Lunar day calendar for May. May calendar. As a result, this pressure transforms the very structure of organizing ties. The Destiny deck is reshuffled and new faces are born who try to control and manipulate life

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Most of the month is behind, but a new period of the Moon's waning is ahead. There are not only positive aspects associated with it, but also many warnings. Astrologers note that this time everything will be much more favorable than usual.

In May 2016, the Moon will wane starting on May 23. During this period, astrologers recommend paying attention to the financial sphere of life. Read also our Financial "> financial horoscopes for this period to attract good luck and prosperity.

Mood and emotions

The waning moon is characterized by calmness and energy balance. She shares it with us, stabilizing emotional arousal, does not provoke nervousness and impulsivity.

The mood and attitude, starting from May 23, can smoothly change, but you will have to fight this on your own. If you manage to look at the world correctly and soberly during this period, you can significantly increase the chances of earning additional income, as well as moving up the career ladder.

  • get rid of bad habits;
  • show tolerance;
  • gain new knowledge;
  • be diplomatic, willing to compromise;
  • look for only the positive in everything that happens.

Control your emotions to control your life and luck.

Love and relationships

This is the time of romance. At the end of spring this year, you need to show your love and attention to loved ones in order to enter summer period with positive energy and high chances of success in the love sphere of life. The waning moon this time requires special warmth from people, flowing into disinterested love for everything that surrounds us.

Stay close to those who are dear to you, as this will also increase your chances of financial success: if you are planning to go shopping, then only with a soul mate, and if you need advice, then ask your loved ones.

Astrologers Tips:

  • do not deceive yourself and others;
  • appreciate every moment spent with a loved one or loved one;
  • make pleasant surprises for your significant other;
  • if you are single, then get to know and communicate more.

Financial sector

Everything you do can be used to achieve financial success. To do this, follow the advice given by astrologers in the field of love and health. Keep yourself in an upbeat and stable mood. To do this, you can use our popular affirmations published earlier.

Do not lend at the end of May, do not take loans yourself. Do not take unnecessary risks and do not put your colleagues, partners at risk. In difficult situations, use your knowledge and logic - you cannot rely on intuition during this period.

As a bonus, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with one popular ritual for money luck... To carry it out, you need a banknote. It is desirable that it be of the lowest value, since it may be possible to spoil it a little. You will also need two candles.

Wait until the moon is clearly visible. Turn off the lights and wait for complete silence. Light the candles, take the bill and move it over the first burning candle, and so that it becomes hot. Then take it with both palms and rub it while saying:

Like a burning light, give me good luck. May I become a little richer. The moon is waning, the money is calling. To all who show me the way, let the moon show the way. Burn money in my hands, burn.

Then repeat the ritual with the second candle. After that, do not wash your hands until early morning. For the rest of the waning period of the moon, you will be provided with good luck.

Read ours to know more detailed information about each upcoming day, or rather, about how to make it more favorable. We wish you success in financial and all other areas of your life. Let the moon help you, and do not forget to press the buttons and

23.05.2016 02:12

The waning moon can be a very favorable time period. If energy is spent in the right direction, everyone ...

Experienced gardeners and gardeners closely monitor the development of horticultural crops, annually note in the diary the timing of the onset of development phases. But the timing of the onset of certain phenophases depends on the weather.

Moon phases in May 2016.

  • New Moon - 06.05.
  • Full Moon - 22.05.
  • The waxing moon - from 7 to 21.05.2016
  • The waning moon - from 1 to 5 and from 23 to 30.05.2016

Sowing lunar calendar for May 2016

The most auspicious days for sowing seeds in May 2016

Attention! The calendar contains favorable days for planting, but this does not mean that nothing can be planted on other days of this month. You should not engage in sowing seeds only in forbidden days. The dash in the table is not a prohibition, but only the absence of favorable days.

the culture sowing days the culture sowing days
zucchini, pumpkin 12 parsley on greens 7, 8, 9, 12
peas, beans 7, 8, 9, 16, 17, 18, 19 root parsley 3, 4, 23, 30, 31
Strawberry 7, 8, 16, 17, 18 sunflower 12
cabbage 12 radish, radish 3, 4, 23 — 28, 30, 31
potato 3, 4, 27, 28 salad, chard 7, 8, 9, 12
bow on a feather 7, 8, 9, 18, 19 beet 3, 4, 23, 27, 28, 30, 31
onions on a turnip 3, 4, 27, 28, 30, 31 tomato 7, 8, 9, 12, 16, 17, 18, 19
carrot 3, 4, 23, 30, 31 dill, cilantro 7, 8, 9, 12
cucumbers 12, 16, 17, 18, 19 garlic 3, 4, 23, 24, 25, 26, 30, 31
eggplant, pepper 7, 8, 9, 12, 16, 17 flowers from seeds 7, 8, 9, 12
hot pepper 24, 25, 26 tuberous flowers 3, 4, 23, 30, 31

Lunar calendar for planting fruit trees in May 2016

The most favorable days for planting garden trees and shrubs in May 2016

the culture the culture favorable planting days
Apple tree 3, 4, 27, 28, 30, 31 sea ​​buckthorn, irga 4, 27, 28
cherries 3, 4, 27 honeysuckle 3, 4, 23, 27, 30
hazel (hazel) 4, 23, 28 hawthorn 23, 27, 28, 31
Rowan 23, 27, 28 pear, quince 3, 4, 23, 27, 28
currants, raspberries, gooseberries 23, 27, 28, 31 cherry, plum, apricot 3, 4, 30, 31

Unfavorable days for sowing and planting in May 2016

During the passage of the moon through different signs Zodiac, its influence on plant life on Earth is changing. Taking into account these changes, recommendations were made, which you can see in the following table.

Lunar calendar of gardeners and truck farmers for may 2016

date Moon in the signs of the zodiac Recommended works
May 1, 2016 Sun. Waning Moon in Pisces Auspicious time for grafting fruit trees, planting seedlings of vegetable crops, bulbous flowers, sowing radishes. You can feed and water the plants. Collect and dry medicinal herbs.
May 2, 2016 Mon. Waning Moon in Pisces
May 3, 2016 Tue. Waning Moon in Aries A very good time for grafting fruit trees, weed control, planting almost all types of fruit crops, as well as garlic, carrots, onions, radishes, radishes, potatoes. Watering and feeding with organic matter will be appropriate.
May 4, 2016 Wed. Waning Moon in Aries
May 5, 2016 Thu. Waning Moon in Taurus According to Lunar sowing calendar forbidden day for sowing and planting
May 6, 2016 Fri. New Moon Moon in Taurus Forbidden day for working with plants.
May 7, 2016 Sat. Growing Moon in Gemini According to the lunar sowing calendar for May 2016, it is forbidden to plant and transplant plants on this day.
May 8, 2016 Sun. Growing Moon in Gemini Gemini is a barren sign, so you should not plant anything at this time, the harvest will not please you. Take care of arranging the beds, removing overgrowth under trees, sanitary pruning.
May 9, 2016 Mon. Growing Moon in Cancer The most fertile sign of the zodiac is Cancer. Try to make the most of these days. Plant seedlings in greenhouses and under plastic. V open ground Sow annual vegetable seeds. You can do cuttings and layering. Top dressing with mineral fertilizers will give excellent results.
10 May 2016 Tue. Growing Moon in Cancer
May 11, 2016 Wed. Growing Moon in Cancer
12 May 2016 Thu. Growing Moon in Leo Leo is a barren sign. It is advisable to postpone planting and sowing for several days. Carry out the treatment against diseases and pests, Weeding, loosening, removal of overgrowth, preparation of the beds is recommended.
May 13, 2016 Fri. Growing Moon in Leo
May 14, 2016 Sat. Growing Moon in Virgo You can plant seedlings of vegetables in greenhouses and open ground, but these days are more favorable for working with flowers: sowing and planting seedlings of annual and perennial flowers, transplanting and dividing perennials. Curly flowers will perfectly take root in a new place.
May 15, 2016 Sun. Growing Moon in Virgo
May 16, 2016 Mon. Growing Moon in Virgo
May 17, 2016 Tue. Growing Moon in Libra The time is not quite right for planting vegetable crops, continue to take care of flowers, including domestic ones. Good time for haymaking and lawn mowing.
May 18, 2016 Wed. Growing Moon in Libra
May 19, 2016 Thu. Growing Moon in Scorpio Favorable time for planting almost all garden crops. pinching, pinching and sanitary pruning are not recommended. Open wounds will take a long time to heal and infection can enter through them.
May 20, 2016 Fri. Growing Moon in Scorpio
May 21, 2016 Sat. Growing Moon in Sagittarius Sowing and planting vegetables is not recommended before the full moon. Better to do work with flowers or tillage.
May 22, 2016 Sun. Full Moon Moon in Sagittarius According to the lunar sowing calendar 2016, May 22 is a prohibited day for sowing and planting.
May 23, 2016 Mon. Waning Moon in Sagittarius On the first day after the full moon, it is not recommended to sow and plant vegetables. Better to do work with flowers or tillage.
May 24, 2016 Tue. Waning Moon in Capricorn Capricorn is a fertile zodiac sign. Sowing of both vegetable and flower crops, planting seedlings in the ground, planting potatoes are recommended. In the garden, do grafting, pruning. Do not spare water these days, plants need a lot of moisture.
May 25, 2016 Wed. Waning Moon in Capricorn
May 26, 2016 Thu. Waning Moon in Aquarius Under Aquarius, you should not engage in planting and sowing, this is a barren sign and the yields will be modest. But weed control will be fruitful. On a waning moon, the roots are very susceptible to damage. Take advantage of this and chop up the weeds, but take care of the roots and crops.
May 27, 2016 Fri. Waning Moon in Aquarius
May 28, 2016 Sat. Waning Moon in Pisces A very favorable time for planting root crops, if you have not planted potatoes yet - now is the best time to do it. They will take root well and fruit plants... But with watering and dressing, be careful, moderation is important now.
May 29, 2016 Sun. Last quarter Moon in Pisces
May 30, 2016 Mon. Waning Moon in Pisces
May 31, 2016 Tue. Waning Moon in Aries Sowing and planting is not recommended. This day is suitable for weeding, thinning seedlings, processing plants about diseases and pests.

May 1, 2016 24 lunar day (03:23), waning Moon in Aquarius / Pisces. Let life take its course today, live in the flow and accept the gifts of life with gratitude, whatever it offers you. Avoid overwork.

May 2, 2016 25 lunar day (03:44), waning Moon in Pisces A wonderful day to start travel and travel. It is very important to watch your words today, as a careless word can cause serious problems in the future.

May 3, 2016 26 lunar day (04:05), waning Moon in Pisces / Aries. Day of strengthening material well-being and building material plans. Beware of envy, do not allow yourself to be offended and annoyed, even more so - to be angry with others.

May 4, 2016 27 lunar day (04:25), the waning moon in Aries. A wonderful day to visit a beauty salon, hairdresser, spa center, any procedure, the purpose of which is to return beauty and prolong youth.

May 5, 2016 28 lunar day (04:47), waning Moon in Aries / Taurus (20:10). Today you need to be especially attentive to your words, since a good or bad wish may well come true, and you will be responsible for your materialized wish.

May 6, 2016 29 and 1 lunar days (05: 10/22: 29), Moon in Taurus, new moon at 22:29. A tough day, when it is not recommended to either start new things or finish old ones. It is best to deal with current affairs and current issues that require immediate resolution.

May 7, 2016 2 lunar day (05:39), the growing Moon in Taurus / Gemini (19:34). A very good day for relaxation with family, fun and joy. Arrange a family holiday, play with the children, turn yourself into children for at least one day.

May 8, 2016 3 lunar day (06:14), the growing moon in Gemini. And it is also better to spend this day with your family, but this time not relaxing and having fun, but doing homework... It is advisable to refrain from vows and promises, from signing documents.

May 9, 2016 4 lunar day (06:59), the growing Moon in Gemini / Cancer (20:23). Today, luck is on the side of people who are confident in themselves and their strengths, aimed at success. Cast aside doubts and do as you see fit.

May 10, 2016 5 lunar day (07:55), the growing moon in Cancer. Today you can register a marriage, start work in a new place or in a new position, move to a new place of residence. Treatment with the help of extrasensory effects will bring good results.

May 11, 2016 6 lunar day (09:00), the growing moon in Cancer. Try to be easy about everything, don't try to do what doesn't work. What should turn out today will go like clockwork, of course, without requiring any effort from you.

May 12, 2016 7 lunar day (10:11), the growing Moon in Cancer / Leo (00:31). A good day for new acquaintances and contacts, for communication and meetings, both business and friendly. Important legal documents can be signed.

May 13, 2016 8 lunar day (11:24), the growing Moon in Leo. Good day for manual labor... Today you can “burn bridges behind you” and start life “from scratch”, burning and reborn from the ashes like a phoenix.

May 14, 2016 9 lunar day (12:37), the growing Moon in Leo / Virgo. Today there is a great danger of food poisoning, you should be especially careful with the products that you eat.

May 15, 2016 10 lunar day (13:49), the growing moon in Virgo. A wonderful day for shopping, but it is advisable to buy according to a pre-compiled list, since the danger of getting carried away and spending more than planned is too great.

May 16, 2016 11 lunar day (15:00), the growing moon in Virgo / Libra. A good day to start a business trip, business meetings and negotiations. New acquaintances are favorable. It is better not to plan a visit to the hairdresser for today.

May 17, 2016 12 lunar day (16:11), the growing moon in Libra. The day is not suitable for important events. It is best to do current affairs and in no case violate harmony and not lose optimism.

May 18, 2016 13 lunar day (17:21), the growing moon in Libra. A great day to visit a tailor shop, order new clothes, or change old ones. Favorable for learning and self-education, communication and new acquaintances.

May 19, 2016 14 lunar day (18:31), the growing Moon in Libra / Scorpio. Today it is good to put things in order at home and at work, to get rid of all that is superfluous. In the same way, you can reconsider your acquaintances and end an outdated relationship.

May 20, 2016 15 lunar day (19:40), the growing moon in Scorpio. Today, many things can succeed, it is important not to get too attached to them emotionally. The calmer you are, the better things are going. As soon as you start to get nervous, everything will stop adding up.

May 21, 2016 16 lunar day (20:48), the growing Moon in Scorpio / Sagittarius. A good day for reading books and writing letters, for receiving and processing information, for learning. Be especially gracious and merciful.

May 22, 2016 17 lunar day (21:52), Moon in Sagittarius, full moon at 00:16. A good day to visit the temple, for sincere pious prayer. The less you say today, the better.

May 23, 2016 18 lunar day (22:51), waning moon in Sagittarius. Day of active beginnings and risk, struggle and victory. Just remember that you are absolutely responsible for everything you say, do and even think today.

May 24, 2016 19 lunar day (23:43), waning Moon in Sagittarius / Capricorn. Day of mercy and spiritual generosity, reconciliation and forgiveness. It is also favorable for signing serious legal documents, for concluding large contracts.

May 25, 2016 continued 19 lunar day, the waning moon in Capricorn. Day of struggle with your own pride, humility and patience. Pay attention to those around you and help those who need help. You can receive guests and go to visit yourself.

May 26, 2016 20 lunar day (00:25), waning Moon in Capricorn / Aquarius. Day of big and serious business, favorable for the beginning of trips and travels, for making plans. It is better to spend the evening among loved ones in fun and joy.

May 27, 2016 21 lunar day (01:00), waning Moon in Aquarius. A great day to visit the sauna, hairdresser, beauty salon, beauty parlor. Today you can tidy up your appearance.

May 28, 2016 22 lunar day (01:28), the waning Moon in Aquarius. A good day to start travel and travel, to visit the temple. You can devote this day to rest, but rest must be active. Long walks are good for your health.

May 29, 2016 23 lunar day (01:51), waning Moon in Aquarius / Pisces. It's great to spend this day in nature. Today you can relax and do nothing. Nothing at all. It is useful to read and reflect - you can come to interesting conclusions.

May 30, 2016 24 lunar day (02:12), the waning Moon in Pisces. The day is meant for quick action. Consequently, all the problems that arise today must be solved with lightning speed, nothing can be postponed "until tomorrow", because tomorrow the problems will grow and it will be much more difficult to solve them.

May 31, 2016 25 lunar day (02:31), waning Moon in Pisces / Aries. A great day for visiting a bath or sauna, hardening, any hydrotherapy procedures. If the weather permits, it is good to swim and bathe in natural springs. The ideal option is to bathe in a holy spring.

Moon without course (idle Moon) in May 2016

  • 01 May 5:56 - 01 May 17:33.
  • 03 May 8:08 - 03 May 20:04.
  • 05 May 7:17 - 05 May 20:10.
  • 07 May 5:10 - 07 May 19:34.
  • 09 May 7:15 - 09 May 20:24.
  • May 11 10:34 - May 12 0:32.
  • May 13 20:02 - May 14 8:52.
  • May 16 12:20 - May 16 20:33.
  • May 18 18:23 - May 19 9:29.
  • May 21 14:39 - May 21 21:48.
  • May 23 18:37 - May 24 8:34.
  • May 26 4:11 - May 26 17:27.
  • May 28 23:19 - May 29 0:06.
  • May 31 2:10 - May 31 4:09.

Read also:

  • Lunar calendar for January 2016 New moon and full moon in January 2016.
  • Lunar calendar for February 2016 New Moon and Full Moon in February 2016.

May decorates the forest, summer awaits guests.

May gives us an openwork lace of blossoming plums and cherries. The most favorable time for planting most of the plants, as well as for protecting fruit and berry trees and shrubs from all kinds of pests and diseases.
At the beginning of the month, cold-resistant crops are planted in open ground: carrots, turnips, radishes, spring garlic.
In the middle of the month, onion sets are planted, at the end - strawberries, beans, beets, potatoes. Seedlings of pumpkin crops are grown.
According to weather conditions, in May, seedlings are planted in open ground, under a film or in greenhouses. different types cabbage, tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, celery, leeks, spicy and medicinal plants.

Folk signs about the weather in May:
There are two colds in May: when the bird cherry blossoms and when the oak is blooming.
If there is a lot of rain in May, then there are few of them in September.
After wet May - dry June.
Cold May is a grain-growing year.

Based on one interesting folk signs together with you we will try to draw up, one of the main tasks of which is to help plan the work of the upcoming garden season 2016

Thematic calendars-tables - selections from the main, universal calendar of the gardener-gardener:

ATTENTION! Our gardener's lunar calendar is kept by Moscow time... (The calendar can be used throughout Russia, taking into account the difference with local time *)

Moon calendar

Garden work, plant care activities

from 01 May 2016 00:01 (Sun)
to 01 May 2016 17:33 (Sun)

waning moon in the sign of Aquarius
Bad days for sowing and planting. Preparing greenhouses and greenhouses for the season. Covering the ridges with a film in order to warm them up more quickly and preparing steam ridges for pumpkins and zucchini. Loosening the soil, thinning seedlings, weeding, spraying against pests and diseases, applying organic fertilizers.
We still have a blog:, input only from the lunar calendar.
from 01 May 2016 17:33 (Sun)
to 03 May 2016 20:04 (Tue)

Waning Moon in Pisces

No trees should be planted or pruned. The best time for irrigation, root and foliar feeding of plants with organic fertilizers. Favorable time for planting potatoes, sowing onions on a turnip from sevka, spring garlic, radishes, turnips and rutabagas, beets, carrots, parsley, celery. Planting tomato seedlings, pepper, eggplant, cucumbers in greenhouses or under a film shelter; seedlings of zucchini, pumpkins, squash in open ground. Weed control. Processing and feeding with mullein and complex fertilization of strawberries. Composting under fruit trees and berry bushes, perennial flower crops (peonies, irises, delphiniums, etc.).
from 03 May 2016 20:04 (Tue)
to 05 May 2016 20:10 (Thu)

Waning Moon in Aries

Plowing and loosening the soil, pest and plant disease control. On these days, you can weed and mulch the plantings. The best time for watering, root and foliar dressing of vegetable crops. Top dressing of fruit trees, shrubs, as well as strawberries and vegetable crops. Collection of early greens and its processing. Carrying out formative, sanitary pruning and removal of thickening shoots. Grassing tomatoes.
from 05 May 2016 20:10 (Thu)
to 06 May 2016 04:52 (Fri)

Waning Moon in Taurus

Favorable time for planting sprouted potato tubers, regular batches of non-shooting varieties and hybrids of radish, sowing seeds of beets, carrots, parsley, celery, radish, daikon; sowing onions on turnips, spring garlic. Planting bulbous flowers. Spraying fruit trees and berry bushes against pests and diseases. The best time to fertilize root crops, garlic and onions. Loosening and mulching of ridges, adding compost. Possible planting seedlings of tomatoes, cucumbers (alternative days) ... The rooting of trees and shrubs planted on this day is going well.

Work on the lunar calendar table for the gardener and gardener for May 2016 was completed on 04/05/2016.

Friends! Work is currently underway on the 2016 lunar calendar. We try to arrange it so that it is more convenient to plan seasonal work in the country. Our calendar takes into account the phases of the moon, its position in the signs of the zodiac and works are distributed according to the most favorable days.
Now we can take your comments into account. For suggestions, please contact

* To determine the local time of the lunar calendar event in Kaliningrad, you need to subtract -1 hour, in Samara: add +1 hour, in Yekaterinburg and Perm: +2; Novosibirsk: +3, Krasnoyarsk: +4 hours ... in Vladivostok: +7, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky: +9 hours.

Working on the page " Moon calendar gardener for May 2016 "will be completed by May 1, 2016.

The night star dictates its own laws, and in order for you to avoid failures in 2016, we could plan your time and efforts and we have prepared for you useful tips and recommendations for every day of May 2016.

Astrological tips will allow you to navigate the lunar and solar rhythms, take into account the peculiarities of the lunar days, in order to always be in good health and good mood.

Lunar calendar for each day of May 2016

1 may sunday

23/24 l. (03:23) Moon in Aquarius / Pisces

Let life take its course today, live in the flow and accept the gifts of life with gratitude, whatever it offers you. Avoid overwork.

Twenty-fourth lunar day

A good day to spend with your family, bathing in love. The less contact outside the home, the better. The best day for sexual exploits and for conceiving a child. A tough day for those men who really want to, but not with anyone. In order not to turn into rapist maniacs, they are encouraged to convert sexual energy into creative. If there is no creativity, then dig up not only your own plot, but also a couple of neighbors, chop wood for several winters for future use and put them in piles.

2 may monday

24/25 l. (03:44), Moon in Pisces

A great day to start traveling and traveling. It is very important to watch your words today, as a careless word can cause serious problems in the future.

The twenty-fifth lunar day

Day of active inclusion of intuition. You need to listen to your "inner voice", be attentive to signs and omens. You can work on awakening psychic abilities, learn to build chains of "chances" in a pattern. Day of prophecies and predictions, when you can, "accidentally" opening the book, get an answer to the most important question for you at this moment. On the twenty-fifth lunar day, you can look into the future. Practices can be very different, who is closer to what. You can guess from the Book of Changes or read heavenly horoscope charts, spread cards or examine coffee grounds, disassemble rune patterns or peer into the depths of a crystal ball. The best day for practicing Raja Yoga for awakening higher energies in yourself.

3 may tuesday

25/26 l. (04:05), Moon in Pisces / Aries

Day of strengthening material well-being and building material plans. Beware of envy, do not allow yourself to be offended and annoyed, even more so - to be angry with others.

4 may wednesday

26/27 l. (04:25), Moon in Aries

A wonderful day to visit a beauty salon, hairdresser, spa center, any procedure, the purpose of which is to return beauty and prolong youth.

Twenty-seventh lunar day

Day of faith and hope, helping people, as well as gaining knowledge. Try not to be alone on this day, so that melancholy does not fall on you. A good day to start travel, especially sea travel, and travel in unusual and unconventional ways. For those who are seriously engaged in spiritual self-improvement, this is one of the best days for meditation and prayer. With enough self-confidence, you can attract situations, turning dreams into reality.

5 may thursday

27/28 l. (04:47), Moon in Aries / Taurus (20:10)

Today you need to be especially attentive to your words, since a good or bad wish may well come true, and you will be responsible for your materialized wish.

Protection from the evil eye and damage. Guardian for a long journey

Before a long journey, take with you a handful of earth from your yard at the beginning of the day, wrap it in a new handkerchief, say a slander: "Take care, protect, bring me back home!" and kiss the parcel of earth. When you return home, pour out the earth in the place from which you took it, saying: "Thank you for the amulet on the way."

6 may friday

28/29/1 l. (05: 10/22: 29), Moon in Taurus, new moon at 22:29

New Moon in Taurus

The new moon in Taurus opens a financially prosperous month. In that lunar month you can and should go shopping, purchase a variety of things. The partnership is growing stronger, and therefore it's time to think about procreation: one of the best months for conceiving a child!

7 may saturday

1/2 l. (05:39), Moon in Taurus / Gemini (19:34)

A very good day for relaxation with family, fun and joy. Arrange a family holiday, play with the children, turn yourself into children for at least one day.

Stone magic fire opal

Fire opal - bright orange, red, without rainbow color play.

Opal is a symbol of power and wisdom, as well as feminine charm as a "caprice charm". Opal teaches awareness and control of emotions, gives a person power and complete control over emotions. Opal pushes a person who is spiritually lazy and does not want to work on himself to evil, can cause false hopes and lead to life in "virtual reality" and mental illness. The best setting for opal is gold, but silver is more suitable for opal as a talisman. Opal is best worn on the middle finger. It is not recommended for anyone to constantly wear jewelry with opals.

8 may sunday

2/3 l. (06:14), Moon in Gemini

And it is also better to spend this day with your family, but this time not relaxing and having fun, but doing your homework. It is advisable to refrain from vows and promises, from signing documents.

9 may monday

3/4 l. (06:59), Moon in Gemini / Cancer (20:23)

Today, luck is on the side of people who are confident in themselves and their strengths, aimed at success. Cast aside doubts and do as you see fit.

10 may tuesday

4/5 l. (07:55), Moon in Cancer

Today you can register a marriage, start work in a new place or in a new position, move to a new place of residence. Treatment with the help of extrasensory effects will bring good results.

11 may wednesday

5/6 l. (09:00), Moon in Cancer

Try to be easy about everything, don't try to do what doesn't work. What should turn out today will go like clockwork, of course, without requiring any effort from you.

How to choose a charm

Stone or wood can be used as a talisman. You can take a stone corresponding to your lunar day or zodiac sign, and a tree corresponding to your birthday according to the druidic calendar. The stone works most effectively in the ring on the middle finger. right hand or in the form of a pendant on a chain or thread. It is advisable to carry a piece of wood in the right pocket and touch it from time to time. A talisman made of wood is best purchased or made on your birthday and used for no more than a year. It's nice to wear a red woolen thread on your left wrist on this day.

12 may thursday

6/7 l. (10:11), Cancer / Leo Moon (00:31)

A good day for new acquaintances and contacts, for communication and meetings, both business and friendly. Important legal documents can be signed.

Magic stone serpentine

The color of the mineral really resembles a snake.

Serpentine is one of the best cleaners to remove negative astral influences. Removing a strong evil eye or damage from the owner, it can crack or even crack.

Only a magician can always wear a serpentine, since this stone loves to test its owners, sending seduction.

Sometimes a coil is useful if you are caught in difficult situation and don't know what to do. Then you need to listen to the advice of the serpentine and do what men usually do when asking women for advice: listen carefully and do exactly the opposite.

13 may friday

7/8 l. (11:24 am), Moon in Leo

A good day for manual labor. Today you can “burn bridges behind you” and start life “from scratch”, burning and reborn from the ashes, like a phoenix.

14 may saturday

8/9 l. (12:37), Moon in Leo / Virgo

Today there is a great danger of food poisoning, you should be especially careful with the products that you eat.

15 may sunday

9/10 l. (13:49) Moon in Virgo

A wonderful day for shopping, but it is advisable to buy according to a pre-compiled list, since the danger of getting carried away and spending more than planned is too great.

Tenth lunar day

This is a day to strengthen home and family, so if possible, it is best to spend it at home, with family and friends. If you are in a quarrel with a loved one, then there is no better day for reconciliation than the 10th lunar day. The sorrows and sorrows of this lunar day are transient and short-lived. On this day, we are overwhelmed with love for the world and the desire to do everything for the common good. A great day for any beginnings, but especially for the start of construction.

16 may monday

10/11 l. (15:00), Moon in Virgo / Libra

A good day to start a business trip, business meetings and negotiations. New acquaintances are favorable. It is better not to plan a visit to the hairdresser for today.

17 may tuesday

11/12 l. (16:11), Moon in Libra

The day is not suitable for important events. It is best to do current affairs and in no case violate harmony and not lose optimism.

18 may wednesday

12/13 l. (17:21), Moon in Libra

A great day to visit a tailor shop, order new clothes, or change old ones. Favorable for learning and self-education, communication and new acquaintances.

The magic of rauchtopaz stone

Rauchtopaz is a smoky quartz. An energetically very strong stone.

Rauchtopaz is like a potent drug - it helps to get away from the pain and disappointments of life for a while. This mineral is believed to aid in the healing of drug addiction.

In the East, rauchtopaz is considered the sacred stone of the Buddha. The rauchtopaz ball is the best cleaner that not only cleans a person from negative energy at the level of the physical and astral body, but also conducts the energy of higher forces into subtle bodies.

19 may thursday

13/14 l. (18:31) Moon in Libra / Scorpio

Today it is good to put things in order at home and at work, to get rid of all that is superfluous. In the same way, you can reconsider your acquaintances and end an outdated relationship.

Household amulets

Some amulets are the most common household items. So, for example, an ordinary pin can perform the function of a talisman. It is believed that the pin protects from damage, from bad people and from envy from others. This is why it is recommended that you wear the pin somewhere on your clothing, but without being noticeable. For example, you can attach a pin to the inside of your pocket - it will be completely invisible to strangers, but at the same time it will perfectly protect you. There is such a custom: to the hem wedding dress pins are attached from the inside of the bride. The fact is that on the wedding day, the bride is in the spotlight, and everyone, looking at her, thinks: “How beautiful, how young,” and so on. As a result, it may turn out that the bride is inadvertently jinxed. That is why such a talisman can come in handy here.

20 may friday

14/15 l. (19:40), Moon in Scorpio

Today, many things can succeed, it is important not to get too attached to them emotionally. The calmer you are, the better things are going. As soon as you start to get nervous, everything will stop adding up.

Fourteenth lunar day

One successful business woman, when asked about the absence of a life partner and children, said: "I am married to Work." On the fourteenth lunar day, we are usually busy doing what on this moment consider it our duty. For some, these are accomplishments in the professional field, for others - putting things in order in the house or educational work with children and / or a spouse. Love and romance are only in dreams before going to bed (and even then it is unlikely, because after the labors of the fourteenth lunar day, sleep, as a rule, takes us into its soft embrace as soon as the head touches the pillow).

21 may saturday

15/16 l. (20:48) Moon in Scorpio / Sagittarius

A good day for reading books and writing letters, for receiving and processing information, for learning. Be especially gracious and merciful.

Fifteenth lunar day

The best day to learn the secrets. The day of receiving insights and revelations, when understanding and clarity suddenly fall upon us. Just a minute ago, you were at a loss in conjectures, and suddenly, in an instant, the mosaic formed into a picture, and you understood everything. Psychics say that on this day a bridge appears between the worlds (in modern films they prefer to show how the "portal opens"). Do not be angry at the dog barking at you, as this omen is fortunate. But a quarrel on the fifteenth lunar day speaks of your insecurity. To protect yourself, learn one of Dale Carnegie's "laws of success": "The only way to win an argument is to avoid it."

22 may sunday

16/17 l. (21:52), Moon in Sagittarius, full moon at 00:16

A good day to visit the temple, for sincere pious prayer. The less you say today, the better.

23 may monday

17/18 l. (22:51), Moon in Sagittarius

Day of active beginnings and risk, struggle and victory. Just remember that you are absolutely responsible for everything you say, do and even think today.

24 may tuesday

18/19 l. (11:43 pm) Moon in Sagittarius / Capricorn

Day of mercy and spiritual generosity, reconciliation and forgiveness. It is also favorable for signing serious legal documents, for concluding large contracts.

The magic of the olivine stone

Olivine is a translucent light green garnet. The talisman of family happiness, which extinguishes disputes and quarrels, contributing to the strengthening of the house. Brings good luck in business, happiness in family life and ease of communication with others.

Olivine is an excellent helper in stressful situations if you focus on solving a problem, calmly gathering your strength and rejecting emotions. For people who are weak and inert, inclined to "sail by the will of the waves" and blame everything except themselves for all their troubles, wearing olivine is contraindicated.

The olivine ring is the best talisman for businessmen and bankers. Olivine was also considered a talisman against fire and theft.

25 may wednesday

19 p. etc., Moon in Capricorn

Day of struggle with your own pride, humility and patience. Pay attention to those around you and help those who need help. You can receive guests and go to visit yourself.

26 may thursday

19/20 l. (00:25) Moon in Capricorn / Aquarius

Day of big and serious business, favorable for the beginning of trips and travels, for making plans. It is better to spend the evening among loved ones in fun and joy.

Twentieth lunar day

Those who can read the signs in heaven can see the sign. One of the best days for meditation and learning space laws, for the knowledge and transformation of your soul. On this day, we can find our Teacher and teaching, comprehend the meaning of our own life.

27 may friday

20/21 l. (01:00) Moon in Aquarius

A great day to visit the sauna, hairdresser, beauty salon, beauty parlor. Today you can tidy up your appearance.

Twenty first lunar day

The day of "goodbye to the past", when you can free yourself from obsolete feelings. In no case sit at home, especially alone. Go to the theater, to a concert, to a museum, to festivities - in a word, to where there are a lot of people and where something is happening (and this “something” has a festive orientation). A great day for a wedding if you are young and energized. There is no better day for marriage registration for couples who have lived in a civil (unregistered) marriage for at least five years. On the twenty-first lunar day, an awareness of a sense of duty comes to us. By the way, this is the best day to pay off your debts.

28 may saturday

21/22 l. (01:28), Moon in Aquarius

A good day to start travel and travel, to visit the temple. You can devote this day to rest, but rest must be active. Long walks are good for your health.

Twenty-second lunar day

Day of wisdom. It makes it possible to master deep knowledge, to get to the bottom of everything, to the knowledge of driving forces and fundamental laws. Therefore, it is best to spend it in solitude, spiritual concentration and prayer. Not a good day to get started, except for getting a job and starting a study cycle. For the body, this day is very difficult, because there is an energetic restructuring, which requires huge costs. It is advisable to avoid physical, mental and emotional stress.

29 may sunday

22/23 l. (01:51) Moon in Aquarius / Pisces

It's great to spend this day in nature. Today you can relax and do nothing. Nothing at all. It is useful to read and reflect - you can come to interesting conclusions.

Magic pearl stone

Since time immemorial, pearls have been a symbol of purity and purity and have been used in wedding rituals since that time. Best gift to the bride - a pearl necklace, testifying to the purity of thoughts and seriousness of intentions. In general, you can only give pearls to your beloved woman, otherwise the pearls will tarnish. Pearls strengthen the bonds of marriage better than cement and oblige spouses to be faithful. There is a belief that pearl beads fade from the betrayal of a spouse.

People who are sincerely believers and spiritually developed can also wear pearls: it generates faith, but it also takes away from all earthly desires. Pearls open to the human soul, which, like a pearl, rests in the shell of the physical body, the path to light. It is not for nothing that the icon frames are decorated with pearls.

30 may monday

23/24 l. (02:12), Moon in Pisces

The day is meant for quick action. Consequently, all the problems that arise today must be solved with lightning speed, nothing can be postponed "until tomorrow", because tomorrow the problems will grow and it will be much more difficult to solve them.

31 may tuesday

24/25 l. (02:31), Moon in Pisces / Aries

A great day for visiting a bath or sauna, hardening, any hydrotherapy procedures. If the weather permits, it is good to swim and bathe in natural springs. The ideal option is to bathe in a holy spring.

Color meanings. Yellow

It is associated with the color of the sun, and therefore it is believed that it energizes. Yellow activates mental activity. In ancient times, it was also considered the color of fun. Belongs to the earth. Yellow improves mood, and therefore in China they try to use it where people have fun.

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