Homunculus definition. How to create a homunculus from a chicken egg at home. Homunculus from an egg - how did such an idea come about

Kitchen 26.02.2022

The homunculus from the egg is considered a mythical creature, which, according to ancient legends, was created by alchemists in the medieval ages. Today it is quite easy to check this myth - many have already made videos confirming or refuting such an unusual medieval experiment. In this regard, people are more and more interested in how to make a homunculus and what is needed for this.

What is a homunculus

Photos of homunculi are a myth, because it is believed that the creature is visible only to the owner-creator

The term "homunculus" itself was first used by the ancient alchemists. So they called small humanoid creatures grown artificially. Those who supported this trend believed that the sperm already contains information about all the organs and body parts of future people, and the mother's body is required solely to provide a suitable environment for maturation.

If you carefully read the old manuscripts, it becomes clear that the popular Swiss doctor Paracelsus achieved success in such experiments and it is he who is considered the author of the recipe, thanks to which everyone can easily grow such a miracle directly in their home. The result of the experiment was a small human-like creature, whose height was about 30 centimeters.

Paracelsus decided to give such an unusual organism the name homunculus (from the Latin homunculus translates as a small man). The descriptions left behind said that the little man was smart enough that the doctor often instructed him to do simple work in his own laboratory.

Since that moment, a large number of alchemists have tried to repeat the experience of Paracelsus and artificially create a real homunculus endowed with unique abilities. According to some, everything worked out for them, but since the homunculus is considered an alchemical creature, only the owner was able to see him. Whether this is true or fiction - you can check it yourself, because the real recipe for creating a homunculus is available to everyone today. It has a few gaps, but constant experimentation will fill them.

What is it for

Medieval experiments to create homunculus assistants will forever remain shrouded in mystery

The main task of alchemists was to achieve the highest goals, which modern experts and scientists do not even dream of. They wanted to create the Philosopher's Stone, turn lead into gold, and create homunculi. Moreover, the ancient alchemists believed that such an organism would not become an ordinary grown body or a robot without a soul - they believed in its mind, feelings and consciousness.

According to medieval alchemists, the homunculus has the ability to fulfill the wishes of his creator fathers. It was also believed that such creatures have secret knowledge that is inaccessible to mankind.. They were also credited with paranormal abilities like reading minds, communicating with spirits, transforming into animals, controlling the weather, and so on.

Now people create homunculi most often for entertainment purposes. Many people shoot this video, upload it to hosting sites and collect a lot of views. Still would! After all, everyone is interested in watching the process of creating artificially grown creatures.

How to make a homunculus: step by step instructions

To begin with, it is worth briefly familiarizing yourself with the methods of creating homunculi that were used by Paracelsus, as well as his follower named Count von Kuffstein.

Paracelsus produced his recipe in 1534. It looks like this:

  1. The male seed is placed in a small test tube or retort.
  2. The vessel is placed in a place protected from light and warm (alchemists used horse manure and poured it with a special liquid).
  3. A week later, the test tube was removed from the manure.
  4. Human blood was added to the substance.
  5. After 40 days, the creature reached 30-32 centimeters, the homunculus recognized the one who created it.

Count von Kuffstein's recipe is somewhat different from the above and was created in 1775:

  1. The male semen is placed in bovine fat, and then in a jug.
  2. For 20 days, the vessel is stored in horse manure.
  3. Then, for 3 weeks, the dung is poured with hot water (the fermentation process begins, the temperature is within 15 ° C).
  4. After this time, the jug is dug out of the manure. At this stage, the growth of the homunculus is approximately 20 centimeters.
  5. If you properly care for the creature, it will grow up to 35 centimeters.

Homunculus from a chicken egg at home

Each of the ingredients is available to the modern magician

Today, to create the creatures described above, people use an ordinary chicken egg, which creates a favorable environment for the development and cultivation of a homunculus. Also suitable ostrich or quail.

For successful cultivation, you will need to prepare a few things. This is about:

  • The freshest ostrich or chicken egg.
  • Fresh male sperm - acts as the basis of the homunculus.
  • Alcohol and cotton wool for processing eggs and a syringe needle.
  • Syringe for 10 cubes for the introduction of male sperm into the yolk of the egg.
  • Sweater, hat or something like that.
  • Egg-sized container with lid.
  • Tissue adhesive plaster.

Now we can move on to the most important thing - the direct experience of growing a living being similar to a person.

  1. Prepare all the above ingredients.
  2. Wipe the surface of the egg with a cotton swab, after wetting it in alcohol.
  3. Carefully draw fresh semen into the syringe, slowly pierce the shell with a needle and inject the seminal fluid directly into the yolk. This is how the fertilization process will be carried out.
  4. Take a Band-Aid and seal the hole to keep germs out.
  5. Put the egg in a tight container, close the lid, and wrap it well with a cloth or things. It is advisable to take warm clothes in dark colors.
  6. Place the box in a warm environment protected from the rays of the sun. You can put it next to the heater.
  7. For 10 days, the box must be in close proximity to a heat source. Sometimes the growing period is extended up to 2 weeks.
  8. When the deadline comes to an end, crack the egg and look at the result.

If everything goes well, you should also read some interesting facts about the homunculus. For example, a creature grows to a certain size (usually up to 20-30 centimeters, may have a different shape and body mass). It all depends on the male seed, which was injected into the egg with a syringe.

The creature described above also has sexual characteristics, some even try to determine whether a “boy” or “girl” was born to them. Homunculi need food, like everyone else, they need sleep. Each creature has its own character and exhibits individual behavior. The muscle and nerve mass of creatures is not very well developed, so they move extremely slowly. Homunculi are also afraid of the light source, so it is better to experiment with them in areas far from the rays of the sun.

How they used to be made without blood and semen

Paracelsus believed that without a seed, the creation of a homunculus is impossible.

Making a homunculus at home without blood and semen is unlikely to succeed, but you can still experiment and use other ways to create "little men". Ancient magicians, for example, used other ingredients instead of seeds. Among them are:

  1. Mandrake. The root of the plant has a bizarre shape and is visually similar to a human figure. According to the beliefs of the ancient peoples, drugs and special spells turned the mandrake root into living people.
  2. Horsehair. The method involves searching for a mare in estrus, pulling out her hair. Subsequently, you need to rub it near the animal's genitals. Then the hair was thrown into a jar of clean water and left for 10 days in a dark place.. As a result, it may turn out not to be a little man, but a small worm, supposedly attracting a lot of money. Ancient peoples stacked it in close proximity with coins to increase their income.

Thus, only the laziest people did not talk about the methods of growing homunculi. There are an incredible amount of comments, videos and stories related to the topic on the web. Many experimenters vehemently prove that it is really possible to create a small creature, the main thing is to follow the above instructions and adhere to all the rules. Good luck!

Alchemists tried to achieve such high goals that modern scientists do not dare to dream about it. In the same list with the philosopher's stone and the transformation of lead into gold was the creation of homunculi - creatures similar to humans, but not born, but grown artificially.

Although the concept of "homunculus" was widespread as early as the 12th century, this topic really became popular only a century later, when Arnaldus de Villanova, a doctor from Spain, created the theory of "manufacturing" people and, according to rumors, conducted a number of successful experiments, which others had done before. haven't been able to yet. For a long time it was believed that he was the only one who was able to achieve a result, but three centuries after the death of Arnaldus, Paracelsus supported his idea and even offered his cultivation of an artificial person.

It was assumed that the homunculus would be not just an artificially grown body or a kind of soulless robot. Alchemists believed that this consciousness would have both feelings and reason, and in general it would become much like a person.

How alchemists tried to create a homunculus

There were several different methods for creating homunculi, but almost all of them were based on the same idea: the spermatozoon should become the basis for this creature, because it is he who eventually turns into a person in the womb of his mother. The process of carrying a child to alchemists in the Middle Ages seemed akin to the process of growing a homunculus, only they wanted to do without the "standard" methods. Moreover, it was assumed that the spermatozoon is a little man, only a tiny one, and in the womb of the mother it only increases in size, nothing more.

One of the most popular recipes for growing a homunculus belongs to Paracelsus. He suggested taking human sperm, warming it up in a special way, magnetizing it, burying it in horse manure, and also performing a number of other manipulations, the essence of which was not clear even at the time this method was developed. Next, it was necessary to keep a test tube with a homunculus in special conditions, from time to time feeding the little man so that he would grow and develop. It was supposed to be fed with human blood. According to Paracelsus, in this case it was possible to achieve a result in the shortest possible time: 40 days were enough for the homunculus to “ripen”. At this point, the growth of the creature should have reached about 30.5 cm.

An artificially created person, a creature grown outside the womb. The question of how to create a homunculus has always worried the ancient alchemists. Some of them even claimed to have succeeded. Arguing about this, alchemists often turned to the dark forces for help. This gave rise to a lot of myths and legends.

How to make a homunculus: is it possible or not?

The peak of the popularity of the idea of ​​artificial people came in the era of the discovery of spermatozoa. It was about four hundred years ago. At that time, science was less developed than now, and spermatozoa were endowed by scientists with all sorts of properties that were not inherent in them. For example, according to one of the theories, it was believed that inside the spermatozoa there are other spermatozoa, and in those - more and more. That they are something like fractals. Medieval scholars thought that if spermatozoa were fed with blood, then a person would grow out of them.

The figure below shows how medieval scientists imagined people inside the sperm.

When alchemists promulgated such ideas, it created fear and hatred for scientists among the common people.

To this day, it has not been possible to grow a human from a spermatozoon outside the female body. The thing is that it is extremely difficult to artificially recreate the conditions of the mother's womb. Despite the fact that science has stepped far forward, there are people who believe in the success of creating an artificial person.

Experiments on the creation of homunculi

Modern inquisitive people are still looking in old books for information about who a homunculus is, they read the texts of descriptions of the experiments of alchemists. There is a lot of conflicting information on the Internet about this. Now, having learned who a homunculus is, let's consider the experiments with which our ancestors tried to create it.

One of the Spanish scientists, who lived in the XIII century, according to the records, managed to produce such a creature into the world. Many scientists of that time tried to repeat his experiment. It was believed that the secret of success lies in the correct selection of starting materials, which then need to be heated to the optimum temperature. Under all conditions, life was born in the flask. There were legends that homunculi can live only in certain specific conditions, and they feed on human blood. With the implementation of all recommendations, the growth of the homunculus up to 30 cm in length was predicted over a period of 40 days. Many of the experiments of those days required magnets and horse manure as starting materials and tools.


Paracelsus, an alchemist and physician from Switzerland, who lived at the beginning of the 16th century, was a recognized specialist in the creation of artificial people. He made notes about who the homunculus was and how to conduct an experiment on its creation, however, so that the records would not go to the one who should not, he encrypted them.

The recipe was still deciphered:

  1. First you need to place the sperm in a glass flask. The flask is corked and buried in manure for 40 days.
  2. After the allotted time, the flask is taken out and magnetized. How exactly magnetization takes place is not known for certain. The homunculus at this time takes on the signs of a person.
  3. At the third stage, during the performance of a magical rite, the flask was opened and there was, as it were, the birth of an artificial person.
  4. From that moment on, they began to feed him with human blood. All this time, the flask had to be heated to the temperature of the human body.
  5. After 40 weeks, if everything was done correctly, a real baby of a small size was obtained from a demonic creature.

Paracelsus and his colleagues believed that the homunculi knew the secrets of the creation of the world from childhood, and they share these secrets with those who created them.

We make a homunculus at home

To conduct an experiment on growing a homunculus, we need sperm and a bird's egg. The egg will replace the nutrient medium of the female egg, it contains enough various substances for the development of the body.

Before making a homunculus, in addition to the indicated ingredients, take:

  • Syringe.
  • Dense fabric.
  • Alcohol for disinfection.

The order of the experiment:

Some believe that homunculi do not have a specific gender. This is not true. These creatures have gender characteristics.

These artificially obtained organisms have an underdeveloped nervous system and muscles.

Homunculi are not susceptible to light.

The first homunculus known to history was born in 1534.

Fairy tales in which, perhaps, homunculi are mentioned: "Thumbelina", "A boy with a finger", "Kotigoroshko".

In the famous work of Goethe "Faust", Mephistopheles creates a homunculus in the laboratory.

Whether to repeat these eccentric experiments is up to you.

The belief that a person can be created in a "sinless" way appeared in the period of the religious Middle Ages. Nowadays, not everyone is able to answer the question: "What is it - a homunculus?". Several centuries ago, the best European scientists sought to circumvent the laws of nature.

Cause of failure

"Homunculus" comes from the Latin word meaning "little man", "little man". So in the Middle Ages they called the human, created outside the body of the mother. The first theories for the creation of homunculi appeared in the 13th century. "Recipes" were offered by doctors and alchemists. The Church did not approve of such experiments, because only God has the right to give life. Church prohibitions did not stop scientists. They sincerely believed that they could reproduce the human body, capable of thinking and feeling.

Documentary evidence that any of the alchemists of the Middle Ages managed to create a homunculus has not been found. It is likely that theories have remained theories. It was not the idea itself that was fantastic, but the approach to it. The discoverer of spermatozoa was the scientist Leeuwenhoek. He found that the body of a man is capable of producing certain particles-seeds. When the seed enters the female body, pregnancy occurs. Leeuwenhoek himself and many scientists who became his followers believed that the spermatozoon is a ready-made person of reduced size.

The mistake was that medieval doctors and alchemists considered the mother's organism as a kind of incubator in which the microscopic homunculus gradually reached the size of a mature human being. The role of a woman, according to Leeuwenhoek, was only to grow a homunculus inside herself, eat right and prevent harmful substances from entering her body. If the mother is nothing more than an incubator, then it is possible to create conditions for the growth of a homunculus outside her body. This is exactly what the alchemists did, completely ignoring the fact that a female sex cell is also necessary to create a person.

It is believed that the Spanish alchemist and physician Arnaldus de Villanova became the person who defined what it is - a homunculus. He is also credited with the creation of the first "little man". However, Villanova did not present the finished result of his activities. A few centuries after the death of the Spanish physician, his idea was supported by the famous Paracelsus. He was sure that in general Villanova was right, but did not take into account some of the nuances. Because of this, experiments to create a homunculus were unsuccessful.

Paracelsus suggested placing human sperm in a test tube, heating it to a certain temperature, and then magnetizing (the meaning of the term could not be established). After that, the homunculus will begin its development in a test tube. However, in order for it to grow to the desired size, the container should be buried in horse manure. "Man" will go through a full development cycle in 40 days. During this period, the homunculus must be fed with blood. The "newborn" will have a very small stature. In all other respects, this is an ordinary baby.

Alchemists offered other "recipes" for creating people outside the body of a woman:

  • It is necessary to take a black chicken egg (according to other versions, the egg can be of any color, taken from any bird). Then you need to carry out fertilization with your biological material. Men can handle it on their own. Women will have to turn to men they know for help. The egg should be hidden in a warm and dark place and kept there until the birth of the homunculus.
  • Some alchemists suggested using the root of the poisonous mandrake plant to create "little men". In order to "revive" it, you should use special spells that are transmitted only from teacher to student.

Modern science does not need to ask the question: "What is this - a homunculus?". The dream of medieval doctors and alchemists did come true. Scientists have learned how to create a full-fledged person outside the female body, without resorting to the help of horse manure, chicken eggs, etc. The invention of IVF has helped thousands of childless couples become parents.

Homunculi are mythical creatures that are believed to have existed in the Middle Ages or even earlier. How to create a homunculus at home - the instruction came to us from the Middle Ages. Although it is still unknown whether it is possible to create a homunculus, whether it was actually possible for someone or not. A well-known technology for creating a homunculus involves the use of a chicken egg, male seed and human blood. However, if you wish, you can implement the instructions at home and see what happens.

Instructions on how to create a homunculus at home from a chicken egg were compiled by medieval alchemists.

Since ancient times, people have tried to create a little man who was supposed to appear in an unusual way. The question arises, who is he and why was he needed by others? It was believed that he would be able to help pregnant women, act as a talisman or talisman, help to conceive a baby and carry it out. Numerous experiments were carried out, which initially did not lead to any result. People did not leave the hope that sooner or later they will be able to create this creature, and it will certainly begin to help those in need.

Currently, doctors, together with scientists, have created tools, developed a methodology, and began to carry out artificial insemination. It did not work out right away, there were many mistakes and blunders. If we compare the experiments conducted in antiquity and modern ones, then they are completely different from each other, now there are much more opportunities and knowledge.

Arnoldus de Villanovae

For the first time, the Spanish doctor and alchemist Arnoldus de Villanova tried to create a homunculus in the distant thirteenth century. He wrote many books on this subject, where he argued that this creature can be created if you use special actions and do not violate the algorithm. The man achieved incredible success, was popular among scientists and was not going to stop there. The method of creating this creature was kept secret and did not make descriptions in books. Today we cannot say with accuracy whether Arnoldus was able to create this creature, many mysteries remain.


There was another person living on the territory of the Swiss state, he went down in history as the alchemist Paracelsus, he was engaged in his activities in the distant sixteenth century. This man achieved his popularity thanks to his abilities. It combined everything, magical abilities and extraordinary thinking. He devoted his life to medicine, was a practicing physician. He wrote a large number of books in this direction, conducted unusual experiments that bore fruit.

I wanted to create a homunculus and prove to society that it is possible. He made descriptions and gave instructions for creating this creature, developed a special algorithm. The most popular to this day is the method associated with the egg, developed by Paracelsus. Although the man did not attach much importance to this, after all, it was possible to create a homunculus without eggs by preparing special substrates.

Paracelsus wrote:“Take manure, compote and sawdust, in this case you won’t need an egg”.

Other scientists

In addition to this scientist, other people tried to grow a homunculus, such as Saint Germain and Nostradamus. All scientists agree on one thing, that the basis of the life of a human embryo is the spermatozoa of a man.

Leeuwenhoek said: "A man's spermatozoa are single, living cells that are able to move around on their own."

By the seventeenth century, scientists already had this information, but nevertheless they began to adhere to the teaching that Paracelsus offered. Over time, views on the creation of a homunculus were somewhat changed, but the essence remained the same as in the times of the sixteenth century.

Classic medieval recipes

  • Let us dwell on the most common recipes for creating this mythical creature. We take as a basis what Paracelsus offers. You need to combine the male seed and a small amount of horse manure, leave it for a couple of weeks, so that the process of "magnetization" begins.
  • This is done as follows: take the male seed (it is better to use three portions) and within two hours find a black hen that has recently laid a testicle. Take a medical syringe, male spermatozoa and inject them into the egg.
  • It must be prepared so that there are no problems. Make a small hole, remove the protein, but not all. This is required to protect the shell, which may already suffer from interference. After the steps taken, take a small amount of horse manure and place it there.
  • It remains to wait, here there is a discrepancy between scientists, who say that thirty days are enough, someone - about forty, and others say that - about twenty-eight.

male seed

If you have done experiments more than once in your life, then you may like this idea. How can you get the seed of a man? The representative of the stronger sex himself can carry out manipulations that are aimed at ejaculation (masturbation). A representative of the fair sex can seek help from a donor clinic, although she may be refused. In this case, you do not need a black hen, you can go to the farm and purchase fertilized eggs.

Horse dung

After you get home, take your time looking for horse manure. Firstly, it has a specific smell, the whole house smells of it. You can take the testicle and put it in a dark place, the temperature should not be lower than twenty-six to thirty degrees. The main thing is not to make a serious mistake at this moment, otherwise the experiment will not be successful. If you decide to put a testicle in a hat, then you need to remember that it will not give off heat, it will only serve as protection from the cold.

What to feed a homunculus

In the end, you should end up with a small baby that is half the size of a normal child. What to feed him? Every day you need blood, until it gets stronger and begins to grow. The matured homunculus will resemble an ordinary person, ten to twelve inches tall. We cannot say with certainty that this method can help create this creature, because there is no documentary evidence for this.

Who is a homunculus - this is a little man created artificially.

Why do you need a homunculus?

He is endowed with speech, understands everything that happens around him. Also, the homunculus can develop magical abilities that will be useful in the future, he will be able to communicate with the Higher powers and help those in need. Medieval scientists believed that the homunculus knows many secrets and secrets, it does not depend on how much time ago he was born.

If a person decides to conduct such an experiment, then he must do everything right, not make mistakes, otherwise nothing will work. If you can create this mythical creature, then later it will be the first assistant that can give you beauty, longevity and health.

Do not forget that this is an artificially created being, so it does not know what moral qualities are. Raise him with extreme care so that he cannot do harm. Since ancient times, the creation of these creatures was most often done by the representatives of the stronger sex, who could not find a worthy woman, as well as those who could not have children.

The skeptics' opinion - is it true or fiction?

  • Often, the experiments that were carried out by medieval scientists and alchemists raise many questions among modern scientists. Many simply cannot understand how human blood can be used to grow this creature and keep it close to them. Blood itself cannot have a positive effect on the body, it only brings harm. How can male semen interact with horse manure and a living being is born there? There are still many questions that still cannot be answered.
  • Nowadays, many are trying to bring out this mythical creature at home, they are conducting experiments at home, but so far it has not been possible to achieve a positive result. Although you can go to the Internet, where they offer various video clips of supposedly bred homunculi. If you look closely, you can understand that this is just a fake and it has nothing to do with this creature.
  • What to do with reliable information, where you can see how a strange creature hatches from a chicken egg that moves and moves. Everything is quite simple. This is the so-called bird embryo, only underdeveloped. The integrity of the shell was violated by man, the temperature regime was incorrectly selected, and therefore the development stopped at this level. Veterinarians are sure of this, and therefore they assure that this is not the way to bring out a mythical creature.
  • It can be concluded that many records are simply fabricated to confuse the human mind. Disputes between scientists continue to this day, many of them believe that it is still impossible to breed a homunculus, this is just fiction and nothing more. We have not seen reliable facts of the experiments carried out, as a result of which this creature was obtained, although there are many methods and algorithms for this.


Of course, you can conduct experiments at home, perhaps you will achieve a positive result and then the whole world will talk about you. But for now, it remains a secret to the human race.

Video "How to make a Homunculus from a chicken egg"

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