Contact Information. Class schedule Tomsk State University Novosibirsk branch

Bituminous materials 09.10.2020

It was created as the Novosibirsk branch of the All-Union Correspondence Law Institute (VYUZI) in 1939. During its existence, more than 16 thousand graduates have graduated from the university. Now almost 1200 students are covered by all forms of education. More than 300 graduates receive TSU diplomas annually. The Institute works a lot to improve the educational process, strives not only to give students in-depth knowledge, but also to equip them with practical skills, bringing theory as close as possible to practice. The quality of education is the primary and daily concern of the teaching staff. The Novosibirsk Law Institute (branch) of TSU is the only one in Novosibirsk that has undergone the procedure of public accreditation conducted by the Association of Lawyers of Russia. In 2018, the institute for the twelfth time became a laureate of an open competition for the right to assign products (services) the official status "Novosibirsk Brand", held by the City Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Novosibirsk Mayor's Office, in the category "For the successful implementation of educational programs."

NYU (f) TSU has a modern material and technical base, providing students the necessary conditions for successful study, science, creativity, sports. Lecture halls and classrooms are equipped with visual aids, equipment, allowing to implement the requirements of state educational standards to the level of training of graduates, to be used in educational process modern innovative technologies. The institute successfully operates specialized classes on life safety and forensic medicine, forensic techniques, tactics and methods of investigating crimes, a training hall for court sessions. The forensic laboratory of NYU (f) TSU is one of the most equipped beyond the Urals.

Studying with us is prestigious!
Graduates of the institute are absolutely in demand in the legal services market - in law enforcement agencies, government and business structures, organizations providing legal services to the population. Strong ties with employers contribute to this in many ways; cooperation agreements have been concluded with more than forty institutions and organizations where students undergo all types of internships. In the senior courses, while preparing in the direction of "Jurisprudence", students can choose any of four profiles - civil law, criminal law, state legal, financial and legal.

Directions of training:
40.03.01 Jurisprudence, qualification "Bachelor".
40.04.01 Jurisprudence, qualification "Master".

Provisioning profiles: civil law; criminal law; state and legal; financial and legal.

Documents for admission

  • a document proving the identity and citizenship of the applicant;
  • state-recognized document on education;
  • military ID (for persons who served on conscription and were dismissed from military service and using the results of the unified state exam passed by them during the year prior to being called up for military service);
  • documents confirming individual achievements applicants, the results of which are taken into account when admitting for training in accordance with the admission rules approved by the organization independently (presented at the discretion of the applicant);

Documents for admission can be submitted in person, by federal postal service or by e-mail.

Conditions of admission

Undergraduate - in USE results or examinations conducted by the institute (based on secondary vocational education): Russian language, social studies, history.
Undergraduate based higher education- according to the results of examinations conducted by the institute: in the Russian language, social studies and the basics of the constitutional system Russian Federation.
Master's - by results entrance exams held by the institute in writing on criminal law, theory of state and law.

Normative terms of training

40.03.01 Jurisprudence, qualification "Bachelor":
full-time form - 4 years (budget training; by contract);
full-time and part-time form - 5 years (budget training; by contract);
on the basis of higher education - 3 years 6 months
(training under the contract)

40.04.01 Jurisprudence, qualification "Master":
full-time form - 2 years (training under a contract);
correspondence course - 2 years 5 months (budget training; under the contract)

The admissions office is open from April to August.

Novosibirsk Law Institute (branch) of the Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "National Research Tomsk State University"Is a modern educational institution, where studying proccess is built on a reasonable combination of traditional - classical - and the latest educational technologies.

Today NYU (f) TSU is a single-industry educational institution that trains highly qualified lawyers in the specialty “Jurisprudence” with the qualification “lawyer” and in the direction of “Jurisprudence” with the qualification (degree) of “bachelor”. Since 2013, a magistracy has been opened in the direction of "Jurisprudence" "Criminal Law and Criminology; criminal-executive law "with the assignment of the qualification (degree)" master ".

For 75 years of its existence, the institute has graduated about 16 thousand specialists. Now about 1600 students are covered by all forms of education. About 300 graduates receive TSU diplomas annually.

The language of education is the state language of the Russian Federation - Russian.

In recent years, the university has passed a number of checks and examinations of various levels, including several licensing and state accreditation procedures, as well as public accreditation.

The educational process is provided by seven departments.

  • Department of Social Sciences, Acting Head - Associate Professor M. S. Petrenko.
  • Department of Theory of State and Law, International Law, Head - Associate Professor A. M. Kalyak.
  • Department of History of State and Law, Constitutional Law, Head - Associate Professor V. V. Belkovets.
  • Department of Civil Law, Head - Associate Professor L. P. Chumakova.
  • Department of Labor, Land and Financial Law, Head - Associate Professor I. V. Frolov.
  • Department of Criminal Law, Head - Associate Professor G. N. Doronin.
  • Department of Criminal Procedure and Forensic Science, and. O. Head - Associate Professor A.K. Averchenko.

The last six departments are graduating ones.

Forms of training: full-time, part-time (evening), part-time - on the basis of secondary education and on the basis of higher (non-legal) education.

Education levels. Novosibirsk Law Institute (branch) of the National Research Tomsk State University provides training in accordance with the levels of education:

  • Higher education - specialty;
  • Higher education - bachelor's degree;
  • Higher education - Master's degree.

A highly professional teaching staff has been formed at NYU (f) TSU; two thirds of teachers have academic degrees and academic titles; 70% of them are graduates of our institute of different years.

Graduates of the institute are in demand in the legal services market. In the Novosibirsk region and the city of Novosibirsk they are: in the prosecutor's office - over 70% of the operational staff, in the courts of general jurisdiction - 80%, in the arbitration court - 60%, in the justice department - 45%, in the legal profession and notaries - about 90%; in the internal affairs bodies, every fourth investigator graduated from the NYU (f) TSU.


Forms of education


Education levels


Admission committee of TSU in Novosibirsk

schedule Working hours:

Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri from 10:00 to 17:00

general information

Novosibirsk Law Institute (branch) of the Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "National Research Tomsk State University"


No. 01067 valid Indefinitely from 28.07.2014


No. 02603 valid from 29.05.2017

Monitoring results of the Ministry of Education and Science for TSU in Novosibirsk

Index2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014
Performance indicator (out of 5 points)4 4 6 6 5 3
Average USE score in all specialties and forms of study72.03 69.47 68.35 65.47 64.13 64.24
Average USE score enrolled in the budget86.8 - 85 88.60 86.00 92
Average USE score of those enrolled on a commercial basis69.2 67.8 67.5 67.50 68.00 67
Average in all specialties minimum score USE enrolled in the full-time department60 56.8 56.7 56.70 54.00 60
Number of students1129 1142 1278 1453 1590 1839
Full-time department380 354 480 510 577 593
Part-time department204 205 241 336 371 459
Extramural545 583 557 607 642 787
All data Report Report Report Report Report Report

University Reviews

About TSU in Novosibirsk

The history of Tomsk State University is extensive and fascinating, since the 19th century it has been training specialists in classical areas. In 1993, the university opened its branch in Novosibirsk, endowing it with the powers of higher professional training of lawyers and giving it the name “Novosibirsk Law Institute (branch) of Tomsk State University”. More than 15 thousand qualified lawyers were educated within the walls of the educational institution.

Applicants of the Novosibirsk Law Institute (branch) of Tomsk State University are given the opportunity to master the bachelor's degree "Jurisprudence", subsequently continuing their education in the corresponding profile of the magistracy. The institute also trains legal professionals. In the course of preparation, students can choose for themselves the profile of training they are interested in, so that by the time of graduation they will be ready for advocacy, prosecutorial, judicial or notarial activities. Training is organized in full-time, evening and part-time forms. The institute has budget places funded by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, but for the bulk of students educational services educational institutions are provided on a commercial basis, by agreement.

The educational process is regulated by federal educational standards, which are successfully complemented by the experience of the experienced teaching staff. For each of the academic disciplines included in the educational programs being implemented, by university teachers and authoritative employees of Tomsk state faculty full-fledged educational and methodological complexes have been developed. Passing training practice full-time education is organized in the second, fifth and sixth academic semesters. The practice takes place after studying the basic legal disciplines at the enterprises of the legal industry; the duration of training and practical training is four weeks.

The university building is located in the very center of Novosibirsk, which is extremely convenient for students from all parts of the city. The Novosibirsk Law Institute has spacious classrooms equipped with multimedia educational tools (information interactive boards, computer equipment). On the basis of the Department of Criminal Law, Process and Criminalistics, there is a criminal law and forensic block, which includes a forensic laboratory, several specialized offices, and a forensic training ground. The library complex provides students with access to modern information resources, and also provides full bibliographic support, which is important in the research work of students. The creative abilities of students develop not only in the course of scientific work, on the basis of the educational institution the publication of its own periodical "Novosibirsk lawyer" is carried out. The educational institution also organized a student festival "Golden Trace", a competition of educational films in forensic science.

Former graduates of the educational institution also take part in his life. Having become statesmen, founders of law firms, scientists, graduates participate in the career guidance work of the institute, contribute to the employment of students.

Novosibirsk Law Institute (branch) of Tomsk State University

Novosibirsk Law Institute (branch) of Tomsk State University (NYU (f) TSU) - is a single-profile educational institution and conducts training of highly qualified lawyers in the field of "jurisprudence" with the assignment of the qualification (degree) "bachelor of law". Founded in 1939 as the Novosibirsk branch of the All-Union Correspondence Law Institute (VYUZI). In total, he graduated more than 14 thousand specialists. More than two thousand students study. Over 300 graduates graduate annually.


Founded in 1939, when by order of the USSR People's Commissar of Justice, the Novosibirsk branch of the All-Union Correspondence Law Institute was created, reorganized in 1963 into the Novosibirsk Faculty of the Sverdlovsk Law Institute. Since 1986, the educational institution has been part of Tomsk State University; in 1999 - it acquires its modern status.

Institute departments

The institute has six educational departments:

  • history of state and law, constitutional law;
  • theory of state and law, international law;
  • criminal law, process and forensics;
  • civil law;
  • labor, land and financial law;
  • social sciences.

Five of them are graduates.

Institute specializations

  • civil law;
  • criminal law;
  • state and legal;
  • financial and legal.


  • 1st (main) - st. Sovetskaya, 7
  • 2nd - st. Shirokaya, d. 33

Forms of education

Full-time, part-time (evening), part-time.

Directors (deans)

  • Tereshchenko Evdokia Florovna (1939 - 1942)
  • Morozova Evdokia Efimovna (1942 - 1944)
  • Smirnova Irina Mikhailovna (1944 - 1948)
  • Bass Vladimir Alexandrovich (1948 - 1953)
  • Tagunov Evgeny Nikolaevich (1953 - 1955)
  • Tatarintsev Gennady Vasilievich (1955 -1958)
  • Derevianko Grigory Fedorovich (1959)
  • Dianov Petr Dmitrievich (1960 - 1963)
  • Kozitsin Yakov Mikhailovich (1963 - 1982)
  • Makarova Valentina Semyonovna (1982 - 1986)
  • Doronin Gennady Nikolaevich (1986 - 1999)
  • Chumakova Lidia Petrovna (from 1999 to the present)

Novosibirsk Law Institute (branch) of the Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "National Research Tomsk State University" (NYU (f) TSU) - a modern educational institution, where the educational process is built on a reasonable combination of traditional - classical - and the latest educational technologies.


History NYU (f) TSU

The history of the Novosibirsk Law Institute (branch) of Tomsk State University dates back to 1939, when by Order of the People's Commissariat of Justice of the USSR No. 86 dated 09/02/1939, the Novosibirsk branch of the All-Union Correspondence Institute of Law (VYUZI) was established in Novosibirsk.

By the order of the Ministry of Education of the RSFSR No. 73 dated 28.01.1960, the Novosibirsk branch of the All-Union Institute of Young Education was renamed into the Novosibirsk Faculty of the All-Union Educational Institute.

By order of the Ministry of Education of the RSFSR No. 324 of 01/11/1963, the Novosibirsk faculty of the UYUZI was transferred to the Sverdlovsk Law Institute (SJI) and became the Novosibirsk faculty of the SJI.

By order of the Ministry of Education of the RSFSR No. 498 of 07/29/1986, the Novosibirsk Faculty of SJU was transferred to the Tomsk State University (TSU) with the name “Novosibirsk Law Faculty of Tomsk State University”.

By order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation No. 2306 of 08.09.1998, the Novosibirsk Law Faculty of TSU was reorganized into the "Branch of the Tomsk State University" in Novosibirsk.

By order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation No. 1683 of June 16, 1999, the branch of Tomsk State University in Novosibirsk was given a new status - Novosibirsk Law Institute (branch) of Tomsk State University.

By order Federal agency on education of the Russian Federation № 46 of 07.02.2006. Novosibirsk Law Institute (branch) of TSU is renamed into Novosibirsk Law Institute (branch) of the state educational institution of higher professional education "Tomsk State University".

By order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 1750 dated 05/25/2011, the Novosibirsk Law Institute (branch) of TSU is renamed into the Novosibirsk Law Institute (branch) of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education “National Research Tomsk State University”.

NYU (f) TSU today

Today NYU (f) TSU is a single-industry educational institution that trains highly qualified lawyers in the specialty “Jurisprudence” with the qualification “lawyer” and in the direction of “Jurisprudence” with the qualification (degree) of “bachelor”.

Since 2013, a magistracy has been opened in the direction of "Jurisprudence" "Criminal Law and Criminology; criminal-executive law "with the assignment of the qualification (degree)" master ".

For 75 years of its existence, the institute has graduated about 16 thousand specialists. Now about two thousand students are covered by all forms of education. About 300 graduates receive TSU diplomas annually.

The Institute operates on the basis of a license for the right to conduct educational activities, registration No. 2077, dated October 24, 2011 (valid for an unlimited period) and a certificate of state accreditation, registration No. 1562, dated February 22, 2012 (valid until July 28, 2017 of the year).

Chairs NYU (f) TSU

The educational process is provided by six departments.

  • Department of Social Sciences, Head - Associate Professor I. V. Pechurin.
  • Department of Theory of State and Law, International Law, Head - Associate Professor A. M. Kalyak.
  • Department of History of State and Law, Constitutional Law, Head - Associate Professor V.V.Belkovets.
  • Department of Civil Law, Head - Associate Professor L. P. Chumakova.
  • Department of Labor, Land and Financial Law, Acting Head - Associate Professor I. V. Frolov.
  • Department of Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure and Criminalistics, Head - Associate Professor G. N. Doronin.

The last five departments are graduating ones.

In the senior courses, students can choose any of four specializations (or profiles for training in the direction of "jurisprudence"): civil law, criminal law, state legal, financial and legal. In the future, it is not excluded the possibility, in addition to the existing ones, to open also specializations (training profiles) in international law, intellectual property law, and medical law.

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