Horoscope for Taurus woman from Vasilisa. Horoscope from Vasilisa Volodina. What will the year of the rat bring to Pisces

anti-corrosion 10.07.2020

For the zodiac sign Pisces, the owner of 2017, the Rooster, promises many interesting and joyful events. This year is the most fertile time for Pisces to realize their desires and dreams, and therefore, from the first days of the new year, it is necessary to set the highest goals for yourself and look for ways to achieve them. The stars advise Pisces to look for new talents in themselves, think about what you like in life and find a new interesting activity for yourself, which, perhaps, will very soon become the main activity and development for these people.


It promises to be a very harmonious year for representatives of the Pisces sign. They will be loved, and they will experience a whole range of feelings for a partner. That's just in search of inspiration Pisces will often start a love relationship on the side. The rooster says that in June or July these adventures may become public, which will make these individuals apologize for a long time and ask for forgiveness from a loved one. But lonely Pisces will live for their own pleasure, carefree and very fun. They will have many sexual partners with whom they will be associated only with sensual pleasures, while Pisces will avoid more serious relationships.


Pisces in 2017 will require an original approach to solving problems and non-standard thinking. It is these trump cards that will help representatives of this zodiac sign to gain an advantage over competitors and become leaders. If these individuals decide to start their own business, the first half of 2017 is just perfect for this. Don't be afraid to ask your friends and colleagues for help. They will definitely come to the rescue and provide invaluable support. In addition, the stars say that at the end of the year a person will appear in the life of Pisces, who will become their patron, a real guru and spiritual mentor.


The impracticality of the representatives of the Pisces sign will not allow these individuals to accumulate capital in 2017. These individuals will spend money on chic gifts, on beautiful purchases, as well as on their own pleasures, which will not at all contribute to the accumulation of funds. In addition, the craving of many Pisces for loans and loans can play a cruel joke with them. Ideally, their partners should be responsible for the finances of Pisces, who will be able to keep track of money and will spend it on really necessary purchases. It is quite possible that Pisces and their loved one will decide to purchase a car at the end of the year. This will be the most correct decision.


In terms of health, Pisces should monitor the standing of the spine and do gymnastics, regularly stretching the shoulder girdle, because it is there that the nerve endings can be pinched, which will affect vision problems, back pain, tingling and numbness of the extremities. It will also not be superfluous to visit a doctor who will prescribe an adequate treatment for this disease. And in terms of prevention, you should think about changing jobs, as well as swimming. In addition, Pisces should think about supporting nervous system, for which it will not be superfluous to consume foods rich in vitamin B.

Vasilisa Volodina is considered the best predictor and compiler of horoscopes for men and women.

Astrological forecast from Vasilisa Volodina for the signs of the zodiac Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Virgo, Libra

Aries are very hardy and therefore fate constantly presents endurance tests. On Aries, like a good wine with a long exposure, they become stronger and better over the years. Aries have the ability to fall in love with the wrong people, so they often suffer in marriage.

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- Taurus
Taurus sometimes do not understand what stupidity they are doing. Because of this, they often get into uncomfortable and difficult situations. Their magnetism allows them to gather a large number of people around them, but due to the previously mentioned factor, they lead people to the wrong place.

- Twins
They have super-powerful intuition, which saves in the most unpredictable moments. Geminis are very stubborn, so they are able to achieve large career positions. Especially when the work is connected with communication with people.

Take two red threads from identical spools.

Roll them up and don't wrap them too tight around your ring finger. right hand while reading the plot:

“I do not twist the threads, but I twist the fate. There were the Servant of God (name) and the Servant of God (name) separately, but they will become together. One soul, one blood, one flesh. Amen!"

Carefully remove the resulting ring from your finger and hide it under your bed.

If no external circumstances prevent the desired union with the chosen young man, your most cherished dream will soon be fulfilled. It is possible that the case will quickly reach the crown.

- Divination with two threads

- Cancer
Impulsive and cheeky Cancers can harm any modest. Weak-willed and illiterate people often fall under the influence of Cancers. In such cases, many become bosses and leaders, after which they purge their company of uneducated people. Thus, Cancers walk over heads, achieving their goal. In their life there is not such a priority or desire, but, nevertheless, it turns out that way.

Definition of magical abilities

Choose the description that best suits you and find out what hidden magical abilities you have.

Pronounced telepathy - you can read and transmit thoughts at a distance, but it takes a lot of work to achieve your goal and believe in your hidden abilities.

Remember that the absence of a mentor and control of abilities will turn good into harm and no one knows how destructive the consequences of the devilish influence can be.

All signs of clairvoyance. With certain efforts and the support of higher powers, one can develop the gift of recognizing the future and seeing the past.

If the forces are not controlled by a mentor who can help to cope with them, breaks in temporary space are possible and evil will begin to seep into our world, gradually absorbing it with dark energy.

Be careful with your gift.

By all indications - a medium. It's about about the ability to connect with spirits and even control the passage of time, but it takes years of practice and the right mentor.

If the balance of power is disturbed, then darkness will begin to absorb the remnants of goodness and strength that could serve for good, I will move into another hypostasis and darkness will reign.

By all indications - witchcraft. It is feasible for you to study and induce damage, the evil eye, you can do love spells and divination will not be an impossible task.

But everything must be used exclusively for good and done so that others do not suffer in their innocence from your superpowers, bestowed from above.

It takes at least 5 years of practice and the right mentor to develop inner strength.

Most of all you have telekinesis. With the right concentration and effort, which can be compressed into a spherical force, you will be able to move small, and over time, larger objects with the power of thought.

By choosing a mentor who has more power, you have a bright future that can be darkened by going to the dark side if there is not enough strength to keep yourself from the temptations of Satan.

You are a healer. Practical magic, conspiracies, spells and everything connected with this is not just words, but your life choice and power, which is given by the higher mind and this is not just like that, but for a sacred purpose that you will soon learn.

It will be like a vision, like a prophetic dream, which you will never be able to forget.

Remember that this power must be used only for good, otherwise darkness will swallow you up and this will be the beginning of the end.

— Virgo
Attractive and cute, modest and arrogant. Such people collect a whole bouquet negative and positive qualities, and in such a way that it all looks very attractive. They like to be alone, but do not survive parting.

- Scales
Libras love to play and this is due not only to computer or board games but also with emotions. Libra often play on other people's emotions, and also have a natural gift of persuasion. Therefore, conversations with Libra, who are plotting evil, end very badly. Your every word becomes against you after a conversation with this zodiac sign.

The horoscope for 2020 from Vasilisa Volodina makes it clear how to behave, what to fear. This year, everyone will feel the wind of change, which brings both a lot of good and some dangers. The Year of the Pig will be marked by surprises, changes, as well as bright, memorable events. The difficulties that have befallen people this year are aimed at revealing the talents and positive aspects of the human being. Pig's favorites will be creative and optimistic natures.

The horoscope for Aries is a great opportunity to learn for yourself useful information

Horoscope for men and women from a specialist

Horoscope for 2020 Aries from Vasilisa Volodina is a great opportunity to learn useful information for yourself. The horoscope from Vasilisa Volodina advises to focus on improving financial well-being, to succumb to love temptations less.

In love auspicious time for Aries women will come around the end of summer. But do not exchange for a fleeting passion. It is better to look at the opposite sex in your inner circle. Somewhere nearby there is a person with whom Aries will spend the rest of his life.

The Aries man will have to prove his superiority at work most of the year. Some representatives will even change their disgusting job for a new one with higher earnings. The most favorable month in terms of getting new income is May.

  1. Love affairs will go uphill in July. Turbulence in personal life is predicted for both single and married people, but divorces should be postponed so as not to take a rash step.
  2. Job. A serene time will come, the time will come to harvest the fruits. The year is promising for business development. For Aries, this year does not promise any setbacks. It will become possible to improve your well-being without making titanic efforts.
  3. In terms of health, you need to worry about the psycho-emotional state

Characteristics of Aries

Astrologer Vasilisa Volodina characterizes Aries men as skillful seducers and lovers. Possessing a lot of advantages, this male skillfully uses them. Mars has the main influence on Aries, endowing a person with militancy. As a rule, representatives of the strong side of this sign are athletic and fit, which attracts everyone's attention to them.

It is not easy to understand them, due to the fact that the ram is used to sweeping away all obstacles with its horns. But being under his wing is easy and comfortable, as he is truthful and devoted. In family life, such qualities are simply irreplaceable, but despite her loyalty, she always looks around, so the lady of the ram will always have to be on the alert.

Despite assertiveness and business acumen, men of this sign remain children throughout their lives.

Aries woman having a strong character, is a self-sufficient person. It can become a muse in the life of its chosen one, or it can demolish everything in its path with a merciless hurricane. The fair sex of this sign always have an attractive appearance. In love, the Aries woman is sacrificial, but only as long as she receives equal attention to her person. Being strong in working moments and life in general, she becomes helpless on a personal level.

Volodina Vasilisa Vladimirovna gives a more than optimistic forecast for 2020 for Aries. The forecast is divided into three stages.

  1. The initial phase will start in February. It is characterized by a special activity. The main occupation should be work on yourself. During this period, you do not need much thought. To show determination and perseverance is the main advice in the first stage.
  2. The first days of May will mark the arrival of the second stage. He will become the opposite of the first. The period will require great concentration. Instead of being active, you should pay attention to personal relationships. Do not forget that close people can provide all possible assistance in solving difficult problems.
  3. The final stage for people born in the sign of Aries will bring the long-awaited dynamics in work and life, and reverent peace of mind. Everything will depend only on the representatives of the sign themselves. You should beware of opponents who will turn out to be more quirky and insidious than expected.

Aries woman, having a strong character, is a self-sufficient person

Vasilisa Volodina about Aries women born in the year of the horse

Aries women, born in the year of the horse, are truly endowed with male character. In family life, she tries to create an atmosphere of equality, trying not to be in submission. Creative nature, endowed with talents. Giving preference always only to financial aspects, he does not know how to store money. Is the most natural spender. Such women strive for adventure. It may not be easy to cope with them, but you will never be bored.

Forecast for Aries

In 2020, the Sun will be in the constellation Aries. Aries have a long-term background of life actualization, which has been going on for four years, and will continue for another three years. At this stage of life, Aries is faced with the task of enduring the transformations in life, and most importantly, reforming themselves.

  1. In social terms, a period of stability begins. Approaching its completion. the formation of personality. In January, you will have to break away from business and return to unresolved conflict situations. The test is just the same, and will be the ability to take root in society.
  2. Everything is stable in business. A lot of work is expected. However, in August, salary delays are possible, and in September, a change of workplace in general.
  3. In personal relationships, Aries will become the object of increased attention from the opposite sex. By expanding the circle of communication, the emergence of new business partners is allowed. The astrologer does not advise surrendering to fleeting passions, especially Aries women, but to take a closer look at your surroundings. Nearby there is a friend who has been drying up for you for a long time. Such an alliance can end in a successful marriage.

Vasilisa Volodina, an experienced compiler of astro forecasts, believes that the signs of the zodiac, according to their spiritual power, can be divided into:

  • strong;
  • weak.

It is believed that all signs come into the world with some special mission. How stronger sign, the more obstacles and trials on his way to achieving the goal. In each of the four elements, one powerful sign is distinguished.

Aries, despite its perseverance, determination, is the weakest sign in its fiery element. He's weak because he can't handle his own emotions. They often act recklessly.

Interesting Aries Facts:

  • it is almost impossible to talk with representatives of this sign, since they often interrupt the interlocutor, this fact of behavior is more inherent in the female half, however, among men there are lovers to chat;
  • never provoke conflict situations;
  • if a conflict has occurred, then they do not know how to swear, they immediately go to fisticuffs - this is inherent in the male half;
  • according to many, Aries are aggressive, but this is not so - in family life they are very caring;
  • they don’t know how to admit their losses at all: if Aries understands that he has been bypassed somewhere, he will invent a lot of reasons that shield his loss;
  • like to please people without expecting anything in return;
  • non-standard funny situations constantly happen to them, which he then talks about, laughing at himself;
  • Aries are inherently good-natured.

Aries is the weakest sign in its fire element.

Vasilisa Volodina astro forecast for Aries

Astrodama offers to moderate the ardor in work. After all, this year will be a turning point for many people. It is during a lull for Aries that fate is preparing a meeting. Moreover, no matter how you expect this meeting, it will be very unexpected.

Astrologer advises to spend your savings wisely. Financial difficulties may arise in the near future. But you don't have to be a jerk either.

It would be nice to allocate funds for prevention and treatment. Take care of your health a little.

Forecast by zodiac signs

For 2020, Vasilisa Volodina has gratifying descriptions of the future for each of the signs of the zodiac. The astrologer promises that the year will be successful, serene, full of prosperity. Some signs are especially lucky.

  1. Aquarius, Libra, Aries, Gemini, Leo this year will radically change their personal attitude to what is happening around them. The auspicious time has come. Naturally, you will have to work hard. They will succeed in almost everything, any task will be too tough for them. The most important support will be the help and support of people close to the heart.
  2. Taurus, Cancer, Capricorn must carefully weigh all their decisions. Even regarding new acquaintances, which can be fatal. Also, the astrologer is not recommended to prevent some events, but to let them take their course and not take failures to heart. For example, cancers need to look into themselves and decide what they really want in this life. Taurus is less lazy, because Pigs do not like lazy people, and as a punishment they will throw up various difficulties in order to lift Taurus off the couch.
  3. Sagittarius, Pisces, Scorpio, Virgo will struggle for their personal well-being. It is important to remember that the Pig favors those restless signs that strive to act without stopping even after failure. The astrologer advises these signs to keep only positive thoughts in their heads.

Having shown mental abilities and showing himself in creative activity, any sign of the zodiac will be able to win over the bright Pig. The source of physical and spiritual energy this year should be harmony with oneself and the world around for a ram from Vasilisa Volodina. Positive thoughts will help dreams materialize faster and become a reality. In any situation, a person should not lose heart, but having brushed off adversity, move on and everything will work out. Good luck in all endeavors!

Of course, everyone understands that horoscopes are a very relative thing, so each person decides to believe in them or not))

But everyone is interested in what will happen tomorrow, in the near future. And the first thing that comes to mind is horoscopes. The famous astrologer Vasilisa Volodina has already prepared an interesting horoscope for 2017 for all signs of the zodiac.

Your measured life has come to an end. In 2017, Aries will be as busy as possible at work and at home. Some things will end in failure and, unfortunately, cannot be changed.

Try not to be late for work, do not get into work conflicts and do not argue with superiors. Show the quality of a leader better and then the employer will understand that you are a valuable person. Such behavior will allow Aries to find the long-awaited peace by the end of the year.

Concerning love relationship, then they will also be on the verge of collapse. Don't do frivolous things. Forgive your soulmate more often so that there is no break in relations.

Are you waiting for good luck, hoping for luck, or just dreaming of pleasant moments in your life? Then in 2017 all your expectations will come true. The Year of the Rooster promises to be significant and memorable for Taurus. Whatever you undertake, will receive a positive result. Any of your undertakings will be crowned with success. Even if minor troubles come across on the way to victory, do not pay attention to them, because they are just a husk among grains of gold.

Lonely Taurus have every chance to put a golden ring on their finger and connect their fate with a wonderful person.


Next year will shower the representatives of this sign with generous gifts. On the wings of good luck, you will be able to implement all your long-standing ideas, moreover, as easily as possible. In the summer, Gemini can receive a large monetary reward, which must be spent wisely, and not wasted on various trifles.

On the love front, of course, not everything is so smooth. You will get tired of boring relationships that are unlikely to be saved, and switch to the search for a new love. Try not to miscalculate in this matter, but to find a worthy couple for life.

To lure Cancers out of the shell of caution and timidity will make luck, which now and then will pop up in all endeavors. With the support of Fortune, these people will become more confident and understand how to act in a given situation.

Love relationships throughout the year will not crack, on the contrary, they will strengthen. Lonely Cancers should be extremely careful and not fall for “empty” compliments of the opposite sex. Accept gifts with caution and remember that free cheese can only be in a mousetrap.

Cash flows will not stop flowing into the hands of the Lions. And they, strange as it may seem, will dispose of them correctly. All purchases and spending Lions will spend wisely, thereby surround themselves with comfort and beautiful things. They will not forget about their loved ones, who at different times of the year will need their support and material assistance.

At work, there may be small disagreements with colleagues, but they can lead self-confident Lions astray. Each of them will go confidently towards their goal. Of course, such employment cannot but affect love relationships, but representatives of this sign will try to “squeeze” strength out of themselves in order to devote time also to their loved one.

In 2017, you will find a lot of troubles that can significantly undermine endurance and calmness. Virgos tend to attract negativity and create problems from scratch, so the owner of the year is unlikely to be supportive of them. To avoid such a fate, try to change the situation in better side. Be extremely careful with your health, because it can let you down, especially in winter.

Lonely Virgos should take a closer look at the people who surround them. Perhaps your destiny is somewhere very close.

The rooster will generously endow the representatives of this sign with their attention and gifts. Business Libra will feel a breath of good luck already with the advent of the new year. Any transaction will end in a positive outcome and bring you a good cash profit. You have great intuition, so try to squeeze the maximum benefit out of this ability. Relations with colleagues throughout the year will develop in the best possible way: they will cover in front of the authorities and help in a difficult situation.

If you pay attention to family life, then not everything is so smooth here. Waves of jealousy can emanate from your soulmate, which can significantly spoil a love relationship.


At the beginning of the year, Scorpios may have serious financial problems. But despite this, 2017 will go relatively smoothly. A sea of ​​positive and pleasant acquaintances await representatives of this sign throughout the entire period under review. Spend your energy in the right direction, and then any failure will be nothing to you.

Those Scorpios who have long been connected by family ties can break them. It's all the fault of a misunderstanding on the part of the second half and the explosive nature of Scorpions.


You will find a lot of exciting adventures and a mountain of positive emotions. Moreover, such a stream of surprises will last throughout the year. The decisiveness and enterprise of Sagittarius like the Rooster, so he will undertake to help you in all your endeavors.

From the opposite sex, you will now and then receive signs of attention. Single representatives of this zodiac sign will finally be able to find the perfect partner for life.


Unfortunately, Capricorns will have reasons for sadness in 2017. Minor troubles can touch you to the core and even develop into serious problems closer to autumn. Perhaps the burden of obligations that you have taken on yourself will turn out to be an unbearable burden. Use your skills wisely so as not to spoil the whole year.

Concerning family relations, then no significant changes are expected here during the entire period under consideration.


The thirst for victory will help you achieve everything you have planned. Do not be afraid to take risks, because the favor of the Rooster will accompany you everywhere. Your virtuosity, resourcefulness and ingenuity will allow you to get good dividends, so go for it.

On your life path, an interesting person may appear who will turn your head and force you to destroy long-established family relationships.

Lazy Pisces are unlikely to reach heights in 2017 if they do not take up their minds in time. If you want to receive gifts from the owner of the year, work hard. Work, study something new, meet new people. Only such a position can achieve good results.

Take care of yourself and your loved ones. They desperately need your support. Love will not leave the hearts of Pisces if they constantly support it and encourage it in every possible way.

Vasilisa Volodina, famous astrologer, TV presenter. But no one knows her real name. Some believe that her name is Oksana, others argue that Elizabeth. Maiden name - Naumova. The beloved well-known astrologer gives zodiac recommendations and the horoscope for 2020 has already been predicted for Taurus women from Vasilisa Volodina.

This year will help Taurus prioritize.

A little about personality

Fame Volodina brought passion for astrology. Graduated from the Academy of Astrology in Moscow. Although Vasilisa is an economist by education, she has never worked in this area. From the age of twenty, during her studies, she began to give private consultations for entrepreneurs. Created forecasts for business, which was especially necessary in the 90s.

Since the 2000s, Vasilisa has grown rapidly up her career. Her predictions were as accurate as possible. That is why she became very famous and recognizable not only for the Moscow elite, but also for representatives of other countries.

First, she hosted the program Starry Night with Vasilisa Volodina, and after that - the co-host of Let's Get Married on Channel One.

This TV show gave Vasilisa Volodina fame and popularity throughout the country.

She has written many materials on the subject of astrology. The most famous of them:

  • "Astrology of Seduction" (for single women, a guide on how to interest and arouse interest in a man);
  • a series of books "Love astro forecast for 2015" (a horoscope about the signs of the zodiac in an accessible form).

What surprises to expect from 2020

2020 is the year of the rats. It is distinguished by fun, positive, carefree, so this year we will not be bored. The rat is energetic and strong, always aware of everything that is happening around him due to his great curiosity. A similar situation was in 2014 - horses, according to the astrologer.

The rat is very stubborn and overwhelms the weaker ones around him. That is why others receive from him all the qualities that were listed above. Let us consider in more detail on the example of the description of the sign of the zodiac Taurus. The horoscope from Vasilisa Volodina will tell you about upcoming events and changes in the lives of people born in the year of the rat.

  1. All representatives of monotonous professions with a sedentary lifestyle will feel some discomfort this year, and energetic active people will be like fish in water.
  2. This year is favorable for business, and capital can be invested in business without fear of burnout.
  3. Also, one should not be afraid of changes this year.
  4. For university graduates, this is a very successful year, a time of independence and freedom.
  5. Those who have lost their jobs, do not worry, you will find a more promising vacancy that will become the starting point in developing you as a person and building a successful career.

The main thing is not to lose heart and not stop. After all, this year of activity and the one who has it in his blood will achieve a lot and will have time to achieve all his goals. The main thing is courage and perseverance. Don't regret what you've lost. Everything goes on.

Also in 2020, look forward to dating and pleasant communication, which will affect your career and improve your financial well-being. In spring, people will become more patient, flexible, compliant.

People born in the year of the Rat will appreciate their family, loved ones and friends even more. That is why old quarrels and grievances will be forgotten. But for love relationships, this year is not very favorable, also unsuitable for marriage, because it is a leap year. As already mentioned, the year of the rat is a time of freedom and activity. Therefore, your halves will be drawn to romance on the side, and temptations will interfere with you and shake your trust all the time. It will be easier for those who are not too jealous and do not make scandals over trifles, but keep your eyes open, do not relax.

People born in the year of the rat will appreciate their family, loved ones and friends even more.

Many are waiting for frank, serious conversations about the future fate of family relationships. Be prudent, prudent, patient, treat with understanding and attention to what your soulmate asks you to do. Everything that did not suit you during the entire period of your relationship will be revealed.

Financial situation in 2020

The financial forecast for 2020 from Volodina says that you will spend a lot of money. For spenders and shopaholics, this year is not very successful.. It is worth making a spending plan in advance and sticking to it, because you can be left without a penny.

Do not spend a lot of money on nonsense and entertainment. Buy only the most basic and necessary. And, if you want to buy some expensive thing - think in advance whether it is a big need for you today, be careful.

There will be many boasters, but you should not react sharply to such attacks. Be prudent.

Your health in 2020

In terms of moderate health, surprises, both pleasant and not so, can await you. Due to excessive activity, a certain number of rash acts can result in injuries. An increased emotional state, nervousness can lead to poor health. Advice from Volodina:

  • treat all the events taking place in your life calmly;
  • solve problems as they come;
  • don't wind yourself up.

And yet, expect pleasant surprises from 2020, positive emotions will be much more than you can afford. Concentrate on that and everything will be fine.

Predictions for Taurus

Taurus from Vasilisa Volodina will feel one hundred percent, will be in harmony with himself in 2020. This year will help you prioritize, choose the right life path, identify the main goals for the near future.

The work will open up other sources of financial benefits and you may be asked to retrain in order to confirm your professionalism again.

Taurus is advised to start a new relationship in the spring

Let's take a closer look at the life of calves in 2020.

  1. Taurus finances in 2020. Representatives of this zodiac sign, especially men, should give up gambling, all sorts of adventures. Also, do not worry about failures at work, a bad boss, or angry colleagues. Everything will calm down in the spring - it is during this period that a new source of money will come, and you will be able to perfectly replenish your well-being. In the summer you can get the opportunity to go abroad for work, on a business trip, and then your career will skyrocket. The main thing is not to miss your chance. Be vigilant, talk selfishly in some situations and do not spray yourself over trifles. If you see that the offer is really worthwhile - do not refuse, and you can transfer your other planned plans.
  2. Family relations of calves in the year of the rat. There may be misunderstandings in the relationship with your soulmate. Advice! Do not stay long at work, prioritize correctly, because there can be nothing more important than family. If you already feel some kind of overload and you need to spend more time at your workplace, then your lover or husband (wife) may begin to suspect you of deceit or even treason, arrange some kind of test of your loyalty. In order to avoid such situations, devote more time to your family and loved ones, spend time together, on field trips or on vacation in warm countries. And then your relationship will be strong and reliable.
  3. Taurus romantic relationships this year. Relatively love horoscope Taurus, the astro forecast from Vasilisa Volodina advises starting new relationships in the spring, this is a very favorable period for new acquaintances. There is a high chance that such a relationship will be very strong, long and serious. But, such luck will overtake you only if you do not argue and quarrel among yourself because of jealousy, you will find common ground and compromises. It is not recommended to start new relationships at work during this period, otherwise you will encounter violent negative emotions towards you or even envy.
  4. The state of health of the bodies. Get ready for the fact that you will have to spend a lot of energy and effort, which can adversely affect your health. Therefore, distribute your time so that you have time to rest, do not neglect your free time, weekends. Make yourself a fasting day, start eating right and regularly, go in for sports.

The horoscope for 2020 Taurus from Vasilisa encourages you to be careful with your desires and respond to everything calmly. This year will be a period of emotional and spiritual uplift, so take care of your health, do not waste your energy and money. The female half of society, in addition to all of the above, should also pay attention to their appearance: appear in public more often, visit beauty salons and not neglect cosmetic procedures - this way you will ensure yourself not only an unsurpassed appearance, but also a great mood.

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