Rewriting: what it is, how and where to start working. Rewriting for beginners. Rewriting for a beginner: a reminder for a beginner Working as a rewriter at home without experience

Colorful compositions 24.11.2022
Colorful compositions

writing a new text from an existing one, while preserving the meaning of the initial material, is called rewriting. For beginners, rewriting is the most the easy way make money on articles. The author takes the finished article and puts it in his own words. Such specialists are called rewriters. Rewriting is a product of rewriting.

To create a rewrite, you can use a dictionary of synonyms, explanatory dictionary and special programs. Such synonymizer programs can even reproduce the source text. This method is called autorewriting.

What is text rewriting?

The easiest and most common way to create a rewrite is to rewrite each sentence, using synonyms and changing words in places so that the uniqueness of the article tends to be 100%. Such rewriting of the text is superficial. Such rewriting is not expensive, and is usually used to fill websites and blogs with content where an elegant literary style is not required. Usually they don’t spend a lot of time on such texts, because... everyone understands that no one will really read them, but to create the effect that fresh information is constantly being added to the site, this method of rewriting texts is quite suitable. The main thing is to achieve high uniqueness of the article.

Deep rewriting of texts implies that the created material conveys only the main thoughts and is written in a different language with a change in the structure of the text. After rewriting an article, it should not contain the rewriter’s personal explanations. High-quality in-depth text rewriting can make a new article no different from a unique author’s text. And sometimes a new article is even better than the original. A competent rewriter can turn poor, unreadable text into very interesting material.

Are there rewriting exchanges on the Internet?

Many people are interested in whether there is a special rewriting exchange. No, such a special exchange does not exist yet. There is no point in creating separate exchanges for rewriting, copywriting and other things. Rewriting, like other types of texts, is ordered and sold on content exchanges. If you are interested

- this is writing a text from scratch, then rewriting- This is a change to an already written text. Why invent something out of your head and write a new text, when on the Internet you can find a lot of ready-made articles on a topic of interest, and simply redo it. This will save time and save money.

The essence of the rewriter's work

The work of a rewriter, unlike, is familiar to all of us since childhood. Remember at school we all wrote summaries when the text was read to us, and we put it in our own words on paper?! This was a kind of rewriting. You find the text you need and simply put it in your own words, without losing or distorting the meaning of the original text.

Main types of rewriting

There are more than three, but here are the main ones: simple rewriting, complex, text translation.

  1. Simple rewriting– you are given one article, you remake it into another. The principle is this: the copywriter is given a ready-made article on the ordered topic and your main goal and task will be to remake it so that the meaning of the original article remains, but the words have changed, that is, so that it becomes. A simple type of rewriting involves replacing words in the text with synonyms, so search engine robots perceive it as unique. But there is still danger here. Technology and progress do not stand still and not all search engines can recognize such text as unique.Remember: simple rewriting is not an article by a specific author, but just reworked material that has already been prepared for you.
  2. Complex rewriting– you are given several ready-made articles, you remake them into another one. That is, your task will be to write one of your own out of, say, five articles. A complex type of rewriting involves a complete change in the structure of the text while maintaining its original meaning. This type is actually closer to copywriting.
  3. Translation of texts– is also considered rewriting. Your task is to translate the text, for example, from in English into Russian, and not lose the entire meaning of the text given to you.

The main task of the rewriter is to convey the meaning of the original text, greatly changing it. This is not an easy task, because even if you write a text from scratch, it is difficult to achieve 100% uniqueness, because there are a huge number of different texts on any topic on the Internet, and since you will write on current topics, coincidences will still happen.

Rewriting websites for making money

If you master rewriting ready-made texts in your own words, you will be able to do it decently, but unlike all the others discussed on this site, this is a real full-fledged work as a rewriter from home. Currently, such work is in great demand, and you can find a rewriter on text (content) exchanges. . Among such exchanges, I would like to recommend to you these three, the services of which I myself constantly use and in working with which there are no problems, money is paid regularly:


The average price of copyright for 1000 characters is $2

The average rewrite price per 1000 characters is $1.3


The average price of copyright per 1000 characters is $2.6

The average rewrite price per 1000 characters is $1.4


The average price of copyright per 1000 characters is $2.5

The average rewrite price per 1000 characters is $1.7

Find a rewriter job You can easily use these three and rewrite. These are time-tested, worthy projects that are highly respected both among authors and among customers. They work honestly, there have never been any problems with payments. I regularly use their services myself.

Where to start rewriting

    Any rewriter’s work begins with the selection of synonyms. Find the online synonym selection service you like, enter the appropriate query in the search bar of any search and go through the search results, evaluate the services and choose one or more that you like best.

In this post we will talk in detail about what rewriting is and what you need to do to get your first money for rewriting texts.

The concept of rewriting (or rewriting) comes from English word"rewriting" and can be translated as:

  • rewrite
  • recycle,
  • redo.

Remember school years - teachers often required us to retell the text in our own words, write a summary, etc. It is these tasks that most accurately define the essence of rewriting.

So, rewriting is a retelling of a text in written form (from a given source) in your own words. At the same time, the meaning of the original article should not be lost. You may need to add a little relevant information to make your work more unique.

By the way, a rewrite can be made from one or several sources! As you may have guessed, specialists involved in rewriting content are called rewriters.

Why is rewriting needed and its types?

Rewriting is needed for:

  • Processing of advertising texts for commercial companies.
  • Retelling news from a specific source. News written in your own words is not considered plagiarism, which is why such work is in great demand.
  • Writing unique SEO texts and then promoting them in search engines.
  • To transform large and complex text into simpler and more readable text.

Rewriting can be superficial and deep. The first involves simply replacing words in sentences with phrases that are similar in meaning, and the second involves carefully processing the original article, changing the structure and adding information from other sources.

The second type of rewriting is more popular than the first. Accordingly, the payment for it is more substantial.

Differences between rewriting and copywriting

A newcomer to article writing may confuse rewriting and copywriting. But there are fundamental differences between the two types of work! Now we will explain what's what.

So, as a result of rewriting, a modified, unique text is obtained while preserving the original meaning. And copywriting is a much more difficult job.

The task of copywriters (people who are professionally involved in copywriting) is to create unique, exclusive and interesting content that is not perceived by search engines as rewriting.

Copywriting takes more time. To write a high-quality article on a topic specified by the customer, the author needs to analyze several sources and, based on them, write completely new job, adding your own conclusions to it (optional).

If you are just starting to work in the field of writing texts, then we recommend starting with rewriting. Once you gain experience, you can move on to more complex work and get more involved in copywriting.


To make it even clearer to you what rewriting is, we will give an example!

Let's say this is what the source text looks like:

And here is a high-quality rewrite of the source:

Where to start?

If you are comfortable with text and know how to correctly and beautifully put words into sentences, then this job will suit you. But make no mistake - there are pitfalls and certain difficulties in this area. An experienced customer, for example, accurately distinguishes the texts of professionals from the works of beginners.

Before you start working, it will be useful for you to learn about the requirements for rewriting:

1. The finished text should not contain semantic, punctuation or stylistic errors. If literacy is your weak point, then this job is not for you.

2. All sentences must be complete, integral and meaningful.

3. There should be no logical inconsistencies in the text. A person who reads the article should understand what the author meant.

4. This point is especially important. All texts you write must be checked for uniqueness! This parameter is checked in specialized programs and the customer has the right to require the author to check using one or more of them.

So where can a newbie in rewriting find a job?

It is much easier and safer to start on content exchanges. An exchange is a platform where customers and authors cooperate on mutually beneficial terms. The main advantage is the security of transactions. If a newcomer has done high-quality and unique work, the exchange guarantees payment. At first, this is a very important factor, since there is no risk of encountering scammers.

So, if you are interested in working with a daily payment, then register on the exchange!

As for the price of rewriting, this is a very conditional parameter. It all depends on the customer, on the exchange, on the subject of the source code and the complexity of the work.

Here is an approximate table that shows the most popular content exchanges over the past few years and the price per 1000 characters for rewriting:

You can start working immediately after registration and after passing the literacy test (if necessary). We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the rules of each specific exchange, as they may differ slightly from each other.

The scheme of work is as follows:

  1. You are looking for a suitable order in the order feed.
  2. You can immediately take it to work or leave a request for execution.
  3. You do the rewriting within the deadlines set by the customer.
  4. The customer checks your work.
  5. If the client is satisfied with everything, then he pays for your text. Keep in mind that in some cases it is possible to send the text for revision. To prevent this from happening, follow technical specifications which was provided by the customer.
  6. You can transfer money to your e-wallet.

Is it possible to earn money outside the exchange?

If you feel that you are ready to move from rewriting to copywriting, or for some reason you do not want to work on the exchange, then you can always cooperate with customers directly.

You can find clients on classifieds websites (for example, Avito), in specialized groups on social networks, and even through acquaintances. For authors who produce high-quality content, finding customers is most often not a problem.

To everyone who thinks that rewriting is a crap job where you can make money by simply rearranging words, I would like to say that this approach is disastrous for future specialists. You must be conscientious about your work - only in this case will you be able to grow professionally.

And a few more tips:

  • Remember that you must have at least a superficial understanding of the topic you are going to write. You should not take a job related to law or medicine if you do not have the appropriate education.
  • Improve yourself and don't stop there! Once you master the skills of rewriting, you can move on to a more complex field - copywriting and earn more substantial sums.

And finally, we will show you a video tutorial on rewriting!

Well, now you know everything about rewriting and you can start earning money too. We wish you good luck!

I propose to pay special attention to such part-time work on the Internet as work as a rewriter remotely from home. This type of earning money on the Internet is gaining more and more popularity because it is very profitable and quite interesting.

The huge demand for quality rewriters is growing every day, because... Site administrators need to fill their sites with new articles that will be successfully indexed in search engines.

Who is a rewriter?

Rewriter is a person who rewrites ready-made texts, but in his own words, using synonyms or paraphrasing words, preserving the main meaning, while achieving good uniqueness of the text. Uniqueness of the text– this is what customers will demand from you; with the help of it they will promote their website in search engines. The uniqueness of your finished work should be from 90 – 100%.

The main advantages of working as a rewriter

  • You can work without interruption from your main job, at home, in your free time
  • Working on the Internet as a rewriter from home does not require investment
  • You will work exclusively for yourself
  • Choose your favorite topics for articles and clients
  • Working as a rewriter on the Internet is highly paid, you will have a stable income

What is required from you in order to become a text rewriter?

A text rewriter must have up to five hours of free time a day to pay attention to his part-time job. The work must be completed within a strictly specified time frame, because customers are very demanding (after all, they pay you decent money for texts).

Advice: never take a job that you don’t understand or don’t like, you can simply write bad article or be late with delivery deadlines. Then your rating will drop and you will lose customers. After writing your article, be sure to check it for uniqueness; I advise you to use the Advego Plagiatus program. And only after that hand it over.

Where can I find clients for text rewriting?

There are a huge number of sites that sell articles. If you decide to write articles, then first of all you should register on such exchanges. Here you will find the customer and the job. It is worth noting that no one forces you to constantly write for someone, you can also write for your own pleasure by posting your articles on the site for free sale. I would advise registering on these two proven exchanges: and, and working on them at the same time. Advice: Do not post the same article for sale on both sites at the same time; you may be banned for such an act. Work on both, but with different orders!

How much does a rewriter earn?

So, a rewriter’s earnings will directly depend on your efficiency and ability to rewrite other people’s texts well, efficiently and beautifully. Site administrators will never spare money for high-quality and optimized text. Therefore, if you fulfill all the conditions, you can earn up to 500 rubles per day. Of course, this is an average figure and all earnings will depend only on you, take more orders, write yourself and this figure will increase significantly! To earn even more money, I advise you to combine rewriting with copywriting. You can read more about Internet copywriting.

- this is writing a text from scratch, then rewriting- This is a change to an already written text. Why invent something out of your head and write a new text, when on the Internet you can find a lot of ready-made articles on a topic of interest, and simply redo it. This will save time and save money.

The essence of the rewriter's work

The work of a rewriter, unlike, is familiar to all of us since childhood. Remember at school we all wrote summaries when the text was read to us, and we put it in our own words on paper?! This was a kind of rewriting. You find the text you need and simply put it in your own words, without losing or distorting the meaning of the original text.

Main types of rewriting

There are more than three, but here are the main ones: simple rewriting, complex, text translation.

  1. Simple rewriting– you are given one article, you remake it into another. The principle is this: the copywriter is given a ready-made article on the ordered topic and your main goal and task will be to remake it so that the meaning of the original article remains, but the words have changed, that is, so that it becomes. A simple type of rewriting involves replacing words in the text with synonyms, so search engine robots perceive it as unique. But there is still danger here. Technology and progress do not stand still and not all search engines can recognize such text as unique.Remember: simple rewriting is not an article by a specific author, but just reworked material that has already been prepared for you.
  2. Complex rewriting– you are given several ready-made articles, you remake them into another one. That is, your task will be to write one of your own out of, say, five articles. A complex type of rewriting involves a complete change in the structure of the text while maintaining its original meaning. This type is actually closer to copywriting.
  3. Translation of texts– is also considered rewriting. Your task is to translate a text, say, from English into Russian, and not lose the entire meaning of the text given to you.

The main task of the rewriter is to convey the meaning of the original text, greatly changing it. This is not an easy task, because even if you write a text from scratch, it is difficult to achieve 100% uniqueness, because there are a huge number of different texts on any topic on the Internet, and since you will write on current topics, coincidences will still happen.

Rewriting websites for making money

If you master rewriting ready-made texts in your own words, you will be able to do it decently, but unlike all the others discussed on this site, this is a real full-fledged work as a rewriter from home. Currently, such work is in great demand, and you can find a rewriter on text (content) exchanges. . Among such exchanges, I would like to recommend to you these three, the services of which I myself constantly use and in working with which there are no problems, money is paid regularly:


The average price of copyright for 1000 characters is $2

The average rewrite price per 1000 characters is $1.3


The average price of copyright per 1000 characters is $2.6

The average rewrite price per 1000 characters is $1.4


The average price of copyright per 1000 characters is $2.5

The average rewrite price per 1000 characters is $1.7

Find a rewriter job You can easily use these three and rewrite. These are time-tested, worthy projects that are highly respected both among authors and among customers. They work honestly, there have never been any problems with payments. I regularly use their services myself.

Where to start rewriting

    Any rewriter’s work begins with the selection of synonyms. Find the online synonym selection service you like, enter the appropriate query in the search bar of any search and go through the search results, evaluate the services and choose one or more that you like best.

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