What sign is the most attractive. Libra is the most beautiful sign of the zodiac. The most attractive women according to the zodiac sign Sagittarius

Concrete 31.01.2021

The date of birth of a person determines his belonging to a particular sign of the zodiac and affects the formation of personality. Based on statistical data, researchers have compiled a variety of ratings. They express the predisposition of representatives of different to certain characteristics. For example, Virgos are considered the most faithful, Scorpios have a pronounced sexuality, and Gemini have the best sense of humor. The article will give a rating of the signs of the zodiac in terms of beauty, intelligence, fidelity, wealth and other curious parameters.

The most charming and attractive

  1. A lion. He knows how to profitably present his beauty, even if he does not have ideal parameters. Extremely charming.
  2. Capricorn. Knows how to correctly present himself, easily creates his own original style.
  3. Sagittarius. It has a powerful charisma, so it is impossible not to pay attention to the representative of this sign.
  4. Aries. It is remembered at first sight thanks to a bright image and originality.
  5. Twins. They often change their image, sometimes drastically. They are expressed by the attitude to the world at the moment.
  6. Taurus. Always looks natural. Has an excellent sense of taste.
  7. Cancer. Looks sophisticated and original. He does not like bright and catchy images.
  8. Scorpion. Possesses exotic beauty, sensual, considers himself perfect.
  9. Virgo. Takes good care of himself. Skillfully presents her beauty, even if she does not have a perfect appearance.
  10. Aquarius. Attractive not only externally. It attracts members of the opposite sex with its inner light.
  11. Scales. They have an expressive face and beautiful hands. They can bring disharmony to the image with the wrong choice of clothing or hair color.
  12. Fishes. They do not accept vulgar images. Attract the opposite sex with the mystery of the image.

In this ranking, you can see certain trends. But it should be remembered that the appearance and perception of a person by others depend not only on the sign of the zodiac. In addition, the concept of beauty is subjective. Based on statistical data, such a rating has been compiled. Among the signs of the zodiac, regardless of the position taken, one can meet both a not very pretty representative and an ideal of beauty.

Mental capacity

  1. Twins. Curious and easy to train. Inquisitive minds.
  2. Aquarius. Uses his mind exclusively in their own interests.
  3. Sagittarius. Thoughtful and calm. He has an analytical mind and is able to manage not only the enterprise, but even the state.
  4. Taurus. Differs in perseverance in training, knows how to use the accumulated knowledge.
  5. Scorpion. In the case of insufficient mental understanding of the issue, he reaches heights with the help of perseverance and determination.
  6. Aries. Easy to learn but lazy. Therefore, the mind uses to achieve personal goals.
  7. Capricorn. It is distinguished by inquisitiveness and perseverance, but sometimes prone to laziness.
  8. Virgo. Smart, inquisitive. Uses these qualities to climb the career ladder.
  9. A lion. Uses his mind to the fullest, but seeks in this benefit and practical use.
  10. Fishes. The presence of the mind is often leveled by simplicity and carelessness.
  11. Scales. Possessors of an analytical mind. All decisions made by them are balanced.
  12. Cancer. Lazy, considers learning a waste of time. In life, he uses only a part of the knowledge gained.


  1. Scorpion. If he fell in love, then he will never go for treason.
  2. A lion. The representative of this zodiac sign is loyal and reliable.
  3. Virgo. He is squeamish and selective about casual relationships, therefore he remains faithful.
  4. Taurus. The family representative of this sign counts on the loyalty of his half and pays in the same coin.
  5. Scales. They like stability and balance. Not prone to change.
  6. Aquarius. Capable of treason if he feels that he is tied to the house.
  7. Cancer. Reliable and faithful, but only as long as he is comfortable.
  8. Fishes. Between elevated feelings and sexual pleasure, they will choose the latter.
  9. Capricorn. His soul wants to be faithful, but the body craves new sensations.
  10. Twins. Fickle, in any relationship looking for benefits and comfort.
  11. Aries. A good family man, but he cheats because of the love of new sensations.
  12. Sagittarius. For him, love is a game, a sport, an adventure. Loyalty from Sagittarius is not worth waiting for.

Virgos are the most faithful signs of the zodiac. Treason (the rating testifies to this) is not peculiar to them.

Capable of killing

This list is based on statistical data. The ranking of killers among the zodiac signs is as follows:

  1. A lion. His actions are distinguished by audacity and scale. He likes to demonstrate his strength and scope.
  2. Taurus. He does not feel a sense of revenge until his interests are infringed. They operate for profit.
  3. Twins. They are arrogant and cunning. Sometimes they are too fussy, but they act decisively and cruelly.
  4. Cancer. Differs in deceit. Acts out of self-interest. He thinks through his actions to the smallest detail.
  5. Scales. They kill in the name of an idea. Very cruel and cold-blooded.
  6. Capricorn. Actions are thought out to the smallest detail. Does not accept window dressing and unnecessary destruction. The main thing is to achieve the goal and hide the evidence.
  7. Aries. Differs in rigidity, but not cruelty. Often acts out of a false sense of justice.
  8. Virgo. Discreet and extremely careful. Her actions are calculated, calculated and irreversible.
  9. Fishes. Daring, cruel and reckless. They kill without self-interest, but for the sake of success, power and recognition.
  10. Sagittarius. Fussy, illogical and sloppy. Makes gross mistakes.
  11. Scorpion. Brash, but cautious. The bulk of the "grouse" - his handiwork.
  12. Aquarius. His crime is carefully thought out and calculated, despite the eccentricity inherent in this sign.

Mental problems

  1. Virgo. It can go crazy, for example, on cleanliness, on counting the calories in the food eaten, or on a scrupulous balance of income and expenses.
  2. A lion. Those around him must unquestioningly obey his will, because he is the king.
  3. Twins. do not give them rest. Within there are many personalities and subpersonalities.
  4. Fishes. They fall into deep depressions. Communicate with other worlds and travel to parallel realities.
  5. Scales. They are prone to anxiety attacks and suffer from chronic indecision.
  6. Aquarius. He has many reasons to go crazy due to the open and overly receptive consciousness of this zodiac sign.
  7. Aries. Prone to Rapid change of mood and emotions from wild rage to a state of euphoria and bliss.
  8. Capricorn. It can get bogged down in routine and monotony and feel absolutely comfortable at the same time.
  9. Scorpion. A chronic form of paranoia is not ruled out.
  10. Cancer. Able to go headlong into the occult sciences.
  11. Taurus. Money and the opposite sex are two things that can obsess over, sometimes even too much.
  12. Sagittarius. Characterized by bouts of claustrophobia, that is, fear of enclosed spaces.

Tendency to violence

The signs of the zodiac that can show violence, according to the rating, are arranged in this way:

  1. Fishes. There is a pronounced aggression and a tendency to perversion.
  2. Taurus. Not impulsive. The victim, chosen in advance, declares his rights, and in case of refusal he acts by force.
  3. Aries. It does not humiliate, does not prove its superiority, but simply overcomes resistance.
  4. Twins. Cynics and sadists. The act of violence is accompanied by beatings and perversions.
  5. Capricorn. Commits violence to gain power over the victim.
  6. Cancer. The main motive is revenge for previous failures in love or for the unavailability of the victim.
  7. A lion. With arrogant superiority, he suppresses the resistance of his victim.
  8. Scales. They act with pronounced aggression and perversions.
  9. Virgo. Commits violence because of the inherent complexes of a sexual nature. He does this for peace of mind.
  10. Aquarius. There is no sexual connotation in his actions. There is only a desire to stun and shock the victim.
  11. Sagittarius. Commits violence in a bold, unbridled and perverted manner.
  12. Scorpion. Acting out of revenge. The reason for it may be material damage or insult.


  1. Virgo. Differs in diligence, attentiveness, analytical warehouse and sobriety of mind.
  2. Scorpion. A talented strategist, passionately goes to his goal and achieves what he wants. Has the gift of persuasion.
  3. Twins. Wealth gives them a sense of freedom and allows them to satisfy cravings for everything new.
  4. Aries. Works fruitfully and, accordingly, earns well.
  5. Scales. Pretty sensible about finances. Choose the golden mean between price and quality.
  6. Cancer. Differs in foresight. Accumulates funds by choosing the most reliable method of storage.
  7. Capricorn. Even having earned capital, he continues to treat wealth wisely, without throwing money around and without making rash spending.
  8. A lion. Maximalist and spender. He lives to the fullest, and therefore sometimes even finds himself on the verge of poverty.
  9. Taurus. Differs in firmness of character and sanity.
  10. Fishes. Talented but impractical. Indifferent to money.
  11. Aquarius. Idealist, confidently moving towards his goal.
  12. Sagittarius. Sprayed and does not know how to notice the little things.

Sloppy driving

  1. Scales.
  2. Aquarius.
  3. Aries.
  4. Fishes.
  5. Scorpion.
  6. Taurus.
  7. Sagittarius.
  8. Capricorn.
  9. Virgo.
  10. Twins.


  1. Scorpion.
  2. Aries.
  3. Taurus.
  4. Twins.
  5. Fishes.
  6. Sagittarius.
  7. Aquarius.
  8. Scales.
  9. Virgo.
  10. Capricorn.

Fun is above all

  1. Twins.
  2. Virgo.
  3. Sagittarius.
  4. Aquarius.
  5. Aries.
  6. Scorpion.
  7. Taurus.
  8. Capricorn.
  9. Fishes.
  10. Scales.

Rating of the most-very signs of the zodiac

The strongest sign of the zodiac in spirit is Pisces, despite its impressionability and sentimentality. They have internal resources that, in difficult situations, allow them to bend, but not break.

Scorpio is recognized as the most insidious sign, because if he decided to take revenge, then it is already impossible to stop him. And he will do it using sophisticated methods. Scorpio is an evil and dangerous enemy.

Taurus is rightfully considered the kindest, who does not like conflicts, is distinguished by softness and tact in communication. Representatives of this sign take pleasure in providing gratuitous assistance to those in need.

The Gemini are recognized as the most successful, because they have the ability to be in right time in the right place. Optimistic and lucky, therefore happy.

Leo is considered, because even showing generosity and friendliness, he does this by catering to his desires. Representatives of the sign love to be in the spotlight, they need flattery and praise, because at such moments they feel at their best.

Libras are the most sociable. They love to talk and get to know each other. Loneliness is difficult for Libra, but in the company it is easy and joyful for them.

The most closed is Capricorn. It is difficult to imagine what thoughts live in his head. Representatives of the sign rarely trust other people, they look indifferent and cold.

Aquarius is recognized as the most ingenious sign. This is an idea generator with a well-developed imagination and creative thinking.


Far-reaching conclusions should not be drawn from the given ratings. Do not be upset if it was your zodiac sign that topped the killer rating or ended up at the bottom of the rich list. The research results are based on pure statistics. There are no absolutely bad or unambiguously good signs of the zodiac. It all depends on the individual.

Incredible Facts

Beauty is a terrible force, but the thing is that for each of us it seems completely different. Attractive men or women for one person can stay unnoticed for another.

Yes, tastes, as they say, do not argue. In general, beauty patterns can change from generation to generation, but it's hard to deny that a person is beautiful when he is healthy, photogenic, has regular facial features and a proportional figure, knows how to present and carry himself, has good taste.

Read also:The strangest and most original zodiac signs and celebrity oddities

Entering beauty pageants is, after all, a way to gain recognition and validate that your appearance is prettier than the rest.

External data in the horoscope are determined by different indicators. The involvement of Venus and the Rising sign is hard to ignore. But not everyone knows exactly their location without building a horoscope. But the sun sign can also give a lot interesting information.

Do you want to know which signs of the Zodiac are the most beautiful and, according to statistics, in general, differ in special external data? Remember that there will always be exceptions! In this article, I would like to pay more attention to female beauty, because there are clearer standards in it.

Photos of the most beautiful women


Among the beauties, conquerors of men's hearts and queens of the catwalks, there are a large number of Pisces. Representatives of this sign quite often occupied places of honor in various beauty pageants.

Fish tenderness, sincerity and sensitivity makes these women especially feminine and attractive. Often they have plump sensual lips, light eyes and hair, which, given modern beauty standards, very important features of beautiful women.

Olivia Wilde genus. March 10, 1984 in the USA (actress, sexiest woman in the world in 2009 according to the ratings of a men's magazine Maxim)

Rachel Weisz genus. March 7, 1970 in London, UK (actress and film actress, has a statuette "Oscar» 2005 and other prestigious film awards)

Eva Longoria genus. March 15, 1975 in the USA (film actress, hottest celebrity of 2005 and 2006 according to men's magazine ratings Maxim)

Sharon Stone genus. March 10, 1958 in USA

Ornella Muti genus. March 9, 1955 in Italy (film actress, the most beautiful woman in the world in 1994 according to magazine ratings class)

Elizabeth Taylor genus. February 27, 1932 in Great Britain, d. March 23, 2011 (film actress, had three statuettes " Oscar", one of greatest actresses 20th century by the American Film Institute)

The most beautiful women in the world


Although Virgo is a slightly cold and reserved sign of the zodiac, representatives of this sign can often be called very attractive, and even beautiful. Among the world's beauties and winners of beauty contests, there are also many Virgos.

Virgos are distinguished by diligence, accuracy, usually they are quite serious about their health and appearance. It is unlikely that you will come across a representative of the Virgo sign, who will not give a damn about how she looks.

Virgos do everything to be flawless, perfect and feminine. Nature has also endowed them with considerable attractiveness, which they can only maintain.

Claudia Schiffer genus. August 25, 1970 in Germany (one of the most famous supermodels in the world, entered the Guinness Book of Records for the number of photographs on the covers of magazines)

Beyoncé Knowles genus. September 4, 1981 in the USA (actress, singer, has many music awards)

Romy Schneider genus. September 23, 1938 in Vienna, Austria, d. May 29, 1982 (film actress, had a prestigious award "Cesar")

Ingrid Bergman genus. August 29, 1915 in Sweden, d. August 29, 1982 (film actress, one of the greatest actresses of the 20th century according to the ratings of the American Film Institute)

Salma Hayek genus. September 2, 1966 in Mexico (film actress, nominee for the " Oscar, has an Emmy Award)

Sophia Loren genus. September 20, 1934 in Italy (actress, former model, has two figurines "Oscar" 1962, 1991, and other awards, one of the greatest actresses of the 20th century according to the ratings of the American Film Institute)


Scorpio women can achieve success and recognition in everything if they want. They are strong enough and purposeful, even if life puts them in a rigid framework. There are a lot of beautiful Scorpions in the world, and they all really know how to use beauty as a weapon.

The beauty of Scorpio is burning and dangerous, not all men can resist her. Here, beauty coexists with passion and sexuality more than many other signs of the zodiac.

Damn beautiful women according to the sign of the zodiac.Top beauties!

(Lady of difficult behavior)

Even if this girl looks like an angel, don't flatter yourself! Inside she has a small steel mechanism that controls not only the vestibular apparatus, but also throws out thorns on occasion, making her way gradually to the body, your path will be littered with thorns, she will build the same thorny fence in the family, where the days of cleaning the apartment are strictly according to the schedule, parenting and rare days for sex are circled, but in this case, you should not flatter yourself. Do you love thorns?

Alienation in the air will create an oppressive environment for the regime civil war, you are not destined to be the owner of a cozy nest, of course you will have your own place in the house and they will even point you to it ... Far from everyone deserves to have a Capricorn wife, she was created for respect, caste, clan, Olympus and God knows what peaks and if If you are not from a noble family, then do not make dirty plans to capture the Winter Palace by storm, Capricorn will remain in your memory like a femme fatale. If you still have a “pure breed”, then Capricorn will think: “It is a sin to indulge in despondency when there are other sins in the world.”

So, with sin in half, arranging tantrums once a week to clear your conscience, it will slowly become yours. In the constant search for problems, where there are none, Kozya is an example of non-sublimated complexes: stiffness, callousness, pragmatism, pride - a far from complete list of her virtues. Steadily holds second place after Scorpio in widowhood. The combination of restraint and lustfulness makes her kind of unique: Capricorn's brain has the principle of a Western woman - you don’t need to play love foreplay with her, money rules the world and her love affairs will be an example of this. Loyalty to a husband is loyalty to his income. Dens and brothels are not places for the appearance of the noble Capricorn, she will maintain them and have income from them.

This lady's keyword is "I'm using" and talking about feelings and love might just be out of place. It is not difficult to make Kozya happy, it is difficult to remain happy at the same time.

Find a foothold in her, she has something to respect: she, like a snow queen, does not look for warm places and lives in an isolated world of business, a world where beliefs have no value, a world where the playful wind of romanticism does not penetrate ... Forward, through thorns to stars!

(that's where two loneliness met)

“Love your enemy” - apparently the famous astrologer Sergei Vronsky meant this when he argued that the world without Gemini women is the same as festive dough without dough. lover French and the French always asks questions that cannot be answered, this gives her pleasure, because the man feels guilty. Diverse, her brain is a model of curiosity, very talkative, silence frightens her, she has nothing to be silent about, feels the need to fill a vacuum, even if there is nothing to say. She loves to give away the treasures of her intellect. The constellation of twins is responsible for hands and speech, and verbal diarrhea turning into sarcasm in intimate relationships makes this girl unpredictable, what will she soak next time!? Favorite pose - the pose of superiority! Voila!

When she is already over 30 (before she, as Monica Lewinsky explores with interest all the delights of the genre), sex seems to her a ridiculous and frivolous occupation, spiritual intimacy and money are more important, but if the guy somehow shocked the imagination, why not? To call Marilyn Monroe a sex angel was truly unreasonable, because any Gemini can strip naked. Exhibitionism is not in her spirit, but why not try!

She will never disdain a phone call in any form, but she always "dresses" in order to go to a concert, to the store, to water flowers, open the door or get mail. Everything in her life is at first hypertrophied, then exaggerated and subsequently nihilated, although the loss of a friend causes her sporting interest in returning him. The search for the missing lipstick may end in a Shakespearean tragedy, but another divorce from her husband will not hurt her feelings at all.

A certain coolness is sometimes mistaken for high love, but as Lermontov used to say: “There were two people in Pechorin: one was sitting, the other was standing,” so that a sincere declaration of love does not mean that it was said by the same girl. Having fallen in love, she always carries her somewhere further and past, the same thing in friendship, as a result, her best friend turns out to be a diamond, which, in principle, is also not bad.

Gemini, like a salute: first to the fig, and then not a fig! If she says that she has a date, then this does not mean at all that it is of a love nature, nevertheless, she can easily be called a chronic coquette.

Her eternally surprised expression and eyebrows with a house seem to say: “Where did it all fail? Just met yesterday New Year, and today I, in splendid isolation, find my underwear on the Christmas tree ... "

Golden Telchikha
(Midnight is approaching, but Herman is still gone ...)

Most of them are born Cleopatra and Catherine II, disguised as housewives. And in truth, Taurus is the neck on the astrological body, on this occasion the phrase is recalled: “the husband is the head, and the wife is the neck”, where he turns, the head goes there, respectively. It happens that myositis happens (in medical terminology, this is when the neck cannot be turned), it already smells of simple stubbornness: no, that’s all ... a brake, a fixed sign after all ... in this state, a man has to open it in a calm Taurus woman its second bottom and carefully take measures such as buying a warm fur coat or expensive French perfume. To say that she is an enemy of the people means to underestimate her human qualities: she will feed and warm, especially if a man is from the Orlov counts or with the voice of Caruso, then it will simply melt, but how many in Russia became counts Teplovy and Zubov after talking with hospitable calf?

Obsessive thoughts about sex will gently turn into reality and you will begin to live, and make good ... soon the fairy tale is told, but the thing is not done soon ... practice shows that there are many Telchikhs who are dissatisfied with life, and after the first outbursts of love, disassembly ends in the kitchen by breaking dishes and smearing a partner on the wall . Here she is in all her Cleopatra beauty and intransigence, like the revolution of the 17th year.

The use of a man as a daily toothbrush, both in sex and in kind, with complete equanimity and calmness, gets on men's nerves, well, there is no romantic takeoff in Heifers and that's it, solid and unshakable, like the Berlin Wall, they make men mean desire demolish this wall to the ground, but if they cannot afford such a block, then it is better not to push. A seasoned human being hides under the languid gaze of the farmer Oksana, once realizing that Mirgorod is not the same now, she finds pleasure in simple simple lesbian games and plain food (a kind of pleasure) and, in a Freudian way, understands that libido must be cherished ... Summarizing all of the above, one conclusion suggests itself: if you want simple and tender love, come to the hayloft ... with a blacksmith.

(Daily adventure is the sister of talent) - not all that glitters is gold

“But what if we stick Ivan Ivanovich’s nose to Ivan Nikiforitch’s face?” or cross a woman with a fish ?, probably such thoughts led humanity to genetic engineering, to be sure, Aquarius is brilliant!

A humanist, a fighter for civil rights, freedom and independence, standing on toilet soap boxes, can scream hysterically about the rights of feminists and lesbians, although, deep down, she is more comfortable with men, she will try all the poses of the Kamasutra at least once, just for fun! Enjoys resistance and rebellion. A man of extremes: either nothing at all, or too much.

Very expressive: the style of clothing is unpredictable (for example, she does not wear underwear), in bed she is unpredictable, but astrologers still managed to “figure it out”: this is a man of knowledge, so everything new excites her: new lovers, new fashion trends, new religion, but if the partner is diverse enough (purple unicorns are also found among men), then it can cling to marriage, and even, purely philosophically, linger in it. The fact is that Aquarius in the family gives the impression of an outsider ... and despite spiritual devotion, it is Aquarius who is the divorce record holder.

Very original, among the ads, she wrote such pearls: “I’ll get married - don’t offer sex” or “Sociable, pretty girl will sell a wagon of cement”, “Outsiders in ...”, do not hold a sense of humor.

Always ready to help and if you really suck, even sleep with you without asking who you are and where. Someone can say that she is a wasteful and hysterical - do not believe it, she is quick-witted, loves to seduce and fight back, because she sees perverts everywhere. One of the best advisers, because, I'm not afraid to repeat myself - brilliant!

By the age of 40, when the ruling planet Uranus becomes in opposition, its behavior is oppositional, that is, in the language of the boulevard, a sexual revolution sets in, and here anything can happen ... fascist coups, together with the theory of a glass of water, rest! She is the personification of a future woman, and looking at her you can clearly see yourself in your future, how are you comfortable there?

(Modesty adorns a person and silver is by no means worse than gold)

To be honest, modesty is just an image and experienced people will immediately understand this. In fact, Rakinha personifies a beaver and his hut, the entrance to which no one knows. She literally exudes mystical eroticism or erotic mysticism, which in principle is all the same. Without saying a word, dragging the sufferer into her hut, she says in a whisper: “You are chosen,” in such a vague semi-conscious state, the man gives himself up to reproach, because the beaver satisfies only herself without any interest in the ward. Her maternal instinct tells: the boy is speechless, he is warm and comfortable in the arms of his mother. The position from behind, as one of the American psychologists put it, is one of the favorite ones, because Rakin's modesty does not allow them to show their faces during orgasm. Rachiha Pamela Anderson would be surprised, this is a very dubious argument, because she still needs to be brought to orgasm, which not everyone succeeds.

Despite her domesticity, she can be absent-minded and dreamy: lying on a sofa in lace and curls, she dreams of a prince who turns every night into an insatiable monster .. influenced by the phases of the moon, it is better not to get close on a full moon. The whole apartment is covered in wax smudges from romantic candles, Buddha statues and Egyptian sarcophagi. The East is a delicate matter, she says dressing up in an odalisque.

Clever is an infection, writing for her a heartbreaking novel with the title “And in the morning they woke up” costs nothing, but Rakinya is afraid to get into the real networks of love, as she is afraid of any criticism, rejection and deceit. If you don’t want to be her sworn enemy, leave comments about your mother-in-law to yourself and generally forget about humor, be smarter and more gentle, even more gentle ... and remember, Rakinya is not so much sensitive as receptor: someone did something nasty to her ... then you need to subtly but competently revenge.

As a rule, she is the same blonde about whom jokes are made: two blondes talk about psychosomatic problems, young people come up, the reaction of one of them: “Oh, the guys are coming, let's talk about rags!”

He knows how to play on the weaknesses of a partner, mows down like a girl. She needs crying like air, but she will never do it alone if she knows that a man will not hear her. Her married life exists solely for the sake of convenience. Rakinha is adored by her husband, loved by her lovers, because she has parapsychological abilities: she always knows what a man wants, but she also clearly knows what she does not want. Living with such ambivalence gives the impression of being out of this world, but it is just an impression...

(gilded statue of liberty named after Venus de Milo)

Soft, with dimples scattered all over her body along with moles in the most unexpected places, Vesikha has long been a favorite of kings and not only kings, but also bohemians. The canvases of Botticelli, Titian and Rubens speak eloquently for themselves: a portrait of Venus de Milo ... the sly smile of the eyebrowless Mona Lisa - this one was definitely born under the constellation Libra, because cunning is characteristic of Venus (we exclude the Penitent Magdalene - she refers to the repentant Fish)

“Art should belong to the people,” one vulgar peasant once said, and it happened ... then they broke Venus’s limbs, then they pawed with their hands, but beauty must be admired from a distance ... beauty is a terrible force! For centuries, people, using the right of the strong, want to possess, well, wanting is not harmful .. beauty is, first of all, expensive!

Logic and law are exalted in the mind of this beauty, but it did not work out with passion. She will follow the belief of traditions that one should marry a virgin, and then tryn-grass. Pink dreams gradually turn into gray everyday life and marital duty, like a stupid banality, begins to get on her nerves. She hates vulgar scenery, and what kind of a man will pretend for years to be a patron of the arts and Apollo Belvedere? Yes, Shreks are not born, Shreks become ...

Serve her, an aesthetic, cakes right in bed, while she will fall into a philosophical state of mind: “I think I love you, I open my eyes - no, not you ...” Thus, distracting from sexual intercourse, as from a nightmare that always with you, she helps her subtle nature to live in a world of dreams, changing partners like gloves, moving from one to another - the main thing is to love and be loved. An endless soap opera "Swan Lake" with a dying swan and Anna Pavlova to boot.

Every time when the ending phase of falling in love comes to an end and the American happy end counts on a healthy, eye-pleasing sexual episode, Vesikha breaks off and starts to dynamize. There is no smell of compromise here, but there is more than enough alibi. It turns out that she lacks romance, it's a shame, and the beauty was deprived of this, but she's damn sweet! She can sagely remark: “I love mutually beneficial gifts, for example, I give him handkerchiefs, and he gives me a mink coat”, well, how can one refute logic here ?! And her love of consent? Especially if the husband is angry, but rich, then it’s better not to argue with him, you can always find interchangeable qualities in his nature ... and change the toaster for a mixer.

This girl, like a statue of freedom, despite her softness (the phrase evokes interesting erotic associations), can sometimes firmly stand for justice, equality and freedom - not bad either, the main thing is that the waist is not overstated and the patch pockets do not stand out much.

(I met you and that's it...)

Scorpio is perhaps the only autumn sign that does not misfire in sex. As a responsible person, she has her own idea of ​​​​the work of the genital organs and is sure that everything that is done is for the better and for the benefit of health. In the team and on the street, the Scorpio is given out by a piercing, unblinking look, as well as a strict underline in clothes, her favorite color is black, her favorite insect is the Black Widow. She rightfully owns the black belt of the Kama Sutra.

She is laconic, her speech is chased, measured and does not provide for objections (in some ways it resembles speeches made over the graves of the newly deceased). Noticing a man, pretending that she doesn’t care, she asks in a low voice: “You, whose slave will you be?” as if making it clear that she is still interested in your marital status ... in fact, your fate has already been decided, it's just that her tactics are ... Madame Bovary and Lady Macbeth rolled into one. Demagogues, as well as their impotent friends, call Scorpio depraved, well, they know better, although she doesn’t care what they think of her, because having hypnosis, she knows everyone’s innermost thoughts, it’s not surprising that there is not enough love for her neighbor.

She almost always likes to deal with smart men, since there is plenty of careerism in her and she was born to command, if a smart man refuses to participate in the organization of her career for some reason, the punishment will not slow down: access to the body will be terminated. In general, Scorpa often wakes up with a desire to kill someone, she successfully sublimates it into creative energy and directs it to work or sex.

Scorpa has a lethal, frenzied power of love, she is good to outrageousness, as well as during outrageousness and after outrageousness. A thrill-seeker, over her bed you can write: “Do not fit in - it will kill you!” Anyone who dares to have a sexual act will experience all the delights of holotropic breathing with all reincarnations, and in the latter it turns out that she was the bloodthirsty goddess Kali. Despite her colossal power, she has an “Achilles heel” - she is a sadomasochist, usually Scorpio plays the role of a torturer, but sometimes she wants to become a slave and ask you for mercy, the policy of carrots and sticks, both in direct and in figuratively make her a cat with hidden claws. Isn't it tempting to show guests a tame Scorpio?

(Fear the Danes who bring gifts)

The dream of a romantic and a pervert! Many consider sex (our smaller brothers - monkeys too) as entertainment. Getting acquainted with the cheerful Sagittarius, a man drooling of desire begins to think that he has found his ideal. In some sense, yes!

Sex for her is a way to feel the fullness of being, she extracts maximum pleasure from it. “Finally!” Your soul rejoices. Full of enthusiasm and fantasy, she will sing an ode to you right there in bed or in the back seat of the car and convince you that she has been dreaming about you all her life. The pedestal will be built immediately and she will personally put you up there ... Oh, rapture! This woman, like champagne, hits not in the nose, but in the very crown of the head, experiencing a slight dizziness, do not forget that you are still on the pedestal ...

Astrologers also experience excitement about Sagittarius, the fact is that this sign is somehow incomprehensibly connected with spirituality, and on the astrological human body it is located just below the waist, linking this part of the body with spirituality, astrologers see a direct connection: the more, the higher spirituality , such are the paradoxes of astrology ...

But back to reality: Sagittarius is aerodynamic and feelings disappear with champagne quickly enough. “Oh, why was this night so short, if my chest wouldn’t hurt, my soul wouldn’t moan.” Romantic and passionate, she is honest in her actions, disappointed in you, she will try to throw you off the pedestal, having previously told the objective reasons for your fall in her eyes. Cruel... but good for you.

She is restless, and there are so many interesting things around: her source of joy is people, and the more of them, the better. Perhaps someone does not like crowds, but this does not bother Archer at all, even if you marry her in a hurry or out of fear, you should know that your house will be a passage yard for philosophers, musicians, scientists, yard dogs and homeless people who speak the truth, and she herself a secular lady will be at some foreign conference at that time, her authority is constantly growing, so that in principle she will not be up to you. She will react calmly to your betrayals, and to her own too, intellectual communication is more important to her than extramarital affairs, her credo is that her husband should not interfere! So, comrade, get off the pedestal, get off, they tell you!

Golden Aries
(I erected a monument to myself...)

The sign of Aries is responsible for its own “I”, on the human body behind the head, “one head is good, but with a body, it’s better” ... Sometimes it seems that Aries is a head without a body, and sometimes vice versa: a kind of “headless horseman” ( this is in those cases when it “blows the roof”), then it is a curious sight: those who have been married to Aries know how amazingly the arms, legs and other parts of the body work at the moments of the highest rise.

They are warriors, in ancient times they are the same hysterical Amazons who killed poor men after gang rape. History draws bloody pictures, but the progressive part of humanity (men consider themselves to be such) still survived, and the bloodthirsty Amazons scattered around the world and are now waging war alone.

Arrogance and non-linear straightforwardness - the face of Aries (do not think that she is scary, like doors), sometimes their faces are very characteristic, as well as principles. She will not watch football out of principle, but out of principle she will sleep with a man to prove that she is a free, modern woman. She has a head full of principles ... by the way, ask at your leisure. In a calm state, this is the head of Professor Dowell, without which not a single conference or parliamentary congress can do, but most of all Ovenok in show business, where they strive to show not only their wonderful head in a hat (Alla Borisovna), but also other parts of the divine body .

To say that Aries is sexy means not to say anything at all, all the sights of the male body have a bewitching effect on her, enthusiasm is a hallmark of them in intimacy, so a man doesn’t even need to strain much, but this is only at first ... having sensed over time that you dynamize her, she will get into a "pose".

“If they love me, then it’s love, if not me, it’s dislike” - Ovenka’s axiom.

In a fit of love, she can scream: “Horse! Half the kingdom for the horse! and if you are not a horse, then you can only sympathize, she will leave you and will live for many years in proud expectation of an Arabian horse, but in general these are ladies from the royal court, the manners are still the same ... after spending a stormy night on the sidelines of the Louvre, she did not blink an eye confesses to you in the morning that it was she - the Marquise of Angels and Milady in one person. At night, this woman is three-dimensional ... and in the daytime, anything can happen: making contact with her, volcanic-sexual explosions await you with fading and forgetting who you are (they have a girl's memory), interrogations with passion (sometimes on the rack), brilliant waste , frivolous betrayals, as a kind of whim and pushing you around, Aries is a lady with camellias that you will never forget ...

Gold fish
(of the purest charm, the purest image)

The life of women - Pisces is like one big sinusoid: emotional outbursts on the full moon and a coma stage on the new moon. The lifeless Flounder lying on the shore on a new moon is a pitiful sight, and a man, seeing her like this, says affirmatively: all Pisces women are cold, slippery and amoebic. Brrr ... It would be a big mistake to take men at their word, practice confirms that this is the most favorite sign, because in addition to beer with roach, God also created fishing ... the most popular type of meditation, because Nirvana (a state of euphoria) comes with every fish caught. Fairy tales about the golden fish sometimes come true, especially when the fish is rich, it will fulfill all your whims, if it is periodically fried (there are masochists among them), then instead of three, you can achieve 5 wishes.

The love of Pisces is an opium for the people, it is difficult to figure out what all the same she - Pisces found in you, but her sacrifice is simply illogical ... she is true to her principles, which she keeps in a terrible secret. Since she lives in the ocean, and the ocean is irrational, then logic, like a small island in the ocean, is not her creed.

Breathing in spirits and mists, the Fish periodically adventurously swims out of its native bay to spend the evening with dubious representatives of the stronger sex. Experiencing a lack of communication, she, like Scheherazade, will spread her thoughts along the tree and believe in fairy tales, which she herself wove.

The master of astrology, Pavel Globa, once called Pisces an honest giver (he continues to viciously take revenge on his ex-wife Tamara!) In fact, the concepts of honor and dishonor merge in the cosmic soul of Pisces, like an ocean with the Gulf Stream, without interfering with each other. The concepts of giving and mercy generally belong to the category of spirituality, so the Fish is holiness itself. She, like the biblical Magdalene, will first repent herself, and then she will repent of you.

Somehow, one Pisces assured that sex was made dirty - people, it is logical, but who else? Fish justifies everyone and everything, and if you once again deceive her, Fish will forgive you and forget, since she tends to forget everything (I myself am glad to be deceived!)

Do not think, however, that Fish - a weak-willed creature - is an unsinkable cruiser "Aurora", it does not sink under any circumstances, so you have only one thing left - to love Fish not only on Fish Days ...

The gourmet's fantasy will be shocked, every day she appears in different form and under different sauces - this is herring under a mink coat and unobtrusive Gobies in tomato and naked cod liver, but on weekends she will pamper you with skewered caviar at your leisure. Why not life!

Lioness (a holiday that is always with you)

When a Leo woman names her sign, everything immediately becomes clear, and you don’t even need to name it, you can see who you are dealing with by the cat’s eyes and red nails.

Tiaras are in no way compatible with rags and mops, but if you put on red tulle underpants, this will not only make the Lioness laugh, but also make it possible to become her fan, wit is absent in her unlimited limitations, and therefore having a couple of men - jesters in a retinue is even attractive . It decorates her. In general, if you have an unremarkable appearance, then there are few chances of becoming her husband, and if you strained with money, then things are very bad. This lady loves to party on a grand scale, but she doesn’t like plans and order at all.

Her constant drug is compliments (very strong addiction), fueled by flattery, she spends her life in a frenzy from herself and, when trying to sober her up, asks a rhetorical question: “Why should I humiliate myself? I am the person with whom I will live for the rest of my life.” He's freaking out from his own hypocrisy.

The lioness was born to make a fairy tale come true, so you need to start with expensive gifts. The strongest smell of perfume in the theater belongs to her. Speaking of the theater, this is her home, life is a game, and most importantly, there should be more applause. Also on the stage of life, she will flirt with everyone she meets solely for the sake of adoration and admiration. Her whole being is directed towards this. Outer sexuality has nothing to do with the inner world, where, like a royal mummy covered with centuries and mold, its soul reclines and whoever disturbs its rest will be cursed.

No, we must give it her due - she is generous and can even give you something from the master's shoulder, if she suddenly managed to get married, this act will be considered as generous too, although, by the way, not binding.

Behind her, there is a rumor that she is loving ... Guess three times in what position she will have sex with a man? That's right, sitting on top of it so that the crown does not fall.

In love, she shows her totem to the fullest: having played enough, like a cat with her lover, she loses interest in him and the half-dead mouse remains where she lay. She does not suffer from cannibalism, but she runs away from boredom like the plague. Between hunting and love, the Lioness rests idly, mostly on couches or office sofas, if you ask about her hobby, she will answer you: “I love stately men, apple pie and the name Roland.”

Virgo (the art of being human or platinum chips)

Terribly photogenic and mostly diminutive (it happens to blur in old age), Virgo is a certain danger. To call her smart means to underestimate her, she is brutally smart: someone mistakenly built a chip into her brain that instantly calculates everything.

Virgo is a modernized mixture of Cyborg, RoboCop, lawnmower, library named after Lenin and Cinderella, she clearly knows: when and for which ball she should be in time. Virgo is not a simple mechanic - it is the electronics of the future, because in addition to instant calculation, she also has a colossal sense of smell, so do not stand in all this, move away and the smell will go away with you! This young lady can be called a victim of minor details, but when showing her your sympathy, it is advisable not to caress her, not to slap her on the back, and even more so, she does not like familiarity.

Her analytical abilities in the field of a man consider him as a foreign object, in the case of marriage with him, he will remain a foreign object in her territory. But before getting married, the selection of the applicant is carried out on a first-come, first-served basis and point by point: the amount of money in the bank, the size of the apartment, the make of the car, weight, color, brain (although this is not the most important point), you can just have an education, a certificate of condition health, but let's not talk about sad things. She has instructions for everything, even the use of a condom. When you are finally allowed to the body, then in response to a kiss, she may notice that you are kissing not only with your lips, but also with a little bit of your teeth, and in general, she will say: “people are also animals, but we are the only ones who can copulate with the face to the face”, will calmly undress and calmly fulfill the conjugal duty. And what else?

Marital duty - performed for the first time! She will not tolerate debauchery, but to build strong family you have to have sex, she read about it in Japanese magazines. Sex is something that VIRGO cannot control, because the ensuing consequences of sex are so depressing that she considers it as a necessity given in sensations, as the existence of protein molecules, but not as a theory of torsion fields, behind which the future stands.

Nevertheless, in everyday life it is simple and executive, for which our smaller brothers - Scorpios - love it, only this gray computer mouse is subject to them, they can complement each other great, in other combinations, it is buggy ...

What is the best zodiac sign according to astrologers? Each zodiac sign is the best in something! Aries is the best starter, generator of new ideas, discoverer! Taurus is the best implementer, able to bring his plans to life! Geminis are the best at communicating and conveying information! Cancers are the best family men and psychologists! Lions are the best artists and leaders! Virgos are the best workers capable of small calculations! Libras are the best designers capable of partnerships! Scorpions are the best psychotherapists, stuntmen who can change you with their stormy energy! Sagittarius is the best teacher and inspiration! Capricorn is the best in his career and stamina! Aquarius is the best in the team, where he is the center of the most original ideas! Pisces are the best empathizers, with a unique imagination!

One way or another, each sign is strong in something of its own, but let's consider the strength of a person as the ability to defend one's rights and be self-confident. Which zodiac sign is the most powerful, according to astrologers?

Important planets for self-expression in our world are the Sun and Mars. Therefore, it is important for us to consider in which sign these planets give more self-confidence.

The Sun feels very good in Aries, Leo and Sagittarius, respectively, it will be easier for such a person to express himself.

Mars also feels good in the signs of the fire element (Aries, Leo and Sagittarius), but you can also add Scorpio (very strong energetically) and Capricorn (very stubborn and persistent) to these signs. Mars in the fire element will help a person act better and more confidently!

Conclusion: the most strong signs The zodiac can be called Aries, Leo, Scorpio and Capricorn.

That's the question, that's the question. There are simply no perfect signs! Each has both advantages and disadvantages! Aries is a good starter, but he will not be able to complete what he started to the end, he will burn out! Taurus will ideally do what he already knows how, but as soon as he is given something new, he will get used to it for a long time! Gemini ideally present, translate, work with information, but they are superficial and do not like to delve into the essence. Cancer is the perfect family man, but on the outside he is like a child. Lions are ideal patrons, bosses, popular personalities, but they are conceited and greedy for flattery. Virgos are ideal workers, but they can be overly disciplined and obsessed with little things. Libras are ideal partners with good taste, but they find it difficult to take responsibility for themselves. Sagittarius is an ideal teacher, generously giving experience, but behind the whole, they often do not see the details. Capricorns are great workers and administrators, but they are too hard on the outside because they are too soft on the inside. Aquarians are ideal friends, but sometimes their interests become paramount for them. Pisces are ideal in their fantasy world and unique imagination, but in reality they cannot be relied upon.

We can say that the most ideal wives according to the sign of the zodiac are Taurus and Cancer. Not less than good character possess girls Libra and Pisces. But the girls Aries and Leo may lack softness.

Consider which sign or signs of the zodiac are the most difficult for family (or just under the same roof) life? First of all, it must be said that this cannot be judged by the solar sign of the zodiac, any of the 12 signs can be very pleasant in family life, but the moon in the zodiac sign will say a lot about a person!

So, the most difficult moon is the moon in the sign of Capricorn and Scorpio. Therefore, if your partner has such a moon, then you will not envy! These are the most difficult zodiac signs for the Moon. The Moon in Capricorn is very reserved and rarely likes to cuddle, especially if someone is watching. She is rather dry, she does not show emotions, or does it rarely. She is too vulnerable inside, which builds a wall around herself and the image of the snow queen. She is frugal, she may not eat at all, or starve for money (if she wants to) in difficult times, she can drastically save on food and everything you need and feel fine at the same time! But such a moon also has advantages, for example, the moon in Capricorn is ideal for emergencies, it will survive even in the most difficult field conditions! Ideal for long-distance extreme hiking in the mountains and hard-to-reach areas.

Also the most complex sign Moon's zodiac is Scorpio. The moon in scorpio craves emotions, home comfort and tranquility are not for her, she needs drama, anguish, experiences! If everything is calm, then she will make a scandal herself, she needs it, otherwise she will suffer from a lack of emotions, and then an explosion is possible! He simply does not know how to relax and have fun, all the time, it seems that the world is not safe, that you need to defend yourself. Of the advantages of such a moon is that it is very strong and will protect anyone who is dear to her!

Let's look at which zodiac sign is considered the most faithful in men? The most faithful signs of the zodiac are Taurus and Virgo. Taurus are quite lazy to go left, besides, they are very attached to their partner and hard to get used to the new, so there are fewer cheaters among Taurus.

Virgo is also considered the most faithful sign of the zodiac. Virgos love to support their family, no matter what. Even if the relationship has already come to an end, the maiden can pretend that everything is in order, just not to be left alone.
In general, according to statistics, earth signs change the least (they become attached for a long time, and it’s hard to get used to the new) and air signs most often (as opposed to earth)

Also, when checking fidelity, you should pay attention to Venus and the 7th house of the horoscope, because in earth signs, as well as in good aspects to Saturn, a person is less prone to betrayal.

Let's take a look at which zodiac sign is the most beautiful, according to astrologers? The most beautiful signs of the zodiac are considered “human” signs. That is Gemini, Virgo and Aquarius. However, the appearance largely depends on all the planets of the natal chart and the very important first house or ASC.

And yet women, which zodiac sign is the most beautiful? Good appearance, as a rule, is a harmonious combination of the entire natal chart. For example, the signs of the water element will add plumpness to your appearance (for example, plump lips) as well as large eyes. Air signs will add you a couple of centimeters of height and sophisticated facial features. The signs of the earth, on the contrary, will take away a couple of centimeters and give a square face shape, stockiness. Signs of fire will give a brighter appearance, large and sharp features.

The harmonious combination of all signs gives you a beautiful appearance. But if only one element is expressed in the natal chart, then this can lead to an excess of its qualities. For example, with the water element, excess weight, with the earth element, small stature, with the air element, excessive thinness and high growth, with fiery early baldness, etc.

Which zodiac sign is the sexiest? Scorpio is considered to be the sexiest sign of the zodiac. But this is not entirely true, a scorpion has sex in order to lose excess accumulated energy, and secondarily for pleasure. However, he is the sexiest male zodiac sign. Taurus can be called the sexiest sign among women. Taurus is very sensual (ruled by Venus) He loves to enjoy whatever he does. Therefore, Taurus can rightly be called the sexiest sign of the zodiac.

What is the worst zodiac sign? According to astrologers, there are no worst / nastiest signs of the zodiac. However, if we consider this issue from the point of view of men and women and their roles, then there are signs that are not very successful for men and not the best for women.

For example, a man with the sun in Libra will not just make important decisions on his own, and he will need to consult with friends or family. The same applies to the sun in Aquarius, where a man can reveal his potential only with the help of other people.

It will be more difficult for a woman with the sun in Aries, because she will not want to give in to a man, because she is a leader! It will also be difficult with the sun in the sign of a lion, because now she is a queen, and finding a prince is not so easy!

Virgo can be called the most accurate sign of the zodiac, Virgo is able to keep a thousand little things in her head, she thinks everything through in advance and draws up an action plan. She is rarely late because she is pedantic. Virgo has a good rational mind, she is able to sort through and structure the information received. In addition, Virgo loves when everything around is perfect and accurate!

What is the most jealous zodiac sign for men and women? Of course, Scorpio is considered the most jealous sign of the zodiac. Especially if the moon is also in this sign. People with this sign are very jealous, they do not trust the world around them and look for a catch everywhere, in addition, they like to delve into something (for example, on the phone) and get to the bottom of the essence (for example, what exactly led to treason, where did it come from?)

The Taurus-Scorpio axis, or my axis - someone else's, can be traced in scorpions, they are often owners, considering their partner to be their property. However, not all scorpions are like that, if they spend their huge supply of energy on something energy-intensive, then their character will soften and they will no longer be jealous.

Let's see what is the smartest zodiac sign, according to astrologers? The planet Mercury is responsible for our mental abilities, and therefore the sign of this planet will show our mental potential:

Water signs (crayfish, scorpions and fishes) are too emotional, prone to emotions and are often biased, in addition, they do not like to solve boring and tedious tasks, but they have the best memory! They are able to remember poems, events, experiences, words spoken by someone for many years, and much more that other signs would forget in a couple of months. For water signs, the process of memorization is the easiest.

Earth signs (Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn) Taurus and Capricorn study the subject much longer than other signs, they need more time to solve the problem, more time to study the material, knowledge is not given to them immediately. But on the other hand, acquiring some kind of habit, they remember it for the rest of their lives. For example, it will be harder for them to learn how to drive a car than the rest, but even after taking a break for a couple of years, Taurus and Capricorn will be able to drive again, as if nothing had happened!

Virgo can be distinguished from the signs of the earth, because she is under the control of mercury. Therefore, outwardly, the maiden is quite mobile, and information can be absorbed quite quickly. This compensation makes the Virgo sign quite versatile.

Air Signs (Gemini, Libra and Aquarius) Gemini and Aquarius are considered the smart signs of the zodiac and for our current education system, where you need to answer as quickly as possible, they are the best fit! Geminis just grasp everything on the fly, they think quickly, they have an excellent (fast) memory, although what they remember can disappear over time. Good aptitude for languages, and a generally good and active mind.

Aquarians are ruled by Uranus. Aquarians fit less into the education system, their mind is somewhat strange, but original! Only Aquarius will be able to find a solution to the problem not described in the textbook, but invented by himself. The mind of Aquarius is original and non-standard, he does not like rules and appreciates freedom.

Libra is a little different in this regard, they are able to be objective only if they turn off their emotions and feelings. All because Libra is under the control of their patron - Venus. Therefore, their mind and ability to learn depends on the emotional state more than other air signs.

Fire Signs (Aries, Leo and Sagittarius) Aries Pretty good sign for Mercury, it will give a rather active and mobile mind, a desire to overcome oneself, to become smarter than the rest!

The sign of the lion is too subjective for Mercury, Mercury in the sign of Leo will consider his opinion correct in any situation, although the mental abilities themselves will be above average.

The sign of Sagittarius is too wide for Mercury, Mercury needs facts and logic, and Sagittarius needs a goal and a path. Mercury in Sagittarius will not give concentration on the subject and will make you dream of something more.

So, we can say which zodiac sign is the smartest for Mercury: Scorpio, Gemini, Aquarius, Virgo, Aries.

It is difficult to say which zodiac sign is the kindest, according to astrologers, everyone is kind in their own way, for example, the fish will always sympathize with you, the scales will listen, the lion will cheer you up, and the ram will say, well, don’t whine, it’s time to act!

However, two very pleasant representatives can be named: Taurus and Libra. These signs are liked by many for their softness and attractiveness, all because they are ruled by the love planet Venus. They are endearing, they like to look for others in the very best light and it is difficult for them to refuse your request.

I also want to say about Aries, the most sacrificial sign of the zodiac. Yes, Aries will not wipe your tears, sentiment is not for him, but he is ready to move mountains to help! After all, it is rams who are the first to rush to help people in critical situations!

Consider which zodiac sign is the most evil, according to astrologers? What do we understand by anger? Most often, this question is asked by vulnerable representatives of the water element of fish and crayfish. For them, anger is raising the tone of the voice and screaming. And if for the representatives of the fire element, this does not mean anything, well, sometimes I scream, so what? That is, fish, crayfish, scales and other gentle representatives of the zodiac circle, each time shrink from any jump in the change of intonation. If we consider anger in this vein, then the most “evil” can be called Scorpio, Aries and Leo. All of them are under the control of fiery luminaries.

The planet Uranus patronizes everything original and non-standard and the craziest people in the Aquarius zodiac sign!
The craziest sign is Aquarius. Being under the auspices of the planet Uranus, the representatives of this sign are original and not standard, they love groups of people and communication, they love the time of change, when the course of life changes completely, new people appear, new impressions, something that has never been seen before!

Let's take a look at Forbes magazine statistics and see which zodiac sign is the richest? Which, by the way, is not at all surprising, because in the first place, of course, is the sign of Leo (14% of the capital of the "golden hundred".) Gemini with Aquarius are also not bad and have (11%) Aries with Libra a little less (10% ) Taurus and Pisces have each (7.7%) and Scorpios and Capricorns (6.6% each) Virgos, Sagittarius and Cancers are lagging behind.

In general, the statistics reflect the real picture, the Lions really strive for a royal existence, it is important for them to have a good position, and they do not like to work for their uncle. This makes them open their own business.

Worst zodiac sign for a woman

Loyalty largely depends on the signs of Venus and the 7th house of the horoscope. For Venus, the signs of Gemini and Pisces are not very favorable. Especially if Venus is not in harmonious aspect with Neptune. You also need to pay attention to the ruler of the 7th house and its aspects with Venus and Saturn. Harmonious aspects of Venus and Saturn, on the contrary, will prevent treason. Neptune, negatively affecting the 7th house, can give a lot of confusing and secret connections, and Uranus frequent breaks in relationships.
Therefore, we can say that the most incorrect sign of Venus is Gemini and Pisces.

Let's look at which zodiac sign is the most harmful, according to astrologers? The most harmful signs of the zodiac are Gemini and Aquarius, as they love freedom, rarely admit their mistakes. Geminis are good liars and love to get out of seemingly hopeless situations. And Aquarians often put the interests of their comrades and their own above the interests of the family.

Third place can be given to a scorpion, especially if Scorpio was not brought up correctly. Often such scorpions are closed, caustic, they often have a bad mood and a desire to sting someone! For scorpions, it is extremely important to instill love and compassion from childhood, and then the scorpion will be the best and most devoted friend!

What is the luckiest zodiac sign? Happiness is faith in yourself and your strengths, this is optimism, this is fire! Most lucky signs Zodiac: Aries, Leo and Sagittarius! However, happiness is for everyone.

For earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) these are material goods. For air (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) communication and interaction. For Aquatic (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) feelings and emotions.

Let's say Pisces will never be truly happy without new (internal) experiences (for example, creativity or self-improvement techniques) And Taurus will never be happy without their home, their own things and personal property.

What are the most successful people according to the zodiac sign? The most successful zodiac sign is somewhat similar to the richest Leo sign. After all, what is success? Success for each sign is different. Pisces will be successful away from society, where they can realize their inner potential, but Aries needs to be ahead of the rest, and even if Aries has a lower hemisphere and female planets, he will still be a leader, albeit at home!

If we consider success as social promotion, then the most successful can be called Leo (own business) and Capricorn (career ladder)

Which zodiac sign is the most violent? Scorpio is the most evil zodiac sign in astrology. He is a kind of cleaner of the Zodiac. Inside Scorpio, there is a constant transformation and restructuring going on. At a low level of development, especially with poor education, scorpions are called Tarantulas. Victims themselves are attracted to them, whom the scorpions sting, thereby forcing them to work out their karmic lesson.
Also, the fire signs Aries and Leo do not feel the emotional atmosphere of other people well and can inadvertently injure a person, while they themselves may not even notice that they hurt someone.

What is the luckiest zodiac sign according to astrologers? The luckiest signs of the zodiac are considered Gemini with their ability to appear at the right time in the right place. Geminis are easy-going, they are the first to be where they need to be, they are active and somewhat childish. In addition, Geminis are smart enough to be the first to see future trends and apply them to their advantage, not without reason on the Forbes list Geminis make up 11% of all signs.

1st place: Leo
2nd place: Taurus
3rd place: Gemini
4th place: Cancer
5th place: Libra
6th place: Capricorn
7th place: Aries
8th place: Virgo
9th place: Pisces
10th place: Sagittarius
11th place: Scorpio
12th place: Aquarius

1st place: Pisces
2nd place: Taurus
3rd place: Aries
4th place: Gemini
5th place: Capricorn
6th place: Cancer
7th place: Leo
8th place: Libra
9th place: Virgo
10th place: Aquarius
11th place: Sagittarius
12th place: Scorpio

However, judging a person only by his solar zodiac sign and saying which zodiac sign is the most dangerous is stupid. Even Natal chart NEVER show the killer this or that person or not. On the same day at the same time, a thousand children are born and not all of them subsequently cross the line of the law. No matter how difficult the aspects and positions of the planets, the connections of the houses are, they only indicate the possibility of committing a crime (for example, a person is easily excitable, nervous, poorly understands the pain of others, and the like.) However, it is much easier for a person with such a complex map to succumb to his weaknesses and to cross the line of the law, especially if the environment did not support him and did not bring up in him those qualities that he lacks. But even in the absence of support from the environment (friends / family / society), a person always has a choice, and the most difficult aspects may play out differently.

What is the most beautiful female zodiac sign, according to astrologers? Cancers are considered the most feminine sign of the zodiac. Girls in whose cards the Moon or Venus are in the sign of Cancer are very feminine. The Moon in Cancer is very kind and sweet, it gives an easy character, flirtatiousness, it is very comfortable and good with her. Venus in Cancer bestows a good sense of taste and beauty, as well as fidelity.

The Sun in Cancer is also pretty good for the fair sex. Such Cancer women are family-oriented, they are realized in it and get sincere pleasure, supporting the hearth and raising children. Cancer, along with Virgo, is the most faithful female zodiac sign.

Of course, the most passionate woman of the zodiac is Scorpio. In seething passions they have no equal! Thanks to their ruler Pluto, scorpions are very deep and sensual natures that can ignite anyone! But scorpions are passionate not only in bed, but in everything. Whatever the scorpion does, work, cleaning, or education, he does everything with a twinkle, very energetically and with passion in his eyes.

What is the weakest zodiac sign according to astrologers?

Pisces, Cancers and Scorpios have a very strong core that cannot be easily broken, many men with the sun in Pisces and, especially in Cancer, serve in the army and participate in heavy battles. This is because outwardly they are plastic and, as it were, swim over / bypass obstacles, but inside they always have their own opinion, which they do not change under the pressure of the surrounding reality.

Aries, Leo and Sagittarius are optimists, they believe in themselves and their strengths. They act a lot and always know that in order to get something, you need to do something! However, signs of fire are quite dependent on circling. They subconsciously choose for themselves the circle of people who can support them. If the surrounding reality does not support the representatives of these signs, then it will be very difficult for them.

Taurus, Capricorn and Virgo are very stubborn and endure the hardships of the surrounding reality. However, any wounds that were received will remain on the ground forever.

Gemini, Libra and Aquarius are air signs that do not excel in willpower. They take their sociability, community, trying to unite all people and hold them together. Representatives of this element can be called the weakest, in the sense that it is difficult for them to defend their point of view, and they themselves can change it five times a day.

A strange thing happens, the male elements Fire and Air are the weakest, and the female Water and Earth are strong. This is because a woman must create all the conditions for the realization of a man in the external plan, and for this she was given stability and stamina.

The most masculine signs of the zodiac are the signs of the fire element (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) and the signs of air (Gemini, Libra and Aquarius). Fire takes its faith in itself and its strength, it is active and always moving towards its goal. Air is also active and sociable, it will always find the necessary connections in the outside world and realize itself. The signs of Water and Earth are more passive, and their strategy for moving forward in life is more dependent on the circumstances. Capricorn is the most faithful male sign of the zodiac, as it does not like change and loves stability.

Consider which zodiac sign is the most stubborn? Aries are very stubborn and difficult to redirect in a different direction, unless Aries himself wants it. Aries basically hear only themselves and rely only on their own opinion, and other people's advice is ignored. The same, but to a lesser extent, relate to the sign of Leo. Sagittarians in this regard are more receptive and even able to listen to your point of view without interrupting in mid-sentence.

Taurus is also very stubborn, but in a different way. They do not actively defend their point of view, but simply stand their ground. It is very difficult to convince a calf of something, especially if you do it with the help of emotions, the calf will simply go on the defensive and your arguments will miss the target.

The most not stubborn can be called the twins, who, although they can defend their point of view, but, nevertheless, seeing that it is important for you to be right, they can calmly give up the championship and even agree with you, or at least pretend to agree.

Which of the signs of the zodiac is the most deceitful? Gemini and Pisces are considered the most deceitful. Gemini just love to get out of seemingly hopeless situations, while they often resort to outright lies. Often this happens automatically, once I already lied without even thinking, and then it’s already somehow embarrassing to tell the truth. Pisces are dreamers and often live in a world of dreams, where they can believe in their own fantasies, and therefore often, like Gemini, they can embellish events and lie here and there in order to make the story more interesting!

The most truthful signs are the signs of Fire (Aries, Leo and Sagittarius). It is not common for Fire to be trifling and look for a double bottom, fire is straightforward and inclined to say what it thinks. So don't be surprised if Aries says this dress makes you look fat.
The signs of the earth (Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn) are also not prone to lies. The Earth is generally not inclined to idle chatter that is not on the case and embellishment of its speech. Unlike the signs of Water and Air, who love to embellish their stories.

Which zodiac sign is the dumbest? According to astrologers, the most difficult thing is the sign of the earth (Taurus, and Capricorns) and the signs of Water (Cancers and Pisces). Taurus and Capricorns very slowly absorb information, and slowly solve the NEW tasks assigned to them. But on the other hand, what they remember, and those skills that they have mastered, will remain with them for the rest of their lives! They also work well with diagrams and algorithms.

Crayfish and fish are also not easy, because they are very dependent on the environment, and if the teacher puts pressure on them, then it will be hard to learn! But on the other hand, they have an amazing memory, as a rule, they learn poetry very quickly, and emotionally presented material is also easily given, and not a dry text with terms.

Although, according to astrologers, the stars do not affect the appearance of people, nevertheless, the ratings compiled in recent years indicate that according to the physique, facial features, hair and eye color, men and women can be attributed to one or another constellation, and, therefore , determine the most beautiful sign of the zodiac. And this is a rather controversial, but always relevant topic. But in the end, many opponents agree that the concept of beauty is ambiguous.

Three recognized beauties

Under the three signs of the zodiac, the largest number of lovely women are born, who are not only generously endowed with the beauty of their face and body, but also extremely charming, have inner magnetism.

Beautiful Lionesses

Already in girlhood they amaze with a proud majestic posture, royal article. Maybe some flaws can be found in their appearance, but it won’t even occur to anyone, their charisma is so strong and their ability to properly present themselves is great. And this is not surprising, because the women of this sign are patronized by the Sun itself, from here they have a special attractiveness and unsurpassed charm.

Wherever these ladies appear, they become the object of close attention. It is worth the Lioness to smile - and the enchanted men are already in her power.

Enchantress of the Libra sign

Libra is also one of the most beautiful star symbols. Women are gifted with extraordinary bodily beauty, which is in harmony with the attractiveness of the soul. Many of these enchantresses are also endowed with a sharp mind, refined taste. How can such a smart-beauty not be demanding in choosing a partner? She is looking for a worthy life partner, although she will never be the first to show her interest in attractive man, which pushes him to ingenuity in the process of courtship.

The charm of Aquarius

If there is an eternal symbol of femininity and charm, then these are undoubtedly representatives of the Aquarius sign. Following the owner of magnificent forms and a wonderful mane of hair, men turn around. And it's not just a stunning appearance: an attractive energy emanates from it. I would like to believe that this is the kindest, most faithful and reliable creature that one can only dream of. It is not for nothing that girls born under the sign of Aquarius rarely stay long in brides, they are desired wives, lovers and girlfriends.

However, Aquarius themselves, the most beautiful signs of the Zodiac, women are attractive and trusting, they usually show caution in choosing a life partner, they are in no hurry to show their sympathy.

Courageous handsome men

Representatives of the stronger sex are also not ignored by the signs of the Zodiac. And who said that men are indifferent to their own appearance? Here is the data of a kind of rating: the three most beautiful signs of the Zodiac, according to astrologers.

Taurus Magic

If the constellation is ruled by the Moon and Venus, this is a guarantee that beautiful men will be born under it. And, indeed, it is they who are most often looked at with sympathy by women who seem ideal:

  • impeccable face drawing;
  • clear lines of the mouth and eyebrows;
  • dark eyelashes;
  • sensual lips.

In addition, Taurus men are usually tall and stately. They are not threatened by loneliness either at work or on vacation.

However, there is such an oddity: despite the fact that nature has tried, creating such beauty in a male guise, many Taurus are tormented by an inferiority complex, self-doubt.

Sexy Archers

Ladies give the palm to Sagittarius precisely for their attractive appearance. Classically masculine features, large expressive eyes, brave to become. Well, why not a hero-lover? Sagittarius' iconic sexuality is literally legendary. However, in The inner life of representatives of the fire sign is completely different.. Neither beauty nor pronounced sexuality prevent them from being faithful husbands. As soon as the one and only meets on their way, all adventures remain in the past. However, the attention of women will still be flattering, and this is one of the reasons why Sagittarians are always concerned about their appearance.

Among men, Capricorn is considered the most charming. Women are captivated by his athletic physique, which indicates health and physical strength. He is laconic, but his alluring gaze speaks volumes.

Capricorn is often called handsome, although in fact main secret his success with the fair half - in calmness and prudence. The girls are captivated by the strength of his spirit - everyone would like to have such a reliable support in life. The level of trust in him is great: already when meeting Capricorn, he gives the impression of an interesting, reserved person, able to stand up for himself and others.

There are no bad signs

The first lines in the beauty ratings are wonderful. You can't argue, everyone who holds the palm is really handsome and charming. But it would be unfair to representatives of other star symbols not to talk about their merits.

Remember, for example, how men are beckoned:

  • the mysterious image of Pisces women;
  • the unpredictability of Gemini;
  • eccentricity of Sagittarius.

In each sign there is something unique, which is sometimes beyond beauty. These qualities depend on the order in which the planets lined up on each person's birthday.

And another pattern was noticed: people born under the same zodiac sign necessarily have a similarity - sometimes very noticeable, sometimes barely perceptible.

Aries and Taurus

Aries girls rarely leave a person indifferent. Do not be surprised if one of her many admirers, contrary to the already existing rating of recognized charmers, expresses her special opinion, answering the question - which zodiac sign is the most beautiful among women. For him, it will be an incomparable lady born under the sign of Aries. And no wonder: she knows how to present herself in such a way that everyone notices and remembers her. It's not just about her favorite bright, contrasting outfits.

In the guise of this amazing person, the best feminine qualities are mixed: the desire to love and be loved, will and defenselessness. This captivates the stronger sex, and even light fullness and a slight asymmetry in her appearance are perceived by others as piquant "highlights".

When they want to emphasize the softness and tenderness of a woman, they say "white and fluffy." This is primarily about Taurus. These cozy girls will never be called ugly.

They are so charming that, probably, there is no such guy who would resist the representative of this sign. Tauruses are always in good shape, they monitor their appearance constantly. No matter what happens in their lives, they are always smart, tastefully dressed, with a smile on their faces. Women born under the constellation Taurus are not beautiful, but in any society they will not be in the shadows.

There is a secret in their character: external defenselessness and vulnerability- just a good mask. These women are strong natures, they know how to fight for their happiness and well-being. But they do it quietly, without pressure and fuss.

Gemini and Cancer

Gemini girls are special creatures. They win the sympathy of the opposite sex and leave a good impression of themselves not by their appearance. They have a gift for changing so rapidly that it is difficult to keep track. Either this is a femme fatale, or a modest villager, or a broken resident of the metropolis. And each role has its own image. It is interesting that others often call them beauties, although someone may dispute this definition.

Gemini is an incredibly emotional person who infects with his optimism. She is sexy and attractive when she participates in a conversation on an interesting topic: it seems that in these moments her seductive body lives by itself, attracting the attention of surrounding men.

You will not immediately pay attention to women born under the sign of Cancer. But a man who has managed to discern and feel this lady is unlikely to make a choice in favor of a brighter person. These are surprisingly harmonious creatures, which combine endless love for households, fidelity and thrift. I want to return to her cozy home again and again.

Outwardly, this is a warm smiling person, in the spirit of his patroness - the Moon. She does not need special attention from others. But if a homely modest woman suddenly dresses up, uses light makeup, she may well claim one of the first places in the beauty rating.

Virgo and Scorpio

The representatives of this sign have features that many women clearly lack. Impeccable femininity is combined with the tough character of a modern businesswoman. You will not see such ladies crying, they never ask strangers for help. Their manners are restrained and aristocratic.

These are bright personalities, endowed with a mysterious and attractive beauty, royal posture and a magical look. For outward coldness, such a woman can be called the Snow Queen. But only those who really get close to Virgo will understand that dreaminess and romance are hidden behind a strict appearance.

It is strange that the Scorpio lady was not among the most beautiful signs of the zodiac. The girls who are patronized by this symbol have a truly unique appearance and inner magnetism. They are by nature the conqueror and mistress of men's hearts. There is no man who could resist their charms: seductive smile, independent look and sexual movements.

You will not soon forget such an intelligent, charming, conspicuous person with subtle and somewhat unusual features. They are slow and graceful, sometimes showing predatory habits. In their presence, it is useless to ask men which female zodiac sign is considered the most beautiful. The answer is clear without words.

Sagittarius and Capricorn

Women of this sign amaze with their energy and powerful positive. They are able to turn a gray routine into a multi-colored holiday, fill the space around them with unbridled joy. Sagittarians tend to ignore troubles and insults, not to take difficult situations to heart. Their optimistic mood is easily transmitted to those around them, who are happy to perceive the humorous mood of the Sagittarius woman, catch the look of her radiant eyes. Despite her very ordinary appearance, she easily fits into the ranks of the most interesting women, she never lacks admirers.

A woman belonging to the Capricorn sign is distinguished from her peers by a youthful natural appearance, a slender figure, and an easy gait. It seems that she herself knows how to manage her age, she is always so fresh and attractive. The horoscope speaks of her excellent health, as a result of which her skin looks smooth and unfading for a long time, her eyes always shine, her mood is excellent.

Many Capricorn women fundamentally do not recognize decorative cosmetics, preferring to preserve youth with natural means.

Desirable Pisces

If the rating among beautiful women was not based on the correctness of facial features, but simply on male interest, then representatives of the Pisces sign would take the first line. They are called fairy princesses, men dream of these gentle, clean, fragile creatures. The manners of Pisces are perfection itself, a languid look strikes the hearts of the stronger sex. They want to immediately protect the beautiful lady, to perform a heroic act for her sake.

Pisces easily conquer guys, without using affectation, coquetry. The secret is that women belonging to the most charming sign of the zodiac are fluent in the ancient language of gestures and views.

According to the famous beauty and talented actress Audrey Hepburn, when determining female beauty, one should not take into account:

  • face shape;
  • hairstyle;
  • figure.

In her opinion, true female beauty, which manifests itself over the years, must be seen in spiritual qualities and the ability to give your love.

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