Pressure testing of pipelines of the heating system. Preparing for the heating season (heating system)

Heating schedule 07.06.2019
Heating schedule

For utilities, winter always comes suddenly. To prevent this joke from becoming a reality, preparing your heating systems for the winter season should be part of your annual fall plans. A full range of preparatory work is impossible without Maintenance(crimping) of the system and execution of relevant documents.

All the details of this complex process, if necessary, will be taken care of by the construction company LLC DESIGN PRESTIGE.


The first thing every caring owner needs to do is flush the heating system. This action will help to identify even minor connection problems. Washing is carried out by one of three methods:

  1. Hydraulic flush. Is the simplest. It is enough to wait for heavy rains and create a high pressure supply of cold water in the system.
  2. Hydropneumatic flushing. Under high pressure coolant with compressed air penetrates the system. Thus, the heating system of the room will be cleansed of its main enemy - lime deposits.
  3. Chemical flush. Here, special formulations are used that effectively dissolve pollutants and bring them out.

Pressure testing is a complex hydraulic test, which is required not only when preparing premises for the heating season, but also in the following cases:

  • after installation of heating equipment;
  • before putting the pipeline into operation;
  • upon completion of the overhaul;
  • after the reconstruction of the ITP;
  • when replacing shutters/valves.


The preparation of heating systems necessarily consists of the following operations:

  • preparation of safety and check valves;
  • checking them for correctness;
  • monitoring the performance of the temperature regulator, pressure gauges and thermometers;
  • health checks stop valves;
  • stuffing boxes;
  • checks and troubleshooting of threaded connections;
  • flushing of mud collectors and filters.

Preparing buildings for the heating season will not do without diagnosing the health of the water meter unit. It is he who determines the flow of water and provides all the data to the water utility. To check it, the condition of all components is first examined, and then the assembly is checked for defects and compliance with the requirements.

The construction company "MontazhSpetsStroy" will carry out these and other preparatory works, as well as draw up estimates and other documentation on working issues. We offer high-quality professional services in Moscow at an affordable cost. The scope and prices of work will be announced by the specialist after the visit to the client.

By deciding to prepare your heating systems for the heating season, you will protect yourself from emergencies and guarantee a warm winter. For consultation and ordering services, call the numbers listed on the site, or write to email companies.


Our offers:

What problems are identified during the diagnosis of heating

Diesel burner replacement

Modernization of the boiler house

Automation replacement

Heating service - Service maintenance

heating season*

1. Survey of the system.

2. Flushing the heating system from deposits and sludge using a hydropulse

(hydropneumatic) installation. (chemical - if necessary)

3. Chemical flushing of the heat exchanger (if any).

4. Cleaning filters, sludge traps.

5. Pressure test (pneumatic test)

6. Elimination of heating system defects found during pressure testing.

7. Pressure testing (hydraulic test) of the system to prevent accidents during heating season.

8. Elimination of defects found in the process of pressure testing.

9. Replacement or verification of measuring instruments.

10. Checking or replacing valves.

11. Checking or replacing safety fittings.

12. Restoration of thermal insulation of pipelines.

13. Maintenance of pumps.

14. Painting and marking of pipelines.

* - the list of works is not mandatory and can be changed depending on

requirements of the customer or heat supply organization.

Preparation for the heating season includes a whole range of measures that are taken to ensure the full and efficient operation of all systems, for example, pressure testing of the heating system.

ProfStroy provides a full range of necessary services, which includes both equipment maintenance and preparation of the necessary documentation accompanying the work. Since 2005, the company has been providing an extended package of services.

Preparation for the heating season and pressure testing of heating systems, performed by a specialized company, is carried out promptly and efficiently, in accordance with the established technological standards. The use of professional equipment and tools guarantees high efficiency and speed of work. Pressure testing of the pipeline, adjustment of boilers and other work will be carried out strictly on time.

Geography of services:Moscow and Moscow region, Novgorod region, Vladimir region, Ryazan region, Tver region, Tambov region, Yaroslavl region.

The specialists of our company carry out pressure testing of the water supply - a hydraulic test of heating systems using modern equipment, which allows you to check the readiness of the equipment for operation. These measures are carried out, as a rule, after the commissioning of new systems. Pressure testing of heating is also mandatory after repair or replacement of the pipeline, after maintenance work on operational equipment in preparation for the heating season, replacement of risers and fittings, after the installation of the system.

Your building needs to be prepared for the heating season?!

Obtain an act of readiness of the subscriber for the heating season from district heating networks?!

The profStroy company solves the set task on a turnkey basis on its own without the involvement of subcontractors.

More than 11 years of experience of the Company provide a guaranteed result of work.

Invite our specialist for free consultation on pressure testing of heating networks, preparation of the building for the heating season and maintenance, or get advice by phone /495/ 730-40-75, 234-61-61

Today, the company "profStroy" provides the following services for the preparation of real estate for the heating season:
1. Filter cleaning.
2. Cleaning mud collectors.
3. Replacement of stuffing box packing in valves.
4. Flushing the heating system.
5. Washing of heat exchangers.
6. Hydraulic tests of the central heating station (ITP), elevator assembly, visual inspection.
7. Hydraulic testing of heating, ventilation, hot water systems (pressure testing).
8. Visual inspection of the involved systems.
9. Verification of measuring instruments.
10. Checking, diagnostics of automation.
11. Checking the settings of the balancing valves.
12. Painting pipelines.
13. Restoration of thermal insulation.
14. Production of identification plates.
15. Restoration of markings on pipelines.
16. Installation of emergency jumpers
17. Balancing the heating system.
18. Delivery of the object and receipt of the Act of readiness of district heating networks.
19. Solving issues with inspecting authorities.

All declared Works are carried out by employees of the PROFSTROY Company without the involvement of subcontractors.

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The first half of autumn is not only the time for gardening, but also for the comprehensive preparation of the house for winter. To winter in warmth and comfort, the first step is to prepare the heating system for the heating season. You should not delay this preparation, because the cold often comes suddenly and not according to the calendar.

The heart of any central heating system is the heat source, most often the boiler. The boiler heats up the coolant, which is then fed into the premises and gives it its heat. As a coolant in liquid systems, antifreeze or ordinary water is used.

Antifreeze is a non-freezing liquid. Usually antifreezes consist of water and glycol with various additives. Such a solution does not freeze to certain negative temperatures. The more glycol, the lower the freezing point of the antifreeze. The advantage of antifreeze over ordinary water is obvious: when the boiler is turned off, the system will not burst if the temperature drops below zero. However, this advantage is more relevant for seasonal cottages than for houses in which they live year-round.

There are two types of liquid heating systems: open and closed. But the main difference between these systems lies in the principle of coolant circulation. In open systems, water circulates by convection: less dense heated masses rise up, and cooled ones fall down. In closed systems, the circulation of the coolant is forced, and it is carried out by a circulation pump.

To avoid rupture of pipes and radiators, closed-type systems are equipped with a membrane expansion tank. If in open systems the expansion tank is installed at the highest point and is an open vessel, then in closed systems the expansion tank is completely sealed. Volume compensation in closed systems occurs in it due to the work of an elastic membrane. The possibilities of the membrane are not unlimited, so the volume of the tank is very important to choose the right one for each specific system.

In addition to taking in the displaced volume of the heated coolant, membrane tanks in closed heating systems also save the equipment from water hammer. Therefore, before starting such a system, it is necessary to make sure that the pressure in the expansion tank corresponds to the nominal one. If the pressure has dropped below normal, then it is raised by a car pump. For pumping, membrane tanks have a standard nipple.

Before each heating season, it is necessary to carry out maintenance work on the equipment. Immediately you need to make a visual inspection of the system for damage and possible leaks. You also need to check the operation of all valves - it should open and close. If the taps or valves are soured, then they need to be repaired or replaced with new ones.

In closed systems, pressure testing is not required to detect leaks. There is already a certain pressure there, and if it has fallen, then there are most likely leaks. Finding them is also not difficult - just pump up the membrane tank and make a visual inspection of the connections. Most often, leaks occur at the joints. The resulting drops, puddles, wet spots - all this indicates a depressurization. However, there are hidden leaks that can only be detected at maximum pressure. To do this, you need to carry out a test run of the system. If leaks are detected, they must be eliminated by replacing the seal or repairing the connection (brazed pipes).

In open systems, depressurization occurs no less often, despite the fact that they do not have any pressure. It is necessary to check the fluid level in the expansion tank before each start-up. To do this, even at the end of the heating season, a mark is made of the residual water level in the tank, taking into account the temperature. The control measurement of the coolant level must be carried out at the same temperature.

Most often, open heating systems are filled with ordinary water. In such cases, there are no problems with topping up. If antifreeze is poured into the system, then a similar composition should be added. Not only the type of antifreeze should converge, but also its concentration.

New antifreeze can only be added if it is fully compatible with the old one. In the event of a conflict between antifreezes, some of the components may precipitate, and then it will no longer be completely antifreeze. If there is no confidence in the compatibility of antifreezes, and there is no time for experiments, then it is better to add clean distilled water or drain the old antifreeze and fill in a new one. In general, manufacturers recommend completely changing the antifreeze in the system every six seasons, i.e. once every six years. If the replacement is made with antifreeze of the same brand, then flushing the system can be omitted.

Checking the pressure in the heating system

In closed systems, before starting up, it is necessary to measure the pressure using a pressure gauge, which must be installed on the pipeline near the boiler. The pressure should be within 1-1.5 bar. If the pressure is less, then the volume of the coolant has decreased and it needs to be replenished. Small volume loss over time is normal. Usually they are replenished by adding water.

Air locks are a certain problem when starting the system. There are several reasons for the formation of such traffic jams:

  • dissolution of gases. Liquid heating systems in private homes are most often filled with plain water. As pressure increases, the solubility of gases in water increases. Thus, some air can enter the system;
  • due to diffusion. Plastic pipes without a metallized layer are able to pass oxygen from the air. To avoid the penetration of gases into the system, heating pipes must have an anti-diffusion layer;
  • due to too rapid filling of the system. When pouring water into the system, along with water, air bubbles can enter, which then turn into air plugs. Therefore, the coolant must be poured slowly, while allowing air to escape from the distributors and radiators;
  • depressurization. In case of violation of the tightness of the joints, air can enter the system.

detect air in the radiator is not a big deal. In the absence of plugs, the heater is heated evenly. If some part of it is colder, there is a plug and it needs to be blown out. The presence of air in the system may also be accompanied by gurgling and other characteristic sounds. Air in radiators is also harmful in that it significantly accelerates corrosion, and if it walks through the system, it can lead to failure of the circulation pump.

Removal of air pockets produced by turning the Mayevsky crane, which crashes into radiators. It opens with a key or a screwdriver, depending on the model. If water flows continuously from the faucet, then there is no air in the radiator, and the faucet can be closed. If there is an air lock, then at first there is a hiss, and the water begins to flow only after all the air has come out.

Closed systems are equipped with an automatic air separator. These devices protect the system from air ingress both during filling and during operation. It is desirable that air separators be installed in all areas of the system, namely: the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe boiler, collector, radiators, as well as in the most high points risers.

Flushing the heating system

The need for flushing arises when pouring new antifreeze, when there is no full confidence in its compatibility with the old one. But it may also be necessary for other reasons. For example, the formation of scale inside radiators and other elements in contact with the coolant. The presence of scale can have the following symptoms:

  • uneven heating of radiators;
  • decrease in boiler efficiency (overexpenditure of energy;
  • increase the system warm-up time at startup.

The causes of these symptoms may be different, but the condition of the pipes and radiators should be checked first of all. Only 1 mm of scale reduces thermal conductivity by 8%, and 8-9 mm - by half. Significant deposits do work as thermal insulation, and in addition they are able to block access to the coolant in some parts of the radiators. In addition, deposits often cause so-called bulges and fistulas, which ultimately leads to depressurization of the system. Dirt on the inner surfaces of pipes and radiators also becomes a haven for bacteria, some of which increase corrosion.

Get rid of scale with the help of hydropneumatic flushing. It is problematic to do this on your own, because. special equipment is required. Professional flushing is as follows: the water-air mixture is fed into the system under a pressure of about 6 atm. by means of a compressor, as a result of which air bubbles destroy the layers. Flushing the system brings it almost to its original state, due to which the boiler reaches its nominal efficiency, and the system itself returns to normal operation. But even such an effective procedure does not eliminate scale and other deposits forever. It will need to be done regularly. The frequency of flushing depends on the quality of the water and the mode of operation of the system. On average, flushing is performed once every 3 years after or before the heating season.

Checking the chimney

It is very important to revise the smoke channel of a gas or solid fuel boiler before the start of the heating season. For boilers with a closed furnace, gases are discharged through a coaxial pipe, which does not need to be cleaned. Boilers with an open firebox have a chimney in which natural draft must be present. Regardless of draft, chimneys should be cleaned at least once a year.

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