Chemistry Olympiads. All-Russian Chemistry Olympiad (school stage) Results of the All-Russian Chemistry Olympiad

Wooden windows 22.09.2020

From 1 to 7 April In Belgorod, on the basis of the Institute of Engineering Technologies and Natural Sciences of Belgorod State University, the final stage of the All-Russian Olympiad in Chemistry was held for schoolchildren. Students of grades 9, 10 and 11 from 57 subjects came to the Olympiad Russian Federation: Astrakhan region, Khabarovsk region, Yamalo-Nenets autonomous region, Moscow, St. Petersburg, Sverdlovsk, Novosibirsk regions and other regions of the country - only 242 schoolchildren.

On April 1, the opening ceremony of the Olympiad took place. Sergei Andreevich Bozhenov, Head of the Department of Education, Deputy Governor of the Belgorod Region, delivered a parting word for the participants of the Olympiad , Vice-rector of NRU BelSU for distance learning and additional education Vladimir Anatolyevich Shapovalov and dean Faculty of Chemistry Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Valery Vasilievich Lunin.

The jury of the Olympiad was headed by the Deputy Director for International Affairs and Quality Management of the Institute of Engineering Technologies and Natural Sciences of the National Research University Belgorod State University, Doctor of Chemistry, Professor Olga Evgenievna Lebedeva. On April 7, the jury of the Olympiad announced the 18 strongest guys from Moscow, Saransk, Kazan, Novosibirsk, Lipetsk and St. Petersburg, who received the title of winners. Another 90 schoolchildren from different cities of Russia became prize winners of the Olympiad. At the closing ceremony, a member of the Federation Council Committee on Science, Education and Culture Gennady Aleksandrovich Savinov, First Deputy Head of the Education Department of the Belgorod Region - Head of the Department of General, Preschool and Additional Education Olga Ilyinichna Medvedeva and Vice-Rector of the National Research University BelSU for distance learning and additional education Vladimir Anatolyevich Shapovalov.

The absolute winners of the 10th and 11th grades should be noted. Alexander Zhigalin from grade 10 earned 99 points out of 100 on the first theoretical round and as a result scored 26.5 points more than the closest pursuer. Khodaeva Ulyana from the 11th grade scored a total of 240 points out of 250 for 3 rounds, the gap was 11 points, other participants.

From among the winners, the jury of the Olympiad selected children to participate in the 50th International Mendeleev Olympiad, which will be held on May 2-9 in Moscow (Russia). The winners and prize-winners also formed teams for the summer and winter camps for the International (World) Olympiad.

Tasks and solutions


Tasks Solutions


Tasks Solutions


Tasks and solutions

Photo report

IN CHEMISTRY. 2016-2017 account G.
Assignments, Answers and Assessment Criteria
Out of 6 problems, the final grade includes 5 solutions, for which the participant
scored the highest points, that is, one of the tasks with the lowest score did not
taken into account.
Task 1. Pure substances and mixtures
1) Complete the phrases: (a) Composition of an individual substance as opposed to a composition
mixtures __________ and can be expressed chemically __________;
(b) __________, unlike __________, boils with a constant __________.
2) Which of the two liquids - acetone and milk - is
an individual substance, and which is a mixture?
3) You need to prove that the substance you have chosen (one of the two in item 2) -
mixture. Briefly describe your actions.
1) (a) The composition of an individual substance, in contrast to the composition of a mixture, is constant
and can be expressed by a chemical formula; (b) individual substance c
unlike a mixture of substances, it boils at a constant temperature.
2) Acetone is an individual substance, milk is a mixture.
3) Place the drops of both liquids in the microscope. Milk under the microscope
will be heterogeneous. This is a mixture. The acetone will be homogeneous under the microscope.
Another possible solution: acetone boils at a constant temperature. From
boiling milk evaporates water, on the surface of milk is formed
film - foam. Other reasonable evidence is also accepted.
Grading system:
1) 2 points for each phrase 4 points
2) For the correct answer 2 points
3) 4 points for motivation
Total - 10 points
Problem 2. Common substance
"It complex substance widespread in nature. Occurs on
all over the globe. Odorless. At atmospheric pressure, the substance
can only be in gaseous and solid states. Many scientists
believe that this substance has an effect on temperature rise
our planet. It is used in various industries, including
Food Industry. Used to extinguish fires. but
in a chemical laboratory, they cannot extinguish burning metals, for example
magnesium. Children are very fond of drinks made with this substance. But

School stage. 8th grade
constant consumption of such drinks can irritate the walls
stomach ".
1) Identify the substance based on its description.
2) What names of this substance do you know?
3) Give examples of applications known to you and name the sources
the formation of this substance.
1. Named substance - carbon dioxide (carbon monoxide (IV)) (4 points).
A possible answer - water - is wrong. Water does not irritate the stomach.
2. Dry ice, carbon dioxide, carbonic anhydride (1 point for each answer).
3. Carbon dioxide is used in the production of carbonated drinks,
sugar production, when extinguishing fires as a refrigerant, etc.
during the respiration of animal organisms, fermentation, decay of organic residues,
in the production of quicklime, incineration organic matter(peat,
wood, natural gas, kerosene, gasoline, etc.). (One point per
example, but not more than 3 points).
Total - 10 points.
Problem 3. Atomic fractions
Composition chemical compounds are often characterized by atomic
shares. Thus, a molecule of carbon dioxide CO2 consists of one C atom and two
O atoms, there are three atoms in the molecule. Then the atomic fraction of C is 1/3, the atomic
share of O - 2/3.
Give one example of substances in which the atomic fractions
their constituent elements are equal:
a) 1/2 and 1/2;
b) 2/5 and 3/5;
c) 1/3, 1/3 and 1/3;
d) 1/6, 1/6 and 2/3;
e) 1.
a) Two elements, the number of atoms in a molecule (formula unit) is the same:
HCl, HgO, CO.
b) Two elements, atoms of one of them in a molecule (formula unit) - 2,
another - 3: Al2O3, Fe2O3.
c) Three elements, all atoms equally: KOH, NaOH.
d) Three elements: atoms of two of them in the molecule (formula unit) equally,
and the third element is 4 times more: KMnO4, CuSO4.
e) Any simple substance.
2 points for each point.
Total - 10 points.
All-Russian chemistry Olympiad for schoolchildren 2016-2017 academic year G.
School stage. 8th grade
Task 4. Inhale-exhale
In the process of breathing, a person consumes oxygen and exhales carbon dioxide.
The contents of these gases in the inhaled and exhaled air are given
in the table.
Air O2 (% by volume) CO2 (% by volume)
Inhaled 21% 0.03%
Exhaled 16.5% 4.5%
The volume of inhalation-exhalation is 0.5 liters, the frequency of normal breathing is 15 breaths per minute.
1) How many liters of oxygen a person consumes per hour and how much it emits
carbon dioxide?
2) In a class with a volume of 100 m
3 are 20 people. The windows and doors are closed. What
will be the volumetric CO2 content in the air after a lesson of duration
45 minutes? (Absolutely safe content - up to 0.1%).
1) In an hour, a person takes 900 breaths and 450 liters of air pass through the lungs.
1 point
Not all inhaled oxygen is consumed, but only
21% - 16.5% = 4.5% of the air volume, i.e. approximately 20 liters. 2 points
The same amount of carbon dioxide is emitted
how much oxygen was consumed, 20 liters. 2 points
2) In 45 minutes (3/4 hours), 1 person emits 15 liters of CO2. 1 point
20 people emit 300 liters of CO2. 1 point
Initially, the air contained 0.03% of 100 m
, 30 l CO2, 1 point
after the lesson it became 330 liters. CO2 content:
330 l / (100,000 l) 100% = 0.33% 2 points
This content exceeds the safe threshold, so the grade is necessary
Note. The calculation in the second question uses the answer to the first question.
If the first question received the wrong number, but then with it
the correct actions were performed in the second paragraph, for this point is put
maximum score despite the wrong answer.
Total - 10 points.
Problem 5. Uranium compounds
Where is more uranium - in 1.2 g of uranium (IV) chloride or 1.0 g of uranium (VI) oxide?
1) Write down the formulas of these compounds.
2) Justify the answer and confirm by calculation.
3) Write down the reaction equations for obtaining these substances from uranium.
All-Russian chemistry Olympiad for schoolchildren 2016-2017 academic year G.
School stage. 8th grade
1) UCl4, UO3.
2) UCl4  (U) = 62.6%, which means that 1.2 g of this substance contains 0.75 g of uranium
UO3  (U) = 83.2%, which means that 1.0 g of this substance contains 0.83 g of uranium.
More uranium is contained in 1.0 g of uranium (VI) oxide.
3) U + 2Cl2 = UCl4; 2U + 3O2 = 2UO3
Grading system:
1) 1 point for the formula 2 points
2) 2 points for each calculation and 1 point for the correct answer with justification
6 points
3) 1 point for the reaction equation 2 points
Total - 10 points.
Problem 6. Five powders
Powders of the following substances were dispensed in five numbered glasses: copper,
copper (II) oxide, charcoal, red phosphorus and sulfur. The color of substances
in glasses is indicated in the figure.
black black yellow dark
red red
The students studied the properties of the given powdery substances, the results
The tats of their observations are presented in the table.
"Behavior" of the powder at
placing it in a glass with
Changes observed with
heating the test powder
on air
1 floats on the surface of the water begins to smolder
2 sinks in water does not change
3 floats on the surface of the water melts, burns bluish
flame, when burning forms
colorless gas with a pungent odor
4 sinks in water burns with a bright white flame, when
burning produces thick smoke
5 sinks in water gradually turns black
1) Determine in which glass each of the substances issued for
research. Justify the answer.
All-Russian chemistry Olympiad for schoolchildren 2016-2017 academic year G.
School stage. 8th grade
2) Write the equations of the reactions that occur with the participation of the given
substances when heated in air.
3) It is known that the density of substances in glasses No. 1 and No. 3,
more than the density of water, that is, these substances must sink in water. but
powders of these substances float on the surface of the water. Suggest the possible
explanation of this fact.
1) Glass No. 1 contains coal powder. Black color, smolders in air at
No. 2 - copper (II) oxide; has a black color, does not change when heated.
No. 3 - sulfur; yellow, characteristic combustion with the formation of sulfur dioxide.
No. 4 - red phosphorus; dark red color, characteristic combustion with a
by the formation of phosphorus (V) oxide.
No. 5 - copper; Red color; the appearance of a black color when heated due to
the formation of copper (II) oxide.
0.5 points for each correct definition and another 0.5 points for reasonable
Total - 5 points
2) C + O2 = CO2
S + O2 = SO2
4P + 5O2 = 2P2O5
2Cu + O2 = 2CuO
1 point for each equation
Total - 4 points
3) The glasses No. 1 and No. 3 contain, respectively, powders of charcoal and
sulfur. Charcoal particles are penetrated by capillaries filled with
air, thus, their average density is less than 1 g / ml.
In addition, the surface of coal, like the surface of sulfur, is not wetted by water, i.e.
is hydrophobic. Small particles of these substances are held on
the surface of the water by the force of surface tension.
1 point
Total - 10 points

The main goals and objectives of the sectoral Olympiad for schoolchildren is to identify gifted schoolchildren focused on engineering specialties, capable of technical creativity and innovative thinking and planning their own professional activity in the gas industry.

The Olympiad is held by educational organizations higher education from among the leading universities of the Russian Federation together with PJSC Gazprom. The Chemistry Olympiad is held by the Russian state university oil and gas (national research university) named after I.M. Gubkin and Kazan National Research Technological University. The face-to-face stages of the Olympiad are held at many regional venues.

This Olympiad is not a status Olympiad when entering universities. Nevertheless, it provides a unique opportunity to test your strength before passing the exam, receive necessary information about the conditions of study at the university, its winners are awarded with valuable prizes. The winners and prize-winners of the Olympiad will receive additional points for USE results, within the framework of accounting individual achievements applicant (up to 10 points).

The Olympiad is held in two stages:
- registration and the first (remote) stage - from 05.11.2019 to 12.01.2020;
- the second (final) stage is held in full-time form from February 1 to March 31, 2020. The winners and prize-winners of the first (qualifying) stage of the Olympiad are allowed to participate in it.
To get acquainted with examples of tasks and prepare for the qualifying round of the Olympiad, participants are invited to go through a preparatory round. Participation in it is optional and the results will not be taken into account in the future.

School stage All-Russian Olympiad in chemistry 2016.


PART 1 (test)

For each task, several answers are given, of which only one is correct. Choose the correct answer. Write down the task number and put the number of the selected answer.

1. The highest molecular weight is

1) BaCl 2 2) BaS0 4 3) Ba 3 (PO 4) 2; 4) Ba 3 R 2. (1 point)

2. The three-element substance is ...

1) sulfuric acid; 2) quicklime (calcium oxide);

3) iron (III) chloride; 4) copper sulfate. (1 point)

Z. The sum of the coefficients in the molecular reaction equation

(СuОН) 2 С0 3 + НС1 = СuС1 2 + С0 2 + ... (2 points)

1)10: 2)11; 3)12; 4)9.

4. The amount of substance (mol) contained in 6.255 g of phosphorus (V) chloride (2 points)

1)0,5; 2)0,3; 3)0,03; 4)0,15.

5. Weight (in grams) of a sample of aluminum nitrate, which contains 3.612 ∙ 10 23 nitrogen atoms

1)127,8; 2)42,6; 3)213; 4)14,2. (2 points)

6. The number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus of the isotope 40 K

1) p = 20, n = 19; 2) p = 40, n = 19; 3) p = 19, n = 21; 4) p = 21, n = 19. (2 points)

7. Reaction resulting in precipitation

1) KOH + HC1; 2) K 2 CO 3 + H 2 S0 4; 3) Cu (OH) 2 + HNO 3; 4) Na 2 S + Pb (N0 3) 2. (2 points)

8. When a mixture of zinc (5.2 g) and zinc carbonate (5.0 g) interacts with hydrochloric acid, gases of volume (n.u.) (2 points)

1) 0.896 l; 2) 1,792 l; 3) 2.688 l: 4) 22.4 l.

9. In 250 ml of water was dissolved 150 g of calcium chloride. Mass fraction of salt in solution (in percent) is equal to:

1) 60; 2) 37,5; 3) 75; 4) 62,5 (2 points)

10. The molar mass of a gas with a mass of 0.84 g, occupying a volume of 672 ml (n.a.), is equal to

1)44; 2)28; 3)32; 4)16. (2 points)

Total 18 points

PART 2 (chains of transformations)

    Read the text.

A soldier walked across the field, decided to make a halt, write a letter to his relatives, but there was nothing. Then he found a black pebble, tried it - draws. I wrote a letter with this pebble, but decided to sleep. He threw a pebble into the fire - it flared up, only the smoke went off. The rain stopped the smoke, nailed it to the ground; the water flowed heavy, lime. The water began to dry, in some places it remained, and where it dried up - there were already white pebbles. The soldier woke up, was surprised how he made a white rain from a black pebble. He took a white pebble, ran it over a white boulder, lo and behold - and he was drawing. The soldier was surprised and walked on.

Make a chain of transformations and solve it. (8 points )

(10 points)

PART 3 (tasks)

    The designers of the first spaceships and submarines faced a problem: how to maintain a constant air composition on a ship or space station, i.e. how to get rid of excess carbon dioxide and renew oxygen supply? An elegant solution was found - it is necessary to convert CO 2 into O 2! For this, it was proposed to use potassium superoxide (KO 2), which is formed during the combustion of potassium in oxygen. When potassium superoxide interacts with carbon dioxide, oxygen is released in a free form (oxygen atoms are both an oxidizing agent and a reducing agent at the same time). Make the equations of the reactions referred to in the text. Knowing that a person will emit an average of 0.51 m 3 of carbon dioxide per day, calculate how much potassium superoxide should be on board the space station in order to ensure the vital activity of a crew of three for a month (30 days). (24 points)

    The young chemist received from the teacher four flasks without labels containing solutions of potassium hydroxide, zinc chloride, barium chloride and potassium sulfide. The concentration of substances in each of the dispensed solutions was 0.1 mol / L. How, without using additional reagents and having at our disposal only phenolphthalein paper (paper soaked in an alcoholic solution of phenolphthalein), determine the contents of the flasks? Suggest a sequence of actions for the young chemist. Write down the equations of the reactions taking place. ( 40 credits)

School stage of the All-Russian Olympiad in Chemistry ANSWERS


PART 1 Test.

Job number

Possible answer

Number of points

Total 18 points

PART 2 Chains of transformation.

Assignment 11

Number of points

Chained up

C-CO 2 -H 2 CO 3 -CaCO 3

1 equation

2 equation

CO 2 + H 2 O = H 2 CO 3

3 equation

H 2 CO 3 + CaO = CaCO 3 + H 2 O

Total 8 points

Assignment 12

the reaction equation is written 1

CuSO 4 + 2KOH = Cu (OH) 2 ↓ + K 2 SO 4

2 points

the reaction equation is written 2

Cu (OH) 2 = CuO + H 2 O (heating)

2 points

the reaction equation is written 3

CuO + H 2 = Cu + H 2 O

2 points

the equation of reaction is written 4

Cu + HgSO 4 = CuSO 4 + Hg


the equation of reaction is written 5

CuSO 4 + Ba (NO 3) 2 = BaSO 4 ↓ + Cu (NO 3) 2

2 points

Total 10 points

PART 3 Tasks.

Task 13.

The equation for the reaction of combustion of potassium in oxygen is written

5 points

The equation for the reaction of the interaction of potassium superoxide with carbon dioxide is written

4KO 2 + 2CO 2 = 2K 2 CO 3 + 3O 2

5 points

The amount of potassium superoxide that should be on board has been calculated.

A person emits carbon dioxide per day 0.51 m 3 = 510 l, which is 510 l: 22.4 l / mol = 22.77 mol, to utilize it requires 2 times more potassium superoxide, i.e. 45.54 mol or 3.23 kg.
To work for 30 days for three people, 3.23 kg x 30 days x 3 people = 290.27 kg of potassium superoxide will be required.

14 points

Total 24 points

Task 14

Phenolphthalein takes on a raspberry color in an alkaline environment. The color appears in solutions of potassium hydroxide and potassium sulfide:

Determine which bottle contains potassium hydroxide and potassium sulfide.
We add to the samples solutions, in which the color of phenolphthalein has not changed, the contents of one of the flasks. If a white precipitate is formed that does not dissolve in an excess of the reagent solution, it is a potassium sulfide solution, and the analyzed solution contains zinc chloride.
К 2 S + ZnCl 2 = ZnS ↓ + 2КCl

If a gelatinous precipitate is formed, which is soluble in an excess of the reagent, then the added solution contains potassium hydroxide, and the analyzed solution contains zinc chloride.
2KOH + ZnCl 2 = Zn (OH) 2 ↓ + 2KSl
Zn (OH) 2 ↓ + 2KON = K 2 or
Zn (OH) 2 ↓ + 2KON = К 2 ZnО 2 + 2Н 2 О

The bottle, to the samples of which no visible changes occur when the K 2 S and KOH solutions are poured, contains barium chloride.

Total 40 points

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