All-Russian chemistry Olympiad for schoolchildren. School stage. Chemistry Chemistry Olympiad

Electric 22.09.2020

in the 2017-2018 academic year

School stage

8th grade

Dear participant!

We wish you success!

Task 1. (8 points)

TEST. Choose one correct answer

1... A carbon compound that plays a major role in its natural cycle:

A) carbon monoxide; B) soot; B) oil; D) methane; D) carbon dioxide.

2. The cleanest water listed on the list is:

A) plumbing; B) spring; C) rain;

D) well; D) mineral.

3. From the listed chemical and physicochemical processes, select one that does not require a high temperature:

A) firing; B) calcination; C) fermentation;

D) sintering; D) fusion.

4. Among the listed metal materials used for the manufacture of prize medals, tokens and coins, the alloy is

A) gold; B) silver; B) bronze; D) nickel; D) aluminum.

5. Which of the following operations is not used in a chemical laboratory for the separation and purification of substances?

A) recrystallization; B) hypothermia; B) distillation; D) sublimation; E) re-precipitation.

6. Starting from the top left cell and moving horizontally (left or right) or vertically (up or down), go through all the cells in such a way that the letters given in the cells form a rule on precautions when handling chemicals. Each cell can only be used once.

7. Solve the crossword puzzle by filling it with Russian names chemical elements... The key word is the name of the great Russian scientist, one of the founders of the atomic-molecular doctrine.

1) C, 2) O, 3) Al, 4) N, 5) Zn, 6) I, 7) P, 8) H, 9) Pb

Task 2. (8 points)

1) Complete the phrases:(a) The composition of an individual substance, in contrast to the composition of a mixture __________ and can be expressed chemically __________; (b) __________, unlike __________, boils with a constant __________.

2) Which of the two liquids - acetone and milk - is an individual substance, and which is a mixture?

3) You need to prove that the substance you have chosen (one of the two in item 2) is a mixture. Briefly describe your actions.

Task 3. (8 points)

Common substance "This complex substance widespread in nature. Found across the globe. Odorless. At atmospheric pressure, a substance can only be in a gaseous and solid state. Many scientists believe that this substance has an effect on the rise in the temperature of our planet. It is used in various industries, including the food industry. Used to extinguish fires. However, in a chemical laboratory, they cannot extinguish burning metals such as magnesium. Children are very fond of drinks made with this substance. But the constant consumption of such drinks can irritate the walls of the stomach. "

1) Identify the substance based on its description.

2) What names of this substance do you know?

3) Give examples of application known to you and name the sources of the formation of this substance.

Task 4. (8 points)

In the process of breathing, a person consumes oxygen and exhales carbon dioxide. The contents of these gases in the inhaled and exhaled air are shown in the table.

O 2 (% by volume)

CO 2 (% by volume)



The volume of inhalation-exhalation is 0.5 liters, the frequency of normal breathing is 15 breaths per minute.

1) How many liters of oxygen does a person consume per hour and how much does carbon dioxide emit?

2) There are 20 people in a class with a volume of 100 m 3. The windows and doors are closed. What will be the CO 2 volumetric content in the air after a 45 minute lesson? (Absolutely safe content - up to 0.1%).

Task 5 (10 points)

Powders of the following substances were dispensed in five numbered glasses: copper, copper (II) oxide, charcoal, red phosphorus and sulfur.

The students investigated the properties of the given powdered substances, the results of their observations were presented in the table.

Glass number

Substance color

Changes observed when the test powder is heated in air

floats on the surface of the water

starts to smolder

drowning in water

does not change

floats on the surface of the water

melts, burns with a bluish flame, when burning, a colorless gas with a pungent odor is formed

Dark red

4 sinks in water

burns with a bright white flame, when burning, a thick white smoke is formed

drowning in water

gradually turns black

1) Determine which glass contains each of the substances issued for research. Justify the answer.

2) Write the equations of the reactions that occur with the participation of the substances given out when they are heated in air.

3) It is known that the density of substances in glasses No. 1 and No. 3 is greater than the density of water, that is, these substances must sink in water. However, powders of these substances float on the surface of the water. Suggest a possible explanation for this.

All-Russian chemistry Olympiad for schoolchildren

in the 2017-2018 academic year

School stage

Grade 9

Dear participant!

When completing tasks, you have to perform certain work, which is better organized as follows:

read the assignment carefully;

if you are answering a theoretical question or solving a situational problem, consider and formulate a specific answer (the answer should be short, enter its content in the provided field, write clearly and legibly).

For each correct answer, you can receive a number of points determined by the jury members, but not higher than the specified maximum mark.

When performing tasks, you can use a calculator, periodic table and solubility table. Tasks are considered completed if you handed them over to the person in charge of the audience on time.

We wish you success!

Task 1. (6 points)

Which particle contains 11 protons, 10 electrons and 7 neutrons? Determine its composition, charge, relative molecular weight. Write the formulas for the two compounds that contain this particle.

Task 2. (10 points)

The following substances are given: copper (II) sulfate, barium chloride, iron (III) oxide, carbon (IV) oxide, sodium oxide, silver, iron, sodium carbonate, water. Which of these substances will react with each other directly or in aqueous solution at room temperature? Give the equations for five possible reactions. For each reaction, indicate what type it belongs to.

Task 3. (10 points)

Calcium chips weighing 4.0 g were calcined in air and then thrown into water. When the chips were dissolved in water, 560 ml of gas (n.a.) was released, which practically does not dissolve in water.

1) Write down the reaction equations.

2) Determine by how many grams the mass of the chips increased during ignition.

3) Calculate the composition of the calcined shavings in mass percent.

Write the reaction equations, with the help of which, using simple substances calcium, phosphorus and oxygen, you can get calcium phosphate.

Task 4.(8 points)

To dissolve 7.8 g of metal, 40 ml of 20% hydrochloric acid (density 1.095 g / ml) is required, and a divalent metal salt is formed. The evolved hydrogen completely reacts with 6.4 g of trivalent metal oxide. Determine which metals were used in these reactions.

Task 5. (8 points)

Four numbered test tubes contain solutions of barium chloride, sodium carbonate, potassium sulfate, and hydrochloric acid. Suggest a way to identify substances without the use of additional reagents. Write down the reaction equations.

School stage

Grade 10

Dear participant!

When completing tasks, you have to perform certain work, which is better organized as follows:

read the assignment carefully;

if you are answering a theoretical question or solving a situational problem, consider and formulate a specific answer (the answer should be short, enter its content in the provided field, write clearly and legibly).

For each correct answer, you can receive a number of points determined by the jury members, but not higher than the specified maximum mark.

When performing tasks, you can use a calculator, periodic table and solubility table. Tasks are considered completed if you handed them over to the person in charge of the audience on time.

We wish you success!

Task 1. (10 points)

In ten numbered glasses, powders of the following substances were dispensed: copper, copper (II) oxide, charcoal, red phosphorus, sulfur, iron, sodium chloride, sugar, chalk, malachite (basic copper (II) carbonate). The students investigated the properties of the given powdered substances, the results of their observations were presented in the table.

Glass number

Test substance color

"Behavior" of the powder when placed in a glass of water

Changes observed when the test powder is heated in a spoon with an alcohol lamp

practically does not change

sinks in water, gradually dissolves

melts, darkens, gradually charred

sinks in water, does not dissolve

practically does not change

melts, burns with a bluish flame

sinks in water, does not dissolve

gradually turns black

Dark red

sinks in water, does not dissolve

burns with a bright white flame

sinks in water, does not dissolve

gradually turns black

dark grey

sinks in water, does not dissolve

darkens, particles in the flame glow

particles float on the surface of the water, do not dissolve

starts to smolder

sinks in water, does not dissolve

practically does not change

1. Determine which glass contains each of the substances issued for research. Justify the answer.

2. Which of the dispensed substances react with hydrochloric acid to produce gas? Write the appropriate reaction equations.

3. It is known that the density of substances in glasses No. 4 and No. 9 is higher than the density of water, that is, these substances must sink in water. However, powders of these substances float on the surface of the water. Suggest a possible explanation for this fact.

4. The three dispensed substances are known to conduct an electric current. What are these substances? A solution of what substance conducts an electric current?

Task 2. (7 points)

Make up all isomers of dichloroalkene composition C 3 H 4 Cl 2

Task 3. (10 points)

Organic compound A contains 39.73% carbon and 7.28% hydrogen by weight. Determine the molecular formula of substance A and establish its structural formula if it is known that it contains a quaternary carbon atom, and the vapor density in air is 5.2. Name organic compound A according to the systematic nomenclature. Suggest a way to get A.

Assignment 4 (10 points)

Rebuild the left side of the equations:

…. +…. +…. = Na 2 SO 4 + 2Ag ↓ + 2HNO 3

…. = Na 2 S + 3Na 2 SO 4

…. +…. +…. = 3Na 2 SO 4 + 2MnO 2 ↓ + 2KOH

…. +…. = POCl 3 + SOCl 2

…. +…. +…. → 2H 2 SO 4

Task 5. (10 points)

While disassembling reagents in the laboratory, the young chemist found an unsigned can of odorless white powder. To study its properties, the young chemist carefully weighed 10.00 grams and divided them into exactly 5 parts, with each of the parts he conducted the following experiments:

Experience number

Experiment progress


Let's well dissolve in water. The solution turns red

Vigorous gas evolution

Carefully put part of the sample into the burner flame

The flame of the burner turned to purple

Dropped 3.43 g of white precipitate, insoluble in acids and alkalis

The tube is hot. No visible signs of reaction were observed

1. Determine the composition of the white powder. Confirm the answer by calculation.

2. For experiments 2, 4, 5, give the corresponding reaction equation.

3. What happens when white powder is heated? Give the equation for the impact reaction.

All-Russian chemistry Olympiad for schoolchildren in 2017-2018 academic year year

School stage

Grade 11

Dear participant!

When completing tasks, you have to perform certain work, which is better organized as follows:

read the assignment carefully;

if you are answering a theoretical question or solving a situational problem, consider and formulate a specific answer (the answer should be short, enter its content in the provided field, write clearly and legibly).

For each correct answer, you can receive a number of points determined by the jury members, but not higher than the specified maximum mark.

When performing tasks, you can use a calculator, periodic table and solubility table. Tasks are considered completed if you handed them over to the person in charge of the audience on time.

We wish you success!

Task 1. (10 points)

Two elements that are in the same period and in the same group periodic system(in its short version), form with each other the only stable binary compound with a mass fraction of one of the elements of 25.6%. This compound is readily soluble in water, and when gaseous ammonia is passed into its solution, a white precipitate forms, gradually darkening in air. Name the elements, determine the formula of the substance and write the reaction equations.

Task 2. (10 points)

How to obtain benzoic ethyl ester C 6 H 5 COOC 2 H 5 from natural limestone according to the following scheme:

CaCO 3 → CaC 2 → C 2 H 2 →… → C 6 H 5 C 2 H 5 → C 6 H 5 COOH → C 6 H 5 COOC 2 H 5

Write the reaction equations, indicate the reaction conditions.

Task 3. (10 points)

A white solid, self-decomposing at room temperature or under mechanical action, has the following elemental composition: ω (N) = 45.16%, ω (O) = 51.61%, ω (H) = 3.23%. The substance is highly soluble in water and is a weak diacid.

A. Establish the formula of the substance, name it, write the acid dissociation equation.

B. Draw the structural formula of the acid.

C. Write down the reaction equations: a) thermal decomposition of a given acid, b) its interaction with atmospheric oxygen, c) its interaction with alkali

Task 4. (8 points)

The young chemist Vasya decided to investigate a certain alloy inherited from his grandmother. To begin with, Vasya tried to dissolve the alloy in hydrochloric acid, but found that no dissolution took place. Then he tried to dissolve it in hot concentrated nitric acid. In this case, the alloy collapsed, the solution turned blue, but a colored precipitate remained at the bottom, which did not dissolve even after prolonged heating in nitric acid. Vasya filtered the precipitate and dried it. By placing the powder in a crucible and heating it until melting, and then cooling it down, Vasya immediately realized which substance was an insoluble precipitate.

1. What two metals does the alloy studied by Vasya consist of?

2. How to dissolve the precipitate formed when the alloy is heated in nitric acid? Give the reaction equation.

3. How to isolate the second component of the alloy from the blue solution obtained after the reaction with nitric acid? Give the required reaction equations

Task 5. (10 points)

Grade 8 student when conducting practical work"Obtaining oxygen and studying its properties" assembled a device for producing oxygen by displacing water. At the same time, he violated one of the requirements of the instructions - he did not place a piece of cotton wool in a test tube near the gas outlet pipe. When potassium permanganate was heated, the water in the crystallizer turned red-violet. While collecting oxygen, part of the colored solution got into the bottle with gas. The disciple burned sulfur in it. In this case, the red-violet color of the solution disappeared, and a colorless solution was formed. Having decided to investigate the resulting solution, the student poured into it a part of the colored solution from the crystallizer. And again the color changed - a dark brown precipitate of an unknown substance fell out.

1. Write down the reaction equation for the decomposition of potassium permanganate.

2. What substance got into the crystallizer with water?

3. Why was the solution discolored when burning sulfur? Write down the reaction equation.

4. Name the substance that precipitated. Write down the reaction equation.


All-Russian chemistry Olympiad for schoolchildren in 2017-2018 academic year year

School stage

Grade 8 (max. 42 points)

Task 1. (8 points)

Test 2.5score (0.5 point for each task)

6. Rule -Chemicals cannot be tasted. - 1 point

7. Crossword 4.5 points(0.5 point for each element)

1 - Carbon, 2- oxygen, 3-aluminum, 4-nitrogen, 5-zinc, 6 - iodine, 7- phosphorus, 8- hydrogen, 9 - lead.

Task 2. (8 points)

1) (a) The composition of an individual substance, in contrast to the composition of a mixture, is constant and can be expressed by a chemical formula; (b) an individual substance, unlike a mixture of substances, boils at a constant temperature. (4 points)

2) Acetone is an individual substance, milk is a mixture. (2 points)

3) Place the drops of both liquids in the microscope. The milk will be uneven under the microscope. This is a mixture. The acetone will be homogeneous under the microscope.

Another possible solution: acetone boils at a constant temperature. Water evaporates from milk during boiling, a film forms on the milk surface - foam. Other reasonable evidence is also accepted. (2 points)

Task 3. (8 points)

1. Named the substance - carbon dioxide (carbon monoxide (IV)) (2 points ). A possible answer - water - is wrong. Water does not irritate the stomach.

2. Dry ice, carbon dioxide, carbonic anhydride (3 points: 1 point for each answer).

3. Carbon dioxide is used in the production of carbonated drinks, sugar production, when extinguishing fires as a refrigerant, etc. It is formed during the respiration of animal organisms, fermentation, decay of organic residues, in the production of quicklime, incineration organic matter(peat, wood, natural gas, kerosene, gasoline, etc.) . (One point per example, but no more than 3 points).

Task 4. (8 points)

1) In an hour, a person takes 900 breaths and 450 liters of air pass through the lungs. (1 point) Not all inhaled oxygen is consumed, but only 21% - 16.5% = 4.5% of the air volume, that is, approximately 20 liters. (1 point )

The same amount of carbon dioxide is emitted as oxygen consumed, 20 liters. (1 point)

2) In 45 minutes (3/4 hours), 1 person emits 15 liters of CO2. (1 point)

20 people emit 300 liters of CO2 . (1 point)

Initially, the air contained 0.03% of 100 m3, 30 liters of CO2, (1 point)

after the lesson it became 330 liters. CO2 content: 330 l / (100,000 l) 100% = 0.33% (2 points ) This content exceeds the safe threshold, so the class must be ventilated.

Note. The calculation in the second question uses the answer to the first question. If in the first question the wrong number was received, but then the correct actions were performed with it in the second paragraph, the maximum score is given for this point, despite the incorrect answer.

Task 5. (10 points)

1) Glass No. 1 contains coal powder. Black in color, smolders in air when heated.

No. 2 - copper (II) oxide; has a black color, does not change when heated.

No. 3 - sulfur; yellow, characteristic combustion with the formation of sulfur dioxide.

No. 4 - red phosphorus; dark red color, characteristic combustion with the formation of phosphorus (V) oxide.

No. 5 - copper; Red color; the appearance of a black color when heated due to the formation of copper (II) oxide.

(0.5 points for each correct definition and another 0.5 points for reasonable justification.Total - 5 points)

2) C + O2 = CO 2 S + O2 = SO 2 4P + 5O 2 = 2P 2 O 5 2Cu + O 2 = 2CuO (1 point for each equation Total - 4 points)

3) In glasses No. 1 and No. 3 there are, respectively, powders of charcoal and sulfur. Charcoal particles are penetrated by capillaries filled with air, so their average density is less than 1 g / ml. In addition, the surface of coal, like the surface of sulfur, is not wetted by water, that is, it is hydrophobic. Small particles of these substances are held on the surface of the water by the force of surface tension. (1 point)


All-Russian chemistry Olympiad for schoolchildren in 2017-2018 academic year year

School stage

Grade 9 (max. 42 points)

Task 1. (6 points)

1. There are 1 more protons than electrons. Therefore, the particle has a charge of +1. There are fewer neutrons than protons, therefore, the particle contains hydrogen atoms, in which there are no neutrons at all. 11 - 7 = 4 - this is the minimum number of H atoms. Without hydrogen, there will be 7 protons and 7 neutrons - this is a nitrogen atom-14: 14N. Particle composition: 14NH4 + - ammonium ion ( 2 points )

Charge: 11 - 10 = +1 (1 point)

Relative molecular weight: 11 + 7 = 18 or 14 + 4 = 18 (1 point)

Formulas: NH4Cl, (NH4) 2CO3 or other ammonium salts (2 points)

Task 2 (10 points)

Possible reactions:

Na 2 O + H 2 O = 2NaOH compounds

Na 2 O + CO 2 = Na 2 CO 3 compounds

BaCl 2 + CuSO 4 = BaSO 4 + CuCl 2 exchange

2CuSO 4 + 2Na 2 CO 3 + H 2 O = Cu 2 (OH) 2 CO 3 + CO 2 + 2Na 2 SO 4 exchange

Fe + CuSO 4 = Cu + FeSO 4 substitution

Na 2 CO 3 + CO 2 + H 2 O = 2NaHCO 3 compounds

Na 2 O + H 2 O + CuSO 4 = Cu (OH) 2 + Na 2 SO 4 compounds and exchange

2NaOH + CO 2 = Na 2 CO 3 + H 2 O exchange

BaCl 2 + Na 2 CO 3 = BaCO 3 + 2NaCl exchange

For each of the five equations - 2 points (1 point for substances, 0.5 points for the coefficients, 0.5 points for the type of reaction).

(other formulations of the answer are allowed that do not distort its meaning)

Task 3 (10 points)

When calcined shavings are calcined, the reaction occurs: 2Ca + O 2 = 2CaO (The condition that the gas is practically insoluble in water excludes the reaction of calcium with nitrogen, which can lead to calcium nitride hydrolyzing to form NH 3.) Since calcium melts at high temperature, and the reaction product is also refractory, metal oxidation initially occurs only from the surface. Calcined shavings are metal coated with an oxide layer on the outside. When placed in water, both metal and oxide react with it: CaO + H 2 O = Ca (OH) 2; Ca + 2H 2 O = Ca (OH) 2 + H 2.

2) The amount of the metal substance that has not reacted with oxygen is equal to the amount of the substance of the released gas (hydrogen): n (Ca) = n (H 2) = 0.56 / 22.4 = 0.025 mol. In total, n (Ca) = 4/40 = 0.1 mol in the original shavings. Thus, 0.1 - 0.025 = 0.075 mol of calcium entered into a reaction with oxygen, which is m (Ca) = 0.075 * 40 = 3 g. The increase in the mass of the shavings is associated with the addition of oxygen. The mass of oxygen reacted with calcium is equal to m (O 2) = 32 * 0.0375 = 1.2 g. So, the mass of the shavings after calcination increased by 1.2 g.

3. Calcined shavings consist of calcium (0.025 mol) weighing 1 g and calcium oxide (0.075 mol) weighing 4.2 g. Composition in weight percent: Ca - 19.2%; CaO - 80.8%. Grading system:

1. For each reaction equation, 1 point - 3 points

2. Due to the calculation of the amount of substance hydrogen - 1 point

For the correct answer - 3 points

3. For the correct answer - 3 points

Task 4 (8 points)

1) Determine the amount of hydrogen substance

m (HCl) = w ρ v = 0.2 1.095 40 = 8.76 g

ν (HCl) = m in-va / M in-va = 8.76 / 36.5 = 0.24 mol (2 points)

2) Me + 2HCl = MeCl 2 + H2

a) ν (Me) = ν (H 2) = 0.5ν (HCl) = 0.5 0.24 = 0.12 mol

b) M (Me) = m in-va / ν = 7.8 / 0.12 = 65 g / mol (2 points)

Metal - zinc (1 point)

3) Me 2 O 3 + 3 H 2 = 2Me + H 2 O

a) ν (Ме 2 О 3) = 1 / 3ν (H 2) = 0.12 / 3 = 0.04 mol

b) M (Me 2 O 3) = m in-va / ν = 6.4 / 0.04 = 160 g / mol

160 = 2Ame + 3 16 Ame = 56 (2 points)

Metal - iron (1 point)

Assignment 5 (8 points)

Thought experiment table compiled

a white precipitate forms

a white precipitate forms

without changes

a white precipitate forms

Without changes

colorless and odorless gas is released

a white precipitate forms

Without changes

Without changes

Without changes

Colorless and odorless gas is released

Without changes

The reaction equations are given in molecular and ionic form:

    BaCl 2 + Na 2 CO 3 → BaCO 3 ↓ + 2NaCl;

    Na 2 CO 3 + 2HCl → 2NaCl + CO 2 + H 2 O

    BaCl 2 + K 2 SO 4 = BaSO 4 ↓ + 2KCl;

Evaluation guidelines

For compiling a table - 1 point

For the thought experiment table - 4 points

For each correctly composed molecular equation, 1 point (3 equations) - 3 score


All-Russian chemistry Olympiad for schoolchildren in 2017-2018 academic year year

School stage

Grade 10 (max. 47 points)

Task 1. (10 points)

1. Glass No. 1 contains sodium chloride. White color, soluble in water, practically does not change in air when heated.

No. 2 - sugar; white, dissolves in water, melts and gradually charred when heated.

No. 3 - chalk; white, insoluble in water.

No. 4 - sulfur; yellow color, characteristic burning.

No. 5 - copper; Red color; the appearance of a black color when heated in air due to the formation of copper (II) oxide.

No. 6 - red phosphorus; dark red color; characteristic burning.

No. 7 - malachite; green color; the appearance of a black color during thermal decomposition due to the formation of copper (II) oxide.

No. 8 - iron; dark gray color; darkening when heated.

No. 9 - charcoal; black color; smolders when heated in air.

No. 10 - copper (II) oxide; black color; no change when heated.

0.5 points for each correct definition and reasonable justification. The maximum is 5 points.

2. Gaseous substances are released during the interaction of hydrochloric acid with chalk, malachite and iron:

CaCO 3 + 2HCl = CaCl 2 + CO 2 + H 2 O

(CuOH) 2 CO 3 + 4HCl = 2CuCl 2 + CO 2 + 3H 2 O

Fe + 2HCl = FeCl 2 + H 2

3 points - 1 point for each equation

3. The glasses No. 4 and No. 9 contain, respectively, powders of sulfur and charcoal. Charcoal particles are penetrated by capillaries filled with air, so their average density is less than 1 g / ml. In addition, the surface of coal, like the surface of sulfur, is not wetted by water, that is, it is hydrophobic. Small particles of these substances are held on the surface of the water by the force of surface tension. 1 point

4. Electric current is conducted by copper, iron and coal. Sodium chloride solution conducts electric current, since NaCl is an electrolyte. 1 point

Task 2. (7 points)




    2,3 - dichloropropene




7 points: 0.5 points for each structure, 0.5 points for each name.

Task 3. (10 points)

1) Because the sum of the mass fractions is not 100%, therefore, there is still some residue in the molecule, the content of which is equal to:

100 – 39,73 – 7,28 = 52,99 %.

Molar mass substances: M (A) = D air * M air = 5.2 * 29 = 151 g / mol.

The number of hydrogen atoms in a molecule A: 151 * 0.0728 / 1 = 11.

The number of carbon atoms in a molecule A: 151 * 0.3973 / 12 = 5.

The molar mass of the residue is 151 × 0.5299 = 80 g / mol, which corresponds to one bromine atom, therefore, the molecular formula of the substance A- C 5 H 11 Br.

2) A contains a quaternary carbon atom, so A has the following structure:

CH 3 - C - CH 2 Br 1-bromo-2,2-dimethylpropane

3) Method of obtaining A:

CH 3 -C (CH 3) 2 -CH 3 + Br 2 = CH 3 -C (CH 3) 2 –CH 2 Br + HBr

Grading system:

1) Determination of the number of carbon atoms 1 point

Determination of the number of hydrogen atoms 1 point

Determination of bromine 2 points

Molecular Formula 1 point

2) Structure 2 points

Name 1 point

3) The equation of the reaction of obtaining 2 points.

Task 4. (10 points)

Na 2 SO 3 + H 2 O + 2AgNO 3 = Na 2 SO 4 + 2Ag ↓ + 2HNO 3

4Na 2 SO 3 = Na 2 S + 3Na 2 SO 4

3Na 2 SO 3 + H 2 O + 2KMnO 4 = 3Na 2 SO 4 + 2MnO 2 ↓ + 2KOH

SO 2 + PCl 5 = POCl 3 + SOCl 2

2SO 2 + 2H 2 O + O2 = 2H 2 SO 4

For each equation - 2 points

Task 5. (10 points)

1. Violet coloring of the burner flame indicates that the required powder is a potassium salt. The precipitation of a white precipitate with an excess of barium chloride is a qualitative reaction to the sulfate ion. But potassium sulfate (K 2 SO 4) has a neutral environment (the salt is formed strong foundation and strong acid), and according to experiment No. 1 litmus colors the salt solution red, which indicates an acidic reaction. Therefore, the desired salt is potassium hydrogen sulfate, KHSO 4. Let's check it by calculation: KHSO 4 + BaCl 2 → BaSO 4 ↓ + HCl + KCl

since the young chemist divided the initial weighed portion of 10.00 g into five equal parts, it means that 2.00 g of salt entered into the reaction:

n (KHSO 4) = n (BaSO 4) = 2g / 136g / mol = 0.0147mol;

m (BaSO 4) = 0.0147 mol * 233 g / mol = 3.43 g.

The resulting mass of barium sulfate coincides with the experimental results, therefore the white powder is really KHSO 4.

2. Equations of reactions:

2KHSO 4 + K 2 CO 3 → 2K 2 SO 4 + CO 2 + H 2 O

KHSO 4 + BaCl 2 → BaSO 4 ↓ + HCl + KCl

KHSO 4 + KOH → K 2 SO 4 + H 2 O

3. The equation of the decomposition reaction: 2KHSO 4 = K 2 S 2 O 7 + H 2 O

Grading system:

1) Conclusion about the presence of potassium ions - 1 point

Conclusion on the presence of sulfate ions - 1 point

Payment - 2 points

Salt Formula - 1 point

2) 3 equations by 1 point - 3 points

3) The equation of the decomposition reaction - 2 points


All-Russian chemistry Olympiad for schoolchildren in 2017-2018 academic year year

School stage

Grade 11 (max. 48 points)

Task 1. (10 points)

Since the elements are in the same period and in the same group of the periodic system, one of them is in the main subgroup, and the other is in the side, that is, it is a d-metal. Judging by the solubility in water, the substance is a halide, which means that the metal is in a side subgroup of the seventh group of the periodic system. Judging by the properties, it is manganese, and the substance is MnBr 2.

Indeed, the mass fraction of manganese in it is 55: 215 ≈ 0.256 = 25.6%. Elements - Mn and Br, substance - MnBr 2 (6 points: 2 points for each element, 2 points for the substance).

Reaction equations:

MnBr 2 + 2NH 3 + 2H 2 O = Mn (OH) 2 ↓ + 2NH 4 Br;

2Mn (OH) 2 + O 2 = 2MnO 2 ↓ + 2H 2 O (4 points: 2 points per equation).

Task 2. (10 points)

CaCO 3 + 4C = CaC 2 + 3CO (calcination);

CaC 2 + 2H 2 O = Ca (OH) 2 + C 2 H 2;

3C 2 H 2 = C 6 H 6 (heating, catalyst - coal);

C 2 H 2 + 2H 2 = C 2 H 6 (when heated, the catalyst is platinum);

C 2 H 6 + Cl 2 = C 2 H 5 Cl (under illumination);

C 6 H 6 + C 2 H 5 Cl = C 6 H 5 C 2 H 5 + HCl (catalyst - aluminum chloride);

C 6 H 5 C 2 H 5 + 2K 2 Cr 2 O 7 + 8H 2 SO 4 = C 6 H 5 COOH + CO 2 + 2K 2 SO 4 + 2Cr 2 (SO 4) 3 + 10H 2 O; C 2 H 5 Cl + NaOH = C 2 H 5 OH + NaCl;

C 6 H 5 COOH + C 2 H 5 OH = C 6 H 5 COOC 2 H 5 + H 2 O (when heated, the catalyst is H 2 SO 4). Grading Scheme:

for the correct transition from limestone to acetylene- 3 points;

for obtaining benzene from acetylene- 1 point;

for the production of benzoic acid from benzene- 2 points;

for obtaining ester in one way or another from benzoic acid- 4 points .

Task 3. (10 points)

A. Establishing the formula of a substance.

Let's designate the formula H x N y O z - x: y: z = 3.23 / 1: 45.16 / 14: 51.61 / 16 = 1: 1: 1;

The simplest formula is HNO, but according to the condition it is a dibasic acid, so it is logical to assume that its formula H 2 N 2 O 2 is a nitrous acid. Dissociation equation H 2 N 2 O 2 ↔ H + + HN 2 O 2 - ↔ 2H + + N 2 O 2 -2 (5 points)

B. Structural formula H-O-N = N - O-H (2 points)

B. Decomposition: H 2 N 2 O 2 → H 2 O + N 2 O

Oxidation with air oxygen: 2H 2 N 2 O 2 + 3O 2 (air) = 2HNO 2 + 2HNO 3 Neutralization with alkali: H 2 N 2 O 2 + 2NaOH = Na 2 N 2 O 2 + 2 H 2 O (3 points)

(other formulations of the answer are allowed that do not distort its meaning)

Task 4. (8 points)

1. Copper (by the color of the solution) and gold (insolubility in nitric acid and a characteristic form of a compact metal) (4 points: 2 points per element)

2. Dissolution in aqua regia (1 point)

Reaction equation:

Au + HNO 3 (conc.) + 4HCl (conc.) = H + NO + 2H 2 O (2 points) (Variants with hydrochloric acid and chlorine, selenic acid, a mixture of nitric and hydrofluoric acids, etc. are also suitable - evaluate with a full score.)

3. Any reasonable method, for example: Fe + Cu (NO 3) 2 = Cu + Fe (NO 3) 2 (1 point).

Assignment 5. (10 points)

1.2KMnO 4 = K 2 MnO 4 + MnO 2 + O 2 (2 points)

2. Potassium permanganate particles got into the crystallizer with oxygen flow (1 point) 3. S + O 2 = SO 2 (1 score )

2KMnO 4 + 5 SO 2 + 2H 2 O = K 2 SO 4 + 2MnSO 4 + 2H 2 SO 4 (2 score )

4. Sediment - manganese dioxide MnO 2 (2 points)

2KMnO 4 + 3MnSO 4 + 2H 2 O = 5MnO 2 ↓ + K 2 SO 4 + 2H 2 SO 4 (2 score )

The final stage in chemistry 2018–2019 academic year of the year
will take place on February 23
Of 2019

The main

The Olympiad starts at 10:00 local time. List of venues.

Winners and awardees of the last year's Olympiad, as well as winners and awardees of the qualifying rounds of the current year's Olympiad are invited to participate in the Olympiad (list of invitees).

The duration of the Olympiad is 4 astronomical hours.

On the day of the Olympics

On-site registration starts at 9:30 am.

Participants must have with them:

  • passport (or other identity document)
  • APPLICATION FOR THE FINAL STAGE (formed from the Personal Account), signed by the parents and you
  • pen, pencil, ruler, calculator (not on your phone or tablet!)

Am I not on the list? Or is there another problem?

Write a message to the Chemistry Jury (http: // website / vsesib / → Feedback → Chemistry Jury) with the following content:
“I am not invited to the Final Stage, but I am the winner / awardee of such and such a stage. My data: full name, ID in your personal account, class, status (prize-winner / winner, stage), region, locality... Please include me in the list of invited participants. "

After receiving the letter, we will do our best to help you resolve the problem.


At the Olympics, it is FORBIDDEN to use telephones and other means of communication and Internet access, any other electronic devices and gadgets, except for a conventional or engineering calculator.

It is forbidden to use any books, cheat sheets and other records.

It is forbidden to use the paper and reference information brought with you, including your own copies of D.I. Mendeleev, solubility, etc.


For participants in the Olympiad at the site in Magnitogorsk, an in-person appeal will take place on the day of the Olympiad.

The time and place of the face-to-face appeal in Novosibirsk will be announced additionally on the Olympiad website after the Final stage.

For participants from other sites an external appeal will be organized - instructions will be published on the Olympiad website after the Final Stage.


The results of the Olympiad will be published as the work is checked. Works from all sites are checked by a single jury in Novosibirsk. Summing up and determining the winners and prize-winners will be carried out according to a single rating of all participants after the end of the face-to-face and correspondence appeal. The final results will be published no later than April 1, 2019.


8th grade

2017-2018 academic year

Prepared by:

chemistry teacher at Semenovskiy branch

MBOU "Kuibyshev secondary school"

Apalkov Andrey Dmitrievich


school stage All-Russian Olympiad schoolchildren in chemistry

8th grade

Total (maximum) number of points - 24

1. Define the names of pure substances and mixtures: toothpaste, citric acid, ozone, steel, iodine alcohol solution, sea water, iodine.(2 points)

2. Write down chemical phenomena from the proposed series. Indicate the signs that confirm your choice.

(2 points)

3. Three vessels of the same volume under normal conditions are filled with three different substances: nitrogen, hydrogen chloride and water. Arrange the vessels in ascending order of the number of molecules in them. Justify the answer.(2 points)

4. The shell of eggs consists mainly of calcium carbonate CaCO 3. (4 points).

5 .

H 2 OP 2 O 5 AlO 2 NaH 2 O 3 CO 2 Na 3 NCFeCl 3 N 2 TO 2 SiO 3

(4 points)

6. The main vitamin contained in tea is vitamin P. Its formula is C 36 H 28 O 15 (4 points)

7. In the combination of iron with oxygen, the mass ratio of the elements is 7: 3. Establish the formula of this compound.(6 points)

Chemistry Olympiad school stage 8th grade


Exercise 1. Define the names of pure substances and mixtures: toothpaste, citric acid, ozone, steel, iodine alcohol solution, sea water, iodine.

Pure substances: citric acid, ozone, iodine


Mixtures: toothpaste, iodine alcohol solution, steel, sea water



Task 2.Write down chemical phenomena from the proposed series. Indicate the signs that confirm your choice.

Melting paraffin; burning a candle; sour milk; baking pancakes; scale formation.

Chemical phenomena and their signs:

Burning a candle, as heat is released, new substances are formed - soot and water.Or the release of warmth and light.

Milk souring, as there is a smell and sediment.

Pancake baking as color change occurs.

Scale build-up as a sludge forms.

Melting wax is not a chemical process.





The melting of wax is not a chemical process, it is a physical phenomenon. Sign - a change in the state of aggregation.


Maximum points


Task 3. Three vessels of the same volume under normal conditions are filled with three different substances: nitrogen, hydrogen chloride and water. Arrange the vessels in ascending order of the number of molecules in them. Justify the answer.

The number of molecules is proportional to the amount of the substance. Under equal conditions, equal volumes of gases contain equal amounts of substances, therefore, an equal number of molecules. Under normal conditions, nitrogen and hydrogen are gases, and water is liquid.


Therefore, the location will be as follows:

n (N 2 ) = n (HCL)< n(H 2 O)


Maximum points


Task 4.Egg shells are predominantly calcium carbonate CaCO 3. Calculate how much calcium the hen's body loses with each egg laid if the shell mass is on average 10 g.(4 points)

M (CaCO 3) = 100 g / mol. w(Ca) = 40%,


10g of the shell contains 4g of calcium.

Answer. With each egg, the chicken loses 4g of calcium.


Maximum points


Task 5. The student received a task in which the names of the substances had to be compiled into their chemical formulas. In carrying out this task, he did not leave gaps between the formulas of the substances, as a result of which he got the following record:H 2 OP 2 O 5 AlO 2 NaH 2 O 3 CO 2 Na 3 NCFeCl 3 N 2 TO 2 SiO 3

Select formulas for individual substances from this entry, emphasize simple substances.

H 2 O; P 2 O 5; Al; O 2; Na; H 2; O 3; CO 2; Na 3 N; C; FeCl 3; N 2; TO 2 SiO 3


Al; O 2; Na; H 2 ; C; N 2 ;


Maximum points


Task 6. The main vitamin found in tea is vitamin P. Its formula is C 36 H 28 O 15 ... Determine the mass of one vitamin P molecule (in grams).

We find the mass of one caffeine molecule by the formulam( C 6 H 12 O 2 N 4 )=
, whereN A - Avogadro's number

M( C 6 H 12 O 2 N 4 ) = 6 12 + 12 1 + 4 14 = 172 g / mol;


m(C 6 H 12 O 2 N 4) = 1 · 172: 6.02 · 10 23 = 28.57 · 10 -23 (g)


Maximum points


Task 7.In the combination of iron with oxygen, the mass ratio of the elements is 7: 3. Establish the formula of this compound.(6 points)

Mass fraction of an element in the compound is calculated by the formula


Answer: Fe 2 O 3 .


Maximum points


Winner - from 14 points.

Prize-winners - from 8 to 14 points.

From March 30 to April 5 in Saransk at the National Research Mordovian State University named after N.P. Ogarev passed the final stage of the All-Russian Olympiad in chemistry for schoolchildren. Students of grades 9, 10 and 11 from 54 subjects came to the Olympiad Russian Federation: Astrakhan region, Khabarovsk region, Yamalo-Nenets autonomous region, Moscow, St. Petersburg, Sverdlovsk, Novosibirsk regions and other regions of the country - only 245 schoolchildren.

The grand opening of the Olympiad took place on March 30. Galina Alekseevna Lotvanova, Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Republic of Mordovia in charge of social issues, delivered a parting speech for the participants of the Olympiad. , Rector of the National Research Mordovian State University named after N.P. Ogareva Sergei Mikhailovich Vdovin and dean Faculty of Chemistry Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Chairman of the jury of the final stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for Schoolchildren in Chemistry Valery Vasilyevich Lunin.

On March 31 and April 1, theoretical tours were held in the classrooms of the National Research Mordovian State University named after N.P. Ogarev, and on April 2 - a practical round of the Olympiad. On April 3, a demonstration of works took place, where the students got acquainted with their results and had the opportunity to discuss with the jury the progress of solving problems and clarify their questions. On April 4, the participants of the Olympiad visited industrial enterprises Saransk.

The closing ceremony took place on April 5. The participants and organizers of the Olympiad were greeted by the Head of the Republic of Mordovia Vladimir Dmitrievich Volkov. He also congratulated and presented gifts to the participants and teachers, whose birthdays fell on the period of the final stage of the All-Russian Olympiad of Schoolchildren in Chemistry.

The jury of the Olympiad selected 19 strongest guys from Borovichi, Vologda, Dmitrovgrad, Izhevsk, Kazan, Lipetsk, Moscow, Nizhnekamsk, Novosibirsk, St. Pereburg, Saransk and Tyumen who became winners. Another 91 schoolchildren from different cities of Russia won the Olympics. Prize-winners' diplomas were presented by members of the jury Olga Valentinovna Arkhangelskaya and Vladimir Ilyich Terenin, as well as the rector of the National Research Mordovian State University named after N.P. Ogareva Sergei Mikhailovich Vdovin. The winners' diplomas were presented by the dean of the Faculty of Chemistry of the Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, RAS Academician Valery Vasilievich Lunin.

It should be noted the absolute winner from the 9th grade, Alexei Shishkin from Samara, who scored a total of 248 points out of 250, and the 8th grade student Terlyakov Stanislav from Moscow, who became the winner among the participants from the 10th grade and the 8th grade student Timur Davletbaev from Ufa, which became the winner among ninth-graders.

From among the winners, the jury of the Olympiad selected the children to participate in the 51st International Mendeleev Olympiad, which will be held on April 23-29 in Astana (Kazakhstan). The winners and prize-winners also formed teams for the summer and winter camps for the International (World) Olympiad.

Olympiad winners

Tasks and solutions


Tasks Solutions


Tasks Solutions


Tasks and solutions

Brief photo report

This Olympiad is available to everyone!

For everyone interested in studying chemistry, we are launching a new international Olympiad. We invite students in grades 8-11 and students I-II SSE courses test your knowledge and receive well-deserved awards for efforts and theoretical basis.

How chemistry is taught at the Mega-Talent center: for participants of different age categories, separate sets of tasks have been prepared, including theoretical questions, tasks and tasks with diagrams, illustrations.

What themes are we repeating this season:

  • History of chemistry and chemical discoveries
  • Chemical properties of metals and non-metals
  • Hydrocarbons
  • Dispersed media and other topics

Participants will have 15 test questions of various types:

  • Questions with one or more correct answers.
  • Tasks for the correlation of two data series and comparison.
  • Tasks requiring work with illustrative sources.
  • Tasks with the solution of the problem with the initial data series.

The tasks of the Olympiad correspond to the Federal State Educational Standard and help:

  • Master the conceptual apparatus and the symbolic language of chemistry.
  • To form the initial systematized ideas about substances, their transformations and practical application.
  • To realize the objective significance of the foundations of chemical science as a field of modern natural science.

Separate awards await the organizer and parents

We will also send a separate thank you
admission to your educational institution

Also you will get

Gifts for all participants All participants receive a special "Table of achievements" in which you can enter information about the results of participation in our events and personal achievements.

Infographics Teachers who apply for 10 or more participants will be able to receive personalized class ratings in the form of infographics

Info poster announcement With the help of the information poster, you can easily start organizing our event in your educational institution Download info poster

  1. Register on the site site.
  2. Apply for participation indicating the number of participants.
  3. Confirm the application by paying for it in a convenient way for you.
  4. Only one name of the Olympiad curator and one title can be specified in one application educational institution, which will be reflected in the award materials of the participants and the curator. You can submit multiple applications for the event if required.
  5. Use the obtained teaching materials for the Olympiad ( guidelines, tasks for each category of participants, answer sheets).
  6. Upload student work prior to debriefing.
  7. Download reward materials from your completed application after the day the results are posted.
  1. Students must solve all the tasks on their own, without outside help.
  2. Be responsible for filling out the answer table - the result of the participant may depend on it!
  3. Fill in all required fields correctly. The time to change the entered data is limited.
  4. Remember that registration fee will not be refunded for the entries not added in a timely manner!

Who can win the Olympiad?

Our methodologists prepare assignments that correspond to the school curriculum. They are simpler than at regional olympiads, but more interesting and more varied than at school tests. Excellent students and students who know the material at a sufficient level cope with our tasks. However, the experience of participating in the Olympiads is also interesting for students with a satisfactory level of knowledge.

We took part in the last season's Olympiad. Are the tasks the same in this Olympiad?

No, we are preparing new tasks for each season. Quests for different seasons are based on different sections curriculum... You can take part in the Olympiad again.

What does the set of tasks for the Olympiad look like?

On the day the assignments are issued, all teachers who have paid for participation can download a set of materials for the Olympiad, which includes:

  • Methodical recommendations for the Olympiad.
  • Motivation letter to the participant from the director of the MDG "Mega-Talent".
  • A set of 15 tasks of various types.
  • Calendar of upcoming events.

How are the results of the Olympiad evaluated?

After you enter the answers in a special table on the site, they will be submitted for verification. For each correct answer, the student receives 2 points. If the test question is supposed to have two answers and the student has correctly indicated only one answer, he will receive 1 point.

How are rewards distributed?

  • The participant of the Olympiad who received 30 points is awarded the highest award - the winner's diploma.
  • Participants who received 26-29 points are awarded 2nd and 3rd places and awarded with diplomas of prize-winners.
  • All other participants receive personalized certificates.

The awards can be downloaded on the day of the debriefing.

How to pay for participation in the Olympiad?

To pay, use one of the proposed methods:

  • Bank card VISA / MasterCard / Maestro
  • QIWI Wallet
  • Yandex.Money wallet
  • Transfer through a bank or a branch of the Russian Post
  • Cash at self-service terminals

In order not to pay for each event separately and not to fill in all the data for payment every time, you can replenish your personal balance.

How can you save on paying for participation in the Olympiads?

We will compensate for the costs of holding the Olympiad. The more students are indicated in the application, the higher the percentage of compensation for teacher expenses.

You can also save money by replenishing the balance on the site. When replenishing your balance, you will receive a bonus of 7-20%, depending on the amount of replenishment.

Why do teachers choose Mega-Talent Olympiads?

  • Simple form filing an application
  • Convenient access to teaching materials and awards
  • Self-entry of answers and work on errors
  • Compensation for the cost of printing assignments and reward materials
  • Unique and varied tasks

Photos of participants

Over 1000 reviews from satisfied teachers

This is not the first time we participate in the Olympiads, we like it very much. The format of the assignments is interesting, as well as the opportunity to do them in a comfortable environment and check your level. The students really like it. Thanks...

Olga Ruzhina

MAOU "Secondary School No. 56"

Thank you very much for the free art competition "Autumn Symphony". Children of the 1st grade were happy to make crafts with their own hands. I liked the diplomas very much.

Irina Romanova

FSKOU "Secondary School No. 140"

For the first time, we took part in an event with students of grade 1 and were very pleased. Thanks to the organizers for giving the children the opportunity to feel themselves mega talented!

Olga Kusakina

MOU "School No. 64 named after B. Ruchyov" of the city of Magnitogorsk

Dear colleagues, thank you for organizing this competition! Tasks are selected very in an interesting way with notes of folk culture (environs of the world). The children and I were very pleased with the competition, and most importantly ...

Irina Obrezkova

MOU Ignatovskaya secondary school

Dear colleagues! I like the Olympics Mega-talent very much, the tasks are interesting, the guys are happy to participate. The teachers of the event are assisted in preparing for the certification. Thanks....

Natalia Podkina

GAPOU SO Technical school of food industry and services "Culinary"

We thank the organizers for the Olympiad. The tasks were interesting and informative. My students did them with pleasure.

Tatiana Myasnikova

Thank you very much to the organizers of the Olympiad. We took part for the first time. It was very interesting for the guys to test their knowledge. We wish you continued success !!! Excuse me for one question - students, ...


Thank you very much for organizing olympiads for children. Daughter solves your problems with great pleasure !!!

Daria Novikova


Many thanks to the organizers for giving the children the opportunity to participate in such a wonderful and interesting event. We participated for the first time and we hope to get a more meaningful result in ...

Victor Permitin


I thank the organizers for the opportunity to participate.

Anatoly Knyazkov

Good day! For the first time my students took part in the Olympiad in mathematics, they got good experience, they are satisfied with the result. Thanks to the organizers!

Anatoly Knyazkov

I and my students are participating in this quiz for the first time. Thank you very much. My students really liked the quiz !!!

Lilit Vardanyan

MOU Ramenskaya secondary school number 9

Thanks a lot to the organizers. You have a lot of different activities on your site for schoolchildren and teachers. We will be glad to work with you again and participate in your events. Shandaraev S.A MBOU "Gusev ...

Sergey Shandaraev

Good day! I would like to thank the organizers for giving the children the opportunity to participate in the Olympiads. Olympics caused great interest from students. We took part for the first time. Very interesting, scholar ...

Anatoly Knyazkov

Thank you very much to the organizers of the event! Interesting questions for the crossword puzzle were selected. The guys completed the task with pleasure!

Tatiana Korobeinikova

MBOU "Lyceum No. 1" MO "Buguruslan"

Thank you very much for trying to hold Olympiads, Quizzes, Contests, as well as various events for children. Your activities contribute to the development in children of the desire to de ...

Sergey Astrakhantsev

MAOU "Secondary school No. 24, named after the Hero Soviet Union M.V. Vodopyanova ". Krasnoyarsk.

Took part in the quiz "The skill of didactics". Thank you for the opportunity to test your knowledge! I had to "pant", but I am very glad that I coped with all the tasks.

Lyudmila Berdnikova

FKOU "SOSH GUFSIN of Russia in the Sverdlovsk region"

Many thanks to the organizers for the opportunity to participate in our "special" students! Very interesting tasks, well-thought-out organization. KOGOBU VSSh village Lesnoy, Verkhnekamsk region.

Anastasia Kuznetsova

KOGOBU VSSh village Lesnoy, Verkhnekamsk region

We conduct all-Russian and international Olympiads, in which schoolchildren and students participate. Olympiads "Mega-Talent" in chemistry are held for pupils of grades 8-11 and students of I-II courses of secondary educational institutions. We reward all participants by presenting them with diplomas and certificates. Teachers receive from us certificates and gratitude for organizing the Olympiad.

MDG "Mega-Talent" through the eyes of statistics:

  • More than 400 Olympiads have been organized and the list of subjects has been expanded to 47 disciplines.
  • 11,000 schoolchildren from 12 countries took part in the Chemistry Olympiads.
  • We paid the teachers 2,500,000 rubles to compensate for organizational expenses.
  • 98% of teachers who took part in the Olympiad once become permanent organizers.

5 steps towards a teacher

It is convenient and profitable to cooperate with us, because we always follow 5 steps, thought out with the thought of each teacher and his concerns.

  1. We open access to assignments for all classes at once and prepare methodological recommendations for the Olympiad.
  2. We change the design of certificates and commendations every season to diversify your portfolio.
  3. We save your money by offsetting the costs of printing assignments and awards.
  4. Every month we give gifts and send the most active teacher to an advanced training course for free.
  5. We promptly respond to your questions in online chat, mail and skype.

Students love the Mega-Talent Olympiads in Chemistry

Distance Olympiads are held in conditions familiar and comfortable for students - within the walls of their native school. The familiar environment helps them to get rid of unnecessary anxiety and focus on the main thing - on completing tasks. Therefore, the Olympiads "Mega-Talent" often become an opportunity to declare themselves for students who are not confident in their abilities.

We create conditions for everyone to take part in the Olympiads, regardless of their level of academic performance. The tasks of our Olympiads are drawn up in accordance with the school curriculum and meet the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard. We include only those topics that students managed to complete by the time of the Olympiad.

The assignments for each class consist of 15 different types of questions:

  • Questions with one or more correct answers.
  • Tasks for correlating two data series.
  • Tasks requiring work with illustrative sources.
  • Tasks for solving a problem with an initial data series.

The cost of participation in the Olympiad and the amount of compensation

To receive the materials of the Olympiad, you need to pay the registration fee. The amount of registration fee for one participant is indicated on the Olympiad page. We return up to 30% of this amount to the teacher for printing assignments and reward materials.The amount of compensation depends on the number of participants in the Olympiad. You will learn more about the terms of compensation after registration on the site.

The organizers of the Olympiads automatically go toteacher rating which is updated every month. The leaders of the rating receive valuable gifts.

During the academic year, we hold 7 Chemistry Olympiads

Every year our center hosts 3 All-Russian and 4 International Olympiads. The schedule of the Olympiads is designed in such a way as to avoid pauses between events.

Whenever you visit the site, you can always apply for one of our Olympiads. We prepare new tasks for each Olympiad, therefore, 2-3 and sometimes 7 times a year participate in our Olympiads.

Automatic verification of works and publication of results

Test assignments are graded automatically immediately after you enter the answers of your students in a special plate by entering your personal account. On the day the results are published, you can download awards for yourself and all students who took part in the Olympiad.

Still not sure how to become an organizer of a Chemistry Olympiad?

  1. Register on the site.
  2. Go to the schedule and choose a chemistry olympiad.
  3. Submit your application and indicate the number of participants in the Olympiad.
  4. Confirm the application to download assignments and guidelines.
  5. Print the received materials and hold the Olympiad.
  6. Add the answers of the participants in your personal account.
  7. On the day of summing up, check out the results and download the well-deserved awards

How to pay for participation in the Chemistry Olympiad?

You can make the registration fee in one of the following ways:

  • Payment by credit card (online);
  • Payment according to the receipt, at the Russian Post office;
  • Payment using electronic payment systems (online).

Can schoolchildren and students not from Russia take part in the Olympiad?

All our Olympiads are open to pupils and students from any country in the world. The only requirement for students is fluency in Russian, since all assignments are written in Russian. Answers to other questions that we are often asked, we have collected .

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