Do I need a project to replace a gas column. Installation of a gas water heater: repair, price, in the apartment.

Ventilation 22.06.2019

A device that uses natural gas for operation is considered the most profitable option for a water heater. If it becomes necessary to replace the old column with a new one, the owner of the equipment should know what documents will be needed for this and what work needs to be done.

In what cases is replacement necessary?

It is decided to replace the old column with new equipment if:

  • The device does not turn on at all.
  • The main components of the column are out of order.
  • They want to replace an outdated model with a more modern one.

Important nuances

  • The installation of a gas heater should be carried out by professionals who know how to work with gas equipment.
  • If the water heater is in the bathroom, and it often happens in old houses built in the 50-60s, it is not necessary to move it, although the installation of new columns in such a room is not recommended due to insufficient volume (it should be at least 15 m3) and the absence of a window.
  • It is important to make sure that there is sufficient ventilation in the room.
  • If you want to hide the new column behind decorative panels, you should make sure that they are non-flammable and can be easily removed.

How much does the replacement cost and what does the cost depend on?

On average, you need to pay about 3000-5000 rubles for installing a column. Depending on the model and manufacturer, the price can be either lower or higher. They pay extra separately for dismantling the old apparatus (it costs about 300-800 rubles).

The cost of replacing a column includes calling a specialist home to disconnect the equipment from communications, dismantle the column, and install and connect a new device. Also, the master takes a fee for the work on setting up the column.

The cost of work will be higher if:

  • You need to additionally buy any materials for installation.
  • Additional plumbing work needs to be done.
  • The chimney needs to be replaced.
  • The gas valve needs to be replaced.

Required Documentation

If a new column is installed to replace the old one, the following documents are required:

  • A copy of the project from the housing office, which shows the location of the column, the features of gas and water supply, as well as smoke removal.
  • Passport for a new column. If the device has not been purchased yet, you can simply indicate the model.
  • Chimney condition report.
  • Application to the gas service about the need to replace the equipment while maintaining the previous installation site.
  • Application for permission to work on the gas main.

Dismantling the old column

Column replacement work begins with dismantling the old equipment:

  • First, turn off the gas supply and unscrew the gas hose.
  • Next, shut off the water supply by turning on the appropriate tap.
  • After that, the column is disconnected from the chimney.
  • As soon as the equipment is completely disconnected from communications, the column is removed from the mounts.

What subtleties can there be in installing a gas water heater? What rules and regulations do you need to follow when replacing a gas water heater? After all, you simply have to know the main provisions. Gas is gas, negligence and negligence in dealing with it end very badly. In this article, we will consider the procedure for replacing and installing a gas water heater. Consider step by step instructions how you can replace the gas water heater yourself.

  • The procedure and rules for replacing a gas column with your own hands:
  • Norms and requirements governing the installation of a gas water heater
  • Dismantling the old column
  • Tools and materials
  • Installing and checking a new unit

Norms and requirements governing the installation of a gas water heater independently

Note! Let's make a reservation right away that all types of work related to gas supply, i.e. gas pipe supply, installation of tees, stopcocks on the gas pipe, etc. carried out only by organizations that have an appropriate special license. Ignoring this provision, at best, will lead to a substantial fine and severe headache.

All work on installing a gas water heater can be divided into two categories:

  • installation from scratch, i.e. it was not there, but you decided to put it on;
  • replacement of the old column with a new one.

In the first case, a project and supply of a gas pipe to the location of the future water heater is required. All these works are the lot of the gas industry of your region or a company that has a license for the corresponding type of activity. You can't do without it. Do not try to do anything yourself in this case. This is not smart because you yourself risk your life and property, and when you install a gas heater in an apartment, you endanger other people. Yes, and playing such games with the state is not in hand, in the wrong weight category. Therefore, entrust this work to people authorized by law for this type of activity.

If the project is ready, everything is coordinated, then by completing part of the work properly, you can save a significant amount. Any work that you decide to carry out on your own must be carried out clearly in accordance with the requirements of the approved project, if this is not done, the gas industry will not accept this gas water heater into operation.

Note. All work on the installation of gas units begins only when you receive a project with all the necessary permits and approvals.

All standards for the installation of a gas water heater are regulated by the following acts:

SP 42-101-2003 " General Provisions for the design and construction of gas distribution systems from metal and polyethylene pipes "


You can learn more about the regulations and installation rules.

Whatever bore the reader with many clever words, we present the basic norms for installing a gas water heater, which are presented to the intended installation site:

  • The room in which the column is installed must have a volume of at least 7.5 m3.
  • The room must have ventilation (air vent, window, etc.).
  • The ceiling height in such a room should be at least 2m.
  • The room must have a chimney with a diameter of at least 120mm (and "strangleholds" in apartments are not such).
  • The pressure in the water supply must be at least 0.1 atmosphere.
  • It is forbidden to install gas water heaters in bathrooms.
  • The column is installed on a wall made of non-combustible materials; installation above a gas stove and at a distance closer than 10 cm to it is prohibited.

At the same time, those columns that are installed in the bathrooms, in accordance with the technical standards in force at the time of installation, are allowed to be used in the future. That is, the law does not clearly prohibit its further exploitation. This means that it does not prohibit replacement with a new one. And does not require transfer at the expense of the user.

If all these requirements for the installation of a gas water heater are feasible, then you can order a project. The exact installation location and other data will be displayed in the project.
Dismantling the old column

Since we have considered the basic requirements and norms in general terms, if everything is correct, you can start replacing the gas column. And you should start with dismantling. You can do it yourself while saving from 300 to 800 rubles.

We start replacing the gas column by blocking the gas access to the column by closing the valve at the end of the gas pipe. Using an adjustable wrench or open-end wrench of the appropriate size, unscrew the fixing nut of the hose (rarely, but there is a method of supplying gas using a metal pipe). It is rather difficult to damage the gas pipe by unscrewing the hose, but with the "ancient" method of connection, i.e. a piece of metal pipe, it is quite possible. Especially if the junction has been painted over for years. In this case, do not use excessive force; to remove paint, use a modern solvent specifically for this work. While unwinding, hold the gas pipe with a second adjustable wrench, so there is less chance of damage.

After disconnecting from the gas pipe, it is necessary to remove the hose (pipe) from the place of entry into the column. If the hose has changed not so long ago and its condition is satisfactory, then it can be reused when connecting a new column. If you suspect that the hose is reliable, get a new one. When buying, take a certified and tested hose, nevertheless it is gas and buying a cheap hose from an unknown manufacturer is not appropriate here.

The next dismantling action is to turn off the water supply system. If taps are provided to turn off the column, close them. If this is not possible, shut off the supply to the apartment. In the case of the latter option, before installing a new column, purchase two taps for the inlet and outlet of water from the column and install them on the pipes in the place where the connection will be made. In the future, this will facilitate its maintenance.

After disconnecting the column from the water supply, remove the connecting pipe from the outlet of the column and remove it from the chimney. The speaker is disabled and can now be removed from the wall mount. The installation site is free, you can start installing a new unit.
Installation and start-up of a gas water heater

During the initial installation, it is better to entrust the connection and verification, with the registration certificate of the gas water heater, to the gas workers. If the old column changes, you can do all the work yourself. But there are two nuances, if you doubt your ability to correctly install a gas water heater - trust the specialists, the wallet will be somewhat thinner - but on the other hand nervous system will remain unaffected and, ultimately, the benefit will be yours.

If you decide to do everything yourself, you will succeed, the main thing is to do everything slowly and progressively. But even in that case, one cannot do without a representative of the gas industry, he must register the column. The best option, perhaps, is the situation when you will do all the connection work yourself, with the exception of work related to gas. In this case, you will save a significant amount and there should be no problems with the gas service, because connection to the gas main will be carried out by their representative. This option and consider.
Tools and materials

Before installing the gas water heater, you must purchase and have the following materials:

Galvanized pipe or corrugation, not thinner than 1 mm. If it comes with a speaker - great. If not, measure the diameter of the column boiler outlet or look in the instructions and purchase the appropriate pipe.

Get a ring - a socket for arranging the entrance to the chimney, also according to the size of the corrugation.
If you plan to install a gas water heater in the house, and you need chimney equipment, you will need an asbestos or metal pipe with a diameter of at least 120 mm, as much as possible. It is at least 2 meters long, more is possible - the traction will be better.

The gas hose is typical, the size of the hose will depend on your conditions, i.e. the distance from the end of the gas pipe to the inlet into the column. Pay attention to the thread type at the column inlet, the hose tip must be suitable, must match male / female and ½ "or ¾" diameter. The diameter of the fixing nut on the hose is ½ "and if the inlet to the column is ¾" an adapter (coupling) is needed.

It is better to prepare the place for connecting the water supply in advance, thus, you only need two connecting hoses of the required length. You can make connections using metal-plastic pipes, as it is more convenient for you. In the latter case, determine if couplings are needed to match pipe sizes and connections and threads (external / internal).
Dowels for mounting the speaker on the wall.
If a coarse filter is not installed in the house, we recommend installing it. The service life of the new unit will directly depend on the quality of the water.

Tools for replacing the gas column:

  • Depending on the complexity of the work and the material - a hammer drill with a set of drills and chisels, a drill with a drill on ceramic tiles.
  • Adjustable wrench (2 pcs.).
  • Open-end wrenches 27/30 and 32/36.
  • Tow and sealant like "Unipack".

Installing and checking a gas water heater:

In this description, it is assumed that the water supply and the presence of a chimney have already been implemented. At the installation site of the gas water heater, mark the points for installing the mount. You must calculate the height of the column in such a way that the connecting pipe (corrugation) has a vertical length from the outlet of the column to the outlet of at least 50 cm, if the height of the room exceeds 2.7 m - 25 cm. At the same time, the height of the installation of the gas water heater is not should give children free access to the device. Also measure the distance between the mounting holes on the speaker cabinet. After calculating the installation locations of the dowels using a punch or drill, depending on your conditions, make holes and install the hooks. The column can be hung on the wall.

Now, using connecting hoses or PVC pipes, we connect the water supply to the inlet and outlet of the column. The use of a hose is convenient because tow or FUM tape is not required at the joints. We connect the crane in series cold water with the input of the gas column, marked in blue. In the same way we connect the output hot water with a tap (marked in red). We open a tap of cold and hot water and see if everything is hermetically sealed. If you find a leak, carefully squeeze the fixing nuts of the hose. Without too much effort, as you can crush the rubber gasket - the seal. The connection with pipes will need to be unscrewed in places of leakage and twisted tow with a sealant or FUM tape.

After we achieve the tightness of the water supply system, you can go in two ways: either call a gasman, or install a gas water heater with your own hands in full at your own peril and risk. You decide.

If the second option, then we take the gas hose and screw it to the gas tap. After that, connect the other end of the hose to the inlet in the column. We clamp without undue effort, no matter what crush the paranite gaskets. We take a soapy solution, smear the joints around the entire perimeter "from the heart", open the gas supply valve and carefully observe if there are any bubbles. If there is, we squeeze the nut a little, and smear it again. So until we achieve complete tightness.

So, we have a tight connection between water supply and gas. The next step is to install the corrugation. Here everything is much simpler, on the one hand we put on the column outlet, on the other we insert it into the chimney outlet.

We insert the batteries into the column, open the hot water tap and adjust the water temperature according to the instruction manual for the column. We use.

And the last thing. Usually, a connection service is organized in large stores. When buying, ask how much it will cost to connect them by a specialist. It will be cheaper or even free, and there will be no questions with the guarantee for the column at all. And registration in the gas industry will take place without unnecessary friction.

If this is not available, I still recommend entrusting the gas hose connection to the gasman (the cost of installing a gas water heater for such a connection is several times less than for a complete dismantling and installation), and he is pleased (he will earn money) and there are no complaints against you. Plus the guarantee is safe and sound. But it is definitely up to you to decide.

The article in a step-by-step version presents how it happens replacement of the gas column with the observance of order and legality in the structures of the gas mountains. The cost estimates of all types of work in Ukraine and Russia are given.

What you need to know when planning replacement of the gas water heater, which has served its resource? The main feature of the problem is the observance of the rules and legality in its solution on the territory of Ukraine and Russia. Useful information such a solution guarantees safety and success.

How did the problem start?

In our state, gas water heaters are an attribute of Khrushchev's times. They were installed 40-50 years ago in low-rise buildings and private houses.

All columns had the same design capacity for each individual building. But, over time, they were replaced by newer ones with different parameters.

This is due to the influx of goods from China and Europe during the years of capitalization of our society. Imported dispensers were not adapted to the design parameters of the gas supply to our buildings. Therefore, their use may cause some danger to our lives.

The inspectorate of gas services systematically checks gas water heaters for their compliance with the development project and registration.

If a situation is identified that unauthorized replacement of a gas water heater executed contrary to the norms of gas consumption, which causes damage to the gas structure, will have to answer in a judicial-administrative order.

When changing the installation location of the column, there may be reasons for the gas content of the room, leading to tragic consequences.

The administrative order imposes a fine for illegal use of an unregistered gas appliance.

The size of the fines can be very unpleasant.

This will help you avoid misunderstandings and fines. useful information.

By planning replacement of a faulty gas column, you should adhere to the following sequence and price category:

1.Call a gas officer for certification gas water heater. When examining the column and its malfunction, the gas supply valve to the column is sealed. The data for drawing up the Act is filled in.

2.Get in the mountains gas The act of disrepairment of the column for repair... The Act must contain the signatures of the heads of the gas and gas mountains, the seal. The fee for drawing up the Act is $ 9.

3.Apply to the technical department of gas mountains with a request to replace the column with the annex of the Fault Certificate to the column.

• In the application, indicate that exhaust ventilation from the premises with forced inclusion is not used. This is due to the likely appearance of a “back draft” effect in the building's flue duct.

• Attach to the application Act on the health of smoke and ventilation ducts premises. The channels are checked once every six months. The Act fee is $ 25- $ 37, plus urgency.

4. After obtaining a visa on the application, pay, agree with the services of the opening hours and what materials to prepare.

Gas water heater cost from $ 100 and above. Get recommendations on the brands of certified gas water heaters, the compliance of their parameters for gas and water pressure. Negotiate compliance gas column performance the project of your premises or plan a gas meter.

The work on removing the old gas water heater, installing a new one, connecting to a water pipe, installing a chimney - with the cost of materials, is estimated at $ 50 - $ 63.

It must be borne in mind that all materials used during the installation of the gas column have certificates use for such work.

The final stage of installing the gas column is to obtain Certificate of completion... The fee for the Act is included in the cost of installing the column.

5.At the end of the work, he will apply to the Gorgaz for receipt Gas start-up certificate.
An employee of the gas service checks the correctness of installation, the tightness of all threaded connections, turns on the gas, instructs. Fee for issuing a gas launch certificate - $ 10.

Pay particular attention to the presence of a smoke channel in the wall at the bottom - “ soot rusks”. It is designed to remove crumbling canal cover, runoff and precipitation. "Sazhetruska" has a tight door and is always closed. Its turnkey installation costs $ 15.

6. To start and adjust the gas column, contact the installation department. Receive Commissioning Act... The cost of the Act of commissioning is $ 13.

It may be required during the next checks by the gas service employees.

The total cost of work and materials can be (in $):

The act of unsuitability of the gas water heater - 9
The act on the health of smoke and ventilation. channels -25 -37
Room gas signaling device - 25 - 50
Work on replacing the gas column - 50 -63
Gas start-up certificate - 10
Installation of "sazhetruski" - 15
Commissioning certificate - 13
Total: 197 $

Gas water heater - from 100
Total: $ 297

Analyzing the results obtained, we come to the conclusion that replacing a gas column legally will cost 2 times more expensive than the column itself. When purchasing a gas water heater, it is appropriate to consider models that are more expensive and reliable, since the cost of installing them does not increase.
It is advisable to consider the $ 225 price bracket.

Useful information in this article will help you legally replace the gas water heater. Your budget of time and money will not be affected.

Gas water heaters are an invariable attribute of Soviet cuisines in many cities. If there is no hot centralized water supply, they are an opportunity to quickly warm a large amount of water. Most of them have been replaced today. gas boilers however the installation requirements necessary documents and the checking authorities remained the same.

The gas water heater is still a frequent guest in our apartments.

Column or instantaneous water heater - a device that, due to the combustion of gas, heats the flowing water... Gas can either be supplied through pipes, and there it can be liquefied from a cylinder. But in practice, only natural gas is used in city apartments. For many old houses, a column is the only way to heat water, because the power of the wiring is not designed for use.

It is not always possible to see it, but a gas water heater is needed

Instantaneous water heaters are often used in Khrushchev and Stalin buildings. Older models are lit with matches, and heating depends on the flow of water. Now they have been replaced by options with electronic control, auto-ignition and electronic temperature control.

In private houses and large country apartments, gas boilers are used instead of columns. Their difference is that the boiler has 2 separate circuits - heating and water heating. The column heats only running water.



Strict requirements for installation and further operation, due to the potential danger of the device.

Technical requirements

A column or boiler is a device with increased danger, therefore the installation is strictly regulated. If the requirements are not met, the gas in the apartment is turned off until the installation site meets all the recommendations of the gas economy. All manipulations with gas appliances must be carried out by certified organizations. The package of documents is also important, without it the gas will not be connected.

Technical requirements:


A gas water heater in the kitchen is convenient

The first start-up of gas and water is performed only by employees of GORGAZ... After installation, gas devices are put on the balance, they and the air exhaust system are checked once a year. Compliance of columns and boilers that can be serviced by gas workers is checked at the same time. Some models are not serviced by gas workers, these need to be checked annually by inviting specialists from the service center.

Models with a closed combustion chamber do not require a chimney, but the ventilation of the room must be in good condition.

Installation Algorithm

The installation of the gas water heater must be carried out by specialists.

The documentation is regulated by the law on the supply of gas to the population. The list differs according to whether you are only changing the model, device and location, or if you are installing the equipment for the first time.

Model changes

The column becomes obsolete over time and can be upgraded by replacing it with a more modern one

  • Buy certified gas heater which is allowed to be installed.
  • Take certified copies of the gas and water supply system diagrams from the housing office with a clearly marked installation site for the equipment.
  • Then take application for replacement, provided that the installation site is retained in the gas service, there are also statements about the repair of water and gas pipelines at the site.
  • The work will be done by the gas service, it will also give the Act on putting the equipment into operation, in accordance with the requirements.

Change of device and installation location

How to install a gas water heater video master class:

  • You will need change the scheme of supplying gas, water, air outlet.
  • Go to the fire department to get the Chimney Condition Report.
  • Order a transfer project from GORGAZ or a private certified organization, get it.
  • For apartment building will need permission for redevelopment from the city administration.
  • You must have an act, a project, a permit, a technical passport of a boiler or a column, a document confirming the ownership of an apartment. With these documents and the application, contact the gas service again.
  • The specialists will install and connect the equipment, carry out the first start-up. Then they will seal the meter, issue a Commissioning Certificate.
  • At the end, you should have in your hands acts that confirm from the fire inspection, technical supervision, about entering. Information about the transfer is additionally submitted to the BTI.

First installation

To install a gas water heater, you need to collect a lot of documents.

If gas is not supplied to the house, it will be necessary to build a gas supply line. This is an expensive process, and many private home owners choose to get by with solid fuel boilers. For multi-apartment buildings, the gas supply is carried out by the developer, the housing office, or by the owners jointly.

It is a little problematic to place a column in a small kitchen, since any centimeter counts

  • Obtaining documentation includes consent for gas supply from distributors and conveyors, calculation of consumption, obtaining technical conditions, permission for land allocation for a gas pipeline.
  • Design consists of the conclusion of a project contract, collection and examination of documentation, approval by the authorities listed in the previous paragraph.
  • Construction consists in construction and installation work and commissioning.
  • At the end is contract on gas supply in GORGAZ or OBLGAZ.

List of documents

The list below is approximate and as complete as possible, but it depends on the region. In addition, if the connection is not happening for the first time, some documents may already be in the relevant services or be in the hands of the owner of the apartment building / in the housing office. So, you will need:

How to build a gas water heater in an apartment:

Types of columns and boilers for apartments

If we talk about gas heaters, they can be flow-through and storage. But in Russia, gas boilers are not widespread, because they are less convenient, more expensive and take up a lot of space. They should only be installed if the gas supply is too weak. Basically, flow-through gas heaters are installed.

It is not easy to build in a gas column: you need to comply with safety requirements and you want to beautifully fit into the interior

Modern models can have a closed or open combustion chamber. Open ones are slightly safer and require less paperwork to install. They are needed if there is no chimney in the house. The latter are suitable if the old heater is being replaced with a new one, the chimney and gas supply have already been made and checked.

Vendors offer 3 types of power. 17-20 kW are needed for a one-room apartment with 1 occupant. If a person takes a shower, there is no longer enough power for washing dishes. Devices with a power of 20-26 kW are indispensable for apartments. They provide 15 liters of water per minute at a temperature of 40 degrees. The capacity of an average heater is sufficient for a family of 4 and an apartment with 1 shower and 2 sinks. Power 26-28 kW is suitable for duplex apartments or houses.

When heaters are not allowed to install

A gas water heater in the kitchen can look quite harmonious.

  • If you live in a one room bedroom. The kitchen should be a separate room.
  • If you want to install a gas heater in the living room, bathroom or on the loggia / balcony.
  • If the door to the kitchen is deaf, there is no ventilation slot.
  • If the length of the water and especially gas hoses is more than 2.5 m.
  • If gas stove or another open flame near the boiler.
  • If you plan to hang the heater on a wall adjacent to the living room.

How to create autonomous heating in the kitchen, video:

Boilers and dispensers allow you not to depend on the whims of suppliers warm water, provide a comfortable water temperature at any time of the year. Although the requirements for their installation may seem too strict, this is done for the safety of residents. It is better to immediately install the equipment correctly than to pay later for its transfer and reconnection of gas.

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