Learn magical abilities by date of birth. How to test psychic abilities. How to develop psychic abilities

Astringent compounds 10.07.2020
Astringent compounds

The first number is the number of Creation. It is believed that those who are born under his influence create great people. You are a creative person who can leave an irreplaceable mark on art. You have a strong-willed spirit. However, you should not try to manipulate and control those around you.

  • Your magical gift: creation

Number 2. Empath

You are very sensitive to the energies around you. You have learned to feel and sense what others are doing, and that is why you have become so compassionate. Your magical gift is in your heart. You have developed the Ajna chakra (third eye). You should use this to ease the pain of others, but also quickly restore your energy by grounding yourself and getting in touch with nature.

  • Your magical gift: compassion and intuition

Number 3... Triple moon

This number represents the three phases of the moon. This is why the Witches believe that you are a "tool" "Triple God and / or triple Goddess"... Therefore, the forces of creation and destruction lie within you. The old rule of “be careful what you want” applies to you because your magical gift is that your thoughts and desires can quickly become reality.

  • Your magical gift: creation and destruction

Number 4. Elementalist

The number 4 correlates with the four elements of the Earth: fire, water, air and earth. Your essence is in balance with the four elements, which is why you are very rational, with a strong mind. Since you constantly draw energy from the 4 Elements, it is very difficult for someone to impose a curse or other magical effect on you. As fire, water, air, and earth create a magical force field around you, you deflect negativity.

  • Your Magic Gift: Elemental Magic

Number 5. Spiritualist

Since the number 4 symbolizes the four elements of Nature (Fire, Air, Water and Earth), the number 5 symbolizes the fifth element: Spirit (ether in ancient Greek magic). Those born under his influence are in contact with the spiritual realm and can easily summon powers from outside.

  • Your magical gift: communicating with spirits

Number 6. Solar disciple

Number 6 symbolizes the sun and everything that comes from our Source of Light. Therefore, you have a strong flow of energy within. Your magical gift comes from the sun. Hence, he embodies all the blessings of life and power. You are a healer and leader. But with great power comes great responsibility. Learn how to use your magnificent power in the most ethical way.

  • Your Magic Gift: Ritual Magic, Healing

Number 7. Lunar disciple

Number 7 symbolizes the Moon and all the magic that comes from the Great Lady of the Night. Your magical gift is the pure, untamed magic of the moon. It is very strange for you to follow ritual magic because you instinctively know what to do. And usually you don't do the same thing twice. You are improvising because of your very active intuition. Moreover, another magical gift is prophetic dreams. If you interpret them correctly and trust them, you can achieve miracles!

  • Your magical gift: visions and prophetic dreams

Number 8. Traditional witch

This number is considered one of the most magical. Number 8 corresponds to 8 Sabbats of Witches, 8 corners of the World. If your birthday is 8, then you have powerful magical power, but it will only be activated if you manage to tune in and celebrate the Sabbats. You have a very accurate internal compass, so you immediately recognize and see your mistakes.

  • Your Magic Gift: Energy Manipulation and Alchemy

Number 9. Shaman

The last number symbolizes the union of all of the above. It is the gate from which everything ends and everything begins again. This is why you see things that are not available to others. Your magical gift is your artistic and creative nature, and you often see situations in a very interesting perspective. This is why you can heal. Since the number corresponds to death and rebirth, you have a natural knack for sensing ghosts and spirits around you, but if you learn to use this ability, you can even transcend the world, as all shamans do.

  • Your magical gift: astral projection and totem magic

All adults sometimes want to have superpowers, but, having caught ourselves on such an infantile thought, we immediately renounce it, arguing that we are no longer children. But the truth of magical ability has never been so close to us. You have a unique opportunity not only to believe in a miracle, but also to know your magical talent. Based on the date of birth, each of us harbors certain abilities.

Today the most efficient way to find out if you have magical abilities - this is to pass the Zener test, developed according to a unique author's method. He is able to recognize 2 fundamental signs of magical abilities - clairvoyance and telepathy. He acts in this way:

  • In your arsenal should be at least 25 cards, which depict the following signs: a circle, three vertical wavy lines, a square, five pointed star and a plus sign. Such simple pictures can be easily made at home.
  • You can pass the clairvoyance test yourself, for this put a deck of cards face down in front of you and try to guess the top card.
  • Keep guessing the cards until the deck runs out.
  • Set aside the guessed figures, and then count them.
  • If you guessed 10 cards or more, this indicates that you have clairvoyance abilities.

Before taking the test, isolate yourself from external stimuli: turn off your phone, TV, and all sources of noise in your home. Take this experiment seriously. Get into a comfortable position and give yourself some time to tune in.

  • The telepathic test requires 2 people. One will look at the map and mentally repeat the figure to the "experimental".
  • Also put aside the guessing cards to count them later.
  • 10 or more guessed cards should be said about your telepathic abilities.

The test of the famous psychologist Karl Zener was invented back in 1930, but still has not lost its relevance. Such a technique is able to determine in you the makings of magical abilities, which, if desired, can be developed to psychic skills. You can also take the Zener test on the Internet!

Magic abilities by date of birth

Surely you will be interested to know what the date of your birth can tell about the presence of one or another magical talent. You may have noticed that there are people who have a predisposition to subtly feel the other world and vice versa, those who are not given to know the mystery of magic. So wouldn't it be logical to assume that a person is already born with a certain set of talents?

To do this, you need to add up all the numbers in your date of birth and turn to the art of numerology. It looks something like this:

  • Let's take a random date of birth. Let it be 07/19/1975.
  • Now you need to add all the numbers: 1 + 9 + 0 + 7 + 1 + 9 + 7 + 5 = 39
  • We align our result again: 3 + 9 = 12
  • And again we smoothen the result to units: 1 + 2 = 3
  • Thus, the magical ability by the date of birth of this person is hidden under the number 3.

To find out if you have certain mystical abilities, look for the number that hides under your date of birth in the list below:

  • Unit. A person who has a hidden unit in his date of birth has an innate oratorical talent. Such people can be more than convincing in their arguments. As a rule, they are subject to hypnosis techniques, so it makes sense to move in that direction.
  • Deuce. You are excellent conductors of energy, which gives you many advantages and directions in development. Your magic can be in séances and communication with the dead, or the ability to heal with hands, conspiracies, etc. You are also great at charging water and various subjects... Perhaps it would be useful for you to start making amulets and charms.
  • Troika Is the number of luck. You were born with a valuable gift of communication with the universe. You are always very lucky, and your thoughts quickly become reality. But you need to be careful with such a strong connection with higher powers, so try to control negative emotions and words spoken in the heat.

  • Four. You have excellent patrons in the other world who protect you. It is difficult to jinx you or spoil you. Your aura at once sweeps away all the energy attacks of your enemies and envious people. You know how to conserve energy, but sometimes it hurts you. Try to learn how to circulate it so that your channels are always clear. To do this, it is enough to at least occasionally show empathy for other people.
  • Five. You have the innate skill of intuition. Even the most pragmatic atheists sometimes marvel at you. Your gift is very hard to miss and ignore. You have everything you need to discover in yourself the magical abilities of clairvoyance and predictions.
  • Six. You are a very cynical person who is not characterized by infantile naivety. One useful skill you have is to expose your opponents. You just need to look at the person once to create a complete picture of the person in your head. You are not so easy to deceive or pity. You are not characterized by deep magical knowledge in the field of magic, but the gift of "seeing through people" is quite enough for you.
  • Seven- this is the most magical number in numerology, therefore, people in whose dates of birth the number 7 is hidden have a very valuable gift - to see prophetic dreams. This gift is easy to develop if given due importance. Try to write down all your dreams and try to interpret them yourself.
  • Eight. You are a born telepath. It often happens that a person did not have time to voice a thought, and you already know what he wants to tell you. You have the inclinations to read people's minds, but this gift needs to be developed. Practice silence at least from time to time, so it will be easier for you to tune in to the flow of information of the person who is next to you.

  • Nine. Your date of birth has rewarded you with many talents that you alternately notice in yourself throughout your life. You can turn to the world of the dead for help and communicate with deceased relatives, as well as receive important information from the Universe. You have many talents that need attention.

How to develop magical abilities?

After reading the above sections of our article, you probably found some kind of undisclosed talent in yourself. Now it's up to you to develop the inherent skills that you possess. There are several exercises that, if repeated regularly, should help you, and we will gladly tell you about them. If you are anxious to learn how to develop your magical abilities, check out the list below:

  • Energy connection... While on public transport or in line at the doctor's office, try to find yourself a "guinea", it could be anyone. Your task: try to mentally penetrate his body. Try to guess what he is thinking or if he has children. Try to see the world through his eyes. This exercise will help you make an energetic connection, which will be useful in the occult sciences.
  • Lucid dreaming... To develop the gift of prophetic dreams, you need to develop any action to automatism. For example, try looking at your hands several times during the day and be aware of (where you are and what you are doing now). Sooner or later, you will remember this habit in a dream and become aware of yourself in it. Thus, you will be able to consciously establish a connection with the entities that come to you in a dream; ask them for help or seek an answer.
  • Sixth Sense... Many people know that we have 5 senses: touch, smell, hearing, sight and taste. You've probably heard about such a phenomenon as blind reading. People who are deprived of this or that feeling (in in this case, vision), in excess compensate for this by other physiological factors of the acceptance of external information. Thus, you can develop the 6th sense - the mental perception of the world. We recommend that you experiment with your feelings from time to time: walk around the apartment blindfolded or read lips with ear plugs.
  • Trust your intuition. Have you ever wondered why animals are able to predict trouble? There are millions of testimonies that before the death of their owner, dogs howl for several days in a row; and shortly before a fire or other unpleasant event, they behave very restlessly and try to attract attention to themselves or even take the family out of the apartment. Animals are relatively primitive and unconscious creatures. They completely trust their instincts, which is something we should learn from. People tend to feel trouble, but often we ourselves convince ourselves of the absurdity of our thoughts. Trust your intuition!

Everything in our world has its place and time, so do not be discouraged if you fail to get in touch with the deceased souls or anticipate the lottery ticket numbers. The main thing in the development of magical abilities is perseverance and self-confidence. Do not give up at the first defeat, this is contrary to all the magical dogmas that you are so eager to learn. You cannot learn to ride a bike without breaking your knees into blood. Be persistent on your way, and one day you will know the mystery of magic.

Video: “How to develop magical abilities? Where can I find a magic teacher? "

Each person is endowed with extraordinary abilities, which they may not even suspect. It turns out that the gift of creating magic is inherent in everyone from birth. How to find out your magical abilities by date of birth? To do this, you can use two methods - make a digital calculation and learn by Tarot cards. Let's consider this issue.

Numerological calculation

Online calculation:

Enter your date of birth to find out the number of destiny:

Destiny number

To calculate, you need to add up all the digits of your date of birth. For example, like this:

1. 1985.11.11. = 1 + 9 + 8 + 5 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 27;
2. 27 = 2 + 7 = 9.

Now you need to use the interpreter of the meanings of numbers.

Unit says that you can easily influence people and convince of anything. Also, the unit speaks of the talent of the hypnotist. That is, there is verbal magic. You can successfully cast spells and magical conspiracies with this power of words and persuasion.

Deuce speaks of the presence of a healing ability. You can transfer energy through your hands. Learning healing practices will be successful. However, do not forget to replenish the expended energy in time in order to restore potential.

Troika speaks of the ability to materialize things through words. Be careful with your thoughts and words so as not to attract trouble. Knowing about your gift, you can use it for creation, and not for destruction.

Four speaks of a powerful energy potential. You have a strong natural defense that will repel any evil eye and negative impact. This potential can be used in the practice of extrasensory perception.

Five characterizes the presence of a predictive gift. You can become clairvoyant if you develop this potential.

Six suggests that you can read people's minds. If you develop, you can become a good telepath.

Seven- you see prophetic dreams and can interpret dreams.

Eight speaks of the ability to read minds. With practice, you can learn how to transmit thoughts from a distance. Mental magic techniques are good for you.

Nine speaks of the gift of communication with the other world. You can conduct Ouija, receive contact information from the Universe and know what other people do not know.

Date of birth and tarot

How to determine the nature of a magic gift from the Tarot cards? Arcana Tarot can tell a lot about a person's abilities. You need to add the numbers of the date of birth and turn to the interpreter of the major arcana of the Tarot.

Unlike the numerological method of calculation, here it is necessary to carry out 3 calculations:

  1. add the numbers of the birth number if it exceeds 22;
  2. add up all the digits of the date of birth;
  3. bring the final figures of the date, month and year of birth to one-digit number and add them together.

With the number of birth, everything is clear, but there is a nuance. There are 22 major arcana in the Tarot deck, so if the number of birth is more than 22, we perform a mathematical operation. We need to subtract the number 22 from the number of birth to get the required figure. For example: 23 (number of birth) - 22 = 1.

In the second option, you need to add all the numbers together. If you get a number exceeding 22, proceed as in the above option. Let's say we got 32: 32 - 22 = 10.

The third option is the most difficult. It is necessary to bring all the final figures of the date of birth (day, month and year) to one and add them together.

  1. day 11: 1 + 1 = 2.
  2. month 11: 1 + 1 = 2.
  3. year 1985: 1 + 9 + 8 + 5 = 23 = 2 + 3 = 5.

Now we add 2 + 2 + 5 and get the number 9. As a result, we got three digits:

  1. birth number digit - 1;
  2. date of birth digit - 10;
  3. common figure - 5.

Now you need to look into the interpreter of the major arcana.

The first lasso - Magician

A person with the number 1 in his date of birth has strong magical potential and can practice any magic. This is a born magician, gifted with extraordinary abilities. He can literally work miracles. Typically, people with these abilities intuitively choose mental magic, NLP and verbal techniques. That is, persuasion with words and change of circumstances with thought.

Second lasso - High Priestess

This lasso also speaks of outstanding magical abilities, especially in women. Addiction to the magic of nature - plants, animals, minerals, potions. This person has a very strong intuition and the gift of foresight.

Third lasso - Empress

A person can successfully practice village magic and magic associated with household items. There is also a penchant for knot techniques (nauza) and culinary magic. The wax work and puppet magic (volts) is going well.

Fourth lasso - Emperor

This magic is associated with objects of male use and metals - a knife, dagger, scissors, needles. The person has a tendency to attack magic with the use of force.

The fifth lasso - the Hierophant

This lasso speaks of a penchant for classical rituals, the use of religious egregors in practice. Spells with prayers and objects of religious worship work well.

Sixth lasso - Lovers

Here you can see the ability for the magic of partnerships, as well as for the teachings of Reiki.

Seventh lasso - Chariot

A person has the abilities of verbal magic, conspiracies and making talismans are good. The lasso also speaks of gypsy magic.

Eighth lasso - Strength

These are shamanic techniques and voodoo magic. In practice, they use body parts of animals, bird feathers, amulets and talismans.

The ninth lasso - the Hermit

This is a card of strong psychic abilities. He also talks about the successful practice of meditation, the application of mantras and following the path of spiritual development.

Tenth lasso - Wheel of Fortune

This is work with karma and past lives, as well as money magic. Good luck charms for attracting money and luck, fortune spells.

Eleventh lasso - Justice

If this lasso fell, a person needs to be very careful in applying magical techniques. Arkan has little to do with magic, speaks more about engaging in earthly affairs.

Twelfth lasso - The Hanged Man

This lasso talks about working with runes and nature. A person is good at astral exits and trance states.

Thirteenth lasso - Death

This is a sign of outstanding magical abilities. The person has good abilities for healing techniques and working with the world of the dead.

Fourteenth lasso - Temperance

The man is more a psychologist than a magician.

Fifteenth lasso - Devil Seventeenth lasso - Star

Man can work with the energies of the Universe. This includes cosmoenergy, angelic magic, work with the spirits of the planets. Color magic works well.

Eighteenth lasso - Moon

A person has highly developed magical abilities. This is the magic of nature, Wicca, moon and village magic, as well as water magic.

The nineteenth lasso - the Sun

Magic associated with fire. A person has a powerful natural energy, a strong will.

Twentieth lasso - Judgment

Ancestral magic, that is, following the traditions of ancestors. The judgment is not connected with the world of the dead, like the arcanum of Death, but a person can use the help of the dead in his practices. Also, the lasso shows a penchant for magic sounds, for example, a shaman tambourine or bells.

Twenty-first lasso - Peace

A penchant for unconventional magic, such as new technologies and cyber magic.

Twenty-second lasso - Jester

This is simoron and any kind of game magic. The lasso also indicates a person's penchant for innovation and experimentation. Puppet magic works well.

So, the following arcana speaks of strong magical abilities - 1, 2, 9, 13, 15, 18 and 22. The following arcana speaks of not expressed abilities - 4, 8, 14, 19, 21.

If you think that extrasensory abilities manifest themselves immediately in the form of telepathy or foresight of the future, then you are wrong. Sometimes people who have had paranormal abilities all their lives do not even know that they have them. And all because the signs of a gift are often manifested in simple little things, which many do not focus on. Below are 15 signs of a paranormal ability. Check if you are a psychic?

Sometimes premonitions can be triggered, but most of the time they cannot. They either manifest themselves while the host is asleep or when they are extremely relaxed or extremely tense. The ability to read memories is a form of telepathy that allows them to see the past of another. They can clearly see any event or series of events that a person has experienced. It is a force commonly seen in police and therapists trying to figure out exactly what happened in a situation.

The Power of Regeneration allows the user to quickly heal themselves. It is very difficult for these people to die. The only way they can be killed is by destroying their head so they don't have the mental ability to force their body to regenerate. This power is becoming less common thanks to modern medicine, making it less necessary. These people usually discover their abilities after a failed suicide or what would have been fatal. They believe they should be dead, but they see their body healing before their very eyes, and they understand who they are.

You are very often lucky. It is worth considering that this is not just the case. "Get out dry" from any difficult situation, constantly find yourself in the right place in the right time Is one of the hidden signs that you have a gift. If luck does not leave you even in those moments when you think that everything is lost, then there really is something unusual in you. You have a strong guardian angel who does not allow you to get into trouble.

Then they will try to destroy themselves until they come to the point that they cannot die. After that, they take one of two paths: they will either try to help others by going into dangerous situations, or they will become criminals, because they know that they will be able to avoid any crime they have committed.The lack of this power is that usually a person will feel the whole the pain associated with their injuries, but sometimes people are too distraught to notice the pain and continue hurting themselves.

The remote viewing power is unique because it requires a good developed memory... This is essentially the same as photographic memory, but the brain can track objects or people as they move around a room or area. This works until new elements are introduced and the viewer must take a second glance in order to see everything clearly. In order for the brain to be able to register everything that is happening around, it only takes one look.

When approaching technical devices, they begin to work poorly, or, conversely, function much better. This means you are emitting strong energy that affects not only people, but also electronics.

Animals in your presence begin to behave strangely. This suggests that you have a special energy that pets are keenly felt. It has long been known that some animals, especially cats and dogs, are very sensitive to the paranormal.

Retrocognition is the ability to see things that happened in the past. Objects are believed to hold energy around them, and this energy remains until it is purified by special ceremonies. These people are able to sense this energy and see what happened in the room or around certain objects. These people become detectives and work with the police to help investigate crimes. These people are not ordinary, but they are able to recognize their strength for something that is very easy, and they want to do their best to help other people.

You don't like open doors in your room. This also suggests that you have psychic abilities. Often the "fear open doors»People refer to agoraphobia. This is not always true. Desire in an enclosed space has nothing to do with mental illness. If you hate it when the door to your room is open (even if there is no one else in the house except you), you just unconsciously want to protect your energy.

This is one of the easiest powers to control and can also be learned from someone who is sensitive to energy fields. The Gift of the Seeing Spirits is a power that is more prevalent than realized. Many people have a tendency to see those who have passed. Sometimes this perfume is good and sometimes it is not as good as we expect. Some Average, as they are commonly called, have such a strong bond that they can often physically interact with these spirits, the results of which can be good or bad.

These people tend to shy away from or hide from their power because they are afraid of it. They don't want others to find out because they fear they are crazy and will be shunned by society. Some embrace their power and use it to help people on both sides of the wall.

Does your abuser always get what he deserves in the end, and this happens without your participation? Then you have powerful energy and thought power that can affect other people.

You feel the experiences and feelings of others. This ability is not given to many. This phenomenon indicates that you may be taking on the emotional burden of other people.

People who can see through illusion are very unique because it requires a special type of brain structure. These people are not easily deceived with lies or tricks. They have the ability to see through things and people in order to choose the truth. They usually find themselves in a job where their gift can be used for a greater good, such as judges and crime scene investigators. They know the questions they ask and the places to look to find things that have been hidden from others. Few people have this power because it takes a lot of energy to work, especially when they are around illusionists.

The touch of your hands can ease or neutralize physical pain. This ability indicates that you can control your energy and thereby heal people.

You often dream. Often, many of us simply forget our dreams or do not attach much importance to them, but prophetic dreams are one of the main signs of the presence of psychic abilities.

Another theory is that those who have this power lack some of their bran that allows them to see illusions and be deceived by their tricks and lies. The ability to see through walls can also be seen as X-ray vision and is a very difficult gift to master. Many people with this ability go through their lives without ever realizing the potential of what they can do. This power allows them to see anything from walls, to boxes, to clothes. It is difficult to focus on a specific layer and sometimes everything becomes transparent, and other times it becomes so strong that it cannot even be seen through glass or other things that should be transparent.

Do you often say phrases like “I knew it” or “I told you so”? If so, then you have foresight. You know ahead of time the events that will happen - this indicates that you have developed intuition and are capable.

Materialization of thoughts and desires in reality. It can manifest itself both negatively and positively. If your thoughts and desires begin to manifest in your life and this happens quickly and often enough, then this means that you are attracting the events that you think about. Many develop this ability in themselves over the years, and someone receives this gift from birth.

Everything around them is still physically solid, but their molecules are rendered only for the viewer. They can change themselves to another person, animal, or even an inanimate object, although they cannot remain in an inanimate form for long. Some werewolves prefer only to transform into another creature and improve these changes, while others like to change in many different things: some werewolves are closely related to some kind of animal and will only choose to transform into that animal.

This is where some of the myths about werewolves come from, they are just tribes of werewolves who idolize the wolf. Speed ​​is the ability to move very quickly. It is a rare power that is becoming more and more prevalent as people in power must flee from those who want to harm them. This strength allows a person to work much faster than usual, but does not work faster. It is actually a bend in time that is created by slowing everyone else down and making it look like you are moving much faster than everyone else.

All these manifestations indicate the presence of psychic abilities. Of course, your gift needs to be constantly developed. To do this, first of all, you need to learn how to properly manage your energy.

It is also important to remember that people with paranormal abilities bear some responsibility for their strength. Those who have the gift of a psychic should know that his actions, thoughts and words can harm a person. So if you find signs of unusual abilities in yourself, it is better to use them only for good. Discover new abilities in yourself! And don't forget to press and

This power is very similar to the ability to stop time. The ability to stop time is difficult. It is unclear how many people have this power because they do not want to register. These people are extremely paranoid and afraid of being caught. They can stop time and move while it is stopped. These people are often confused with teleporters because they will disappear in one place and appear in another. These people tend to fall into a life of crime and will steal from anyone and everyone to stay off the grid.

Many want to have some kind of psychic abilities and wonder if they depend on the date and time of birth? Each person has some knowledge and skills laid from above. Someone develops them, and they are clearly manifested in different periods of life. And for some, these inclinations are in a dormant state. So how to define your e psychic abilities by date of birth? There are certain ways for this, tests, which we will consider below. It is worth trusting and astrology, which characterizes the abilities of each sign in its own way.

Telekinesis is the ability to move things with your mind. This power is quite common and can be learned, although very difficult to do. This requires an understanding of energy that few people study. People with this power just have to focus on the object, and it will move without touching them. It takes a lot of practice to get the object to go where you want and stop. These people spend their entire lives practicing, and many never wield this power. These people often believe that they see things when they first discover their power.


Magical or psychic abilities enable this or that person to hear, see and perform such incredible actions that are inaccessible to others. Of course, not everyone has such opportunities. In addition, the focus of such abilities can be very different: conspiracies, love spells, healing, communication with otherworldly spirits, forces, visions. Well, is it possible to find out exactly what capabilities you yourself have? What psychic abilities by date of birth are inherent in you?

They will believe that they are being pursued and that "ghosts" are moving around them. The power of Telepathy is very common, although not many people have it to the fullest. It is the power to read people's minds and know their thoughts and feelings. Many people have only a little of this power and can get a general idea of ​​what the other is thinking. Some people with this power have to touch the other they are trying to read in order for them to work, and some just have to be around the person. It seems that this power is difficult to use with any distance between people.

  • Aries. This sign characterizes the gift of foresight. There are frequent cases when, for example. being late for the plane, Aries avoids the plane crash.
  • Taurus. Generosity and kindness are inherent in these people. It has been noticed that the more they give, the more they receive benefits from above.
  • Twins... Gemini's gift is persuasion. They speak so beautifully that they can often persuade an opponent to their side and convince him of their point of view.

Those who have this ability can dig deeper and find things buried in a person's mind, others can only know what the person is currently thinking. These people become overwhelmed when they are around others and tend to have constant headaches as they will catch bits of what people think, especially if people are thinking hard.

Teleportation is a force that has existed for ages and makes a return in the number of people born by this force. Anyone with this ability can essentially "think" wherever they want, whether it be across the room or around the world. This power takes only a short time to master and can be used for the lives of other people. This power is more common in people with birth defects, and it seems to be a form of evolution, allowing them to teleport requires a strong mind and a willingness to accept danger.

  • Cancer... People with the strongest intuition. Can foresee the future. Cancers are often fans of various methods of divination. They are able to manipulate other people.
  • A lion. Lions ability is leadership. They control others with ease. In magic, they are strong enough in love fortune-telling... In this area, they can reach tremendous heights.
  • Virgo... Psychic ability consists in the ability to guess, and by any means. Virgos, thanks to their feelings, often win the lottery.
  • Scales. Their powers develop in natural magic, so amulets made by the hands of Libra have the strongest energetic power.

if you have psychic abilities, any astrologer will help to calculate them by date of birth.

There is always a chance that the teleporter might end up in the wrong place and get trapped. It is not known how this force works, but it is believed that the mind decomposes the molecules of the body and sends it at the speed of light wherever the person wants to go. These people are a form of the Teleporter who have learned to move in time, not space. This is a dangerous force because they are always threatened to change something and force themselves to cease to exist, or find themselves in an alternate timeline that they cannot fix.

How do you know if you have more abilities in your hand?

Sometimes these people accidentally transport themselves into the future shortly before a big event, and then return in due time to warn people and hopefully prevent a catastrophe. There is a force that makes the human body turn to metal when it needs it. This power has no real name, but gives to those who have the nickname "The Tin Man". These people usually turn out to be protectors who will use this power to protect others at all costs. Nothing can penetrate the metal, and it will not harm them when something happens to their body in this state.

  • Scorpion... In any home, they are an invaluable talisman. Easy to master home magic.
  • WITH Taurus... They have the gift of healing. They are able to make their own dreams come true by strong suggestion.
  • Capricorn... Great ability in palmistry and astrology. If Capricorn lives in nature, his intuition is acutely manifested.
  • Aquarius. By conducting fortune-telling and rituals, he receives truthful results. Able to create new rituals, they will be effective.
  • Fishes. Get an energy boost from water. They are given the opportunity to carry out quite successfully rituals on the water. Fish can create a variety of magical potions.

There is a form of this power that turns those who have it into the ultimate weapon. They remain in their metal form and slowly their heart dies. When their heart dies completely, they turn control of their body to another person, a process that has never been successfully reversed. This is why pewter people need to have love in their lives, it keeps their heart strong and they won't have to leave people.

How to detect psychic abilities?

The ability to walk on the walls is interesting. The carrier of this force must move its molecules away from each other to match the cracks between the wall molecules or the object they are trying to pass. These people cannot move. These people tend to find themselves on both sides of the law, even if they don't really like being noticed and tend to be on their own. They are naturally paranoid about who will find them and what will happen to their power.

The elements of the zodiac signs

Some begin to try themselves in various areas of extrasensory perception, wasting their time and energy, but this will not lead to anything if you do not know in advance which area you are strong in, what nature has endowed you with. The horoscope will help in this, because it is by the date of birth that many life factors are determined. So you can find out your magical belonging to the world of magic by the signs of the zodiac.

This question worries many. Each zodiac sign belongs to a specific element (Fire, Earth, Air and Water). It also goes a long way in defining psychic abilities. The zodiac sign is determined by a combination of elements and qualities.

Trigon of Fire (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius)

The peculiarity of this element is warmth and dryness, vitality, metaphysical energy. The Trigon of Fire is considered creative, it is characterized by activity, action, energy. The main governing force is Fire, and these are zeal, impatience, hot temper, courage, courage, and arrogance. The defining feature of the Fire signs is ambition, they easily adapt to life situations, but, alas, they do not like and cannot obey. They have strongly expressed persistence, perseverance, truthfulness. Already at an early age, they try to win independence and independence. Freedom is the most important thing for them.

Determination of psychic abilities by date of birth for this element lies in the fact that they receive a charge of energy from space. This allows you to either attract other signs to yourself, or vice versa - repulse. Expressed leadership qualities make it possible to easily lead, manage people. The people around them are in constant excitement, tension, easily succumb to the influence of the energy of representatives of the fire element.

  • Aries has an amazing intuition, he is one of the first to be in the place where he is most needed.
  • a lion especially has leadership qualities. Love magic lends itself easily to him, he can use it for the good of the whole world.
  • Sagittarius possesses the gift of a healer, easily relieves any pain with bioenergetics. They make excellent diagnosticians.

Trigon Earth (Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo)

Trigon of the Earth is characterized by dryness, coldness, density, strength. The trigone principle is stability, materialism. The earth gives stability, firmness, concreteness, creates laws, forms. People from the Trigon of the Earth already from childhood go to their goals with firm steps, while soberly calculating their abilities. People of this element are practical, businesslike. They often choose a profession related to material values.

  • Capricorn loves everything close to nature, at home he often has everything natural - stone, wood.Being in the lap of nature, representatives of this sign can find answers to many confusing questions. Psychic abilities by date of birth in this case, they allow you to do astrology, palmistry, because Capricorns have a special relationship with numbers.
  • Taurus... His career is often driven by good. He tries to create it everywhere, and the more good he brings to life, the richer he becomes both spiritually and materially. The gift of Taurus is to bring good to people.
  • Virgin mostly unsurpassed fortune-tellers. Any fortune-telling lends itself to them. Luck is always on their side, if they learn to listen to their inner voice, they can easily pull out a lucky lottery ticket.

Trigon of Air (Libra, Aquarius, Gemini)

The peculiarity of this trigon is humidity, warmth, divisibility, adaptability, flexibility. Air defines relationships and contacts. Air loves freedom and independence. It ensures the existence of all living things on Earth, is responsible for the transmission of life, reproduction, procreation. People of this trigone do not tolerate monotony, they are constantly attracted by changes. They quickly grasp information, process it and pass it on to others. Considering psychic abilities of a person by date of birth, then "air" people can be characterized as follows:

  • scales are strongly associated with natural phenomena. They are completely dependent on the sun. Charms and amulets in their hands become magical. Libra can perform them from anything, and they will have magical powers.
  • Aquarians easily invent a variety of rituals and ceremonies. Fortune-telling for them is an opportunity to look both into the past and into the future. The peculiarity of success is the complete trust of the relationship: the more you trust the magician, the more clearly he will be able to predict.
  • Twins able to use the element of winds, it helps them in communication, in predictions. They communicate easily and can inspire you with their point of view in no time.

Trigon Water (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces)

The peculiarity of the sign is humidity and coldness. Water is memory, preservation, inner world, emotions, feelings. These people are more likely to live an internal life than an external one. They are extremely sensitive, but they keep emotions to themselves. Sometimes they are lazy and lethargic, except for Scorpios. They have subtle intuition, which makes it possible to anticipate events in advance. So it is quite possible, we will clarify their capabilities separately by signs.

  • Cancer is an inborn psychologist, and this allows him to easily manipulate people. This trait is irreplaceable in fortune telling. Having caught the right direction, Cancer easily foresees the circumstances.
  • Scorpion... His mere presence in the family already protects and protects you from everything evil and unpleasant. Scorpions lend themselves well to home magic, the rituals performed have a strong effect.
  • Fishes. Their strong point is water, any drinks with slander have incredible power. Even wet cleaning carried out by Fish removes not only dirt and dust, but also all negativity from the house.

How do I know if I have psychic abilities?

  1. Online testing. You can take a test that one of the magic sites offers. Various tasks are offered there. For example, feel in which of the boxes the item is. For some, the disadvantage may be the fact that not everyone is able to feel the energy of the object through the monitor.
  2. Subjective way. Psychic ability test, which offers to answer a number of questions. They allow you to determine if you have any psychic abilities.
  3. Any real assignments. The most accurate way to identify superpowers. You can go through tasks for the same identification of an object in the box. Try to tell something about to a stranger By photo.

How to test psychic abilities at home. Exercises

  • Stick the needle into the matchbox. Cut a thin strip of newsprint paper 5 cm long, fold in half and secure to the needle. One condition is that you cannot pierce the paper, it must lie free. Close your eyes, close the ring with your fingers and mentally rotate it over the paper. If the paper tape starts to move, then rejoice - some energy forces are manifested in you.
  • Ask a friend to help you. Pour plain water into a glass, let your partner taste it and remember it. Then close your eyes and mentally suggest a taste to the water. Not a word about this to my comrade. Have you finished your work? Have a friend taste the water. Has it changed? Did you manage to taste sweet, salty or bitter? If so, you can clearly develop your abilities.

Test. Answer only the truth to the questions posed

After passing you can find out if you have one. Answer yes or no.

  1. You are able to see, to distinguish the energy of people - healthy and sick.
  2. You can sense the danger. Get out of any situations without any special losses. The instinct of self-preservation helps you, the presentiment of trouble.
  3. You can influence the decisions of people, you are able to inspire your thoughts so that the interlocutor will take your side.
  4. You are able to foresee some moments from the future (illness, death, disaster) and can prevent this.
  5. People around you notice that it is very easy for them to communicate with you, or, on the contrary, they feel bad in your presence. It depends on your attitude towards them.
  6. Love spells, damage, evil eye - all this is subject to you.
  7. You are interested in magic. You read a lot of books, learn different methods.
  8. Knows how to guess, no matter what. The main thing is that your predictions come true.
  9. For you, any person is an open book, you see through him, feel his thoughts and aspirations.
  10. You think a lot, you read a lot. For you, the process of self-improvement comes first.
  11. Loneliness is your best friend. It allows you to discover new potential, to reveal your inner world.
  12. You can handle some magical items.
  13. In a cemetery, a vacant lot, you do not feel fear, confusion.

If you gave a positive answer to 8-13 questions, then the inclinations of a psychic in you are clearly manifested, maybe not quite developed. All in your hands.

Many want to have some kind of psychic abilities and wonder if they depend on the date and time of birth? Each person has some knowledge and skills laid from above. Someone develops them, and they are clearly manifested in different periods of life. And some are in a dormant state. So how to define your e psychic abilities by date of birth? There are certain ways for this, tests, which we will consider below. It is worth trusting and astrology, which characterizes the abilities of each sign in its own way.


Magical or psychic abilities enable this or that person to hear, see and perform such incredible actions that are inaccessible to others. Of course, not everyone has such opportunities. In addition, the focus of such abilities can be very different: conspiracies, love spells, healing, communication with otherworldly spirits, forces, visions. Well, is it possible to find out exactly what capabilities you yourself have? What psychic abilities by date of birth are inherent in you?

  • Aries. This sign characterizes the gift of foresight. There are frequent cases when, for example. being late for the plane, Aries avoids the plane crash.
  • Taurus. Generosity and kindness are inherent in these people. It has been noticed that the more they give, the more they receive benefits from above.
  • Twins... Gemini's gift is persuasion. They speak so beautifully that they can often persuade an opponent to their side and convince him of their point of view.

  • Cancer... People with the strongest intuition. Can foresee the future. Cancers are often fans of various methods of divination. They are able to manipulate other people.
  • A lion. Lions ability is leadership. They control others with ease. In magic, they are strong enough in love fortune telling. In this area, they can reach tremendous heights.
  • Virgo... Psychic ability consists in the ability to guess, and by any means. Virgos, thanks to their feelings, often win the lottery.
  • Scales. Their powers develop in natural magic, so amulets made by the hands of Libra have the strongest energetic power.

if you have psychic abilities, any astrologer will help to calculate them by date of birth.

  • Scorpion... In any home, they are an invaluable talisman. Easy to master home magic.
  • WITH Taurus... They have the gift of healing. They are able to make their own dreams come true by strong suggestion.
  • Capricorn... Great ability in palmistry and astrology. If Capricorn lives in nature, his intuition is acutely manifested.
  • Aquarius. By conducting fortune-telling and rituals, he receives truthful results. Able to create new rituals, they will be effective.
  • Fishes. Get an energy boost from water. Their make it possible to carry out quite successfully rituals on the water. Fish can create a variety of magical potions.

The elements of the zodiac signs

Some begin to try themselves in various areas of extrasensory perception, wasting their time and energy, but this will not lead to anything if you do not know in advance which area you are strong in, what nature has endowed you with. The horoscope will help in this, because it is by the date of birth that many life factors are determined. So you can find out your magical belonging to the world of magic by the signs of the zodiac.

This question worries many. Each zodiac sign belongs to a specific element (Fire, Earth, Air and Water). It also goes a long way in defining psychic abilities. The zodiac sign is determined by a combination of elements and qualities.

Trigon of Fire (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius)

The peculiarity of this element is warmth and dryness, vitality, metaphysical energy. The Trigon of Fire is considered creative, it is characterized by activity, action, energy. The main governing force is Fire, and these are zeal, impatience, hot temper, courage, courage, and arrogance. The defining feature of the Fire signs is ambition, they easily adapt to life situations, but, alas, they do not love and cannot obey. They have strongly expressed persistence, perseverance, truthfulness. Already at an early age, they try to win independence and independence. Freedom is the most important thing for them.

Determination of psychic abilities by date of birth for this element lies in the fact that they receive a charge of energy from space. This allows you to either attract other signs to yourself, or vice versa - repulse. Expressed leadership qualities make it possible to easily lead, manage people. The people around them are in constant excitement, tension, easily succumb to the influence of the energy of representatives of the fire element.

  • Aries has an amazing intuition, he is one of the first to be in the place where he is most needed.
  • a lion especially has leadership qualities. Love magic lends itself easily to him, he can use it for the good of the whole world.
  • Sagittarius possesses the gift of a healer, easily relieves any pain with bioenergetics. They make excellent diagnosticians.

Trigon Earth (Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo)

Trigon of the Earth is characterized by dryness, coldness, density, strength. The trigone principle is stability, materialism. The earth gives stability, firmness, concreteness, creates laws, forms. People from the Trigon of the Earth already from childhood go to their goals with firm steps, while soberly calculating their abilities. People of this element are practical, businesslike. They often choose a profession related to material values.

  • Capricorn loves everything close to nature, at home he often has everything natural - stone, wood.Being in the lap of nature, representatives of this sign can find answers to many confusing questions. Psychic abilities by date of birthin this case, they allow you to do astrology, palmistry, because Capricorns have a special relationship with numbers.
  • Taurus... His career is often driven by good. He tries to create it everywhere, and the more good he brings to life, the richer he becomes both spiritually and materially. The gift of Taurus is to bring good to people.
  • Virgin mostly unsurpassed fortune-tellers. Any fortune-telling lends itself to them. Luck is always on their side, if they learn to listen to their inner voice, they can easily pull out a lucky lottery ticket.

Trigon of Air (Libra, Aquarius, Gemini)

The peculiarity of this trigon is humidity, warmth, divisibility, adaptability, flexibility. Air defines relationships and contacts. Air loves freedom and independence. It ensures the existence of all living things on Earth, is responsible for the transmission of life, reproduction, procreation. People of this trigone do not tolerate monotony, they are constantly attracted by changes. They quickly grasp information, process it and pass it on to others. Considering psychic abilities of a person by date of birth, then "air" people can be characterized as follows:

  • scales are strongly associated with natural phenomena. They are completely dependent on the sun. Charms and amulets in their hands become magical. Libra can perform them from anything, and they will have magical powers.
  • Aquarians easily invent a variety of rituals and ceremonies. Fortune-telling for them is an opportunity to look both into the past and into the future. The peculiarity of success is the complete trust of the relationship: the more you trust the magician, the more clearly he will be able to predict.
  • Twins able to use the element of winds, it helps them in communication, in predictions. They communicate easily and can inspire you with their point of view in no time.

Trigon Water (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces)

The peculiarity of the sign is humidity and coldness. Water is memory, preservation, inner world, emotions, feelings. These people are more likely to live an internal life than an external one. They are extremely sensitive, but they keep emotions to themselves. Sometimes they are lazy and lethargic, except for Scorpios. They have subtle intuition, which makes it possible to anticipate events in advance. Soit is quite possible, we will clarify their capabilities separately by signs.

  • Cancer is an inborn psychologist, and this allows him to easily manipulate people. This trait is irreplaceable in fortune telling. Having caught the right direction, Cancer easily foresees the circumstances.
  • Scorpion... His mere presence in the family already protects and protects you from everything evil and unpleasant. Scorpions lend themselves well to home magic, the rituals performed have a strong effect.
  • Fishes. Their strong point is water, any drinks with slander have incredible power. Even wet cleaning carried out by Fish removes not only dirt and dust, but also all negativity from the house.

How do I know if I have psychic abilities?

  1. Online testing. You can take a test that one of the magic sites offers. Various tasks are offered there. For example, feel in which of the boxes the item is. For some, the disadvantage may be the fact that not everyone is able to feel the energy of the object through the monitor.
  2. Subjective way. Psychic ability test, which offers to answer a number of questions. They allow you to determine if you have any psychic abilities.
  3. Any real assignments. The most accurate way to identify superpowers. You can go through tasks for the same identification of an object in the box. Try to tell something about a stranger from a photograph.

How to test psychic abilities at home. Exercises

  • Stick the needle into the matchbox. Cut a thin strip of newsprint paper 5 cm long, fold in half and secure to the needle. One condition is that you cannot pierce the paper, it must lie free. Close your eyes, close the ring with your fingers and mentally rotate it over the paper. If the paper tape starts to move, then rejoice - some energy forces are manifested in you.
  • Ask a friend to help you. Pour plain water into a glass, let your partner taste it and remember it. Then close your eyes and mentally suggest a taste to the water. Not a word about this to my comrade. Have you finished your work? Have a friend taste the water. Has it changed? Did you manage to taste sweet, salty or bitter? If so, you can clearly develop your abilities.

Test. Answer only the truth to the questions posed

After passing you can find out if you have one. Answer yes or no.

  1. You are able to see, to distinguish the energy of people - healthy and sick.
  2. You can sense the danger. Get out of any situations without any special losses. The instinct of self-preservation helps you, the presentiment of trouble.
  3. You can influence the decisions of people, you are able to inspire your thoughts so that the interlocutor will take your side.
  4. You are able to foresee some moments from the future (illness, death, disaster) and can prevent this.
  5. People around you notice that it is very easy for them to communicate with you, or, on the contrary, they feel bad in your presence. It depends on your attitude towards them.
  6. Love spells, damage, evil eye - all this is subject to you.
  7. You are interested in magic. You read a lot of books, learn different methods.
  8. Knows how to guess, no matter what. The main thing is that your predictions come true.
  9. For you, any person is an open book, you see through him, feel his thoughts and aspirations.
  10. You think a lot, you read a lot. For you, the process of self-improvement comes first.
  11. Loneliness is yours best friend... It allows you to discover new potential, to reveal your inner world.
  12. You can handle some magical items.
  13. In a cemetery, a vacant lot, you do not feel fear, confusion.

If you gave a positive answer to 8-13 questions, then the inclinations of a psychic in you are clearly manifested, maybe not quite developed. All in your hands.

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