Ird when replacing a gas boiler in a boiler room. Gas boiler in a private house: replacement procedure

Engineering systems 24.06.2019
Engineering systems

Or Raygas), ask for permission to reinstall. Wait for a response (from 1 day to several months, depending on the number of applications) and pay for the permit, get technical specifications.

If the installation requires the transfer of gas pipelines or a boiler, the gas pipeline layout is changed or the type of boiler is changed, then a new project must be developed. Contact a specialized company that is licensed for this type of work (you can get their addresses from the gas service). The cost of design work will be determined depending on the scope of work.

If you are making a regular replacement that does not require a change in the design, simply obtain a building passport from the organization that produces the replacement and submit it to the PTO of the gas distribution organization. Check the smoke and ventilation ducts (DVK), also give the act to the gas department. In addition, imported equipment also requires a certificate of conformity.

When installing a new boiler, supervise all the actions of the workers. Please note - before dismantling, the heating system is flushed so that deposits and dirt do not clog the heat exchanger, the pump, changeover valve and other boiler elements do not fail.

Make sure that the workers, when dismantling the old boiler, first disconnect it from the gas pipeline, then disconnect the heating system from the side of the input unit cold water and from the side of the boiler, in the last turn, they cut off the boiler from the smoke exhaust system.

After installing the boiler, make sure that it is firmly attached to the wall and the possibility of accidental breakage is excluded. Please note - if the marking is correct, the chimney hole is located directly opposite the smoke exhaust pipe.

Check the correctness of the connection sequence: first, the boiler is connected to the smoke exhaust system, then to the gas pipeline using fittings, then to the heating and hot water supply system (if such a possibility is provided by the system). Please note that workers must check all seams and joints for defects in soldering.

After connecting to the mains, a test run of the gas boiler is carried out. Find out all the features of your boiler control, temperature regulation and additional functions.

Obsolete gas equipment must be replaced if it is out of order or does not comply with the new safety standards. Most often, it becomes necessary to replace gas stove, column or counter.

You will need

  • - new equipment;
  • - services of a gas distribution organization;
  • - permission of the regulatory authorities.


Find out if you are eligible for replacement hardware at no cost. Your area may have a modernization program gas equipment for large families, low-income families, WWII participants or disabled people. Check this question with gas specialists, or even better - read the corresponding provision on benefits in your gas company.

If you nevertheless decide to replace the gas equipment by yourself, pick up in the store and buy the appropriate equipment. Beforehand, be sure to check whether the installation of such equipment is possible - for example, you cannot connect a gas boiler in an apartment building (unless all apartments follow your example), there may also be problems with a smokeless boiler in a private house, etc. Feel free to buy equipment of the same type as you had before the replacement - you don't even need to reissue the project documentation.

In order to install a gas equipment other type, consult a specialist beforehand. Find out if it is possible to increase the size of the stove, taking into account the dimensions of your kitchen, how best to place it (taking into account fire safety), whether an additional circuit breaker or outlet is required.

When the preparatory work is completed, find a suitable equipment in the store and buy. Try to get gas equipment in a trusted store that provides a long warranty and service. Technique must have everything Required documents and certification (for imported equipment, a certificate of conformity is additionally required).

If the replaced equipment differs from what you had before, request permission from Gorgaz for reinstallation by writing a statement. After it is issued to you, pay and receive technical specifications.

Replacing the gas boiler
Over time, equipment not only deteriorates its characteristics and efficiency, it also becomes obsolete. This means that it not only works worse than a new one of the same kind, but also does not meet modern technical standards and achievements. This applies to all things, but most of all you should pay attention to the devices that provide our life. Some apartment buildings and many private ones have their own boiler rooms, where a heating system works, which warms up the residents of the house in the cold winter.

In addition to the fact that the mechanism must work well, not use excessive amounts of energy and have a low noise level, it must be as safe as possible, because it is located inside residential buildings.

Also, the legislation provides for special rules for the arrangement of boiler rooms.

If your AOGV makes noise, smokes, its efficiency has decreased, repair costs begin to approach the cost of a new boiler, or it simply has reached its age (wall-mounted - 8 years, floor-mounted - 15 years), then it is time to replace it. On this moment the market has many options for new boilers of different capacities and configurations, but basically they are divided into 2 types:

  • closed type boilers. Their peculiarity lies in the fact that the burner is located in a chamber, hermetically separated from the room in which the apparatus is located, and the inflow of fresh air and the removal of combustion products occurs through a coaxial pipe. Its structure consists of two pipes - one inside the other, which allows one hole to be used for air outlet and inflow. Closed-type boilers have a relatively low power (up to 35 kW), but they are volatile mechanisms, since they require additional connection to a power supply to ensure ventilation;
  • open-type boilers have an open burner, that is, the flow of air to the fire is carried out from the boiler room itself, where the combustion products are also discharged. Equipment of this type can have a higher power compared to closed-type boilers (from 30 kW), but the requirements for the room where the boiler is located are more stringent and require intensive ventilation. The advantage of open-type boilers over closed ones is their energy independence.

Boilers can have from 1 to 2 circuits. Single-circuit boilers are capable of heating water for only one consumer, for example, for heating rooms. The double-circuit has the ability to work on 2 fronts at once: heating and creating hot water for household purposes.

Gas boiler replacement procedure

Since the gas boiler is an important and responsible part of housing, its installation and maintenance takes place only through special state bodies (gorgaz, oblgas, raigas) through accredited enterprises specializing in this kind of work. The procedure for replacing and installing boiler equipment should in no case take place without the knowledge of the authorities and the hands of homeowners. Not because of the complexity of the task, but because this is a responsible business and, if performed incorrectly, can endanger people's lives. Dismantling can be done with your own hands.

Step-by-step instructions for replacing the boiler:

  1. Writing an application to the responsible authority (gorgaz, oblgaz, raigaz) for permission to replace the boiler. At the same time, you should be aware that if the boiler is replaced with a similar one, then the project remains the same, but if the type of boiler, gas pipe supply schemes or the location of the gas boiler change, then the project will have to be developed anew.
  2. When the answer is received, it is necessary to take a building passport from the company replacing your boiler and hand it over to the gas service. Also, the gas distribution company will need a DVK inspection certificate (smoke ventilation ducts) and, if the boiler is replaced with imported equipment, a certificate confirming compliance with domestic safety standards.

After that, a company that has a certificate for the replacement of gas equipment can replace your old boiler with a new one. When dismantling an old boiler and installing a new one, it is useful to know the technology by which this occurs, in order to prevent actions that may lead to malfunctioning of the gas equipment installed in your boiler room, therefore, the following is the procedure for installing a new boiler and removing its predecessor.

Removing the old boiler

Dismantling instructions:

  1. First of all, while the old boiler is still in place, it is necessary to flush the entire heating system of the house. This is necessary in order to wash off all the contaminants accumulated in the heating system, otherwise they can adversely affect the operation of the new unit.
  2. After that, all the water is completely drained from heating system and the boiler.
  3. First, the boiler is disconnected from the gas source, then from the heating system and the cold water source. The final stage of disconnecting the boiler will be disconnection from the ventilation system, if the boiler is of a closed type.
  4. The boiler is free and can be removed from the room.

Installing a new boiler

Only a specialized organization has the right to install a new gas boiler, and it is forbidden to do this with your own hands.

List of tools and materials:

  • boiler;
  • bracket;
  • ball valve - 3 pcs;
  • mesh filter for water supply - 2 pcs;
  • filter that normalizes the content of impurities in water;
  • gas cock or valve;
  • gas meter;
  • thermal shut-off valve;
  • gas content indicator;
  • three-core cable;
  • Voltage regulator;
  • uninterruptible power supply device;
  • level;
  • anchor bolts;
  • metal sheets for the interlayer between the wall and the boiler, if the wall is made of combustible material;
  • metal pipes for gas and water.
  1. A room for a boiler room in a private house can be made on any floor, except for living quarters, a toilet and a bathroom. In the basements of apartment buildings, the installation of a boiler room is prohibited.
  2. The room air temperature should not exceed 35 and be not lower than 5 degrees Celsius.
  3. The air humidity level should not cross the 80% border.
  4. The boiler room area must be at least 4 sq. M. with a ceiling height of more than 2.5 m.
  5. The width of the doorway must be at least 80 cm.
  6. The boiler room must have windows, the minimum area of ​​which is calculated according to the ratio of 100: 1 (wall area to total area windows).
  7. When installing an open type boiler, ensure that the boiler room is well ventilated. The size of the ventilation opening is calculated according to the ratio of 8: 1 (the area of ​​the opening in cm to the boiler output in kW).
  8. Gas pipes are allowed only from metal.
  9. The chimney diameter depends on the boiler power and is calculated using the formula: boiler power * 4.3 = chimney diameter in cm.
  10. The area must be larger than the cross-sectional area of ​​the hole for its connection.
  11. The chimney must rise above the highest roof element by at least 0.5 m.
  12. The chimney material must be metal.
  13. The chimney should not have more than 3 turns and bends.
  14. The connecting device and chimney-pipe should be no longer than 25 cm.

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The situevina is ripe - we are changing the gas boiler, the smoking room is dying. We have almost decided on the boiler, let's take Junkers. And what about the documentation, what do you need and where to go first?

For a start - in gorgaz. If you have already decided on a new boiler, then write down its full name, if you have already bought it, take the boiler passport with you. You also need a passport of the person with whom an agreement will be concluded for connecting gas to the boiler (for example, your personal passport), the registration certificate of the house with the gas part of the project. You will also need an act of inspection of smoke and ventilation ducts for compliance with current standards, you need to get it at the nearest fire fighting plant. In gorgaz, you agree on the replacement of the boiler, sign up for a gas shutdown. After Gorgaz turns off the old boiler, you mount a new one (yourself or hire people). Gas connection - back to gas.

We have to replace the boiler in a private house. What documents are needed?

Serg_i_K wrote: For a start - to the gas station. If you have already decided on a new boiler, then write down its full name, if you have already bought it, take the boiler passport with you. You also need a passport of the person with whom an agreement will be concluded for connecting gas to the boiler (for example, your personal passport), the registration certificate of the house with the gas part of the project. You will also need an act of inspection of smoke and ventilation ducts for compliance with current standards, you need to get it at the nearest fire fighting plant. In gorgaz, you agree on the replacement of the boiler, sign up for a gas shutdown. After Gorgaz turns off the old boiler, you mount a new one (yourself or hire people). Gas connection - back to gas supply.

No, there are many inconsistencies. In accordance with the requirements of the regulatory and technical documents in force in the territory of the Russian Federation, the procedure is as follows.
1. It is always necessary to start with obtaining a technical specification for the replacement of equipment.
To do this, you really need to contact the gas distribution organization, but the documents are as follows:
- documents on ownership of land and a house,
- the owner's passport.
2. After receiving the technical specifications, it is necessary to contact the design organization that has a certificate of admission to this type of work, where the project will be developed and agreed with the gas distribution organization that issued the technical specifications.
3. Having an agreed project in hand, you can conclude an agreement with a specialized organization that has a certificate of admission to this type of work, for the installation of equipment and the commissioning of the facility.

Gas equipment used in the private sector is classified as hazardous. Therefore, all actions for installation, repair, maintenance and replacement of the boiler are carried out exclusively by specialists. They have passed deep theoretical training and acquired skills for handling gas equipment. A special license is issued to carry out such activities.

Using the rated power and productivity, a calculation is made for the thermal energy generator used to heat private house... If the parameters decrease, it is necessary to update the boiler equipment. There can be many reasons for installing new boilers. Take insufficient performance as an example. The heated area is often increased due to the extension, new appliances are connected that heat the terraces and basements. It may be necessary to introduce additional functionality. To ensure comfort and coziness in a private house, a hot water supply circuit is required. And the use of double-circuit gas models generally combines a water heater with a heating boiler. Today, instead of atmospheric boilers and units, where there is a forced removal of flue gases, condensation heating devices have appeared. The efficiency of the new equipment has increased by 110%. Replacing a boiler is often associated with wear and tear of the old one. It is better to replace it in a timely manner, saving money, because it is very expensive to constantly repair an installation that has been in operation for a long time.

To replace the gas boiler, according to the specialists of, legal issues are resolved for a start, and, having received the support of the supervising gas authorities, you can proceed to practical implementation. We adhere to the following sequence of actions. We submit an application to the gas service at the place of residence to obtain a permit. We receive technical specifications, where the project must correspond to the early version, if necessary, we agree on an increase in the volume of consumed gas, after examining the metering devices and pipes, we receive a conclusion. Next, you need to conclude an agreement with the company engaged in installation and subsequent warranty service. This is followed by the dismantling of the old unit and the installation of a new boiler. It all ends with the acceptance and delivery of equipment for the work of the gas control service.

It is necessary to provide a solid package of documents to avoid possible problems in case of violation of the norms and independent replacement of gas equipment. Firstly, if the boiler is imported, you will need to provide a certificate indicating the standards corresponding to domestic indicators. If the model is double-circuit, there is a need for a sanitary and hygienic conclusion on hot water for domestic use. Usually the mall issues all of this documentation. Next, an act is required, where it is confirmed that the smoke and ventilation ducts are suitable for use, as well as an act that the boiler is connected to engineering systems. For a period of one year or more, a contract for warranty service of equipment is concluded with the company. Problems often arise if changes are made to the project, because the most important thing is that all actions during the installation of the boiler are legalized.

There is an opinion that it is very easy to remove old equipment, but if there is no experience, then the task may become more complicated: the tightness of the connection of the heating system pipelines may occur. Let's present the most general list of actions required for dismantling. Using the tap, disconnect from the gas main; we de-energize devices that depend on electricity; we shut off the pipeline that connects the heating and water supply; then we disconnect the pipes that ensure the systemic circulation of the fluid; we disassemble the structure with which the chimney is connected.

To install a new boiler, it is also necessary to perform a large amount of action. It may be necessary to move gas pipes, run power cables, or even equip a special drain to dispose of acidic condensate. If a new boiler is used, but an old heating is used, then filtering devices are installed. The best way if a mesh flushing or a special filter cartridge is provided. If you are going to convert gravitational heating into a closed form, then it is necessary to install a valve and a tank. Upon completion of the equipment replacement procedure, specialists hand over the facility to the supervisory authorities. Pre-commissioning activities are also a mandatory step. The system is filled with a coolant, the unit is tested for functionality, and the draft in the pipe is being checked. To replace gas equipment, it is better to contact a specialist. With a high-quality installation, the equipment will function long time without the need for revision or repair.

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Gas boiler - basic device individual heating cottages, houses, apartments, the energy source of which is gas. The boiler heats the water, which spreads through the pipes, heating the premises.

Like any other gas equipment, the boiler should only be connected by a specialist who has permits and special tools. Exchange

Therefore, the cost of installing a gas wall-mounted boiler is significantly different from a floor-standing boiler, for which all devices must be purchased and installed separately. Many modern wall-hung boilers do not require a chimney, which also affects the cost of work.

It is worth remembering that the cost of installing a gas boiler does not include the cost of materials, they must be paid separately.

Installation and installation of gas boilers - requirements and rules, methods and standards of installation

If all norms are met, he must issue a conclusion, on the basis of which it is possible to open the gas "valve" leading to the boiler; The heating system must be pressurized to P = 1.8 atm (see on the boiler pressure gauge); De-air the heating system; Check all connections for leaks; Be sure to install a voltage stabilizer for the boiler and preferably an uninterruptible power supply; Antifreeze must not be added to heating water.

Replacing a gas boiler in a private house: documents, rules and procedure

For double-circuit models, it is additionally necessary to have a sanitary and hygienic certificate, which applies to hot water for domestic needs. As a rule, retailers provide this package along with a warranty card. Inspection report with a positive conclusion about the suitability of the smoke and ventilation ducts. An act on the results of connecting the boiler to engineering systems, as well as an act on hidden work when laying a coaxial chimney through a wall. A warranty service agreement concluded for at least 1 year with a service organization. The cornerstone of the documentation is the revised project.

Gas boilers

According to the change in the rules for technological connection No. 1203 of 11/16/16, if the replacement of in-house gas equipment does not entail a change in the value of the permitted CDHRG, such a replacement is made by the applicant independently. The subscriber is obliged to notify the gas distribution. organization on the implementation of such a replacement within 5 working days from the bottom of the replacement. But! it is not safe to replace the equipment yourself! for this, contact Gorgaz with an application for a permit.

Rules for replacing a gas boiler in a private house

4. Installation work is carried out by an organization that has a license, permission to perform gas hazardous work. PJSC "Kharkovgorgaz" does not provide services for the installation of the gas supply system. 5. Before the start of the installation work, an application for technical supervision is drawn up in 5 working days. After 100% prepayment, technical supervision and commissioning of the facility are carried out. They do not require the development of technical specifications, but a preliminary design is being carried out in cases of replacing old gas appliances without changing their location and without changing the cross-section of the smoke channel for removing combustion products to similar ones. technical specifications and functions, a draft design is being developed by the master of the assembly site of the Repair and Construction Service. When installing or replacing a gas boiler or water heater, it is necessary to have an Act on the suitability for operation of smoke and ventilation ducts (DVK act). If you intend to involve a non-gas distribution company in the installation (replacement) of gas equipment, make sure that the organization you hire is entitled to perform the specified work.

licenses for construction and installation work, including with a gas supply system, issued by the State Architectural and Construction Inspection of Ukraine; permission to perform work of increased danger, issued by the Main Directorate of the State Labor Service in the Kharkiv region. If any work (construction, installation or design) is carried out by a gas supply service provider (installation, transfer or replacement with equipment of a different type), you first need to obtain technical specifications for gasification of the facility.

Gas boiler installation instructions: when is independence permissible?

They are the ones that are available for self-installation. Any other gas heating boiler for installation requires professional work... However, every cloud has a silver lining - specialized firms undertake the preparation of the premises with the paperwork. But why only the "scissor tips" can be installed by yourself? The simplest boiler is really very simple: a gas burner, a heat exchanger - that's all.

In this regard, GPO Beltopgaz on 23.01.2013 suspended the agreement on cooperation with NP LLC Ergotech, Minsk, RB until the identified discrepancy was eliminated. Household gas metering devices purchased by consumers before 01.02.2013 will be installed to subscribers of gas supplying organizations with restrictions. We recommend that you, subject to the specified criterion, with a note on the date of sale in the meter's passport, contact the RPUE Gomeloblgaz branch at your place of residence for its installation.

Answers on questions

Inna, good morning! Since the specialists of our company are not engaged in the maintenance and repair of gas equipment and the situation you described is most likely related to the call of the master of OJSC Dinskayaraigaz, it is more appropriate to ask your question on the website The cost of the installation is calculated by the gorraygaz - the organization directly involved in the installation counters. The feasibility of the installation is determined by the Law “On Energy Saving.

Replacement, installation, installation of a heating boiler in a house or cottage

2. The contract for commissioning of the boiler - the original, 3. The act of delimitation between the service organization and the Branch of the State Unitary Enterprise of the Moscow Region "Mosoblgaz" in the form of a branch Specialized organization producing Maintenance gas appliance (boiler) must have documents for submission to GU MO "Mosoblgaz": 1. Certificate of admission of a specialized organization for the construction of gas facilities (Installation of gas systems and equipment, installation of boiler installations, commissioning of boiler installations and auxiliary equipment and automated systems management) (1 copy certified by the seal of the company); 2.

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; - A copy of the technical passport (technical plan) for home ownership; - A copy of the title deed for home ownership. List of requested documents: - Application; - The act of checking chimneys and ventilation ducts for design (NPO "Prophylactic", Pochtovaya St., 44; - A copy of the technical passport (technical plan) for home ownership; - A copy of the title deed for home ownership.

List of requested documents: - Application; - The act of checking chimneys and ventilation ducts for design (NPO "Prophylaxis", Pochtovaya st., 44)

Replacing boilers

Combustible walls near the boiler are sheathed with an interlayer of refractory material. Before changing the pump, you need to decide which version you need: with a wet or dry rotor. The first option is better suited for home use, since it has a low efficiency, but is unpretentious in maintenance. The pump with a dry rotor is intended for industrial use and housing and communal services. When installing on the side of the flow of the coolant, a filter is installed, and on both sides of the pump - Ball Valves... Features of replacing pipes depend on what material will be used.

Installation of gas boilers: 11 installation secrets

The installation of a gas heating boiler in the basement or on the basement in a private house is allowed by the state only in single-family block houses. You must obtain technical specifications for connecting an apartment or house to the city gas supply. To obtain such a document, write a statement, be sure to indicate in it the estimated volume of gas consumption per hour. The document is drawn up in the city gas service. Registration will take about 1-2 weeks.

Dear Alla Aleksandrovna, you need to contact a specialized operating organization (in your case, OJSC Anapagorgaz), with an application for obtaining technical specifications for connecting to gas supply networks, and attaching a package of documents in accordance with the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 13, 2006 No.

"On the approval of the rules for determining and providing technical conditions for connecting the object capital construction to the networks of engineering and technical support and the rules for connecting the capital construction object to the networks of engineering and technical support "
... The cost of a complex of works on gasification of households is determined depending on the amount of work required for the performance (both design and installation), the types and amount of installed gas equipment.

Gas companies make people pay huge sums of money for non-existent violations

As a result, I have installed in my kitchen gas water heater, boiler AOGV-20, one plate. The house has a G-6 counter. I signed acts of work performed. I have all the documentation for this equipment, certificates. For many years, representatives of "Kievgaz" carried out inspections and found no violations. The problems started in 2014. At first, neighbors began to complain to me that the gas workers suddenly found some violations, frightened me with the costs of eliminating them and huge fines.

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