What to do with the gypsies? What do they do with rapists in prison? What is the attitude towards rapists in the zone? Marriage and sex life

Interior elements 09.11.2020

For several days I have been observing a nationalist bacchanalia around a gypsy settlement in Plekhanovo, Tula region. How else can you call it, if crowds of people together, in unison, shout on the Internet: “Tear down their houses! Drive the gypsies out of the country! Beat them with clubs!”

Gypsies (it’s more correct to write this way), of course, are a very special people. They are not used to telling the truth. Either they don’t know how at all, or they consider everyone around to be fools who are easy to deceive. They really know how to speak, in the sense they know the basics of linguistic programming. But in gypsy magic I do not believe.

But the most humane in this story, by the way, was the governor of the Tula region, Vladimir Gruzdev (now transferred to another important job - "closer to home"). Despite the fact that the gypsies built houses illegally, and he knew it, Gruzdev said that “there are children there” (which is true, including infants), and that “it is inhumane to demolish them.”

But look how they all lie. You are wondering.

Nadezhda Demeter, head of the Federal National-Cultural Autonomy of Russian Gypsies, by the way.

“They were brought. For 10 years they have been demolishing the houses (?!) in which they live, instead of helping them legitimize these houses, legitimize the gas supplied, so that they live like people, pay for gas and everything would be as it should be. Since 2005, Roma houses have been demolished one by one without any compensation, because they do not have documents for the land, and the gas is turned off. How long will it last? What do they need to drive out into the forests? People couldn't resist. It had to be brought to this state.”

Governor Gruzdev, let me remind you, said that let them live, there are children. He is generally a good man. Not like some screamers. He is not a bulldozer man, who was under Luzhkov and demolished dachas. We will not mention him in vain, although why not remember Mr. Mitvol. Gruzdev is really good. Honest. And decent. Kind. Probably even too much.

Representatives of the diaspora said that the camp had been living in the village since the 1960s, but could not come to an agreement with the authorities so that they would be supplied with gas. They sort of filled out all the documents, but then the papers suddenly turned out to be invalid (some kind of miracle!). At that time, they "purchased all the equipment for connecting to the gas pipeline and prepared a project, but the authorities did not accept it." According to them, all the gypsies need is to be connected to the gas, and that they pay for it "like all people." But they don't know how to do that. Why lie?

Representatives of JSC "Gazprom gas distribution Tula", of course, denied the accusations of the gypsies: according to them, "any applicant who wants to receive a service receives it." But there were no announcements. There were illegal cuts. Incidentally, dozens of tie-ins. The good man Gruzdev again attributed the costs to the dropped pressure in the pipes. He understood everything, but did not deprive the gypsies of gas. Winter, kids...

I liked the passage of the Tula News Service. They allegedly threatened to break the camera, but they said: “The men, pushing the cameraman and the camera, warned: run, the women with shovels will come, they are inadequate.”

And again, the gypsies are lying, as you can see, women with shovels will beat up the film crew. The national color is evident.

And the conflict began with the fact that during one of the tie-ins, a pipe was damaged. Groundwater got into it, and 378 houses were left without gas. Then the gasmen arrived. The gypsies were afraid that they would be left without gas in the winter and began to burn tires, throw stones, in general, they defended themselves as best they could. OMON dispersed them. And wrinkled a little. There is now a new governor in the Tula region. He does not stand on ceremony with violators.

Of course, the camp lives according to its own laws (national flavor). They put at home. They don't make out. But gas, water and light flow at the expense of the state. Property taxes are not for gypsies either. Are you out of your mind, what taxes?!

How does a gypsy live? (No, I'm not talking about the drug trade). In addition to farming. Chickens, turkeys, other animals. In the morning, women (the ones with shovels) go to work. The men at home are waiting for what they will bring. A good wife always comes with booty. The bad ones can be beaten. Drugs. Trade in stolen goods is in the order of things. But you understand, people, this is such a freedom-loving people.

Have you watched Emir Kusturica's "Black Cat, White Cat"?! Somehow they live.

Not so long ago there was an ugly episode in the Pyaterochka grocery store, where gypsy children used to carry ice cream and sweets. And of course, they quarreled with the guard, accusing him of beating children. He only exclaimed: “For what?!” Because he is also a good and humane man. And he could really slap the kids on the back of the head.

The choice is worth it. Some countries even evict Roma. They don't tolerate. They know everything about this people for a long time. For example, the French are deporting Roma to Romania. What to do with them in Russia is unknown. It is clear that they will not change. It is only the artists of the Romen Theater who make them a positive image. The bulk of Russians have long understood the gypsies and hate them fiercely.

But let's be human. There was such a stupid slogan "Russia is a generous soul." Can we be generous? Let's let the gypsies live as they used to - freely. I don't know, is this generosity or stupidity? After all, conflicts between gypsies and local residents occur regularly. Offhand - Sagra, Sverdlovsk region (2011), Krotovka, Samara Region(2012), Chudovo, Novgorod region (2013), Kurgan, the conflict stretched as far as 2011-2014. And everywhere with fights, firearms and the use of knives.

So maybe Romania? Or is Russia a "generous soul"?


There were also gypsies in Kholodnogorsk. man fifteen from different camps. Two old men of them once sang in the gypsy choir of the famous restaurant "Yar".

Kholodnogorsk gypsies told me a lot about what and why their fellow tribesmen were arrested in the USSR; They also talked about their investigative "cases". In most cases, these were politically humorous "crimes" and in the stories about them, facts were mixed and intertwined with gypsy prison folklore ...

– Look! Why is this gypsy tearing his hair out?

- And he's in a hurry to go bald. He is afraid that the Soviet authorities will not take away the last hair from him.

Such a comic saying was composed by the Russian people about the gypsies in the Soviet Union.

And here is another saying:

"The camp of the gypsy was liquidated, his horses were collectivized, the guitar was nationalized, and the skin was isolated in prison."

About such folk art I got into a conversation with the leader of a gypsy camp who was sitting in Kholodnogorsk.

Are these sayings about you correct? I asked him.

He grinned and replied:

They are correct, but not quite.

- Why?

- The Soviet government did not take everything away from us.

What did she leave you?

- Three letters.

- What letters?

- From the Russian alphabet . S, O and V. This is now a gypsy brand. Kind of like a horse. Only they put him on the skin for horses, and for gypsies for investigative cases ...

Gypsies for the Soviet government are dangerous people. They wander, do not recognize state borders and do not want to go to collective farms. Therefore, the Bolsheviks organized the complete liquidation of the gypsy camps. Gypsies are arrested and sent to concentration camps without trial, and on the folders with their very short investigative files they write: "S.V." or "S.O." - initial letters of words: sociallydangerous and socialharmful. Sometimes gypsies are imprisoned for specific, albeit very outlandish, crimes.

Every year there are fewer gypsies in the Soviet Union. They are dying in prisons and concentration camps, guiltlessly guilty before communism.

“We are the last people for the Bolsheviks,” the Kholodnogorsk gypsies told me.

And in their new songs, which I heard in Kholodnogorsk, there was hopelessness and doom:

From a young age I've been in prison

And I have no way out ... "

... In the last camp

The last gypsy

She sings her last song...

Gypsy Kiril roamed the North Caucasus, dodging the persecution of the Soviet authorities in every possible way. Finally, the power groped him. Representatives for the subscription to the "Industrialization Loan" appeared in the camp and began to agitate:

- Gypsy comrades! Let's do our duty! All as one, let's subscribe to the loan! 300 rubles each.

- What kind of loan? Kirila asks.

The commissioners explained to him. He listened, and then he struck the tops of his boots with his palms and shouted to the whole camp:

- And what kind of state is this beggar! Even a poor gypsy has a lot of money to borrow!

The gypsies refused to subscribe to the loan. On the same evening, the entire camp was arrested, and subsequently sent to concentration camps. Kirila, as the instigator of the "anti-loan riot", was shot.

Two gypsies stole horses at state farm No. 25 near Pyatigorsk at night. The judge who heard their case issued the following verdict:

“The defendants Stepan Glotov and Yakov Chaly, taking the horses out of the stables of the state farm at night, scattered the harness and forgot to take the bridles with them. Therefore, they were found guilty of mismanagement and negligence ...”

The leader of the camp, Nikita Tsygankov, was summoned to the NKVD department with the specific purpose of putting him in jail. But Tsygankov did not want to sit there. Therefore, he consulted with experienced people and they taught him how to answer the questions of the NKVD.

A gypsy came to the NKVD department. One of the investigators asks him:

- Who is your father?

Tsygankov gnashes his teeth in anger at the Soviet regime, but answers, as if by writing:

“Our dear leader and teacher, Comrade Stalin.

- And who is your mother?

- Our beloved Soviet power.

– Who would you like to be?

- An orphan! - the gypsies could not stand it ... He did not return to the camp.

In the spring of hungry 1932, in the village of Shelkovskaya in the Kizlyar district, a poor gypsy woman stole several baked potatoes from a collective farmer. She pulled them out of the oven hot and slipped them into the bosom of her 8-year-old son. The collective farmer noticed the theft and raised a cry.

Neighbors came running and took the gypsy, along with her son, to the police station, which was nearby. There, the police officer on duty began interrogating them, but to no avail. The detainees do not answer his questions. Above the policeman's head hangs a large portrait of the "father of nations" with a mustache and a pipe. The little gypsy looks at him frightened and grabs his bosom with both hands.

Hot potatoes bake his chest. The boy cries and says:

- Oh, mommy, horny ... horny. The gypsy woman looks sideways at the portrait, then at the policeman with fear, and quickly mutters to her son:

- But I told you that run to the shatyryl Yes, put it on the tarilo And there will be no horn ...

Listening to their conversation, the policeman shouted:

– Aha! Are you spreading counter-revolution here? Well, this will work out for you...

A short time later, in the Kizlyar department of the NKVD, the gypsy and her son were interrogated "with prejudice." In the indictment in their "case" it was written:

“The defendants, standing in front of the portrait of Comrade Stalin, conducted anti-Soviet agitation against him and made counter-revolutionary allusions to his brilliant historical personality, that is, they loudly repeated: “Stupid snout ... stupid snout ...”

In vain did the gypsy woman swear that neither she nor her son even thought of insulting Stalin, and the word gobbler in the local gypsy dialect means hot ...

Two weeks later, she died during interrogation "from a broken heart," and her son was sent to a colony for homeless children.

In the editorial office of the Pyatigorsk newspaper "Terek" a gypsy girl Lisa Bezrodnaya worked. She wrote city chronicles and poems from gypsy life. The poems were good, but they were not suitable for the newspaper. The editor called them ideologically inconsistent and inconsistent with the era, and therefore threw them into the trash.

One day he said to Lisa:

- Comrade Bezrodnaya! You must reforge. Leave your gypsyism and go as a special correspondent to the collective farms.

“But I have never been to collective farms and I don’t know agriculture. And I don’t know how to write on collective farm topics, ”the girl objected.

- Learn on the job. And in general, I ask you to turn your face to the village, the editor demanded.

Bezrodnaya went to the collective farms, deciding to prove to the editor that she knew nothing about agriculture. In her first letter from the collective farm, she sent the following verses to the editors of Terek:

The entire editorial staff laughed at these verses, but the editor did not like them. For three days he frowned and got angry, and a few days later Lisa was summoned to the city department of the GPU.

Shortly after this, the editors learned that Bezrodnaya had been sentenced to five years in prison "for a mocking anti-Soviet attack on the side of the party's press organ." However, her comic poems about the collective farm became widely known, first in the North Caucasus, and then throughout the country. They were even recorded on a gramophone record, adding to them an "ideologically sustained" propaganda octagonal verse.

In 1936, the Soviet film "The Last Camp" appeared on the screens of the country. It was filmed on the gypsy collective farm "Trud Romen", Mineralnye Vody region (in the North Caucasus). main role performed by the famous artist of the Moscow theater "Romen" Lyalya Chernaya.

The film showed how gypsies leave their camps, voluntarily join collective farms and work there post-Akhanov. But in reality it was different. Two years before the shooting of the film, several camps were forcibly driven into the Mineralnye Vody collective farm and, under the threat of concentration camps, they tried to force them to work. The freedom-loving nomads who had never been engaged in agriculture worked poorly. There were frequent cases of sabotage on the collective farm.

I happened to visit the fields of the Trud Romen collective farm in the spring of 1937. Arriving there as a special correspondent for the regional newspaper, I was very surprised that in the midst of spring sowing, the collective farmers did not work. Gypsies with whips in their hands ran through the fields, shouting and cursing.

- What's the matter? Why don't you sow? I asked the chairman of the collective farm.

He waved his hand hopelessly.

- The third day the first brigade changes horses from the second. Potsypsy. What kind of gypsies are collective farmers if they have never plowed or sowed?

When the war with the Germans began, the regional department of the NKVD, on orders from Moscow, liquidated the Trud Romen collective farm, and sent all the gypsies who were in it to the northern concentration camps.

One of the singers of the gypsy choir of the restaurant "Yar", who was sitting in Kholodnogorsk, composed a song that he called "Gypsy Prison". It was often sung by Kholodnogorsk gypsies with tears in their eyes.

Here is that song:

Every day squat dancing

How hard it is for us and how it hurts,

With a five-yard log.

How high is the prison fence.

In a human trap

We envy the beast

Gypsy prisoners

In the Bolshevik yes in paradise ...

"Sokolovsky choir at "Yar"

Was whenthat's famous...

And now the gypsy guitar

It won't ring for us.

Our Yarovski Gypsies

Scattered all over the country

So that in the concentration camp fog

Reminisce about old times

Behind the iron bars

Curse your fate

Between a bullet and a whip

In Bolshevik yes in paradise.

After "Yar", after the chorus

Our leader did not live long:

On interrogation very soon

Got a broken heart.

Far away is our dancer Yasha.

He is in a concentration camp

Dashing guitarist Danilo

He went to the collective farm as a shepherd;

About the life of the gypsies post-Soviet space We most often judge by films and examples from life. In the first case, this is the story of Budulay performed by Mihai Volontir, or "camping passions" of the Carmelita series. Songs, music, incendiary dances and fatal love - touching the mysterious, unfamiliar white man the world. The reality, alas, is much more prosaic. This autumn, the criminal investigation department again captures the traditional surge of crimes with a characteristic "gypsy style." Begging and theft, fraud and even murder - these are the reasons why the media have recently mentioned gypsies (the mass murders of old women in the Drogichinsky district have not yet been forgotten, and the Supreme Court of Belarus left the sentence of the criminals unchanged). The latter, in turn, blame the society that has turned against them for everything. What will help instruct the "horse thieves" of the 21st century to be true: a stick or a carrot?

Theft with minimal risk

At about 10 am, four women dropped in on a pensioner from the village of Mochul, Stolin District, introducing themselves as social workers. The 79-year-old lonely old woman gladly let attentive guests into the house. Two of them went with the hostess into the room, closed the door and talked with her for about fifteen minutes about her health, life, life. At parting, they promised to look after the pensioner. Pleased with such attention from the state, the old woman happily escorted the ladies to the doorstep, repeatedly inviting them to visit. She took back her words only when she returned to the kitchen, where she saw a black cloth ribbon on the floor near the stove, with which she wrapped her savings for old age - under the pillow on the stove, her grandmother kept one and a half thousand euros, 400 dollars and six million rubles.

According to encyclopedias, in gypsy culture, the cult of age is expressed not just by respect for the elderly, but by respect for those who are older in general. The opinion of older people is perceived as authoritative, except in special cases (for example, if a person is considered narrow-minded). It is considered a terrible crime to raise a hand against an old person, even if he is physically strong. Reference to the opinion of an elderly person is one of the most powerful arguments in any dispute. Obviously, this applies only to "their" old people.

According to the criminal investigation department of the Brest regional police department, this year the Roma have committed more than 30 similar crimes. Posing as social security workers, doctors, gas workers, insurance agents and other representatives of government agencies, the gypsies, carefully disguised with wigs, large sunglasses and makeup, come to the homes of the elderly. The elderly are defenseless, gullible, many have problems with vision, hearing and memory. Such victims not only have difficulty describing thieves. Many generally do not immediately discover the loss, and if after a month or two they notice the disappearance, they sin on their own absent-mindedness. So in reality, there are several times more "gypsy thefts" than official statistics say.

In the Brest region, gypsy criminals have become more active in the Kobrin, Pruzhany and Kamenets regions. Behind them are both thefts and robberies with robberies. Still fresh in my memory is a series of murders of elderly women in the Drogichinsky district, whom two gypsies strangled, after which they robbed their homes. As a rule, gypsies do not steal where they live. In the Brest region, for example, "strays" from the Gomel region operate, Brest go to the Grodno and Gomel regions. The handwriting is the same everywhere. They drive up to the village in a pre-hired car with a driver, an illegal cab driver, popularly called a "bombilla", choose huts with elderly owners on the outskirts of the village and "go to battle." Often, as already mentioned, they pretend to be civil servants, or secretly enter the house while the owners are away. That is why spring-autumn, when residents work all day in gardens - best time for theft...

Why did people who have an ancient, rather interesting culture, living in our country as whole diasporas, choose this way of earning money? Only they themselves and those who live with the gypsies on the same land can answer.

Between home and prison

In the Brest region, the majority of Roma live in David-Haradok, Stolin district. In the region where they live, gypsies, as a rule, do not operate, but often their names come up in crimes recorded by the police in neighboring regions.

In order to stop this crime, we probably need a whole department that would deal only with gypsies, - says Vladimir Golovach, chairman of the David-Gorodok city council. - Alas, it's not that the department - ordinary police officers are not enough. There are 345 gypsies living in our city today. Many begin to engage in theft from an early age. Here also judge, what criminogenic situation. Yes, we put gypsies under special control, we have lists of families, but it is impossible to keep track of everyone.

In order to seriously deal with the Gypsy issue, one must at least be imbued with their life and customs. And not by what is written in "scientific books", but by reality. For example, theft and begging are mostly done not by men, but by women. Traditionally, among local gypsies, the main function of a man is "child production". The breadwinner in the family should be a woman. Even if a gypsy committed a crime, his wife should go to jail for him, taking the blame on herself. Recently, stereotypes are beginning to break down, but degenerated centuries-old traditions leave their mark on the current state of affairs. It is really not easy for semi-literate large families, which a woman has to feed, to survive on a vegetable garden or on a local collective farm with a rather low salary. This year, however, in the summer of private farmers, perhaps for the first time in history in David-Gorodok, more than forty gypsies went to work. However, alas, the figure is not so significant. There are gypsy families living a normal life, but they are few and far between.

Of those gypsies who turned to us, not one has yet taken the job offered to her, - says the head of the Stolin employment center, Sergei Shilo. - They come to us to receive targeted social assistance, and mostly women. The men never turned up at all. We force one of them to work under Decree No. 18 from Davyd-Haradok.

Gypsies have not really worked for us since the settlement, - says Vitaly Savitsky, acting head of the David-Gorod city police department. - 20-30 years ago they were engaged in speculation. Then, when it became unprofitable to resell vodka, they sold drugs from Ukraine. Now they just steal, but in their free time they mostly drink and go for walks. According to the principle, he stole - he drank - he went to jail. Although in recent years the punishment has become more lenient. They are condemned, but they are not imprisoned in prisons, which are already overcrowded. Here is an example. In one of the villages, two gypsies lured four million rubles from an old woman. We found them, forced them to return the money. One was detained. And what do you think? A week or two later, the remaining gypsy from the same grandmother again lured the already returned money! As a result, neither one nor the other is in prison.

In addition, despite their peculiar national characteristics, they remain citizens of Belarus, with all rights and social benefits. This does not force them to work. So most gypsies, although they live with their husbands, are not officially scheduled. They will play a gypsy wedding - that's all. At the same time, most of these families have many children, therefore, according to our laws, formally they are single mothers who are entitled to all state subsidies. First of all, a loan for housing, with almost 100% repayment. Such, here, is a solid platform for parasitism.

Past the school yard

If you cannot force the gypsies to work, if you cannot put all criminals in prison, is there a solution to the problem at all?

Everything comes from family and education, - continues Vladimir Golovach. - The child, of course, adopts the lifestyle of the parents. It is necessary to somehow break the vicious circle, but not take the child away from his parents because they do not force him to go to school!

According to local residents, gypsies do learn with reluctance. But, what is most interesting, the state does not seem to care much about this.

If a Belarusian schoolboy does not go to school, a big fuss is raised, - Nikolai Berezovsky is indignant in the presence of the mayor, honorable Sir David-Haradka, - parents are called to school, they are scolded, threatened with legislation. All this can reach up to the district. And from a gypsy, it seems like there is nothing to take! As a result, if he graduated from four classes, he is already considered an academician.

Gypsy parents are also called to school, - says Vladimir Golovach, - they nod their heads, promise to send their children to study, but that's where it ends.

As a result, even if they want to work, adult illiterate Roma have no prospects. Today, even on a farm without education, it is quite difficult to get a job. As a result, when life forces you, of all the sciences, you have to comprehend the thieves' one.

Can't steal?

And yet I wanted to hear about the problem first hand. We decided to go through the gypsy huts of David-Gorodok together with the senior district inspector Vladimir Tukin. Vladimir has been working on the ground for a long time, he knows the fate of each ward. We go to visit the gypsy Matvey Fedorovich,

whose son is now in prison.

Matvey's hut stands in a small courtyard, nearby, a horse grazes by the shed. Behind the apple tree is a small garden. In a word, there is a small economy. To the question: why do people have a stereotype of a gypsy thief, and is it possible to live without theft, Matvey laughs.

How to live here! Not enough for food. When there are 5-6 children in a family, how to feed them? What prices!

Go to work, for example.

Where to work there! On a collective farm you can get no more than 50 thousand a month. There are no other jobs. You can’t feed yourself on a garden alone either, so you have to steal. In general, I’ll tell you honestly: if a gypsy doesn’t steal, he’s not a man!

Trust me people!

We look into another house. This is a small hut, inside which two guys and three women have lunch. They are dressed more or less decently, but the situation in the hut is more than poor. When asked about the stereotype, a woman who introduced herself as Efrosinya Nesterova answered.

Not all gypsies are like that. There are many literate gypsies with a rich inner world. For example, I spent my whole life in Orthodox monasteries and even wrote a spiritual book about the life of Jesus Christ. Now your colleague from Brest is processing it. Just thieving people from our tribe cast a shadow over the entire nation. But there are many decent, deeply religious people among us. How can you stigmatize all gypsies? My grandfather, for example, Vladimir Yanovsky, twice a hero Soviet Union. Fought with the Nazis. Will we also attribute him to the criminals?

Indeed, - the district police officer explained a little later, - Efrosinya speaks sincerely, and if all the gypsies were like her, there would be no problems with them. True, her son has already been convicted.

And the neighbors of Efrosinya, the Voloshin brothers, complained that, having rights, they could not get a job as taxi drivers. They say they would drive a car, but they do not take them precisely on a national basis. Difficulties arise with the driver's commission. The certificate is not issued, according to the brothers, because they did not serve in the army. An honorable duty to the Motherland is indeed not given by many young gypsies who legally register an early marriage and have children under three years old. However, as the district police officer says, the Voloshins have already been seen in thefts. Or maybe believe them, give them the opportunity to work as taxi drivers?

Another David-Gorodskaya gypsy asks for trust - Nadezhda Malinovskaya. She is truly a single mother of many children. The house in which she lives with her children can hardly be called even a falling apart hut.

The floor was rotten to such an extent that it had holes in the underground. The roof has failed - huge holes gape in it, and the dilapidated walls seem to be about to collapse and the family will simply die under the rubble of their own home.

The woman is in the employment center, but there is no work yet. In the summer I worked part-time on a farm, but this money is not even enough to live on. Children do not study at school - it is simply a shame to send them to school, because today even studying at school requires funds, ranging from school uniform, ending with contributions to the renovation of the class.

Here, of course, there is a problem, - says Vladimir Golovach. - Even large family in the city, a loan is issued only for the value of the house, which is evaluated by the BTI. In fact, only at home. But a person sells it, of course, taking into account the garden, outbuildings, so market price housing is much higher. Exit - move to the village. There, the entire yard will be included in the loan amount.

The only question is, will there be work in the countryside?

Understand and... Help

On September 17, Tatyana Vishnevskaya, a gypsy who had served time for drug trafficking, returned to David-Gorodok from the colony. During this time, her debt to the state for custody of three children amounted to about 20 million rubles. She has already tried three times to get a job, but was rejected three times. Tatyana herself says that she dreams of returning to a normal life. She no longer wants to go to prison and understands that the gypsy life is over. To live - you need to work and teach children. So far, alas, it is still on the sidelines.

On the sidelines there are more than three hundred gypsies of David-Haradok and hundreds of representatives of this people throughout the republic. Perhaps it is worth taking a closer look at them, and for those who really want to get out of the social bottom, lend a helping hand. Then, perhaps, many of them will take their rightful place in our society.

photo by Valery KING (

My answer is no. But with those very classic gypsies - yes, no way. There are normal, civilized ones, in a small amount - it is probably possible with them, but I have not tried it, but I have tried only with those first ones.
Actually, the post was inspired by the recent story of one of the LiveJournal friends and yesterday's picture for the move. And I had the experience of close communication a few years ago and, maybe someone remembers, I already mentioned it.
It happened to me to drag my bike across the same ill-fated railway bridge with an eternally idle elevator in Bogolyubovo. It was hard to drag high and hard, so I walked slowly and somewhere in the middle a crowd of gypsies overtook me (they are often found there). Naturally, they pestered me, began to ask for "help" in any way I could. And I was on a bike, I couldn’t do anything anyway: I rarely take something valuable with me, except maybe 100 rubles just in case and a camera, but at that time even this was not there for some reason, only an old phone. I stand - stuck around.

I usually even I don't enter into conversation with them, which I strongly advise you to do. Yes, it's not polite, but it will be better, believe me - they fall behind faster. The fact that some of the gypsies really know hypnosis should not be forgotten. But I don’t succumb to hypnosis in principle, neither gypsy nor any, so I decided to conduct a small experiment.
It began with the fact that I honestly said that I had nothing with me. They did not believe me, they offered to tell fortunes - I agreed (three times ha - should I guess?! :)). After a good half a minute, an evil eye was discovered in me, which needed to be removed immediately! I nodded again, saying, go ahead, but remember, I still have no money. The gypsy promised to film everything out of the kindness of her heart, because she liked me :) And the show began with waving hands and tapping me from all sides (they were looking for pockets, I think). The evil eye was removed from me, but I also ride a bicycle, which means that something has settled on it too! They began to remove the evil eye from the iron horse :) We checked the bicycle bag, found a mini-first aid kit and wet wipes in it (a couple of pieces remained there), were upset - I really had nothing. They asked (even demanded) a phone, but I strictly said that shish them, and not a phone - fortune-telling and removal of the evil eye were promised for free in general. They crumpled and asked to give at least napkins :)) I already hesitated to stand and gave it away, then shoved all of them and dragged on at an accelerated pace.

Tellingly, not one of the many people passing by stopped and tried to find out if I was in trouble. This is sad and wrong. I would stop if I saw someone being treated by gypsies.

But in general, you don’t need to talk to the gypsies, just silently move on! Do not allow yourself to be touched (especially to open parts of the body!) And to your things! If there are a lot of them and they still come up and have nowhere to go, then do not let us stand in an area where you cannot see them! Do not give them anything, not a penny, not a little thing - they will know that you have taken the bait and will start to crush! Do not be rude - you can not provoke aggression! And don't hesitate to call for help if you feel like you're out of control!
What I did should not be repeated. I can, you can't.

Gypsies use special hypnotic methods of influencing the psyche of people. Researchers attribute this phenomenon to the oldest methods of manipulation.

The main secret of the success of "gypsy hypnosis" lies in the continuous flow of speech, the main purpose of which is to overload the consciousness of the object.

Under the influence of this kind of processing, a person loses the ability to think sensibly and analyze the situation. In this state, he is more easily susceptible to suggestion and outside influence.

Every manipulator knows: it is much easier to control a person if he considers himself an unworthy nonentity, and you - an honest and noble sage.
Fritz Morgen

Gypsy manipulation strategy

Contact setting

In order to use traditional hypnosis techniques, gypsies need to establish trusting contact with the interlocutor. Endear stranger- this is not an easy task, but the masters of manipulation cope with it perfectly well.

In order to inspire confidence, gypsies, as a rule, "mirror" the interlocutor: they completely repeat all his gestures, movements, facial expressions, speech timbre, and even reproduce a special breathing rhythm.

In addition, the hypnotist can use such forms of influence as: fright, exposure to a sharp sound, a sudden change in body position, etc. Of course, an important factor that allows gypsies to take control of a person’s consciousness for some time.

Establishing a trusting contact allows gypsies to influence a person on a subconscious level. Experienced hypnotists are very careful, they try not to put pressure on the interlocutor openly, thereby showing that they are not going to impose their will on others (although, in fact, this is the main goal).

Gypsies are one of the largest ethnic minorities in Europe, a layer of the ethnic population of common Indian origin.

Attention retention

It is believed that more than half of the people who have become victims of gypsy hypnosis are themselves to blame for this. Fraudsters skillfully manipulate a person's desire to get something without providing anything in return.

Having found a weak point (selfish interest) in the "armor" of a person, the hypnotist begins to do his job.

After it was possible to enter the object into a special state, the manipulator gives a certain command.

True professionals in their field know that key phrases will be better perceived by a person if they are pronounced at a moment when a person is experiencing strong feelings (laughs, cries, etc.).

Mind manipulation

In a person under the influence of a hypnotist, the left hemisphere, which is responsible for analytical operations, is almost completely turned off, and only the right one works.

Gypsies can accurately determine the features of a person’s internal perception, so it is easy for them to calculate further tactics for working with an object.

The main goal of gypsy manipulators- divert the attention of a person and narrow the field of his perception to a minimum. Thus, only a certain area of ​​the brain is affected, which begins to control other areas.

Gypsies can accurately determine whether hypnosis has worked or not by the following signs:

  • Blurred look.
    Dilated pupils.
    Slow movement and breathing.
    A person's face may turn very red or, conversely, turn pale.
    The facial expression of a person is changing.

    Individual reactions may appear in people, so the symptoms of falling into a trance may be different (rapid heartbeat, blinking, trembling of the limbs, etc.).

    As soon as the gypsies notice that a person’s consciousness is clouded and that’s all external signs indicate that the will of the object of influence is completely suppressed, the manipulators begin to insert special code words and expressions into speech.

    As a result, a person’s behavior ceases to be adequate, he may begin to perceive the fraudster as a relative and voluntarily give up all valuable things.

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