What is better for weight loss water aerobics or swimming

Panel houses 06.12.2021
Panel houses

In pursuit of a perfect body, women are ready to try all kinds of diets and sports in order to find the most convenient and effective options. Undoubtedly, gyms, fitness, shaping, aerobics, pilates and other sports activities can help create a "dream body", but this will take a lot of time in the gym. But there is also a more pleasant way - water aerobics. Moreover, the opportunity to lose weight comfortably is now available in many cities, including Moscow, St. Petersburg, Tver, Ulyanovsk, Krasnodar, Angarsk, Kemerovo, Barnaul, Aksai, Vartanov, etc.

Is it possible to lose weight on water aerobics

Many skeptics have a negative attitude towards exercising in the water. They are still guided by the stereotype that sports are most productive in stuffy halls, or on the street. In fact, the huge benefits of aqua aerobics for the figure have long been proven. It is the only sport that combines the physical activity of aerobics and the relaxing effects of yoga.

Water aerobics

Swimming is generally considered the safest sport, which not only helps burn fat, but also lowers blood pressure, improves heart rate, and has a positive effect on mental health. When exercising in water, the respiratory processes are optimized, which has a positive effect on the saturation of the brain with oxygen. Accordingly, in addition to fighting obesity, water sports strengthen the body and immunity in general.

Interesting fact! Aqua aerobics is a set of exercises in water that combines uniform physical activity with correct, measured breathing. Combining the best of the two sports, water aerobics has shown tremendous effectiveness for weight loss.

Fitness or water aerobics: which is better for losing weight

If you raise the question of which is better, water aerobics or swimming for weight loss, you need to compare both options. During swimming, all muscle groups are trained and there is a beneficial effect on the body. When swimming, you can perfectly tighten problem areas and pump up saggy skin. For weight loss, specially designed workouts are needed, which are used by experienced swimmers. And this is not cheap, and you have to be far from a beginner in swimming.

Attention! You can more effectively lose weight with aerobics in the pool for weight loss.

Such classes were specially designed by trainers for a clearly defined goal of losing weight. Swimming is more focused on strengthening the body and the muscular skeleton. When doing fitness, injuries are not uncommon. If the muscles are not warmed up enough or the load is increased, stretching is possible. Do not forget about painful dizziness after class and, as a result, the need for a long rest. A beginner fitness training program will be especially useful with an integrated approach, but the first result will not be felt immediately.

Water aerobics for weight loss: exercises in the pool, in the river, on the beach

For many ladies with flaws in the figure, appearing in public in a swimsuit is a very difficult step. However, it is one thing to simply overcome the distance from land to water, and another thing to do certain sports loads in a pool or river. By immersing yourself in the water and hiding your body from those around you, you can relax and practice while no one sees or even guesses. A week of such loads and the sides, abdomen, back and buttocks will become more toned, and the muscles more relaxed. But in fact, does water aerobics help you lose weight?

Water aerobics for weight loss

Professional trainers who studied the question: is water aerobics effective for losing weight, a number of exercises were chosen, practicing which you can use your example to follow the positive changes in the body after exercising in water:

  • plank on the stomach. It is recommended to set aside about 15 minutes for the exercise. Starting position: the body, completely relaxed, lies on the water, with its back up. The abdomen is pulled in, the arms are pulled forward, the legs are stretched back, as an extension of the torso. The head should be lowered into the water and raised only when it is necessary to inhale. The essence of the exercise is in movements with straight legs up and down, without bending them at the knees. At the same time, you need to pull your hands forward as much as possible. This exercise is perfect for those who want to tighten their belly and buttocks and correct their posture. It will also be useful for those who suffer from knee pain. Before doing the plank on the water, you need to feel confident in the water and be very good at balancing;
  • back placket. The duration of the exercise is up to 15 minutes. Starting position: the body is relaxed, lying horizontally, on the back. The legs are extended, the arms are under the back, the stomach is pulled in. You need to start swimming, moving your straight legs under the water and pushing them one by one above the water level. Hands underwater help maintain balance. Exercise is great for helping to tighten the stomach, buttocks and hips;
  • march. Stable position, body half in water, hands on the waist. You need to walk for at least 20 minutes, raising your knees high so that they look out over the water surface. Exercise helps to tighten both the hips and abdomen;
  • jumping. As with land, water jumping is popular. However, exercising in water there is no risk of damaging your joints. Having entered the water up to your neck, you need to alternately jump on one leg to the side: 5 jumps in one direction, then 5 jumps in the opposite direction. In 10 minutes, the muscles of the legs, abdomen, waist will receive a workout;
  • run. Jogging in water has a beneficial effect on the buttocks, stomach, and thighs. Within 20 minutes, you need to actively run (in place, or forward, as it is more convenient), lifting your heels up high, pulling them closer to the buttocks. Making movements with their legs, they simultaneously move their arms, working out the shoulders and arms;
  • twisting. The approach takes up to 10 minutes. Starting position: stable, immersion in water up to the chest. Performing the exercise, they jump in the water, pulling their knees to their chest as high as possible. During jumping, they round their shoulders and stretch their chin to the knees, twisting their whole body into a ball. Exercise is great for helping to remove the belly.

If, during training, any problems or inconveniences arise, you can always consult and get advice or help from the coach present in the pool.

It is advisable to do them every day.

Attention! To exclude unforeseen unpleasant situations, you should consult with your doctor before class. It is best to wear protective goggles for training to prevent eye irritation. If necessary, do not forget about the nose clip.

A good, positive attitude to water aerobics classes, as well as willpower, will allow you to achieve an ideal body shape very quickly and without overloading your muscles.

Water plays a huge role in human life. Firstly, we are almost 80% liquid, and secondly, in fact, we all get out of it, since in the first 9 months of life we ​​are all the time in the aquatic environment. Due to the proximity of a person to water, there is a specialized system of classes - water aerobics. This type of exercise is performed in pools and has many benefits. It is most popular because it allows you to lose weight without much effort and even with pleasure. Here a quite reasonable question arises about which one will cope better with the task: water aerobics or fitness? Let's take a look at what each field of study is useful for and what the dangers might be.

How is water aerobics carried out?

Water aerobics exercises are done in the pool or anywhere with sufficient water. The complexity of the tasks directly depends on the water level, so everyone has the opportunity to choose the depth necessary for him. The first days of the class should not be too heavy, they are held for about half an hour, then you will exercise in the water for about an hour.

Any physical activity should be started with a warm-up, and it will not be so important it will be water aerobics or fitness. But the difference is that in water exercises, you just need to swim to warm up your muscles. During classes, reaction, flexibility, endurance are developed, all muscle groups are strengthened, various auxiliary attributes are used.

The benefits and dangers of aqua aerobics

There is no doubt that water aerobics is beneficial. It is completely suitable for all ages, you can visit it even if you do not know how to swim at all. This type of stress is not dangerous for the elderly, since the stress on the sore joints in the water is too little, but the muscle tissue works to its fullest. It is recommended to use aqua aerobics in case of cardiovascular diseases, since during exercise there is an improvement in blood circulation, which is also useful for people with varicose veins. Water stress also has a beneficial effect on the nervous system. During exercise, the so-called lactic acid is not formed in the muscle tissue, which takes the tissue from pain and decay.

But there are some contraindications in which avka aerobics can be harmful. If you have chronic or incurable diseases, then consult your doctor. Water aerobics is contraindicated for people with heart disease, asthma, rheumatism, colds, allergic reactions to chlorine, convulsions, hypertension, diseases of the urinary system. In any case, you will need a certificate of authorization to attend classes.

Fitness: benefits and contraindications

General rules and principles of fitness are known to almost everyone. This type of physical activity combines many exercises and techniques.

When choosing a type of exercise, namely water aerobics or fitness, remember that these are completely different types of loads. Fitness activities increase your pain threshold, which means you can become less susceptible to pain, your body and body will be in good condition. Fitness even has a positive effect on mental performance. There are practically no age restrictions for fitness classes; for each group, you can choose a special program. Based on numerous reviews, fitness classes help change life for the better, give up bad habits, because they are closely related to self-control skills.

Although, in general, fitness exercises have a positive effect on the body, there are some contraindications. It is impossible to engage in fitness after suffering illnesses, since stress can harm a weakened heart, blood vessels, complicate the work of the urinary system, as well as the kidneys. In this case, any stress on the joints and the skeleton is also completely inappropriate. It is strictly forbidden to engage in fitness for people with cancer. You should be careful with heart disease, thrombophlevitis, myopia, scoliosis, high blood pressure.


It is impossible to say with firm certainty whether water aerobics or fitness is better. Both of these types of loads have certain benefits for the body and help to lose extra pounds. The advantage of water aerobics over fitness is the ability to exercise for pregnant women. Of course, in such a situation, a certain program is selected, but it has already been scientifically proven that water activities have a beneficial effect on the health and peace of the baby in the womb. The choice is yours, but you should definitely understand that before going to the gym or pool, you need to consult with a therapist if you have an illness or just feel unwell.

Before talking about the benefits and possible contraindications of aqua aerobics classes, we suggest understanding the concepts. What is water aerobics? The meaning is hidden in the name. Aqua is water, with aerobics it's even easier - rhythmic exercise to music. Synchronized swimming can be safely called one of the most spectacular types of aqua aerobics.

Water aerobics became widespread as a sport in the USA, where it was used for the general physical training of professional athletes and for weight loss.

Water training has a number of advantages over other types of physical activity. How are they useful?

  1. During movements in the water, the load on the joints is more gentle, you will not be able to perform sharp lunges or swinging limbs, the resistance of the water will soften the movements and protect from injury, and will contribute to the flexibility of the joints. Therefore, training is recommended for people with diseases of the spine, joints and athletes of venerable age.
  2. Exercises in the pool are also indicated for those who have heart problems. Overloads are excluded here, you will not be able to move faster than the water will allow, which means that the risk of harming your motor is reduced to zero. Quite the opposite, constant training in water is shown to all categories of people, because physical inactivity has long been the cause of early problems in the work of the cardiovascular system, even at a young age.
  3. Significant physical activity is contraindicated for those suffering from varicose veins, but water aerobics is quite capable of them, and without the risk of exacerbation.
  4. Exercising in water promotes hardening, relieves stress, strengthens the nervous system. Such training gives vigor and good mood. Swimming from side to side, winding kilometers, is rather boring, dancing is completely different.
  5. Swimming in the pool is much more effective than regular exercises, because the athlete has to overcome the resistance of the water, making 12 times more effort to overcome the pushing force.
  6. Exercise stimulates blood circulation, increases the outflow of venous blood, preventing venous congestion. Oxygenated blood gains access to all organs, creating more comfortable working conditions for them.
  7. Metabolic processes in the skin are accelerated, stagnation is absent, and the thickness of cellulite deposits decreases.
  8. Dissatisfaction with the imperfection of your figure is characteristic of 98% of women, your buns on your sides or breeches on your hips are not visible under the water column, you will not feel embarrassed by awkward movements, a red face and a T-shirt wet on your back or armpits during aqua aerobics is also not scary.


Along with many useful points from practicing aerobics in the water, it poses a danger to some categories of citizens. According to doctors, these are, first of all, people who have recently had a heart attack or hypertensive crisis. Cold water can cause seizures, which is highly undesirable at the moment.

Before starting exercise in the pool, allergy sufferers and asthmatics should consult a doctor. Check your feelings by sitting on the side of the pool or in the stands, if humid air containing chlorine vapors does not make you feel unpleasant, go for it!

For a speedy recovery in the post-traumatic period, you should dose the load, a doctor's consultation will help you choose the set of exercises that is shown for you.

For those for whom there are restrictions, it is better to practice under the guidance of an instructor.

Water aerobics for weight loss

Those wishing to lose weight will not be disappointed by aqua aerobics, classes accelerate metabolic processes in the body. Exercising in water requires more energy than on land. Why? It's simple, the body needs calories not only to move, but also to warm up and maintain the correct position. Profiling will not work, so as not to freeze, you need to move faster.

How many calories are consumed when exercising in water? If, during ordinary gymnastics, about 400 kcal is spent, intensively performing a slimming complex in the pool, you will lose all 600. The effectiveness of the exercises is obvious.

Overweight people find it easier to exercise in water than on land, water aerobics reduces belly fat, strengthens the muscles of the chest and buttocks. Don't forget about diet and nutrition.

Cellulite does not like regular exercise, so that it leaves your body forever, you will have to try very hard, but the results before and after will differ significantly.

Aqua aerobics for pregnant women

A special set of exercises in the water is a godsend for pregnant women. How is it useful? Many women in the second half of the term complain of back pain, the spine is really experiencing increased stress. Are exercises shown if your back hurts? The pool is the place where the body will be in good shape and not feel pain.

Expectant mothers engaged in water aerobics do not gain weight so quickly, they learn to breathe correctly. Other positive changes are also taking place - the joints are relieved, blood flow in the legs improves, and the work of the cardiovascular system is stimulated. And one more important point, aqua aerobics classes for pregnant women in the third trimester help the baby to take the correct position in the mother's stomach.

According to the reviews of women who performed exercises in the pool during pregnancy, they gave birth easier than others.

A comfortable, elastic swimsuit is an essential attribute for training. Forget about the desire to look super fashionable on the side of the pool, you are looking after your health, therefore freedom of movement and convenience are the primary factors.

If you are not a beginner, but an advanced athlete, you cannot do without devices that help work out various muscle groups. According to reviews, the aerobics belt is one of the main accessories for exercising, it allows you to feel comfortable.

The sports industry offers many others - aqua dumbbells, boards, cuffs, gymnastic sticks and a whole host of others, from step platforms to stationary water bikes.

Exercises for aqua aerobics in the pool

Classes are held in several stages and contain various types of exercises. Before you start performing the main set of exercises, you need to warm up the muscles. The warm-up usually consists of swinging arms and legs, bending over, swimming. This will make the muscles more elastic and the body will adapt to the temperature of the water.

This is followed by the main set of exercises, it depends on the level of training and the goals that you set for yourself. At the end of the lesson, stretching exercises and swimming at a slow pace. Watch this video for some very simple water weight loss exercises.

Results after water aerobics classes

It all depends on what you expect and how many calories you burn during exercise. Vigor of body and spirit, good mood will appear after the very first workout.

To strengthen muscles and lose weight, you will have to work hard, the main condition for achieving a significant result is regularity. Twice a week for 2-3 months, provided you are dieting and you will see results before and after exercise, the measuring tape at the waist and hips will show a few centimeters less than the day you first entered the pool.

This type of physical activity is gaining popularity because it has its own flavor and stands out from other sports options for fighting overweight. It's just not entirely clear whether it is possible to lose weight on water aerobics, because numerous videos, photos and reviews show different results from such exercises. This sport has its own advantages and disadvantages, which for some people become the primary determinants when choosing aqua fitness.

What is water aerobics

There is nothing incomprehensible in ordinary aerobics or fitness classes in the gym, there is a huge number of videos, photos with the results of training. However, not everyone enjoys going to the gym, lugging around iron, or sweating on the treadmill. Here the question arises as to whether it is possible to lose weight on water aerobics? Pool, water - a great atmosphere for all people who like to swim. Water aerobics is a special set of exercises that is performed in water. Small weights can be used or workouts are performed only with their own weight.

Water aerobics for weight loss has its own characteristics, which become a decisive factor when choosing a method for maintaining the health of the body, getting rid of extra pounds. Such a sport will be an excellent choice for people who:

  • love group activities where you can socialize;
  • they cannot bring themselves to work out at home and they need a specific training program;
  • want to lose weight to music;
  • they love water, but they don't know how to swim: during classes, special belts are used;
  • they want to swim, but they are tired of simple swimming in the pool.

Such training is useful not only for those who want to lose weight, but also for people who want to strengthen their immunity, to keep their muscles in good shape. The result of the exercises will be noticeable, especially if you observe the diet and rest well at night. You should do it regularly, because only systematic training will give a noticeable result.

Pros and cons of aqua aerobics

The main advantage of this sport is that there is no load on the spine and joints. This allows you to train even people who are contraindicated in strength exercises, expectant mothers. The pros and cons of aqua aerobics should be figured out before going to the pool. First you need to visit a doctor who will confirm that water procedures are not contraindicated for you (for example, if you have problems with the genitourinary system). You can understand whether water aerobics helps you lose weight by the following advantages of this type of training:

  • the lowest likelihood of injury to tendons, ligaments, bones or muscles;
  • a variety of exercises that help you lose weight without boredom;
  • lack of load on the back, lower back opens up the opportunity to train for pregnant women, people with injuries;
  • in one workout of water aerobics, a person burns up to 700 calories;
  • as long as you exercise, the body will not sweat;
  • training in water strengthens all muscle groups;
  • if necessary, you can increase the load with special devices;
  • water aerobics classes are effective against cellulite, excess weight;
  • training in water helps to normalize sleep, get rid of stress;
  • even those who cannot swim can burn extra pounds this way.

The benefits of this way of losing weight are what make water aerobics classes so popular. The disadvantages include only a few points, for example, the likelihood of an individual allergy to bleach. This substance is actively used in swimming pools to prevent the development of microorganisms and protect the health of visitors. Some people experience irritation of the skin, eyes, in extreme cases, asthma attacks.

Failure to follow the rules of conduct during aqua aerobics training may exacerbate ear diseases. This sport is only gaining popularity, so the cost of classes is still high, but you can save money when buying a subscription. Smaller pools will have a lower price, and elite fitness clubs charge for the brand as well. Keep in mind that losing weight, strengthening muscle tone, and getting the maximum effect will only work with a qualified trainer.

The benefits of aqua aerobics

The ability to lose weight is not the only benefit of exercising in the water. The benefit of water aerobics is that you can make your figure slim without working with weights. Staying in the water improves mood, helps to get rid of negative energy, and normalizes sleep. According to the girls, with the help of such water gymnastics, you can get rid of the abdomen after childbirth, cellulite and simply improve the condition of the skin. During water aerobics, the following are involved:

  • shoulders;
  • press and sides;
  • buttocks;
  • breast;
  • hands;
  • hips.

Water aerobics for weight loss

All a person needs to do is repeat the exercises after the coach. The benefit of water aerobics for weight loss is that you do not need additional funds (sports supplements, magic teas, etc.). Losing excess weight will occur due to proper nutrition and the load that you get in the classroom. The following factors help to lose weight in water:

  1. The muscles work actively due to the resistance that the body encounters in the water during movement.
  2. The water temperature is always lower than human, so the body begins to release additional energy for heating and excess fat deposits are burned.
  3. Water aerobics speeds up the metabolism in the human body.
  4. For one intensive lesson in the pool, you can lose weight by 500-700 kcal. The same amount is lost by an athlete who participates in a high-speed ski race.

Water aerobics exercises for weight loss

Warm up before any sport. Water will prevent injury, but you need to warm up the muscles. Charging should be done in the air: several bends to the sides, forward and backward, do 10-15 squats, rotational movements with your hands. Next, you can do water aerobics exercises for weight loss:

  1. For the waist. Close your hands in the lock at the chest (they should be under water), press your elbows to your stomach. Perform body bends in all directions in turn.
  2. Hips, abdomen. Find an area in the pool so that the water is at chest level when you sit on the bottom. Put your hands on the back, swing your legs up and down, then do "scissors" (cross swings).
  3. Legs. Spread your feet hip-width apart, and you should be shoulder-length in the water. Perform the jump and at this time bring your legs together and spread again until you land on the bottom.
  4. Buttocks. Stand at the handrails, grab them with your hands, keep your back straight, take one of your legs as far back and up as possible. Repeat for each 10-15 times.

What to choose to lose weight?

Aerobics: training can be very effective if you do not just shift in place, but move at a fast pace, actively working with your arms and body. In this case, according to the estimates of the American Mayo Clinic, a person weighing 73 kg will spend 530 kcal per hour. Whereas with a low intensity of training - only 360 kcal.

Aqua aerobics: energy consumption is less here - with the same 73 kg, a maximum of 400 kcal per hour. However, full people are often advised to start with water aerobics. The body loses about 40% of its weight in water, due to which the load on the spine and joints is reduced, and it becomes easier to move. And psychologically, people often feel more comfortable in the pool: figure flaws and awkward movements are not so noticeable.

Choice: water aerobics for very fat and unsportsmanlike people, aerobics for everyone else.

What is the best for strengthening muscles?

Aerobics:“Walking on the spot, various steps and bouncing - these movements typical of classical aerobics are great for strengthening the muscles of the lower trunk. But it’s good or you don’t get a back on aerobics, ”says Elena Palaguta, instructor of the group programs“ World Class Zhitnaya ”. "You need exercise machines or dumbbells for that."

Aqua aerobics: the resistance of water is 12 times that of air. And you have to overcome it with every movement. If on land we make an effort only when we raise an arm or a leg, and on the way back we actually allow gravity to do all the work, then in water we work constantly, so the muscles are more likely to tone up.

Choice: water aerobics.

What develops better coordination and balance?

Aerobics: develops these skills perfectly. This is confirmed by a joint study by scientists from Japan, South Korea and the United States. Its participants - elderly ladies - regularly went to, practicing for an hour three times a week. And after just 12 weeks, it became much better to maintain balance while standing on one leg with closed eyes.

Aqua aerobics: does not involve complex movements and ligaments, and it is easier to maintain balance in the water. A person with poor coordination and balance in water aerobics will be quite comfortable. On the other hand, he will not be able to develop these qualities.

Choice: aerobics.

What should the expectant mother choose?

Aerobics:“The doctor can allow aerobics, but with a lot of restrictions,” says Elena Palaguta. - You cannot move at a fast pace, jump, raise your arms above your head, do any jerking movements, swing your legs, twist your body. In addition, expectant mothers often develop varicose veins, because of which doctors also do not advise jumping and doing step aerobics. "

Aqua aerobics: one of the best fitness disciplines for pregnant women. Due to the fact that the body practically hangs in the water, the back and legs receive a minimum of stress. In addition, studies, the results of which were published in the journal Reproductive Health, showed that women who went to water aerobics during pregnancy tolerated childbirth better, they needed less pain relievers.

Choice: water aerobics.

What is healthier for the musculoskeletal system?

Aerobics: according to The Cochrane Library, aerobics increases bone density and reduces the risk of osteoporosis in postmenopausal women. On the other hand, overestimating your strengths and / or incorrectly, it is easy to get injured.

Aqua aerobics: has no advantages or disadvantages of aerobics. It does not fight osteoporosis, but it is maximally harmless to joints.

Choice: combat draw.

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