Temperature meter for heating. Individual heat meter: how to install it in an apartment. Data for calculation

Jigsaws and circular saws 20.05.2021
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So, let’s summarize and calculate the costs of installing a heat meter:
Heat meter 6200
Project 500
Installation of counter 1000
TOTAL 7700

In principle, it’s not that expensive, and it all took only 2 months. But this is not the end of my story.
In general, before the meter was installed, I didn’t know whether I would save on heating or not. More precisely, for some reason I was sure that, of course, I would. But I didn’t know how much exactly. My thoughts are that even if I pay half as much as I paid before installing it, it will be an excellent result.

The first month has ended heating season- October - I took my first readings and they made me VERY happy. The real savings turned out to be many times greater. Judge for yourself:

The cost of heating without a meter is 2134 rubles/month.
- the cost of heating taking into account meter readings is 158.81 rubles for October.

I submitted these readings to my housing office to charge for heat. They took my testimony. November passed, I again submitted my testimony to the Housing Office for November. But in the invoice for payment that I received, I suddenly discovered that the housing office did not take into account the reading of my heat meter for November, but charged for heat for November, as if I did not have a meter and they did not accept it.

I called the housing office -...why did you charge me for heat not according to the meter?...

I did not receive a clear answer. Well, I think it's probably just a misunderstanding. I correct the amount on the receipt and pay what I actually paid.

December is coming, the height of winter. Again, according to the meter, it turns out much cheaper for me:

Without a meter - 2134 rubles,
- according to the meter - 436.7 rubles.

I am submitting testimony for December to the Housing Office. The receipt shows the old amount again. It's like I don't have a meter. Now I’m going to the housing office. They greet me unfriendly. To my question why so much has been charged, the answer kills with its stupidity, something like - ... but we don’t care about your meter, because you are heated by the apartments that are located below you, above you and to the side of you, so that's why we charge it like that

I told them... wait, I have a counter, you sealed it, so I can use it.... The answer is... so what...

Okay, I think I’ll pay strictly according to the meter, because I’m not breaking any laws. Moreover, installing the meter prompted me to start monitoring heat savings more carefully:
1. I turned off the battery in the bedroom - Why keep it on there. After all, we only sleep in the bedroom. We sleep under blankets, and more low temperature than in the rest of the living area, it only contributes to normal, good sleep.
2. I turned off the battery in the kitchen. My wife is always cooking something in the kitchen and it’s always warm there.
3. I turned off the batteries in the entire apartment if we went somewhere for the weekend or when it suddenly got warm outside.

In a word, for the first time in my life I was surprised by the wisdom of our laws, which established such tariffs for heat for those who have individual heat meters. These laws encourage me to save heat.

But my housing office was annoying me; they stubbornly refused to accept my meter readings, which I continued to hand over to them monthly against signature. It seems they didn’t give a damn about savings and laws. They were driven only by the thirst for profit. I tried a couple more times to talk to the director of the housing office, but there were no results. He didn’t give a damn about the law, about me.

To be continued...

Unlike water accounting, individual heat control is not necessary. Therefore, a common house appliance is often installed. The fee is distributed in proportion to the area of ​​the housing, without taking into account how much each apartment consumes.

With individual metering, it records the consumed thermal energy in the apartment, and a proportional payment remains for heating the stairs, entrance and other common areas.

The price of the meter depends on:

  • on the principle of operation (mechanical and ultrasonic);
  • parameters of nominal flow rate, pipe diameter, presence of pulse output.

Installing an individual heat meter is advisable for horizontal wiring (when one pipe enters the apartment). For vertical wiring, it will be necessary to install a heat meter in front of each radiator.

Remote collection of readings

Data on heat consumption can be obtained via the Internet if you connect the SAURES controller to the metering device. In this case, the owner controls consumption and takes readings remotely. It is possible to automatically send data to yourself and to the management company.

According to some experts, installing an individual heat meter in an apartment will help save money spent on heating bills. But many people often wonder if this is actually beneficial. Also important is the fact of the installation itself, which consists in observing the formal and technical aspects of this issue.

The Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation wants to give residents of apartment buildings throughout the country the right to choose their own method of paying for heating. Today, the amount is calculated based on the indicators of an individual meter, provided that there are such meters in each apartment of the building. At the end of each month, the tariff is recalculated, and more often than not in favor of the consumer, taking into account the fact that the common house heat meter has been “inflated”. It is proposed to change the system.

Consumers are going to be allowed to pay for heating solely according to the indicators of the internal meter in order to reduce costs. The problem is that their installation is technically impossible in standard houses of past decades. There is a risk of failure of the entire heating system.

The Ministry of Construction wants to change the situation to encourage people to save. And give citizens the right to pay only based on individual consumption plus for heating public areas. Indeed, in this way you can reduce the payment by several thousand rubles per month, but only if we are talking about houses built in the 21st century, and not in past decades.

The Ministry of Construction has prepared a draft resolution that will allow residents to choose whether to pay for heat according to the general standard or for their own consumption. Experts differ sharply on whether the new formula will work in practice. Some say that the project is beneficial to residents. Others believe that installing heat meters is expensive and pointless.

What does the law on individual heat meters say?

The law allows you to bet own apartment heat meters. But the problem is that the size of payments may not change after this. The transmission of readings is regulated differently in different regions. But, as a rule, they are not allowed to pay for their own appliance if their neighbors do not have theirs. That’s why such absurd, at first glance, situations arise when people generally remove radiators in their apartment, but they still receive bills.

Legislators and supply organizations previously proceeded from the logic that there is only one heat for the whole house. And even if the radiators are completely turned off in an apartment, it will be heated by neighboring rooms, as well as by unified communications, that is, the neighbors will actually pay for heating such an apartment. The Ministry of Construction’s project exempts people from this mutual responsibility, since it gives citizens the right to choose, explains Alexander Kozlov, an expert at the Public Chamber on local self-government and housing and communal services.

The Ministry of Construction has written a formula for individual heat consumption. In fact, this is a backup payment option for those who have already installed or are planning to install a heating meter in their apartment. The formula is complex, it also takes into account the heating of entrances and other common spaces, which means that it will not be possible to completely isolate yourself from your neighbors. And if they don’t protect the heat in the house (they open common doors and windows, don’t pay for major repairs), then the amount on the meter can still turn out to be impressive.

Judging by the logic of the resolution, it concerns primarily residents of new buildings, which often already have appliances or where they can be easily installed without changing heating communications.

Opinion of experts in the field of housing and communal services regarding an individual heat meter

The resolution applies primarily to houses with horizontal wiring, where it is technically possible to install individual metering devices. That's why we're talking about, I think mainly about new houses, where it is technically possible to take instrument readings door-to-door.

Residents of old houses will also be allowed to pay according to the meters, but with adjustments to regional laws. Therefore, the effect of the innovation may not be immediately noticeable. For example, in Moscow, payments for heat are calculated based on average readings for the whole year. And it turns out that in winter, at the peak of the heating season, people pay about the same as in spring and autumn. And they pay even in the summer, when there is no heat supplied to the radiators at all.

Because of this, it is almost impossible to understand in which month you managed to save on heat and in which month you did not. Therefore, it is logical to expect that along with the new consumption formula, some new method of calculation will appear, when people will transmit readings and pay for them in real time, like for water, gas and electricity.

The presence of a meter still allows each family to think about how much they pay, because they will be able to see these readings. That is, this encourages every resident and the management organization itself to use energy efficiently.

Ways to implement the initiative of the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation in relation to payment for heat

To implement the initiative of the Ministry of Construction, it will be necessary to install a metering device in each heating pipe, and they are not cheap (according to unofficial data, from 7 thousand to 17 thousand rubles each), emphasized Sergei Filimonov, vice-president of the All-Russian Industry Association of Employers in the Life Support Sector. The expert added that this installation would affect the funds of the owner of the premises, the consumer and the tenant.

Filimonov also added that at the beginning of 2000, after conducting a study, experts came to the conclusion that installing individual heat meters is not economically profitable. Very big difficulties arise in the calculations. In this case, the initiative of the Ministry of Construction is not economically calculated. Legislative framework there is no one for this. The rules for the provision of utility services do not provide for individual metering devices, and there are no calculation methods for them.

Filimonov recalled that Sanpin standards apply in Russia. All technological equipment in the house is built in such a way that if heat is supplied, it is distributed through the sections of pipelines along each riser to create temperature regime indoors.

Benefits from installing an individual heat meter

By expert assessments, heat meters allow you to save on average from 1.5 to 2 rubles per month. However, the same experts admit that savings greatly depend on the quality of home insulation. Strictly speaking, installing meters can result in losses.

On average, one device, including the work of the craftsmen, costs 20,000 rubles. Often you need several of them - one for each room. Moreover, their service life is on average 3 years. In the best case scenario (if the house is well insulated and only one heating pipe goes into the apartment), the heat meter will pay for itself only after 10 months. If there are more rooms and they are heated independently of each other, then the cost of installing devices often covers all the savings.

As for reducing the cost of housing and communal services for the population, this is unprofitable for supplying organizations, since the standards are higher than metered consumption, as practice shows. Heat suppliers will begin to lose income. The temptation to raise tariffs will be great.

To save on heat bills, you can install meters. This type of installation is increasingly in demand. Many people are interested in whether this is legal and how to install a heating meter in an apartment?

The need to install devices was prescribed by law back in 2009. However, not all homeowners were interested in installation.

Installation of meters is possible only for premises that have horizontal wiring. In this case, there is only one heating riser in the apartment, from which other radiators radiate around the ring. The law prohibits the installation of individual metering devices in houses with vertical wiring. With it, there are several risers in the room, each of which is connected to only one radiator.

Law on installing heating meters

The Heating Meters Act 2018 now allows payments in apartment buildings to be made according to individual meter readings. The reason for the revision of Article 157 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation was the statement of S. Demints, a resident of the Moscow Region. His house was equipped with individual heat meters upon delivery.

Some residents removed the appliances and paid according to general standards. After recalculation, the management company distributed the payment evenly to all residents. The amount turned out to be more than it would have been according to individual data. As a result, the case went to court, and he allowed to pay for heating according to the readings of individual devices. Heating meters (2018 law) should help citizens save their own money and pay only for the heat actually received. The right to this is secured by the Constitutional Court.

How to install a heating meter in an apartment legally?

Before choosing a heating meter for your apartment, how to install it, you need to contact a company that must have a license for this. The contractor must have all the necessary documentation, the necessary specialists, and guarantees. Algorithm for installing a heating meter in an apartment in an apartment building:

1. You need to make sure that it is possible to install the devices. An inspection report is drawn up on the existing technical feasibility.

2. Before installation, eliminate all sources in the room from which heat loss can be expected - insulate the doors, foam the cracks, glaze the balcony, etc. Then installing the devices will really bring big savings.

3. Contact the management company, homeowners association or housing office to provide information about what is needed for installing meters.

4. Select the type of device - ultrasonic or mechanical. It is advisable to purchase devices from a specialized company. Save receipts, warranty cards, quality certificate.

5. Then contact a company that installs meters and call a specialist to take measurements and create a project.

6. Coordinate documents with the management company, housing and communal services or HOA.

7. Call a specialist who will install the devices, set them up and start them up.

8. The meter must then be sealed by the service company. After this, an acceptance certificate and permission to operate is signed.

Before installing a heating meter in an apartment, the price in Moscow is discussed in advance. Cost depends on technical characteristics, additional equipment. The price of devices is from 6500 to 12 thousand rubles.

Individual heating meters after 2012 are installed in apartment buildings after overhaul. Homeowners can decide for themselves whether they need metering devices or pay according to generally accepted standards.

Heat supply

The use of individual utility consumption meters by all honest payers is recognized as the most effective. This became especially clear after hot and cold meters became widespread. cold water. What could be more reasonable than paying only for what you consume and nothing else? This is logical and convenient, but not always easy to apply. For example, when it comes to using individual heat meters, many problems arise. But if you set a goal, then you can solve these problems.

How does IPU work?

Thermal energy is taken into account in the form of measuring the temperature difference and coolant flow. When installing an individual meter in an apartment, you should first find out whether the heating system in your house is installed vertically or horizontally. This is important because buying and installing a heat meter is not a cheap pleasure.

The devices are usually mounted directly on the coolant supply pipe, respectively, if the heating system of the house is standing, then logically you will have to install a separate meter for each pipe, which is quite expensive. With a horizontal system, this problem does not exist; one counter is installed there. But if your house has a vertical heating system, you can install distributors on the batteries that measure coolant flow by the difference in air temperature in the room and the surface of the radiator.

In new buildings of the 2000s, as a rule, there is a horizontal system, while older houses are equipped with a standing system. After the meter is installed by specialists, it is sealed. By the way, do not forget to ensure that heat does not escape from your apartment, otherwise there will be little sense in installing an individual meter.

Should I take it?

Before you buy such an expensive device and call installers, which in itself is not so difficult, you need to settle another, much more important detail, to achieve management company an unambiguous answer to the question: will it accept the readings of individual heat meters as data on which fees are calculated.

With a high degree of probability the answer will be negative. The fact is that in order to apply a special formula for calculating the amount of payment for a heating utility service, taking into account the indicators of an individual meter, it is necessary that all residential and non-residential premises of the apartment building be equipped with a heat control unit. This requirement is contained in the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 354 “On the provision of utility services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings.” Otherwise, a calculation formula is applied, which is based on the readings of a common house meter.

Thus, in order to pay as much as you consume, you need to encourage all owners to voluntarily install individual heat meters. As already mentioned, the most acceptable from a technological point of view for houses with vertical distribution of heating systems is the installation of radiator distributors. These are compact devices that record the temperature difference between the surface of the battery and the air in the room.

The distributor integrates the measured temperature difference over time and calculates the heat transfer value of the heating device in proportional units. The conversion factor of distributor units into Gcal turns out to be different for different buildings and different measurement periods. This coefficient must be calculated for each accounting period by distributing among the apartments all the costs of the house, measured by a common building heat meter.

Calculations are made by special software, which contains an algorithm for distributing consumed heat in accordance with the current regulatory framework. Moreover, the hotter the radiators in the premises, the higher the value shown by the radiator distributors, which means the higher the payment for the consumed thermal resources. However, the amount of payments for all apartments will always be equal to the payment for the entire house billed by the heat supplier.

It would seem that this is the solution

But there are two nuances. The first is the price. It’s not that scary for one apartment (even at 2015 prices you can spend 6,000-10,000 rubles). On the one side. But, on the other hand, try to convince all the residents. Especially pensioners.

However, it is not even the cost that can be a reason to abandon this idea. There is still no unity in the interpretation of the concept of “distributor”. Here is what is said about this in RF PP No. 354:

  • Distributor - a device used in an apartment building equipped with a collective (common house) heat metering device, and allowing to determine the share of consumption volume public services for heating, per individual residential or non-residential premises in which such devices are installed, in the total volume of consumption of utility heating services in all residential and non-residential premises in an apartment building in which distributors are installed.

It would seem that everything is clear. But since the document does not contain the phrase “the distributor is an individual heat energy metering device,” this leaves the management company the opportunity to refuse the owners to apply the formula for calculating payment for heating services using a formula that takes into account the readings of the IPU. Here, the matter may have to be resolved in court. And there is a chance to win the case. At least there is a precedent. Back in 2013, the St. Petersburg City Court found no reason to believe that the distributors do not comply with the law Russian Federation on ensuring the uniformity of measurements. But, nevertheless, it is worth recognizing that today in judicial practice there is no unity of opinion on this issue.

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