Automatic calculation of adjustments. Automatic calculation of corrections Ceiling height correction when assessing

Drywall 14.11.2020

When applying the comparative approach, the value of the Property to be assessed is determined in comparison with the sale price of similar properties. The basis for applying this approach is the fact that the value of the Subject Property is directly related to the sale price of similar properties. Each comparable sale (object of comparison, analogue) is compared with the property being valued. Accuracy of calculation of the value of the Object of Assessment comparative approach depends on the volume (completeness) and quality (reliability) of information about sales transactions (or offers for sale).

The comparative approach consists of the following steps:

1. Determining the purpose of the assessment with the identification of the type of rights being assessed of the Object of assessment and analogues.

2. Analysis of the real estate market of analogues that coincide in function with the best and most efficient use Object of evaluation.

3. Choice of unit of comparison.

4. Selection of analogues from the number of sales transactions and offers for sale (public offer); verification of information on selected analogues about the sale price, asking price, payment terms, location, physical characteristics and other terms of the transaction.

5. Selection of the most significant comparison parameters for adjusting the prices of analogues.

6. Adjustment of the cost of comparison units of analogues for differences in comparison parameters.

7. Analysis of the adjusted values ​​of unit prices of analogues.

8. Reconciliation of the adjusted values ​​of unit prices of analogues and conclusion on the value of the Object of Assessment by a comparative approach.

The sales price is adjusted (adjusted) to reflect significant differences between them. The initial data on the Object of Assessment and analogues for comparison are presented in Table 7.

Table 7 - Initial data on the objects of comparison (analogues)

Comparison elements Object of assessment Analogues
1.Price, rub. 11,504,400 rubles + 5% commission. 16,500,000 rubles. No commission. 11,500,000 rubles + commission 5%
2. Ownership Full ownership Full ownership Full ownership Full ownership
3.Terms of financing n/a
4.Terms of sale Market Market Market Market
5. Market conditions (time) n/a
6.Location m. Planernaya, st. Fomicheva 7 min. on foot m. Planernaya st. Rodionovskaya, 5 m. Planernaya m. Skhodnenskaya 15 min. on foot
1st floor of a new residential building 1st floor of a residential building 1st floor of a residential building
7.2. Layout Free layout Cabinet layout n/a Cabinet layout
7.3. Ceiling height, m 4.0 m 3,0 3,45 2,65
7.4. Total area, m 2 144 m2 174 m2 148 m2 102 m2
Electricity 30kW there is Electricity 21 kW n/a
7.6 Phone there is n/a n/a there is
7.7.Parking parking n/a n/a n/a
7.8. Security Signaling n/a n/a n/a
7.9.Internet there is n/a n/a there is
7.10. Communications there is there is there is there is
7.11.Login There are 1 Two separate entrances Separate entrance
8.Permeability of the place high n/a n/a n/a
9. House line 1st 1st 1st n/a
10. Usage Office building, bank, saloon, services, shop, etc. Beauty saloon n/a
11. Condition of the premises Medium repair Repair required Good repair Repair required
13.Additional information Built-in wardrobes

Some elements of comparison are characterized by several indicators, for each of which adjustments are made.

When collecting information on the Objects of Comparison (analogues), it is necessary first of all to collect a sufficient amount of documented data on completed transactions for the sale of analogues. Considering that this information is confidential and there is no free access to databases on completed real estate purchase and sale transactions, it is possible to use data on the offer prices of objects of comparison taken from open sources of specialized periodicals and the Internet. The data of public offers are closest to the real prices of purchase and sale transactions, which allows, taking into account the adjustment of the asking price, to reflect the real prices of the purchase and sale of real estate as closely as possible.

Analogues should be as similar as possible to the Object of Assessment and, first of all, in the first five elements of comparison. All selected analogues are summarized in Table 8, which includes primary data obtained from open sources and additional data obtained directly from the seller of analogues.

The following is a justification and calculation of the amount of adjustments for the elements of comparison, which are different for analogues and the Object of Assessment. The technique of approximation of each object of comparison to the Object of assessment is used. All data on the Object of Assessment must be unchanged, and presumably (hypothetically) only data on the object of comparison changes. The sign of the adjustment is determined based on the following: if the value of the object of comparison increases for any element when approaching the Object of Assessment, then the sign of the adjustment is positive, respectively, if it decreases, then the sign of the adjustment is negative.

Adjustments (amendments) can be cost and percentage. On quantitative grounds, differences are usually introduced in value terms, and on qualitative grounds, in percentage terms. Percentage adjustments are applied both to the cost of the comparison object and to the unit of comparison, and cost adjustments are applied to the cost of the comparison object. Adjustments for market conditions, location and depreciation are expressed as a percentage.

The difference between the obtained values ​​of the cost of the apartment and the cost of the apartment with the replaced element of comparison is approximate and will be the amount of the adjustment.

The amount of each adjustment is justified. This determination of the amount of adjustment is most reliable in a developed market if there is a sufficient number of proposals.

Based on the data obtained (correction values, both positive and negative), Table. eight

The applied adjustments are reflected and justified in Table. 9.

Table 8 - Adjustment and calculation of the value of the Property under a comparative approach

Comparison elements Object of assessment Analogues
1.Price, rub. 12 079 620 16 500 000. 12 075 000
2. Ownership Full ownership Full ownership Full ownership Full ownership
Ownership Adjustment
Adjusted cost 12 079 620 16 500 000. 12 075 000
3.Terms of financing n/a n/a n/a n/a
Adjustment for financing conditions
Adjusted cost 12 079 620 16 500 000. 12 075 000
4.Terms of sale Market Market Market Market
Adjustment for terms of sale
Adjusted cost 12 079 620 16 500 000. 12 075 000
5. Market conditions (time) n/a n/a n/a n/a
Adjustment for market conditions
Adjusted cost 12 079 620 16 500 000. 12 075 000
6.Location m. Planernaya, st. Fomicheva 10 min. on foot m. Planernaya 10 min. transport m. Planernaya st. Rodionovskaya, 5 15 min drive m. Planernaya 15 min. on foot
+8% +12% +2%
Adjusted cost 13 045 990 18 480 000 12 316 500
7.Physical characteristics:
7.1. Type of building and its number of storeys Detached one-story building. 1st floor of a new residential building 1st floor of a residential building 1st floor of a residential building
Floor adjustment -5% -5% -5%
Adjusted cost 12 393 690 17 556 000 11 700 675
7.2. Layout Free layout Cabinet layout n/a Cabinet layout
Layout adjustment +1% +1%
Adjusted cost 12 517 627 17 556 000 11 817 682
7.3. Ceiling height, m 4.0 m 3,0 3,45 2,65
Ceiling height adjustment +1% +0,5% +1%
Adjusted cost 12 642 803 17 643 780 11 935 859
7.4. Total area, m 2 144 m2 174 m2 148 m2 102 m2
-6% -1% +8%
Adjusted cost 11 884 235 17 467 342 12 890 727
7.5. Dedicated electric power Electricity 30kW there is Electricity 21 kW n/a
Adjusted cost 11 884 235 17 554 679 12 890 727
7.6 Phone there is n/a n/a there is
Phone correction
Adjusted cost 11 884 235 17 554 679 12 890 727
7.7.Parking parking n/a n/a n/a
Adjustment for parking availability
Adjusted cost 11 884 235 17 554 679 12 890 727
7.8. Security Signaling n/a n/a n/a
Guard Adjustment
Adjusted cost 11 884 235 17 554 679 12 890 727
7.9.Internet there is n/a n/a there is
Internet Adjustment
Adjusted cost 11 884 235 17 554 679 12 890 727
7.10. Communications there is there is there is there is
Correction on communication
Adjusted cost 11 884 235 17 554 679 12 890 727
7.11.Login There are 1 Three entrances (two from the yard, 1 center) Two separate entrances Separate entrance
Entry Adjustment -3% -1,5%
Adjusted cost 11 527 708 17 291 359 12 890 727
8.Permeability of the place high n/a n/a n/a
Adjustment for patency
Adjusted cost 11 527 708 17 291 359 12 890 727
9. House line 1st 1st 1st n/a
House line correction
Adjusted cost 11 527 708 17 291 359 12 890 727
10. Usage Office building, bank, saloon, services, shop office, dentistry, Training Center Beauty saloon n/a
Usage Adjustment
Adjusted cost 11 527 708 17 291 359 12 890 727
11. Condition of the premises Medium repair Repair required Good repair Repair required
Correction for the condition of the premises +4% -2% +4%
Adjusted cost 11 988 816 16 945 532 13 406 356
12. The prestige of the agency offering real estate INCOM INCOM INCOM INCOM
Agency Prestige Adjustment
Adjusted cost 11 988 816,36 16 945 531,55 13 406 356,34
13.Additional information Land plot 3 acres for rent n/a No n/a
Correction for additional intelligence -7%
Adjusted cost 11 988 816 15 759 344 13 406 356
Number of adjustments
Total net correction -90803,64 -740 655,66 1 331 356,34
(same as a percentage) -0,75 -4,49 11,03
Total Gross Correction 0,00 577 500,00 1 328 250,00
(same as a percentage) 0,00 3,50 11,00

Table 9 - Rationale for adjustments

Type of adjustment Description of the nature of the adjustment Adjustments introduced
Location Adjustment The adjustment consists of the prestige of the area, the distance to the nearest metro station 5 minutes on foot - 2% 5 minutes by transport -4%
Correction for total area An adjustment is made if the total area of ​​the object of assessment deviates from the area of ​​the analogue by more than 5 m 2 1% for every 5 m2.
Ceiling height adjustment Correction is made only if the ceiling height of the object of assessment deviates from the ceiling height of the analogue by more than 50 cm 0.5% for every 50 cm
Parking Adjustment Having your own parking increases the value of the property. For parking +2%
Line correction The line of the house affects the prestige of the building and the convenience of access roads. For the first line +5% to the cost
Agency Prestige Adjustment The prestige of agencies offering the object of assessment and agencies offering analogues is approximately the same, therefore, no adjustments are made for this element of comparison.
Layout adjustment The presence of a mixed layout increases the cost of the premises by 0.5%, the corridor-office layout reduces by 1%
Entry Adjustment Each entrance increases the prestige of the object One entry - 1.5%
Adjustment for condition and quality of finish The good condition and finishing of the apartment have a positive effect on the value of the appraisal object Needs repair: +4% Good repair: -2%
Phone correction The presence of a telephone increases the value of the appraisal object Phone installation: +0.5% Internet connection: +1%
Adjustment for additional information Additional essential elements of the appraised object also increase its value. Absence land plot reduces property value by 7%
Correction for electricity The availability of more electricity increases the value of real estate 10 kW - 0.5%
Building Type Adjustment A detached building increases the value of real estate compared to residential If the 1st floor of a residential building is minus 5%

The smallest number of adjustments is observed in analog No. 3, the smallest total gross correction - in analog No. 1.

In this regard, the weighting coefficients will be distributed as follows:
analogue No. 1 - 0.4, analogue No. 2 - 0.25, analogue No. 3 - 0.35.

Adjusted value of the subject property:

11 988 816*0,4+15 759 344*0,25+13 406 356*0,35 = RUB 13,427,587

Similar information.

You can see the logic for calculating the final cost of the appraisal object and calculating adjustments in this Excel file: . It also has a block called "adjustment rules" that specifies the specific amounts of adjustments to be applied. For example, to adjust for distance from the metro, a factor of 1 is used for a deviation of 200 units, which means that every 200 meters of distance from the metro gives a price deviation of 1%. Moreover, all these values ​​are adjustable, depending on what is indicated in your report in the description of adjustments, they can be changed, because recommendations may differ in different sources. For 8 main types of adjustments, we suggest using automatic calculation of values, according to your parameters.

  1. Correction for distance from stop public transport(underground)
  2. Floor adjustment
  3. Adjustment for availability of summer accommodations
  4. Adjustment for the bathroom
  5. Correction for total area
  6. Living area adjustment
  7. Adjustment for kitchen area
  8. Condition Adjustment

This does not mean that you should use all these adjustments, if you wish, you can enter the number 0 in the settings for any of the adjustments, and automatic calculation will not be performed by default. You also need to understand that the distances between objects are calculated directly on the map, without taking into account fences, holes and other obstacles that must be bypassed. Yandex knows how to calculate the distance along motorways, but the path of a pedestrian is inscrutable, and it will take some time to learn how to accurately calculate it. When creating a report, you can always correct any auto-calculated figure to 0 or insert your own if the situation requires it. The system also provides one arbitrary relative adjustment to take into account the non-trivial features of the object of assessment. To more accurately determine the final cost of an object, you can also use an absolute adjustment, with which the desired cost will be adjusted not by a percentage of the price of an analogue, but by a certain amount. As a rule, such an adjustment is used to account for the cost of improvements, whether it be redevelopment or exclusive repairs, the cost of which the appraiser has the right to determine by his own expert assessment.

In Prosimple, the determination of the amount of adjustments is made on the basis of the methodology proposed by the Scientific and Practical Center of Professional Appraisers, where, according to the methodology, the adjustments have the following values:

Adjustment table
Name Better Average Worse
Add to price, % Subtract from the price, %
Balcony, loggia There is a balcony and a loggia 2% There is a balcony or loggia 2-2.5 sq.m. Not -2%
There is a big balcony
Room layout - - Isolated Related -2; -8%
Water supply - - Central Geyser -1; -2%
bathroom Western style 5% small separate Combined -2; -4%
Window arrangement Windows to the courtyard 1; 2% Half of the windows on the roadway All windows to the road -5; -1%
Security Concierge 3; 5% code lock No -5%
intercom 2%
State Apartment after overhaul 5; 1% Satisfactory, needs minor cosmetic repairs The apartment needs a major overhaul -3; -5%
kitchen area More than 8 sq.m. +0.3% for every 0.1 sq.m. From 7 sq.m. up to 8 sq.m. Less than 7 sq.m. -0.3% for every 0.1 sq.m.
Ceiling height From 2.8 m. 1,90% From 2.65 m to 2.8 m. Less than 2.6m -1% for every 10 cm
Availability of an elevator There is a five-story building 3; 4% Not in an apartment building -3; -4%
Garbage chute There is a five-story building 2; 4% Available in a high-rise building, not in a 5-storey building Not in an apartment building -2; -4%

HER. Yaskevich. “Practical methods and examples of comparative adjustments in real estate valuation (purchase and sale and rent). Entrepreneur's profit and external wear. Evaluation of infrastructure facilities.» M.: NPCPO LLC, 2010

    Adjustment for trading. In the study of the current situation on the market at present, the value of the adjustment for trading is 3-7%. In rare cases, the transaction price and the offer price are the same. The initial price in most cases is much higher than the real value of the object. This premium, according to our calculations, is the above 3 - 7%.

Based on these sites:

Thus, in this report, the adjustment for trading was 5%.

    Transferable Rights Adjustment. Since the property rights are transferred for the object of appraisal and objects of analogues, no adjustment was made for the transferred rights.

    Adjustment for financing conditions. Since the object of appraisal and objects of analogues have market financing conditions, no adjustment for financing conditions was made.

    Adjustment to the terms of the deal. Since the object of appraisal and objects of analogues have market terms of the transaction, no adjustment for the terms of the transaction was made.

    Adjustment for market conditions (date of sale). According to the market conditions, the object of assessment and the objects of analogues are comparable. Therefore, no adjustment for market conditions was made.

    Correction for distance from the subway Since the object of appraisal and similar objects are located in the same block, no adjustment was made for the distance from the metro.

    House type adjustment. Since the type of house for the appraisal and the objects of analogues is the same, panel, no adjustment was made for the type of house.

    Correction per floor/number of floors. The factor that affects the cost is on which floor the apartment is located. If the floor is first, then this entails humidity and low temperature air in the apartment, as well as, as a rule, in apartments on the ground floor there is not enough natural daylight due to trees or bushes planted around the house. As for the last floor, there is a high probability of roof leakage and strong heating of windows in the summer. There is also a problem with water pressure due to the upper floor. Therefore, apartments on higher floors will cost more than apartments on lower floors.

According to websites:

adjustment for the first and last floor is 5-15%. But since the apartments are almost all analogues on the middle floors, the adjustment for the floor / number of floors is not included.

    Adjustment for the number of rooms. By the number of rooms, the object of assessment and the objects of analogues are the same - 3 rooms. Therefore, no adjustment was made for the number of rooms.

    Correction for the total area. This amendment is introduced if the area of ​​the object of assessment deviates from the area of ​​the analogue by more than 10 sq.m. Since the objects analogues are slightly different from total area of the subject property, no adjustment was made for the total area.

    Adjustment for the area of ​​the kitchen. This amendment is introduced in the event that the area of ​​the kitchen of the evaluated object deviates from the area of ​​the kitchen of the analogue by more than 1 sq.m.

According to websites:

The amount of the adjustment is taken at the rate of 0.5% for each 1 sq.m.

    Living area adjustment. As a result of market analysis, it was revealed that the average cost of 1 sq. m of a two-room apartment in the Yasenevo area is 157,834 rubles. Therefore, the adjustment was calculated as the difference between the living area of ​​the appraisal object and the analogue object, multiplied by the cost of 1 sq. m. The adjustment was made to all objects of analogues except for No. 4, since the total area of ​​objects of analogues No. 1, No. 2, No. 3 and No. 5 differs by an average of 2 sq.m. from the living area of ​​the appraisal object.

    Ceiling height adjustment. Since the series of the house, namely P-3, all have the same ceiling height, too, therefore, no adjustment was made for the height of the ceilings .

According to the site:

    Window adjustment. Since the windows of the object of assessment and the objects of analogues are the same, no adjustment was made.

    Window view correction. Since the view from the window at the object of assessment and objects of analogues to the courtyard and the street, no adjustment was made.

    Bathroom adjustment. The bathroom at the object of assessment is combined, while the objects of analogues are separate, so the adjustment was made at a rate of 2%.

According to the site:

    Adjustment for the presence of a balcony / loggia. This amendment implies an increase in the cost of the apartment in the presence of this type of improvement, it is 1-5%, since the object of the appraisal has a loggia, which has advantages over a balcony, we make an amendment of 2% to the object analogue No. 3.

According to websites:

    Adjustment for the condition of the finish. Repair and quality finishes affect the cost of the apartment in the most direct way. Impeccable and high-quality finishes increase the price by 10%. Since the quality of the finish of the object of assessment does not differ much from the quality of the finish of the objects of analogues, therefore, no adjustment was made.

    Adjustment for additional features. Since the additional characteristics of the object of assessment and objects of analogues do not differ much, no adjustment was made.

When applying the comparative approach, the value of the Property to be assessed is determined in comparison with the sale price of similar properties. The basis for applying this approach is the fact that the value of the Subject Property is directly related to the sale price of similar properties. Each comparable sale (object of comparison, analogue) is compared with the property being valued. The accuracy of calculating the value of the Valuation Object by the comparative approach depends on the volume (completeness) and quality (reliability) of information about sales transactions (or offers for sale).

The comparative approach consists of the following steps:

1. Determining the purpose of the assessment with the identification of the type of rights being assessed of the Object of assessment and analogues.

2. Analysis of the real estate market of analogues, coinciding in terms of functionality with the best and most efficient use of the Property.

3. Choice of unit of comparison.

4. Selection of analogues from the number of sales transactions and offers for sale (public offer); verification of information on selected analogues about the sale price, asking price, payment terms, location, physical characteristics and other terms of the transaction.

5. Selection of the most significant comparison parameters for adjusting the prices of analogues.

6. Adjustment of the cost of comparison units of analogues for differences in comparison parameters.

7. Analysis of the adjusted values ​​of unit prices of analogues.

8. Reconciliation of the adjusted values ​​of unit prices of analogues and conclusion on the value of the Object of Assessment by a comparative approach.

The sales price is adjusted (adjusted) to reflect significant differences between them. The initial data on the Object of Assessment and analogues of apartments for comparison are presented in Table 7.

Table 7 - Initial data on the objects of comparison (analogues)

Comparison elements Object of assessment Objects of comparison (analogues)
1. Selling price, rub. - 12 200 000 11 790 000 9 700 000 13 800 000
2. Ownership rights Full ownership Owned for more than 3 years, one adult owner Owned for more than 3 years, one adult owner
3. Terms of financing Cash payment without installments Cash payment without installments Cash payment without installments Cash payment without installments
4. Conditions of sale No postponement Delayed settlement base No postponement No postponement No postponement
5. Market conditions (time) 3 months Similar Similar Similar Similar
6. Location
7. Physical characteristics:
- total area 74,9 72,0 78,0 70,0
- living space 46,0 43,0 46,0 40,2 40,0
- kitchen area 10,2 10,0 10,0 10,0
- floor 6/16 13/16 4/16 9/16 10/16
- ceiling height 2,65 2,50 2,70
- the presence of a balcony, loggia Available, glazed Loggia Balcony missing Loggia Balcony no loggia Balcony missing Loggia Balcony missing Loggia
- floor Laminate Parquet n/a Linoleum Laminate
– bathroom Separated Separated Separated Joint n/a
8. Economic characteristics:
– operating costs 7150 rubles/month Similar Similar Similar Similar
9. Usage
- functional purpose For your own stay For your own stay For your own stay For your own stay For your own stay
- condition Good Average Good Average Excellent
– quality finish Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard
10. Non-real estate components
- telephone Available Available Available Available Available
- Additional Information Intercom, Double glazing Intercom Double-glazed windows n/a Intercom Double-glazed windows Video intercom, Double glazing

Some elements of comparison are characterized by several indicators, for each of which adjustments are made.

When collecting information on the Objects of Comparison (analogues), it is necessary first of all to collect a sufficient amount of documented data on completed transactions for the sale of analogues. Considering that this information is confidential and there is no free access to databases on completed real estate purchase and sale transactions, it is possible to use data on the offer prices of objects of comparison taken from open sources of specialized periodicals and the Internet. The data of public offers are closest to the real prices of purchase and sale transactions, which allows, taking into account the adjustment of the asking price, to reflect the real prices of the purchase and sale of real estate as closely as possible.

Analogues should be as similar as possible to the Object of Assessment and, first of all, in terms of the first five elements of comparison, and for residential real estate (apartments) and in terms of physical characteristics (number of rooms, total area, type of building, etc.). All selected analogues are summarized in Table 8, which includes primary data obtained from open sources and additional data obtained directly from the seller of analogues.

The following is a justification and calculation of the amount of adjustments for the elements of comparison, which are different for analogues and the Object of Assessment. The technique of approximation of each object of comparison to the Object of assessment is used. All data on the Object of Assessment must be unchanged, and presumably (hypothetically) only data on the object of comparison changes. The sign of the adjustment is determined based on the following: if the value of the object of comparison increases for any element when approaching the Object of Assessment, then the sign of the adjustment is positive, respectively, if it decreases, then the sign of the adjustment is negative.

Adjustments (amendments) can be cost and percentage. On quantitative grounds, differences are usually introduced in value terms, and on qualitative grounds, in percentage terms. Percentage adjustments are applied both to the cost of the comparison object and to the unit of comparison, and cost adjustments are applied to the cost of the comparison object. Adjustments for market conditions, location and depreciation are expressed as a percentage.

The difference between the obtained values ​​of the cost of the apartment and the cost of the apartment with the replaced element of comparison is approximate and will be the amount of the adjustment.

The amount of each adjustment is justified. This determination of the amount of adjustment is most reliable in a developed market if there is a sufficient number of proposals.

Based on the data obtained (correction values, both positive and negative), Table. eight

The applied adjustments are reflected and justified in Table. 9.

Table 8 - Adjustment and calculation of the value of the Property under a comparative approach

Comparison elements Object of assessment Objects of comparison (analogues)
Selling price, rub. - 12 200 000 11 790 000 9 700 000 13 800 000
Ownership Full ownership Owned for more than 3 years, one adult owner Owned for more than 3 years, two adult owners Owned for more than 3 years, one adult owner Owned for more than 3 years, one adult owner
Ownership Adjustment
Adjusted cost 12 200 000 11 790 000 9 700 000 13 800 000
Financing conditions Cash payment without installments Cash payment without installments Cash payment without installments Cash payment without installments Cash payment without installments
Adjustment for financing conditions
Adjusted cost 12 200 000 11 790 000 9 700 000 13 800 000
Terms of sale No postponement Delayed settlement base No postponement No postponement No postponement
Adjustment for terms of sale
Adjusted cost 12 200 000 11 790 000 9 700 000 13 800 000
Market conditions (time) 3 months Similar Similar Similar Similar
Adjustment for market conditions
Adjusted cost 12 200 000 11 790 000 9 700 000 13 800 000
Location 115563, Moscow, st. Generala Belova, d.21 115583, Moscow, st. Generala Belova, 47 115563, Moscow, st. Generala Belova, 29 115583 Moscow, st. Generala Belova, d.53/1 115583, Moscow, st. Generala Belova, 45/1
To the subway 12 min 11 min 10 min 13 min 10 min
- 0,5% -1% +1,5% -1%
Adjusted cost 12 139 000 11 672 100 9 845 500 13 662 000
Physical characteristics:
- total area 74,9 72,0 78,0 70,0
+2% -4% +7% +4%
Adjusted cost 12 381 780 11 205 216 10 534 685 14 208 480
- living space 46,0 43,00 46,00 40,20 40,00
+3% 0% +5% +6%
Adjusted cost 12 753 233 11 205 216 11 061 419 15 060 989
- kitchen area 10,2 10,00 10,00 9,00 10,00
0 % 0% +1% 0%
Adjusted cost 12 753 233 11 205 216 11 172 033 15 060 989
- floor 6/16 13/16 4/16 9/16 10/16
Floor adjustment 0% 0% 0% 0%
Adjusted cost 12 753 233 11 205 216 11 172 033 15 060 989
- ceiling height 2,65 2,50 2,70 2,60 2,60
Ceiling height adjustment + 0,2% 0% 0% 0%
Adjusted cost 12 778 740 11 205 216 11 172 033 15 060 989
- the presence of a balcony, loggia Balcony Loggia Balcony missing Loggia Balcony no loggia Balcony missing Loggia Balcony missing Loggia
Adjustment for the presence of a balcony and a loggia +2% +5% +2% +2%
Adjusted cost 13 034 315 11 765 477 11 395 474 15 362 209
- floor Laminate Parquet n/a Linoleum Laminate
Floor adjustment -5% 0% 2% 0%
Adjusted cost 12 382 599 11 765 477 11 623 384 15 362 209
– bathroom Separated Separated Separated Combined Separated
Adjustment for the bathroom 0% 0% +2% 0%
Adjusted cost 12 382 599 11 765 477 11 855 851 15 362 209
Economic characteristics:
– operating costs 7150 rubles/month Similar Similar Similar Similar
Operating cost adjustment 0% 0% 0% 0%
Adjusted cost 12 382 599 11 765 477 11 855 851 15 362 209
- functional purpose For your own stay For your own stay For your own stay For your own stay For your own stay
Adjustment for functional purpose 0% 0% 0% 0%
Adjusted cost 12 382 599 11 765 477 11 855 851 15 362 209
- condition Good Average Good Average Excellent
Condition Adjustment +5 000 +5 000 -5 000
Adjusted cost 12 387 599 11 765 477 11 860 851 15 357 209
– quality finish Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard
Adjustment for finish quality
Adjusted cost 12 387 599 11 765 477 11 860 851 15 357 209
Non-real estate components
- telephone Available Available Available Available Available
Phone correction
Adjusted cost 12 387 599 11 765 477 11 860 851 15 357 209
- Additional Information Intercom, Double glazing Intercom Double-glazed windows n/a Intercom Double-glazed windows Video intercom, Double glazing
Adjustment according to additional information - 10 000
Adjusted cost 12 387 599 11 765 477 11 860 851 15 347 209
Number of adjustments
Total net correction 297 993 1 145 045 -2 160 851 -944 769
(same as a percentage) 2,44 9,71 -22,28 -6,85
Total Gross Correction 334 400 1 179 000 1 993 500 1 809 000
(same as a percentage) 2,74 10,00 20,55 13,11

Table 9 - Rationale for adjustments

Type of adjustment Description of the nature of the adjustment Adjustments introduced
Location Adjustment The adjustment consists of the prestige of the area, the distance to the nearest metro station 0.5% for every minute
Correction for total area An adjustment is made if the total area of ​​the object of assessment deviates from the area of ​​the analogue by more than 1 m 2 1% for each m2.
Living area adjustment An adjustment is made if the living area of ​​the object of assessment deviates from the area of ​​the analogue by more than 1 m 2 1% for each m 2
Adjustment for kitchen area An adjustment is made only if the area of ​​the kitchen of the appraised deviates from the area of ​​the kitchen of the analogue by 1 m 2 1% for each m 2
Floor adjustment The location of the appraisal object on the first or last floors negatively affects its value First floor: -7% Last floor: -2%
Ceiling height adjustment Correction is made only if the ceiling height of the object of assessment deviates from the ceiling height of the analogue by more than 10 cm 0.2% for every 10 cm
Adjustment for the presence of a balcony The presence of a balcony and a loggia increases the value of the appraisal object 2% - a balcony 5% - a loggia
Floor adjustment High-quality flooring increases the value of the object of assessment Parquet: -5% Linoleum: +2%
Adjustment for the bathroom A separate bathroom is more convenient, as a result of which the value of the appraisal object increases Combined: +2%
Adjustment for condition and quality of finish The good condition and finishing of the apartment have a positive effect on the value of the appraisal object Needs repair: +15,000 Average condition: +5,000
Phone correction The presence of a telephone increases the value of the appraisal object Phone installation: +7 000
Adjustment for additional information Additional essential elements of the appraised object also increase its value. Plastic windows: + 20 000 Intercom: + 5 000, video intercom - 10 000

The smallest number of adjustments is observed in analog No. 2, a small total net correction - in analog No. 3, the smallest gross correction - in analog No. 1.

In this regard, the weighting coefficients will be distributed as follows: analogue No. 1 - 0.35, analogue No. 2 - 0.3, analogue No. 3 - 0.2, analogue No. 4 - 0.15

Adjusted value of the subject property:

12 387 599*0,35+11 765 477*0,3+11 860 851*0,2+15 347 209*0,15 = RUB 12,539,554.3

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