The history of the state of the east is a traditional society in the era. Electronic educational resource "states of the East in early modern times". Decomposition of the estate system

Aviary 12.08.2021







Lesson topic:States of the East: Traditional Society in the Early Modern Age. (Slide 1)

Goals:determine the development trends of the Eastern states; to consolidate the main characteristics of the traditional societies of the East; highlight the special features of the eastern countries.

Tasks: implement the acquired skills in solving specific historical problems; learn to think independently, creatively; acquire critical thinking skills. (Slide 2)

Lesson type:

Combined lesson

Used textbooks and tutorials:

Tutorial: Yudovskaya A. Ya., Baranov P. A., Vanyushkina L. M. . New History 1500 - 1800 M., Education, 2014. Yudovskaya A. Ya, Vanyushkina L. M.

Lesson developments on new history. Yudovskaya A.Ya., Vanyushkina L.M.M., Enlightenment, 2013.

Equipment: laptop, projector, presentation, cards.

During the classes

I. Organizing time

Greetings. Preparing for the lesson.

II. Knowledge update

What, in your opinion, are the common features characteristic of the traditional societies of the countries of the East - India, China, Japan? (Slide 3)

III. Motivation for learning activities

Today we will get to know each other and learn to highlight the distinctive features of each country.

These are three different states, each with its own unique history, culture, religion and traditions. But all these states are united by common features characteristic of the East. The structure of their economic life is called traditional.

Concept: traditional society(Slide 4)

IV . Learning new material

Learning task:Highlight the features characteristic of the societies of the East inXVI - XVIII centuries

Did such features exist in the life of European society: in the 10th-13th centuries, in the 14th-15th centuries, in the 16th-18th centuries?


    The role of the state in the economic life of the states of the East.

    Estate system.

    Religions of the East.

Questions for comparison




Common features, main conclusion

1. Who owned the land?

2. Characteristic features of the peasant community.

3. What estates occupied a dominant position?

1. The first feature that was similar in all these societies was the attitude towards private property.


    The land must belong to the state

    The sovereignty of the land belongs to the state

    The state makes sure that the nobility does not turn into large owners.

    The state provides vast lands for the use of a noble person, and for this he pays taxes and maintains an army.

    You can use the land plot for no more than 10 years, then it was transferred to another owner.

    The lands were never inherited. (Slide 5)


    All lands were divided into two parts: state and national (private)

    State lands are given to peasants who work the land and pay taxes

    The state annually issues decrees prohibiting the sale of land

    The land must belong to the state. (Slide 6)


    The main land fund owned by the princes

    The central government pursues a policy of confiscation and redistribution of land holdings.

    The redistribution of land contributes to the strengthening of the central government.

    The Edoya family clan from Osaka city owned granaries, warehouses, dormice of thousands of gold bars, precious stones. The family of Edoya was accused of disobedience to the state, all his property was confiscated.

    The state is the supreme owner of the land. (Slide 7)

2. The next characteristic feature of Eastern societies there was a community. (Slide 8)

? Name the characteristics of rural life.

Estimated student responses.

Natural economy- a farm, the main production of which is created and consumed for the community's own needs, and not for sale.


Economic isolation- a characteristic of a community in which all economic benefits are produced within the community itself and there is no foreign trade.

Mutual responsibility- a characteristic of the community, in which there is joint collective work within the community. The responsibility of all members of the community for each community member, and, conversely, the responsibility of the community member for the community as a whole.

Peasants are dependent on the community, but personally free.

The state regulates economic life.

The students are given cards with the characteristic features of the community.. After reading the text, students should briefly fill in the table and highlight similar features.


    All positions and responsibilities are inherited from generation to generation.

    Outside the community, community members became disenfranchised.


    The village consisted of 100 households.

    The elder was the head of the community.

    The headman is responsible for collecting taxes and performing duties.

    The community was self-governing.

    The central government set prices for the most important goods, there was state trade, state crafts.


    The peasants could not leave their farm, their life flowed in hard work and poverty

    State decrees prescribed the peasants what to eat and how to dress.

    If a peasant left the village, the whole community had to pay taxes for him and cultivate the land for him.

    In the country, the custom of "infanticide" (usually girls) has become widespread in order to get rid of extra mouths.

Teacher. In our class there are travelers who have visited China and Japan.(Advance task)

With their help, the question "The estate system in the countries of the East" is revealed.

(Slide 9)

    Religions of the East. (Material for the teacher)

Confucianism Confucius (551 - 479 BC) The power of the emperor is compared to the power of the father. Relations in the state with family relationships where the younger ones depend on the older ones. Relations between rulers and officials should be based on goodness and justice. Domination of norms of moral behavior. The people must be devoted to the ruler in obedience and respect. In the country, everyone should take their place and position in society. The sovereign must be the sovereign, the dignitary - the dignitary, the father - the father, the son - the son. A person should have five virtues - wisdom, humanity, loyalty, respect for elders, courage.

Each person should strive for self-improvement and benefit everyone.

Confucius taught to avoid extremes (principle of the middle).

The government is responsible to the people, otherwise the people will stop trusting it.

Buddhism (Slide 11)

Religion founded by Gautama Buddha (6th century BC). All Buddhists revere the Buddha as the founder of the spiritual tradition that bears his name. The goal of believers is to achieve nirvana, a blissful state of insight and liberation from the shackles of one's "I", the world and an endless circle of births, deaths and new births in the chain of new lives. The state of spiritual perfection is achieved through humility, generosity, mercy, abstinence from violence and self-control. All statutory caste privileges and insignia have also been abolished.

Buddha is enlightened by higher knowledge. Gautama lived in a golden palace until the age of 40, but after learning about the suffering of the people, he fled the palace and became a hermit.

The whole life of a person is a continuous path of suffering, grief of sorrow. The human soul does not die, but is reborn again and again. In order not to be reborn again, a person must reach nirvana. Completely renounce all passions. If a person led an unrighteous life, he can be reborn into an animal or a stone.

How to achieve nirvana? The Buddha taught: "Curb the eyes, so as not to be tempted, restrain the tongue, ears, body, speech, mind - restrain everything."

Buddhism called for self-improvement, pointed out that the path to salvation is in the hands of the person himself.

Shinto (Slide 12)

The original religion of the Japanese. The word "shinto" ("way of the gods") is of Chinese origin. The early forms of Shinto were the deification of nature. Shinto was strongly influenced by Buddhism and Confucianism. From Buddhism, Shinto learned philosophy, magnificent rituals, the concept of everyday ethical duties.

The amazing diversity of gods and goddesses in early Shinto is perhaps unique in world history. Each mountain, river, natural phenomenon, even trees and grasses had their own gods (kami). The main ones were the Heavenly Father and the Earthly Mother; in the course of the creation of the world, which was very similar to the processes of conception and birth in humans, they gave birth to the islands of the Japanese archipelago and most of the other gods and goddesses. Amaterasu Omikami, the goddess of the sun, or the "Great Heavenly Radiant Deity", is the most remarkable goddess of all these offspring. Shinto texts tell how she went to heaven and joined the heavenly gods, became the ruler of the sun, and finally sent her grandson to earth to rule the islands that later became the homeland of the Japanese. This grandson became the founder of the eternal imperial dynasty.

The myth of the birth of the Japanese state and the emergence of the imperial dynasty formed the basis of Shintoism. Legislative acts stated that the emperor is a divine, sacred messenger of heaven, which means that the hereditary power of the emperor does not depend on the will of the people. The emperor - the living embodiment of the ancestral gods - was to be given absolute obedience.

Shintoism taught that under certain conditions, the soul of every dead person can turn into a deity, but for this it is necessary to fulfill all religious prescriptions: pray, make sacrifices.

V . Anchoring(Slide 13)

Consolidation of knowledge and methods of action.

Students draw conclusions about the features of the development of India, China, Japan.

Fix the rules for compiling a syncwine.

VI . Results. Reflection: The Backpack Method(Slide 14)

In class, I learned...

In class, I learned...

I understand…

Evaluation of work in the classroom.

Homework: work out paragraph 28, compose a cinquain for the religions of the East.

States of the East: traditional society in the early modern era. land tenure methods. Village community. Estates. Religion. ... During the lesson, you will learn what influenced the worldview of the inhabitants of India, China and Japan, how economic and social relations in these states. Let's start our consideration of the countries of the East with the methods of land ownership characteristic of these states. India. ... India. In India, the society was divided into 4 varnas: Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas, Shudras. Each varna included many castes, more than two thousand in total, many of which have survived to this day. Let us consider in more detail the varnas of Indian traditional society.

28. Traditional societies of the East in early modern times. India.doc


28. Traditional societies of the East in early modern times. India for its long history India has experienced many conquests and conquerors. But the ruler who captured the north of the country in the year 1526 was truly great. Zahireddin Mohammed, the hereditary ruler of the Ferghana Valley, a direct descendant of the great Timur, lived in the era of great geographical discoveries and no less great changes. Apparently, therefore, he became the creator of the New Age in the East. Even in his youth, Mongolian relatives awarded Zahireddin with the nickname Babur, which means “tiger”, for courage, quick wits and a special unblinking look that these beautiful predators have and which the Conqueror of Asia, Genghis Khan, had. Throughout his short life (he lived only forty-eight years), Babur justified this name. In 1526, Babur invaded India at the head of 12,000 troops. In the Battle of Panipat, he defeated the army of the Sultan of Delhi. So, according to the apt expression of the Shah's courtiers, Babur became a tiger riding an elephant. After that, the great conqueror founded a new state, the Mughal Empire, in northern India. This name is not accidental. Strictly speaking, Babur was not a Mongol, but in India, not only the Mongols, but all other Muslim feudal lords who had previously been under the rule of the Mongols were called Moghuls. The territory of the new state was huge. It extended to Eastern Afghanistan, Sindh, Kashmir and almost the entire Hindustan Peninsula, with the exception of its southern part. The conquest of such a vast territory was due to the weakness of the Delhi Sultanate and feudal fragmentation. Standing at the head of a vast empire, Babur and his successors tried to bring local feudal lords closer to the throne and thereby strengthen their position in the conquered country. We must admit that they succeeded. By the end of the sixteenth century, a centralized system of government had developed in the country. Unlike the rulers of the Delhi Sultanate, the Mughals often appointed Hindus to administrative and military posts. Peasants, as before, were united in communities and paid land tax. In addition to the land tax, non-Muslim peasants paid a special tax. The population was obliged to perform labor innocence in state construction work, to support passing officials, messengers, and so on. However, by the time of the reign of Babur's grandson Shah Akbar, the system of government began to weaken. In different parts of the country, revolts of local feudal lords took place every now and then. A wise and talented ruler, Akbar tried in various ways to stop these performances. For example, he married the daughters and sisters of major Indian rajas, thus turning them into his relatives and depriving them of the opportunity

raise an armed rebellion. As a result, Akbar ended up with about five thousand wives, most of whom he had never seen in his life! If the "peaceful way" did not help to prevent the uprising, Akbar resorted to drastic measures. In order to divert the feudal lords from civil strife, the shah began aggressive campaigns. True, unlike his distant ancestor Tamerlane, Akbar never ruined the conquered territories: the padishah needed constant taxes, and you can’t collect them from the dead. During his reign, Akbar significantly expanded the territory of the state, having made a number of successful conquest campaigns. It is easy to see that Akbar's armies operated most often along the ancient caravan routes. The Shah sought to establish his control over the seaports of Hindustan. Teacher: Throughout the seventeenth century, Akbar's successors waged constant wars of conquest and suppressed the ever-increasing revolts of recalcitrant feudal lords. All this required huge funds. The bureaucracy and the number of military leaders increased. There was not enough land for the distribution of jagirs, and taxes grew uncontrollably. In addition, the persecution of Hinduism began, Hindu temples were destroyed. A serious manifestation of tension in the empire was the emergence of various religious sects. The most influential of these was the Sikh sect. Sikhs differed from traditional Hinduism in that they proclaimed monotheism. Sikhs were famous for their strong organization, severe discipline and unquestioning obedience to their teacher, whom they called the guru. The militant Sikhs became another factor of tension in the empire. Over time, the situation was aggravated by the penetration of Europeans into India, which became especially active in the seventeenth century. The Europeans used the internecine struggle to their advantage, inciting the feudal lords to protest, and then seizing territories and penetrating deeper and deeper into the economy of the states of Hindustan. All this could not but lead to an explosion. In one thousand six hundred and seventy-four, several uprisings broke out all over the empire at once, as a result of which independent independent states arose not only in India, but also in Afghanistan. The Mughal Empire finally ceased to exist in the first half of the eighteenth century, when first the Afghan rulers, and then the troops of Nadirshah captured the northern territories of India. Remarkable architectural monuments remained from the once mighty Mughal Empire: mosques, mausoleums and palace fortresses, as well as beautiful park ensembles. The mausoleum of the Taj Mahal in Agra, the capital of Babur, became the most famous symbol of the cultural achievements of the Mughals. Masterpieces of painting of that era, especially miniatures, are convincing evidence of the past splendor of the empire.

European penetration into India. The beginning of the sixteenth century in India was also marked by the commercial expansion of Europeans. The Portuguese were the first to penetrate the Indian coast with the expedition of Vasco da Gama in one thousand four hundred and ninety-eight. As a result of military incursions in the early sixteenth century, the Portuguese succeeded in capturing a number of ports on the West Coast of India. Over time, these cities became the strongholds of the Portuguese. From here they controlled the ships entering the Persian and Arabian Gulfs. The Portuguese possessions in India were ruled by the viceroy, who expanded the spheres of domination of Portugal. Along with the Portuguese garrisons and merchants, missionary monks also appeared in India. During the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, Indian rulers often entered into armed struggle with the Portuguese, which, however, most often ended in the defeat of the Indians. seizing the possessions of local feudal lords. The penetration of Europeans into India intensified in the seventeenth century, when England and Holland began an active expansionist policy. The British and Dutch founded the East India trading companies at the beginning of the century and gradually pushed the Portuguese back. The weakening of the positions of the Portuguese was also facilitated by the fact that the port cities under their control were located in territories covered by internecine wars. Having founded the East India Trading Company in 1600, the British, with the help of intrigues, bribery, armed attacks, sought more and more trade privileges. Since 1608, their ships have established constant expeditions to India. Having defeated the Portuguese flotilla off Surat (Gujarat) in 1612, they received permission from Jahangir, the king of the Mughal Empire, to open a trading post there. After a three-year stay at the Mughal court in Agra, Thomas Rohe, the official ambassador of the English king, the British received the right to trade with Bengal. They bought mainly Indian fabrics, indigo, spices, saltpeter, bringing porcelain, silks, corals, wool and pearls to India from the countries of the Far East, Southeast Asia, the Persian Gulf and the Red Sea. As a result of the activities of this company, Indian merchants were pushed aside and were able to keep in their hands only coastal trade on the Indian coast. The British opened a number of trading posts in many cities and villages, built the fort of St. George, around which the city of Madras grew, created a trading base in Bombay, where they settled weavers from Surat and organized the production of fabrics, founded the city of Calcutta on the spot where Vasco da Gama once landed . Both French and Danish trading companies had their trading posts in India. Pursuing their own selfish goals, the Europeans intervened in feudal civil strife and

struggle between the Indian feudal lords and the Mughal authorities, supplying both of them with weapons and sending their military detachments to help. The capture of Bengal and other lands by the British. In the eighteenth century, the French became the most serious opponents of England in the struggle for colonies in India. Their trading posts appeared in India in the second half of the seventeenth century, immediately after the French East India Company was founded in 1664. However, in the middle of the eighteenth century, the interests of the British and French came into direct conflict in Europe, and in North America, and in Asia. During the Seven Years' War (in the period from 1756 to 1763), which was waged in the east by the French and English East India Companies, the British completely defeated the local feudal lords, who were supported by the French, and captured Bengal, put them in vassalage two neighboring regions, thereby depriving the French of almost all of their Indian possessions. The scheme of actions of the representatives of the East India Company was very simple. The East India Company entered into agreements with the rulers of various small Indian states on subsidies, that is, on gratuitous assistance. According to these agreements, the company provided its own forces and means for the defense of these states from the incursions of their neighbors. In response, the rajahs, “beneficial” in this way, provided the East India Company with various privileges, falling into complete dependence on it. When it came to war, the East India Company led it with the forces of hired Indian soldiers - sepoys. Having bled both sides in such a war, both their ally and his enemy, representatives of this company simply brought British military units into the territory of a dependent state. The British continued their aggressive policy and expanded the territories belonging to the English crown so much that in 1773 the first governor-general of all India, Warren Hastings, was even appointed. It was during his reign that the first act on the management of the English possessions of Great Britain was adopted, which put the activities of the East India Company under the control of the English Parliament. Hastings laid the foundations of civil service in the colonies, improved the legal system and successfully solved the problems that arose in connection with the constant uprisings of the local population, as well as with the outbreak of colonial wars. In the short period of time from one thousand seven hundred and sixty-seven to one thousand seven hundred and ninety-nine, there were four such wars. However, all of them invariably ended in the defeat of the Indians. Thus, by the beginning of the nineteenth century, the colonial dependence of India on Great Britain was formalized in its main features. The British had no rivals in the colonial conquests in India, since

Questions at the beginning of a paragraph

Question. What forms political power existed in the countries of the East in the Middle Ages? What features of economic life were characteristic of traditional Eastern societies? What values ​​did the ancient Indian religion Buddhism preach?

In the countries of the East, there was predominantly a despotic form of power.

The economic life was characterized primarily by the fact that these were agrarian societies in which the state was the main owner of the land. Peasants experienced a very strong tax burden.

Buddhism values: ending suffering and achieving awakening, spiritual liberation, in which life is seen "as it is", withdrawal from worldly life

Questions in a paragraph

Question. What do you think, than the architecture of China in the XV century. different from the European architecture of this era? Why?

Chinese architecture differs from European primarily in the stability of its traditions. All the main constructive and decorative techniques developed in antiquity and were preserved with minor changes. And in European architecture there has always been a search for new forms, materials, building technologies. The planning of Chinese buildings and cities is connected with the principle of "feng shui", an ancient doctrine of the harmonious organization of space. The main building material in China was wood, and in Europe stone buildings are becoming more common, especially in cities. The main distinguishing element of Chinese architecture is the curved roofs. This is due to construction technology - they never made rafters for roofs, but used a rack-and-beam system

Questions at the end of the paragraph

Question 1. What forms of land ownership existed in the countries of the East?

land ownership forms: State, communal and private. In China and India, state ownership of land absolutely predominated. The state gave land for the use of noble people for military service and peasants, for which they had to pay taxes.

Japan in the 17th century the main land fund was owned by the princes, but the central government, wanting to strengthen its position, pursued a policy of confiscation and redistribution of land holdings.

Question 2. Compare the situation of cities in the West and in the East in the XVI-XVIII centuries.

The cities in the East did not achieve the independence that the cities in Western Europe had. Unlike Europe, the townspeople were under the vigilant control of the state. In China, every resident of the city was registered in a special book, assigned to his street and quarter, and was obliged to go to the city government for an inspection twice a month. Whistleblowing of neighbors was encouraged.

In the East of the XVI-XVII centuries. - a time of rapid urban development. Crafts and trade were well developed in the cities.

Question 3: How did the states in the East regulate the lives of their subjects?

States regulated the lives of their subjects through a strict class system. The state established the rules of life for all classes and strictly monitored their observance. The state regulated economic life. The authorities set prices for the most important goods, and a state monopoly was established for some branches of handicraft and trade. Since the state was the main owner of the land, when distributing land for use, it established the conditions for this use, thereby regulating the life of people living on state lands.

Question 4. Tell us about one of the Eastern religions of your choice.

Buddhism is a religious doctrine that has become a world religion. The founder of this Indian religion is considered to be Prince Siddhartha Gautama (623-544 BC). He was called the Buddha, that is, "enlightened higher knowledge." According to legend, the prince, having learned about the suffering of the people, fled from the palace and became a hermit. According to his teaching, the whole life of a person is a continuous path of suffering, the cause of which is unsatisfied earthly desires. After death, suffering does not stop, since the soul does not die, but is reborn again and again. If a person led an unrighteous life, then in the new birth he may be a representative of a lower caste or an animal despised by all. If he embarked on the path of salvation indicated by the Buddha, managed to suppress earthly passions in himself, then a “favorable rebirth” awaits him (the soul will be reborn in a representative of the highest caste). The ideal of a person is to become "enlightened", to be freed from worldly life, to receive complete spiritual liberation, to come closer to the Buddha. Then comes complete bliss, the cessation of rebirth and the immortality of the soul.

How to achieve the ideal? The Buddha taught: "Restrain the eyes, so as not to be tempted by seductive things, control the ears, the tongue, the body, control the speech, the mind, control everything." Buddhism taught to escape from worldly life, the ideal is to become a monk and live in a monastery, suppressing earthly desires.

Buddhism called on believers to constant self-improvement, pointed out that the path to salvation is in the hands of the person himself, regardless of his social status. Any believer, having embarked on the path indicated by the Buddha, can become a righteous man and achieve bliss.

Tasks for the paragraph

Question 1. Make up a story of your choice: "Eastern city through the eyes of a European traveler" or "Village community in the East."

Village community in the East

The main occupation of the population in a traditional society is agriculture. In China, areas of intensive agriculture developed, in which the absolute majority of the population was employed. All land suitable for agriculture was cultivated. In swampy places, the Chinese lowered bamboo rafts filled with earth into the water, creating floating gardens. The peasant community was divided into groups of 10 households, headed by tenths. Both the headman and tenths were responsible for collecting taxes and performing duties. There was a principle of mutual responsibility: if one of the villagers violated the established order, the community was responsible for this offense. Peasant labor was very hard, people worked from dawn to dusk, paid exorbitant taxes, and were always in debt. But it was on peasant labor that the power of the state rested.

Question 2. Consider why exactly Buddhism has become world religion.

Buddhism became a world religion because its basic idea of ​​suffering and deliverance from suffering resonated with the oppressed sections of the population, which were the vast majority. If any person can become enlightened, get spiritual liberation, then all people are equal.

Buddhism called on believers to constant self-improvement, pointed out that the path to salvation is in the hands of the person himself, regardless of his social status.

The path to salvation offered by Buddhism, accessible to any person, regardless of his social status, became one of the reasons for the spread of Buddhism and its transformation into a world religion.

Question 3. Make a conclusion: what are the main features of the traditional societies of the East in the XVI-XVIII centuries.?

Common features characteristic of traditional societies of the countries of the East:

The state was the supreme owner of the land;

The main occupation of the population in a traditional society is Agriculture;

The peasants lived in the closed world of the rural community, the communal economy was preserved in the village;

Rigid estate system;


Today in the lesson we will really begin to study the countries of the East: India, China and Japan. Why are these societies called traditional?

Features of traditional society

The state is the owner of the land

The main occupation is agriculture

estate system

Preservation of the village community

State control over society

Preservation of traditions and religious institutions

However, despite all these common features, all these states have differences. Now, each group will get acquainted with the peculiarities of land ownership in these countries. Group 1 - China, 2 - India, 3 - Japan.

The sovereignty of the land belongs to the state

The state makes sure that the nobility does not turn into large owners.

The state provides vast lands for the use of a noble person, and for this he pays taxes and maintains an army.

You can use the land plot for no more than 10 years, then it was transferred to another owner.

The lands were never inherited.

The peasants could not leave their farm, their life flowed in hard work and poverty

State decrees prescribed the peasants what to eat and how to dress.

If a peasant left the village, the whole community had to pay taxes for him and cultivate the land for him.

In the country, the custom of "infanticide" (usually girls) has become widespread in order to get rid of extra mouths.

All lands were divided into two parts: state and national (private)

State lands are given to peasants who work the land and pay taxes

The state annually issues decrees prohibiting the sale of land

The land must belong to the state

So what General characteristics we see? - 1. The state is the owner of the land 2. The main occupation is agriculture

All peasants lived in a rural community

Community peasants were legally free

They could not leave the community, because outside it became disenfranchised The community was responsible for collecting taxes from the peasants before the state

The community resolved issues of self-government based on traditions and religion

3. The village community was preserved

Emperor (bogdykhan)

Brahmins are the highest varna - priests, judges, teachers

Emperor, ancestral nobility

Officials (tangerines)

Kshatriyas - it was a military estate

Si - warriors, samurai

Vaishyas are merchants, moneylenders and artisans.

But the peasants


Sudras are farmers and servants

Co - artisans



Sho - merchants

4. Class division of society.

In order to better understand the events of subsequent years, it is necessary to know about the worldview of the inhabitants of the East. It was formed under the influence of three religions - Confucianism, Buddhism and Shintoism. Let's consider their main provisions.

Confucianism was formed in China, and was a compulsory teaching for all its inhabitants. It had a significant impact on the behavior and formation of the worldview of the Chinese.

Confucius taught: The state is a big family, and the family is a small state". It is necessary to honor your parents and elders, the same respect must be shown to the emperor, since he is the head of a large family-state.

One of the central ideas in Chinese culture was the following: In order to achieve equality, you need inequality". Relationships in society have been built on this for many centuries.

The teaching itself was based on 5 principles:

· justice;

performance of rituals



Every resident of China had to comply with them.

Widespread in India, China and Japan Buddhism. This religion also determined the basic life principles characteristic of the Eastern man. The Buddha taught that the whole life of a person is suffering, which arises from the fact that a person is constantly striving to fulfill his desires. When he does not achieve this, he enters the path of suffering. To prevent this from happening, do the following:

believe that the world is full of suffering;

limit your desires and aspirations;

Speak only the truth and kind words;

Do good deeds

Do not harm living things

Watch your thoughts, drive away the bad and think about the good.

If a person constantly improves himself, then in the next life he will find rebirth e, and he can become a representative of the highest caste.

In Japan, the national religion has become Shintoism. This is an ancient religion, but the Japanese rulers returned to it in the 18th century, when it became necessary to strengthen the power of the emperor. According to teaching, there is sun goddess Amaterasu. The Emperor is her direct descendant and representative. Through it, people can turn to the goddess. Distinctive feature Shinto was the lack of a teacher who would explain its essence.

5. Preservation of traditions and religious institutions

We recommend reading
