How I Became a Good Girl from a Bad Boy. Boy dressing up as a girl: advice from a psychologist Dressing up a boy as a girl

Children's 20.06.2021

Adrian Petrushca

In this story, all the characters are real people, and this story is widely known in the West. She even entered as a textbook example in textbooks on sexology, heavily exploited as proof that sex, they say, is nothing and can be freely changed at will. But what is surprising: as soon as the boy resolutely and irrevocably refused to pour water on the mill of gender theory, they unanimously turned away from him! The Western world needed him when he walked in dresses, and when he became a normal person, they lost interest in him. But what about the scientists who studied it so carefully? Where is their intellectual honesty? Why do they not care about the result of their own experiment? But it is precisely the end of this story, and not its middle, that is the result of such a cruel desecration of human nature.

One of the absurd norms of political correctness is gender theory. She claims that a child is not born a boy or a girl, and the biological sex of the newborn does not matter. However, it is based on the ideas of a mad doctor who made people unhappy, imagining that he was curing them.

The child will have a gender (not a gender!), shaped by how he is brought up in the family, how classmates and teachers he meets at school treat him, what career requirements will present him. Gender (as opposed to sex) you are free to choose yourself - why not? – and change it depending on the stage of your life and the experiences you go through. So you can be a boy as a child, a woman when you are young, and come to the conclusion in your old age that transsexuality suits you best.

Like any norm of political correctness, the theory of gender is something given, it is a dogma, the challenge of which causes anger and repressive measures from the establishment. You immediately stick the shameful label of “discriminator” on your forehead, and you risk being isolated from society.

However, not the entire Western world accepts brainwashing. There are still manifestations of the front. One of them is Bruce, Brenda and David: The Tale of the Boy Who Was Turned into a Girl by journalist John Colapinto - a testament to the cruel suffering that gender theory can lead to, as well as to the madness of the doctor who invented it.

Dr. Mani, half-educated wizard

At the age of 8 months, Bruce Reimer, a cute Canadian baby, became the guinea pig in the famous gender identity experiment, which turned out to be a complete failure and resulted in a terrible drama.

It all started with a simple surgery. In 1965, the Reimer family brought their twins Bruce and Brian to the hospital to be circumcised as they suffered from phimosis. However, due to a medical error, Bruce lost his male organ.

In desperation, the parents consulted many doctors, but no one could offer them a satisfactory solution. And then one day they saw on TV an interview with Dr. John Money (John Money) - an authority in the field of sexology, a doctor at Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore. Dr. Mani expounded his theory: the gender identity of a newborn is not determined by the sex with which he comes into the world, chromosomes or hormones; she is given by the way his parents raise him, the social environment in which he lives, the examples he encounters. That is, it was precisely the gender theory that is making a splash in the Western world today and has become the norm of political correctness.

Dr. Money convinced Bruce's parents to turn their crippled boy into a girl. Castration, followed by female genital reconstruction, should be done before the age of 2.5 years, the doctor explained to them, and parents should never again question the child's female sexual identity. From that moment on, Bruce becomes Brenda, wears dresses, and as a teenager he is given estrogen injections.

For many years, Dr. Mani, a character smug and arrogant to the point of aggressiveness, would cite this case as an example in his countless lectures and writings. Claiming that ex-boy became a perfectly balanced girl who feels good in this role, he will prove his medical theory. The story of Bruce/Brand as a textbook example will enter the textbooks of medicine and will have an enormous impact on numerous sexologists who will apply Dr. Money's theories to their patients. He himself will become one of the idols of the feminist movement, which denies the differences between the sexes.

However, John Money simply did not take into account the reality, which turned out to be completely different from his theory. The magical metamorphosis he predicted did not happen. Already at a tender age, Brenda began to show signs of anxiety. She was aggressive, restrained in behavior, she had no girlfriends, she did not want to play with dolls and told everyone that she was a boy.

Yearly visits to Dr. Mani turned into a nightmare. However, his methods were at least doubtful: he showed the twins pornographic pictures, forced them to imitate sexual intercourse, harassed them with his questions ...

As she grew older, Brenda became more and more unhappy, lonely, she had violent outbursts and suicidal impulses. Her body became more and more masculine, as did her voice. Although her mother managed to force her to wear dresses, the girl was rejected at the school she attended, and she became the object of bullying for her peers.

Numerous psychiatrists involved in it realized that the experiment had failed, and Bruce / Brenda was the victim of a fatal mistake. No one, however, dared to question the methods of the famous Dr. Money, with the exception of the biologist Milton Diamond, who unsuccessfully criticized his improvisations.


Brenda's constant crises had a devastating effect on the family. The father began to drink, the depressed mother tried to commit suicide, the twin brother also suffered greatly. The traumatized Brenda at some point refused to see Dr. Money and endure new surgical interventions. Finally, when she was 14 years old, a psychiatrist advised her parents to tell her the truth.

Brenda immediately asked to be made a boy again and underwent a series of painful surgeries that restored male organs and allowed her to sexual life. David - he preferred to call himself now by the name of a biblical character - found a job in a slaughterhouse, married and began to raise his wife's children from a previous marriage, because he himself could not produce offspring. But mentally, he remained a pronounced man.

“It was like brainwashing. I would give anything if I could go to a hypnotist, and he would put me to sleep and make me forget all the past, the memories of which torment me. What was done to me on a physical level is nowhere near as bad as what was done to me on a mental level.”

In 1997, David agreed for the first time to talk about the horror of life out of his body to one journalist, John Colapinto, who would later write the book Bruce, Brenda and David: The Story of a Boy Who Was Turned into a Girl. Colapinto's article became a huge sensation, especially since at the same time, Dr. Diamond publishes his research, categorically refuting Dr. Mani's theory.

However, despite all the evidence, John Money brazenly refuses to admit his failure.

But in any case, it was already too late for the twins. Brian also suffered a series of severe disorders, caused primarily by the fact that he was always neglected and the entire interest of the family was focused on Brenda. Brian will die of a drug overdose in 2002 - another blow for David, who will not work out family life and there will be financial problems. He also committed suicide in 2004.

John Colapinto. As nature made him: The boy who was raised as a girl. 2001.
phimosis- congenital abnormal narrowness of the foreskin.
Estrogen- the main sex hormone in women, which is produced from the onset of puberty to menopause.

Foreword and text by Adrian Petrusca
Translated from Romanian by Rodion Shishkov

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Awesome action, I love it. First, mother, a petty woman, who felt sorry for throwing out her daughter's underwear, then, as it were, her sister had already grown up and, seeing such miracles, decided to play along with her mother. I got bras, pantyhose, put it on my brother and went to the park. Then they found his wife on the TOPIC (you can see the whole Yandex was shoveled) with whom he bathes in the river in awesomely beautiful swimsuits, and the men take him for a girl..................

“Since childhood, I have always worn girlish panties with bows, tights. This is how my mother dressed me. I bought pantaloons, and what was from my sister. bra, and I asked my mother, but you also need to wear a bra like a sister’s. What was said, if you want, I’ll buy you and you can wear it. blouses, shoes, stockings, tights like my sister's. Further on, my sister and I had the same wardrobe. And I dressed all this and went home. Sometimes I went outside with my mother. But then she began to help me choose underwear in color, fasten the bra. How to put on panties and where to hide the pussy so that everything looked like a girl's pubes. She put something in the bra so that her breasts were like hers. a transparent blouse with a short skirt, so that you can see the bra, shoes with heels. Her outerwear suited me. I put on makeup and that's how I became like a girl. And already after 16 years, when I was already dressing like a girl, I walked in all this. My sister came with a girlfriend to quickly put on me thongs, stockings with lace elastic, a garter belt, a beautiful red tight-fitting short dress, beads, earrings. They did my make-up, my hair, put on high-heeled shoes, and in this form, all three of us went for a walk in the park. At first, I felt uneasy, but then the looseness disappeared. And everything went fine. My sister called me Olya. On the street, no one even noticed that the boy was dressed as a girl. In this form, my sister and I returned home. Mom didn’t understand at first and then she was surprised, but she was never against the fact that I dress like a girl. And as a result, I began to dress like a sister and everything that a sister wears. I walked like this at home and on the street, so I grew further. Mom bought me and my sister the same underwear, panties, bras, stockings, tights, fishnet panties. Dresses, skirts, leggings. And already at home, my mother had two daughters. Even in the summer they bathed in bathing suits. At first I was closed. And then my sister told my mother to buy a separate one only so that the bra was filled with filler. They also came to the beach, undressed and went into the water. In winter he wore woolen tights and sometimes wore warm knickers at his sister's insistence. so everything went on more. Now I always wear either stockings or tights. Sometimes I wear a bodysuit, grace or semi-grace. Panties only fishnet. summer tango or thong. Having married, of course, my wife saw all this, at first it was somehow not very good. But now we go to the store together where she picks up lingerie for me, stockings, tights, looks and advises what suits me, at home we go to my wife in underwear and I too. Sometimes, having dressed me as a woman, I have already learned how to do makeup myself, it leads me to the street or to a cafe. In the summer we also swim in bathing suits. She bought me a beautiful two-piece swimsuit with a filler. And everything fits great. Fortunately, the figure is almost like a woman's. The wife offered to drink women's hormones. Taking about 3 months, light feminine breasts with nipples appeared and hips were rounded. She loves it all. And we both see nothing reprehensible in this. Everything is going as if it were. We live well and happily. This is how I look now and my wife is delighted. The linen I wore was all chosen by my wife and my hair. And she took such a great photo.

When in 2007, Jeff and Hillary Whittington from San Diego received the news that they had a daughter, the couple did not even suspect that in a few years they would raise a son instead of their daughter.

Last Thursday, the Whittington family attended an equality event and won an award for presenting a video showing their 6-year-old daughter Ryland turning into a boy.Ryland, dressed in a man's suit and tie, stood on stage and read his prepared speech, announcing to the audience: "My name is Ryland Whittington. I am a transgender child."

Initially, Ryland was born with severe hearing impairment, but thanks to cochlear implants, the child was able to communicate. Shortly after the little girl learned to speak, she declared to her parents, "I am a boy."

Even though the baby lived in a room whose walls were painted pink, wore long blond hair and girly outfits, she aspired to everything masculine.

At first, Jeff Whittington, a former firefighter turned real estate agent, and his wife ignored the signs, thinking that this stage would soon pass.

But by the time Ryland was five years old, she began to actively deny everything feminine and suffered greatly from this. One day, Ryland told her parents: "When you die, I will cut off my hair to become a boy." Another time, the child exclaimed, "Why did God make me like this?"

The girl's parents began to seek professional help and began to explore the topic of children's gender identity on their own. There was only one obvious answer: their child was transgender.

Jeff and Hillary, who have a younger daughter, were horrified that 41% of transgender people attempted suicide due to a lack of public acceptance.To prevent their child from adding to this statistic, the Whittington family decided to go towards Ryland's true identity.

Parents made Ryland men's haircut, bought a new men's wardrobe and began referring to the child as masculine. They also redecorated his room to make Ryland feel more comfortable.

Jeff and Hillary continued to study transgender issues and learned that children's gender identity emerges between the ages of 3 and 5.

Section: Weird, Fetish

On that day, my mother took me to the village. She lectured me all the way. In general, her monologue boiled down to the fact that I was a completely obnoxious boy, but now my manners will forever change for the better.

In general, she was right. Lately I've had problems not only at school, but even with the police when I tried to steal a few boxes of candy from a local store. And also, my mother just hated the company in which I hung out. A week ago, she caught us smoking in the garage.

Summer vacation was just starting, but I told my mom that I don't want to go to the pool this year. This somewhat surprised her, and when she found out the reason, she laughed, which offended me very much. I did not want to go to the pool because I was embarrassed to undress. Other guys teased me and made fun of my "girl tits". I was generally quite chubby, so the fat deposits somewhat resembled the shape of a woman's breasts, but my nipples were the worst. They were swollen, swollen, half the size chicken egg. Also, I was the shortest in the class. My mom didn't take me to the hairdresser for months, which gave the guys an extra reason to bully me. My hair was long, almost to my shoulders, and yet it was blond and curly.

Finally we arrived. It was a large house standing alone not far from the road. The door opened for us attractive woman middle-aged. She had a very strange voice, soft, but at the same time it sounded so that I did not want to argue with her. Mom told me to call her Aunt Mary

Aunt Mary handed me a plastic bag and told me to take off my clothes. While the women were talking, I undressed, and, remaining in shorts and a T-shirt, stood holding trousers and sneakers in my hands. Aunt Mary looked at me and told me to take off my shirt and put everything in a bag. I didn't want to, but then my mother intervened, that "it's better for me to do everything that they say and not annoy Aunt Mary." With a sigh, I took off my shirt and put everything in a bag. Aunt Mary handed the bag over to my mother, and after looking me over, she sent me to the bathroom to take off my panties. A minute later, she held out her hand through the door for my underpants.

I stood in a small bathroom, completely naked, and did not understand what was happening. Through the half-open door, I heard only one phrase ... "Take them too, he won't need them anymore," and then there was a slam of the door closing behind my mother.

I looked at myself in the mirror hanging on the wall and almost cried when I saw my "girl's tits". But then there was a knock on the door, and Aunt Mary with the words "Put them on, and then I'll show you yours." new house' She slipped something through the doorway.

They were silk, with lace trim, Pink colour panties - girl's panties. Well, at least something is still better than naked. And I wore them. But oddly enough, it was nice. They were so smooth that my pussy began to grow.

I slowly walked out of the bathroom, closing mine in front of my hands. Aunt Mary walked around and looked me up and down, then took my hands and pulled them down to my sides. "You have a very beautiful figure, and in general you will be a nice girl "... she said some strange phrase. I didn’t like her, I got scared and froze motionless. Aunt Mary stroked my chest, felt my nipples and left. She returned, holding a small bra in her hands, who put it on me with the words... "This will suit you better than most real girls your age. I will make a real beauty out of you." She took my hand and led me around the house. The house was large, it had many rooms. Aunt Mary took me around, showed me, told me, and, in the end, I calmed down. I was fine with her, despite my strange attire.

As a result, we ended up in a large, beautifully furnished bedroom. The whole room was done in white. Beautiful silk curtains hung from the window. The chest of drawers was decorated with a bouquet of flowers. The bed was littered with dresses, skirts, blouses, and other feminine items. "This is your room now," said Aunt Mary. The bathroom adjoined the bedroom, also all white, it smelled very pleasant there. Aunt Mary informed me that now I will take a bath, but first, she must take care of some business, which she promised my mother. She ordered me to bend over and place my hands on the edge of the tub. Aunt Mary sat down on a stool behind me and ordered me to put my feet shoulder-width apart. Then she patted my bottom several times, and then suddenly slapped me hard and very painfully. "Oh!"... I exclaimed jumping up. "Don't move or it will be much worse!"... Aunt Mary said very sternly, again lowering my hands to the edge of the tub. She slapped me again. Without unbending, I grabbed my ass, but Aunt Mary with a decisive movement removed my hand.

I was waiting for the next slap, but instead, Aunt Mary began to tickle and stroke me, and suddenly another slap. Then stroking again. This went on for some time, when suddenly Aunt Mary pulled my panties down to my knees and began to rub my aching, reddened ass with baby oil. I was very embarrassed, but I was afraid to remove my hands from the edge of the bath, expecting an even more cruel slap. But there were no more spankings, and the sensations were very pleasant. Aunt Mary ordered me to get up and turn around. I turned. I was ashamed, I was all red with embarrassment. I stood naked in front of a woman, and even my pussy was hard as a pencil. Aunt Mary touched my pussy with her finger and said that I shouldn’t touch it with my hands, and if I need to go to the toilet a little, then I need to sit down, as girls do, but don’t touch it with my hands, if any problems suddenly arise, I must contact her. She got up and finally undressed me. Then she turned on the water. "Now we will shave off the beard over your faucet," which she immediately did, returning me to my three-year-old appearance. Aunt Mary washed me, dried me, rubbed me all over with baby oil, and with a towel over my head, took me to the bedroom. She sat me on a stool and began to comb my wet hair, smearing it with something good smelling, and winding it on curlers, while informing me that tomorrow we would go to a beauty salon.

The next morning, after another bath, she helped me put on white silk panties with lace inserts, a white silk underwire bra, two cambric pleated underskirts, short white socks trimmed with lace, a not too long dress in soft pink. , with a wide belt, frills, a white embroidered collar and short puffed sleeves, and black patent leather shoes with silver buckles on the sides. Then she tied my hair with a pink ribbon, and in this form we went to the hairdresser.

A few days later...

After the bath, Aunt Mary took me to the bedroom and led me to the bed. Next to the bed was a bedside table with a small pillow on it. Aunt Mary put a towel on the bed and explained what position I should take. It was like being on all fours, only my shoulders were resting on the bedside table and my hands were free. Aunt Mary sat down next to me and put my hands on my ass. She told me to be silent, but if everything was clear to me from what she would tell me, he gave her a sign, parting the halves of the priests twice "D" "A".

Aunt Mary took the baby oil and rubbed it into the hole between the halves of my ass, lubricating the hole a little better. "Now we're going to play a game called 'catch me'"... she said. "Spread the halves, I'll move your finger, and if you feel that it is opposite the hole, you should try to catch me. Do you understand?". I spread the halves three times, the third time, leaving them as wide apart as possible. "But if you miss, you get two slaps." She began to slowly circle her finger around my ass, several times bringing it quite close to the hole, but not exactly above it. When she finally stopped her finger in the right position, I was ready and jerked back. Her finger slipped an inch into me. "Good catch." Aunt Mary oiled me up again and we played a few more rounds. I liked the game, it was a pleasant feeling when Aunt Mary's finger enters my hole. My lower abdomen itched, as if I was about to burst, and my pussy was very swollen. "Pass", two sonorous slaps that stung me brought me back to reality - thinking, I did not track the good moment. Aunt Mary oiled me generously again, this time splattering a little on my pussy. "Now I need to catch more vigorously, I will move my finger faster." I caught her almost immediately, and her finger slipped its full length. I caught and caught her, almost continuously. It was just great. Then Aunt Mary's second hand gently grabbed my pussy. "The game is not over", and I continued to catch her slippery finger, which is now almost continuously being in my hole, entered me somehow especially pleasantly. Suddenly something incredible happened, I literally exploded, the light in my eyes faded, my legs gave way, and there came such a sweet feeling that I had not experienced before.

After a while I came to my senses. Aunt Mary sat next to me and stroked my shoulders. She said that was the climax of the game, that's how special this catch me game is.

And she also said that if I obey her and be a good girl, then we will play almost every day.

I had a friend Sasha and he was kind of strange. What this oddity consisted of, I could not understand in any way until the teacher sent me to him, worried about his long absence from school (he had not been there for more than a month). When I came to him for a long time no one opened the door and I was about to leave when I heard the sound of the door being opened. The door opened and slammed shut right in front of my nose but then opened again and I was literally pulled into the apartment. Before me appeared very beautiful girl in a pink dress, pink tights and a painted face. "Where is Sasha? I brought him an assignment from school." I told her. "You will not know?" she asked. "N-no." I took a closer look. Familiar features showed through the make-up. "Sasha is that you?! Are you out of your mind?" I was surprised. "No. I just want to be a real girl and I seem to be becoming one." he said with a smile. "I see. And I brought you a school assignment and I was asked to find out why you didn't go to school for the second month." "But as?" and he pulled up the dress. Through the pink nylon pantyhose, I saw the smooth surface of the pubis without pisun, like all girls. "And how do you poop?" I asked. "Peeing? Through pussy like all girls." answered he (or already she). When I took off my outer clothes, she suggested to me: "It's not convenient for me to communicate with a boy. Maybe you will change into a girl and we would communicate like girls. I will give you my clothes and if you want, my mother will make you makeup." I was happy to help ex friend adapt to his new life and besides, I wanted to know how girls feel in their clothes. And I agreed. When I entered her room, I was surprised by the abundance of dolls and other toys that girls played but not boys. Looking at all this, I said: "Yes, brother, it looks like you seriously intend to become a girl. And how long have you had this?" "From the age of five. Strip naked." she said. I took off everything including my underpants and covered the pussy with my hand. "You don't have to close it. I myself had the same one." Sasha said. "Well, yes." and I removed my hand from the pisun. She gave me white tights to put on. But I said I don't know how to wear them. Then she took the pantyhose and rolled one of their stockings up to the end and said: "Pull your leg like this." and she stretched out her beautiful leg in pink capron, showing me how to stretch it. I did as she showed me and I felt like a gossamer nylon slid nicely up my leg. As the stocking was put on, the leg became white. When she put on a knee-length stocking, Sasha switched to another stocking and rolled it up to the end. "Now extend the other leg." she said. I pulled it out and the other leg began to become covered with a transparent white cobweb. When the tights were put on both shins, the gossamer easily overcame the knees and slowly but very pleasantly covered my thighs. Finally, when the tights were on my thighs, Sasha pulled them up to the middle of my stomach, so that the back seam of the tights nicely stuck into the ass, dividing it into two halves, and my testicles and pisun were just as pleasantly enveloped in a delicate gossamer of white nylon. After Sasha put tights on me in this way, she gave me a white dress. I asked her to put this dress on me because I never wore dresses and did not know how to wear them. Then she told me to put my hands up and the pleasant silk fabric of the dress slid down my body. The dress was on thin straps and very short, barely covering my bare ass in pantyhose. It looked more like a nightdress than a day dress, but it was very beautiful with silver embroidery on the hem, and even more so, she was wearing exactly the same dress only in pink. She also gave me white gloves. "What is this for?" I asked. "Look at your hands. They are typically masculine." was her answer. And I put them on my hands above the elbow. They were translucent because they were made of the finest silk and they were very pleasant to my hands. Now that I was wearing tights and gloves, I understood why Sasha wanted to become a girl. It was just nice to be in such beautiful clothes. Under the dress, I felt some extraordinary freedom, and I almost did not feel the tights and gloves, which created the impression of the lightness of my body. I wanted to run, jump and just fly from this lightness that these clothes gave me. But Sasha said that I looked more like a boy in a dress than a girl. "What else is missing?" I asked. "makeup." she said shortly. "How about you?" "Like mine." she said. "Come on." I said hesitantly. Then she called her mother who was surprised to see a boy in a dress in her daughter's room. Sasha explained to her that I came home from school and brought the task, and since she had not talked to the boys for a long time, she gave me her clothes. The mother praised her daughter for this and said that I needed a full makeover. She started with her lips, outlining them with a red pencil and applying bright red lipstick, applying gloss on them. After that, she moved on to her eyes with mascara and painted her eyelids with pink shadows covering them with glitter. Finally, she powdered my entire face before putting blush on my cheeks. The makeup was finished and I was taken to the mirror with my eyes closed and told to open them. When I opened my eyes, I didn't recognize myself. Despite the fact that my face looked like doll makeup, I liked it. I wanted to touch it but I was forbidden to do so. At this time, I felt that the tights were slipping off my bare buttocks, and there were folds on the tights. I told them about it. Then Sasha's mother told me to come up to her. I was standing. "Don't be so afraid. She won't eat you. She's my mother." Sasha said with a smile. Her smile somewhat reassured me and I went up to her mother. Having lowered the tights to her knees, she took my pisun by the skin, pulling it off, tied it at the end of her long thread, made the pisun between her legs and pulled the other end of the thread, putting it through her ass, tied it on her stomach. Then she again put on pantyhose, pulling them over my bare ass and covering almost the entire stomach with a white nylon. Then she asked her daughter to give panties and when she gave them to her she told me to put them on pantyhose. These panties were very small, so when I put them on the pantyhose, they stuck in my ass along with the seam of the pantyhose. More pantyhose will not slip, because they are pressed to the ass with panties, and the pisun did not interfere with wearing such small panties because it is sandwiched between the legs. It was very pleasant for me to feel the tickling of the nylon not only on my legs and pope, but also in the pope itself, and I did not experience any discomfort. On the contrary, every movement made me feel good all over my body. By the way, and from the consciousness of what I had Beautiful face how Sasha made me feel good at heart. I kept wanting to look at myself in the mirror to admire myself, but we had to do what I came here for - that is, lessons, and when Sasha's mother left, we, like two exemplary girls, began to teach them. After the lessons, Sasha asked me to play with her dolls (I must say that she had a lot of different dolls in her room). But I refused because I never played them because I'm a boy. I told her about it. Then she led me to the mirror and said, pulling up my dress: "And where do you see a boy? You're already a girl." And she was right: there was no pisun in sight. Then I remembered that I had not warned my mother that I would be late and said that I should call my mother so that she knew where I was. She took me to the phone on the condition that I stay and play with dolls with her. I agreed. When I called my mother, at first she did not recognize my voice. It sounded like a girl's voice. Only when I changed my voice to my own did she recognize me and I asked for another two hours off saying that I would play with a friend. She allowed me to stay. I was surprised how I can change my voice in these clothes. When I spoke with my mother, I tried to keep the voice of the boy, when I hung up, I again heard "my" voice of the girl. I told her about it and asked why. "I don't know. You probably want to be a girl." she said. "Me? N-no." I said with a smile. But you feel good in these clothes. Isn't it?" "Well, yes. But in order to want to become a girl, something more is needed. What do you think?" "Well, yes. You're right." And we began to play with dolls. I did not think that this game would captivate me so much. We were so carried away that we did not notice the time and only her mother stopped us when she came and told us: "So the girls will stop playing. It's late and it's time for Sasha to sleep." I was flattered that she ranked me among the girls, but I was sorry to take off these nice and beautiful clothes (especially tights) and become a boy again. But there was nothing to do and we went to the bathroom to wash off makeup. When Sasha washed off her makeup and as if by magic, the face of the boy Sasha returned. "Well, welcome back. You've become like yourself." I said thinking I was paying him a compliment. "Don't call me that. I'm a girl." she said, pulling up her dress and showing that she no longer had the hallmark of a boy. "I'm sorry. I forgot." I said. Taking off my gloves, I also washed off my makeup. Returning to her room, with the help of Sasha, I took off her clothes and her mother untied the pussy and I put on my usual clothes. And Sasha was already getting ready for bed, putting on a white transparent night a shirt that reached her toes. Oh, and I got from my mother for the fact that I deceived her and came home late. And I lied something to the teacher and she instructed me to take the task to Sasha every week. So I started seeing her quite regularly. When I came to her, I immediately stripped naked and went to the bathroom to wash and then approached Sasha's mother so that she tied the pisun between her legs. Then Sasha put on tights and a dress for me, and I put on panties so that the tights would not fall off. Then Sasha's mom did a full makeover for me. The obligatory attribute was the gloves that I put on my hands after she made up my face. After that, they gave me some sandals, always the color of tights or dresses with which I shod my feet. Only after that we started to study. Over time, I learned to put on both tights and a dress, but Sasha's mother still painted her face. And during the holidays I often stayed overnight with them. Then Sasha gave me a white or pink transparent nightgown that I put on my naked body and so went to bed together. There was no question of any sex between us due to our too young age (we were 9 years old). We then could not even think that people can satisfy themselves so. Which I now regret very much. Only once some unknown force pushed me towards her and I kissed her on the lips. Apparently then she seemed especially beautiful to me. At night we talked. By the way, Sasha told how he decided to become a girl. About this I wrote the story "The White Dress of the Boy Sasha". The next academic year, a new student appeared in our class - Sasha. Only I knew who this "girl" really was. And no one even remembered the boy Sasha - as if he did not exist at all. End.

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