Dream interpretation shots from a gun in the air. Shoot interpretation of the dream book. Dream Interpretation Shooting

leaking 30.04.2022

The “Weapon” dream is an ambiguous dream that is interpreted differently based on what you did in the dream and what the weapon was in your dream. A lot also depends on what emotions you experienced when you saw a weapon in a dream: positive or negative, admiration or contempt. All this and much more will help you find the correct interpretation of your dream. All known dream books are collected here and answers are given to the most common questions that may arise after seeing the “Weapon” dream.

Dream Interpretation Meneghetti

What is the dream of a weapon for? This dream is considered a symbol of cruelty and mechanical impact on you.

Small Velesov dream book

  • I dreamed of a weapon - this dream suggests that anxiety will overcome you.
  • Why dream of a weapon in a dream a whole warehouse - you will receive news of the war.

Old Russian dream book

  • Weapon in a dream - this dream indicates that you will worry or sadness will overcome you.
  • Why dream of a weapon in your hands (for the military) - this dream suggests that you will go on a campaign.

Erotic dream book

  • Why dream of firearms - this dream is a harbinger of treason or you will part with your loved one, but the reason will be all the same in treason.
  • Dream Interpretation: shooting a weapon in a dream - in reality you should be wary of slander that will follow from your envious or rivals.

Dream interpretation of E. Tsvetkov

Interpretation of sleep: weapons - in reality, you will be returned the old debt.

Dream Interpretation of V. Kopalinsky

The meaning of sleep: weapons - you will begin to feel the danger in real life.

Ukrainian dream book

Seeing a weapon in a dream - in reality, you should be more careful.

Psychoanalytic dream book

To see a weapon in a dream - in order to interpret this dream, you need to remember the emotions that you felt in a dream. If you have aggression and want to kill someone with this weapon, then this indicates that in reality you are trying to be constant and at the same time courageous.

Dream interpretation of the 21st century

Dream Interpretation of Yogis

I dreamed of a weapon, what does it mean - quite often people see a weapon in a dream, and this dream speaks of the subconscious part of a person. A weapon in a dream symbolizes our strength in real life. In other words, the more powerful we see weapons in a dream, the better for us.

Dream interpretation of D. Loff psychologist

What does the dream "weapon" mean - the interpretation of such a dream, first of all, depends on your attitude to weapons in reality. Many people are afraid of weapons and their deadly power. Therefore, for such people, such a dream is considered a forbidden symbol, and it means a threat from other people. If you are one of those people who are not afraid of weapons, then this dream has a fateful significance. The weapon speaks of desperate attempts to take control of the situation or establish a relationship with others.

Modern dream book

Dream Interpretation: see weapons - this dream speaks of your distrust.

Jewish dream book of Azar

The dream "weapon in hand" means that you will experience anger from someone.

Dream Interpretation Yu. Longo

  • weapons - in real life, you need to forget that someone offended you. Most likely, this happened due to an old conversation with your friends and that's when you were offended. But if you are honest with yourself, then you will understand that your friend still told the truth, even though it sounded rude to you.
  • Why dream of a weapon in a dream, and you clean it - in reality you are always on alert.

Esoteric dream book

  • Holding a weapon in a dream - in real life, you should be a little more careful, because you may be in danger.
  • weapons - in reality, you most likely conceived an illegal business, you should know that it will not bring success.
  • Why dream of a third world weapon or an old one - this dream symbolizes income.

Symbolic dream book

  • Why dream of a firearm - a dream speaks of a threat, danger or conflict.
  • Why dream of the military with weapons - you will experience unexpected joy.

Dream Interpretation Hasse

  • In a dream, find a weapon - you can get into conflict.
  • Dream Interpretation: a firearm and you hear its ringing - in reality you will admire something.
  • Dream Interpretation: loading weapons and being in service - in reality, you will receive protection from someone.
  • Why dream of shooting from a firearm - you should not be too frivolous.
  • Seeing a hunting weapon in a dream - some kind of business in reality can greatly interest you.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

  • I dreamed of a weapon - glory and prosperity await you in real life.
  • Why dream of hearing weapons - you will admire something.
  • Dream Interpretation: soldiers with weapons - expect unexpected joy.
  • Seeing a firearm in a dream - for a long time you will be charged with a good mood.

Dream Interpretation of Felomen

  • Weapon in a dream - this dream warns you that you may find yourself in an awkward position in reality.
  • I dreamed of a rare weapon - this dream symbolizes that you will find yourself in a society where you will be very interested.
  • Why dream of buying weapons - you should be a little more careful and do not trust those people whom you know little.
  • Why dream of edged weapons - a dream suggests that your main question will reach a turning point.
  • Seeing a firearm in a dream - this dream reflects how much you are able to strive for your goal.
  • A dream about a weapon that someone gives you - in reality, you will be drawn into a conflict.
  • Dream Interpretation: find a weapon - many problems will appear in your life.

English dream book

  • from a weapon - this dream suggests that in reality you will hear about the illness or even death of a distant friend.
  • Why dream of shooting from a weapon (for a lover) - a dream suggests that your opponent has determination and wants to push you back or even take revenge.

Italian dream book

I dreamed of a weapon in a dream - a dream is considered a symbol of anti-human influence in your direction or a manifestation of cruelty.

The latest dream book

Dream Interpretation: a weapon in a dream - a dream portends lengthy negotiations with an ill-wisher, which will lead to nothing.

Slavic dream book

Dream Interpretation: a firearm in a dream - a dream portends grief.

Modern dream book

  • I dreamed of a weapon or an armory - in reality you will find yourself in a bad situation, and then you will remember it with annoyance.
  • Dream Interpretation: shoot a weapon at a live target - real circumstances will force you to resort to cruelty, but you can fairly punish a person.
  • Why dream of buying weapons - this dream suggests that you need to be careful when communicating with unfamiliar people.

Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn

Weapon in a dream - this dream may be a symbol of the fact that you just need self-defense.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

  • Why dream of "war and weapons" - this dream speaks of your readiness for a certain action. (cm. )
  • I dreamed of different weapons - this dream has a different meaning.
  • Why dream of edged weapons - the situation in real life can become very aggravated.
  • Seeing weapons in your hands in a dream - this dream suggests that you yourself want to escalate. Usually such a dream warns against harshness on your part.
  • Why dream of small arms - this dream is considered a symbol of your determination.
  • In a dream, shoot a weapon at enemies - a dream is considered a sign of confrontation.
  • Why dream of a weapon, and you kill a person with it - a dream is a sign that in reality you are chasing your goal, but at the same time you can make an irreparable mistake.

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

  • Why dream of a firearm - this dream speaks of trouble.
  • Why dream of shooting from a weapon - in the future you will lose.
  • I dreamed of a weapon, and they shot you with it - your ill-wishers in real life will cause enough trouble. Also, this dream speaks of a disease that will overtake you.
  • Dreaming of shooting from a weapon (for a girl) - in reality you will be drawn into a conflict situation and your reputation will suffer from this.
  • I dreamed of "a weapon in my hands, shoot a weapon in a dream" - you will go to cruelty.
  • Dream Interpretation: find a weapon - a dream portends big trouble.

Gypsy dream book

  • What does it mean if you dream of a weapon - this dream symbolizes quarrels.
  • Why dream of a gun - a dream portends minor quarrels in the family.
  • I dreamed of shooting from a weapon - soon there will be a quarrel in which you will participate.
  • Shoot a weapon in a dream - you will be a source of a quarrel in reality.

Dream interpretation from A to Z


Summing up all of the above, I would like to say once again that weapons in a dream are mostly bad, but, like any rule, there is also an exception here. Therefore, before looking for an interpretation of your dream, pay attention to the details of the dream.

Going to bed, each person wants to see pleasant and positive signs in the world of dreams. But some wake up in the middle of the night because they dreamed of a gunfight. Of course, the feeling is not pleasant, and the feeling that something bad can happen in reality does not let go. In order to understand why shooting is dreaming, one should turn to dream books.

Interpretation according to famous dream books

For a detailed consideration of dreams, one should also remember the details and the atmosphere that reigned in the dream, because it is on these details that the entire interpretation of sleep mainly depends.

To understand why shooting a weapon in a dream, let's turn to well-known dream books:

  • Miller.
  • Vanga.
  • Freud.
  • Spouses Winter.

Dream Interpretation of Gustav Miller

Miller's dream book interprets such dreams as a negative sign. people shootout symbolizes the problems that will soon overtake the dreamer and it will be very, very difficult to get rid of them.

If the sleeper heard in a dream only the sounds of shooting coming from afar, he should be prepared for rumors spread by enemies behind his back.

To failure dreaming of a shootout in a dream for a girl or woman. These are problems of a personal nature, the result of which will be a break in relations or a divorce. This is a difficult and painful period in a woman's life. The dream interpretation advises to communicate with friends as often as possible in order to distract from negative thoughts.

Shooting in a dream is also interpreted as scandals and disagreements in reality.

There may be problems at work with colleagues and superiors. Misunderstanding and disrespect can drive the dreamer crazy.

Opinion of Vanga and Freud

Vanga in his dream book says that shooting of one person or shooting of several- this is a sign of an imminent difficult period in life; hunger, mass deaths of people, diseases. These are difficult times not only for the country and for the people, but also for the dreamer's family. Disagreements, misunderstandings - all this can lead to sad consequences.

Get into a shootout, under the bullets of the enemy- failures follow the dreamer. The dream book advises to avoid conflict situations and, if possible, protect yourself from unnecessary communication with people.

As you know, Freud basically interprets dreams exclusively in a sexual way. If a the sleeper himself shoots from a bow or a gun, in reality he must prepare for a breathtaking night of love.

a dream in which bandit shoots animals, birds or in other representatives of the fauna, suggests that the time has come to get rid of the complexes associated with the dreamer's reproductive system.

How spouses Winter interpret dreams about shooting

If a family man dreamed of a shooting- You should be as careful as possible in your expressions. This is the period in a relationship when every seemingly insignificant remark can hurt a partner more than a knife. It is very important to devote more time to yourself and your soulmate so that the marriage does not shake, and the passion does not die out.

Shoot yourself with a machine gun or a pistol , while aiming well, a very good sign. He says that in reality the dreamer is a cautious and prudent person who almost never gets into bad situations. And also the readiness to shoot portends him the fulfillment of the intended goals.

The Man Who Shot the Sleeper, in reality is an enemy, trying all the time to get into the dreamer's life.

The dream interpretation says that an enemy can be both an acquaintance and a close relative of a person who is constantly trying to control his life.

Transcript from other sources

It is worth noting that in addition to the subject of sleep itself, there are nuances when considering which the interpretation of a dream can be completely different. Shooting from different weapons, shooting strangers, different targets and much more.

The meaning of the dream “to shoot a person” indirectly indicates a long trip or journey that the sleeping person is facing in reality. It is worth mentally preparing for such an event and visiting those whom a person has long planned to see.

What if you dream of shooting a person?

Some dream books interpret a dream when a person shoots at someone as a signal that the sleeping person has accumulated a lot of aggression in his soul. This is not only dissatisfaction with certain people and their actions, but also with events in their real life. Therefore, it is worth "taking up your mind" and quickly solving those problems that have been shelved. Also, in reality, you should be careful not to splash out your discontent and aggression on specific people in order to avoid ambiguous situations, open conflicts and a showdown.

Whether the interpretation of the “shoot a person” dream will be positive or negative depends on how such a dream ended, and what the result was in the end: did the sleeping person hit the target, did he miss, or maybe still shot the person.

If the sleeper hit the target and shot a person, this, oddly enough, promises success in many areas of life. This means that in reality a person will achieve his goal and carry out his plans and plans. If a girl shot accurately and hit a man, in reality she will be able to get a new boyfriend, and if at the same time the girl shot at close range, most likely she plans to quickly seduce him. To miss and not to hit a person, on the contrary, speaks of life's failures and that the plan is unlikely to be realized in the near future.

What portends?

If a person shoots another in the back, this may indicate betrayal by the sleeping person in relation to friends, acquaintances or loved ones. It is better to try with all your might in reality not to get involved in intrigues and discuss other people and their actions less in order to avoid omissions and ambiguous situations. If a person shot at another in the dark, such a dream symbolizes the obscure goals of the sleeping person in real life. It is necessary to correctly prioritize and decide which goals are the most important, and how they can be achieved.

Different dream books give different interpretations of what dreams of shooting a person. This dream can also indicate that in real life people will swear and get nervous with or without reason. If the sleeping person is married, you should not bring the matter to scandals in reality and, even more so, to a divorce.

And one more important interpretation and warning. If the sleeper shoots at a person point blank - in real life you should be careful in your words and your actions so as not to inadvertently offend someone and not make yourself a real enemy.

Anchor points:

Why dream of shooting

Shoot in a dream - be lucky and successful. If you shot at a specific person, then the dream speaks of hostility to him, you shot at close range - the insult that you inflict will not be forgotten soon. You shot a person in a dream - in reality you can accomplish your plan without interference. They shot at - such a dream is good luck, it is important to hit, otherwise the dream will turn into trouble. A dream that showed shooting animals or hunting predicts a strong love relationship. To failure, dreaming of a wound from a firearm. A quarrel is foreshadowed by a dream about archery or a crossbow, which you watched from the side. Shooting them yourself is a mutually beneficial offer. The conflict portends a dream where you fired a pistol and other firearms. Hearing the sound of a shot means receiving unexpected news. To shoot at some targets, while clearly hitting the target - to achieve what you want no matter what. In your dream, you watched a plot with shooting on television, which means you will have difficulties at work. Engage in a shooting game with a child, see toy weapons - your difficulties are surmountable, you need to concentrate on what you want.

They shot...

A dream in which someone tried to shoot at you portends danger. If you were shot in a dream, then you will have an unpleasant conversation that will upset your plans. To unexpected sympathy, there is a dream in which someone else shot, if the shooter hit the target, then the sympathy will be mutual, a miss speaks of feelings without reciprocity. To become a participant in a shootout means to face insurmountable difficulties. Seeing yourself at someone's front sight means that they are interested in you. To fall under shelling - a dream symbolizes circumstances that will force you to go against your will.

Shooting eyes in a dream, in reality speaks of your desire to please the opposite sex.

Many people had to shoot in a dream. It’s not that someone forced you, it’s just that such visions are not uncommon. Many, waking up, think: what is it for? Well, to get an answer to this question, you should look for the meaning in the dream book. He will definitely explain what it is for - to shoot in a dream.

According to an old dream book

So this book of interpretations can explain a lot. Shooting in a dream at an old dream book is an interesting and meaningful vision. If the dreamer aims at a specific enemy (and he knows this person in real life), then this is a sign sent down from above. It's time for the sleeper to pull himself together and defeat his ill-wisher. This vision suggests that the real struggle will soon begin, but in fact it will not be physical. It is simply necessary to think over everything and start taking unexpected competent steps, which the enemy by no means can expect. And it is desirable to do this as soon as possible.

If the dreamer not only aimed, but also fired, this means that all his actions taken to solve any business or issue are actually correct. The person is going in the right direction, so you should not stop. The dreamer will definitely succeed.

To be a victim

If a person woke up and can confidently declare that someone wanted to shoot him in a dream, then this is not a very good sign. Only the Book of Interpretations of Velesov interprets such a vision positively, and then only if the person who wanted to shoot at the dreamer missed. This is a dream of good news that will come from afar.

But the Wanderer's Dream Interpretation claims that if a person saw someone trying to shoot at him in a dream, then one must be more careful in real life. Most likely, someone is watching the dreamer very closely. And this surveillance is not in a good sense of the word. Someone with bad intentions is watching him in order to learn something personal and use it for his own harmful purposes. But this is only in the case when the person aiming at the dreamer hit. But if you missed it, then it's good. This also means surveillance, but only in this case the person is in the zone of attention of his soulmate. Or maybe some business partner noticed the dreamer as a person with whom you can make a mutually beneficial deal.

Shots at the target

Shooting a gun in a dream at a target is an important event in life. It can be some kind of serious event or meeting. And how it ends will depend only on the actions of the person himself. But in a dream there may be a hint. If a person successfully hit the target, knocked down all the bottles or what he was shooting at, then everything ended wonderfully and without his efforts. But if the dreamer often smeared past, you will have to work hard.

A shot in the air means that soon a person will go on some kind of trip or journey. If the dreamer has long dreamed of visiting some country or exotic place, then you can rejoice - soon his wish will come true.

And why dream of shooting in a dream in the dark? Astrologers say that this is also a sign from above. It means that it is time for a person to stop acting at random, without setting himself any specific goal. And he himself hardly really understands what he wants. And in order not to waste his time, he should understand himself and begin to act in a specific direction.

Meaning of weapons

The machine portends the benefits of the intended business. But a rifle is advice sent down to a person. He probably does not notice how he offends and insults someone who does not deserve it. It's time to become kinder, more merciful and fair, otherwise it won't end well.

Shoot a man in a dream

This is a vision that has a very versatile meaning. It is worth talking about it in more detail. One of the most interesting is the case when the dreamer had to shoot another person in the head in a dream. What does it mean that the dreamer is making senseless attempts to influence the worldview and views of a loved one.

Shoot from a gun and never miss a mark - to a series of pleasant events and luck. But if a person shot at the one with whom he argued in a dream and violently sorted out the relationship, this means that he should remain calm and composure. And in general, in principle, astrologers advise people who dream of this to be more balanced.

strange circumstances

It happens that a person sees how he shoots not from a machine gun, rifle and pistol, but from ... a crossbow. Unfortunately, such a vision does not bode well. Usually this is a dream of a quarrel with loved ones and loved ones. Moreover, it is possible that the skirmish will end in tears. If it happens between two lovers, then, most likely, everything will end in parting. But firing from a machine gun without stopping is a conflict. But they can usually be resolved, the main thing is to be more careful in communication and not show aggression with a temper.

In general, there are many interpretations. And if you had a vision that causes concern, then it is best to listen to the advice of dream books.

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