Ensuring national security is a profession. Description of the specialty "legal support of national security". Possibility of accelerated training based on HPE

floors 09.10.2020


by order of the Ministry of Education

and science Russian Federation






This federal state educational standard of higher education is a set of requirements that are mandatory for the implementation of basic professional educational programs of higher education - specialist's programs in the specialty 40.05.01 Legal support of national security (hereinafter, respectively, the specialist's program, specialty).


The following abbreviations are used in this federal state educational standard:

OK - general cultural competencies;

GPC - general professional competencies;

PC - professional competencies;

PSK - professionally specialized competencies;

FSES VO - federal state educational standard of higher education;

network form - a network form for the implementation of educational programs.


3.1. Obtaining education under the program of a specialist is allowed only in an educational organization of higher education (hereinafter referred to as the organization).

3.2. Education under the specialist's program in the organization is carried out in full-time, part-time and part-time forms.

The volume of the specialist's program is 300 credit units (hereinafter - CU), regardless of the form of study used educational technologies, the implementation of the specialist's program using the network form, the implementation of the specialist's program according to the individual curriculum, including accelerated learning.

3.3. The term for obtaining education under the program of a specialist:

full-time education, including vacations provided after passing the state final certification, regardless of the educational technologies used, is 5 years. The volume of the full-time specialist's program, implemented in one academic year, averages 60 CU;

in part-time or extramural forms of education, regardless of the educational technologies used, increases by at least 6 months and not more than 1 year, compared with the period of full-time education. At the same time, the volume of the specialist's program implemented in one academic year cannot exceed 75 CU;

when studying according to an individual curriculum, regardless of the form of education, it is no more than the period for obtaining education established for the corresponding form of education, and when studying according to an individual plan for persons with handicapped health status can be increased at their request by no more than 1 year in comparison with the period of education established for the corresponding form of education. The volume of the specialist's program for one academic year when studying according to an individual plan cannot be more than 75 CU.

The specific term for obtaining education and the volume of the specialist's program implemented for one academic year in part-time or part-time forms of study according to an individual plan are determined by the organization independently within the time limits established by this paragraph.

3.4. When implementing the specialist's program, the organization has the right to use e-learning and distance learning technologies.

When teaching people with disabilities, e-learning and distance learning technologies should provide for the possibility of receiving and transmitting information in forms accessible to them.

The implementation of the specialist's program using exclusively e-learning, distance learning technologies is not allowed.

3.5. The implementation of the specialist's program is possible using the network form.

3.6. Educational activities under the specialist's program are carried out in the state language of the Russian Federation, unless otherwise specified by the local regulatory act of the organization.

3.7. Specialist programs containing information constituting a state secret are developed and implemented when conditions are created and in compliance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation on state secrets and regulatory legal acts of federal government agencies, which are in charge of organizations implementing the relevant educational programs.



4.1. Region professional activity graduates who have mastered the specialist's program include the development and implementation of legal norms, the legal support of national security, law enforcement and law enforcement, legal education and legal education.

4.2. The objects of professional activity of graduates who have mastered the program of the specialty are events and actions of legal significance, public relations in the field of the implementation of legal norms, legal support of national security, law and order.

4.3. Types of professional activities for which graduates who have mastered the specialist's program are preparing:


law enforcement;

expert consulting;

law enforcement;

organizational and managerial;



Specializations for which graduates who have mastered the specialist's program are trained:

specialization N 1 "Criminal law";

specialization N 2 "State-legal";

specialization N 3 "Civil law";

specialization N 4 "International legal";

specialization N 5 "Military law".

When developing and implementing a specialist's program, an organization focuses on a specific type (types) of professional activity for which (which) a specialist prepares and chooses specialization based on the needs of the labor market, research and material and technical resources of the organization.

4.4. A graduate who has mastered the specialist's program is ready to solve the following professional tasks:

in accordance with the type (types) of professional activity, to which (which) the specialty program is oriented:

lawmaking activity:

development of normative legal acts;

justification and acceptance within official duties decisions, as well as the performance of actions related to the implementation of legal norms;

drafting legal documents;

provision of legal assistance, legal advice;

conducting legal expertise of normative legal acts;

ensuring the rule of law, law and order, security of the individual, society and the state;

identification and prevention of threats to the security of the individual, society and the state;

prevention, warning, suppression, detection, disclosure and investigation of crimes and other offenses;

assistance to individuals and legal entities in protection of their rights and legitimate interests;

ensuring international cooperation between law enforcement agencies;

legal support of official activity;

ensuring the implementation of acts of application of law;

searching, obtaining, analyzing and evaluating information that is important for the implementation of legal norms in the field of national security, ensuring law and order;

organization of the work of small teams and groups of performers in the process of solving specific professional problems;

conducting scientific research in accordance with the profile of professional activity;

pedagogical activity:

teaching legal disciplines (modules) in organizations engaged in educational activities;

implementation of legal education.

Professional tasks in accordance with the specializations specified in clause 4.3 of this Federal State Educational Standard of HE are determined by the organization.


5.1. As a result of mastering the specialist's program, the graduate should form general cultural, general professional, professional and professionally specialized competencies.

5.2. A graduate who has mastered the specialty program must have the following general cultural competencies:

the ability to understand and analyze worldview, socially and personally significant philosophical problems (OK-1);

the ability to analyze the main stages and patterns of the historical development of Russia, its place and role in modern world in order to form a civic position and develop patriotism (OK-2);

the ability to navigate political, social and economic processes (OK-3);

the ability to perform professional tasks in accordance with the norms of morality, professional ethics and work etiquette (OK-4);

the ability to work in a team, tolerantly perceiving social, cultural, confessional and other differences, to prevent and constructively resolve conflict situations in the process of professional activity (OK-5);

the ability to show psychological stability in difficult and extreme conditions, apply methods of emotional and cognitive regulation to optimize their own activities and psychological state(OK-6);

ability to logical thinking, reasonably and clearly build oral and written speech, conduct polemics and discussions (OK-7);

the ability to make optimal organizational and managerial decisions (OK-8);

the ability to organize one's life in accordance with socially significant ideas about a healthy lifestyle (OK-9);

the ability to carry out written and oral communication in Russian (OK-10);

ability to business communication, professional communication in one of the foreign languages ​​(OK-11);

the ability to work with various information resources and technologies, apply the main methods, methods and means of obtaining, storing, searching, systematizing, processing and transmitting information (OK-12).

5.3. A graduate who has mastered the specialist's program must have the following general professional competencies:

the ability to use knowledge of basic concepts, categories, institutions, legal statuses subjects, legal relations in relation to certain branches of legal science (OPK-1);

the ability to implement the norms of substantive and procedural law, the legislation of the Russian Federation, the generally recognized principles and norms of international law in professional activities (OPK-2).

5.4. A graduate who has mastered the specialist's program must possess the following professional competencies, corresponding to the types of professional activity that the specialist's program is focused on:

lawmaking activity:

the ability to develop regulatory legal acts (PC-1);

law enforcement activities:

the ability to legally correctly qualify facts, events and circumstances (PC-2);

the ability to make decisions and perform legal actions in strict accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation (PC-3);

the ability to competently apply regulatory legal acts in professional activities (PC-4);

the ability to develop and properly execute legal and official documents (PC-5);

expert and consulting activities:

the ability to competently interpret normative legal acts (PC-6);

the ability to conduct legal expertise of normative legal acts, including in order to prevent provisions in them that contribute to the creation of conditions for the manifestation of corruption (PC-7);

law enforcement:

the ability to observe and protect the rights and freedoms of man and citizen (PC-8);

the ability to detect, suppress, disclose and investigate crimes and other offenses (PC-9);

the ability to apply in professional activities the theoretical foundations of detecting and investigating crimes, to use technical and forensic methods and means, tactics for the production of investigative actions, forms of organization and methods for detecting and investigating certain types and groups of crimes in order to establish objective truth in specific cases (PC-10 );

the ability to implement measures to obtain legally relevant information, verify, analyze, evaluate it and use it in the interests of preventing, suppressing, detecting and investigating crimes (PC-11);

the ability to carry out prevention, prevention of offenses, manifestations of corruption, to identify and eliminate the causes and conditions that contribute to their commission (PC-12);

the ability to correctly and fully reflect the results of professional activity in procedural and service documentation (PC-13);

the ability to carry out actions to suppress offenses by force, to use special equipment, weapons, special means used in the activities of a law enforcement agency through which specialists are trained (PC-14) to solve professional problems;

the ability to apply psychological methods, means and techniques in solving professional problems (PC-15);

the ability to comply in professional activities with the requirements of regulatory legal acts in the field of protection of state secrets and information security, to ensure compliance with the secrecy regime (PC-16);

the ability to perform professional tasks in special conditions, emergency circumstances, emergency situations, in a state of emergency and in war time, provide first aid, ensure personal safety and the safety of citizens in the process of solving official tasks (PC-17);

organizational and managerial activities:

the ability to make optimal management decisions (PC-18);

the ability to organize the work of a small team of performers, plan and organize the performance of performers, monitor and record its results (PC-19);

research activities:

the ability to analyze law enforcement and law enforcement practice, scientific information, domestic and foreign experience on research topics (PC-20);

the ability to apply methods for conducting applied scientific research, analysis and processing of their results (PC-21);

the ability to generalize and formulate conclusions on the research topic, to prepare reports on the results of completed research (PC-22);

pedagogical activity:

the ability to teach legal disciplines (modules) in organizations engaged in educational activities (PC-23);

the ability to carry out legal education (PC-24).

5.5. A graduate who has mastered the specialist's program must have professionally specialized competencies corresponding to the specialization of the specialist's program.

5.6. When developing a specialist's program, all general cultural, general professional, professional competencies and professionally specialized competencies related to the chosen specialization are included in the set of required results for mastering the specialist's program.

5.7. When developing a specialist's program, an organization has the right to supplement the set of competencies of graduates, taking into account the focus of the specialist's program on specific areas of knowledge and (or) types of activity or specialization of the program.

5.8. When developing a specialist's program, the organization establishes the requirements for learning outcomes in individual disciplines (modules), practices independently, taking into account the requirements of the relevant exemplary basic educational programs.

5.9. Specialist programs implemented in the interests of defense and security of the state, ensuring law and order in federal state organizations administered by federal state bodies specified in part 1 of article 81 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federations" (hereinafter referred to as federal state bodies) are developed on the basis of the requirements provided for by the said Federal Law, as well as qualification requirements for military professional training, special professional training of graduates, established by the federal state body in charge of the relevant organizations.


6.1. includes a mandatory part (basic) and a part formed by participants in educational relations (variable). This provides the possibility of implementing specialist's programs that have a different focus (specialization) within the same specialty.

6.2. The specialist's program consists of the following blocks:

Block 1 "Disciplines (modules)", which includes disciplines (modules) related to the basic part of the program and disciplines (modules) related to its variable part;

Block 2 "Practices, including research work (R&D)", which fully refers to the basic part of the program;

Block 3 "State final certification", which is fully related to the basic part of the program and ends with the assignment of a qualification indicated in the list of higher education specialties approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

The structure of the specialist's program

The structure of the specialist's program

The volume of the specialist's program in z.u.

Disciplines (modules):

Basic part

including disciplines (modules) of specialization

Variable part

Practices, including research work (R&D)

Basic part

State final certification

Basic part

Scope of the specialist's program

6.3. Disciplines (modules) related to the basic part of the specialist's program, including disciplines (modules) of specialization, are mandatory for students to master, regardless of the direction (profile) of the program they are mastering. The set of disciplines (modules) related to the basic part of the specialist's program is determined by the organization independently in the scope established by this Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education, taking into account the relevant (relevant) exemplary (exemplary) main (basic) educational (educational) program (programs).

6.4. Disciplines (modules) in philosophy, foreign language, theory of state and law, constitutional law of Russia, history of state and law of Russia, history of state and law foreign countries, civil law, civil procedural law (civil process), criminal law, criminal procedure law (criminal process), international law, criminalistics, life safety and special or military training are implemented within the framework of the basic part of Block 1 "Disciplines (modules)" of the program specialty. The volume, content and procedure for the implementation of these disciplines (modules) are determined by the organization independently.

In federal state organizations that are under the jurisdiction of federal state bodies that train personnel in the interests of the defense and security of the state, ensuring law and order, it is allowed to exclude the discipline (module) on life safety.

6.5. Disciplines (modules) for physical education and sports are implemented within the framework of:

the basic part of Block 1 "Disciplines (modules)" of the specialist's program in the amount of at least 72 academic hours (2 credits) in full-time education;

elective disciplines (modules) in the amount of at least 328 academic hours. The specified academic hours are obligatory for development and in z.e. are not translated.

Disciplines (modules) in physical culture and sports are implemented in the manner prescribed by the organization. For people with disabilities and people with disabilities, the organization establishes a special procedure for mastering disciplines (modules) in physical culture and sports, taking into account their state of health.

In federal state organizations under the jurisdiction of federal state bodies that train personnel in the interests of defense and security of the state, ensuring law and order, within the framework of the basic part of Block 1 "Disciplines (modules)", disciplines (modules) for physical training are implemented:

in the amount of at least 72 academic hours (2 credits) in full-time education;

in the amount of at least 328 academic hours (they are not translated into PL) in full-time education.

In federal state educational organizations, in the case of the implementation of a specialist's program in part-time and part-time forms of education, physical training disciplines (modules) may not be studied, taking into account the mandatory physical training classes conducted for students as part of official professional training at their place of service.

6.6. Disciplines (modules) related to the variable part of the specialist's program determine, among other things, the focus (specialization) of the specialist's program. The set of disciplines (modules) related to the variable part of the specialist's program is determined by the organization independently in the scope established by this Federal State Educational Standard. After the student chooses the direction (specialization) of the program, a set of relevant disciplines (modules) becomes mandatory for the student to master.

6.7. Block 2 "Practices, including research work (R&D)" includes educational and production, including undergraduate, practice.

Type of study practice:

practice in obtaining primary professional skills, including primary skills and abilities of research activities.

Field trip type:

practice for obtaining professional skills and experience of professional activity.

Ways of conducting educational and industrial practices:



Pre-diploma practice is carried out to perform the final qualifying work and is mandatory.

When developing specialist's programs, the organization selects the types of practices depending on the type (s) of activity to which the specialist's and specialization program is (are) oriented. The organization has the right to provide for other types of practices in the specialist's program in addition to those established by these Federal State Educational Standards of Higher Education.

Educational and (or) production practice can be carried out in the structural divisions of the organization that have the necessary human resources and material and technical base.

The choice of places for internships for persons with disabilities is made taking into account the health status of students and accessibility requirements.

In federal state organizations that are under the jurisdiction of federal state bodies that train personnel in the interests of the defense and security of the state, ensuring law and order, the features of the organization and duration of practices are determined by the federal state body in charge of the organization, while maintaining the scope of practices in h. e., defined by this Federal State Educational Standard.

6.8. Block 3 "State final certification" includes the defense of the final qualification work, including preparation for the defense procedure and the defense procedure, as well as preparation for passing and passing the state exam, if the organization has included the state exam in the state final certification.

6.9. Specialist programs containing information constituting a state secret are developed and implemented in compliance with the requirements stipulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of protecting state secrets.

6.10. The implementation of a part (parts) of the program of a specialist degree and the state final certification, within the framework of which (which) information of limited access is brought to students and (or) secret samples of weapons, military equipment, their components are used for educational purposes, is not allowed with the use of e-learning, distance educational technologies.

6.11. When developing a specialty program, students are provided with the opportunity to master disciplines (modules) of their choice, including special conditions for people with disabilities and people with disabilities, in the amount of at least 30 percent of the volume of the variable part of Block 1 "Disciplines (modules)".

In federal state organizations that are under the jurisdiction of federal state bodies that train personnel in the interests of the defense and security of the state, ensure law and order, the features of the formation of the variable part of educational programs and the development of disciplines (modules) at the choice of the student are determined by the federal state body in charge of which the organization is located.

6.12. The number of hours allotted for lecture-type classes, in general, for Block 1 "Disciplines (modules)" should be no more than 40 percent of the total number of classroom hours allotted for the implementation of this Block.



7.1. General system requirements for the implementation of the specialist's program.

7.1.1. The organization must have a material and technical base that complies with the current fire rules and regulations and ensures the conduct of all types of disciplinary and interdisciplinary training, practical and research work of students, provided for by the curriculum.

7.1.2. Each student during the entire period of study must be provided with individual unlimited access to one or more electronic library systems (electronic libraries) and to the electronic information and educational environment of the organization. The electronic library system (electronic library) and the electronic information and educational environment should provide the ability for the student to access from any point where there is access to the information and telecommunication network "Internet" (hereinafter referred to as the "Internet" network), both on the territory of the organization and and outside of it.

The electronic information and educational environment of the organization should provide:

access to curricula, work programs of disciplines (modules), practices, to publications of electronic library systems and electronic educational resources specified in the work programs;

move fixation educational process, the results of intermediate certification and the results of mastering the main educational program;

conducting all types of classes, procedures for assessing learning outcomes, the implementation of which is provided for using e-learning, distance learning technologies;

the formation of an electronic portfolio of the student, including the preservation of his works, reviews and assessments of these works by any participants in the educational process;

interaction between participants in the educational process, including synchronous and (or) asynchronous interaction via the Internet.

The functioning of the electronic information and educational environment is ensured by appropriate means of information and communication technologies and the qualifications of employees using and supporting it. Access, use and functioning of the electronic information and educational environment must comply with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

In federal state organizations that are under the jurisdiction of federal state bodies that train personnel in the interests of the defense and security of the state, ensuring law and order, functionality, the procedure for the formation, use and functioning of the electronic information and educational environment, the features of students' access to the electronic library system (electronic library) and the electronic information and educational environment, as well as students' access to information reference systems, computer equipment connected to local networks and ( or) "Internet" networks, are determined by the federal government agency in charge of the organization.

7.1.3. In the case of the implementation of the specialist's program in the network form, the requirements for the implementation of the specialist's program must be provided by a set of resources of material and technical, educational and methodological support provided by organizations participating in the implementation of the specialist's program in the network form.

7.1.4. In the case of the implementation of the specialist's program at the departments or other structural divisions of the organization created in accordance with the established procedure in other organizations, the requirements for the implementation of the specialist's program must be provided by a combination of resources of these organizations.

7.1.5. The qualifications of the management and scientific and pedagogical employees of the organization must comply with the qualification characteristics established in the Unified Qualification Directory for the Positions of Managers, Specialists and Employees, section "Qualification Characteristics of the Positions of Managers and Specialists of Higher Professional and Additional vocational education", approved by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of January 11, 2011 N 1n (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on March 23, 2011, registration N 20237), and professional standards (if any).

In federal state organizations that are under the jurisdiction of federal state bodies that train personnel in the interests of the defense and security of the state, ensuring law and order, the qualification characteristics of the positions of heads and scientific and pedagogical workers of higher education and additional professional education are determined in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

7.1.6. The share of full-time scientific and pedagogical workers (in rates reduced to integer values) must be at least 70 percent of the total number of scientific and pedagogical workers of the organization.

7.2. Requirements for personnel conditions for the implementation of the specialist's program.

7.2.1. The implementation of the specialist's program is provided by the management and scientific and pedagogical employees of the organization, as well as persons involved in the implementation of the specialist's program on the terms of a civil law contract.

7.2.2. The share of scientific and pedagogical workers (in terms of rates reduced to integer values) with education and (or) a scientific degree corresponding to the profile of the discipline (module) being taught, in the total number of scientific and pedagogical workers implementing the specialty program, must be at least 70 percent.

7.2.3. The share of scientific and pedagogical workers (in terms of rates reduced to integer values) who have an academic degree (including an academic degree awarded abroad and recognized in the Russian Federation) and (or) an academic title (including an academic title obtained abroad and recognized in the Russian Federation), the total number of scientific and pedagogical workers implementing the specialist's program must be at least 60 percent.

In federal state organizations under the jurisdiction of federal state bodies that train personnel in the interests of the defense and security of the state, ensuring law and order, the proportion of teachers of these categories is determined by the federal state body in charge of the organization.

In federal state organizations under the jurisdiction of federal state bodies that train personnel in the interests of the defense and security of the state, ensuring law and order, teachers of military professional and special professional are equated to scientific and pedagogical workers with academic degrees and (or) academic titles disciplines (modules) without academic degrees and (or) academic titles, having a specialized higher education, experience in military service (service in law enforcement agencies) in the field and with objects of professional activity corresponding to the program of the specialist, at least 10 years, military (special) rank not lower than "major" ("captain of the 3rd rank"), as well as having combat experience, or state awards, or state (industry) honorary titles, or state awards.

Among the scientific and pedagogical workers with the scientific degree of Doctor of Science and (or) the academic title of professor, teachers of military professional disciplines (modules), special professional disciplines (modules) with a Ph.D. branch) honorary titles, or state awards.

7.2.4. The share of employees from among the managers and employees of organizations whose activities are related to the focus (specialization) of the implemented specialty program in the total number of employees involved in the implementation of the specialty program should be at least 1 percent.

7.3. Requirements for the material and technical and educational and methodological support of the specialist's program.

7.3.1. Special premises should be classrooms for lectures, practical (seminar) classes, group and individual consultations, current control and intermediate certification, as well as premises for independent work and facilities for storage and preventive maintenance of educational equipment. Special rooms should be equipped with specialized furniture and technical teaching aids that serve to present educational information audience.

For conducting lecture-type classes, sets of demonstration equipment and educational visual aids are offered, providing thematic illustrations corresponding to the programs of academic disciplines (modules).

The organization implementing the specialist's program must have the material and technical base that ensures the conduct of all types of disciplinary and interdisciplinary training, laboratory, practical and research work of students, provided for by the organization's curriculum, including forensic, as well as special equipment, service weapons, special means and other material and technical means necessary for the implementation of special or military training of students in federal state organizations that are under the jurisdiction of federal state bodies that train personnel in the interests of the defense and security of the state, ensuring law and order.

If an organization does not use an electronic library system (electronic library) or if access to the publications necessary, in accordance with the programs of academic disciplines (modules) and practices, is not provided through electronic library systems, the library fund must be completed with printed publications at the rate of at least 50 copies of each of these editions of the main literature listed in the work programs of disciplines (modules), practices and at least 25 copies of additional literature per 100 students.

7.3.2. The organization must be provided with the necessary set of licensed software (the composition is determined in the work programs of disciplines (modules) and is subject to updating as necessary).

7.3.3. The electronic library system (electronic library) and the electronic information and educational environment must provide simultaneous access to at least 25 percent of students in the specialist's program.

7.3.4. Students should be provided with access (remote access), including in the case of using e-learning, distance learning technologies, to modern professional databases and information reference systems, the composition of which is determined in the work programs of disciplines (modules).

The ability of students to access professional databases and information reference systems in federal state organizations that are under the jurisdiction of federal state bodies that train personnel in the interests of the defense and security of the state, law enforcement and law enforcement is regulated by the federal state body.

7.3.5. Students with disabilities should be provided with printed and (or) electronic educational resources in forms adapted to their disabilities.

7.3.6. The special library of the organization must have a fund of normative legal acts regulating the activities of the services of the federal state body for which training is carried out.

7.4. Requirements for the financial conditions for the implementation of the specialist's program.

7.4.1. Financial support for the implementation of the specialist's program should be carried out in an amount not lower than the basic standard costs established by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation for the provision of public services in the field of education for a given level of education and direction of training, taking into account adjustment factors that take into account the specifics of educational programs in accordance with the Methodology for determining regulatory costs for the provision of public services for the implementation of educational programs of higher education in specialties (training areas) and enlarged groups of specialties (training areas), approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of October 30, 2015 N 1272 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on November 30 2015, registration N 39898).

7.4.2. In an organization in which the legislation of the Russian Federation provides for military or other service equivalent to it, service in law enforcement agencies, financial support for the implementation of the specialist's program must be carried out within the budgetary allocations of the federal budget allocated by the federal executive body.

Approved by the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education in the direction of training 40.05.01 Legal support of national security (hereinafter, respectively - the specialist's program, specialty).

Approved by the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education in the direction of training 40.05.01 Legal support of national security (hereinafter, respectively, the specialist's program, specialty).

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of December 19, 2016 N 1614
"On approval of the federal state educational standard of higher education in the specialty 40.05.01 Legal support of national security (specialist level)"

In accordance with subparagraph 5.2.41 of the Regulations on the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 3, 2013 N 466 (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2013, N 23, Art. 2923; N 33, Art. 4386 ; N 37, item 4702; 2014, N 2, item 126; N 6, item 582; N 27, item 3776; 2015, N 26, item 3898; N 43, item 5976; 2016, N 2, article 325; N 8, article 1121; N 28, article 4741), and paragraph 17 of the Rules for the development, approval of federal state educational standards and amendments to them, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 5, 2013 N I order:

The volume of the specialist's program is 300 credit units (hereinafter referred to as credits), regardless of the form of study, the educational technologies used, the implementation of the specialist's program using the network form, the implementation of the specialist's program according to an individual curriculum, including accelerated learning.

In full-time education, including vacations provided after passing the state final certification, regardless of the educational technologies used, is 5 years. The volume of the full-time specialist's program, implemented in one academic year, averages 60 CU;

In part-time or part-time forms of education, regardless of the educational technologies used, it increases by at least 6 months and no more than 1 year compared to the period for obtaining full-time education. At the same time, the volume of the specialist's program implemented in one academic year cannot exceed 75 CU;

When studying according to an individual curriculum, regardless of the form of education, it is no more than the period for obtaining education established for the corresponding form of education, and when studying according to an individual plan for people with disabilities, it can be increased at their request by no more than 1 year compared to the term for obtaining education established for the corresponding form of education. The volume of the specialist's program for one academic year when studying according to an individual plan cannot be more than 75 CU.

The specific term for obtaining education and the scope of the specialist's program implemented for one academic year in part-time or part-time forms of education according to an individual plan are determined by the organization independently within the time limits established by this paragraph.

When teaching people with disabilities, e-learning and distance learning technologies should provide for the possibility of receiving and transmitting information in forms accessible to them.

The implementation of the specialist's program using exclusively e-learning, distance learning technologies is not allowed.


Law enforcement;

Expert consulting;

law enforcement;

Organizational and managerial;



Specializations for which graduates who have mastered the specialist's program are trained:

Specialization N 1 "Criminal Law";

Specialization N 2 "State-legal";

Specialization N 3 "Civil Law";

Specialization N 4 "International legal";

Specialization N 5 "Military Law".

When developing and implementing a specialist's program, an organization focuses on a specific type (types) of professional activity for which (which) a specialist prepares and chooses specialization based on the needs of the labor market, research and material and technical resources of the organization.

In accordance with the type (types) of professional activity, to which (which) the specialty program is oriented:

Development of normative legal acts;

Justification and adoption of decisions within the limits of official duties, as well as the performance of actions related to the implementation of legal norms;

Drafting of legal documents;

Provision of legal assistance, legal advice;

Conducting legal expertise of normative legal acts;

Ensuring the rule of law, law and order, security of the individual, society and the state;

Identification and prevention of threats to the security of the individual, society and the state;

Prevention, prevention, suppression, detection, disclosure and investigation of crimes and other offenses;

Providing assistance to individuals and legal entities in protecting their rights and legitimate interests;

Ensuring international cooperation between law enforcement agencies;

Legal support of official activity;

Ensuring the implementation of acts of application of law;

Search, receipt, analysis and evaluation of information that is important for the implementation of legal norms in the field of national security, law and order;

Organization of the work of small teams and groups of performers in the process of solving specific professional problems;

Conducting scientific research in accordance with the profile of professional activity;

Pedagogical activity:

Teaching legal disciplines (modules) in organizations engaged in educational activities;

Implementation of legal education.

Professional tasks in accordance with the specializations specified in clause 4.3 of this Federal State Educational Standard of HE are determined by the organization.

The ability to understand and analyze worldview, socially and personally significant philosophical problems (OK-1);

The ability to analyze the main stages and patterns of the historical development of Russia, its place and role in the modern world in order to form a civic position and develop patriotism (OK-2);

Ability to navigate political, social and economic processes (OK-3);

The ability to perform professional tasks in accordance with the norms of morality, professional ethics and work etiquette (OK-4);

The ability to work in a team, tolerantly perceiving social, cultural, confessional and other differences, to prevent and constructively resolve conflict situations in the process of professional activity (OK-5);

The ability to show psychological stability in difficult and extreme conditions, apply methods of emotional and cognitive regulation to optimize one's own activity and psychological state (OK-6);

The ability to think logically, reasoned and clearly build oral and written speech, conduct polemics and discussions (OK-7);

The ability to make optimal organizational and managerial decisions (OK-8);

The ability to organize one's life in accordance with socially significant ideas about a healthy lifestyle (OK-9);

The ability to carry out written and oral communication in Russian (OK-10);

Ability to business communication, professional communication in one of the foreign languages ​​(OK-11);

The ability to work with various information resources and technologies, apply the main methods, methods and means of obtaining, storing, searching, systematizing, processing and transmitting information (OK-12).

The ability to use knowledge of the basic concepts, categories, institutions, legal statuses of subjects, legal relations in relation to certain branches of legal science (GPC -1);

The ability to implement the norms of substantive and procedural law, the legislation of the Russian Federation, the generally recognized principles and norms of international law in professional activities (OPK-2).

Law-making activity:

Ability to develop normative legal acts (PC-1);

Law enforcement:

The ability to legally correctly qualify facts, events and circumstances (PC-2);

The ability to make decisions and perform legal actions in strict accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation (PC-3);

The ability to skillfully apply regulatory legal acts in professional activities (PC-4);

The ability to develop and properly execute legal and official documents (PC-5);

Expert and consulting activities:

Ability to competently interpret normative legal acts (PC-6);

The ability to conduct legal expertise of normative legal acts, including in order to prevent provisions in them that contribute to the creation of conditions for the manifestation of corruption (PC-7);

Law enforcement:

The ability to observe and protect the rights and freedoms of man and citizen (PC-8);

The ability to detect, prevent, disclose and investigate crimes and other offenses (PC-9);

The ability to apply in professional activities the theoretical foundations of detecting and investigating crimes, to use technical and forensic methods and means, tactical methods for conducting investigative actions, forms of organization and methods for detecting and investigating certain types and groups of crimes in order to establish objective truth in specific cases (PC-10 );

The ability to implement measures to obtain legally significant information, verify, analyze, evaluate it and use it in the interests of preventing, suppressing, detecting and investigating crimes (PC-11);

The ability to carry out prevention, prevention of offenses, manifestations of corruption, to identify and eliminate the causes and conditions that contribute to their commission (PC-12);

The ability to correctly and fully reflect the results of professional activity in procedural and service documentation (PC-13);

The ability to carry out actions for the forceful suppression of offenses, to use special equipment, weapons, special means used in the activities of a law enforcement agency through which specialists are trained to solve professional problems (PC-14);

The ability to apply psychological methods, means and techniques in solving professional problems (PC-15);

The ability to comply in professional activities with the requirements of regulatory legal acts in the field of protection of state secrets and information security, to ensure compliance with the regime of secrecy (PC-16);

The ability to perform professional tasks in special conditions, emergencies, emergency situations, under a state of emergency and in wartime, provide first aid, ensure personal safety and the safety of citizens in the process of solving official tasks (PC-17);

Organizational and managerial activities:

The ability to make optimal management decisions (PC-18);

The ability to organize the work of a small team of performers, plan and organize the performance of performers, monitor and record its results (PC-19);

Research activities:

The ability to analyze law enforcement and law enforcement practice, scientific information, domestic and foreign experience on research topics (PC-20);

The ability to apply methods for conducting applied scientific research, analysis and processing of their results (PC-21);

The ability to generalize and formulate conclusions on the research topic, to prepare reports on the results of completed research (PC-22);

Pedagogical activity:

The ability to teach legal disciplines (modules) in organizations engaged in educational activities (PC-23);

The ability to carry out legal education (PC-24).

Block 1 "Disciplines (modules)", which includes disciplines (modules) related to the basic part of the program and disciplines (modules) related to its variable part;

Block 2 "Practices, including research work (R&D)", which fully refers to the basic part of the program;

Block 3 "State final certification", which is fully related to the basic part of the program and ends with the assignment of a qualification indicated in the list of higher education specialties approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation * (3).

The structure of the specialist's program

The structure of the specialist's program

The volume of the specialist's program in z.u.

Disciplines (modules):

Including disciplines (modules) of specialization

Practices, including research work (R&D)

State final certification

The electronic information and educational environment of the organization should provide:

Access to curricula, work programs of disciplines (modules), practices, to publications of electronic library systems and electronic educational resources specified in work programs;

Fixing the course of the educational process, the results of intermediate certification and the results of mastering the main educational program;

Conducting all types of classes, procedures for assessing learning outcomes, the implementation of which is provided for using e-learning, distance learning technologies;

Formation of an electronic portfolio of the student, including the preservation of his works, reviews and assessments of these works by any participants in the educational process;

Interaction between participants in the educational process, including synchronous and (or) asynchronous interaction through the Internet.

The functioning of the electronic information and educational environment is ensured by appropriate means of information and communication technologies and the qualifications of employees using and supporting it. Access, use and functioning of the electronic information and educational environment must comply with the legislation of the Russian Federation * (5).

In federal state organizations that are under the jurisdiction of federal state bodies that train personnel in the interests of the defense and security of the state, ensure law and order, functionality, the procedure for the formation, use and functioning of the electronic information and educational environment, especially the access of students to the electronic library system (electronic library) and electronic information and educational environment, as well as students' access to information reference systems, computer equipment connected to local networks and (or) the Internet, are determined by the federal state body in charge of the organization.

In federal state organizations under the jurisdiction of federal state bodies that train personnel in the interests of the defense and security of the state, ensuring law and order, the proportion of teachers of these categories is determined by the federal state body in charge of the organization.

In federal state organizations under the jurisdiction of federal state bodies that train personnel in the interests of the defense and security of the state, ensuring law and order, teachers of military professional and special professional are equated to scientific and pedagogical workers with academic degrees and (or) academic titles disciplines (modules) without academic degrees and (or) academic titles, having a specialized higher education, experience in military service (service in law enforcement agencies) in the field and with objects of professional activity corresponding to the program of the specialist, at least 10 years, military (special) rank not lower than "major" ("captain of the 3rd rank"), as well as having combat experience, or state awards, or state (industry) honorary titles, or state awards.

Among the scientific and pedagogical workers with the scientific degree of Doctor of Science and (or) the academic title of professor, teachers of military professional disciplines (modules), special professional disciplines (modules) with a Ph.D. branch) honorary titles, or state awards.

For conducting lecture-type classes, sets of demonstration equipment and educational visual aids are offered, providing thematic illustrations corresponding to the programs of academic disciplines (modules).

The organization implementing the specialist's program must have the material and technical base that ensures the conduct of all types of disciplinary and interdisciplinary training, laboratory, practical and research work of students, provided for by the organization's curriculum, including forensic, as well as special equipment, service weapons, special means and other material and technical means necessary for the implementation of special or military training of students in federal state organizations that are under the jurisdiction of federal state bodies that train personnel in the interests of the defense and security of the state, ensuring law and order.

If an organization does not use an electronic library system (electronic library) or if access to the publications necessary, in accordance with the programs of academic disciplines (modules) and practices, is not provided through electronic library systems, the library fund must be completed with printed publications at the rate of at least 50 copies of each of these editions of the main literature listed in the work programs of disciplines (modules), practices and at least 25 copies of additional literature per 100 students.

The ability of students to access professional databases and information reference systems in federal state organizations that are under the jurisdiction of federal state bodies that train personnel in the interests of the defense and security of the state, law enforcement and law enforcement is regulated by the federal state body.


*(1) Part 4 of Article 81 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation" (Sobraniye Zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii, 2012, N 53, Art. 7598; 2013, N 19, Art. 2326; N 23, 2878; N 27, item 3462; N 30, item 4036; N 48, item 6165; 2014, N 6, item 562, item 566; N 19, item 2289; N 22, item 2769; N 23, item 2933; N26, item 3388; N 30, item 4217, item 4257, item 4263; 2015, N 1, item 42, item 53, item 72; N 14, 2008; N 27, item 3951, item 3989; N 29, item 4339, item 4364; N 51, item 7241; 2016, N 1, item 8, item 9, item 24, 78; No. 10, item 1320; No. 23, item 3289, item 3290; N 27, item 4160, item 4219, item 4223, item 4238, item 4239, item 4245, item 4246, article 4292).

*(2) Part 2 of Article 81 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2012, N 53, Art. 7598; 2013, N 19, Art. 2326; N 23 2878; N 27, item 3462; N 30, item 4036; N 48, item 6165; 2014, N 6, item 562, item 566; N 19, item 2289; N 22, item 2769; N 23, item 2933; N26, item 3388; N 30, item 4217, item 4257, item 4263; 2015, N 1, item 42, item 53, item 72; N 14, 2008; N 18, item 2625; N 27, item 3951, item 3989; N29, item 4339, item 4364; N 51, item 7241; 2016, N 1, item 8, item 9, item 24, item 78; N 10, item 1320; N 23, item 3289, item 3290; N 27, item 4160, item 4219, item 4223, item 4238, item 4239 4245, 4246, 4292).

*(3) The list of specialties of higher education - a specialty, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of September 12, 2013 N 1061 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on October 14, 2013, registration N 30163), as amended by orders of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Federation dated January 29, 2014 N 63 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on February 28, 2014, registration N 31448), dated August 20, 2014 N 1033 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on September 3, 2014, registration N 33947) , dated October 13, 2014 N 1313 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on November 13, 2014, registration N 34691), dated March 25, 2015 N 270 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on April 22, 2015, registration N 36994) and dated October 1, 2015 N 1080 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on October 19, 2015 ., registration N 39355).

*(4) See article 76 of the Federal Law of November 30, 2011 N 342-FZ "On Service in the Internal Affairs Bodies and Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation" (Sobraniye Zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii, 2011, N 49, Art. 7020; 2012, N 50 , item 6954; 2013, N 19, item 2329; N 27, item 3477; N 48, item 6165; 2014, N 13, item 1528; N 47, item 6633; N 49, item 6928 ; N 52, item 7542; 2015, N 7, item 1022; N 29, item 4356; N 41, item 5639; 2016, N 27, item 4160, item 4233, item 4238).

*(5) the federal law dated July 27, 2006 N 149-FZ "On Information, Information Technologies and Information Protection" (Sobraniye Zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii, 2006, N 31, item 3448; 2010, N 31, item 4196; 2011, N 15, 2038; N 30, item 4600; 2012, N 31, item 4328; 2013, N 14, item 1658; N 23, item 2870; N 27, item 3479; N 52, item 6961, 6963; 2014, N 19, item 2302; N 30, item 4223, item 4243, N 48, item 6645; 2015, N 1, item 84; N 27, item 3979; N 29, 4389, article 4390; 2016, N 28, article 4558), Federal Law of July 27, 2006 N 152-FZ "On Personal Data" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2006, N 31, article 3451; 2009, N 48, item 5716; N 52, item 6439; 2010, N 27, item 3407; N 31, item 4173, item 4196; N 49, item 6409; 2011, N 23, item 3263; N 31, item 4701; 2013, N 14, item 1651; N 30, item 4038; N 51, item 6683; 2014, N 23, item 2927; N 30, item 4217, item 4243).

President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin constantly emphasizes that ensuring national security remains a priority for the Russian government in the context of the neighborhood with overpopulated and troubled regions.

With this in mind, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, by order No. 39 dated January 17, 2011, approved the Federal State Educational Standard for Higher Professional Education in the direction of training "Legal support of national security" (qualification "specialist").

Training in this specialty gives you higher legal education in the specialist's program in the best traditions national system higher professional education. In addition, you will receive serious special (power) training and will be ready to ensure constitutional order and legality, not only with a convincing word, but also with deed, using service weapons, special tools and equipment to solve professional problems. You will acquire the necessary professional skills to work with confidential information, master the methods of protecting state secrets and maintaining secrecy. In addition, you will gain practical skills in using the main types of weapons and special equipment, master the tactics of individual and group actions using them. You will be ready to perform operational and service tasks in special conditions, in emergency circumstances in wartime.

Areas of activity of our graduates

  • Bodies of state power and administration of Russia;
  • Bodies and divisions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia;
  • Bodies, divisions and military units of the FSB of Russia;
  • Bodies, divisions and military units of the National Guard of Russia;
  • Bodies and divisions of the Federal Penitentiary Service of the Ministry of Justice of Russia;
  • Bodies and divisions of the service bailiffs Russia;
  • Bodies and divisions of the Investigative Committee of Russia;
  • Prosecutor's Office of Russia;
  • Russian Bar Association;
  • Services own security enterprises, organizations, holdings, banks;
  • Private security companies and detective agencies.

Classes with students are conducted by highly qualified professors and teachers with experience behind them. practical work in the bodies ensuring the national security of Russia.

The list of compulsory subjects for study includes:

  • National Security Theory
  • Operational-search activity
  • Personal security of law enforcement officers
  • Prevention of corruption in public authorities and administration
  • Fight against drug trafficking
  • Operative provision of counteraction to drug trafficking
  • Investigation of crimes related to illegal arms trafficking
  • Legal means of combating terrorism and extremism
  • Investigation of economic and official crimes
  • Document flow in the bodies ensuring national security
  • Ensuring secrecy and protection of state secrets
  • Features of the appointment and execution of criminal punishment
  • Legal regulation of private security activities
  • Tactical-special training
  • fire training
  • The tactics of using special means

In practical classes, when training specialists in this area, the ability to use psychological means and methods is formed, as well as professional skills in the field of protecting state secrets and ensuring secrecy in solving professional problems are developed.

Classes, in addition to classrooms and lecture halls, are held in the center of special training:

  1. in the digital photography lab
  2. in the criminology office
  3. in the special equipment room
  4. in the class of fire training
  5. in the class of tactical and special training
  6. in computer classes
  7. in the first aid room
  8. in a universal range for shooting from firearms
  9. in 3 specialized sports, well-equipped halls for special physical training.

Reading rooms of the university library and a special library of limited access literature are at the disposal of students.
Familiarization and pre-diploma practices are held in state authorities and administration, in law enforcement agencies and law enforcement agencies.

Obtaining this specialty will allow you to become a specialist who is ready to ensure the national security of Russia, to protect the legitimate rights and interests of its citizens, not only by the force of convincing arguments, but also in more effective ways!

Ensuring national security is one of the priority activities of state structures. After all, this characteristic largely determines the position of the country in the foreign policy and foreign economic arena. Thus, the low performance of this concept will directly affect ordinary citizens. Therefore, the issue of security must be resolved as soon as possible.

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It should be understood that in order to maintain it, it is necessary to regulate something. So, this refers to the legal support of the direction in question.

After graduating from a higher educational institution, people with such a specialty acquire knowledge and skills, with the help of which the optimal functioning of state structures operating in the field of security formation is realized.

Most citizens have a quite reasonable correspondence that such specialists are almost great intelligence officers, they work only in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the FSB or the Ministry of Emergency Situations and risk their lives every day. However, everything does not look so heroic, although this does not diminish the value of their work.

In order to understand what kind of profession “legal support of national security” is, it is necessary to study the information relevant in 2020 in this area of ​​study, because when analyzing the main subjects studied, certain conclusions can already be drawn. In addition, such information can be useful for schoolchildren who are thinking about the work of a lawyer in the field of public relations.

general review

A private lawyer who is engaged in the field of public, commercial and civil relations, in terms of the characteristics of his activity, differs significantly from a specialist dealing with cases of state importance.

First of all, the latter needs to undergo separate training, since, unlike ordinary lawyers, when teaching students of this direction, special emphasis is placed on the international legal field, the information component of training. Without fail, the graduate must have deep knowledge of at least one foreign language.

The direction "Legal support of national security" trains lawyers in the field of relations between state structures and individuals or legal entities. There are several special profiles, each of which, in a more precise consideration, defines one or another facet of the legal field.

So, the following options can be distinguished when security is ensured:

  • state-legal;
  • civil law;
  • international legal;
  • law enforcement;
  • criminal law;
  • law-making.

For the most part, one can already judge the meaning of each of the profiles by one name. But it is obvious that the applicant must carefully study each option before entering, so as not to regret his choice in the future.

What's included in the content

Training in this area

When choosing a place of study in this area, it is recommended to apply to a university that is in the top positions of the ranking and has positive reviews from both employers and former students. Universities specializing in the production of lawyers of various categories remain relevant.

The most preferred are the following educational organizations:

  • Moscow State Linguistic University;
  • Russian Law Academy of the Ministry of Justice of Russia;
  • Moscow State University means of communication;
  • Russian Academy National economy and civil service under the President of the Russian Federation.

Admission is carried out for applicants with an average general education or average professional. The selection among school graduates is based on the results of the unified state exam in the Russian language, history and social science.

Obviously, you can win the competition only if you have enough points. Therefore, timely preparation for the delivery of specialized subjects is the key to successful admission.

As for persons who have diplomas of graduation from a higher or secondary vocational educational institution, their admission is carried out in the interview process.

What disciplines are in the program

You need to understand that this direction involves a serious approach, forming the necessary base of 80 subjects for general education and legal purposes.

The training program is developed by experienced teachers with high qualifications, who are engaged in practice in parallel, thus they can give their students much more important information than theoretical aspects.

As for the studied disciplines, the following provisions can be distinguished from the whole variety:

  • fundamentals of theory, history of state and law;
  • legal psychology;
  • fundamentals of the theory of national security;
  • various types of law, whether it be criminal, constitutional, environmental or any other;
  • classes in forensic psychiatry;
  • forensic examinations.

Obviously, the degree of in-depth study of the subject and their priority is determined by the profile that the student has chosen.

Other job descriptions

The process of learning in the direction of legal security can be implemented in several ways:

If a person enters after receiving a diploma from a specialized college, then the period of study is reduced by one year.

In addition, it should be noted that this direction assumes the presence budget places. However, you need to understand that their number is very limited, while they are available only for full-time and part-time studies.

This specialty implies the further participation of the graduate in the following activities:

  • drafting and implementation of legal guidelines;
  • legal support of national security;
  • maintaining compliance with law and order;
  • legal education and legal education.

That is, a person with an appropriate diploma can engage in activities of the following nature:

  • law-making;
  • law enforcement;
  • law enforcement;
  • organizational and managerial;
  • teaching legal disciplines;
  • international law enforcement.

The choice depends primarily on which profile was chosen by the applicant upon admission. Depending on the activity, the future specialist is assigned certain tasks for the implementation of the key goals of the direction.

Significant differences

It is necessary to distinguish between law enforcement and legal support of national security. Despite some similarities, they still have different characteristics.

Thus, law enforcement activity is a type of state activity that is implemented in order to protect the rights of individuals and legal entities with the help of authorized structures using legal mechanisms of influence, in accordance with the requirements of the law and strict observance of the established procedure.

A striking example of such work will be the actions of the police - one of the elements of law enforcement agencies.

If we consider the legal support of national security, then such activities are more highly specialized. A specialist in this area is primarily involved in the development and implementation of legal acts aimed at maintaining the functions of the law at the state level.

He considers foreign economic and foreign policy relations in line with the established developments. Moreover, not only internal provisions are taken into account, but also international ones, achieved through the development of various conventions or agreements.

Help for graduates

Graduates should know what awaits them after graduation.

With a general consideration of the specialty, without breaking down into profiles, a graduate with an appropriate diploma, when employed, acquires a range of the following tasks based on the acquired knowledge and skills:

  • development and implementation of legal norms, documents (laws, orders);
  • examination of legal acts in order to identify inconsistencies and possible corruption mechanisms;
  • making decisions in accordance with the provisions of the law;
  • investigation of crimes of a legal nature, establishment of a measure of punishment for the committed act;
  • participation in a court session;
  • development and implementation of activities for interaction between the state and individuals or legal entities (the same applies to international agreements);
  • maintaining compliance with the law in the direction of "subject-state" and "state-state";
  • advising the public and government or commercial structures on legal issues;
  • protection of state secrets and secret information.

As you can see, there are many tasks and they are quite different. In addition, these types of activities for the state are of exceptional importance, which makes the specialist in demand in the labor market.

Additionally, it should be understood that after the end of the main program, most educational institutions provide the opportunity for further education as a postgraduate or master's program.

Where can you work

Graduates of the direction "Legal support of national security" have sufficient training to obtain a position in:

  • government structures aimed at maintaining security;
  • state bodies of legislative, judicial or executive power;
  • in local governments;
  • in the legal department of companies with foreign economic activity;
  • in the apparatus authorized by rights.

They can also take part in the field of ensuring the activities of political parties, work in the registry office, advocacy. In addition, in the process of studying, students acquire the skills necessary to serve as a legal adviser to legislative officials at various levels.

Therefore, depending on the area in which the graduate will go, he can become an employee of the following organizations:

  • military establishment;
  • border and internal troops;
  • law enforcement structures;
  • foreign intelligence agencies;
  • the security service of the legislative, executive and judicial authorities (the same is true for senior officials of these formations);
  • tax office;
  • emergency response service;
  • bodies supporting the safe implementation of activities in certain areas of production, such as: industry, energy, transport and agriculture;
  • services whose work is aimed at ensuring the security of information transmission;
  • Customs;
  • commercial organizations, if the business is related to international cooperation.

Salaries in such organizations at first do not exceed 30 thousand rubles a month. With the passage of time and a set of experience, the services of a lawyer become more expensive - the monthly income can reach 80 thousand rubles.

Qualification (degree) of the graduate:


  • "Criminal Law",
  • "Civil Law",
  • "State-legal"

Training period

  • full-time - 5 years,
  • part-time - 6 years.

Possibility of accelerated training based on HPE

Area of ​​professional activity includes: development and implementation of legal norms; legal support of national security; ensuring law and order; legal education and legal education.

Objects of professional activity are public relations in the field of implementation of legal norms, ensuring law and order.

Types and tasks of the graduate's professional activity in the specialty "Legal support of national security": law-making activities: development of regulatory legal acts; law enforcement activities: substantiation and adoption of decisions within the limits of official duties, as well as the performance of actions related to the implementation of legal norms; drafting legal documents; law enforcement: ensuring the rule of law, law and order, security of the individual, society and the state; identification and prevention of threats to the security of the individual, society and the state; prevention, prevention, suppression, detection, disclosure and investigation of offenses; protection of the rights and legitimate interests of citizens and legal entities; assistance to individuals and legal entities in the protection of their rights and legitimate interests; ensuring international cooperation between law enforcement agencies; legal support of official activity; ensuring the implementation of acts of application of law; searching, obtaining, analyzing and evaluating information that is important for the implementation of norms in the field of national security; organizational and managerial activities: organizing the work of small teams and groups of performers in the process of solving professional problems; research activities: conducting scientific research on legal issues; participation in scientific research in accordance with the profile of their professional activities; pedagogical activity: teaching legal disciplines in general educational institutions, in educational institutions of primary vocational, secondary vocational, higher vocational and additional education.

The purpose of training in the specialty "Legal support of national security" consists in high-quality training of competitive, tolerant and competent professionals with a high level of legal culture and legal awareness, fundamental knowledge in the field of law-making, law enforcement, law enforcement, expert advisory, organizational and managerial, research and pedagogical activities and activities demanded by the state and society. The basis for the content of graduate training, among other things, is the formation of an order from employers that reflects the need of the regional labor market for specialists of a certain profile. Students study fundamental legal disciplines: the theory of state and law, constitutional law, financial law, administrative law, civil law, civil procedure, labor law, business law, criminal law, criminal procedure, criminalistics, etc.

Higher education should go a little ahead of the requests of the state and place the main emphasis on the formation of specialists with a certain set of competencies. To this end, training has been organized in several specializations. Students are determined with a specialization in the third year, which allows them to make a choice, determined by the direction of their future professional activity. Specialization serves as a means of differentiation and individualization of education, allows, due to changes in the structure, content and organization of the educational process, to more fully take into account the interests, inclinations and abilities of students, create conditions for their learning in accordance with professional interests and intentions in relation to continuing education.

Criminal law specialization provides in-depth professional knowledge about the activities of law enforcement agencies and is aimed at preparing students for future work in law enforcement agencies at all levels, as well as in public authorities as legal specialists. Graduates are prepared to work to ensure national security and ensure law and order in the activities of law enforcement agencies, state authorities and local governments. The tasks of developing the necessary professional skills in the fight against crime, the ability to identify corrupt behavior and contribute to its suppression are being solved. The study of such disciplines as the organization and tactics of solving certain types of crimes, the issues of qualification of crimes, criminal procedural proof, a crime against the order of management, and corruption crimes is aimed at this.

Civil law specialization provides a more in-depth study of legal institutions in the field of regulation of civil law relations in the field of ensuring national security. The main goal of civil law specialization is to train graduates to assist in the implementation of civil rights and legitimate interests of citizens, commercial and non-profit organizations. Economic development trends are reflected in the preparation of students modern society, the study of such disciplines as intellectual property law, civil litigation, consumer law, competition law, investment law is aimed at this.

State legal specialization provides in-depth professional knowledge about the activities of legal institutions in public law relations and is aimed at preparing students for future work in public authorities and local self-government as legal specialists. Graduates of the specialization are prepared to work to ensure the activities of political parties and public organizations; to work in election commissions of all levels; offices of commissioners for human rights, children's rights, entrepreneurs' rights, social security agencies. The preparation of students provides for the study of such disciplines as electoral law and process, constitutional justice, problems of Russian federalism, citizenship and migration problems, etc.


In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of the Higher Professional Education, the section of the main educational program "Educational and industrial practice" is mandatory and is a type of training session that is directly focused on the professional and practical training of students. Practice reinforces the knowledge and skills acquired by students as a result of mastering theoretical courses and special disciplines, develop practical skills and contribute to the integrated formation of general cultural and professional competencies of students. The main form of accomplishing this task, first of all, is the effective organization of all types of practice provided for by the curriculum. For the purpose of organizational support, long-term contracts have been concluded with law enforcement agencies, ministries and departments, which are the main bases of practice. Practice allows you to get acquainted with the organization of the work of relevant bodies, enterprises and institutions, with their employees and employees, to prove themselves, to create favorable conditions for subsequent employment.

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