January calendar. January Calendar The Full Moon is the highest point of the Moon's growth and an extremely strong time. On this day, you can influence your destiny and change your life for the better if you know how to achieve harmony with the lunar energy

Roof 10.07.2020

Those who like to show increased business activity in January should somewhat slow down their ardor, otherwise they cannot avoid mistakes and the need to constantly redo something. It is worth considering the general tendency to listen only to yourself, especially in the first half of the month.

Restless Mars

January 1, according to tradition, for many begins somewhere in the middle of the day, and in the case of 2017, this is an absolutely reasonable decision. The most important thing is not to start work "rolling up your sleeves", let your wishes and plans take shape, and do not try to enter into disputes with those who do not share your point of view. The conjunction of Mars with Neptune can be used to your advantage if you learn to listen to your interlocutor, and leave a little time for reflection between desire and action.

On January 19, the square of Mars with Saturn can be a source of quarrels at work and misunderstandings with those who are older or more experienced than you. On this day, it is better to load yourself with work and strictly follow the plan. Otherwise, you risk wasting this day on fruitless clashes with others.

Opportunities in the form of obstacles

Traditionally, in astrology, the square is considered not the easiest aspect, and when the Sun forms such a connection with other planets, expect surprises. On days like these, new opportunities just love to take the form of obstacles and difficulties.

January 10 may turn out to be a "high voltage day" for many, when the Sun is literally electrified square to Uranus. Be prepared for the unexpected and do not risk unnecessarily business contacts and personal relationships.

Having barely come to his senses from the square with Uranus, already on January 12, the Sun forms a square with Jupiter and on this day it is better not to tune in to intimate conversations with the management about the desired promotion or salary. Seizing your experiences with desserts is also not the best way, because on such days, extra calories are not averse to turning into extra centimeters. But reflecting on the causes of career difficulties is a necessary thing and it is on this day that it can give good results.

Full Moon in January 2017 The Full Moon is the highest point of the Moon's growth and extremely strong time... On this day, you can influence your destiny and change your life in better side if you know how to achieve harmony with the lunar energy. The full moon has long been considered a mystical time: the full moon appears in legends and folk signs... It is believed that this time is best for rituals for money and love. When the Full Moon in January 2017 occurs, the January Full Moon in 2017 will be on the 12th. The moon on this day will be under the influence of the constellation Cancer, which can greatly affect the emotional state of people. One should be wary of a hysterical state, exacerbation of conflicts and sleep disturbances: the water element of Cancer primarily affects the area of ​​feelings and emotions. Try to be extremely attentive to your well-being and the emotions of your loved ones: the energy of the Full Moon in January is such that you can fix accidental quarrel afterwards it will be very difficult. Negative sides of the Full Moon in January 2017 For people with weakened energy, January 12 can bring several significant problems: conflicts with loved ones; exacerbation cardiovascular disease; sleep disorders; overflowing emotions. These signs indicate a violation of the biofield and a lack of positive energy. Walking in the fresh air will help you to correct the situation and bring yourself into a harmonious state, which can be combined with effective meditation while walking. Try to give yourself more rest, do not worry about trifles and devote more time to yourself and your desires. This approach to your well-being will improve your condition and allow you to enjoy the Full Moon without discomfort. Positive aspects of the January Full Moon For people with strong energy, the Full Moon can be felt quite differently: energetic; realistic vivid dreams; consistently good mood. Such a feeling of the Full Moon shows that your energy is in perfect order and is in harmony with the lunar cycles. You can devote time to the list of 7 things to do on the Full Moon, but you should not forget that the next day the cycle of the waning moon begins, and along with the lunar energy, personal energy will begin to wane. Try to spend the evening calmly and give yourself more time to rest.

9 most common dreams and their meaning According to Soviet brochures: dogs in a dream are friends; cats are enemies; cockroaches - for money. Stop! Everyone has their own cockroaches. And if today they appear friendly company in dreams to three million people on the planet, then some will really bring a fortune, others - problems with neighbors, the third - employees of the Sanitary and Epidemiological Service. Remember, the devil is in the details. And to interpret all dreams "one size fits all" is a thankless task. Nevertheless, let's not be honest - similar dreams are dreamed by all people on the planet for a reason and they really have something in common. The proof was provided by Briton Ian Wallace. The psychologist studied over 200,000 of his clients' night dreams to highlight recurring themes and determine their meaning. This is what he came to. DREAM: YOU FALL A dream associated with a fall is a "bell" nervous system: a person is faced with regular overloads or feels that some situation in life is out of his control. Another popular interpretation is a sense of insecurity and vulnerability. Wallace suggests: the correct guideline in the interpretation of any dream is your feelings. If you dive into an abyss or jump off a cliff with a smile of happiness on your face, then the changes taking place in your life do not scare you at all. The psychologist notes that a fall is also a favorite "scenario" of people in love at the initial stage of a relationship: you experience a strong feeling, attraction to another person and are ready to completely surrender to him, although you may not really know him yet. DREAM: YOU HAVE LOST VOICE This may be not just a vision, but a real effect of "sleep paralysis". Physiologically, the vast majority of people are indeed partially immobilized during sleep (unlike sleepwalkers). It happens that a sleeping person falls into the trap of consciousness: he wakes up in a phase of REM sleep, unable to move, speak and, in some cases, even breathe. A similar disorder occurs in 7% of people on the planet, but everyone can experience a state of sleep paralysis at least once in their life. DREAM: YOU ARE NAKED A dream in which a person is completely naked in a public place is accompanied by an inner feeling of shame and shame that he experiences in real life... And often this is due to erroneous accusations that you received in your address. It is important to remember your feelings at this moment: if in a dream you are completely naked, but at the same time you do not feel any discomfort, the interpretation may be the opposite. Perhaps you strive to be in sight, to gain recognition and admiration from others. DREAM: YOUR TEETH LETTING OUT On the surface - a rather commonplace concern for appearance, concern that you may seem unattractive to others. However, this dream also has a deeper meaning. First, answer the question: "Are you an anxious person?" Stress and experiences that accumulate inside often find a "painful" outlet in our dreams. Psychologists interpret this "sketch" as helplessness, shaken power (at the level of a conflict between fathers and children or a boss and a subordinate) ... This also applies to communication: a dream eloquently emphasizes difficulties in communicating with someone. Another psychologist, Lauren Lawrence, who writes a dream column for the New York Daily News, insists that missing teeth symbolize a woman's desire to get pregnant. Our advice to you: play it safe and go to the dentist just in case. DREAM: SOMEONE'S GOING FOR YOU A scary monster, maniac or Serial killer... The horror that breathes hard in the back and follows on the heels can symbolize debt (take a large loan - nightmares can become more frequent) or addiction (from alcohol, for example). Psychologists suggest that such dreams are seen more often by those who in real life are used to running away from difficult situations instead of reducing them to nothing. And the only way to get rid of the night monster is to learn how to solve problems. DREAM: YOU ARE THE BIG CHIEF CEO, president, king, sheikh, dictator or, who knows, the new messiah ... How many times in a dream have you tried on a solid title? Doesn't the crown press? On the surface - a banal thirst for power and a dream of a high position. Moreover, it is not ambitious careerists and athletes who are one step away from the pedestal who often rest on their laurels in a dream, but those who thus compensate (or cover up) their own impotence. DREAM: YOU ARE FLYING Since childhood, our parents told us: if you fly in a dream, you grow. Who, after these words, did not run in the morning with a ruler to the home height meter in order to make another victorious "serif"? Meanwhile, this dream has a more meaningful interpretation. By flight, we mean freedom - we have enough strength and determination to take on some business alone. You freely strive towards the lofty goals that you have set for yourself. Ahead is the next important stage in life. DREAM: FAVORITE PERSON CHANGES YOU The seen partner's infidelity has nothing to do with cheating in real life. Typically, such dreams are dreamed at the moment when you begin to lose confidence in your own attractiveness and sexuality. Do not torment your loved one with questions: "Where have you been?", But try to cheer up and regain faith in yourself. DREAM: YOU ARE DIED The popular interpretation of the most terrible nightmare is quite positive - you will live a long time! I hate to disappoint you, but it's still a myth. Lauren Lawrence assures: death is always a break. You subconsciously want to end something in your life - a relationship, a job, a tiring career path, or even the past. Or you just dream of starting something anew, with a clean slate. It is worth being more attentive to your desires and dreams.

Personal life horoscope for 2017 for all ARIES At the beginning of the year, show patience and attention to your loved ones. Do not butt and do not try to instruct the horns - in February, these "pranks" can hit you the same. Spring will bring a surge of romantic moods. Aries who have not yet found a mate have a chance not only to find a partner, but also to quickly bring him down the aisle. Some tension is possible in early May, but this will not last long. Summer in terms of love will not be so much hot as pleasantly warm. July 20 is just the peak of amorous luck for Aries. You need to hold out on this fuse until the fall. In September, calm down your emotions: they are a bad advisor in a relationship. In October, everything is sunny again, the fateful meeting with the betrothed shines for the unmarried. Then think about diplomacy again. Your best partners on the personal front: up to 30 years old, impetuous Aries will not find signs closer than the equally fiery Leo or Sagittarius. At 30-40, pay attention to Taurus and Virgo. After 40, Aries will find a common language with Libra and Gemini. TAURUS In the year of the Rooster, you have to remember the meaning of the phrase "tenderness of the calf." Feel free to be sensitive to your loved ones, allow yourself to be sentimental and your personal life will be filled with harmony. At the end of January, the first half of February and the second half of May, Taurus needs to be patient. Your straightforwardness can hurt loved ones. If you are thinking about marriage, then it is best to schedule the celebration at the end of March or the first half of April: family life will be long and happy. In September and December, you have to pass an exam on the ability to concede, listen to other people's opinions and smooth out sharp corners... Do not exchange for petty squabbles with your loved one, but rather fulfill his request. A noble deed will make you even more attractive in the eyes of your “half”. Lonely Taurus will have a greater chance of meeting their destiny in early July and mid-October. A vivid romance with a person who is older than you in age or position is not excluded. Your best partners on the personal front: under 30 - down-to-earth and practical Virgo and Capricorn; from 30 to 40 - intelligent Aries and Gemini; later - the spiritualized Scorpio. Gemini The personal life of Gemini in 2017 will be much more successful than in the last three years. Since February, truly global perspectives have opened on the love horizon. First, the lunar eclipse promises to connect the "twins" with some interesting character. At first he will seem like an enemy to you, but soon you will realize that this person can become your true friend and, perhaps, even your lover. Secondly, in July you will suddenly notice that absolutely everyone is fascinated by you. Try not to lose your head, though. And thirdly, autumn will give you a stormy office romance. Perhaps not even one ... The most successful time for love is the end of 2017: An amazing romantic fairy tale shines for Gemini. Your best personal partners: Due to their high emotional sensitivity, Gemini is able to get along with representatives of any of the zodiac signs. But still, up to 29.5 years old, their best beloved ones are Libra and Aquarius. Up to 41.5 years - Aries and Taurus. After - Sagittarius. CANCER The very first day of the new year can once again show that an old heart friend is better than new ones not only two, but even ten. More patience - and a forgotten passion will cover you with renewed vigor. February is a month of family harmony. And if you have not yet exchanged rings with your "half", then it is clearly time. Spring will bring many exciting moments. During this period, let your imagination run wild, but do not forget to initiate your partner into your dreams - and any fairy tales will come true. In the summer, you can get so carried away with solving other problems that close person will feel abandoned. Don't let him doubt you. End of September - new romantic adventures. If you don't have a life partner yet, take a closer look at new acquaintances: most likely, he is among them. In December, urgently pacify your pride: it will not warm you up and coffee will not bring you to bed. And learn to understand and forgive - get everything. Your best partners on the personal front: under 30 are sensitive Scorpios and Pisces. From 30 to 40 years old - energetic Gemini and Virgo. After 40 - balanced Capricorns. LEO If you are alone, be active in conquering the other half. It is better for family "monarchs" to openly discuss troubles with loved ones. Don't be afraid to be misunderstood. In January, the luminaries are especially supportive of divorced Lions. Take a closer look at your surroundings: most likely, new happiness is somewhere nearby. April promises harmony for experienced couples, but already in late May - early June you may have a romantic hobby on the side. Do not follow the lead of a fleeting whim - and fate will thank you for your loyalty. Lonely kings of beasts will enjoy success with the opposite sex throughout the year. But the greatest chance for a stable marriage will appear in the second half of September and the first half of October. Your best partners on the personal front: under 30 - "fiery" Aries and Sagittarius. Later, practical Capricorns will suit Leo. After 40, compatibility with Gemini, Libra and Scorpio is found. VIRGO Usually the thirst for love adventures is exacerbated in the spring. In 2017, spring for Virgins will come back in January and will last until the end of February. Lonely representatives of the sign will be drawn to romantic acquaintances, lovers - to the registry office, and spouses with experience will experience a strong surge of slightly stagnant emotions. With the onset of the calendar spring, the love fever will subside: household chores and affairs at work will be distracted. However, in early July, the Virgins will again be attacked by Cupid. This time, the passion of the heart will provoke an explosion of activity in the professional field. The third wave of romance will hit Virgo at the end of September. The chances of having a love affair at this time are dramatically increased. Your best partners on the personal front: up to 30 years old, Virgos have complete harmony with Taurus and Capricorns. From 30 to 41 - with Scorpions and Leo. After 41 years in Virgo good compatibility with Sagittarius. LIBRA Your head in 2017 will be full of one thing - twists and turns on the personal front. In January-February, you yourself will not notice how you will become the most popular figure in your environment. Compliments, fans (s), dates with a stormy continuation ... In the maelstrom of these amenities there is a chance to meet a real "soul mate". From March 6 to April 18, a riot of passions will be complemented by problems hailing from the past. Perhaps an ex will again loom on your horizon - and you will have to make a difficult choice. By the summer, most winter-spring romances will fade away and turn into warm friendly relations... However, one of them, most likely, will continue by the fall and give you an idea: why not seal this relationship with a stamp in your passport? 2017 is not best year for marriage. Be patient and, if the wedding theme remains relevant, feel free to implement it at the beginning of 2018. Your Best Personal Partners: Under 29.5 Libra is most compatible with Gemini and Aquarius. After 30 years, the matured Libra begins to gravitate towards the mysterious Scorpios and bright, energetic Aries. SCORPIO In 2017, fate decided to simply shower you with pleasant gifts on the personal front. We count the presents: - in mid-January, lonely Scorpios have every chance to meet their ideal; - February and March will turn out to be rich in violent sexual adventures among those who are not burdened by marriage bonds, "stinging" individuals; - in April there will be an opportunity to buy a new family nest at a profit or radically refresh the old one; - in June, the resumption of a half-forgotten novel; - August will bring good news about the imminent appearance of the child; - the end of October promises a meeting with the betrothed. In addition, this time would be good to use for a trip to the registry office; - in November, Scorpios will be incredibly attractive to the opposite sex - to the point that they will literally have to brush aside crowds of suitors or fans. Your best partners on the personal front: The young Scorpio gravitates towards Cancer and Pisces. In maturity, he becomes more domineering, and submissively executing his commands is good for Taurus and Libra. After 42 years, Scorpio is comfortable with Sagittarius and Aquarius. SAGITTARIUS Loners will meet an ideal person. At least, you will immediately want to put him (her) on a pedestal - he will seem so charming, beautiful and desirable. The likelihood of such a meeting is especially high in the period from March 21 to March 29. Note: The romance can be very tumultuous at first. Passions will subside only by June. If you manage not to scatter until then, you will receive strong love. Or (if the affairs of the heart do not work out) at least friendship. Sagittarius, who have already managed to start a family, the year of the Rooster will not let them get bored either: in February the stars will offer to “go left” (to go or not to go - it’s up to you, of course), in May, children will demand attention (it is possible that family), and in June and September you will have a second "honeymoon": plan a vacation for yourself and your "halves" during this time. Your best partners on the personal front: up to 29.5 years old - Leo and Aries; up to 41.5 - Virgo and Gemini; after - Taurus and Libra. CAPRICORN If anything prevents Capricorns from achieving happiness in their personal life, it is suspicion and negative experiences in the past. The rooster recommends not looking back. Trust people more - and the feeling of loneliness will recede once and for all. In March-April, the stars will help you reach an understanding with your loved one. Feel free to open up your feelings. In early May, expect romantic confessions, the sincerity of which will not be in doubt. At the end of September, the luminaries will give a new honeymoon to the family Capricorns. You will find that conjugal duty and passion are perfectly compatible. Lonely representatives of the sign, fateful meetings lie in wait in the second half of May and June, as well as in mid-August. The relationship established at this time will be strong and lasting. If you are thinking about legalizing a romantic relationship, the best time to fulfill your dream is in November. The stars will support your marriage. Your best partners on the personal front: under 30 - rational Taurus and Virgo; later - intellectual Scorpio and Aquarius; after 40 - Pisces, ready for self-sacrifice. AQUARIUS January does not bring significant changes to Aquarius on the love front. Whether it's February: the blood will play, you will want to "shake the old days." Shake her in an already proven embrace. Or change the status of the relationship. For example, ask your loved one to formalize the relationship. Or finally get an heir (s)! May is the time to search for new love ideals. They will be found if at the beginning of the month you bite an overly sharp tongue, and by the end you finally break away from work and add romance to the relationship. Summer will create all conditions for Aquarius for quiet family happiness. Only August will show character: new acquaintances, amorous passions, spectacular quarrels with smashing dishes ... Show patience, think not only with your heart, but also with your mind - and all this talk will eventually be replaced by a family idyll. Lonely Aquarius, be on the lookout in late November - early December: numerous love victories await you! Or one, but big. Perhaps even for life. Your best partners on the personal front: under 30 - active Gemini and sensitive Pisces. From 30 to 40 years old - rational Virgo and impulsive Aries. After 40 - purposeful Leo and friendly Aquarius. PISCES Astrologers have drawn up a schedule of days favorable for large-scale actions on the love front. So: - at the beginning of March, there is a high probability of finding a new partner for someone who has recently experienced parting with an old one; - the end of March promises a romantic acquaintance for convinced loners; - family life will be cloudless if marriage is planned for the last decade of May; - the middle of September will bring a friendship that will eventually grow into something more. Your best partners on the personal front: in their youth, some Pisces find happiness with domineering Scorpios, others with childishly impractical Cancers. In maturity, alliances with Libra and Aquarius are successful. After 40, Pisces is desperately drawn to the down-to-earth and caring Virgo.

Full moon magic is successful in producing full moon rituals for money, full moon rituals for love, and other full moon rituals that are aimed at acquiring, increasing something.

Full moon rites and rituals are usually performed at night, with the full moon in the sky. Full moon magic rituals are full moon rituals for money, full moon rituals for love.

It is good to devote this lunar full moon month in Cancer to various kinds of spiritual practices, comprehending your inner world, getting rid of psychological blocks and clamps, as well as various kinds of fortune-telling, opportunities to find out your fate.

On the full moon in Cancer, intuition sharpens, people become more sensitive, receptive. You can safely overshadow things that require strong-willed efforts: they will not go well.

On a full moon day, it is good to bring your projects to their logical conclusion. Right now, you will have enough strength to do it.

On this special lunar day, a person can gain sobriety of thinking, a sharp mind and a deep mind! His vision of the world can become so clear and clear that you can realize your eternal spiritual nature, and all pressing problems will become less complicated, and their solutions will come by themselves.

On a full moon, you can find answers to your questions yourself. Full moons are associated with completion, there may be an opportunity to get out of an unpleasant situation. If the decision has come to break off an onerous relationship, then the full moon will give the necessary determination for this.

Full moon days always increase activity and add energy. On this day, we are drawn to illogical, inconsistent actions. Therefore, it is better to do analytical work. There is always something that needs planning and analysis. Such activities bring calmness and are useful for any business.

On full moon days, all processes associated with filling, flow, fluids are activated. The human psyche on a full moon is subject to sharp changes and easily succumbs to various provocations, explosions and inadequate states.

It is good to starve on a full moon, because these days the body reacts sharply to all substances entering it. Swelling is common. Floods are especially frequent among natural disasters. The energies of the full moon begin to be felt three days before the full moon and the influence of this period lasts three days after the full moon.

On the full moon day itself, it is best to avoid contact, relax and meditate. Rites and rituals for the full moon are performed at the peak of the full moon, which every month falls on a different lunar day and at different times, which can be recognized by the lunar calendar.

During the full moon, you can use various rituals and ceremonies to influence your success in business, to attract profit.

On a full moon, all rituals for receiving, attracting something act very quickly and powerfully, because the moon at this time has the greatest energetic power. As a result, you can get what you want even before the next lunar month.

Full moon ritual for women to fill with the lunar energy of love

In order to increase their mystical power, women used to use special rituals for the full moon. At the peak of the full moon itself, you need to stand under the Moon for about two hours, thus being saturated with lunar energy.

Another variation of this ritual is to place your bed in such a way that moonlight falls on it from the window. And sleep all night under the moonlight. And during this time - two hours in a conscious state or during a moonlit night in a dream - the moonlight will so strongly nourish a woman's body with its lunar energy that it literally immediately raises the level of her feminine energy.

And in this case, pregnancy is possible, even if the woman could not conceive a child for a long time. With such an increased filling with lunar energy, the female power will increase significantly. Also, the woman's lunar energy will be directed towards creating the desired world around herself or her family, fulfilling a desire or attracting love.

Full moon ritual to attract money and wealth

On a full moon, you need to go outside, onto the balcony or go to the window, stand under the moonlight and show the moon your open wallet with money. In this case, you need to pronounce the words:

“Money for money, I don’t save up - I multiply, I protect myself from debts and waste. As you, the moon, are full in the sky, so let my treasury be full. "

After that, put the largest banknote in the empty compartment of your wallet, it cannot be spent until the next full moon. This money will be a money talisman, will open up new cash flows for you and preserve your existing wealth.



The Full Moon is the highest point of the Moon's growth and an extremely strong time. On this day, you can influence your destiny and change your life for the better if you know how to achieve harmony with the lunar energy.

The full moon has long been considered a mystical time: the full moon appears in legends and folk signs. It is believed that this time is best for rituals for money and love.

The January Full Moon in 2017 will come on the 12th. The moon on this day will be under the influence of the constellation Cancer, which can greatly affect the emotional state of people.

One should be wary of a hysterical state, exacerbation of conflicts and sleep disturbances: the water element of Cancer primarily affects the area of ​​feelings and emotions.

Try to be extremely attentive to your well-being and the emotions of your loved ones: the energy of the Full Moon in January is such that it will be very difficult to correct an accidental quarrel later.

Negative sides of the Full Moon in January 2017

For people with weakened energy, January 12 can bring several significant problems:

conflicts with loved ones;
exacerbation of cardiovascular diseases;
sleep disorders;
overflowing emotions.

These signs indicate a violation of the biofield and a lack of positive energy. Walking in the fresh air will help you to correct the situation and bring yourself into a harmonious state, which can be combined with effective meditation while walking.

Try to give yourself more rest, do not worry about trifles and devote more time to yourself and your desires. This approach to your well-being will improve your condition and allow you to enjoy the Full Moon without discomfort.

Positive aspects of the January Full Moon

For people with strong energy, the Full Moon can feel very differently:

realistic vivid dreams;
consistently good mood.

Such a feeling of the Full Moon shows that your energy is in perfect order and is in harmony with the lunar cycles.

You can devote time to the list of 7 things to do on the Full Moon, but you should not forget that the next day the cycle of the waning moon begins, and along with the lunar energy, personal energy will begin to wane.

Try to spend the evening calmly and give yourself more time to rest.

Like any strong time, the Full Moon imposes certain prohibitions and requires compliance with certain rules. Knowing what not to do on the Full Moon for the Zodiac Signs, you can avoid many problems and spend this time calmly. We wish you a beautiful full moon in the sky and harmony with the energy of nature.

During the entire calendar month, lunar activity increases and decreases. All are to blame, of which there are four. will help plan your work and personal life, tell you when the full moon and how it affects, as well as what is best to do on the days of the waning moon.


READ ALSO - Eastern horoscope for 2017 Fire Rooster: striving forward and new achievements

It was in January 2017 that many people start their lives from scratch, cherish hopes for achieving all their goals and, of course, fulfilling their cherished desires. It is especially important that the January full moon coincided with, for which it is customary for girls. The lunar cycle will help determine favorable time for those or other cases.

When is the full moon in January 2017 in Ukraine Kiev time

The full moon in January 2017 will take place on January 12 at 13:35 Kiev time. Astrologers claim that this is the time of completion of what has been begun, summing up the results.

On a full moon, it is important to monitor your emotional state, since under its influence the nervousness and excitability of people increase. Due to this, during the full moon period, quarrels, conflicts, as well as various accidents and road traffic accidents become more frequent.

READ ALSO - Why does the moon dream: what it can mean and what to expect

In order not to aggravate the energy situation, on a full moon it is advisable to strive to remain calm, be more indulgent towards others and be extremely careful to conduct fortune-telling rituals on the Old New Year 2017, which is the full moon in January. Also, it is better not to appoint important events for this day.

Moon phases in January 2017: health effects of the full moon

The lunar cycle consists of four phases, which are determined depending on the position of the moon in relation to the sun - the first and third quarter, full moon and new moon. Each of them lasts about a week and has a certain energetic effect.

Full moon it is considered the most critical period when emotions are simply off scale, so feelings are exacerbated, and the human psyche becomes very vulnerable. Also, the full moon has a specific effect on health.

Studies have shown that during the full moon, blood is thinner and less clotting. Therefore, if possible, during this period, it is advisable to avoid surgical intervention. It is especially difficult for hypertensive patients and heart patients to survive the full moon, since the work of the heart is disrupted, and the amount of fluid in the tissues increases.

The Full Moon is the highest point of the Moon's growth and an extremely strong time. On this day, you can influence your destiny and change your life for the better if you know how to achieve harmony with the lunar energy.

The full moon has long been considered a mystical time: the full moon appears in legends and folk signs. It is believed that this time is best for rituals for money and love.

When is the Full Moon in January 2017

The January Full Moon in 2017 will come on the 12th. The moon on this day will be under the influence of the constellation Cancer, which can greatly affect the emotional state of people. One should be wary of a hysterical state, exacerbation of conflicts and sleep disturbances: the water element of Cancer primarily affects the area of ​​feelings and emotions.

Try to be extremely attentive to your well-being and the emotions of your loved ones: the energy of the Full Moon in January is such that it will be very difficult to correct an accidental quarrel later.

Negative sides of the Full Moon in January 2017

  • conflicts with loved ones;
  • exacerbation of cardiovascular diseases;
  • sleep disorders;
  • overflowing emotions.

These signs indicate a violation of the biofield and a lack of positive energy. Walking in the fresh air will help you to correct the situation and bring yourself into a harmonious state, which can be combined with effective meditation while walking.

Try to give yourself more rest, do not worry about trifles and devote more time to yourself and your desires. This approach to your well-being will improve your condition and allow you to enjoy the Full Moon without discomfort.

Positive aspects of the January Full Moon

For people with strong energies, the Full Moon can feel very differently:

  • energy;
  • realistic vivid dreams;
  • consistently good mood.

Such a feeling of the Full Moon shows that your energy is in perfect order and is in harmony with the lunar cycles. You can devote time to the list of 7 things to do on the Full Moon, but you should not forget that the next day the cycle of the waning moon begins, and along with the lunar energy, personal energy will begin to wane. Try to spend the evening calmly and give yourself more time to rest.

Like any strong time, the Full Moon imposes certain prohibitions and requires compliance with certain rules. Knowing what not to do on the Full Moon for the Zodiac Signs, you can avoid many problems and spend this time calmly. We wish you a beautiful full moon in the sky and harmony with the energy of nature. Be happy and don't forget to press the buttons and

05.01.2017 05:05

The full moon is the strongest time in the entire lunar cycle. On this day, you can achieve what you want ...

The full moon is a special time. When the Full Moon illuminates the skies, the most powerful rituals are performed. It...

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