Honorary citizens of the Satka region. Honorary citizens of the Satka region Korostylev magnesite

Equipment and tools 14.11.2020
Equipment and tools

President of Magnezit Group

Korostelev Sergey Pavlovich

Head of the Magnezit Group since 1995.

Graduated from the Institute of Special Pedagogy and Psychology, St. Petersburg.

Personally oversees social and charitable programs of the Group, including being the head of federal project" A strong family» and Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Foundation for the Support and Preservation of Cultural Initiatives "Assembly".

Born in 1964.

Chairman of the Board of Directors of Magnezit Group

Dunaev Vladimir Valerievich

Since March 2005 - Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Magnezit Group.

Previously, in the period from 1996 to 2002, he worked as a member of the Board of Directors of OAO Magnezit Combine. From 2002 to 2005 - Chairman of the Investment Committee of the Magnezit Group. Graduated from the Plekhanov Russian Academy of Economics (1998).

  • introduction of the certification institute: certification of the management system (including environmental), product quality, industrial safety and labor protection management (ISO 9001-2000, ISO 9000 series: GOST R 9001:2001, ISO 9001-2000, TUV, ISO 14000:1996 , OHSAS 18000:1999);
  • social partnership policy: cooperation with regional and local administrations in the implementation of social programs.

He was awarded the Honorary Diploma of the Governor of the Chelyabinsk Region, has the title of Honorary Metallurgist. He is an honorary citizen of the city of Satka (Chelyabinsk region).

Born in 1965

CEO of Magnezit Group

Odegov Sergey Yurievich

He has been the CEO of the Magnezit Group since 2005.

From 2001 to 2005 S.Yu. Odegov headed the representative office of Dalmond Trading International Limited in Moscow, responsible for the international development of the Group and the development of the sales network.

Since 1989, S.Yu. Odegov has held a number of positions at the Magnezit Combine. Graduated from the Magnitogorsk Mining and Metallurgical Institute. G. I. Nosov, studied at the Moscow Institute of Economics and Management in Industry, Chelyabinsk state university.

Has an MBA degree. Born in 1968

Commercial Director of Magnezit Group

Taratukhin Grigory Vladimirovich

He has been the Commercial Director of the Magnezit Group since 2005.

In the period from 1994 to 2004, he managed the representative office of the Group in Ukraine, worked at the Kryvorizhstal KMMC.

Graduated from the Dnepropetrovsk Metallurgical Academy. Born in 1964

Chief Financial Officer of Magnezit Group

Nenashev Evgeny Nikolaevich

He has been the Chief Financial Officer of the Magnezit Group since 2007.

In the period from 1998, he held a number of positions at the Magnezit Combine, including from 2003 he was the Deputy General Director of the plant for finance and economics.

He graduated from the Chelyabinsk Polytechnic Institute, and also studied at the Academy of National Economy under the Government of the Russian Federation, Chelyabinsk State University and Moscow State University.

Candidate of Economic Sciences. Has an MBA degree. Born in 1965

Development Director of Magnezit Group

Borzov Dmitry Nikolaevich

Graduated from the St. Petersburg State Technological Institute. Candidate of Technical Sciences.

1998 - 1999 - Head of the representative office of the Magnezit Combine in St. Petersburg.

2000 - 2005 was researcher Technical University Freiberg Mining Academy TU Bergakademie Freiberg.

2005 - 2010 - Head of the subsidiary of the Magnezit Group in Germany Dalmond Feuerfest Sieburg GmbH & Co. KG

From 2010 to 2017 served as Managing Director of Magnezit Group Europe GmbH in Germany.

Since December 2017, he has been the Development Director of the Magnezit Group.

Born in 1972.

Head of Legal Department of Magnezit Group

Tokarev Artem Vladimirovich

He heads the Legal Support Department of Magnezit Group, has held senior positions in business structures as part of Magnezit Group since 2000.

Since 2004 he has been responsible for legal support international development of the Group and its corporate structure.

Graduated with honors from the Ural State Law Academy. Born in 1972

Director of Corporate Development and Strategic Communications Department
Magnezite groups

Nikiforova Natalya Alexandrovna

Natalia Nikiforova has been the head of the Corporate Development and Strategic Communications Department of Magnezit Group since 2007.

Works in the field of public relations and strategic communications since 1995.

From 1998 to 2007 Worked at VTB Bank.

Graduated from Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov and the advanced training program of the European School of Public Relations.

Public and political figure, member of the Board of Directors of the Magnezit Group. Born in the city of Satka, Chelyabinsk Region. In 1986-1987 he was elected secretary of the Komsomol committee of the Satka Metallurgical Plant. In 1988-1991 he directed the Youth Center in Satka. Since 1991 - at Magnezit, forms and leads the implementation of the company's socio-economic policy.

Under the leadership of S.P. Korostelev, Magnezit strengthened its position as the flagship of the domestic refractory industry and became the world's largest manufacturer of refractories. Efficient management, a high level of social responsibility, promotion of the development of the region and partnerships established with municipal and government bodies power, allow the company to develop successfully.

For many years, on the initiative and with the support of S.P. Korostelev "Magnezit" pursues a socially responsible policy in the Satka municipal district, investing in the social sphere and housing construction, providing support to healthcare, culture, education, physical culture and sports. An indoor tennis court and a sports complex with artificial grass covering four mini-football fields were built. The following have been reconstructed: the sports complex of the basic vocational school, the Magnezit Sports Palace and the Sports Palace for Children and Youth, Orthodox churches are being revived and built.The presence of modern sports facilities has become a great impetus for the mass development of sports. Children's and youth competitions are constantly held, in which more than 3.5 thousand children and adolescents annually take part.

At the initiative of S.P. Korostelev, a comprehensive social program "Strong Family" is being implemented in the Chelyabinsk region and in 42 other regions of Russia,aimed at a comprehensive solution to the problems of families in order to prevent social orphanhood and neglect of children, and became a party project of the WFP "United Russia". In the Satka municipal district, there is alsothe “Healthy Children” program created on the initiative and with the support of S.P. Korostelev. The program is aimed at improving the social situation of families with disabled children and children with severe chronic diseases.

S.P. Korostelev oversees the "The Younger Generation" program, which includes patronage assistance, career guidance work among school graduates, organizing meetings with medalists and holders of diplomas with honors, an annual recruitment of factory scholarship holders with guaranteed employment, and organizing industrial practice for students of the Satka Polytechnic College named after A.K. .Savin and Satka Mining and Ceramic College. Permanent guardianship of the orphanage-school No. 1 of the city of Bakala is carried out.

The tasks of developing the intellectual and moral potential of the younger generation were embodied in the mass educational projects "Chess General Education" and "Chess for General Development", which trained more than 10 thousand children and adolescents. These projects have received close attention and support from specialists from the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

On the initiative of S.P. Korostelev, the Strategic Plan for the Development of the Satka municipal district until 2020. As a result of the implementation of this project, the city of Satka is included in the federal program to support single-industry towns.

For a great contribution to the social development of the city of Satka, the Satka district and the Chelyabinsk region, S.P. Korostelev was awarded the title of Honorary Citizen of the city of Satka and the Satka region (2003), was awarded the Distinguished Service Badge "For Merit to the Chelyabinsk Region" (2008). S.P. Korostelev is a holder of the orders of the Russian Orthodox Church - St. Sergius of Radonezh (2003) and St. Seraphim of Sarov (2009). S.P. Korostelev was elected a deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Chelyabinsk region in 2005-2010.In 2010 S.P. Korostelev was elected President of the Judo Federation of the Chelyabinsk Region.

More than 700 domestic and foreign enterprises of ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, cement, engineering, chemical, pulp and paper and other industries consume the products of the plant. Including Chelyabinsk, Magnitogorsk, Nizhny Tagil, Novolipetsk, Oskol, Kuznetsk metallurgical plants, Severstal, Norilsk Nickel and hundreds of other enterprises in Russia, countries of the near and far abroad. And this number will grow. After all, in accordance with the comprehensive plan for the development of "Magnezit" until 2010, approved by the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the Russian Federation, the extraction of magnesite of the highest grades will be increased here.

Even today, the plant's products occupy more than 80 percent of the Russian magnesite market, and already a couple of years ago it had every chance to completely oust the still more reliable American and Austrian analogues from it. However, without clear rules of the game provided by the state and guarantees of their observance, on the one hand, and the social responsibility of business, on the other hand, sustainable progress is impossible.

Unfortunately, the sad practice of the last decade, the practice of legal chaos and the privatization of the state apparatus, has not yet been eliminated in Russia. Alas, it is not the "dictatorship of the law" that still operates, but the right of the strong. Business corrupts the state apparatus, which, in turn, begins to perform lobbying functions in favor of the customer.

Meanwhile, a shareholder, investor, any counterparty of the enterprise must be sure that his rights will not be violated. And if they do, then be sure that state bodies and an independent court will restore justice in a short time. And one of the most important performance indicators of an enterprise should be its openness and strict compliance with legislation - both tax and corporate.

Alas, the situation that has developed at the Magnezit plant is a confirmation of the opposite. Since January 2003, a joint-stock conflict has been developing at the plant. Its essence is described in the statement of lawyers of minority shareholders sent to the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation.

There are two groups of shareholders at the plant, and foreign investors, minority shareholders, in particular, ALPENA HOL-DINGS GROUP, CORP, Landay venturies, ltd., Indo trade inc, Plaut states limited, own a blocking stake - in total more than 33 percent of the total the number of placed (voting) shares. Almost the rest of the package, the lawyers write, belongs to firms that actually have majority shareholders - S. Korostelev (recently recognized as an honorary citizen of the city of Satka) and V. Dunaev, as well as the chairman of the board of directors appointed by them G. Sadykov, who is a deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Chelyabinsk areas.

The normal practice for minority and majority shareholders of the civilized world is the following: the parties jointly monitor the economic activities of the plant, and the profits are either divided in accordance with the number of shares, or reinvested in production. However, Russian business often behaves differently.

Minority shareholders of OJSC "Magnezit", as well as a foreign investor (PLAUT ESTATES LI-MITED), naturally, were interested in the first business scheme - with the payment of taxes, dividends, transparency of the company's financial and economic activities. Yes, they act out of their commercial interests. But in this case their interests coincide with the interests of the state, region, municipality (tax revenues from the plant make up more than half of the budget of the city of Satka).

However, according to the lawyers and the documents they provided, they were effectively removed from control over the legal conduct of business by the company.

The majority shareholders - G. Sadykov, S. Korostelev, V. Dunaev, the general director A. Slobodin appointed by them and the secretary of the board A. Mozhaev used, lawyers say, dubious firms and companies established with their participation, such as DALMOND TRADING LTD, registered In Great Britain. Violating the current legislation, the leaders of Magnezit signed contracts with this company directly, and the company sold almost all the products manufactured by the plant in 2001-2003. The amount of transactions amounted to over five billion rubles.

At the same time, the plant sold products for "its own" at prices significantly lower than the Russian and world markets, and the profits received were transferred to an offshore zone. Both the Chelyabinsk region and the state budget were deprived of taxes, and minority shareholders - dividends.

In order to sell the refractory products produced by the plant abroad, a Russian intermediary company, LLC Magnezit Trading House, was also created. Through this company, a number of major transactions have already been carried out for a total amount of over two billion rubles and it is planned to carry out another five billion.

The lawyers drew attention to the following deal: on January 11, 2002, between the CEO and DALMOND TRADING LTD, without the consent of minority shareholders, a contract was signed for the sale of products in the amount of more than one hundred and seventeen million dollars, which corresponds to 92 percent of the book value of the plant. At the same time, on the part of the British company, the contract was signed by a certain S. Yu. Odegov, who at that time was a member of the board of directors of the OJSC Magnezit Combine OJSC. This not only does not correspond to business ethics, but is also impossible without the approval of the transaction at least by the board of directors or meeting of shareholders (Art. 81, Art. 83 of the Federal Law "On joint-stock companies"). This once again proves that the contract was concluded in the direct interests of one of the members of the board of directors.

Minority shareholders were forced to appeal to the Arbitration Court of the Chelyabinsk Region. Naturally, contacts with DALMOND TRADING LTD were required. However, the lawyers of the minority shareholders received an official response to their request from the British courier service TNT International Expres: there is no such company at the address indicated in the documents. And they feared that one hundred and seventeen million dollars had simply been stolen. Moreover, as it turned out, taxes and other obligatory payments to the budget were not paid from the indicated amount. And lawyers suggest that the officials of the joint-stock company could commit criminal acts both under Articles 159 and 193 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, and under Art. 199 of the Criminal Code.

The Arbitration Court of the Chelyabinsk Region, represented by Judge M. Kuznetsova, at a preliminary hearing on this issue, which took place on April 29, 2003, scheduled the hearing only for September 15. As if we are not talking about one of the largest taxpayers in the region.

On July 17, ALPENA HOLDINGS GROUP CORP also applied to the same Arbitration Court with a claim enclosed in a copy to compel the defendant to fulfill the obligation - to ensure free access to the documents provided for in paragraph 1 of Art. 89 of the Federal Law "On Joint Stock Companies" and the provision of duly certified copies of the minutes of the annual general meeting of shareholders of April 25 and the counting commission of the company following the results of voting at this meeting.

On July 24, Judge L. Zubkova scheduled this case for consideration in a preliminary court session only on September 17. On the same date, Judge Zubkova, in the lawyers' opinion, unreasonably postponed consideration of the petition filed by the plaintiff when filing a lawsuit to demand evidence from the defendant - protocols subject to challenge.

The management of the plant, the lawyers write, took advantage of the time lag kindly granted by the court and decided to achieve recognition of major transactions already completed and other predictable transactions in which there is an interest. Why an extraordinary meeting of shareholders was held on August 12, 2003. And the same Arbitration Court, represented by Judge G. Sundareva, refused to ban the assembly from discussing the issue of approving a transaction that had already been completed and was being challenged in court.

Earlier, minority shareholders at the plant were refused to provide the minutes of the annual general meeting of shareholders of Magnezit Combine JSC, held on April 25, some decisions of which seemed doubtful to lawyers. they categorically refused to accept the minutes of the meeting.

Lawyers state that for a long time the executive bodies of the plant evade providing shareholders and investors with information specified by the current federal legislation and internal documents of the company.

Moreover, the lawyers suspect that all this could have happened thanks to the friendly informal relations of deputy G. Sadykov with the chairman of the Legislative Assembly of the Chelyabinsk region V. Davydov, the first deputy chairman of the Arbitration Court of the Chelyabinsk region Yu. Trosman and other leaders of the regional authorities.

How else can one explain the systematic evasion of judge A. Kuzmin from timely decision on the issue of accepting the claim for proceedings and the deliberate falsification of the date of production of the judicial act? Naturally, a complaint was filed with the Supreme Arbitration Court. Meanwhile, a second claim with a statement about the elimination of the reasons that served as the basis for leaving him without movement was submitted to the court on April 22. Trosman, who conducted the internal audit, concealed and deliberately misled the management of the organizational and control department of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation, to which he sent a copy of the answer, this significant circumstance, which undoubtedly testifies to a violation of the norms of arbitration procedural legislation.

In a word, on June 11, the long-suffering lawsuit was filed with the Arbitration Court of the Chelyabinsk Region for the third time, after which Kuzmin was "shelved" up to the intervention of a lawyer. The appeal to bring Judge A. Kuzmin to justice was never satisfied by the Supreme Arbitration Court. At the same time, the head of the organizational and control department of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation A. Babkin, who was entrusted with the consideration and resolution of the lawyers’ complaint by the Deputy Chairman of the Supreme Arbitration Court E. Renov, did not even deign a laconic answer, although, according to the information service of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation, such an answer was allegedly sent by mail as early as July 25 for ref. N OU-16/A76-1071.

The wait-and-see position of an outside observer taken by the leadership of the named department prompted the lawyers to apply with appropriate appeals to the Federal Securities Commission of Russia, the Prosecutor General's Office and the FSB Russian Federation, which turned out to be more efficient and are already conducting appropriate checks. However, only the fourth time the Federal Securities Commission ordered its subdivision in the Urals Federal District to conduct an audit.

Lawyers hope for a fair outcome of the conflict. Although they do not exclude the possibility that other events may occur. After all, in their opinion, the current management of the plant can now uncontrollably, undividedly, completely dominate the plant and dispose of its assets and funds at its own discretion in its narrowly selfish interests, causing enormous material damage to the enterprise and the regional economy.

A number of analysts who follow this story do not even rule out the transfer of significant financial and production assets to enterprises acquired in China. In any case, a promising enterprise may turn out to be bankrupt. Unless, of course, effective measures are taken to save him.

Korostelev Sergey Pavlovich(b. 08/06/1964, Satka), owner. leader, community worker, respect citizen of Satka and Satka district (2003). Graduated from St. Petersburg. in-t spec. pedagogy and psychology (2002). In 1984, a crusher-enrichment equipment repairman. f-ki at the Satka plant "Magnezit". Since 1985, at the Satka Metallurgist, plant: pom. locomotive driver (1986), rolling stock repairman (1988), teacher-organizer (1990), dir. youth fund for social initiative under the committee of the Komsomol (1991). In 1992-97 gene. dir. Satka information commercial production. associations, since 1997 president of financial and industrial. group, President of Moscow. fund "Development of social innovations" and fund "Mercy" (Satka). Since 2005, President of the Satka plant "Magnezit". Since 2007, President of the Magnezit Group. The initiator of the implementation of the social partnership program with the authorities of the Satka municipal district and Chel. region Under the leadership of K. in the Satka municipal district, the following were reconstructed: a sports complex prof. school (1999), Sports Palace for children and youth (2001), mountains. Square of Glory (2005), Satka Mining and Ceramics. college and other facilities; built: a temple in honor of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross (2002, Bakal), an indoor tennis court (2001), a football arts complex. turf mini-fields (2007); buildings were overhauled and new departments of the medical unit "Magnezit" were put into operation (2001-05); allocated funds for the construction of several. orthodox churches, buildings diocesan administration. With the support of K. in kindergartens and schools of the district, the projects “Chess General Education” and “Chess for General Development” are being implemented, chess tournaments are held intn., ros. and interregional. levels. K. hands. working group on implementation in the area of ​​integrated social program"A strong family". On his initiative, a strategic plan was developed and approved (2007). plan for the development of the Satka municipal district until 2020. K. dep. Legislator. coll. Pers. region (2005), deputy. pres. K-ta on social policy. Honor. philanthropist (2003), holder of the order. Rev. Sergius of Radonezh (2003) Russian Orthodox Church, ord. "Let's glorify Russia!" (2005), Foundation for Assistance to Initiatives to Strengthen the State. Minin and Pozharsky. Awarded with the distinction "For Merit to the Chelyabinsk Region" (2007).

"Connections / Partners"


The Chelyabinsk Opera House will have a separate building for a workshop for scenery

In the Chelyabinsk State Academic Opera and Ballet Theater named after Glinka, a meeting of the Board of Trustees took place the day before, in which the head of the region, Boris Dubrovsky, took part. Its participants discussed plans and regulations for the future. The trustees agreed that the institution needed a major overhaul and a separate technological building to house the decoration workshops and store the scenery. Design work the workshop has already been completed, the documents are being examined, Vadim Evdokimov, the vice-governor of the Chelyabinsk region, who oversees the field of culture, told Znak.com.

Graffiti masters from Switzerland will paint Satka with spectacular street art

At the end of July this year, a street art festival will be held in Satka. Within its framework, the city expects an unprecedented transformation. Street art masters from Europe will paint buildings in graffiti style. Two brothers from Switzerland will arrive in Satka, who work in the style of street art under the pseudonym One truth. They are considered world stars in painting houses. At the end of July 2016, they will come to the South Urals to hold a master class for everyone, as well as paint two large walls of residential buildings. What specific Satka locations will be affected by street artists is still a secret. All this will take place as part of the street art festival.

Satka will develop through industry, innovation and creativity

Through the implementation of which projects the district will develop in the near and strategic future, what has been done last year and what is planned for this year. About the budget, participation industrial enterprises in the life of the area, the tourist potential of the territory and not only.

Billionaire from Satka headed the judo of the Southern Urals

President of the Magnezit Group, one of the richest industrialists of the Chelyabinsk region, Sergey Korostelev became the president of the judo federation of the Chelyabinsk region instead of former first Deputy Governor Andrei Kosilov.

All members of the federation voted for the candidacy of the President of the Magnezit Group (Satka) Sergey Korostelev. Korostelev's candidacy was approved by the governor of the Chelyabinsk region, Mikhail Yurevich. Sergei Korostelev himself was not present at the election conference (he was on a business trip), and he was introduced by the Minister of Sports of the Southern Urals, Yuri Serebrennikov.
link: http://chel.kp.ru/online/news/ 775835/

The President of the Magnezit Group Sergey Korostelev was awarded the distinction "For services to the Chelyabinsk region"

Sergey Korostelev, President of the Magnezit Group, was awarded the badge of distinction "For Services to the Chelyabinsk Region". The corresponding order was signed last week by the governor of the Chelyabinsk region Petr Sumin. As stated in the order of the head of the region, S. Korostelev was awarded this high award for his outstanding contribution to the socio-economic development of the Chelyabinsk region. At the same time, the merit of S. Korostelev in building partnerships between the Magnezit Group and municipal and state authorities in the field of implementing social programs was especially noted.
link: http://chelindustry.ru/left_prom2.php?tt=2&rr=1&ids=2971

Sergei Korostelev appointed President of the Chelyabinsk Region Judo Federation

Sergey Korostelev, President of the Magnezit Group, became the new President of the Chelyabinsk Region Judo Federation. He replaced the former first vice-governor Andrei Kosilov in this post.

Korostelev's candidacy was approved by Governor Mikhail Yurevich. The election of the president of the Chelyabinsk regional public organization "Federation of Judo" for the next two years took place the day before at the reporting and election conference in training center Olympic training in judo.
link: http://chelyabinsk.bezformata. ru/listnews/naznachen-prezidentom-federatcii-dzyudo/ 261510/

Magnezit Group plans to increase investments by 50%

In 2008, the Magnezit group of companies plans to increase investment in development by 50% compared to 2007, to 2.8 billion rubles, said group president Sergei Korostelev. Mr. Korostelev did not specify in which investment projects this year the funds will be invested. At the same time, Mr. Korostelev said that for the implementation of measures to protect environment at the Magnezit plant (Satka, Chelyabinsk region), which is part of the group, in 2008 it is planned to allocate 443 million rubles, or 1.5 times more than in 2006.
link: http://www.marchmont.ru/News/Urals/1491-Magnezit-increase-investment-1139m-2008—.html

Magnezit Group changed its board of directors.

On February 19, 2010, the powers of the Board of Directors of OOO Magnezit Group LLC were terminated by the decision of the sole participant of OOO Magnezit Group /Satka, Chelyabinsk Region, controls more than 60% of the market of magnesia refractories in the CIS/ - CJSC Magnezit Group - on February 19, 2010, the powers of the Board of Directors of OOO Magnezit Group LLC were formed and a new board of directors of 5 people.

As reported in the official materials of Magnezit Group LLC, President of Magnezit Group LLC Sergey Korostelev, General Director of Magnezit Group LLC Sergey Odegov, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Magnezit Group CJSC Vladimir Dunaev and Artem Tokarev. Instead of Sergey Syreskin, Vitaly Pankratov, head of the Moscow representative office of Magnezit Group LLC, was appointed to the new board of directors.
link: http://www.metaldaily.ru/news/news37420.html

Magnezit Group presented its development strategy up to 2015 to the attention of the public

On May 12, in the meeting room of the administration of the Satka district (Chelyabinsk region), a joint meeting of the district Assembly of Deputies and the Council of Deputies of the Satka urban settlement was held, at which the development strategy of the Magnezit Group until 2015 was presented to the attention of the audience. The meeting was attended by Sergei Korostelev, deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Chelyabinsk region, Leonid Urmashov, chairman of the board of directors of Magnezit Combine OJSC, Vladimir Zaitsev, general director of Magnezit Combine OJSC, Vladimir Khlysta, head of the Satka municipal district, Alexei Morozov, head of the Satka urban settlement, other enterprises and organizations of the region.
link: http://www.74rif.ru/Magnesit-2010.html

For the past three months, Magnezit has been operating at a loss

The crisis did not pass the Magnezit group by. In October, production volumes decreased by 30%, in November by 80%, in December and January by 50%. The president of the Magnezit Group, Sergey Korostelev, announced this during an anti-crisis meeting with Nikolai Vinnichenko, presidential envoy to the Ural Federal District. Details - in the material "UralPolit.Ru" today, January 26.

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