Distance learning land management and cadastres. Land management and cadastres - a specialty: what is it? State University for Land Management. Where can you build a career with a ZiK diploma

Sewerage 09.10.2020

Most citizens are faced with such concepts as land management and cadastres in the case of any operations with the land. However, today, due to the active development of the construction industry, the specialty "Land management and cadastres" is becoming more and more popular among applicants throughout the country.

Given that the country's land resources are inexhaustible, university graduates who have received education in this specialty will always be provided with work. But the popularity of the profession is provided not only by this factor.

For many, providing rational use land resources, generalization and systematization of information about them is a real vocation.

Land management and cadastre specialists develop land management schemes and projects.

Such specialists are indispensable in state structures and organizations involved in design and construction work. Land managers study the appropriateness of land use and develop programs to improve the way land is used.

Unlike them, cadastral engineers organize information about land plots, determine their boundaries, and draw up land survey plans. The work of cadastral engineers requires obtaining a qualification certificate. In addition, these specialists can resolve disputes in the field of land and property relations, which arise quite often.

Where to go for education

Given the popularity of the specialty "Land Management and Cadastre", you can get an education in this area in many Russian universities in all parts of the country.

The most famous universities that train specialists in this area:

  • State University on land management (Moscow city);
  • State University of Geodesy and Cartography (Moscow);
  • Ural State Mining University;
  • State Agrarian University (St. Petersburg);
  • State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering (St. Petersburg);
  • Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (Moscow);
  • State Agrarian University. N.I. Vavilov (city of Saratov);
  • South Federal University;
  • Institute of Industry Management (Moscow);
  • Siberian State University of Geosystems and Technologies;
  • Kuban Agrarian University and others.

Admission conditions

The conditions for admission to the specialty "Land Management and Cadastre" in the capital and regional universities are almost identical. Graduates who have successfully passed the USE test and scored a sufficient number of points in certain subjects can enter higher educational institutions for this specialty.

You need to score in subjects such as:

  • Russian language;
  • mathematics (profile subject);
  • physics;
  • informatics and ICT.

The average score required for admission to universities ranges from 45 to 60 in various educational institutions.

The duration of training directly depends on the form of education chosen by the student. The duration of full-time study is 4 years. When choosing a correspondence, mixed or evening form of knowledge acquisition, the student will need to study for 5 years.

Students who want to deepen their knowledge, and perhaps engage in scientific activity, after completing a bachelor's degree, they have the opportunity to enroll in a master's program.

Graduates with master's degrees in the future can be employed in various design institutes, cadastral chambers, justice authorities, insurance companies and other organizations.

What subjects are studied in the learning process

In the course of mastering the specialty, students get acquainted with many interesting and useful information. During their studies, they pass various disciplines.

Let's name just a few of them:

  • fundamentals and economics of land management;
  • cartography;
  • geodesy, geoinformation technologies;
  • fundamentals of urban planning;
  • legal support of cadastres and land management;
  • engineering arrangement of the territory;
  • remote sensing.

During the training, students not only study the theory in these areas, but also gain practical skills that will be useful to them in the future.

As a result, university graduates are able to:

  • independently carry out the development of projects on land management and planning of territories;
  • keep records, registration and cadastral valuation of land;
  • survey land plots and the formation of immovable objects.

Where to work after graduation

Graduates of universities after receiving diplomas can get a job not only in state, but also in private organizations.

These are organizations active in the following areas:

  • land and property relations;
  • management of land resources and immovable objects;
  • land use planning;
  • cadastral valuation of immovable objects;
  • cartographic support of land management;
  • formation of cadastral information systems;
  • land surveying;
  • inventory assessment of immovable objects, etc.

In other words, graduates can get jobs in local authorities, design institutes, research organizations, environmental structures, educational and other institutions.

As for salary, graduates can count on the following amounts:

  • 25-30 thousand rubles - immediately after graduating from a higher educational institution in the specialty;
  • 40 thousand rubles - after acquiring a minimum work experience;
  • 50 thousand rubles or more - when supervising core projects.

what city?
subsequent work in various state. bodies - the land committee (the cadastral chamber now), the property committee, architectural bureaus, administrations of subjects, BTI, the registration service, all kinds of federal state unitary enterprises and JSCs, private companies with their property that requires registration and registration, legal, geodetic and land management offices. many places to work. salary from zero to whatever. those. how do you get settled. for Moscow - you can get a job for 20 thousand, or you can get a job for 120 with experience. officials are, of course, rotten with bribes. the opposite side is most likely to take bribes to the same officials, only to persuade them. work is no better than others. interesting and may well be honest. depending on what you are looking for in life.
good luck:)

continuation: Girls, for you, I consider it necessary to remind you that working in a state structure (be it the administration, the cadastral chamber, the registry office, the ministry of property relations) you have a consistently paid maternity leave (about 10,000 rubles or more, depending on the position, every month during 1.5 years). And so friends, let's sum up: a state institution is not bad at all, given the various "privileges", stable work, salary not in envelopes, confidence in the future, so to speak! put a big fat plus. BUT BUT BUT career growth such as in private firms will never be there) respectively, this is a minus! salary without an increase of at least one step will be almost at the same level for a year, two or three! you choose! good luck!

Specialty - Land management and cadastres - (bachelor's degree)

Specialists of this profession are needed both in private and in public structures. If a student has just graduated from a university, then his salary can start from a figure of 25-30 thousand rubles. A more experienced employee can expect to increase this amount to 40 thousand. At the same time, the project manager is already earning 50 thousand rubles or more.

For most people, the concepts of land management and cadastre become clear only in the case of any operations with land plots. However, due to the active development of construction, now the specialty 21.03.02 "Land management and cadastres" is becoming one of the most popular in higher and secondary educational institutions of the country.

What is land management and land cadastre

You can work with the most profitable and popular professions. They are considered: cadastral engineer, surveyor and land surveyor. The cadastral engineer carries out surveying and establishing turning points of boundaries on the ground. The boundary plan of one site on average costs 15-20 thousand rubles.

Recently, a lot of applicants choose the specialty "land management and cadastre", because this is an interesting profession related to land resources that will never be exhausted and will not go anywhere, therefore, it will always be possible to work in this area, especially with the current pace of urban development .

Specialty cadastre

Specialty land management and cadastre, who to work with? You can work as an employee of a company, as well as an individual entrepreneur. But we must remember that no matter what form of employment you choose, you must immediately prepare for frequent business trips, since it is logical that most land surveys take place far from the city.

“Land management and cadastre is a specialty, what is it?” Many people will probably ask themselves. Indeed, the profession is not the most common, famous or popular. The specialty cadastral engineer (specialty code land cadastre: 21.03.02) is primarily associated with "surveying" and land measurement. Basically, the specialist determines the coordinates of the property boundary, makes a boundary plan, prepares all the necessary documents for entering the property into the state land cadastre and monitors the results of his measurements.

Land management and cadastres

Spend an hour on the change, then 800r and time to print one sheet, or 1.5r. Your diploma will not allow you to work as an engineer without a certificate. By pull at the BTI, they will put a seal for you; in the cadastral chamber, they will take it easily, but the salary is almost the same throughout the country, etc., where a certificate is not needed, well, etc. She submitted documents only to the Omsk State Agrarian University and entered the Faculty of Land Management. The Faculty of Land Cadastre was established in 1998 in the process of reorganization of the Faculty of Cadastre and Law. Students in the specialty 311000 "Land Cadastre" study at this faculty.

Junior specialist, balakavr, engineer - land surveyor of the faculty of land management and cadastre. Prepare and issue them the necessary certificates or other documents. There are even cases of employee marriage and nepotism. Well, the level of intelligence should be at the proper level. 11. Work gives me additional opportunities (everything that work gives you except money, from self-expression and communication with interesting people to the opportunity to visit different countries).

Korea Morea

Essays on the history of the State University on land management for 1779-2004 / S. N. Volkov, A. A. Varlamov, Yu. K. Neumyvakin, and others; Ed. S. N. Volkova. Profession land surveyor. I work as the chief specialist of the regional department of land resources in Ukraine. Responsibilities - preparation and maintenance of relevant reports.

Prepares land management and cadastral documents, checks their completeness and accuracy. The land management engineer, when using land for industrial and social purposes, must ensure compliance with environmental legislation. In general, life in the Perm Pedagogical College No. 1 is stormy and eventful. Economic evaluation of lands and territories. A land surveyor is a specialist in topographic surveying, measurements and land surveying.

Professions related to the assessment and management of real estate are among the ten highest paid

The choice of applicants is small: you can enter the faculty of the city cadastre of the State University of Uzbekistan or the faculty of economics and management of territories of MIIGAiK - budget places 75 and 25, respectively. Applicants to the State Educational Institution (for any cadastral specialty) will have to take mathematics (orally and in writing) and the Russian language. MIIGAiK applicants are waiting for tests in the Russian language, mathematics and, by choice, physics, geography or computer science.

The specialty is mostly aimed at the study of buildings and structures. Graduates are engaged in the examination, inspection, design and construction of residential and commercial real estate. A separate item is trade and real estate activities. The curriculum includes such subjects as building technology, real estate expertise and design, property management, real estate transactions and insurance, property valuation.

Land management and cadastres

In modern economic conditions, the issue of effective management of territories is most acute. Literally “before our eyes”, there are changes in the structure of the use of territories within cities, rural settlements and other lands. Land management specialists play an important role in strategic planning.

The activity of a cadastral engineer consists in the legal regulation of land resources, accounting and evaluation of land plots in the city, industrial and agricultural territories, state control over land use, as well as design, survey and geodetic work.

Faculty of Engineering Ecology and Urban Economy St. Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering (SPbGASU)

  • in organizations of the Ministry of Industry and Energy of the Russian Federation;
  • at enterprises in the services of the chief power engineer;
  • in research and design organizations involved in the design of power equipment and systems;
  • in assembly organizations involved in the construction of thermal power facilities.
    Graduates of this profile can work:
  • in system government agencies governing the issues of land surveying and land use of urban areas and territories for other purposes;
  • in state and commercial organizations that carry out the design of master plans for various objects and many others;
  • in services and commercial enterprises in the field of cadastre;
  • in research and production enterprises for land management and cadastre;
  • banks, insurance, design and survey and real estate companies.

City cadastre who to work

Region professional activity:

  • ensuring human security in the modern world;
  • formation of a technosphere comfortable for human life and activity, minimization of technogenic impact on the natural environment;
  • preservation of human life and health through the use of modern technical means, methods of control and forecasting.

Field of professional activity of graduates:

  • land and property relations;
  • management system for land resources and real estate; organization of the territory of land use;
  • forecasting, planning and design of land use, rational use and protection of land;
  • accounting, cadastral valuation and registration of real estate objects;
  • topographic, geodetic and cartographic support of land management and cadastres;
  • positioning of real estate objects, cadastral surveys, formation of cadastral information systems;
  • land surveying and formation of other real estate objects; law enforcement activities to establish ownership and control the use of land and other real estate;
  • inventory of real estate objects; monitoring of lands and other real estate; taxation of real estate objects; real estate, appraisal and consulting activities in the field of land and property complex.

Land management and cadastres (ZiK) is an educational direction that is incomprehensible to many applicants, although, despite this, they still choose it, vaguely guessing about the essence of the work. What kind of profession is this, what features does it have? What are the leading universities for obtaining this education?

Information about the specialty from the Federal State Educational Standard

What is it: specialty "land management and cadastres"?

Code: 21.03.02. The profession belongs to an enlarged group: applied geology, oil and gas business, mining and geodesy.

You can get education in full-time, evening, correspondence form.

The total volume of the program (regardless of the form) is 240 credits.

In Russia, education is conducted in Russian, with the exception of special cases determined by local regulations (for example, for foreign citizens may be taught in English).

The term of study for full-time bachelors is 4 years, part-time students and evening students - 4.5-5 years.

The essence of the profession

Specialty "land management and cadastres" - what is it in terms of terms?

Land management is a set of measures that allow you to regulate land relations, study information about the state of land, plan and organize their use in such a way that they have a minimal impact on resources, while bringing maximum profit. As part of this work, land protection is being carried out, new land uses are being created, existing lands are being streamlined, boundaries between sites are being removed, agricultural areas are being developed, landscapes are being improved, and much more.

The land cadastre is a collection of information about the boundaries, use, intended purpose, and legal regime of land plots. This data is collected during cadastral registration, preparation of legal documents.

Thus, this direction includes work with papers, and with devices, and with the earth.

What skills should a specialist master?

For any specialty, there are certain skills that must be acquired during training. For the future land surveyor, the following skills are established, which he will possess after graduation:

  1. General cultural skills: the ability to analyze the stages of development of society and citizenship, the ability to use economic information, apply philosophical knowledge, the ability to communicate and establish communication in oral and writing and etc.
  2. Professional knowledge: the ability to search, process, analyze, convert information into a different format, the ability to develop an action plan aimed at reducing the anthropogenic impact on land resources, the ability to use various information systems for design, assessment, cadastral work, etc.

Disciplines taught to the land surveyor

Discipline on "land management and cadastres":

  • Foreign language.
  • Economy.
  • Fundamentals of nature management.
  • Maths.
  • Geographic, land information systems.
  • Geoinformation technologies.
  • Ecology of land use.
  • Geodesy.
  • Fundamentals of land management.
  • Cartography.
  • Photogrammetry.
  • Typology of real estate objects.
  • Landscape science.
  • Physics.
  • Office work.
  • Land management design.
  • Regional land management and much more.

Where can you build a career with a ZiK diploma?

Where can I work in the specialty "land management and cadastre"?

  • Bodies of registration and cadastre service (Rosreestr).
  • Territorial executive authorities.
  • Educational institutions.
  • Regional branches of the Federal Cadastral Chamber.
  • Private companies engaged in topographic and geodetic surveys.
  • Federal Center for Geodesy and Cartography, etc.

Objects with which specialists work

To better understand what it is - the specialty "land management and cadastres", you need to know what a specialist in this field should work with:

  1. Land and other types of resources (water, forest, minerals, etc.).
  2. Land fund (categories: land settlements, agricultural purposes, industry - only 7 varieties).
  3. Objects for land management: areas of municipalities, regions of Russia, territorial zones, including special legal regime.
  4. Lands for various purpose and use.
  5. immovable objects.
  6. Land areas.
  7. Software systems for maintenance of land management and cadastres.
  8. Maps, topographic bases, design and planning documents.

In which universities can you get this specialty?

The direction "land management and cadastres" is very popular in Russian universities. There are higher schools in which this specialty is represented by a separate profile, there are universities that comprehensively teach related programs, for example, "environmental management and water management", "geodesy", etc. In 49 cities there is an opportunity to get this profession:

  • St. Petersburg: SPbGU, SPGU, PGUPS, SPbGASU, SPbGLTU,
  • Rostov-on-Don: SFU, DSTU, RGUPS, RSU;
  • Yekaterinburg: USUE, USGU, Ural State Agrarian University, UGLU;
  • Irkutsk: ISTU, IRGSHA, BSUEP, etc.

Below are the three universities with the highest rankings.

Moscow University of Geodesy and Cartography

MIIGAiK is the oldest university that trains personnel to work with the country's land resources. Its origin began in the 18th century, when the Land Surveying School was opened.

Most of the areas of study at the university are somehow related to land activities and their technical support, but the Faculty of Territorial Development specifically covers the program "land management and cadastres".

Within the framework of the specialty, the bachelor's degree program provides for the following profiles: property management, territory development, real estate cadastre. In order to become a student of MIIGAiK, it is necessary to pass the Russian language, computer science and mathematics.

For future students, the university constantly holds days open doors. At meetings with applicants, he explains what it is - the specialty "land management and cadastres" - the dean of the department Vladimir Viktorovich Golubev.

Address: Moscow, Gorokhovsky lane, 4.

Saint Petersburg State University

Despite the fact that St. Petersburg State University is a complex university, but areas related to land management and cadastres are popular here, a sufficient number of state-funded places are allocated. Rating high school is high among universities, so the demand for this training program is increasing every year.

The main profile within the specialty: "Real Estate Cadastre: assessment and Information Support". Recruitment is conducted by the Institute of Geosciences.

Location admission committee: St. Petersburg, Universitetskaya embankment, 13B.

State University for Land Management

GUZ is a specialized university that graduates highly qualified specialists to work with land areas, real estate, software, legal registration of resources, etc.

He began his work in 1779. Sergey Nikolaevich Volkov appointed Rector

Main faculties:

  • Land management.
  • Architectural.
  • Legal.
  • City cadastre.
  • Real estate cadastre.

Directions of training within the specialty:

  • City cadastre.
  • Land management.
  • Real estate cadastre.

The address for receiving documents at the State University for Land Management: Moscow, Kazakova street, 15.

Thus, the direction "land management and cadastres" is an interesting specialty that links together work with papers, site visits, meetings with people. You can get this profession in more than 80 universities in Russia, which, of course, is a plus for everyone who wants to work in this industry.

Higher education is not uncommon these days. But real experts in their field are very difficult to find. Students are guided by many motives when they go to study at a university, and only a few then become professionals in their field. Moscow has some state institutions, studying in which you can gain both knowledge and skills in such professions as a manager, lawyer, economist, and so on. But one of the few in the whole country is cultivating excellent engineering specialists in the field of land management and land management.

Land management institute: history of origin

The Institute dates back to the reign of Catherine II in Russia (1779). It was just before the creation of the Konstantinovsky Land Surveying School that Catherine II had a grandson Konstantin, and this educational institution was named after him. In 1835, Nicholas I issued a decree on the transformation of the school and renaming it to the Konstantinovsky Land Survey Institute. Even then, "contract workers" studied here - students who paid for their education, but there were few of them (a quarter of all students). During the first decade after the establishment of the institute, the most important transformations took place here: cabinet-museums, lithography were organized, new academic disciplines were introduced, a pharmacy was opened, a six-year education was established, an observatory was founded. Then there was no concept of "institutes of Moscow", as it was the only higher educational institution in the city. Already at the beginning of the 20th century, for the first time, a division into departments was made here - 9 departments at the land department and 7 at the geodetic department. In the pre-war years (1930), these two departments became autonomous, and subsequently the geodesic department became the Moscow State University of Geodesy and Cartography, and the land management department became the Moscow Institute of Land Management Engineers.

Faculties at the Institute

The Institute of Land Management has several faculties:

What specialties can you study here?

Having a strong scientific and technical base, interesting story transformation from school to university, several faculties and a large number of departments, the State Institute of Land Management graduates specialists of various specialties. Some of them are repeated in two directions:

  1. "Land management and cadastres" - after graduation, the student becomes a bachelor of land management, as well as a master's degree in this specialty.
  2. "Management" - the direction of bachelor's degree, master's degree.
  3. "Jurisprudence" - a specialist after graduation can work as a lawyer with a bachelor's and master's degree.
  4. "Architecture" - a specialty in the following areas: bachelor's and master's programs.
  5. "Design" is a very popular specialty lately, but so far there is only one direction - a bachelor's degree.
  6. "Landscape architecture" is a narrowly focused specialty, here students study in two directions: bachelor's and master's programs.
  7. - a very important specialty, after the completion of which specialists receive
  8. "Applied geodesy" - here students graduate as specialists.

Institute of Land Management on Kurskaya: autonomous divisions

In addition to such an extensive scientific potential, the introduction of new programs and a wide variety of disciplines studied, the institute has other branches of acquiring new knowledge.

Institute of Research and Production Land and Information Technologies. Here, practice is closely connected with theory, so that students can acquire not only knowledge, but also a little experience in their specialty.

"Inform-Cadastre" is an advanced training institute that reports directly to the rector's office as part of the Institute of Land Management. Students who already have a basic education study here.

Museum of land management, its history - a room where students can study a specific period in the development of the science of land management. This is a unique collection of exhibits, which has no analogues in the world. The first objects date back to times Ancient Rus'. There are various documents of eras experienced by mankind, which are very well preserved.

The Distance Learning Center coordinates students who wish to study remotely. Documents are prepared here for receiving assignments and passing sessions.

Scientific and educational bases "Chkalovskaya" and "Gornoe" contain narrowly focused information on land management, geodesy. Here, in theory, a specialized mini-laboratory is assembled.

Few state institutions in Moscow can boast of such an active and diverse activity. Students here have all the conditions for in-depth scientific work and interesting student life.

Pride of the Institute

Each educational institution has its outstanding students. The Land Management Institute is no exception. Of course, in order to study at this university, find your place in life and become a well-known specialist, you will need a lot of strength, diligence and abilities. But some students have been able to achieve excellent results in their studies and the recognition of many people over the long history of the existence of an educational institution. Akopyan Harutyun Amayakovich, Bonch-Burevich Vladimir Dmitrievich, Troshev Gennady Nikolaevich, Malov Vladimir Igorevich are such pride of the institute. Not all of these prominent people delved into geodesy and land management: one became an excellent military man, the second - an artist, the third - an excellent journalist, but all of them are united by a study full of various situations at the Institute of Land Management.

Scientific and practical life of the institution

In addition to the main scientific load, the Moscow Institute of Land Management publishes periodicals that are popular not only among the students of this university - a magazine and a newspaper.

The magazine entitled "Land Management, Cadastre and Land Monitoring" in each issue covers the problems of the country's economic development. On its pages, the state of the agricultural industry is analyzed, an engineering analysis of land management and cadastre is carried out. In the issues of the magazine you can see articles on jurisprudence, design and other areas of science.

The newspaper "Zemlemer" in its content has narrower articles on land management. Here you can find various regulatory documents, engineering calculations and so on. This newspaper also covers various news of the Institute.

Features of social and educational work

Social and educational work at the institute is clearly structured and worked out. The student council, the tourist club are working smoothly, perfectly organized sport life students. For all people involved in educational process, the psychologist's office is constantly working. There is even a house church here. Active and sociable students can further develop in creative circles and studios of the institute. There is an association of graduates for communication and transfer of experience to each other. Also, the Land Management Institute is an exemplary educational institution for the formation of student teams. By uniting, students voluntarily agree to work at various facilities for the good of the country.

Library to help students

The library is another reason for the pride of the institute. Books and documents were collected in her fund from the very beginning of the existence of the Konstantinovsky School. There is detailed information about the large-scale migration of people beyond the Urals, the development of new lands in the North of Russia, documents on land management and cadastre, regulatory documents and engineering calculations on various topics. In addition to highly specialized books, there are general, which are studied by students of different specialties, thematic documents on architecture, law, and economics. For decades, the fund was formed not only from the money allocated for this. Many gave away their books, especially after the war, and graduates of the institute made a gift to the institution in the form of books. The library has an automated bookkeeping card index. Employees carefully monitor the formation of an informative base so that there is no lack of information.

Why do you need to do it here?

The Institute of Cadastre and Land Management enjoys a good reputation not only in Moscow, but throughout Russia. There is no other like it in the country educational institution, producing narrow specialists in land management, geodesy and cadastre. In addition, the well-functioning infrastructure of the institute, a well-organized educational process, high-level student self-government, a powerful information and scientific base distinguish this university from others.

Information for applicants

You can submit documents to the Institute of Land Management in Moscow on all days of the week, except Sunday. Each faculty has its own website and phone number, where you can find all the necessary information. The compulsory exam for all specialties is the Russian language, almost all pass mathematics. The third exam depends on the chosen profession - it can be biology, painting, and physics. The issue of providing a hostel is decided based on the results of the exams.

Institute staff

The teaching staff of the university reaches 300 people. Among them are 30 professors, doctors of sciences, as well as 160 candidates of sciences. The staff also includes corresponding members of several academies.

The presence of a military department

In especially difficult years for the country, when the Second World War was at its height, in 1942 the institute began to function. It was created to train artillery officers for the army. After the end of the war, the department began to train reserve officers, platoon commanders for engineering troops. Over the years, the department was transformed, new specialties appeared and goals were set depending on the internal and foreign policy states. To date, the main tasks of the department are:

  • introduction of a military training program for students as reserve officers in the main military specialties of the department;
  • implementation of educational work, as well as assistance in the professional identification of young people in military specialties.

Are we going to do it?

After getting acquainted with the content information about the university, the decision on admission must be made after weighing all the pros and cons. It takes into account the possibilities, the desire of the applicant and the demand for the profession.

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