All about Voronezh universities - where and how our youth are taught. Higher education, all universities of voronezh Voronezh state universities list

Equipment and tools 09.10.2020
Equipment and tools


Passing score

The "Passing Score" column shows the average passing score for one exam (the minimum total passing score divided by the number of exams).

What is it and why is it important?

Enrollment in the university is based on the results of three or four USE (for each exam, you can score a maximum of 100 points). In addition, some universities (Moscow State University named after Lomonosov, St. Petersburg State University, MGIMO) are allowed to take an additional exam in a specialized subject for the chosen specialty. For some specialties, it is also required to pass a professional or creative exam. For each additional exam, you can score a maximum of 100 points. The calculation also takes into account individual achievements(portfolio), such as a final school essay, an excellent student's certificate, a TRP badge, volunteer activities. A maximum of 10 points can be awarded for an applicant's portfolio.

Passing score for any specialty at a particular university is the minimum total score with which an applicant was enrolled during the last admission campaign.

In fact, we know with what points it was possible to enter last year. But, unfortunately, no one knows with what score you can enter this or next year. It will depend on how many applicants and with what scores they will apply for this specialty, as well as on how much will be allocated budget places. Nevertheless, knowing the passing scores allows you to estimate your chances of admission with a high degree of probability, so it is worth focusing on them, this is important.

Today we will talk about what universities are in our city, how much it costs to study in them and how their specificity will affect the future that you are planning for yourself. We will also touch upon the problem of the so-called inefficient universities.

Earlier, in a review of technical schools, I wrote that, in my opinion, higher education is sometimes inferior to a well-chosen special one. But, on the other hand, having a treasured crust has a number of advantages:

  • unfortunately, prejudice against people without a “tower” is still strong in our country, so education “like a tick in a resume” can come in handy;
  • there are organizations where you do not have the right to enroll if you do not have a higher, at least some;
  • education can be a good start for the future; maybe you decide to write a PhD in retirement - that's where your diploma comes in handy.

Voronezh, as you know, is a city of students. One all-knowing Internet resource with the letter “B” told me that 127,000 (!) students study at the same time in the capital of the Chernozem region. Of course, a significant part of them are college students, but, all the same, several district centers can be populated by Voronezh students. Where do they all study, and what do they hope to become? Forward, on reconnaissance? Where is the best place in Voronezh

Study, study and study again: popular universities of the city

There are several dozen universities in Voronezh. They all have their own specifics, let's see what kind of prospects different educational institutions can open to different people.

State. Founded in 1918.
95 specialties.
Phone: 220-85-93.
Address: Universitetskaya sq., 1.
Faculties and directions:

  • Faculty of Applied Mathematics, Informatics and Mechanics;
  • Faculty of Geography, Geoecology and Tourism;
  • Faculty of Computer Science;
  • Faculty of Physics;
  • Faculty of Mathematics;
  • Faculty of Romano-Germanic Philology;
  • Faculty of Biology and Soil;
  • Faculty of Geology;
  • faculty of journalism
  • history department;
  • Faculty of International Relations;
  • Faculty of Pharmacy;
  • Faculty of Philology;
  • Faculty of Philosophy and Psychology;
  • chemical faculty;
  • Faculty of Economics;
  • Faculty of Law.

The unconditional plus of VSU is that no matter what career you choose for yourself, you can easily start it from the university, well, except for those cases when you feel that a pathologist is sleeping in you or a taxidermist is dozing. And if no jokes, then VSU confidently enters a hundred best universities Russia, which is very significant.

Voronezh State Medical Academy named after V.I. N.N. Burdenko

State. Founded in 1918.
6 specialties.
Phone 252-03-80.
Address: st. Student, d. 10.
Faculties and directions:

  • medical Faculty;
  • Faculty of Pediatrics;
  • Faculty of Dentistry;
  • Faculty of Pharmacy;
  • medical and preventive faculty.

It seems to me that it is not even customary to speak well about doctors in Russia and, in my opinion, it is absolutely in vain. The Voronezh Academy has been preparing excellent specialists for many years (naturally, I am talking about those who want to be an excellent specialist). No wonder so many foreign students study here. The institution is very prestigious, but, despite the rumors, I heard from current doctors that it is quite possible to enter there without bribes and connections.

Voronezh State Pedagogical University

State. Founded in 1931.
Phone 255-57-47.
Address: st. Lenina, d. 86.
Faculties and directions:

  • Faculty of Physics and Mathematics;
  • Faculty of Natural Geography;
  • Faculty of Humanities;
  • faculty of foreign languages;
  • faculty physical education and life safety;
  • psychological and pedagogical faculty;
  • Faculty of Arts and Art Education.

In my time, they said: "You're out of your mind - go to the ped." It is difficult to say how justified this statement is, but I encountered one of the problems of this university when I was finishing school. The fact is that a huge number of applicants, for whom the Agricultural Institute and LesTech seem too strange, and VSU and VSTU too inaccessible, automatically switch their attention to Pedagogical University. Needless to say, they do not aspire to be teachers, which means that a significant part training course leaves for air shaking. Perhaps that is why ped education is not quoted too much, which, of course, will not play any role if you have excellent experience and unique skills.

Voronezh State Agrarian University named after Emperor Peter I

State. Founded in 1912.
34 specialties.
Phone: 253-78-74.
Address: st. Michurina, 1, room 177.
Faculties and directions:

  • agroengineering faculty;
  • Faculty of Agronomy, Agrochemistry and Ecology;
  • faculty of land management and cadastres;
  • Faculty of Humanities and Law;
  • Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Livestock Technology;
  • Faculty of Technology and Commodity Science;
  • faculty accounting and finance;
  • Faculty of Economics and Management.

This university recently celebrated its centenary. Our region with its exclusive chernozems was chosen as a research base for the development of agriculture at the beginning of the 19th century. That is why it is sad that the most popular today is not the agroengineering faculty, but the ubiquitous faculties of law, accounting, economics and management. Of course, Agriculture needs managers, but something tells me that VSAU graduates are not in a hurry to leave for the countryside.

Institute of Management, Marketing and Finance

Non-state. Founded in 1991.
Phone: 235-55-19.
st. Karl Marx, d. 67.
st. Druzhinnikov, d. 8.
Directions of study:

  • management;
  • Applied Informatics;
  • trading business;
  • personnel Management;
  • economy;
  • economics (magistracy).

The university is over 20 years old (other state universities are younger). I haven’t heard any bad reviews about him and I didn’t find it with a targeted search on the Internet. On my own behalf, I can add that the institute has excellent buildings with excellent gyms.

International Institute of Computer Technology

Non-state. Founded in 1992.
11 specialties.
Phone 239-00-69.
Address: st. Solnechnaya, 29b.
Faculties and directions:

  • faculty of information systems;
  • Faculty of Energy;
  • Faculty of Economics.

In 2010, the university signed an agreement with Arcadia University on joint Russian-American training of specialists in several areas. In general, this university is the first one I heard about that it provides a better education than state universities.

Perhaps that opinion was subjective, but it was expressed to me by a graduate who occupies a very comfortable position in a large company that is very careful in selecting employees.

Universities with a military department

What is a military department? Generally speaking, it is the right of an educational institution to train specialists for the armed forces. From the Internet, I learned that since 2008, graduates of military departments have not been drafted into the army, but they can be invited to military training at the most inopportune moment.

Voronezh State University

I wrote about it at the beginning of the review.

Voronezh State University of Engineering Technologies

State. Founded in 1930.
41 specialties.
Phone: 255-28-35.
Address: Revolution Avenue, 19.
Faculties and directions:

  • Faculty of Automation of Technological Processes;
  • faculty of food machines and automatic machines;
  • Faculty of Ecology and Chemical Technology;
  • Faculty of Technology;
  • Faculty of Economics.

The university, better known in Voronezh as Tekhnolozhka, massively attracts former college graduates who want to continue their education. I heard from my acquaintances, belonging to different generations, a lot of laudatory comments about the university, mainly due to the well-structured curriculum. That is, after this university it is quite easy to find a job.

Russian Academy of Justice, Central Branch

State. Founded in 2001.
4 specialties.
Phone: 271-54-15
Voronezh, st. 20th anniversary of October, 95
Faculties and directions:
Faculty of Law.

The founder of the academy is the Supreme Court Russian Federation and the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation - agree, inspires. It trains specialists for the 3rd branch of government. In general, among my acquaintances working in the field of law, this educational institution is considered prestigious and respected.

Voronezh State Technical University

State. Founded in 1955.
79 specialties.
Phone: 246-40-67.
Address: Moskovsky prospect, 1
faculties and directions:

  • Faculty of Information Technology and Computer Security;
  • Faculty of Engineering and Economics;
  • Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Aerospace Engineering;
  • Faculty of Energy and Control Systems;
  • Faculty of Radio Engineering and Electronics;
  • Faculty of evening and distance learning.

The university, better known in our city as a polytechnic. He is also known for the high quality of his education. It was he who graduated from many current heads of large departments of numerous enterprises in Voronezh (yes, there are still many enterprises). I also want to add that if you plan to connect your life with the technical field, then, of course, the Polytechnic University is an excellent solution, but if you want to enter the humanitarian field, then it might be worth choosing a university without the word "technical" in the title.

Voronezh State Forest Engineering Academy

State. Founded in 1930.
31 specialties.
Phone: 253-73-65.
Voronezh, Timiryazeva st., 8.
Faculties and directions:

  • forest faculty;
  • automotive faculty;
  • forestry faculty;
  • mechanical faculty;
  • Faculty of Economics.

The Forestry Academy is, in my opinion, a very fun place. My close friend had the honor of studying there. I called her a forester, and she called herself a "lestekhkolkhoznik". The forest one way or another passes through everything learning programs all the faculties, sprouting here and there with riotous shoots.

Each student of this university is obliged to learn that forests need to be thinned out regularly and even to study the types of felling. Some will be honored with a flight on a cornfield to explore the forests, and most will certainly pass the time on duty in the arboretum during the New Year holidays in order to save rare varieties of Christmas trees from poachers.

Of course, here you can get a rare, but in its own way demanded profession, but so specific that before you go to unite with nature, think: are you ready to do this all your life.

The sensational list of inefficient universities

In the past year, many of us have heard the frightening phrase "university inefficiency." After checking the Internet, I tried to figure out what it is. It turned out that the performance evaluation was carried out to determine whether the university has the potential for development. This took into account factors such as:

  • the amount of space in terms of one student;
  • the number of foreign students;
  • university income.

And some other aspects.

Based on the analysis of all this, a conclusion was made about the presence of signs of inefficiency in universities and a diagnosis was made about the need for reorganization. According to the results of this study, 5 useless universities were found in the Voronezh region:

  • Borisoglebsk State Pedagogical Institute;
  • Voronezh State Forest Engineering Academy;
  • Voronezh State Agrarian University named after Emperor Peter I;
  • Voronezh state institute physical culture;
  • Voronezh State Pedagogical University.

On the one hand, these are the very universities where they go when there is nowhere else, but, on the other hand, the problem, probably, is that it is not very profitable to work as an agronomist, trainer or teacher in our time, and these professions are not taken seriously .

By the way, the participation of private universities in the monitoring was purely voluntary, otherwise, it seems to me, the result would have been different. However, the very procedure for evaluating the effectiveness caused a lot of criticism and this year it will be carried out taking into account the regional characteristics of universities.

This concludes our instructive review. Finally, I would like to say a few more words about the role education plays in a person's life. In order to answer this question, I, of course, turned to the Internet for help and also talked with several “senior comrades” who consider their lives to be fulfilled. I asked: what was the "tower" for you. The responses were as follows:

  • work is not the whole of life, but simply a non-disgusting source of income;
  • education should help work, that is, "earning" money;
  • it is better to get some banal but in-demand specialty and have a stable income and allow yourself any kind of rest and lifestyle than to constantly survive with a specialty “to your liking”;
  • if at 25 it will be easy for you to work “for an idea”, then by 40 you will already want comfort;
  • if you are afraid, following these tips, to become an office plankton, then you are probably just in the wrong office and not spending your weekends this way.

Well, this point of view also has the right to life. No wonder it originated simultaneously in several people at once.

What do you think about education and future profession- for money or for the soul? Is it possible to choose two in one and, if you have to choose, what you put at the forefront. Be sure to write. Let's discuss? It would be especially interesting to know how your views changed as you grew older. I'm waiting!

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