1c enterprise 7 accounting

Wallpapering 01.08.2020

"1C: Accounting 7.7" comes with a typical configuration for accounting, edition 4.5.

In the new version 4.5 of the standard configuration "1C: Accounting 7.7", the methodology of tax accounting of calculations for income tax has been improved in accordance with the explanations of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation issued in 2003. Operations for accounting of R&D expenses were automated (PBU 17/02), the norms of PBU 19/02 "Accounting for financial investments" are reflected, as well as, in accordance with Federal law N 117-ФЗ dated 07.07.2003, the reduction of the VAT rate from 20% to 18% for the cases provided for by clause 3 of article 164 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation was taken into account.

In edition 4.5, new areas of accounting have been automated and service functions have been expanded to improve the convenience of users.

Extension functionality compared to revision 4.4

Improvement of the methodology for accounting for income tax calculations (PBU 18/02)

The clarifications of the Ministry of Finance issued during 2003 were taken into account, according to which PBU 18/02 applies only to income and expenses from activities subject to income tax (letter of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of July 14, 2003 N 16-00-14 / 220) ...

  • Implemented item-by-item calculation of deferred tax assets and liabilities. Provides the formation of a report on the results of the object calculation of temporary differences.
  • Possibility of control is provided automatic calculation temporary differences.
  • Implemented automation of accounting for fixed differences in standardized costs of the reporting period.
  • When calculating temporary differences, the loss of the current period is taken into account, on the basis of which the deferred tax asset is formed.
  • Tax losses from previous years can be accounted for as both temporary and permanent differences.

Reflection of changes in the VAT rate

In accordance with Federal Law N 117-FZ of 07.07.2003. From 01.01.2004, a new version of the second part of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation came into force, establishing the value of the VAT rate at 18% for the cases provided for in clause 3 of Article 164 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

To reflect these changes in the configuration, support for the VAT rate of 18% is implemented, in particular:

  • execution of documents of receipt and sale, as well as invoices at a rate of 18%
  • issuing an invoice for the advance received from the buyer at the rate "18/118"
  • formation of the book of purchases and the book of sales when the VAT rate of 18% is applied.

These measures allow to ensure normal work during the transition period.

New forms of the annual accounting statements for 2003

By order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated July 22, 2003 No. N 67n "On the forms of financial statements of organizations" approved new samples of forms of financial statements, in which there are practically no mandatory decoding of indicators. Accountants can independently determine the materiality of the indicators and the level of detail in their disclosure.

The delivery of version 4.5 of the configuration includes new forms of annual financial statements and tools that ensure the preparation of statements in accordance with the requirements of the Ministry of Finance. The new mechanism for setting the disclosure of reporting indicators allows you to independently set the levels of materiality and the degree of detail in the disclosure of financial statements in accordance with their real "weight" in the economic activity of the enterprise.

Development of accounting for R&D expenditures (PBU 17/02)

R&D expenditures accounting operations have been automated:

  • Accounting for expenses upon completion by the organization of research, development and technological work;
  • Monthly write-off of expenses for research, development and technological work that have been completed and the results of which are used for the production or management needs of the organization;
  • Termination of the use of the results of specific research, development and technological work in the production of products (performance of work, provision of services) or for the managerial needs of the organization, as well as when it becomes obvious that economic benefits are not received in the future from the use of the results of this work.

Reflection of the norms of PBU 19/02 "Accounting for financial investments"

For the purpose of reflecting the norms of PBU 19/02 and increasing the level of automation of the formation of financial statements in terms of financial investments, the composition of information about securities stored in the information base has been expanded, and accounting on account 58 "Financial investments" (sub-accounts, analytics) has been restructured.

Formation of reports on final operations

When performing routine accounting and tax accounting operations at the end of the month, it is possible to generate reports with a description of the actions performed and the results of calculations.

Carrying out settlements with personnel on remuneration in the context of the types of charges

On account 70 "Settlements with personnel on remuneration" added analytical accounting for the types of charges, which provides new opportunities for analyzing payments made.

The accrual type contains additional information about the payment made:

  • income code in accordance with the list approved by the Order of the Ministry of Taxes and Tax Collection of the Russian Federation dated 01.11. 2000 N BG-3-08 / 379;
  • list of taxes levied on payroll.

This made it possible to make the accounting of taxes collected from employees more "transparent". The proposed methodology maximally simplifies the setup of the personal income tax base and taxes with payroll.

Modernization (reconstruction) of fixed assets

The accounting of operations for the modernization (reconstruction) of fixed assets has been automated. It is envisaged that as a result of the modernization or reconstruction of an object of fixed assets, according to PBU 6/01, the object may change the initial cost and term useful use... In this case, depreciation is calculated taking into account the characteristics of the object that have changed as a result of modernization.

Inventory ledger of fixed assets

Added inventory book for accounting of fixed assets in form N OS - 6b. The inventory book allows you to see in a unified form all transactions of receipt and movement of fixed assets for the period.

Development of the report on fixed assets

Added the ability to select fixed assets reflected in the report according to the following criteria:

  • Depreciation group;
  • Responsible person.

Fixed assets in the report can be grouped:

  • by types (groups) of OS;
  • by places of operation;
  • by responsible persons;
  • by depreciation groups.

The displayed information can be sorted:

  • by the name of objects of fixed assets;
  • by code (inventory number) of fixed assets;
  • by the date of commissioning of fixed assets.

Support for multiple selling prices

The configuration for the item provides for maintaining an arbitrary number of price types. For each storage location, you can set your own price type, which will be substituted into documents when sold from this storage location (warehouse, retail outlet, etc.). Also, in the implementation documents, you can explicitly indicate the type of prices used or recalculate the completed document in prices of a different type.

Retail sale

The following option has been implemented for reflecting the sale of goods at retail: receipt of the proceeds of a retail outlet at the cash desk without specifying the goods sold, followed by writing off the goods based on the inventory results. For different retail outlets, it is permissible to use different methods of reflecting retail sales.

Work with trade equipment

It is possible to connect a fiscal registrar, which allows:

  • To issue cash receipts with simultaneous transfer of data to a receipt printed on the fiscal registrar;
  • At the end of the work shift, make a Z-report.

Statement of reconciliation of settlements with counterparties

A report has been added for the formation of acts of reconciliation of settlements with counterparties according to accounting data.

In addition, you can buy the 1C Accounting 7.7 program in the 1C: Integrated delivery 7.7 software package. available in the same delivery options - PROF and network version. What is the difference between different versions of 1C Enterprise 7.7 programs can be seen below on this page on the tab "Differences between 1C Accounting 7.7 PROF and other versions". It is now impossible to buy the basic version of 1C: Accounting 7.7, since the basic version of 1C: Accounting 7.7 and the basic version of 1C: Simplified 7.7, and basic versions of other configurations of 1C 7.7 are no longer available since July 2008.

Buy 1C 7.7: features of exchange and upgrade (upgrade) of purchased versions of 1C: Accounting 7.7

If you are going to buy 1C Accounting 7.7, draw your attention to that the exchange (upgrade) of local versions of 1C: Enterprise 7.7 programs, for example, to the network versions of these 1C: Enterprise 7.7 programs from 07/01/2008 is no longer possible. However, any versions of 1C: Enterprise 7.7 (1C 7.7) programs can be replaced by the upgrade scheme for the corresponding 1C: Enterprise 8 (1C 8) programs.

Comparison of different versions of 1C: Accounting 7.7 What is the difference between 1C: Accounting 7.7 version of the PROF and the network version? What is the difference between different versions of 1C: Accounting 7.7?

Comparison of the capabilities of different versions of 1C: Accounting 7.7 - PROF, network version and version for SQL - is given in the form of the following table. Since the basic version of 1C: Accounting 7.7 and the basic version of 1C: Simplified 7.7 have not been released since July 2008, they do not participate in the comparison of the capabilities of 1C 7.7 in this table.

1C ACCOUNTING 7.7 buy 1s 7.7
PROF Network for SQL
Accounting and tax accounting, reporting preparation
The presence of the USN configuration
The ability to work locally for one user
Possibility networking multiple users
Data storage in file mode (DBF format)
Working with MS-SQL 2000 databases
Working with databases MS-SQL 2005 and higher
Keeping records for several organizations in different bases
Accounting for several organizations in one common database
Possibility of changing (configuring) the applied solution
Security key (USB)

Accounting for several organizations is possible in the "1C: Accounting 7.7" program for an unlimited number of organizations, but only in different information bases. In this case, the user can open several organizations for work on his computer in different windows of the program launch. In this case, of course, it is not possible to maintain general lists of goods, contractors and build general reporting for several organizations. The number of infobases or windows simultaneously open for operation by the capabilities of the 1C 7.7 program is not limited and is determined only by the capabilities of the computer.

If there is a need to keep records for several organizations in exactly one database and use general lists of goods and contractors, then it is recommended to consider buying 1C Accounting 8, since the typical capabilities of this program allow you to carry out multi-company accounting both in one and in different databases.

Service maintenance of the software product 1C: Accounting 7.7

For software products of the "1C: Enterprise 7.7" system, released after 01.07.2008, service is provided through information technology support (ITS). When purchasing the 1C Accounting program, the delivery set of the software product includes an ITS disk and a coupon for free ITS service for 3 months. To receive service, the user must register the purchased software product with 1C and subscribe for free from the seller of the software product using the coupon included in the delivery set.

ITS service includes:

  • telephone and e-mail consultation line services;
  • receiving new program releases and configurations;
  • obtaining new reporting forms;
  • monthly receipt of a set of ITS disks containing methodological materials for setting up and operating the system, various consultations and reference books on accounting and taxation, the Garant legal database and much more.

After purchasing the 1C Accounting program, at the end of the free service period, to continue receiving the listed services, as well as the services of partners to support this product, you must subscribe to a paid ITS subscription. The cost of a subscription to ITS depends on the delivery option chosen by the user (delivery options for ITS TECHNO and PROF).

1C Accounting 7.7 is a universal accounting software for accounting automation. The program is a component "Accounting" of the 1C Enterprise 7.7 program system with a typical configuration. The component "Accounting" allows you to implement various schemes of accounting and tax accounting. The 1C Accounting 7.7 program is successfully used in conjunction with other components of 1C Enterprise 7.7.

The delivery set includes a configuration intended for accounting in self-supporting organizations. For accounting in institutions and organizations that are on a budget, the separately supplied configuration "For budget organizations" is intended. 1C Accounting 7.7 can also be used with other special configurations.

Accounting is maintained in accordance with the Instructions for the Application of the New Chart of Accounts. Configuration "Accounting" is delivered ready for tax accounting at the level of business transactions.

The ability to keep separate records of activities taxable and non-taxable by the Unified Imputed Income Tax has been implemented.

The configuration includes the ability to generate a Tax Card for each employee, a Certificate of Income natural person, Individual card of registration of UST.

1C Accounting 7.7 automates the maintenance of all sections of accounting:
  • bank and cashier transactions
  • fixed assets and intangible assets, material accounting
  • goods and services
  • production accounting
  • accounting of currency transactions
  • settlements with buyers and suppliers
  • calculations with accountable persons
  • accounting for settlements wages with employees
  • accrual of personal income tax and UST
  • settlements with the budget, other sections of accounting
Flexible accounting capabilities 1C

The use of several charts of accounts at the same time, multilevel charts of accounts, multidimensional analytical accounting, multilevel analytical accounting, quantitative accounting, multi-currency accounting for an unlimited number of currencies, maintaining accounting on one computer for several enterprises, complex transactions.
Input, storage and printing of any primary documents.

1C Accounting 7.7 automates the preparation of any primary documents: payment orders and other bank documents, invoices for payment, invoices, invoices, cash receipts and debit orders, advance reports, powers of attorney, and other documents.

The tools for working with documents allow you to organize the entry of documents, their arbitrary distribution among journals and the search for any document by various criteria: number, date, amount, counterparty.
Manual and automatic entry of accounting transactions.

1C Accounting 7.7 provides:

  • complete reflection in the accounting of business transactions,
  • convenient means of manual entry of operations
  • selection of offsetting accounts when entering transactions
  • use of standard operations
  • automatic generation of transactions by primary documents (invoices, requirements, cash orders, etc.)
  • automatic depreciation calculation
  • revaluation of currencies
  • financial results
  • automatic generation of operations to close the month

Various reports.

1C Accounting 7.7 includes a set of standard reports that allow an accountant to obtain information for an arbitrary period, in various sections and with the required degree of detail. All generated reports can be printed.

Synthetic accounting reports: balance sheet, checkerboard, general ledger, order journal and account statement, account analysis - for the period and by dates, account card.

Reports on analytical accounting: balance sheet for an account in the context of analytical accounting objects, analysis of an account in terms of analytic objects, analysis of an analytic object by accounts, an invoice journal for an analytic object, a card of transactions on an analytic object.

In addition, reports on transactions are included in the reports, as well as the ability to analyze balances and turnovers using their graphical display (diagrams of various types).

1C Accounting 7.7 includes a set of accounting and tax reporting forms. These forms are quarterly updated by 1C and are distributed free of charge to registered users.
Service capabilities.

1C Accounting 7.7 includes a variety of service capabilities: control of the correctness of entered transactions, scoreboards (quick viewing of account totals), checking the possibility of deleting "unused" accounting accounts, analytics objects, documents, the ability to receive updates and regulated reports via the Internet.
Advanced administration tools.

System of authorization and control of user rights, restriction of rights to various functions by category, user work monitor: viewing the list of working users and the history of the users' CCT.
Multi-user mode (in network and SQL versions).

Simultaneous work of several users with one infobase, automatic updating of information on the screen when it is changed by other users.

Work with trade equipment

It is possible to connect a fiscal registrar, which allows:

  • issue cash receipts with simultaneous transfer of data to a receipt printed on the fiscal registrar;
  • at the end of a work shift, make a Z-report.
The main advantages of 1C Accounting 8 compared to 1C Accounting 7.7:
  • The ability to keep records of several organizations in a single information base has been implemented. Organizations can use general lists of goods, cost items, counterparties, etc. At the same time, each organization can keep records according to the general or simplified taxation system within the same information base.
  • Due to the introduction of a separate chart of accounts for tax accounting, the comparability of accounting and tax accounting data has been simplified, which is important to meet the requirements of PBU 18/02 "Calculations of income tax"
  • The appearance of batch accounting in 1C Accounting 8 expands the scope standard solution... In addition to the method of assessing inventories at the average cost, it becomes possible to use methods such as FIFO and LIFO, independently for accounting and tax accounting and for each organization
  • Implemented optional analytical accounting by storage location: quantitative and quantitative-total
  • In the new version of "1C Accounting 8", the possibilities for setting up standard operations are expanded - the means of group entry of frequently used accounting entries. This one is simple but effective tool automation can now be easily and quickly configured by the user
  • The modern ergonomic interface of 1C Accounting 8 makes the service capabilities of 1C: Enterprise 8 available even for small organizations.

Go to1C Accounting 8from version 7.7 it is possible at the end of any month!

Currently, software products based on the 1C: Enterprise 7.7 platform are sold only through partners with franchisee status, upon special requests. Support for software products of the 1C: Enterprise 7.7 line is carried out within the framework of a subscription to information technology support ().

The software products of the 1C: Enterprise 7.7 system were developed in the period from 1999 to 2003. They met the requirements of their time and gained wide popularity in Russia and other CIS countries. However, since 2004, the development of 1C applied solutions has been carried out on a promising new platform of the next generation "". The technological platform "1C: Enterprise 7.7" is not updated after 2003.

Currently, a number of users are in need of further purchase of "1C: Enterprise 7.7". For example, a user has his own development on the "1C: Enterprise 7.7" platform, or there is a need to increase the number of enterprises of one group, which were previously automated in a typical way on the "1C: Enterprise 7.7" version. For such users, the sale of 1C: Enterprise 7.7 software products is carried out through partners with the status of franchisees at special requests. These applications must include customer data, reasons for the need to purchase software products of the 1C: Enterprise 7.7 system, as well as confirmation that the end user has been notified that the software product of the 1C: Enterprise 7.7 system does not fully comply with modern requirements. At the same time, the existing procedure for supporting these software products of the "1C: Enterprise 7.7" line is preserved within the framework of a subscription to information technology support (ITS).

The 1C firm strongly recommends that users consider the possibility of transferring systems operating on the 1C: Enterprise 7.7 platform to the "" platform. This will help to improve the efficiency of organizations through the use of new capabilities of the 1C: Enterprise 8 platform and applied solutions created on its basis.

Details of the terms of the order of sale of software products "1C: Enterprise 7.7", effective from July 1, 2011.

List of 1C: Enterprise 7.7 software products that can be purchased through partners with franchisee status:

vendor code



Permanent partner

1C: Predpr. 7.7 PROF. Complete delivery + ITS USB

25 000

1C: Enterprise 7.7 (network version). Complex supply + ITS USB

1C: Accounting 7.7 PROF + ITS USB

1C: Enterprise 7.7 (network version). Accounting. Typical configuration + ITS USB

1C: Trade and warehouse 7.7 PROF + ITS USB

1C: Enterprise 7.7 (network version for 3 users). Operational accounting. Configuration "Trade + Warehouse" + ITS USB

1C: Enterprise 7.7 (network version). Operational accounting. Configuration "Trade + Warehouse" + ITS USB

1C: Salary and personnel 7.7 PROF + ITS USB

1C: Enterprise 7.7 (network version for 3 users). Payment. Configuration "Salary + Personnel" + ITS USB

1C: Enterprise 7.7 (network version). Payment. Configuration "Salary + Personnel" + ITS USB

33 40 0

1C: Collection of reports 7.7 (basic version) with a typical configuration for preparing reports for government agencies

1C: Clothing allowance 7.7

1C: Enterprise 7.7. Web extension version 2.0

1C: Enterprise 7.7. USB distributed infobase management

1C: Enterprise 7.7 PROF. Complex delivery for Ukraine + ITS USB

1C: Enterprise 7.7 (network version). Complex delivery for Ukraine + ITS USB

1C: Accounting 7.7 PROF for Ukraine + ITS USB

1C: Enterprise 7.7 (network version). Accounting. Typical configuration for Ukraine + ITS USB

1C: Trade and warehouse 7.7 PROF for Ukraine + ITS USB

1C: Enterprise 7.7 (network version for 3 users). Operational accounting. Configuration "Trade + Warehouse for Ukraine" + ITS USB

1C: Enterprise 7.7 (network version). Operational accounting. Configuration "Trade + Warehouse for Ukraine" + ITS USB

1C: Salary and Personnel 7.7 PROF for Ukraine + ITS USB

1C: Enterprise 7.7 (network version for 3 users). Payment. Configuration "Salary + Personnel for Ukraine" + ITS USB

1C: Enterprise 7.7 (network version). Payment. Configuration "Salary + Personnel for Ukraine" + ITS USB

1C: Enterprise 7.7 Configuration "Production + Services + Accounting for Ukraine" CD. Sale only through franchisees

1C: Enterprise 7.7 PROF with a set of configurations for Kazakhstan + ITS USB

1C: Enterprise 7.7 (network version) with a set of configurations for Kazakhstan + ITS USB

1C: Accounting 7.7 PROF for Kazakhstan + ITS USB

1C: Enterprise 7.7 (network version). Accounting. Typical configuration for Kazakhstan + ITS USB

1C: Trade and Warehouse 7.7 PROF for Kazakhstan + ITS USB

1C: Enterprise 7.7 (network version for 3 users). Operational accounting. Configuration "Trade + Warehouse for Kazakhstan" + ITS USB

1C: Enterprise 7.7 (network version). Operational accounting. Configuration "Trade + Warehouse for Kazakhstan" + ITS USB

1C: Salary and Personnel 7.7 PROF for Kazakhstan + ITS USB

1C: Enterprise 7.7 (network version for 3 users). Payment. Configuration "Salary + Personnel for Kazakhstan" + ITS USB

1C: Enterprise 7.7 (network version). Payment. Configuration "Salary + Personnel for Kazakhstan" + ITS USB

Economic programs of previous versions (2.0, 5.0, 6.0)



Permanent partner

1C: ACCOUNTING basic version 5.0 for DOS


1C: ACCOUNTING PROF 2.0 network version

1C: ACCOUNTING basic for Windows version 6.0

1C: ACCOUNTING basic for Windows "95 version 6.0

1C: ACCOUNTING PROF for Windows version 6.0

1C: ACCOUNTING PROF for Windows network version 6.0

1C: ACCOUNTING PROF for Windows "95 version 6.0

1C: ACCOUNTING PROF for Windows "95 network version 6.0

Software products developed on the 1C: Enterprise 7.7 platform are currently declared obsolete by the developers, and their support will soon be discontinued. However, if you need them, you can order them from us.

The programs included in the line were developed up to 2003 inclusive, but later ceased to meet modern requirements. To further improve the application solutions, the developer company has created a new platform that belongs to the next generation, while the update of the previous technological platform has been discontinued.

In some cases, you still need the 1C: Accounting 7.7 program. To purchase it, you should leave us a request in which you need to indicate the reasons for choosing this particular product. We will pass it on to the developers, after which we will contact you and inform you about the decision made.

At the same time, we strongly recommend opting for latest version program "1C: Accounting 8.3", which has a number of advantages. It allows you not only to more efficiently generate the necessary reports, tracking the required data automatically, but also send them to regulatory authorities directly from the software environment. In addition, already in the basic version, support for various taxation systems is implemented, which allows both large companies and individual entrepreneurs to keep records.

It is also important to take into account that the PROF and CORP versions allow not only supporting the work of several users, but also keeping records in a single database for several organizations at once. They implement the possibility of remote access to the program and online exchange of information with other software products.

The new version of this product also has a special navigator and a reference book of correspondence of accounts, which also significantly facilitates the work of an accountant.

In addition to expanding functionality, a new version it is characterized by greater stability of work, high reliability and convenience.

What to buy: "1C 7.7" or products developed on a new platform?

There may be several reasons to buy 1C: Enterprise 7.7, for example, the presence of the company's own developments on this platform, or the need to increase the number of enterprises of a single group that were previously automated on the previous version. In these cases, it is advisable and economically more profitable to purchase exactly the 1C 7.7 programs. You can order their various configurations from us, and it is quite simple to do this: fill out an online application in which you indicate why you want to buy this particular version, and also confirm that you are familiar with the developers' statement about the possible termination of support for these software products and their incomplete compliance with modern requirements. Next, we will contact the developer company, after which we will inform you about the result. You can find out about the price of the program "1C: Accounting 7.7" in various versions, as well as other products running on the platform of the previous generation, by examining our price list.

It is worth recalling that the developer has limited the ability to buy "1C: Accounting 7.7" due to the release of products on a new platform, and for more efficient work and convenient organization of accounting, it is better to prefer more modern programs. Their main advantage is their functioning on the basis of a fundamentally new platform "Enterprise 8". It is for her that actual applied solutions are developed, designed for companies in various areas of activity.

By choosing any software product of this developer, and ordering it from us, you will also receive the opportunity to free consultations, support in solving emerging problems and initial training included in the cost of the program.

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