you to live. The dream interpretation is sure that it is mental disharmony that leads to the next troubles.

Miller's interpretation

What is the dream of an old friend from Miller's dream book? He is convinced that soon you will learn the sad news associated with the illness of a relative or dear friend.

You are free!

In a dream, did you accidentally find out that your ex-girlfriend is pregnant? In reality, a real miracle will happen, you will receive enormous money, inheritance and other benefits.

Had a dream that your old girlfriend was pregnant? Sometimes this is an indication of trouble in married life.

If in a dream the lady gave birth, then you will be freed from old debts and obligations. Dreamed of a girlfriend with a child? If it’s a boy, you will get money, if it’s a girl, you will be happy.


What does it mean if an ex-girlfriend died in dreams? The dream book promises her many years of life and relative comfort.

Had a dream that a longtime girlfriend died? Personally, you should prepare for difficult trials and losses.

If the really deceased comes in a dream all the time, then some event of the past years haunts you to this day. The dream calls to get rid of the load and move on.

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