Guess who will be a boy or a girl online. Divination Who will be born? Numerology - the magic of numbers

Stoves, fireplaces 13.12.2020
Stoves, fireplaces

Undoubtedly, all parents in the early stages of pregnancy want to somehow predict the sex of the future baby, find out whether a girl or a boy will be born.

Someone wants to test their feelings. Someone just out of curiosity checks which folk methods determining the sex of the baby in the end will be effective. Someone wants to quickly decide on the purchase of a dowry or furniture for the nursery.

Previously, it was not possible to find out the exact sex of the child before birth. Now to find out whether a girl or a boy will be born, you can quite simply even before the middle of pregnancy with the help of medical methods.

So no problem. But you want to know earlier!

We all, to one degree or another, have heard or encountered signs or folk methods for determining the sex of a baby in the early stages of pregnancy.

For example, it is believed that a woman carrying a girl shares her beauty with her, so the skin and hair of future mother"Spoil". There are other well-known folk signs.

Should you believe these signs? How accurate is the forecast made with their help?

In today's article there will be a speech about folk methods to find out whether a girl or a boy will be born. And also about what medicine gives us the opportunity to determine whether a boy or a girl will be born to a couple.

Medical capabilities

Let's start with an ultrasound scan, since it is it that helps to determine the sex of the baby with almost 100 percent accuracy.

The familiar ultrasound procedure is both accurate and affordable. The disadvantage is that it is impossible to determine the sex of the child in the early stages. Only at about 14-15 weeks of pregnancy, a specialist can determine whether a boy or a girl is in the mother's belly.

It was not for nothing that I used the word "almost" above. Not always, that is, not at any time of the examination, with the help of ultrasound, it is possible to accurately determine the sex of the unborn child.

It depends on the position the child is in. It happens that he simply hides (sits in Turkish) or turns away. The accuracy of the determination depends on the duration of pregnancy, on the qualifications of the doctor, on the quality of the ultrasound machine itself.

Test for determining the sex of the unborn child

There are two types of sex tests sold at the pharmacy. These are the GENDERmarker test strip and the TestPol test system.

The test can be used from the 9th week of pregnancy. The action of these tests is based on the reaction of the fetal hormones contained in the mother's urine and the chemical reagents of the test.

When using "TestPol", it is necessary to add the urine of the expectant mother to the container with the reagent. As a result, there is a reaction to recognize the hormones of the fetus. At the same time, urine is colored in a certain color. The orange spectrum indicates that the child being born is a girl, and the green one indicates the development of the male fetus.

The GENDERmarker test strip has a slightly different principle for determining the sex of the unborn child. After contact with urine, the indicator portion of the test strip also changes color. But the colors are different here. Pink color indicates that a girl is developing, and blue indicates that a woman is expecting a boy.

The big plus of these tests is that they can be done at home. It does not take long to find out whether a boy or a girl will be born; the procedure takes 5-10 minutes.

The tests are not invasive. To determine, only urine is needed (morning!). The determination accuracy is about 94%.


Amniocentesis is one of the methods for prenatal diagnosis of diseases of an unborn child. The method is used when genetic mutations are suspected in case of poor heredity of the child's parents.

During this procedure, a puncture is made in the abdominal wall of the abdomen, the wall of the uterus, and the membranes of the fetus. That is, this is a puncture of the cavity of the fetal bladder.

Through a puncture, amniotic fluid is taken, which is then subjected to genetic testing. This method allows you to determine the sex of the child with an accuracy of 99%.

Amniocentesis is an invasive and unsafe procedure, performed in exceptional cases. Only for sex determination it is not done.


Similar to amniocentesis, this procedure is strictly indicated to detect probable infectious or genetic diseases in the fetus. For the analysis, the fetal cord blood is taken through the umbilical cord puncture.

If this method is shown and carried out for any reason, then parents can find out the sex of the child with 100% accuracy.

DNA research

The method can be used from the 6th week of pregnancy. Gives highly accurate results. A special DNA test allows you to detect fragments of fetal DNA in the mother's venous blood and assess the set of chromosomes.

Most often, such a study of the mother's blood is carried out according to indications. For example, in the event that at the stage of prenatal diagnosis, a specialist found abnormalities in ultrasound screening.

The method is very expensive. Just to determine the sex, it is also not done.

The ovum is the female reproductive cell. She always carries only one sex chromosome(always one, and only X chromosome).

Spermatozoa are male reproductive cells. Each of them also carries one sex chromosome. But it can be either the X chromosome or the Y chromosome. That is, sperm can be of two types: carrying the X chromosome and carrying the Y chromosome.

If, when a sperm is combined with an egg, a set of XX sex chromosomes is obtained, this is a girl. If, after the fusion of a sperm with an egg, a set of XY sex chromosomes is obtained, this is a boy.

There is a MicroSort technique that allows you to selectively screen out spermatozoa carrying, for example, X chromosomes (if the parents want a girl) using proton laser sorting.

The material obtained in this way is introduced into the uterus with the help of artificial insemination, where the fertilization of the egg takes place. The planned conception of a child of a certain gender occurs.

It has been proven that sperm with an X chromosome live longer than those with a Y chromosome. This is probably why the technique works in 90% of cases for girls and only 70% of cases for boys.

Considering that the probability of conceiving a boy or girl without outside intervention is 50%, the question arises: is the use of such complex expensive methods justified if a 100% result is not ensured.

Calculation by date of conception

It is possible to calculate the sex of the unborn child by the date of conception. This method works when a woman has a regular cycle and is able to calculate the exact day of ovulation. The method is based on the differences in properties and lifespan of spermatozoa carrying the X or Y chromosome.

The sperm with the X chromosome (female) is less mobile. But it is able to exist for a longer period of time (up to 4 days) compared to the more motile Y-sperm.

If the intimacy occurred before ovulation, then the sperm with the X chromosome will most likely wait for the egg. Then the couple will have an heiress.

If the contact was directly on the day of ovulation, then in fertilization, most likely, a more "nimble" sperm with a Y-chromosome will take part. Then an heir will be born.

Calculations, tables, folk signs, fortune-telling to determine the sex of the child ...

Preparing to write this article, I "dug up" a lot of information, including in paper books and on the Internet. I came to the idea that in order to assess the accuracy of predictions, you need to conduct a mini-survey of friends about the effectiveness of calculations, formulas, calendars and signs.

Below are the most effective and efficient unscientific methods that will help determine whether a boy or a girl is born.

In the comments, you can give your examples of coincidence or non-coincidence. It will be doubly interesting.

A very popular method for determining the sex of an unborn child is the calculation according to the Chinese calendar. The calculation is carried out according to a special table.

This method has no scientific justification. It is based on observations and centuries of practical experience of the Chinese people.

How do I use the table?

It is necessary to know the month of birth of a pregnant woman, as well as the month of conception of the baby. In the table, you need to find the corresponding cells, at the intersection of the age column and the month of conception line, you will see the estimated sex of the fetus.

Many couples talk about the high performance of the Chinese table. There are data in many sources about 90% accuracy.

The first association that occurs to me when using this table: what to do with the month of birth of the mother, if she was born prematurely. Which month to take: when was she supposed to be born by the time of conception or when was she actually born? The difference can be quite large.

It is not clear how the mother's date of birth can determine the sex of the child with great accuracy. After all, in fact, nothing depends on the mother here at all. The sex of the child is determined exclusively by the father's sperm. Which sperm containing the X or Y chromosome will be more active, we will get this result.

Do not forget about the difference in biological and psychological characteristics of persons of the Mongoloid and Caucasian races.

By the way, this table did not help me to predict the gender of my children.

However, many couples who want to plan their baby's gender use this chart. And for God's sake. There is nothing wrong with that. As they say, it won't help - it won't hurt.

To increase the likelihood of the desired result, choose from this table exactly the period (preferably several months in a row) during which, at a certain age, it is most likely to conceive, for example, a boy. That is, if a woman is 23 years old and she wants to give birth to a boy, it is better to choose not July, but September-November.


There are many formulas by which parents try to calculate and predict the sex of the child.

The gynecologist once suggested this formula to me: month of the last menstruation (number) + mother's age at the time of conception. If the number is even, then wait for the girl. If an odd number, a boy.

Another proven formula that this time takes the father's age into account. 49 - A + 1 + B + 3, where A is the father's age at the time of conception, and B is the month of conception. If, after the calculations, an even number is obtained, you should expect a boy, an odd one - a girl.

On a note! My little research showed that these formulas gave more matches for my acquaintances of married couples than the Chinese table.

Calculations for blood renewal

I will give another option for determining the sex of the child by updating the parents' blood, which is calculated from the date of birth.

In women, blood is renewed more often than in men - once every three years. It is associated with menstruation.

In men, a complete renewal of blood takes place every four years.

When calculating, it must be borne in mind that blood loss during trauma, surgery or blood transfusion leads to an extraordinary renewal of blood.

After counting, the result is interpreted as follows - whose blood is "newer" at the time of conception, that gender will be the child.

Let me give you an example: dad is 28 years old, and mom is 25 years old, it turns out 28/4 = 7 and 25/3 = 8.3. Consequently, the father's blood has been renewed 7 times, and the last update has just ended. The mother's blood was renewed 8 times, and a year ago (at the age of 24) a new renewal process began. This means that at the time of conception, the father's blood is "newer". Parents are more likely to conceive a boy.

The method is also probabilistic and does not guarantee accuracy.

Calculations according to this formula assume the alternation of heterosexual conceptions. But each of us remembers examples when a couple conceives almost every year for several years, and at the same time children of the same sex are born.

There are also folk signs that conditionally can allow you to calculate the sex of the unborn child. As a rule, they are based on assumptions, certain observations and coincidences. They also do not guarantee accuracy. But it's still interesting to get acquainted with them.

I will give these signs in the form of a table.

A neat, slightly pointed abdomen, which is not visible from the back (it does not blur on the sides, but protrudes forward, the waist is preserved).With the growth of the abdomen, the waist disappears, unattractive sides appear, the tummy has the correct rounded shape.
Dry skin of a pregnant woman, prone to peeling.Rashes appear on the face, pigmentation on the skin.
The hair on the head grows quickly, becoming thick and shiny.The hair on the head has become dull and falls out a lot.
There is a lot of unwanted vegetation on the body (associated with the production of male sex hormones).Hair growth has slowed down, the former hair density disappears.
The tip of the nose and cheekbones are pointed.Facial features have become less clear.
Awkward, heavy gait (the pregnant woman often stumbles).Easy gait and graceful movements.
The belly sticks out more on the right, the child is more on the right side.The child is more time in the left abdomen.
I want salty, spicy, sour, more protein foods.I want sweets, fruits, more carbohydrate foods.
A good, calm mood prevails.Mood swings, whims, nerves.

Test these signs on yourself or analyze the experience of acquaintances, evaluate for yourself how much you should trust them.

Fortune telling and superstition

  1. Try hanging your wedding ring on a string over a pregnant woman's belly. Swinging from side to side, like a pendulum, says that a boy is growing in the stomach. If the ring is spinning in a circle, wait for the girl.
  2. If unfamiliar little boys are interested in the belly of a future mother, then most likely a little princess is growing there.
  3. Ask the pregnant woman to stretch her arms forward without warning. If the mother-to-be stretches out her hands with her palms down - a boy, up - a girl.
  4. Offer bread to the pregnant woman. If a pregnant woman prefers a crump, wait for a hero, but if she likes crumb of bread more, go to the girl.
  5. Invite the pregnant woman to take a long key without a ring from the table. If a woman takes up the wide round part - to the heir, if for the long part or toothed crown - to the heiress.

Women's intuition is even more important. So it was with me. Both times I kind of felt the gender of my babies. Despite the fact that many around the tables and signs tried to prove the opposite.

By the way, now, having calculated using all the methods, I know that the gender of my older child (girl) at that time would not have helped me determine any of these methods (except for the formulas). But from the first days of my first pregnancy, I was sure that I would have a girl.

Obviously, all these calculations do not have a 100th guarantee, and they should not be taken seriously. After all, parents will not love a child of any particular gender more or less. For all of us, the main thing is the very fact of the birth of a child, a dear little man, a "blood". And I would also very much like a healthy baby to be born.

But for fun or, in a sense, for family cohesion - why not look for a match.

Elena Borisova-Tsarenok, a practicing pediatrician and twice mother, told you how to find out before birth whether a boy or a girl will be born.

Guessing who will be born is loved by grandmothers, grandfathers, parents, acquaintances and friends. Even in ancient times, a huge number of signs, beliefs, how to define a boy or girl during pregnancy, were collected, which are still being tested in modern life.

The shape of the changed tummy of the expectant mother, according to experts, is in no way responsible for the sex of the child.... Pregnancy in women always proceeds in different ways. In addition, during the first and subsequent pregnancies with the same mother, the belly is not exactly the same.

How to determine a boy or a girl during pregnancy will help weight. a woman expecting a daughter is rapidly increasing in size.

Despite this, expectant mothers tend to believe the observations or signs of past generations. The era of Hippocrates assumed a visual method for determining the sex of the baby. It was believed that there was a girl on the left side of the abdomen, and a boy on the right.

How to identify a boy or girl during pregnancy is of interest to all expectant mothers. Various signs and tables will help in this.

Today, many girls believe how the sex of a baby is determined:

  1. During pregnancy, the abdomen protrudes forward, is acute in shape and resembles a cucumber, located horizontally. Behind, the change in figure is imperceptible - a boy is growing.
  2. When the belly is oval or oblong, from the back, the waist size has increased significantly. In general, the woman's figure becomes very voluminous - you should wait for the girl.

Mom's gastronomic preferences and the gender of the child

During pregnancy, taste preferences change, the sense of smell increases. Previously loved products no longer give pleasure, sometimes even disgust. Unusual food, on the other hand, seems delicious.

Addicted to flour, confectionery, fruits (especially oranges and bananas) - a daughter will be born. Some mothers carrying little princesses have a craving for grapefruit, pomegranate, cottage cheese, yogurt, kefir, that is, for lighter treats and rich in carbohydrates.

If you constantly want spicy, salty food, meat, sausage - a son will be born. Men, even in the womb, prefer fundamental, serious food. In the early stages, most women experience a constant feeling of hunger.

A good appetite, the desire to taste a large fried steak or barbecue for mothers of future soldiers is not uncommon, as is the use of a huge amount of water.

Note! When determining whether a boy or a girl is pregnant, it should be noted how the expectant mother eats bread. Lovers of the crust expect the appearance of a son, and lovers of bread crumb - a daughter.

The behavior of the unborn child in the stomach - as an indicator of his gender

Mothers always feel the first movements of the baby in different ways: some measure it with the fluttering of butterflies, others with stroking, gurgling.

Boys do not mind knocking, kicking small feet on bladder mother. Girls behave more calmly, movements are measured, they prefer to take a place on the left side of the abdomen, near the liver.

It's important to know! With active movements, the baby gives signals when he does not have enough oxygen or nutrients... You should change your position or go for a snack.

Indicators of change in weight and gender of the child

How to determine a boy or girl during pregnancy, the weight of the expectant mother will tell.

A girl expecting a daughter is rapidly increasing in size. Mass is gained very quickly, not only the stomach is rounded, but also the hips, buttocks. The chest increases in size, there are significant differences between the right and left (the left is much larger).

Women carrying a son have an attractive figure, due to the even distribution of the fat layer throughout the body. The outlines of the forms practically do not change, with the exception of a noticeably grown abdomen.

The state of health of the pregnant woman and the gender of the unborn child

Mothers of daughters claim that in the first trimester of pregnancy they were tortured by severe toxicosis. But medicine has proven that this sign does not affect the sex of the child. During pregnancy, a girl often shivers, and her legs do not freeze., the urine becomes lighter and clearer.

Mothers of daughters claim that in the first trimester of pregnancy they were tortured by severe toxicosis.

Frequent headaches, fainting, loss of consciousness, swelling of the limbs, dry palms, cold feet, heat in the body - all these phenomena are accompanied by the bearing of the future hero. This is explained by the production of more male hormones (androgens).

Influence of the sex of the child on the skin and hair of the expectant mother

The changed condition of the skin and hair is not in better side indicates the imminent birth of a princess. The baby "takes the beauty" of the mother. On the face and body of girls, rashes (pimples, acne), pigmentation appear. Hair grows dull and thinner, their growth slows down.

The female appearance in anticipation of her son is noticeably improved, the skin is clean and smooth. Hair becomes thicker, silky and shiny. But they grow not only on the head, but throughout the body. Dark stripes appear above the lip, in the middle of the abdomen. The downy hair that covers the legs and arms transforms into coarser hair.

If the strip running along the abdomen (from the womb to the xiphoid process) is clear, with dark hair - to the birth of a future man, light, barely noticeable hairs in this area - to the girl.

Behavior of a pregnant woman, as an indicator of the sex of the child

An active life position, good spirits, and a stable emotional state indicate that a boy is pregnant. The girls are in high spirits, not irritable, collected.

The absolute opposite can be traced in the behavior of the girl's future mother: frequent tantrums, whims, mood swings, tearfulness, unpredictability. The enormous patience of the future father will help to cope with the confusion and inattention of his beloved. It is better not to trust your wife in such moments when solving important tasks.

How to identify a boy or girl during pregnancy: folk signs

There are several signs with the help of which, even in the last generation, mothers relied on when determining the sex of the child:

Object, body part Description of actions
Cow's milkYou need to take cow's milk and urine of a pregnant woman in proportions 1: 1. Bring to a boil, when curdling the mixture - you need to expect a girl.
Gold wedding ringSubmerge the ring in water. A white thread of cotton, linen or silk is threaded through it. Hang a ring over the palm of a pregnant girl. In the direction of his movement, a secret is revealed: circular movements - daughter, pendulum - son. If you hang the ring directly over the stomach, then the meaning of the movements of the ring should be interpreted exactly the opposite. Fortune-tellers also use a needle as a way to identify a boy or a girl during pregnancy.
Another option for gender recognition is to freeze the ring in a container of water. Observing the bumps the next morning - expect the appearance of a hero, pits - a princess.
Long key with foot and ringPut the key spoken by the fortune teller on the table, ask the pregnant woman to pick it up. If a girl takes it by the serrated part - a male child, for a round part - a female one.
Pregnant palmsWhen asked to stretch out their arms forward, the mothers of the boys put their palms down.
Comfortable position of the expectant motherObserving walking up the stairs, choosing a side for comfortable sleep and rest, hands for support when lifting from the floor, pay attention to which side of the body becomes more comfortable. If the left - there will be a girl.

Don't take omens very seriously. let it be just a game called "satisfying your own curiosity."

Some predictions of healers, non-professional fortune-tellers work 100%, others - with less efficiency. Any woman tries on their effect on herself, and shares her experience with her friends (whether the method works or not).

Intuition as an assistant in determining the sex of the unborn child

American psychologists say that pregnant women are able to predict the sex of the child using their intuition.

Studies have shown how, relying only on their own premonition when determining a boy or a girl during pregnancy, expectant mothers in 70% of cases guessed who is in their womb. At the same time, they were not aware of the ultrasound data.

The only barrier to predicting the sex of a baby is a huge desire to bring a baby of a certain gender into the world. Then the woman is inclined to take wishful thinking for reality.

Japanese and Chinese tables: how to help determine the sex of the unborn child

For the birth of the successor in China, a table was used more than 200 years ago.

Interesting! Calculations for determining the sex of the child in accordance with the table-calendar exactly coincide with reality.

The table was created by ancient Chinese sages, which takes into account the interaction of the phases of the moon and the replacement of blood in female body... Actually, the menstrual cycle, according to experts, determines the sex of the child.

Some predictions of healers, non-professional fortune-tellers work 100%, others - with less efficiency.

For Japan, the birth of only girls is considered disrespectful to the father, there must be an heir. Solving this problem, Japanese thinkers have come up with a calendar, the effectiveness of which reaches a 98% probability of coincidence.

We need information about the month of birth of the alleged father and mother. On the crossing of the parental data, a number is written indicating the time of conception for a boy or girl.

All traditional methods of guessing the gender of a baby cannot guarantee an accurate result. Ultrasound is the most proven way of recognizing who lives in mom's belly. The love and care of parents contribute to the birth of a healthy baby, regardless of gender.

An interesting video, how to determine who will be born: a boy or a girl

How to determine who will be born: a boy or a girl using signs and tables, see this video:

Determination of sex by the shape of the abdomen during pregnancy:

Without exception, all future parents want to know as early as possible what gender their child will be born to. Thanks to ultrasound examination (ultrasound), this can be found out not earlier than the second trimester, and at such early term mistakes often happen. All that remains for parents is only to rely on scientific and folk methods in order to find out already 7-8 months before giving birth who will be born - a girl or a boy. Who will have a mother and father, what methods of calculating sex exist and how reliable they are, we will tell in our article. Here we will present an extensive list of signs that will help to find out the gender of the unborn baby at home.

Ultrasound procedure

The most famous and most common method of determining the sex of a child today is ultrasound. Thanks to ultrasound, the doctor and the expectant mother can monitor how well the pregnancy is proceeding, make sure that the fetus does not have developmental abnormalities, and at the same time find out the sex of the child. In many Russian centers for ultrasound diagnostics, this service is paid additionally, since the state of the fetus is still put forward in the first place, and not its gender.

You can find out on an ultrasound who will be a boy or a girl at 15-16 weeks of pregnancy. However, mistakes often occur during this period. An ultrasound scan done for a period of 18-25 weeks gives a more accurate result, but it cannot be called 100% correct. More than once there were cases when a woman, being sure from 20 weeks that she was wearing a girl under her heart, gave birth to a healthy boy, and vice versa. The result is influenced by the position of the fetus, and the condition of the ultrasound apparatus, and the qualifications of the doctor who conducts the study.

Fetal heartbeat

This theory is based on the fact that boys and girls have different heart rates in the womb. According to this technique, if a baby's heart beats less than 140 beats per minute, then a boy is likely to be born. In girls, the heart rate is always equal to or higher than this value. This method is quite effective in assuming who will be born to a woman - a girl or a boy. Who will it really be, you can find out only in the hospital.

It is not possible to calculate the exact number of beats per minute at home. But a sign associated with the heartbeat of a child has already appeared among the people. It is based on the fact that if a baby's heart beats faster, then a girl should be expected, and if it is slower, a boy will be born.

DNA analysis

Starting from the 5th week of pregnancy, you can find out the sex of the baby by the DNA of the fetus found in the mother's blood. This analysis is in many ways even preferable to ultrasound, since already at a period of 8 weeks its effectiveness is 99.9%.

For the analysis in a special laboratory, blood is taken from the mother. The analysis itself is based on the fact that if, as a result of a blood test, a Y chromosome is found in it, this means that a woman is carrying a boy. If, during the analysis, this chromosome is not found, then it is worth preparing for the birth of a girl.

The technique is very effective in determining whether the mother will be born - a girl or a boy. Who it will be becomes clear already in the first month of pregnancy. At this time, the baby's cells appear in the mother's blood. If a woman is carrying a boy, then Y-chromosomes appear in her blood, which can only be detected by a highly sensitive method in the laboratory.

What will the test show: who will be - a boy or a girl?

It is not at all necessary to wait for an ultrasound scan in the second trimester to determine which gender is under the mother's heart. And even DNA analysis is not required. With an accuracy of 99%, you can find out the sex of the baby using the first morning urine.

Today, pharmacies sell special tests that allow you to find out if a woman will have a son or daughter. The set of such a pharmacy test includes: a container for collecting urine, a special dispenser for liquid and a test directly with a catalyst inside.

How to find out who will be - a boy or a girl on the test from the pharmacy?

You need to follow these steps:

  1. Collect the first morning urine in a sterile container.
  2. Fill the dispenser with urine up to the 20 ml mark.
  3. Insert the dispenser into the hole in the dough and pour all the liquid into it.
  4. Mix the contents of the dough with gentle clockwise movements and place it on the table.
  5. After 5 minutes, you can check the results according to the instructions on the test.

The reliability of the test is one of the highest after ultrasound and DNA analysis.

Homemade baking soda test

Among pregnant women, another test is popular, which is performed at home using the tools available in every home. Thanks to this technique, you can find out who will be - a boy or a girl - without an ultrasound. What is the essence of a home test?

You will need two sterile containers for the test. In one you will need to collect the first morning urine, and in the other pour baking soda(1 teaspoon). Further, all actions are performed according to the principle of a pharmacy test. Prepared urine is poured into a container with soda. The result of the test can be judged by the reaction. If the soda begins to fizzle, as when reacting with vinegar, then the woman is carrying a boy. With a girl, the reaction with soda will be zero. Urine won't work on baking soda.

Ancient chinese table

Studies show that the ancient Chinese table, which was compiled more than 700 years ago, is 90% correct in determining the sex of a child, if used correctly. The sex of the child is predicted based on the month of conception and the age of the mother. Knowing the exact month of conception, you can easily find out who will be - a boy or a girl.

The table allows you to calculate the sex of the child that the woman is carrying, up to the age of 45 of the mother. Age is in the right column, and the month of conception is in the top line. At the intersection of the values, the predicted gender of the child is indicated: boy or girl (boy or girl).

Blood renewal

The blood renewal technique is used by future parents quite often, since it is one of the most effective and efficient. It is based on the fact that in both men and women, the blood is systematically renewed. However, the frequency of this phenomenon is different for both sexes.

If a woman's blood is renewed after four years, then in a man it happens a little more often - every three years. It is quite simple to calculate who will be a boy or a girl using this technique. It is necessary to calculate which of the future parents has fresh blood. If the renewal of blood later occurred in a woman, then a girl will be born, and if a man, then a boy will appear. The calculation must take into account possible surgery, trauma with large blood loss or donation. All this will contribute to unscheduled blood renewal.

You can check the technique using an example. If a woman was 30 years old at the time of conception, then her blood was renewed for the last time in 28 years, that is, 2 years ago. Moreover, the man's age is 34 years. His blood was last renewed at 33 years old, that is, 1 year ago. In this case, the male blood is fresher, which means that the couple will have a boy.

Who will be - boy or girl: blood group table

The following sex determination system is based on the blood group of the parents. It is not 100% reliable, but it is quite popular among expectant mothers and fathers.

It is possible to predict the sex of the child even at the planning stage, before pregnancy occurs. Who will be - a boy or a girl, you can calculate, knowing the blood group of the mother and father. At the intersection of two specified values and the answer to the question is found.


The science of numerology is engaged in determining the sex of the child. To calculate who will be a boy or a girl, it is necessary to translate all letters into numbers using the following table.

Numerological table for determining the sex of the child
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

According to the numerological table, it is necessary to make the appropriate calculations to determine the sex of the child. To do this, you need to know the last name and full name baby's dad, mother's maiden name and full name, month of conception. With the help of the table, all letters in words are transformed into numbers, added and divided by 7. The sex of the child is determined by the number obtained as a result. If the result is an even number, this means that there will be a girl, and if an odd number, then we should expect the birth of a boy.

How do you know who will be - a boy or a girl? Let's take a look at an example of calculations.

Father's surname and full name: Kuzin Sergey - 3 + 3 + 9 + 1 + 6 + 1 + 6 + 9 + 4 + 6 + 2 = 50

Mother's maiden name and first name: Book of Eugene - 3 + 6 + 1 + 4 + 1 + 6 + 3 + 4 + 6 + 6 + 1 + 6 = 47

Month of conception: February - 4 + 6 + 3 + 1 + 4 + 1 = 19

Calculation of results: 50 + 47 + 19 = 116.

Divide the resulting number by 7: 116/7 = 16.57. We discard the numbers after the decimal point and get the number 16. This means that the couple is expecting the birth of a girl.

Divination with a ring

Fortune-telling to determine the sex of the future baby is no less popular among pregnant women. One of them is based on the use of a wedding ring (namely, an engagement ring and no other). By how the ring suspended on a string will move, you can find out who will be - a girl or a boy.

Who will be, what gender the child will be born, according to this method, you can find out as follows:

  1. Remove from ring finger right hand wedding ring and tie a thick thread about 30 cm long to it.
  2. A pregnant woman needs to take a horizontal position.
  3. Take a pendulum made of thread and a ring and hold it over the belly of the pregnant woman for 30 seconds.
  4. If the pendulum moves back and forth, it means that the woman will have a girl. If the pendulum makes circular movements, the pregnant woman should prepare for the birth of her son.

Folk omens

Pregnant women always come across folk methods of sex determination, regardless of whether they are interested in them themselves or some kind neighbor inadvertently prompts. A variety of signs are associated with the definition of gender.

Who will be - a boy or a girl, you can find out by the following signs:

  • if the expectant mother wants something sweet, this means that she carries a daughter under her heart, and if she wants something sour, then most likely a son will be born;
  • if the expectant mother always wants to sleep, then a girl will be born, and if, on the contrary, she is full of strength and energy, then a boy should be expected;
  • if, when looking at a pregnant woman from behind, you can clearly see the waist, then she will have a boy;
  • boys in the mother's belly are usually more active than girls;
  • when carrying a girl, women more often have acne, stretch marks on the skin, and brittle nails;
  • if the belly is in the shape of a circle, then there will be a girl, and his tummy is sharp, then there will be a boy.

Despite the effectiveness of many of the presented methods, you should not trust them 100%, because the gender of the child can be found out for sure only in the hospital.

Fortune telling on the sex of the child is popular - pregnant women want to know who will be born. People do not always trust medicine when they ask the Higher Powers to give an answer to a question.

In the article:

Divination by the gender of the child

There are many known methods that will help determine who will be born: a boy, a girl, twins, triplets.

There is a theory that in women the blood is renewed every three years, and in men - every 4. To determine who will be born, take the total number of years of the woman and divide by 3, and the years of the husband - by 4. If the woman has a higher number, in the family a boy will be born, no - a girl.

Ring ritual

Determine if fortune-telling helps. For the ritual, they take a wedding ring. The method of determining the sex of a baby was used in Medieval Europe.

A blood relative of a pregnant woman takes her wedding ring, threads it, and hangs it over her belly. They watch the pendulum swing. If the jewelry is constantly moving back and forth, a son will appear. If the ring moves in a circle, there will be a girl.

Fortune telling with a needle

As a magic attribute, a needle is used that has not yet been used for sewing. Take untouched white threads. They put a thread in a needle, hold it with a pendulum over the head of the pregnant woman. Stand so that the pendulum is above the crown.

They keep track of what movements they make. Fortune telling is suitable for women who are pregnant for the first time and have not had abortions. If the needle makes a circular motion, a girl will be born. If the pendulum moves in different directions, a boy will be born.

Fish ritual

The method was popular in Siberia. A pregnant woman went into the river and tried to catch live fish with her hands. After completing the task, we looked at the catch. If the name of the fish is female (pike, trout), this is a daughter. If they caught a perch, crucian carp, they predicted a son.

Today it is difficult to perform the ritual, but people believe that when a woman becomes pregnant, she has a dream in which she buys or fishes. Remember the name of the fish in a dream.

How to determine the sex of the unborn child using letters

They go out early in the morning, approach the first person they meet and ask them to name any letter of the alphabet. The spoken letter is even, waiting for the birth of a daughter, an odd letter - for a son.

Additional ways

Divination was used in ancient Egypt. The priestesses took two bowls: barley was poured into one, wheat - into the other. The urine of the pregnant woman was poured a little over the grains. If wheat germinates first, a girl is expected to appear, barley - a boy.

Some are sure that you can find out the gender of the baby by asking the pregnant woman to show her hand. Stretches out his hand palm up - a daughter-son will be born.

Sorcerers believe that girls derive their beauty from their mother. When a pregnant woman's appearance worsens, a daughter is in the stomach. The skin of the future mother becomes clean, smooth, hair - shiny and thick, prettier in front of the boy's eyes.

The witches say that a woman has a son under her heart if there is severe toxicosis in the first trimester.

Fortune-telling to determine the sex of a child is simple, but does not provide a guarantee. Often the information is hidden, and the Higher powers are reluctant to share it with people.

In contact with

Despite its apparent simplicity, fortune-telling is ultimately a ritual predicting fate. Online version of any fortune telling
certainly this is a less serious procedure than, say, real fortune telling on Tarot cards, but if you want to get the most
the exact result, we suggest you follow a number of simple rules before starting the fortune-telling process:

1. Before starting fortune-telling, be sure to focus on your question, think about what exactly you want to know.

2. During fortune-telling, it is important to be in a calm atmosphere, so that no one bothers you.

3. For more concentration, count to 10 and take 2-3 deep breaths and breaths.

4. It is very useful to think in advance of the time after which you want the fortune-telling to come true.

5. Do not repeat the same fortune-telling more than twice - the cards will lie. Try another divination and change a little
or clarify the question!

6. Even a negative answer to fortune-telling is perceived as positive. Remember what is not being done - everything is for the best!

7. And remember: you and only you decide what your future will be! You have received a forecast, but how to act depends
only from you.

Successful fortune-telling!

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