Folk omens for October 19. History of Fomin's Day

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On October 19, the Orthodox Church celebrates the memory of the Apostle Thomas, who was also called the twin. The saint was from the Galilean city of Paneades. One day he heard Jesus preach and followed Him, later becoming His disciple and also one of the twelve apostles.

Thomas followed Jesus everywhere and became a witness of His saving suffering. After the resurrection of Christ, he doubted the words of the other apostles, who claimed to have seen the Lord. And he said that he would not believe until he personally saw Christ and touched His wounds. Eight days after the resurrection, when the disciples gathered together and Thomas was with them, the Lord appeared to them, who showed his wounds and told Thomas to put his finger in them. Then Thomas exclaimed: “My Lord and my God!”.

After the ascension of Jesus to heaven, the apostles cast lots on where each of them should go to preach the Word of God. It fell to Thomas to go to India in order to teach the true faith to the people who lived there and to enlighten the countries darkened by paganism. The apostle was very sad that he would have to go to such wild nations. But in a vision, the Lord appeared to him, who ordered him to be courageous and not to be afraid of anything.

After the sermons of the apostle, many people believed in the One God and became Christians. For the conversion to the faith of the wife, sister and son of the ruler of the Indian city of Malipur, the saint was imprisoned, and later pierced with five spears. At the place where the body of the Apostle Thomas was buried, various miracles were performed.

October 19: signs, customs and traditions of the day

On Thomas, it was customary to feed those who were in poor health with a piece of bread. They believed that this would help them recover sooner. The people said: " Foma - big chrome". Krom was a place in a barn where grain and other products were stored. They believed that the Apostle Thomas encouraged thrift and thrift. But he does not help wasteful and mismanaged people.

By this date, the results of the financial year were summed up, the income was calculated. If the barns, cellars, closets and chests were full, then they went to the church and put a candle in front of the image of St. Thomas. In the harvest years, a real feast was arranged on this day in the evenings.

Among the people, the Apostle Thomas, who doubted the resurrection of Christ, began to personify with a distrustful and doubtful person. People like this are often talked about. doubting Thomas».

In folklore, Foma is closely associated with Yerema. There are sayings about this:

  1. They searched for Yerema, found Foma.
  2. They talk about Yerema, and he talks about Foma.
  3. Foma was beaten for Yeremin's misfortune.

Proverbs, humorous songs, fairy tales and folk tales are dedicated to this inseparable comical couple, sometimes accomplices, and sometimes foolish brothers who committed ridiculous and stupid acts. Most of these works use synonyms that practically mean the same thing, but in reality they mean completely different things. For example, in the phrase “Foma crushes a radish, and Yerema crushes garlic,” both vegetables denote meager food that cannot be eaten.

All works about Thomas and Yerema are filled with humor. And today, the boundless fantasy of nameless authors is amazing, who managed to play so subtly on the difference in similarities and the similarities of different things.

Folk omens for October 19

  1. If the weather is calm, it will soon get colder.
  2. On this day, the last cumulus clouds can be seen in the sky.
  3. Crows gather in flocks - to bad weather.
  4. Dry snow falling on this day portends a fruitful summer.
  5. Smoke stands in a column - to warm sunny weather. If it spreads on the ground, it will rain.
  6. The pale sun at sunset - to a cold snap.
  7. Evening dawn of bright red color - to bad weather.
  8. If the morning is foggy and overcast, then the day will be fine.
  9. morning sky yellow color- to precipitation.
  10. If the ground is covered with snow, then in the second half of November, winter will come to its feet.

Person born 1 9 October, can persuade almost anyone to his point of view. As a talisman, he should wear an amethyst and a ruby.

On October 19, the Orthodox Church remembers the Apostle Thomas, who was also called the twin. The saint was from the Galilean city of Paneades. One day he heard Jesus preach and followed Him, later becoming His disciple and also one of the twelve apostles.

Thomas followed Jesus everywhere and became a witness of His saving suffering. After the resurrection of Christ, he doubted the words of the other apostles, who claimed to have seen the Lord. And he said that he would not believe until he personally saw Christ and touched His wounds. Eight days after the resurrection, when the disciples gathered together and Thomas was with them, the Lord appeared to them, who showed his wounds and told Thomas to put his finger in them. Then Thomas exclaimed: My Lord and my God!».

After the ascension of Jesus to heaven, the apostles cast lots on where each of them should go to preach the Word of God. It fell to Thomas to go to India in order to teach the true faith to the people who lived there and to enlighten the countries darkened by paganism. The apostle was very sad that he would have to go to such wild nations. But in a vision, the Lord appeared to him, who ordered him to be courageous and not to be afraid of anything.

After the sermons of the apostle, many people believed in the One God and became Christians. For the conversion to the faith of the wife, sister and son of the ruler of the Indian city of Malipur, the saint was imprisoned, and later pierced with five spears. At the place where the body of the Apostle Thomas was buried, various miracles were performed.

October 19: customs and traditions of the day

On Thomas, it was customary to feed those who were in poor health with a piece of bread. They believed that this would help them recover sooner. The people said: " Foma - big chrome". Krom was a place in a barn where grain and other products were stored. They believed that the Apostle Thomas encouraged thrift and thrift. But he does not help wasteful and mismanaged people.

By this date, the results of the financial year were summed up, the income was calculated. If the barns, cellars, closets and chests were full, then they went to the church and put a candle in front of the image of St. Thomas. In the harvest years, a real feast was arranged on this day in the evenings.

Among the people, the Apostle Thomas, who doubted the resurrection of Christ, began to personify with a distrustful and doubtful person. These people are often referred to as doubting Thomas».

In folklore, Foma is closely associated with Yerema. There are sayings about this:

They searched for Yerema, found Foma.

They talk about Yerema, and he talks about Foma.

Foma was beaten for Yeremin's misfortune.

Proverbs, humorous songs, fairy tales and folk tales are dedicated to this inseparable comical couple, sometimes accomplices, and sometimes foolish brothers who did ridiculous and stupid things. Most of these works use synonyms that practically mean the same thing, but in reality they mean completely different things. For example, in the phrase " Foma crushes the radish, and Yerema crushes the garlic» Both vegetables denote meager food, which is impossible to eat.

All works about Thomas and Yerema are filled with humor. And today, the boundless fantasy of nameless authors is amazing, who managed to play so subtly on the difference in similarities and the similarities of different things.

October 19: signs and beliefs

  1. If the weather is calm, it will soon get colder.
  2. On this day, the last cumulus clouds can be seen in the sky.
  3. Crows gather in flocks - to bad weather.
  4. Dry snow falling on this day portends a fruitful summer.
  5. Smoke stands in a column - to warm sunny weather. If it spreads on the ground, it will rain.
  6. The pale sun at sunset - to a cold snap.
  7. Evening dawn of bright red color - to bad weather.
  8. If the morning is foggy and overcast, then the day will be fine.
  9. The morning sky is yellow - to the precipitation.
  10. If the ground is covered with snow, then in the second half of November, winter will come to its feet.

Person born 19 October, can persuade almost anyone to his point of view. As a talisman, he should wear an amethyst and a ruby.

Fomin day- common name Orthodox holiday in memory Thomas the Apostle one of the twelve students Jesus Christ. The holiday is celebrated October 19, a lot is associated with it folk traditions and will accept, as well as prescriptions and prohibitions.

history of the holiday

Thomas was a simple fisherman from Galilee. Having become a faithful disciple and follower of Jesus, Thomas followed the teacher all the time, attended the Last Supper, saw the death of the Savior on the cross.

The Apostle Thomas is usually called "infidel" or "unbeliever". This does not mean a tendency to betrayal or unbelief, but the fact that Thomas did not take anything on faith, he questioned a lot. Therefore, the apostle did not immediately believe when, on the eighth day after Pascha, he saw the resurrected Christ. Thomas asked for proof that Jesus did in fact suffer physical death and then resurrect. A holiday is dedicated to the renewal of Easter (Resurrection) in the presence of the Apostle Thomas.

Also, Thomas did not have time for burial, and a miracle was revealed to him - he saw that the body of the Virgin Mary had disappeared after ascension to the heavenly chambers. As a consolation, the Mother of God threw her belt from heaven to Thomas. Since then, the belt of the Virgin has become one of the most important shrines in Christianity.

The Apostle Thomas preached the teachings of Christ in many countries and was martyred.

Fomin's day in folk tradition

On Fomin's Day they summed up the results of the year, made an audit harvested crop distributing supplies for winter and spring. Zealous hosts in such cases said:

"Foma is glad that the bins are full."

Among the people, this saint was considered the protector and patron of diligent workers, the mentor of those who strive for honest, even modest, prosperity. The apostle was also considered a symbol of thrift and thrift.

“Drag everything to Foma in the chrome (in a bag for grain),” they said among the people.

“Foma breaks the bins, take everything for nothing,” they used to say in satisfying years, when it was possible to harvest a good harvest.

And they said about lazy people and stupid people:

"The chrome is great, but is there a dog in it."

What did they do in Russia on Fomin's Day

On Fomin's Day, girls who were already seven years old began to learn weaving in Russia. On this day, they were brought to the loom for the first time, and they began to weave together with their mothers and older sisters.

On this day, fathers showed the bins to their grown-up sons, who were going to marry and bring their wife to their father's house. The sons were assigned a separate chrome (shelf) in the bins, so that, starting family life, they themselves disposed of their part of the reserves. This was called "cutting the bottom of the barrel", separating the young family from the common bins.

If a child was born on Fomin's Day, a loaf was baked from the flour of the new harvest, and a crust of fresh bread was given to the newborn. It was considered a ritual for health and longevity.

A crust of fresh bread on this day was supposed to be for birthdays, as well as for the sick - as a healing agent.

Sayings and signs on Fomin's day

If there is fog on Foma - wait for warming, if the weather is calm - get ready for the cold.

Furnace smoke spreads on Thomas - wait for bad weather.

If northern birds have flown to Foma, get ready for early cold weather.

What not to do on October 19

It was impossible to be lazy with Foma, to lie in bed for a long time, in general to loaf and waste time. Gatherings, empty talk and entertainment were not encouraged on this day.

Girls and women were strictly forbidden to chat on this day. On this day, women, and especially girls of marriageable age, were required to pay attention to home crafts. A beauty who neglected needlework was condemned and could be denounced as a sloth that no one would marry.

Also on this day, it was impossible to refuse grain alms to the poor, it was believed that the miser could bring crop failure.

  • Fomin's Day, Thomas' Day, Khlebnik, Thomas, Denis Pozimsky, Unbelieving Thomas, Thomas-Big Kroma: this is how this day was called in the old days.

Day by day it dawns later and it gets dark earlier. Today, the peasants filled cellars and barns with supplies for the winter: bread, fresh, pickled and salted vegetables, jams, salted mushrooms and marshmallows. They said: “Thomas is breaking the bins, take everything for nothing”, “Thomas is a big chrome”. Krom was called a bag, a sack, a place in a barn for storing various products and grain. From this formed - "modesty", "secluded place", "bins", etc. They believed that Thomas encourages thrift and thrift.

About a mismanaged, negligent and wasteful person they said: “Great is chrome, but is there a dog in it.”

By this day, the results of the entire financial year were summed up, and the amount of income earned was determined. If the chests, barns, cellars and closets turned out to be full "from" and "to", then they happily noted: "Anika is glad that the chrome is great." In gratitude for this, a candle was placed in the church in front of the image of the Apostle Thomas, because he was always revered as a benevolent and wise patron and mentor of honest wealth.

In especially fruitful years, real gluttony was arranged in the evenings: “Foma is a big feed: a loaf of bread will not break a loaf.”

In Russian folklore, St. Thomas, one of the 12 apostles, was strongly associated with Yerema. Fairy tales, proverbs and funny songs, popular prints and folk stories are dedicated to an inseparable couple of comic characters, sometimes foolish brothers or "accomplices" who do ridiculous and stupid things.

Most of these works are built on playing out the same technique: the syntactic parallelism of paired sentences and lexical synonymy. For example, in the statement "Foma crushes the radish, and Yerema crushes the garlic," garlic and radish are synonyms meaning meager food. Works about Yerema and Foma surprise with a wonderful sense of humor, an incredible fantasy of folk authors who manage to play well on the difference of similar and similarity of different.

Main signs:

  • At this time, cumulus clouds in the sky are the last this year.
  • If the weather is calm, then it will get colder.

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