Individual achievements upon admission to the financial academy. Individual achievements when entering a university. Additional points for individual achievements

Interior Design 06.08.2020
Interior Design

When applying for undergraduate programs, specialty programs are awarded points for the following individual achievements:

  • 1.14.1. Having the status of a champion and medalist of the Olympic Games, Paralympic Games and Deaflympics, world champion, European champion, winner of the world championship, European championship in sports included in the programs of the Olympic Games, Paralympic Games and Deaflympics - 10 points.
  • 1.14.2. The presence of a gold insignia of the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex "Ready for Labor and Defense" (TRP) and a certificate of the established sample - 4 points.
  • 1.14.3. The presence of a certificate of secondary general education with honors or a certificate of secondary general (secondary (complete) general) education, containing information about the awarding of a gold or silver medal. Or the presence of a diploma of secondary vocational education with honors of -10 points.
  • 1.14.4. The status of the winner of the TekhnoCup Olympiad for schoolchildren in informatics, held jointly with Mail.Ru Group and the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology ( state university) - 8 points.
  • 1.14.5. The status of a prize-winner of the TekhnoCup Olympiad for schoolchildren, held jointly with Mail.Ru Group and the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (State University) - 6 points.
  • The status of the winner of the “Step into the Future” Olympiad for schoolchildren obtained during the last 4 years (from the approved List of Olympiads of the corresponding year) - 8 points.
  • If you have more than 1 status specified in clause, in different classes - 2 points (for each next class).
  • The status of the prize-winner of the School Olympiad "Step into the Future", obtained during the last 4 years (from the approved List of Olympiads of the corresponding year) - 6 points.
  • If you have more than 1 status specified in clause, in different classes - 1 point (for each next class).
    In case of the simultaneous presence of the achievements specified in clauses and (obtained in different classes), points are awarded in accordance with clauses and
  • 1.14.8. The status of the winner of the Olympiads for schoolchildren for the 11th grade from the approved List of Olympiads with the corresponding subjects "physics", "mathematics" and "computer science and ICT" - 8 points.
  • 1.14.9. Availability of the status of the winner of the Olympiads for schoolchildren for the 11th grade from the approved List of Olympiads with the corresponding subjects "physics", "mathematics" and "computer science and ICT" - 6 points.
  • 1.14.10. The status of the winner of the Olympiads for schoolchildren for the 11th grade from the approved List of Olympiads in general subjects and complexes of natural science subjects (astronomy, chemistry, biology) - 4 points.
  • 1.14.11. The presence of the status of the winner of the Olympiads for schoolchildren for the 11th grade from the approved List of Olympiads in general subjects and complexes of natural science subjects (astronomy, chemistry, biology) - 2 points.
  • 1.14.12. The presence of the status of the winner of the Olympiads for schoolchildren for the 11th grade from the approved List of Olympiads in general subjects and complexes of subjects not specified in cl. 1.14.4- 1.14.11 - 2 points.
  • 1.14.13. Availability of the status of the winner of the Olympiads for schoolchildren for the 11th grade from the approved List of Olympiads in general subjects and complexes of subjects not specified in paragraphs. 1.14.4-1.14.11 - 1 point.
  • 1.14.14. The presence of a diploma "For the best research work" in the framework of the Olympiad "Step into the Future" in the complex of subjects "engineering" in the 2016/2017 academic year - 5 points.
  • 1.14.15. Participation and (or) the results of participation of applicants in intellectual and (or) creative competitions, physical culture events and sports events held in order to identify and support persons who have shown outstanding abilities - up to 5 points, by decision admissions committee.
  • 1.14.16. Winner status of the Gazprom branch Olympiad in physics or computer science - 8 points.
  • 1.14.17. Having the status of a winner of the Gazprom branch Olympiad in mathematics, or a prize-winner of the Gazprom branch Olympiad in physics or computer science - 6 points.
  • 1.14.18. Winner of the Gazprom branch Olympiad in mathematics - 4 points.
  • 1.14.19. The status of the winner of the Olympiad for schoolchildren in drawing and computer modeling, held by the Moscow State Technical University. N.E.Bauman - 5 points.
  • 1.14.20. The status of the winner of the Olympiad for schoolchildren in drawing and computer modeling, held by the Moscow State Technical University. N.E.Bauman - 3 points.
  • 1.14.21. Availability of the status of the winner of the Moscow pre-professional Olympiad for schoolchildren for the 11th grade in the following areas: technological; research; design; programming - 5 points.
  • 1.14.22. Availability of the status of a winner or prize-winner of the Moscow Olympiad for schoolchildren for the 11th grade in the following areas: technological; research; design; programming - 3 points.
  • 1.14.23. The status of the winner of the city open scientific and practical conference "Engineers of the Future" in 2017 for the 11th grade - 5 points.
  • 1.14.24. The status of the winner of the city open scientific and practical conference "Engineers of the Future" in 2017 for the 11th grade - 3 points.
  • 1.14.25. Participation in the final pre-professional exam under the program of the Department of the City of Moscow "Engineering classes in a Moscow school" with a score of 81 to 100 points - 10 points.
  • 1.14.26. Participation in the final pre-professional exam under the program of the Moscow Department "Engineering classes in a Moscow school" with a score of 61 to 80 points - 8 points.

Additional points for winning the Olympiads are given only in the absence of special admission rights without entrance examinations or the right to 100 points in the relevant subject.

Within each of the bases 1.14.4 - 1.14.15, the provision of additional points is one-time (they are not supposed to be summed up for winning the same Olympiad, summation over different classes is allowed).

When providing additional points at once on several different types of grounds, the points are summed up. Moreover, if the sum of points for all reasons is more than 10, then the accrual of points in total is limited to 10 points.

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About portfolio value

What individual achievements are taken into account when entering a university and what is their significance?

A partial answer to this question is set out in the current procedure for admission to universities, which lists individual achievements that can be taken into account for admission. These include:
a) the status of champion and medalist of the Olympic Games, Paralympic Games and Deaflympics, world champion, European champion, winner of the world championship, European championship in sports included in the programs of the Olympic Games, Paralympic Games and Deaflympics, the presence of a silver and (or) a gold badge received for the results of passing the norms of the physical culture complex "Ready for Labor and Defense";
b) the presence of a certificate of secondary general education with honors;
c) implementation of volunteer (volunteer) activities;
d) participation and (or) results of participation of applicants in Olympiads (not used to obtain special rights and (or) advantages in admission) and other intellectual and (or) creative contests, physical culture events and sports events;
e) mark for the final essay.

Also, this document indicates that for the achievements indicated in paragraphs a) - d), in total, you can get no more than 10 points, and the same maximum for the final essay. At the same time, a number of other important circumstances should be noted, which are not particularly specified, and therefore remain outside the bracket. It is about the real state of affairs with the assessment of individual achievements of students. Fundamentally important point- each of the universities independently determines which individual achievements to take into account and which not. Thus, it may turn out that some universities, for example, like athletes more, and some are excellent students, and this happens quite often. Moreover, there are universities that do not like anyone at all, and therefore they do not take into account the individual achievements of students at all.

As for the points, here, too, not everything is as unambiguous as it might seem at first glance. The fact is that each university, again, decides for itself how many points it is ready to award for certain merits. Therefore, you can face a situation where one university, say, for the championship awards an additional 5 points, and the other only 1 point, and this is its right.

It is also important to understand that becoming an Olympic champion, of course, is much more difficult than, say, the owner of the TRP badge. But it is far from a fact that either individual achievement will be assessed differently. There are many universities that, for reasons known to them alone, rate these disparate achievements in the same way.

A few words about which of the individual achievements are most revered by universities. Here, first of all, it should be noted the presence of a certificate with honors. It is taken into account by almost all universities, moreover, many of them award the maximum (10) number of points. Champions and holders of the TRP badge are slightly less popular, and universities are completely indifferent to volunteers - they, as a rule, do not receive points.

As for the essay, this is a separate story altogether - the vast majority of universities do not take it into account, and therefore it is hardly worth counting on this source of bonuses. At the same time, many educational institutions highly value their own Olympiads and competitions, and even for the very fact of participation in these events they award additional points. This, without a doubt, must be borne in mind, especially for those applicants who are aimed at specific universities where these events are held.

As a result, I would like to note the following - individual achievements allow you to get additional points for USE results, and it is hardly worth neglecting this opportunity. Moreover, when the competition among applicants only increases from year to year.

The procedure for recording individual achievements

1. Applicants for training have the right to submit information about their individual achievements for the two academic years preceding the year of admission, the results of which are taken into account when applying for training. The results of individual achievements are taken into account through the awarding of points for individual achievements and as an advantage in case of equality of the criteria for ranking the lists of applicants.

Points awarded for individual achievement are included in the total competition points.

The applicant submits documents confirming the receipt of the results of individual achievements.

2. When admitted to study under bachelor's programs, specialty programs, the University credits for the following individual achievements:

2) the presence of a certificate of secondary general education with honors, or a certificate of secondary (complete) general education for those awarded with a gold medal, or a certificate of secondary (complete) general education for those awarded with a silver medal;

3) the presence of a diploma of secondary vocational education with honors;

4) implementation of volunteer (volunteer) activities (if no more than four years have passed from the date of completion of the period of implementation of the specified activity to the date of completion of the acceptance of documents and entrance examinations);

5) participation and (or) the results of participation of applicants in the Olympiads (not used to obtain special rights and (or) advantages upon admission to training on specific conditions of admission and specific grounds for admission) and other intellectual and (or) creative competitions, physical culture events and sporting events aimed at identifying and supporting individuals of outstanding ability.

3. When applying for undergraduate programs, specialist programs, the applicant can be credited for individual achievements no more than 10 points in total.

4. Individual achievements taken into account when enrolling in undergraduate programs, specialist programs, if the total of competitive points is equal, do not give advantages in enrollment.

5. The list of individual achievements taken into account and the procedure for their accounting are established by the University in accordance with 2 and are indicated in the table:

Achievement name

Basis (supporting document)

Number of points

1. Success in the field physical culture and sports

1.1 having the status of champion and medalist of the Olympic Games, Paralympic Games and Deaflympics, world champion, European champion, person who took first place in the world championship, European championship in sports included in the programs of the Olympic Games, Paralympic Games and Deaflympics

Availability of a medal

1.2. the presence of a gold badge received for the results of passing the norms of the physical culture complex "Ready for work and defense"

Gold badge "Ready for Labor and Defense" and a certificate of the established sample

2. Certificate with honors; certificate containing information about awarding a medal

Certificate with distinction; certificate containing information about awarding a medal

3. Diploma of secondary vocational education with honors

Diploma of secondary vocational education with honors

4. Implementation of volunteer (volunteer) activities

5. The presence of achievements in creativity, sports, Olympiads and other intellectual achievements

5.1. Winner or medalist of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren:

Winner or medalist diploma

5.1.1. municipal stage

5.1.2. regional stage

5.2. Winner or prize-winner of the Olympiad for schoolchildren included in the list of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (not used to obtain special rights and (or) benefits when applying for a specific set of conditions for admission)

Winner or medalist diploma

5.2.1. Final round participants

5.2.2. Awardees

5.2.3. Winners

5.3.1. Winner or prize-winner of the regional competition - “We are Belgorodians: Think! Decide! Take action! "

Winner or medalist diploma

5.3.2. Winner or Prize-Winner of the Interdisciplinary Multidisciplinary Olympiad "Technological Entrepreneurship"

Winner or medalist diploma

5.4. Laureate of a scientific and practical conference, creative competition:

Diploma, certificate for the best report, project, invention

5.4.1. municipal stage

5.4.2. regional stage

5.4.3. all-Russian stage

5.5. Sports achivments

5.5.1. honored master of sports of international class


5.5.2. international master of sports


5.5.3. master of Sport

Certificate, order of the Ministry of Sports or protocols with a seal

5.5.4. Candidate Master of Sports

Classification (grade) book

5.5.5. member of the Russian national team

List of members approved by the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation or the federation of the kind of sports of Russia

5.5.6. member of the national team of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation

The payroll approved by the relevant body responsible for the development of physical culture and sports in the region

5.5.7. prize-winners of the championships and championships of Russia 2018-2019

5.5.8. prize-winners of all-Russian competitions, championships and championships federal districts 2018-2019

Certificates and protocols certified by the seal

Individual achievements when entering a university for many applicants become a chance for free education... Today we will analyze the basic rules according to which higher education institutions accept freshmen. So, let's take a closer look at this issue.

How to prove your achievements

There is a certain procedure for taking into account the individual achievements of applicants, according to which all universities and institutes of our country work. Applicants can count on additional points if they provide documentary evidence in the form of diplomas, certificates, certificates.

The admission rules imply the accrual of additional points, if other criteria are equal, to those applicants who have their own achievements. They are summed up with the achievements that were demonstrated by high school students in the unified state exam.

Undergraduate admission

Individual achievements when entering a university under bachelor's programs are taken into account in the following areas:

  • status of a prize-winner or champion of the world, Europe in sports disciplines, a certificate of passing the standards of the TRP, certificates of the established form;
  • high school diploma general education with honors (gold or silver medal);
  • diploma of obtaining vocational education Honours;
  • volunteer (volunteer) activities;
  • a diploma of the absolute winner of certain Olympiads, creative competitions, conferences, sports events that are held;
  • grade for the final essay, which is a condition for admission of the graduate to passing the exam under the general secondary education program.

Additional points for individual achievements when enrolling in undergraduate programs cannot exceed 10 in total. Domestic academies and universities can independently change individual achievements when entering a university, taking into account the specifics of the educational process.

Olympiads and intellectual contests

Depending on the direction, universities and institutes, at their discretion, count individual achievements when entering a university. For example, when applying to ITMO University in St. Petersburg, applicants are credited with the following achievements:

  • points for sporting achievements are awarded for the presence of a gold TRP badge;
    a certificate of a special sample (with honors) on the completion of secondary general education;
  • for the status of a champion or prize-winner of various sports games, European champion, world championship;
  • for maintaining a systematic (subject to the provision of a volunteer book of the established sample);
  • for receiving "credit" for the final school essay in the 11th grade of a comprehensive school;
  • for diplomas of the All-Russian subject Olympiads, certificates of merit and diplomas of the All-Russian level;
  • for the diploma of the prize-winner or winner of the project sessions, which are held by the educational center "Sirius";

  • for the diploma of the winner or prize-winner of the multidisciplinary Olympiad of ITMO University in mathematics, social studies, Russian or foreign language, physics, chemistry;
  • for the diploma of the winner or prize-winner of the international conference “World of Science. Nanotechnology ";
  • for winning the school section of the Congress of Young Scientists held by ITMO University;
  • for the diploma of the prize-winner or winner of the ITMOgrad competition, the Golden Thousand of the World;
  • for providing a portfolio of achievements;
  • for the certificate of the prize-winner or winner of the International Marketing Competition “BigGame by Marketoruim. Junior Section ".

Accounting for individual achievements when applying to universities is regulated by the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of 2014. According to the numerous changes that were published in April 2015 by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, any higher educational institution has the legal right to change the procedure for recording the personal achievements of applicants.

Informing about the registration of additional achievements of applicants

The admission rules oblige each educational institution of middle and higher level to inform applicants in advance about the number of points that they can receive for personal achievements. Such information allows high school students to calculate in advance their chances of being enrolled in a university (academy) in the chosen field of study.

Number of points awarded

We examined what individual achievements are taken into account in universities when applicants submit documents for admission. Now let's dwell on the maximum number of points that applicants can count on.

According to the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the total number of points for individual achievements should not exceed ten points. In addition, up to 10 points can be obtained for the high-quality performance of the final essay in the eleventh grade. Documents confirming individual achievements must be submitted along with the package of documents. Representatives of the admissions committee carefully study all the diplomas and certificates that the applicant brings, summarize the points, enter them into the final protocol.

Documents for confirmation

This year, graduates of general education institutions had the opportunity to add at least ten points to the results that were demonstrated at the final exams. This significantly increased the chances of the children to get in the higher educational institutions of their choice. Many of them tried to grab every opportunity to make their dreams come true.

Compared to last year, the number of points for creative, intellectual and sports individual achievements was reduced from 20 to 10. This step was motivated by representatives of the Ministry of Education by the fact that high school students spend too much of their free time to get additional points, completely forgetting about full preparation for unified state examination.

Ways to get additional bonuses

Pupils in grades 10-11 try to use all possible chances in order to enter the university or academy of their choice after graduation. For example, you can take part in one of the subject Olympiads, the list of which is annually approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. For children who are studying in the eleventh grade, it will be useful and interesting to participate in intellectual and creative competitions, sports days, physical education events. At the same time, only those victories of the graduate that were achieved in the 11th grade are taken into account. If a teenager has successfully participated in several subject Olympiads at once, the one that is the most "significant" in terms of level is selected for the accrual of additional points.

In order for the applicant to have a chance to rise in the ranked list with an equal number of points, a gold or silver medal will help him. For example, for those children who have chosen sports educational institutions for their further training, the presence of a gold TRP badge will be a great bonus.

Often these very few points, which can be earned while still at school, will be a "lifesaver" for admission to a prestigious university on a budgetary basis. Universities and academies accept independent decision about what achievements, in what quantity to add additional points to applicants.

Useful facts

For example, MIPT included in the list documents confirming the graduation of an applicant from an art school or music school. Depending on the university, you can expect to receive a different number of points for the same achievements. The reason for such discrepancies is in the exclusive right, which the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation has endowed with its order domestic universities and academies. Universities are not required to add any additional points for the individual achievements of their potential students.

When choosing an educational institution, the applicant must carefully study the information presented at the university stand. This will allow him to score as many points as possible in order to increase his chances of success. It is important for the 11th grade to collect the maximum amount of "evidence" of their creative and intellectual activities.


In for the final essay, you can get 10 points, prize winners All-Russian Olympiads add 5 points, medalists can count on 3 points, athletes get 5 points in their piggy bank for having a gold sign.

At Moscow State University. MV Lomonosov, there are no clear criteria for personal achievements, it is determined individually. Successful writing of the final essay - 3 points, for gold medal 5 points are added to the applicant, sports successes will bring 2 points. At MGIMO, 10 points are awarded for olympiads and a gold medal, the TRP gold badge brings 4. Each prestigious domestic educational institution of the highest level has developed its own rules for assigning points to students, which will help to successfully pass all entrance tests and enroll in the chosen educational institution.

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