Interesting math games for children 3 years old. Mathematics games. Interactive game - learning shapes

Pipes 21.11.2021




Interesting math games are aimed at teaching your little one the basics of math. These games develop visual-figurative thinking in children, teach to compare, acquaint with the quantitative composition of numbers, the proposed games introduce children to numbers and their numerical designations, teach to solve the simplest mathematical problems.

"Who goes to visit in the morning"

The game of composing a set of two subsets, to consolidate the concept of "one", "many", "none"

Required inventory: plot toys, circles of two colors: red and yellow.

◈ How we play: "Who goes to visit in the morning, he acts wisely, taram-param, taram-param, that's what morning is." Play with toys, tell us that guests have come to us in the morning and you need to treat them with apples (circles). There are apples on the plate: how many are there? (A lot.) And the guests? (Few.) First hand out the yellow apples and ask, "How many more apples are left?" (Many.) "Which ones?" (Red.) Give them too. "How many apples are on a plate?" (Not a single one was left.) “How many apples were given to each guest? (One at a time.) "How many yellow, red apples?" (Many). "How many apples are there in total?" (There are many apples, some of them are red and yellow.)

◈ To fix: if you wash apples in the kitchen, offer to arrange them in plates according to color. Note that there are many apples, but there are many among them, for example, green and yellow apples (many apples are made up of a subset of yellow and green).

◈ When putting toys in the box, ask the same questions.

➣ Attention: What is little, how to define it? Laugh with your child: if the candies are tasty, we say that there are not enough of them. It turns out that "little" is a relative concept.

◈ Play the game "One - Many". "What items are there in the kitchen?" (Plates, spoons.) "And one object?" (Vase, painting, etc.) In the bathroom: one mirror, bathtub, rug, many shampoo tubes, towels, etc. Outside: many houses, leaves, etc.

Button buyer

The game teaches to use the mediated set; develops visual-figurative thinking.

Required inventory: coat with buttonholes, buttons, circles or chips.

◈ How do we play: how to buy the required number of buttons if the child still cannot count? Very simple! Play around this situation: have the kid put the chips on the eyelets of his coat, then collect them and ask the "salesperson" in the store (an adult): "Give me the same number of buttons as I have chips." The “seller” puts each token next to a button and counts how many buttons to sell. And the "buyer" of the house must check whether the buttons were enough for him, was he not mistaken? Swap roles.

◈ To fix: on a sheet of paper, glue or draw two groups of geometric shapes - one below the other. Note which is more, less, or equal. Imagine with your child, come up with what the figures can be, compare butterflies and flowers, caterpillars and leaves, etc.

◈ To complicate things: from each upper figure, draw a path to the lower figure - this is an equal sign (the sign itself can be omitted).


The game reinforces the urge to compare two groups of objects

Required inventory: buttons of different colors, sizes and shapes.

◈ How we play: everyone has buttons at home. With their help, you can come up with a variety of games. Put, for example, round buttons up (they can be of different colors and sizes), and down under them - square ones. Shall they be equal, which are more or less? Or put red round buttons up and blue square buttons down.

"Where did the sparrow eat?"

Play helps the child understand that Quantity is a relative concept.

Necessary inventory: cut out from any books, magazines elephant, wolf, bear, hare, hedgehog, in scale they should be proportional to their real size, five squares - "cages" for animals of the corresponding different sizes.

◈ How we play: show your child pictures of a bear, a wolf and a hare, find out which of the animals is the largest, which is the smallest, which is the smallest, etc. They need to be placed in cages of the appropriate size.

◈ An elephant was brought to the zoo. He needs to take the largest cage. Note that the bear was the largest, and now the elephant is. Then the smallest animal, a hedgehog, was brought to the zoo. Pay attention to how the ratio has changed: the smallest was the hare, now the hedgehog. Compare again who is the biggest, who is the smallest, etc.

◈ Fastening: Compare shoes by size: mom's, dad's, baby's and doll's. Switch roles: the child asks, and you show. Compare anything: clothes, furniture. Don't forget the utensils in the kitchen. And if you compare a watermelon and a radish? And who is bigger: a giant or Uncle Styopa? And who is smaller: Thumbelina or gnomes, or maybe Boy-s-finger? On the street, compare the height of houses, trees, etc. This develops an eye.

First steps in mathematics

The game teaches you how to compare two groups of objects

Required inventory: dolls or other toys, cups.

◈ How we play: Place five toys and place four cups in front of them. “Now we will treat them to tea. Why did one toy cry? How can I help her? "

◈ Fix: in the future, you can bring the number of toys to 10.

◈ To complicate matters: you can compare the number of objects by eye - real objects in the room, for example, glasses and cups, etc. What is more, less? If the child finds it difficult, stretch the strings or put sticks from one object to another (this is an equal sign).

Toddler pencils

The game introduces the child to the quantitative composition of a number of units

Required inventory: colored pencils of different colors.

◈ How we play: put the pencil on the table, notice that there is only one - red. To the right of it, put another one, but of a different color. Now there are two of them: one is red, the other is green. Hence, the number two consists of two ones. Put another pencil, for example, yellow. Say that the number three is made up of three ones. Bring the count to 5-10 in the same way. Remember the fairy tale about the Kid, who could count to 10. How he saved the animals. Emphasize: "How good it is to be able to count!" What does your child think? And if everyone who was saved by the Kid is depicted in the form of circles? Stick them on and count, it turns out that your child is saving the heroes of the fairy tale. Praise him.

◈ To fix: play the game "Guess". How many units does the number 3, 4 consist of? Show numbers if the child knows them. Take different toys next time: a typewriter, a hedgehog, a dog, a hare, etc. The number four consists of four units (one hedgehog, one car, one dog, one hare). Count from left to right and vice versa, stress that this will not change the amount. And if you put the toys in a circle, how can you remember which one you started to count from?

◈ Swap roles. Encourage your child continually.

Bang Bang

The game introduces children to numbers

Required inventory: two hares, two carrots, numbers 1 and 2.

◈ How we play: take two bunnies or other toys from the toy box and tell a story about their friendship. About how one day they received parcels. One box contained one carrot, and the other contained two. Why aren't they equally divided? Find out that one box has the number "1", so there is one carrot in the box, the other has the number "2", so there are two carrots in it. Introduce these numbers to the children. Do not forget to equalize gifts for bunnies so as not to offend them.

◈ Fix: this is how you can introduce other numbers (up to 10).

◈ Write these numbers in a notebook. You can also sculpt them out of plasticine.

School of the Wise Owl

The game teaches you to correlate the number of objects with their digital designation

Required inventory: cards with numbers, object pictures or toys, Wise Owl (toy or drawn).

◈ How we play: tell your child that the Wise Owl will come to visit you. Today she brought pictures and cards with numbers from 1 to 5. Show a picture on which, for example, four cars are drawn. Have the child find the card with the number "4". Play the rest of the pictures in the same way. Will the child cope on his own, without the help of the Owl? Praise him for his diligence.

◈ Reinforce: we play the other way around - you show a card with the number "3", and the child must submit a picture with three apples drawn, etc. Change roles: the child shows cards with numbers, and you are looking for the desired picture. Or maybe the Wise Owl will help him?

◈ We play the game "Tasty Numbers" in the kitchen. We take three tangerines and find a card with the number "3", etc. Do not forget to invite the Wise Owl - let him eat.

◈ And if you attach the number "1" to the refrigerator, and the number "2" to the curtains? And the rest? Think about it. Let your child do it. If he has an interest in numbers, he will be happy to stick them on whatever he finds, and you?

Counting counters

The game introduces the ordinal account Required inventory: toys.

◈ How we play: put toys in a row on the table. Say that the Wise Owl has come to visit you again. She will play a game with you. You need to correctly answer who is in the first (second, etc.) place. We count from left to right. "Who stands between the hare and the bear?" “There’s a squirrel here. She is the second ”, etc. Note that if the toys are counted from right to left, the toys that were first will become the last.

◈ Fastening: toys can be put one after another - with a locomotive. Are you all at home? Play the little train. Who will be first: mom, dad? It's up to the child to decide. Be sure to pay attention to where the account is from.

◈ Find out who is in second place - mom or grandmother, and who is in third? What if the last carriage becomes a steam locomotive? Will the ordinal account change?

◈ Are you busy in the kitchen? Play this game in a new way: put different dishes on the table - a plate, a Cup, a spoon, etc. Ask what is in the first, second, third place. Swap dishes. Now they are different.

➣ Attention: quantitative composition is a composition of units, it does not change. And the ordinal composition can change if you count in a different direction. Don't mix it up!

The locomotive from Romashkovo

The game introduces the ordinal

Required inventory: chairs.

◈ How we play: put the chairs one behind the other - this is a train from Romashkov. Invite children or adults to play with you. You can sing the Little Engine song from this animated film:

My cheerful steam locomotive passed the bridge;

He'll slow down now

He will invite you to land.

“Hey friends, come here soon!

Don't push at the door

Don't meow, don't bark

Take your place quickly. "

◈ Where are we going? And at least where: to the zoo, to the dacha, etc. But be sure to beat.

◈ We fix: toys can also go, the driver is a child.

Clever girl

The game teaches you to solve the simplest problems

Required inventory: fruit bowl.

◈ How we play: tell the child: “We have two apples in our vase, I’ll give one to you. How many apples are left? Why will there be less of them? " Be sure to show everything with a visual example. "How can we make them more numerous?" - The child must put one apple in a vase. Come up with similar problems for everything that you have at hand. Use any situation to do this: have you bought your child new shorts, the third in a row? Ask, for example: "How many shorts do you have now?" Note that if we subtract, we say "left"; if we add, we say "became."

◈ We fix: on the street you saw children sitting, one left. Offer to come up with a problem about them and solve it. If the child knows the numbers, then you can write it down.

◈ Complicating: the child has to come up with an oral problem, and you will solve it and be sure to make a mistake. Give your child the pleasure of correcting you.

Tasks of the Wise Owl

The game teaches you to solve the simplest problems of addition, subtraction: add, subtract 2; forms visual - figurative thinking

Required inventory: notebook, pencil, small items.

◈ How we play: today the Wise Owl will teach you how to solve problems. Place two red circles and two blue circles on the left in front of the child, and two blue circles on the right. Tell them that they are enchanted forest dwellers. Offer to come up with a problem about them. Let the child fantasize: red circles can be squirrels and leaves. If the child does not cope, then the Wise Owl will come to the rescue. Tell her a poem:

Owl-owl, big head,

She sat on a bitch, turned her head ...

◈ Fix: we play in reverse. The child lays out circles, squares, and you solve problems. And if you have been waiting for a train for a long time and you have chalk? Or do you wash in the bathroom and the child helps to wash the toys? Together with your child, come up with a problem about them. This will prepare your mathematician for school.

Fabulous mathematics

Required inventory: books of fairy tales with pictures.

◈ How we play: remember the fairy tales "Teremok", "Kolobok", "Turnip". Offer to count how many heroes of the fairy tale pulled a turnip, met Kolobok, lived in a house. And if the characters of "Teremok" are compared in height, in size? Who is the biggest, smallest? Who is smaller than a bear, but bigger than a bunny? And so on. And what if they were “turned” into circles, pasted into a notebook and signed numbers under them? For example: a mouse - a gray circle, a frog - green, a bunny - white, a top - a large gray circle.

Peas, parsley and beets - oh! **

(How many vegetables did the hostess bring?)

* * *

Lady checked in luggage

Sofa, suitcase, bag,

Picture, basket, cardboard

And a little dog *

(How many items did the lady check in luggage?)

* * *

In the morning at Aibolit,

Until lunchtime,

Teeth are treated:

Zebras, bison,

Tigers, otters and beavers.

(How many different animals did Aibolit cure?)

Up to the school itself, the child's leading activity is play. In the game, children learn letters and numbers, study the world around them, get acquainted with the basic concepts and laws of physics, astronomy, and biology.

  • What should young mathematicians 3-4 years old know and be able to do?
  • What games to offer toddlers to study the "queen of all sciences"?
  • How to make home development classes as effective as possible?

Let's figure it out together!

Necessary knowledge base

Before drawing up a math lesson plan for children 3-4 years old, you need to figure out what you should know and be able to do for kids of this age:

  • concentrate on the task for at least 5 minutes;
  • fold the pyramid;
  • collect puzzles from 4 or more pieces;
  • be able to find differences between objects by 3-4 signs (color, size, temperature, shape, etc.);
  • find identical / similar items in the presented set;
  • find unnecessary objects in the presented set;
  • operate with mathematical concepts "one", "many", "more", "less", "equal";
  • count to 5 in direct order;
  • know numbers from 0 to 5;
  • show the hidden number on your fingers;
  • demonstrate skills in orientation in space (understand where the top and bottom are, where the right / left hand is; be aware of the meaning of the prepositions "in", "on", "for", etc.);
  • know the basic geometric shapes: circle, triangle, rectangle;
  • understand and use generalizing words: furniture, dishes, clothes, toys, vegetables, etc.

Effective developmental lessons in mathematics for children of primary preschool age are built according to a plan that takes into account the amount of knowledge required by children 3-4 years old.

Games for the development of logic in 3-4 years


Remove several pans with lids from the kitchen cabinet. Try to choose dishes that differ in color, size, material.

Remove the lids and lay out in random order.

  • Come on, kid, pick the right lid for each saucepan!

When the child independently or with your help cope with the task, discuss with him what prompted his choice:

  • for a large saucepan - a large lid;
  • for red - red

Prepare several items that can be grouped according to their purpose. Such a game task helps to develop logic, attentiveness, and find a connection between various objects.

For the game you can take:

  • gloves and socks;
  • felt-tip pens and album;
  • toothbrush and toothpaste;
  • comb and hair clip;
  • items of toy or real dishes.

You can use one item from a pair, and replace the second with a picture. If the kid does a good job, try replacing all objects with pictures.

"Find differences"

Finding the difference games perfectly develop attentiveness, and if you immediately indicate how many differences you need to find, then they also train verbal counting.

Pick up pictures for your baby to find the differences. Sign on them how many differences you need to find. The child should circle each found difference with a pencil and put a dash on the piece of paper. When the task is completed, the dashes are counted to see if all the differences have been found.

Games with geometric shapes for children 3-4 years old

For the games that we have prepared, you will need two sets of geometric shapes made of thick cardboard. Each kit should include circles, ovals, triangles and squares of different colors and sizes.

"Repeat picture"

Constructing from flat geometric shapes is an excellent simulator for the development of logic, memory, mindfulness, imaginative and spatial thinking. For children of younger preschool age, the task should be simple and understandable.

Lay out pictures of geometric shapes in front of the child, commenting on your actions. The kid should repeat the picture according to your sample.


Geometric shapes cut out of cardboard are an excellent counting material with which it is convenient to practice comparison skills, as well.

Arrange the shapes in two rows:

Ask your child to complete your assignments and answer questions.

  1. Count how many circles there are in the picture.
  2. Count how many triangles are in the picture.
  3. Count how many green shapes are in the picture.
  4. Count how many red shapes are in the picture.
  5. Which shapes are more: red or green?
  6. Which shapes are more: triangles or circles?
"Geometric sorter"

Use your set of geometric shapes to practice your child's ability to sort objects according to a given criterion.

The kid must follow your verbal commands:

  1. Place three green pieces in a row.
  2. Place 2 circles side by side.
  3. Arrange the triangles in order from smallest to largest (first select three triangles of different sizes from the set).

If it is difficult for the child to comply with your verbal requests, let him act according to the visual model for now. The main thing is to comment on what sequences and according to what principles you lay out from the figures.

Math physical education

Friends, do not forget that babies 3-4 years old need to move a lot. Let's combine fun outdoor games with learning math!

"Jumping gallop"

Play funny songs for children and invite your child to stretch out a little. During free dances, voice commands in the format:

  • two flaps;
  • three tributaries;
  • one squat;
  • five slopes.

Probably, at first you will have to perform the movements with the child, but very soon the child will cope with such a funny math task on his own.

"Merry round dance"

The more players there are, the more fun the game will be. This is a good entertainment option for a children's birthday party. But in the absence of company, you may well lead a mathematical round dance together with the little one.

Before starting the game, repeat with the child where he has the right handle and where the left. Explain where the center is. Agree that with the command "up" you need to stop and, standing on your toes, pull the handles up, and with the command "down" - squat down.

Now you can start.

To the music, we walk in a circle, following the leader's commands:

  • went to the left;
  • went up;
  • let's go to the center;
  • let's go down.

This game teaches orientation in space, develops auditory attentiveness, trains the skill of teamwork.

"One, two - there is a rocket"

One, two - there is a rocket. (Raise straight arms up)
Three, four - an airplane. (Straight arms spread apart)
One, two - clap your hands. (Clap your hands)
And then on every account. (Walking in place)
One two three four. (Clap your hands)
Hands are higher, shoulders are wider. (We raise straight arms up, lower through the sides down)
One, two, three, four, (Claps)
And on the spot they were like. (Walking in place)

  1. Knowledge and skills are formed and accumulated gradually. Do not expect that after the first lesson the baby will remember and assimilate everything that you wanted to convey to him. Consistency, gradualness, consolidation and repetition are the invariable stages of successful preschool math learning.
  2. Do not forget for the successful completion of tasks. And keep in mind that diligence is also cause for reasonable praise.
  3. During games in which you need to count objects, allow and even encourage your child to count by pointing your finger at the counting object. Gradually, unobtrusively, but confidently introduce the concepts of ordinal and quantitative counting.
  4. Mathematics is not only about counting. Moreover, do not rush to teach your baby to count. Work on the development of logic, teach to generalize and systematize, and counting, organically woven into the canvas of the lesson, will be mastered by itself, by the way.
  5. You can learn in the game not only at home. Count the steps outside the house, notice round and square objects as you walk, look at the page numbers in the books you read before bed.

Friends! We wish you a happy and effective parenting. Until next time!

Interesting math games are aimed at teaching your little one the basics of math. These games develop visual-figurative thinking in children, teach to compare, acquaint with the quantitative composition of numbers, the proposed games introduce children to numbers and their numerical designations, teach to solve the simplest mathematical problems.

"Who goes to visit in the morning"

The game of composing a set of two subsets, to consolidate the concept of "one", "many", "none"

Required inventory: plot toys, circles of two colors: red and yellow.

◈ How we play: "Who goes to visit in the morning, he acts wisely, taram-param, taram-param, that's what morning is." Play with toys, tell us that guests have come to us in the morning and you need to treat them with apples (circles). There are apples on the plate: how many are there? (A lot.) And the guests? (Few.) First hand out the yellow apples and ask, "How many more apples are left?" (Many.) "Which ones?" (Red.) Give them too. "How many apples are on a plate?" (Not a single one was left.) “How many apples were given to each guest? (One at a time.) "How many yellow, red apples?" (Many). "How many apples are there in total?" (There are many apples, some of them are red and yellow.)

◈ To fix: if you wash apples in the kitchen, offer to arrange them in plates according to color. Note that there are many apples, but there are many among them, for example, green and yellow apples (many apples are made up of a subset of yellow and green).

◈ When putting toys in the box, ask the same questions.

➣ Attention: What is little, how to define it? Laugh with your child: if the candies are tasty, we say that there are not enough of them. It turns out that "little" is a relative concept.

◈ Play the game "One - Many". "What items are there in the kitchen?" (Plates, spoons.) "And one object?" (Vase, painting, etc.) In the bathroom: one mirror, bathtub, rug, many shampoo tubes, towels, etc. Outside: many houses, leaves, etc.

Button buyer

The game teaches to use the mediated set; develops visual-figurative thinking.

Required inventory: coat with buttonholes, buttons, circles or chips.

◈ How do we play: how to buy the required number of buttons if the child still cannot count? Very simple! Play around this situation: have the kid put the chips on the eyelets of his coat, then collect them and ask the "salesperson" in the store (an adult): "Give me the same number of buttons as I have chips." The “seller” puts each token next to a button and counts how many buttons to sell. And the "buyer" of the house must check whether the buttons were enough for him, was he not mistaken? Swap roles.

◈ To fix: on a sheet of paper, glue or draw two groups of geometric shapes - one below the other. Note which is more, less, or equal. Imagine with your child, come up with what the figures can be, compare butterflies and flowers, caterpillars and leaves, etc.

◈ To complicate things: from each upper figure, draw a path to the lower figure - this is an equal sign (the sign itself can be omitted).


The game reinforces the urge to compare two groups of objects

Required inventory: buttons of different colors, sizes and shapes.

◈ How we play: everyone has buttons at home. With their help, you can come up with a variety of games. For example, put round buttons up (they can be of different colors and sizes), and down under them - square ones. Shall they be equal, which are more or less? Or put red round buttons up and blue square buttons down.

"Where did the sparrow eat?"

Play helps the child understand that Quantity is a relative concept.

Necessary inventory: cut out of any books, magazines elephant, wolf, bear, hare, hedgehog, in scale they should be proportional to their real size, five squares - "cages" for animals of the corresponding different sizes.

◈ How we play: show your child pictures of a bear, a wolf and a hare, find out which of the animals is the largest, which is the smallest, which is the smallest, etc. They need to be placed in cages of the appropriate size.

◈ An elephant was brought to the zoo. He needs to take the largest cage. Note that the bear was the largest, and now the elephant is. Then the smallest animal, a hedgehog, was brought to the zoo. Pay attention to how the ratio has changed: the smallest was the hare, now the hedgehog. Compare again who is the biggest, who is the smallest, etc.

◈ Fastening: Compare shoes by size: mom's, dad's, baby's and doll's. Switch roles: the child asks, and you show. Compare anything: clothes, furniture. Don't forget the utensils in the kitchen. And if you compare a watermelon and a radish? And who is bigger: a giant or Uncle Styopa? And who is smaller: Thumbelina or gnomes, or maybe Boy-s-finger? On the street, compare the height of houses, trees, etc. This develops an eye.

First steps in mathematics

The game teaches you how to compare two groups of objects

Required inventory: dolls or other toys, cups.

◈ How we play: Place five toys and place four cups in front of them. “Now we will treat them to tea. Why did one toy cry? How can I help her? "

◈ Fix: in the future, you can bring the number of toys to 10.

◈ To complicate things: you can compare the number of objects by eye - real objects in the room, for example, glasses and cups, etc. What is more, less? If the child finds it difficult, stretch the strings or put sticks from one object to another (this is an equal sign).

Toddler pencils

The game introduces the child to the quantitative composition of a number of units

Required inventory: colored pencils of different colors.

◈ How we play: put the pencil on the table, notice that there is only one - red. To the right of it, put another one, but of a different color. Now there are two of them: one is red, the other is green. Hence, the number two consists of two ones. Put another pencil, for example, yellow. Say that the number three is made up of three ones. Bring the count to 5-10 in the same way. Remember the fairy tale about the Kid, who could count to 10. How he saved the animals. Emphasize: "How good it is to be able to count!" What does your child think? And if everyone who was saved by the Kid is depicted in the form of circles? Stick them on and count, it turns out that your child is saving the heroes of the fairy tale. Praise him.

◈ To fix: play the game "Guess". How many units does the number 3, 4 consist of? Show numbers if the child knows them. Take different toys next time: a typewriter, a hedgehog, a dog, a hare, etc. The number four consists of four units (one hedgehog, one car, one dog, one hare). Count from left to right and vice versa, stress that this will not change the amount. And if you put the toys in a circle, how can you remember which one you started to count from?

◈ Swap roles. Encourage your child continually.

Bang Bang

The game introduces children to numbers

Required inventory: two hares, two carrots, numbers 1 and 2.

◈ How we play: take two bunnies or other toys from the toy box and tell a story about their friendship. About how one day they received parcels. One box contained one carrot, and the other contained two. Why aren't they equally divided? Find out that one box has the number "1", so there is one carrot in the box, the other has the number "2", so there are two carrots in it. Introduce these numbers to the children. Do not forget to equalize gifts for bunnies so as not to offend them.

◈ Fix: this is how you can introduce other numbers (up to 10).

◈ Write these numbers in a notebook. You can also sculpt them out of plasticine.

School of the Wise Owl

The game teaches you to correlate the number of objects with their digital designation

Required inventory: cards with numbers, object pictures or toys, Wise Owl (toy or drawn).

◈ How we play: tell your child that the Wise Owl will come to visit you. Today she brought pictures and cards with numbers from 1 to 5. Show a picture on which, for example, four cars are drawn. Have the child find the card with the number "4". Play the rest of the pictures in the same way. Will the child cope on his own, without the help of the Owl? Praise him for his diligence.

◈ Reinforce: we play the other way around - you show a card with the number "3", and the child must submit a picture with three apples drawn, etc. Change roles: the child shows cards with numbers, and you are looking for the desired picture. Or maybe the Wise Owl will help him?

◈ We play the game "Tasty Numbers" in the kitchen. We take three tangerines and find a card with the number "3", etc. Do not forget to invite the Wise Owl - let him eat.

◈ And if you attach the number "1" to the refrigerator, and the number "2" to the curtains? And the rest? Think about it. Let your child do it. If he has an interest in numbers, he will be happy to stick them on whatever he finds, and you?

Counting counters

The game introduces the ordinal account Required inventory: toys.

◈ How we play: put toys in a row on the table. Say that the Wise Owl has come to visit you again. She will play a game with you. You need to correctly answer who is in the first (second, etc.) place. We count from left to right. "Who stands between the hare and the bear?" “There’s a squirrel here. She is the second ”, etc. Note that if the toys are counted from right to left, the toys that were first will become the last.

◈ Fastening: toys can be put one after another - with a locomotive. Are you all at home? Play the little train. Who will be first: mom, dad? It's up to the child to decide. Be sure to pay attention to where the account is from.

◈ Find out who is in second place - mom or grandmother, and who is in third? What if the last carriage becomes a steam locomotive? Will the ordinal account change?

◈ Are you busy in the kitchen? Play this game in a new way: put different dishes on the table - a plate, a Cup, a spoon, etc. Ask what is in the first, second, third place. Swap dishes. Now they are different.

➣ Attention: quantitative composition is a composition of units, it does not change. And the ordinal composition can change if you count in a different direction. Don't mix it up!

The locomotive from Romashkovo

The game introduces the ordinal

Required inventory: chairs.

◈ How we play: put the chairs one behind the other - this is a train from Romashkov. Invite children or adults to play with you. You can sing the Little Engine song from this animated film:

My cheerful steam locomotive passed the bridge;

He'll slow down now

He will invite you to land.

“Hey friends, come here soon!

Don't push at the door

Don't meow, don't bark

Take your place quickly. "

◈ Where are we going? And at least where: to the zoo, to the dacha, etc. But be sure to beat.

◈ We fix: toys can also go, the driver is a child.

Clever girl

The game teaches you to solve the simplest problems

Required inventory: fruit bowl.

◈ How we play: tell the child: “We have two apples in our vase, I’ll give one to you. How many apples are left? Why will there be less of them? " Be sure to show everything with a visual example. "How can we make them more numerous?" - The child must put one apple in a vase. Come up with similar problems for everything that you have at hand. Use any situation to do this: have you bought your child new shorts, the third in a row? Ask, for example: "How many shorts do you have now?" Note that if we subtract, we say "left"; if we add, we say "became."

◈ We fix: on the street you saw children sitting, one left. Offer to come up with a problem about them and solve it. If the child knows the numbers, then you can write it down.

◈ Complicating: the child has to come up with an oral problem, and you will solve it and be sure to make a mistake. Give your child the pleasure of correcting you.

Tasks of the Wise Owl

The game teaches you to solve the simplest problems of addition, subtraction: add, subtract 2; forms visual - figurative thinking

Required inventory: notebook, pencil, small items.

◈ How we play: today the Wise Owl will teach you how to solve problems. Place two red circles and two blue circles on the left in front of the child, and two blue circles on the right. Tell them that they are enchanted forest dwellers. Offer to come up with a problem about them. Let the child fantasize: red circles can be squirrels and leaves. If the child does not cope, then the Wise Owl will come to the rescue. Tell her a poem:

Owl-owl, big head,

She sat on a bitch, turned her head ...

◈ Fix: we play in reverse. The child lays out circles, squares, and you solve problems. And if you have been waiting for a train for a long time and you have chalk? Or do you wash in the bathroom and the child helps to wash the toys? Together with your child, come up with a problem about them. This will prepare your mathematician for school.

Fabulous mathematics

Required inventory: books of fairy tales with pictures.

◈ How we play: remember the fairy tales "Teremok", "Kolobok", "Turnip". Offer to count how many heroes of the fairy tale pulled a turnip, met Kolobok, lived in a house. And if the characters of "Teremok" are compared in height, in size? Who is the biggest, smallest? Who is smaller than a bear, but bigger than a bunny? And so on. And what if they were “turned” into circles, pasted into a notebook and signed numbers under them? For example: a mouse - a gray circle, a frog - green, a bunny - white, a top - a large gray circle.

◈ We fix: remember the fairy tales of V. Suteev "Different wheels" and "Under the mushroom". How could the animals hide under the mushroom, what happened to it? Why did not the cart roll in the fairy tale "Different Wheels"? (The wheels were of different sizes.) And if all the fairy tales were to be sketched? The whole country of fabulous mathematics will turn out.

Useful verses

Earring fell into the snow,

And behind him is Alyoshka,

And behind him is Irinka,

And behind her is Marinka.

And then Ignat fell.

How many guys are there in the snow?

The hostess once came from the bazaar.

The hostess brought home from the bazaar:

Potatoes, cabbage, carrots,

Peas, parsley and beets - oh! **

(How many vegetables did the hostess bring?)

Lady checked in luggage

Sofa, suitcase, bag,

Picture, basket, cardboard

And a little dog *

(How many items did the lady check in luggage?)

In the morning at Aibolit,

Until lunchtime,

Interesting math games are aimed at teaching your little one the basics of math. These games develop visual-figurative thinking in children, teach to compare, acquaint with the quantitative composition of numbers, the proposed games introduce children to numbers and their numerical designations, teach to solve the simplest mathematical problems.

"Who goes to visit in the morning"

The game of composing a set of two subsets, to consolidate the concept of "one", "many", "none"

Required inventory: plot toys, circles of two colors: red and yellow.

◈ How we play: "Who goes to visit in the morning, he acts wisely, taram-param, taram-param, that's what morning is." Play with toys, tell us that guests have come to us in the morning and you need to treat them with apples (circles). There are apples on the plate: how many are there? (A lot.) And the guests? (Few.) First hand out the yellow apples and ask, "How many more apples are left?" (Many.) "Which ones?" (Red.) Give them too. "How many apples are on a plate?" (Not a single one was left.) “How many apples were given to each guest? (One at a time.) "How many yellow, red apples?" (Many). "How many apples are there in total?" (There are many apples, some of them are red and yellow.)

◈ To fix: if you wash apples in the kitchen, offer to arrange them in plates according to color. Note that there are many apples, but there are many among them, for example, green and yellow apples (many apples are made up of a subset of yellow and green).

◈ When putting toys in the box, ask the same questions.

➣ Attention: What is little, how to define it? Laugh with your child: if the candies are tasty, we say that there are not enough of them. It turns out that "little" is a relative concept.

◈ Play the game "One - Many". "What items are there in the kitchen?" (Plates, spoons.) "And one object?" (Vase, painting, etc.) In the bathroom: one mirror, bathtub, rug, many shampoo tubes, towels, etc. Outside: many houses, leaves, etc.

Button buyer

The game teaches to use the mediated set; develops visual-figurative thinking.

Required inventory: coat with buttonholes, buttons, circles or chips.

◈ How do we play: how to buy the required number of buttons if the child still cannot count? Very simple! Play around this situation: have the kid put the chips on the eyelets of his coat, then collect them and ask the "salesperson" in the store (an adult): "Give me the same number of buttons as I have chips." The “seller” puts each token next to a button and counts how many buttons to sell. And the "buyer" of the house must check whether the buttons were enough for him, was he not mistaken? Swap roles.

◈ To fix: on a sheet of paper, glue or draw two groups of geometric shapes - one below the other. Note which is more, less, or equal. Imagine with your child, come up with what the figures can be, compare butterflies and flowers, caterpillars and leaves, etc.

◈ To complicate things: from each upper figure, draw a path to the lower figure - this is an equal sign (the sign itself can be omitted).


The game reinforces the urge to compare two groups of objects

Required inventory: buttons of different colors, sizes and shapes.

◈ How we play: everyone has buttons at home. With their help, you can come up with a variety of games. Put, for example, round buttons up (they can be of different colors and sizes), and down under them - square ones. Shall they be equal, which are more or less? Or put red round buttons up and blue square buttons down.

"Where did the sparrow eat?"

Play helps the child understand that Quantity is a relative concept.

Necessary inventory: cut out from any books, magazines elephant, wolf, bear, hare, hedgehog, in scale they should be proportional to their real size, five squares - "cages" for animals of the corresponding different sizes.

◈ How we play: show your child pictures of a bear, a wolf and a hare, find out which of the animals is the largest, which is the smallest, which is the smallest, etc. They need to be placed in cages of the appropriate size.

◈ An elephant was brought to the zoo. He needs to take the largest cage. Note that the bear was the largest, and now the elephant is. Then the smallest animal, a hedgehog, was brought to the zoo. Pay attention to how the ratio has changed: the smallest was the hare, now the hedgehog. Compare again who is the biggest, who is the smallest, etc.

◈ Fastening: Compare shoes by size: mom's, dad's, baby's and doll's. Switch roles: the child asks, and you show. Compare anything: clothes, furniture. Don't forget the utensils in the kitchen. And if you compare a watermelon and a radish? And who is bigger: a giant or Uncle Styopa? And who is smaller: Thumbelina or gnomes, or maybe Boy-s-finger? On the street, compare the height of houses, trees, etc. This develops an eye.

First steps in mathematics

The game teaches you how to compare two groups of objects

Required inventory: dolls or other toys, cups.

◈ How we play: Place five toys and place four cups in front of them. “Now we will treat them to tea. Why did one toy cry? How can I help her? "

◈ Fix: in the future, you can bring the number of toys to 10.

◈ To complicate matters: you can compare the number of objects by eye - real objects in the room, for example, glasses and cups, etc. What is more, less? If the child finds it difficult, stretch the strings or put sticks from one object to another (this is an equal sign).

Toddler pencils

The game introduces the child to the quantitative composition of a number of units

Required inventory: colored pencils of different colors.

◈ How we play: put the pencil on the table, notice that there is only one - red. To the right of it, put another one, but of a different color. Now there are two of them: one is red, the other is green. Hence, the number two consists of two ones. Put another pencil, for example, yellow. Say that the number three is made up of three ones. Bring the count to 5-10 in the same way. Remember the fairy tale about the Kid, who could count to 10. How he saved the animals. Emphasize: "How good it is to be able to count!" What does your child think? And if everyone who was saved by the Kid is depicted in the form of circles? Stick them on and count, it turns out that your child is saving the heroes of the fairy tale. Praise him.

◈ To fix: play the game "Guess". How many units does the number 3, 4 consist of? Show numbers if the child knows them. Take different toys next time: a typewriter, a hedgehog, a dog, a hare, etc. The number four consists of four units (one hedgehog, one car, one dog, one hare). Count from left to right and vice versa, stress that this will not change the amount. And if you put the toys in a circle, how can you remember which one you started to count from?

◈ Swap roles. Encourage your child continually.

Bang Bang

The game introduces children to numbers

Required inventory: two hares, two carrots, numbers 1 and 2.

◈ How we play: take two bunnies or other toys from the toy box and tell a story about their friendship. About how one day they received parcels. One box contained one carrot, and the other contained two. Why aren't they equally divided? Find out that one box has the number "1", so there is one carrot in the box, the other has the number "2", so there are two carrots in it. Introduce these numbers to the children. Do not forget to equalize gifts for bunnies so as not to offend them.

◈ Fix: this is how you can introduce other numbers (up to 10).

◈ Write these numbers in a notebook. You can also sculpt them out of plasticine.

School of the Wise Owl

The game teaches you to correlate the number of objects with their digital designation

Required inventory: cards with numbers, object pictures or toys, Wise Owl (toy or drawn).

◈ How we play: tell your child that the Wise Owl will come to visit you. Today she brought pictures and cards with numbers from 1 to 5. Show a picture on which, for example, four cars are drawn. Have the child find the card with the number "4". Play the rest of the pictures in the same way. Will the child cope on his own, without the help of the Owl? Praise him for his diligence.

◈ Reinforce: we play the other way around - you show a card with the number "3", and the child must submit a picture with three apples drawn, etc. Change roles: the child shows cards with numbers, and you are looking for the desired picture. Or maybe the Wise Owl will help him?

◈ We play the game "Tasty Numbers" in the kitchen. We take three tangerines and find a card with the number "3", etc. Do not forget to invite the Wise Owl - let him eat.

◈ And if you attach the number "1" to the refrigerator, and the number "2" to the curtains? And the rest? Think about it. Let your child do it. If he has an interest in numbers, he will be happy to stick them on whatever he finds, and you?

Counting counters

The game introduces the ordinal account Required inventory: toys.

◈ How we play: put toys in a row on the table. Say that the Wise Owl has come to visit you again. She will play a game with you. You need to correctly answer who is in the first (second, etc.) place. We count from left to right. "Who stands between the hare and the bear?" “There’s a squirrel here. She is the second ”, etc. Note that if the toys are counted from right to left, the toys that were first will become the last.

◈ Fastening: toys can be put one after another - with a locomotive. Are you all at home? Play the little train. Who will be first: mom, dad? It's up to the child to decide. Be sure to pay attention to where the account is from.

◈ Find out who is in second place - mom or grandmother, and who is in third? What if the last carriage becomes a steam locomotive? Will the ordinal account change?

◈ Are you busy in the kitchen? Play this game in a new way: put different dishes on the table - a plate, a Cup, a spoon, etc. Ask what is in the first, second, third place. Swap dishes. Now they are different.

➣ Attention: quantitative composition is a composition of units, it does not change. And the ordinal composition can change if you count in a different direction. Don't mix it up!

The locomotive from Romashkovo

The game introduces the ordinal

Required inventory: chairs.

◈ How we play: put the chairs one behind the other - this is a train from Romashkov. Invite children or adults to play with you. You can sing the Little Engine song from this animated film:

My cheerful steam locomotive passed the bridge;

He'll slow down now

He will invite you to land.

“Hey friends, come here soon!

Don't push at the door

Don't meow, don't bark

Take your place quickly. "

◈ Where are we going? And at least where: to the zoo, to the dacha, etc. But be sure to beat.

◈ We fix: toys can also go, the driver is a child.

Clever girl

The game teaches you to solve the simplest problems

Required inventory: fruit bowl.

◈ How we play: tell the child: “We have two apples in our vase, I’ll give one to you. How many apples are left? Why will there be less of them? " Be sure to show everything with a visual example. "How can we make them more numerous?" - The child must put one apple in a vase. Come up with similar problems for everything that you have at hand. Use any situation to do this: have you bought your child new shorts, the third in a row? Ask, for example: "How many shorts do you have now?" Note that if we subtract, we say "left"; if we add, we say "became."

◈ We fix: on the street you saw children sitting, one left. Offer to come up with a problem about them and solve it. If the child knows the numbers, then you can write it down.

◈ Complicating: the child has to come up with an oral problem, and you will solve it and be sure to make a mistake. Give your child the pleasure of correcting you.

Tasks of the Wise Owl

The game teaches you to solve the simplest problems of addition, subtraction: add, subtract 2; forms visual - figurative thinking

Required inventory: notebook, pencil, small items.

◈ How we play: today the Wise Owl will teach you how to solve problems. Place two red circles and two blue circles on the left in front of the child, and two blue circles on the right. Tell them that they are enchanted forest dwellers. Offer to come up with a problem about them. Let the child fantasize: red circles can be squirrels and leaves. If the child does not cope, then the Wise Owl will come to the rescue. Tell her a poem:

Owl-owl, big head,

I sat on a bitch, turned my head ...

◈ Fix: we play in reverse. The child lays out circles, squares, and you solve problems. And if you have been waiting for a train for a long time and you have chalk? Or do you wash in the bathroom and the child helps to wash the toys? Together with your child, come up with a problem about them. This will prepare your mathematician for school.

Fabulous mathematics

Required inventory: books of fairy tales with pictures.

◈ How we play: remember the fairy tales "Teremok", "Kolobok", "Turnip". Offer to count how many heroes of the fairy tale pulled a turnip, met Kolobok, lived in a house. And if the characters of "Teremok" are compared in height, in size? Who is the biggest, smallest? Who is smaller than a bear, but bigger than a bunny? And so on. And what if they were “turned” into circles, pasted into a notebook and signed numbers under them? For example: a mouse - a gray circle, a frog - green, a bunny - white, a top - a large gray circle.

◈ We fix: remember the fairy tales of V. Suteev "Different wheels" and "Under the mushroom". How could the animals hide under the mushroom, what happened to it? Why did not the cart roll in the fairy tale "Different Wheels"? (The wheels were of different sizes.) And if all the fairy tales were to be sketched? The whole country of fabulous mathematics will turn out.

Useful verses

Earring fell into the snow,

And behind him is Alyoshka,

And behind him is Irinka,

And behind her is Marinka.

And then Ignat fell.

How many guys are there in the snow?

The hostess once came from the bazaar.

The hostess brought home from the bazaar:

Potatoes, cabbage, carrots,

Peas, parsley and beets - oh! **

(How many vegetables did the hostess bring?)

Lady checked in luggage

Sofa, suitcase, bag,

Picture, basket, cardboard

And a little dog *

(How many items did the lady check in luggage?)

In the morning at Aibolit,

Until lunchtime,

Teeth are treated:

Zebras, bison,

Tigers, otters and beavers.

(How many different animals did Aibolit cure?)

Collection of math games

(for preschool children)

Pavlodar 2016 w

Compiled by: Romanevich T.F.

teacher I / s No. 86



    Explanatory note ……………………………………………… ..3

    Games with numbers and numbers …………………………………………… 4

    Games with geometric shapes …………………………………… .11

    Games by section size ……………………………………………… 18

    Logic games …………………………………………………… .. 20

Explanatory note

“Children are always willing to do something. This is very useful, and therefore not only should not interfere with this, but measures must be taken to ensure that they always have something to do. "
Comenius J.

Acquaintance with the amazing world of mathematics begins at preschool age. Children with interest and desire get acquainted with numbers, learn to operate them, compare objects in size, study geometric shapes and master the skill of orientation in space and time. Mathematics provides tremendous opportunities for the development of thinking, logic and attention.

For the successful mastery of knowledge in the sections of the formation of elementary mathematical representations (FEMP), a large role is assigned to didactic games. Play is the leading type of activity for children; only in play does the child subtly acquire and successfully consolidate knowledge.

Each of the FEMP games solves a specific problem of improving the mathematical (quantitative, spatial, temporal) representations of children.

Didactic games are included directly in the content of FEMP lessons as one of the means of implementing program tasks, as well as for individual work to consolidate children's knowledge in the afternoon. Didactic games in the structure of the FEMP lesson are determined by the age of the children, the purpose, purpose, and content of the lesson.

I bring to your attention the author's didactic games.

Games with numbers and numbers

1. Didactic game "Collect flowers"

Age 5-6 years

Target: fix the composition of the numbers 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.

Equipment: petals with examples for the composition of numbers 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, middle with numbers 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.


The teacher invites the children to collect beautiful flowers. He lays out the centers of flowers on the tables, petal cards are handed out to children. At the signal, children must find the right center and collect the flower. The winner is the team that correctly and quickly collects its daisy.

2. Didactic game "Sleigh"

Age 5-6 years

Target: to consolidate the ability to distinguish between the neighbors of the number.

Equipment: cards- sleighs with numbers, cards with numbers.


The teacher suggests going on a winter sled ride. Children choose any cards they wish: some with numbers, some with sleds. After that, the teacher arranges the children in two ranks: with sleds in one, and with numbers in the other. Draws attention to the sleigh to go: you need to find your rider. The children carefully examine their cards and look for their match: the child with the missing number card. Those who have found each other form a sleigh and are waiting for all the children. As soon as everyone gets up in pairs, they go for a winter walk in the group, after making a circle, they lay out the cards again on the table and the game continues.

The game can be played up to three times.

Age 5-6 years

Target: fixing forward and backward counting within 10.

Equipment: cards in the form of nuts and mushrooms with numbers from 1 to 10, two multi-colored strings, a picture or a toy squirrel.


The teacher makes a riddle about the squirrel:

From branch to branch

I can fly.

Red-haired tail

No one to catch.

Once upon a time in the summer

I play in the forest

Need mushrooms

Collect for winter.


Demonstrates a picture or a toy of a squirrel, asks to help the squirrel: collect nuts and mushrooms. Gives the task to collect nuts from one to ten, stringing them on strings, and mushrooms from 10 to one.Checks implementation, asks the child to name the numbers in forward and backward order.


You can collect even numbers and odd numbers in forward and reverse order.

Age 5-6 years

Target: fix the composition of the numbers 6,7,8.

Equipment: three baskets with cells, cards carrots and cabbage with examples for the composition of the numbers 6,7 and 8.


The teacher makes a riddle about autumn:

I carry crops, I sow the fields again,

I send the birds to the south, I undress the trees,

But I don’t touch the pines and trees, me.


Conducts a conversation about the concerns of collective farmers in the fields in the fall.

Offers help to collect carrots and cabbages by arranging them correctly in baskets.

Checks the completion of the task (you can offer counting sticks for verification).


You can offer children a competition: who will harvest the harvest faster and correctly?


Age 5-6 years

Target: to consolidate the ability to compare numbers using signs more, less and equal, to distinguish numbers from 1 to 12.

Equipment: a picture of Baba Fedora, cards with a picture of dishes, small white sheets of paper, paper clips, simple pencils.


The teacher reads out an excerpt from the fairy tale by K. I Chukovsky "Fedorino grief":

"And the pan on the run

Shouted to the iron:

"I run, I run, I run,

I can’t resist! "

So the kettle is running after the coffee pot,

Chatters, chatters, rattles. "

Guys, what kind of fairy tale are the dishes from? What happened to her? Who offended her? How can we help Fedora?

To return the dishes, you need to correctly place the signs: more, less or equal!

Invites children to carefully consider the card and complete the task.

6. Didactic game "Fishing"

Age 5-6 years

Target: introduce and consolidate the composition of the numbers 6, 7 and 8.

Equipment: fish cards with examples for the composition of the numbers 6,7 and 8; 3 buckets with cells.


The teacher invites the children to put the fisherman's catch in buckets.

Guys, we need your help - we urgently need to feed the inhabitants of the water park: a polar bear eats fish only 8 kg, a seal - 6 kg, and a dolphin - 7 kg. You can't make a mistake, be careful.

Children choose a fish card and put it in the right bucket.

The teacher checks the correctness of the implementation. You can choose a captain who will check all the folded fish in the bucket.

7. Didactic game "Big wash"

Age 5-6 years

Target: introduce and consolidate the composition of the numbers 8, 9 and 10.

Equipment: cards of things with examples for the composition of numbers 8, 9 and 10; three washing machines with cells.


Invite the children to put the laundry in the automatic washing machines.

Guys, the holiday on March 8 is approaching, in order to make a gift for mom, let's help her do the laundry.

8. Didactic game "Help the bees get home"

Age 5-6 years

Target: introduce and consolidate the composition of the numbers 5,6,7 and 8.

Equipment: bee cards with examples for the composition of the numbers 5,6,7 and 8; three pieces of evidence with cells.


The teacher pays attention to the houses attached to the board, specifies whose they are.

Creates a problematic situation:

The bees need to get home, but they cannot do this, because they do not know which house is theirs.

The children agree to help, choose a bee card and put it on the right piece of evidence.

As soon as all the children cope with the task, the teacher checks the correctness of the task and thanks the children for their help.


You can offer the children a competition: who will help the bees get home faster.

You can play individually and in subgroups.

The test can be performed by a child who has mastered the composition of numbers well.

9. Didactic game "Sea voyage"

Age 5-6 years

Target: to consolidate the ability to solve examples on + and - within 6 - 11.

Equipment: boat cards with examples for + and - ranging from 6-11; four berths with cells.


The teacher invites the children to go on a sea voyage, choosing a boat, and disperse in a group. Children choose a boat card, walk around the group, carefully examine it, consider their example. At the signal of the teacher "Moor!": The children choose the desired berth and moor their boat.

The teacher checks the correctness of the assignment.

Geometric Shape Games

1. Didactic game "Portrait"

Age 4-5 years


* Teach children to see familiar images in a schematic representation of objects.

* To consolidate the ability to distinguish between the concepts of magnitude: large, slightly smaller and smallest.

* Exercise in the ability to distinguish between geometric shapes.

* Develop the skill of orientation on the sheet.

Equipment: "Magic box" with toys or pictures: bunny, cat, bird, snowman; frames, sets of geometric shapes circle, oval, triangle of different sizes: large, slightly smaller and the smallest.


The teacher draws attention to the "magic box".

Today guests have come to us, but to see them, you need to compose their portrait from geometric shapes.

Put a frame in front of you, listen carefully:

Put a large circle in the middle of the lower edge of the frame, a slightly smaller circle on top of it, two small ovals on it, and to the right of the large circle put the smallest circle.

Who turned out?

Well done, guys, you guessed right - it's a bunny!

The teacher takes it out of the box and shows the bunny.

Children remove the pieces, the game continues.

The teacher gives instructions to the children, they lay out the figures.

"Bird" "Cat"

The game can be used for individual work, as part of a class for subgroup work.

2. Didactic game "The Adventures of a Kolobok"

Age 4-5 years


* To consolidate the ability to distinguish between round shapes in vegetables, fruits and berries.

* Exercise in the ability to name distinguish between primary colors.

* Develop logical thinking.

Equipment: pictures - a bun and a rainbow, pictures of vegetables, fruits and berries in the colors of a round rainbow.



Today a fairytale hero has come to visit us: he is round, he left his grandmother. Who is this?

That's right, bun!

Places a picture of a kolobok on the board.

Kolobok invites you on a journey. The bun was rolling through the forest and suddenly saw a cloud fall into a clearing, and from it a magical multi-colored path appeared. What kind of track is this?

That's right, it's a rainbow!

Puts a picture on the board: a cloud with a rainbow.

Our kolobok wanted to take a walk on the rainbow. He jumped onto the red strip of the rainbow and suddenly turned ...

What do you think our gingerbread man on the red carpet could have become? What vegetables, fruits or berries are round and red?

Tomato apple radish raspberry

Well done boys. And our kolobok rolled further onto the orange strip.

Orange persimmon pumpkin mandarin

And our kolobok rolled further onto the yellow strip.

What vegetables, fruits or berries could our gingerbread man turn into?

Tomato apple apricot turnip

And the kolobok rolled further - on which path?

That's right, green.

The game continues by analogy.

Green rainbow stripe

Green apple peas watermelon cabbage grapes gooseberries

Blue rainbow stripe


Blue rainbow stripe

Blue grapes

Purple rainbow stripe

Plum cabbage potatoes


So the adventures of our kolobok are over!

3. Didactic game "Fix the dress"

Age 5-6 years


Equipment: silhouettes of dresses with "holes" and details for mending dresses.


The teacher offers to help Cinderella fix dresses for her sisters. It is necessary to put every detail in the right place. The child should name what geometric shapes he fixed the dress with.

Complication. You can split the parts in half, suggest cutting out the patches yourself.

4. Didactic game "Fix your boots"

Age 4-5 years

Target: be able to correlate geometric shapes with "holes".

Equipment: silhouettes of boots with "holes" and geometric shapes: circle, square, oval, triangle, rectangle.


The teacher draws the attention of the children to the boots: the shoemaker needs help, the boots are worn out, they should be repaired: find the necessary patch and put it on the corresponding hole.

The child takes a geometric figure, names it, selects: where it fits. The teacher checks the correctness of the implementation.

5. Didactic game "Russell guests"

Age 4-5 years

Target: to consolidate the ability to distinguish between geometric shapes (circle, oval, triangle, rectangle, square)

Equipment: diagram card and a set of small toys.


The teacher offers to resettle the guests in a new house. Children, at the direction of the teacher, put toys on the corresponding figures.

For example, a frog lives in a room with square windows, a child has to put a frog toy on a circle, etc.

6. Didactic game "Tell me what is shown in the picture"

Age 4-5 years

Target: to consolidate the ability to see geometric shapes (circle, oval, triangle, rectangle, square) in the image of objects of the surrounding reality and name them.

Equipment: picture with the image of objects from geometric shapes.


The teacher invites the child to look at the picture and tell what he sees in the picture and what geometric shapes the object consists of.

For example, a yellow sun is round, clouds are oval, etc.

7. Didactic game "Pick up a pair of mittens"

Age 4-5 years

Target: to consolidate the ability to distinguish between geometric shapes (circle, oval, triangle, rectangle, square) and name them.

Equipment: cards-mittens, with the image on them of an ornament of geometric shapes.


The teacher invites the child to help pick up a pair of mittens and tell them what patterns they are decorated with.

8. Didactic game "Hide and Seek"

Age 4-5 years



* Develop logical thinking, the ability to analyze.

Equipment: picture card; set of geometric shapes: circle, square, rectangle, triangle.


The teacher invites the child to look at the card and name which figures are shown on the card. Draws attention to the fact that geometric figures are arranged in rows, some are hidden. The teacher offers to put geometric shapes in their places.

9. Didactic game "Decorate a napkin"

Age 4-5 years


* Strengthen the ability to distinguish between geometric shapes (circle, triangle, rectangle, square) and name them.

* Develop logical thinking, imagination.

Equipment: card 15x15; set of geometric shapes: circles, squares, rectangles, triangles and ovals.


The teacher invites children to decorate napkins for their mothers with geometric shapes: whoever wants to. After completing the task, the child should tell: what figures he decorated the napkin and where he placed them.

Games by category size

1. Didactic game "Assemble the pyramid"

Age 4-5 years


* To consolidate the ability to compose an image of a pyramid from ovals of different sizes in descending order.

* Clarify the names of the colors.

Equipment: ovals of different colors and sizes.


The teacher invites the child to name the size of the ovals laid out on the table and their color, to make a pyramid.

2. Didactic game "Collect apples"

Age 4-5 years


* Exercise in the ability to correlate objects with the desired size.

Equipment: picture depicting an apple tree, apples of different sizes: large, smaller and smallest, 3 baskets of different sizes.


The teacher makes a riddle:

Take a look into the autumn garden
Miracle - the balls are hanging.
Reddish, ripe flank
To the kids for a tooth.


On the table in front of the child, he lays out a picture of an apple tree with apples of different sizes, specifies whether the apples are of the same size on the apple tree.

Demonstrates to the child the baskets, specifies which ones are in size, offers to collect the apples in the desired baskets.

3. Didactic game "Clean up the kitchen"

Age 4-5 years


* To consolidate the ability to distinguish between the size of objects: large, smaller, smallest.

* Exercise in the ability to arrange objects from left to right in ascending and descending order.

Equipment: cards depicting dishes of different sizes: large, smaller and smallest.


The teacher invites the children to consider the dishes that lie on the table in front of them, specifies the names, color and size.

Suggests to put things in order in the kitchen by arranging the dishes in descending and ascending order from left to right.

Children arrange dishes, name them in descending and ascending order.

Logic games

1. Didactic game "Tale of the cells"

Age 5-6 years


* To consolidate the ability to navigate on a sheet of paper in the cells.

Equipment: card with cells, chips - pictures with the image of objects.


The teacher proposes to consider the child a card, clarifies the location of the numbers on it, and chips with the image of objects, offers to name: who is depicted on them. The teacher explains the task, in order to get a fairy tale, you need to listen carefully and put chips on the right cell.

The teacher begins to tell a fairy tale: “Once upon a time there was a girl Masha (4.3), she went for a walk in the forest (4.2). A bird hovered high in the sky (1,2). The sun was shining affectionately (1.4). In the meadow Masha saw beautiful flowers (3.5). Soon Masha saw a beautiful butterfly (2.1). It's good in the summer in the forest. "

If the child performed the task correctly, then you get such a fairy tale in the cells.

There can be a lot of options for fairy tales, it all depends on you!

2. Didactic game "Dreamers"

Age 5-6 years


* To consolidate the ability to build according to the scheme from the details of the game.


Equipment: schemes, the game "Columbus egg".


1 version of the game.

Educatorinvites children to go on a sea voyage, but for this you need to build ships according to the diagrams from the details of the game. Children build ships according to diagrams.

2 version of the game.

Educatorinvites children to go to a magical forest and build animals and birds that can inhabit this forest from the details of the game.

Children come up with images of animals and birds.

3. Didactic game "Grow flowers" (Blocks of Dienysh)

Age 5-6 years


* Reinforce knowledge of geometric shapes.

* Exercise in the ability to "read" the instructions.

* Develop imaginative thinking, imagination.

Equipment: card-scheme - "Clearing with stems", sets of geometric shapes: circles, squares, triangles, 5 pcs. red, blue and yellow; schemes for the centers and petals of flowers, a ready-made sample.


The teacher shows a diagram of the clearing:
- Guys, look, a trouble happened on the flower meadow: an evil sorceress enchanted the flowers - made them invisible. The magic country urgently needs your help, it is necessary to disenchant flowers.

Carefully consider the diagrams for the middle and put the right geometric shapes in the right place. Now consider the patterns for the petals, be very careful, and lay out the petals with the desired geometric shapes.

The teacher offers a ready-made sample for verification. Evaluates the activities of children in the game, praises those who completed the task correctly. With those who find it difficult, he plays individually once again.

Schemes for the middle of the flowers.

Schemes for the petals.

Ready sample:

4. Didactic game "Riddles and answers"

Age 5-6 years


* Develop imaginative thinking, imagination.

* Exercise in the ability to lay out objects from the counting sticks according to the scheme.

Equipment: counting sticks for each child and card-schemes.


The teacher reads the riddle and invites the children to build a solution from the counting sticks according to a map-scheme or according to their personal design.

The palace floats on the waves, I will spin, I will wrap it up, I will fly to heaven.
People are lucky on themselves. (helicopter)

Shines in a clean river

The back is silvery.


5. Didactic game "Solve the problem"

Age 5-6 years


* Develop imaginative thinking, imagination.

* Exercise in the ability to lay out numbers from beans.

Equipment: beans in a plate for each child.


The teacher offers to solve a poetic problem, and put the answer on the bean table.

*** ***

One night, under a bush, Five crows sat on the roof,

The mushrooms have grown again. Moreover, they flew to them.

Two mushrooms, three mushrooms. Answer quickly, boldly

How much will? Exactly ... (five) How many of them flew in? (seven)

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