Print tasks for the middle group of kindergarten. Methodical piggy bank of the teacher, tasks for children of the senior - preparatory group "Mathematical development". Types of assignments in mathematics

Overlapping 21.11.2021

Learning mathematics in a playful way develops and forms the child's cognitive interest. It is best to develop an interest in this science before teaching it in school.

This will help interesting and exciting tasks and exercises in mathematics for preschoolers.

Developmental tasks can instill in a child a number of useful qualities: perseverance, the ability to set goals and plan, follow the rules, the ability to analyze, weigh the result obtained, and give reasons.

The search for ways to solve non-standard problems helps to stimulate creative and research activity.

It is not at all difficult to work with developing math tasks, parents are quite capable of coping with it. But in order for the child to get the maximum benefit from the classes, it is necessary to adhere to the rules of their organization:

Tricky assignments help children understand that each potential challenge can be tricky or twofold. Finding the correct answer requires focusing and viewing the puzzle from different angles.

Before starting the task, it is necessary to give recommendations for its implementation:

  • Take into account the level of development and age characteristics of the child.
  • For example, the concentration of attention of preschoolers is lower than that of younger students. They can hold attention while doing an activity of interest for 30-50 minutes. If suddenly the baby's attention has faded away, there is no need to force him to continue studying.
  • Based on the interests of the child.
  • Do not overuse prompts.
  • If the child cannot find a solution to the problem, it is not necessary to say the correct answers every time, it is necessary to encourage him to seek and show patience. To keep the child's interest, an adult can offer a partial hint. As a rule, a preschooler cannot complete all tasks the first time, but this has positive aspects - if the child is forced to do something several times, the volitional sphere develops.
  • Do not limit yourself to one type of exercise, but use a variety of material.
  • This will help diversify development. When organizing classes, attention should be paid to the training of spatial temporal relationships, skills of counting, imagination, logical thinking, etc.
  • Apply different forms of organizing classes: individual work, games in pairs or team competitions.
  • Based on the gradual complication of tasks.
  • Use visual means that will attract the child's attention: bright pictures or photographs, images of your favorite fairy-tale characters.
  • Do not skimp on praise if the baby deserves it.
  • Encourage self-reliance.

Work with your child comprehensively. Together in the development of mathematical abilities, develop reading skills. Find out from our article.

If your child is fidgety, let him run around orthopedic mat... Read about its benefits in ours.

Types of assignments in mathematics

Amusing math tasks include games, riddles, comic tasks, puzzles, exercises with geometric shapes. All of them are aimed at developing speed of reaction, logical and non-standard thinking, resourcefulness, imagination.

Since preschool age is subdivided into junior and senior, then tasks should be selected taking into account the degree of complexity. The younger preschool age covers the age period of 3-4 years, and the older one - 5-7 years. Of course, the breakdown of tasks by age is conditional, since everything depends on the pace of development of the offspring, and it is on them that you need to focus.

Math games

Mathematical games include tasks that are based on the analysis of logical relationships and patterns.

To find the answer, you need to analyze the conditions of the problem, familiarize yourself with its content and understand what needs to be done.

The search for a solution consists in the use of mental operations: analysis, synthesis, generalization.

The game "Make a sequence of numbers"... The child is given mixed cards with numbers from 1 to 5 or 10, and he must lay them out in the correct sequence.

Exercise . The child receives a form with pictures with numbers next to them. It is necessary to count the objects in the picture and circle the corresponding number.

Exercise . It is necessary to draw the specified number of points on the body of the insect.

Games for older preschoolers

The game "Compare the number"... An adult invites the child to name a number, taking into account the conditions: it must be more than 5, less than 8. For each correct answer, you can give a sun or a flag.

Exercise . On a special form, there are series of pictures on the left, and examples on the right. It is necessary to choose a suitable example for the picture.

Tricky Math Problems

Puzzles are recommended for older preschool children. The most common are geometric problems with counting sticks. They are called geometric, because the task is based on the compilation, transformation of various shapes. To complete the task, you need to prepare counting sticks and table-schemes with images of figures.

It is necessary to try to choose problems with different conditions and solutions in order to stimulate the child's search activity.

Tasks for preschoolers

A picture with an image of an object is placed in front of the child. It can be a house, bench,. The child should, focusing on the sample, fold a similar object out of sticks. Subsequently, you can complicate the task by asking the child to fold the shown picture without having an example in front of his eyes, that is, from memory.

Shape Transform... The task is carried out in 2 stages. First, an adult shows the child a figure and asks to make the same one out of sticks. Instructions for the second stage: it is necessary to determine which and how many sticks should be removed in order to get another shape.

The child needs to analyze the presented geometric shapes, imagine what the final result will look like and choose an answer.

The child is given an image of a complex geometric figure, consisting of many details, he must count how many triangles, rectangles, squares are in the figure.

Games for the reconstruction of figurative images from geometric shapes

Games with geometric shapes for drawing up various objects, animals are very useful for the development of analytical thinking, sensory skills. To conduct classes, you need to stock up on a set of figures: a circle, a triangle, a rectangle or a square.

Games for younger preschoolers

"Make a picture." The child is given a standard set of figures and simple pictures depicting various objects. Focusing on the sample, the child must fold the pictures.

Games for older preschoolers:

"Shape the silhouette of an animal or insect"... For the game, a circle is taken, which is divided by lines into smaller and more heterogeneous parts, and cut. Then, from the obtained parts of the circle, the children try to make a picture, and they are not given specific instructions - they must act according to their own plan.

"Objects from cubes". Looking at the image of the object, the preschooler builds the same from the blocks.

Riddles, comic tasks, entertaining questions

Riddles, comic tasks and entertaining questions are met by children with extraordinary enthusiasm. They are able to activate the child's mental activity, develop skills to notice the main and essential properties, separating them from the secondary ones.

Tasks related to this category are great for use at the beginning of the lesson to prepare the child for intellectual work, to conduct mental gymnastics.

Comic tasks are able to create a favorable emotional background, cheer up. As a rest and switch of attention, tasks can be used in the middle of the lesson.

Mathematical riddles are intricate questions or descriptions of an object, phenomena that the child must guess. Since the riddles are mathematical, then numbers will certainly appear in them, it will be necessary to perform computational operations.

Comic tasks are play tasks with a mathematical meaning, for the solution of which it is necessary to use ingenuity and resourcefulness, and in some cases have a sense of humor. They are recommended to study from senior preschool age. The content of the tasks is unusual, since, along with the main features, they include minor ones. It turns out that the search for an answer is, as it were, masked by other conditions.

Examples of comic tasks

  • 2 cars drove 5 km. How many kilometers did each car drive?
  • If the stork stands on one leg, then it weighs 4 kg. How much will the stork weigh when it stands on 2 legs?
  • Which is heavier: 1 kg of concrete or 1 kg of cotton wool?

Interesting questions

They are short questions with an urge to count something.

  • How many ears do three mice have?
  • You, yes I, yes we are. How many of us?

Games, math entertainment

Games and math fun are a great way to diversify your work. Choosing a game with two participants increases the child's interest in the spirit of competition.

Games for younger preschoolers

"Finish the drawing." The child is given a sheet of paper with geometric shapes depicted on it. The task is to draw a small drawing based on the desired geometric shape. For example, from a circle you can draw a snowman or a clock, from a square - a TV, a briefcase.

An example of a game for older preschoolers

"Houses". For this game you will need 20 images of houses with 10 windows. By the presence of curtains on the windows, one can judge the apartments. The essence of the game is to compare the houses with each other: how many residents must be filled so that all apartments are fully occupied, how many residents must be removed from the house so that the same number of apartments are occupied in it as in the fifth building.

Universal games

The older the child is, the more numbers can be.

Math books for preschoolers

  1. A. Boloshistaya "Mathematics around you". The workbook includes tasks for the formation of mathematical thinking. Designed for children 4-5 years old.
  2. K.V. Shevelev "Mathematics for Preschoolers". The workbook consists of developmental tasks for children 6-7 years old. Classes are designed to prepare you for school.
  3. L.G. Peterson "One is a step, two is a step." A series of manuals is designed to form a mathematical way of thinking, imagination, and the ability to analyze.
  4. M. Druzhinin "Big Book of Leisure". The book includes puzzles, riddles, puzzles. The tasks are designed to develop analytical thinking, broaden horizons, and activate imagination.
  5. O. Zhukova "Mathematics for Preschoolers". The coloring book contains game exercises that will teach a child to count to 10, help develop perception and logic.

If your child is already 5 or 6 years old, then it's time to think about how to effectively prepare him for school. The development of a child's thinking takes place in several stages.

1) Formation of visual-active thinking: when all the child's thought processes go through action.

2) Formation of visual-figurative thinking: when the child begins to think with the help of images.

3) Formation of verbal-logical thinking: when a child can express his thoughts in words, he begins to independently reason, compare, and find simple patterns.

It should be noted that the mental development of a child consists not only in obtaining certain knowledge, but also in the development of perception, memory, thinking, imagination.

For preschool children, the main activity is play. This means that learning new things should be conducted using game methods of training.

At preschool age, children actively form and develop speech, replenish their vocabulary, and train their memory. It is very important that the child, when completing the assignment, tried to reason on his own in order to find the correct answer.

This article will offer basic logic exercises to help you learn:

  • classify items;
  • compare items;
  • establish the sequence of events;
  • train memory;
  • draw conclusions.

The duration of the lessons is 15-20 minutes. Do not overwork the child so as not to cause a negative reaction from the class! On the contrary, try to turn your activities into a game!


1) Choose the opposite words in meaning:

black - ...

big - ...

happy - ...

good - ...

bitter - ...

wide - ...

high - ...

kind - ...

cold - ...

clever - ...

quick - ...

2) Listen carefully! Think and answer the questions:

What is more in the forest: birches or trees?

Who is in the zoo more: monkeys or animals?

Who is in the river more: perches or fish?

What is more in the garden: cabbage or vegetables?

What is more in the closet: T-shirts or clothes?

Who is more in the chicken coop: chickens or birds?

3) Complete the sentences:

Example: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday are the days of the week

Milk, bread, kefir, cheese, eggs are ...

Moscow, Novgorod, St. Petersburg are ...

Morning, evening, day, night is ...

Katya, Misha, Petya, Ira - this is ...

A dog, a cat, a mouse is ...

Chamomile, bell, rose are ...

A, B, C, D, D are ...

4) Listen carefully! Complete the sentences with:

If the train travels faster than the bus, then the bus travels ......... trains.

If a sister is older than a brother, then a brother .......... sisters.

If the table is higher than the chair, then the chair ........ of the table.

If a cat is bigger than a mouse, then a mouse ....... a cat.

If the river is wider than the brook, then the brook ........ the river.

5) Come up with the correct pattern.

The bird is feathers. A fish - ......

Autumn is rain. Winter - ......

Man is hands. Dog - ......

Morning breakfast. Evening - ......

An apple is a fruit. A tomato - ......

6) What is superfluous?

Armchair, chair, wardrobe, TV.

Rooster, peacock, crow, butterfly.

Suitcase, bag, briefcase, notebook.

Sun, lamp, chandelier, lantern.

7) What are these professions?

Who builds the houses?

Who writes poetry?

Who sings the songs?

Who heals people?

Who sews the clothes?

Who paints the pictures?

Who flies into space?

Who is flying the plane?

Who drives the bus?

Who is driving the train?

Who teaches children at school?

Who trains the animals?

8) Logical tasks.

What lasts: a year or 12 months?

Which is heavier: a kilogram of cotton wool or a kilogram of iron?

Petya and Vanya drank different juices - apple and cherry. Petya did not drink cherry juice. What juice did Vanya drink?

Ira and Lena were dressed in dresses of different colors: yellow and pink. Lena was not dressed in pink. What color was Ira's dress?

Seryozha, Andrey, Slava were picking berries in the garden. Seryozha collected more than Andrey, and Andrey collected more Glory. Which of the guys picked more berries, and which less?

Who will swim to the shore faster - ducklings or chickens?

Who will fly to the flower faster - a butterfly or a caterpillar?

Mom has a cat Barsik, a dog Druzhok and a daughter Ulyana. How many children does mom have?

Five eggs are boiled for five minutes. How many minutes does one egg take?

How many mushrooms can be grown from pine seeds?

What is the best and faster way to pick a watermelon from a tree?

The boy had one rope. How many times do you have to cut a rope to get three ropes?

Birds were sitting on the tree. They have only 8 wings. How many birds were there in the tree?

Two friends played chess for 2 hours. How long did each of them play chess?

Methodical piggy bank of the teacher, tasks for children of the senior - preparatory group "Mathematical development"


The problem of disclosing the abilities and inclinations of mathematical thinking in preschool childrenin modern life is becoming increasingly important. This is primarily due to the rapid development of science related to mathematics and its penetration into various fields of knowledge.

An increase in the level of creative activity, problems of automation of production, modeling on electronic computers and much more presupposes that specialists in most modern professions have a sufficiently developed ability to clearly and consistently analyze the processes under study. Therefore, teaching in kindergarten is aimed primarily at educating children with a full-fledged logical reasoning of the environment. Learning experience shows thatdevelopment of logical thinking preschoolers are most encouraged by the development of elementary mathematical concepts.For a mathematical style of thinking characterized by clarity, brevity, dismemberment, accuracy and consistency of thought, the ability to use symbols. In this regard, the content of teaching mathematics in school and kindergarten is systematically restructured.

The mathematical development of a child is not only the ability of a preschooler to count and solve arithmetic problems, it is also the development of the ability to see relationships, dependencies in the world around him, to operate with objects, and signs, symbols. Our task is to develop these abilities, to enable the little person to learn about the world at every stage of his growing up. Modern requirements for preschool education orient teachers towards developing education, the need to use new forms of its organization, which would synthesize elements of cognitive, play, search and educational interaction.

Task 1. Reader in the kitchen

How many items are in each rectangle?

Write the answer in words

Task 2. Reader

How many pictures are in each frame?

Connect with lines the frames and the corresponding flags

Task 3. Cheerful account

Solve examples

Task 4. Fruit account

Color pairs of fruits, the sum of the numbers on which is 9

Task 5. Reader

Solve examples

Task 6. Reader

Solve examples

Task 7. Big and Small

In each row, number the pictures from smallest to largest

Task 8. Delicious counting rhyme

Solve the examples using the clues in the boxes

Task 9. Reader

Connect a circle with a number and a picture on which the same number is written

Task 10. Reader

Solve examples and connect dragonflies and frogs with lines

Task 11. Reader

Solve examples.

Match the answers with the appropriate number of pictures

Task 12. Sneakers

Solve examples and find Misha's sneakers.

prompt : he needs a pair of sneakers, each of which adds up to 6

Task 13. Cheerful account

Solve examples and connect them to the answers

Task 14. Reader

On each flower, paint the petal with the largest number in red and the petal with the smallest number in yellow.

Task 15. Clouds

Count the pictures in the clouds.

Write the answers in the boxes

Task 16. At the bottom of the ocean

How many starfish are there and how many octopuses are there?

Task 17. Counting

Count the pictures in each rectangle and connect them with lines with the corresponding numbers

Task 18. Big and Small

Color large animals and circle small ones

Task 19. Balloons

How many balloons are in each bundle?

Task 20. Fruit counter

How many fruits of each type are there?

Task 21. Reader

Solve examples on apples and starfish.

Connect the apples and stars with lines that have the same answers.

Task 22. Reader

Guess the sequences and fill in the missing numbers

Task 23. Carrots on plates

Draw as many carrots on each plate as there are up to ten

Task 24. Reader

Solve examples and write answers in the boxes

Task 25. Cheerful account

Color three apples so that the number written on them equals 8

Task 26. Reader

Connect rectangles with the same number of objects in the pictures with lines

Task 27. Reader

How many pictures are in each rectangle?

Connect them with the corresponding numbers

Task 28. Soap Bubbles

How many soap bubbles are there?

Task 29. Counting the sticks

How many sticks are in each ice cream cup?

Write the answers in the boxes

Task 30. Reader

Count the acorns. Write the answers in the boxes

Task 31. Kites

Solve examples on coils and connect them with snakes

Task 32. Rockets

Fill in the missing numbers

Task 33. Spotted frog

How many specks of different sizes are there on a frog?

Task 34. The fawn is lost

Help the fawn get to mom.

He can only walk past those leaves on which the total is 10

Developing tasks for logic in children of the middle group of kindergarten. Assignments will help educators prepare children for school.

Exercise 1

Arrange (connect arrows) fruits in a basket and vegetables on a plate.

Assignment 2

Color toys in red, clothes in yellow, and dishes in blue.

Assignment 3

Where is whose tail, where is whose nose?

Assignment 4

Place (with the help of arrows) the cockerel not on a log or on a bench, a chicken not on a fence or on a log, a cat not on a bench or on a fence.

Assignment 5

What figurine is missing in each row?

Assignment 6

Match each item with a pair.

Connect matching items with lines

Assignment 7

In each line, instead of dots, draw the missing shapes, keeping the order of their alternation.

Assignment 8

Draw objects in each row so that they become the same.

Assignment 9

Take certain actions

Assignment 10

How many animals are there in the house on the left? How many of them live in the house on the right? How many animals, and who hid in the two lower houses?

Assignment 11

Color in green the picture on which there is no ball; in blue - the one where there is no pyramid; red - where there is no cube; yellow - where all the items are.

Assignment 12

Help the girls find their toys: connect and color the girls' clothes and toys in the same color with lines.

Assignment 13

In each group there is a subject that does not fit the rest for some reason. Name these signs.

Assignment 14

From the items in the bottom row, choose the one that needs to be drawn in the empty "window"

Task 15

Which of the four drawings depicts the characters correctly?

Task 16

The dog and cat have blue and green rugs. The cat has not a green rug, and the dog has not a blue one. Color the rugs correctly

Task 17

On the table are blue and pink vases. Tulips are not in a pink vase, and daffodils are not in a blue one. Color the vases correctly

Task 18

Lena has two scarves: red and yellow. The long scarf is not yellow, and the short one is not red. Color the scarves correctly.

Here are games, tasks and exercises aimed at developing fine motor skills, memory, attention, logical thinking. For children and parents, educators and speech therapists.

Tasks for children of the middle group of kindergarten on the topic "Space around us"

Exercise 1

Color the object in the upper right corner of the sheet in blue, in the lower right - green, in the lower left - red, in the upper left - yellow, in the middle of the sheet - orange.

Assignment 2

Color the birds that fly above the cloud in blue, below the cloud in green. Which birds fly to the right and which ones fly to the left?

Assignment 3

Show the drawing where the banana is under the apple and over the cherry; where is the cherry over the apple and under the banana; an apple under a banana and over a cherry. Tell me how the fruits are located in other pictures. Color the same fruit with the same color.

Assignment 4

Tell me where the cockerel sits, where the cat sits, where the hen sits, where the house is, where the tree stands. Color the picture.

Assignment 5

Color the toy to the left of the ball in red, to the right of the ball in yellow, on the top in blue, and on the bottom in brown. Color the rest of the toys in any colors.

Assignment 6

Color the pictures: in the upper right corner - green, in the upper left - red, in the lower right - yellow, in the lower left - blue, in the middle - orange. Color the rest of the pictures as you want.

Assignment 7

What room layout corresponds to the picture? Tell me where what is worth.

Color in a suitable scheme.

Assignment 8

Who is the highest on the carousel? Color his basket blue. Who is the lowest? Color his basket green. Who is between the squirrel and the hedgehog? Color his basket in red. Tell me where the rest of the animals are.

Assignment 9

Arrange the items in their places using the arrows: a pan - on the table, a glass - in front of the pan, a spoon - to the right of the pan, a pear - behind the pan, a stool - under the table, a banana - to the left of the pan, a ball - on a stool.

Assignment 10

Draw a flower in the upper left square, a fungus in the lower right, an apple in the upper right, a leaf in the lower left, a house in the left square of the middle row, a pear in the right square of the middle row, an umbrella in the upper middle square, and an umbrella in the lower the middle square - the sun, in the middle square - the Christmas tree.

Assignment 11

Draw a yellow flower on this napkin on the left side, blue on the right, and red in the middle.

Assignment 12

Where is the sun located?

Which way is the car going?

Which side of the house is the door?

Which way is the dog running?

Where is the house located in the picture: to the right or to the left of the Christmas tree?

Assignment 13

Name who lives where. For example, a frog lives between a hedgehog and a piglet, a hedgehog lives to the left of the frog, above the mouse ...

Color these animals.

Assignment 14

Draw a ball to the left of the hare, to the right of the bear - a flag, between the bear and the bunny - a cube. Color the picture

Task 15

Draw a Christmas tree to the right of the car, a birch to the left of the house, and a bush between the car and the house. Color the picture

Task 16

Color in these pictures only the right sleeves and right boots. Color the pocket on the left side.

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